Leaders Info - Teams and Roles

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Evangelism Teams and Roles


There are 4 P's that we need to be concerned about for evangelism:

1) Preparation - prepare our own hearts spiritually and prepare the church spiritually

2) Personal Work - we have a calendar pack of Programs but it will not be effective as
Personal Work : who are we praying for and who does the Lord impress us to invite

3) Prayer - is the key in the hand of faith that unlocks the storehouse of God. Without prayer we
will fail. Mandatory that we all attend prayer meeting at 1.30pm after church each Sabbath
leading to the evangelism. Invite the whole church to be there.

4) Programs - are merely enablers - it is required but merely a tool. People makes programs


There seven (7) teams for a successful evangelism. A team leader will be required to lead each
team. The teams are:

1. Program 2. Promotions 3. Welcome

Plan program for all Perform welcome,

Design, print, and
sessions and fill roles ushering and
distribute personal
with the right people registration
invitations and
effectively with a
promote seminar to
Main & Children’s fitting team. Setup
all areas
Program Information table.

4. Logistics 5. Refreshments 6. Follow up

Ensure timely follow

Coordinate and
Provide adequate up with guests to
manage logistics
refreshments at each retain relationship
needs of the
program during and after
program on the day

7. Prayer

 Plan nightly program
 Develop run sheet for each program
 Contact and confirm personnel for various roles
 Coordinate nightly Special Music according to the theme of the program
 Time keeping: start and finish program on time
 Brief people involved re: program of the day and prepare with prayer
 Work with technical team re audiovisual requirement/ preparation
 Prepare nightly sermon notes and bulletin if require ... get it printed and available each night
 Coordinate with MC re: announcement, and necessary changes
 Work with speaker on format of altar call; and prepare team e.g. ushering team
 Work with Technical team re: dubbing of discs
 If it is youth speaker – develop a sub-team ‘Speaker Support Team’ – 3 person team to help
the youth speaker prepare, rehearse and provide feedback.

 Develop marketing leaflets, invite cards, website presence
 Find appropriate marketing channels – news papers, posters, TV/Radio, community boards
 Meet design and print datelines (sufficient lead time before the program)

 Recruit ushering team members for Registration and Mingling
 Plan ushering roster
 Prepare registration form and stationeries nightly
 Register seekers on laptop and prepare report re: attendance
 Organise laptop and person to manage this
 Brief ushers re: responsibilities 15mins before program start
 Coordinate the flow of visitors from entrance registration food hall
 Coordinate the seating of people: members sitting with seekers, and first fill the front half of
 Usher people out of the hall at the end of the meeting
 Coordinate members to MINGLE with seekers
 Assist with altar call in handling and collecting cards
 Take order for books and DVDs at registration table

 Responsible for all production work – audio-visual, powerpoints, video
 Liase with venue management concerning production needs
 Provide support to Program Team – determine their specifications
 Source technical needs e.g. lapel microphones, music stands (for special music)
 Setup and set-down each night

 Plan roster for food preparation
 Coordinate and roster helpers for setting up and cleaning up each day
 Pass big food containers to appropriate people preparing food
 Prepare cutleries and plates
 Prepare drinks (hot and cold)
 Arrange and serve food
 Meals to prepare (assume two weekend evangelistic meetings):
o Thu night - light meal (because people come from after work/school)
o Fri night - coordinate various care groups to bring food
o Sat night - refreshment after programme (coordinate with Service team to offer lunch
on that 2 Sabbath)
o Sun- refreshment after programme
o Second Sabbath night will be special as the topic is on health ... we want to promote a
special healthy vegetarian meal. Please liase with other people on the meal options
here. This has been requested by the speaker. It will link to his topic.

 Keep update with daily attendance and acquainted with new visitors (check with ushering
 Coordinate visitation for responses from altar call within 24-48 hrs post final meeting
 Work with worship team to plan appropriate program for follow up during church worship
(same month of the evangelistic meeting)
 Work with Explorer Classes to plan appropriate follow up topics
 Work with Care Group coordinators to channel new contacts to appropriate Care groups
 Coordinate distribution of gift books thru visitations/ personal contact
 Coordinate the follow-up seminar (8 sessions of follow-up meetings)
o work on the topics
o work to make a simple invitation card

 Coordinate 1.30pm prayer meeting at church each week (make personal invitation for
members to attend)
 Coordinate prayer warriors a mth prior to the meeting: either by care gps, or/and by
functional teams, etc
 Prepare Prayer Points for Worship bulletin from now to evangelism (send to Arnoldy before
Wed night)
 Coordinate Prayer team at beginning of program and during altar call period
 Discern needs among evangelism team members and support with prayers
 Gather all helpers for prayer before

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