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Economics SSS3 First Term
Economics S.S.S 3 First Term
Economics lessons from the Asian Tigers, Japan, Europe and
America 1
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. Explain the factors that account for the rapid development of

those countries in South East Asia

2. Explain the meaning of the Japanese miracle

Economics history of the Asian Tigers
The Four Asian Tigers are the fast-growing economies of Singapore,
Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. The four Asian nations have
consistently sustained high-growth economic rate since the 1960s,
charged by rapid industrialization and exports, which facilitated these
economies to be in line with the world’s wealthiest nations.

Hong Kong and Singapore are among the most prominent worldwide
financial centres, while South Korea and Taiwan are essential hubs
for the global manufacturing of automobile and electronic components,
as well as information technology.

The world economic growth began to pick up during the early 1960s
after the World War II and the Korean War in the early 1950s. Major
leaps in air telecommunications and air travel coupled with probable
world peace indicated that world countries were opening up their
borders and thus the Four Tigers took advantage of this opening. The
four countries had viable trade economies, established ports, high
literacy levels and advanced infrastructure inherited from their colonial
Owing to this development, the Asian Tigers took advantage of the
situation since they were quite poor in the 1960s; these countries had
plenty of inexpensive labour. Combined with educational restructuring,
they were smart to leverage this amalgamation into a low-priced, yet
industrious labour force. The Asian Dragons devoted to social equality in
terms of land reforms, promotion of property rights and welfare of
agricultural workers. In a little while, products and services from these
nations were in high demand.

A booming stock exchange had already begun in 1891 in Hong Kong;

thus it was reasonable when it drifted to financial services from the
export market. Hotly followed by Singapore the two tiny nations are
currently important global financial centres. During that interval South
Korea and Taiwan were propelling the 1980’s -1990’s tech boom,
nowadays Taipei and Seoul are leaders in cutting-edge technology and
also home to the biggest names in electronics. These advancements
happened so quickly hence the nickname ‘The Asian Miracle‘.

The economic growth of the Four Asian nations enabled them to sail
through the local 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and also 2008 World
Economic Crisis. At present these four nations significantly get enlisted
in IMF’s global list of top 40 advanced economies.

Factors that account for the rapid development of the Asian

Some of the factors that account for the rapid development of these
countries in South East Asia are:

1. High savings rate: The Asian Tigers embarked on a very high

savings rate and that meant that they were able to have a very high
investment rate with investments that they funded. Savings are more
important because they a means to an end and reasonable way to fund

2. Education: The high level of literacy among the Asian Tigers

underpinned the economic development of the country.

3. Labour supply: There is a plentiful supply of workers for countries

in South East Asia with a steady stream of rural-urban migrants in
search of work. This is due to the mechanization of agriculture leading
to unemployment and under-employment in rural areas and concurrent
growth in industrial work in urban areas.

4. Stable and relatively low wages: The Tigers kept their wages
very low. This means that they produce more products at low prices to
consumers around the world. To keep the wages low, meant that they
had to engage in macroeconomic policies that kept their currencies
relatively cheap and to sustain political support in delivering goods that
made the economy richer, while not receiving high wages, yet the later
was seen as part of the plan, and it is something that worked.

5. A relatively open trading system : There was a relatively open

trading system in the Far East, which considerably helped to stimulate
cost-efficiency and changes.

6. Presence of an abundance of natural resources: There was an

abundance of various kinds of natural resources. Agricultural and
mineral resources were abundantly available for the Tigers to use which
aided the economic development of the Asian countries.

7. Strong leadership: The Asian Tigers politicians are said to feel a

greater responsibility to the nation than to themselves. Strong
leadership from the head of state has been a major factor contributing
to economic success.

The Japanese miracle

A term for the remarkable economic growth Japan experienced after its
devastation in World War II. The growth is credited to a combination of
American investment immediately after the war and government
regulation of the economy. The Japanese government restricted imports
and promoted exports. Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan lent vast amounts
to companies to stimulate private investment. This combined with a
close relationship between corporate executives and bureaucrats
allowed the government to pick winners successfully. The Miracle lasted
until the Japanese financial crisis, which started in 1991.

Development strategies employed by Asian Tigers, Japan,

Europe and America
1. Investment in skill: The South-East Asian region has experienced
some of the highest growth rates in the world, with investments in skills
playing a significant role in helping national economies to adjust to
changes in working practices.

2. Advance in Technology: This has also helped the south East Asian
to excel. This process has been successfully managed and significant
advances have been achieved in growth rates and employment levels.

3. A well developed financial sector: Europe has a well developed

financial sector with financial institutions among the leading ones in the
world. This makes for easy accumulation and transfer of capital for

4. Economic integration: Integration in many areas of development

created economies of scale and increased the level of investment in
these countries.

5. Effective and stringent public policies: This consisted of credible

macroeconomic policies that kept inflation low, interest rates low, fiscal
policies that focused on rising saving rates and investment rates, as well
as policies that enhanced the development of infrastructure. These
factors consequently promoted private investment and growth.
Economics S.S.S 3 First Term
Economics lessons from the Asian Tigers, Japan, Europe and
America 2
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. Differentiate between the development strategies of Asian Tigers,

Japan, Europe and America.

2. Identify the lessons for Nigeria

Lesson for the Nigerian economy

Many of the Asian Tiger strategies are a replica of Europe’s and

America’s strategies. Nigeria has the following lessons to learn from the
Asian Tigers

1. The Nigerian educational system should be stabilized through policies

that will end incessant school closures. It should also be reformed to
focus on skill acquisition rather than mere certification.

2. Proper and effective management of resources should be embraced.

Looting of the nation’s resources must be discouraged and corruption
addressed with zeal.

3. A financial and banking system that favours savings and encourages

business growth should be pursed. Government and private savings
should be encouraged to improve future investment which is necessary
for development.

4. Proper management of the macroeconomic environment especially

the management of variables like public debts, deficit and exchange

5. Nigeria’s export policy should focus on areas of comparative

advantage or preference e.g. agriculture. Nigeria should increase its
production and export of product like cocoa and groundnut to increase
its foreign exchange earnings rather than depend solely on crude oil

6. Development of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs). Nigeria

can learn from Asian Tigers on SME development. SMEs in all countries
around the world are enjoying a new focus now because it is the
foundation for the development of any country.
Economics S.S.S 3 First Term
Human Capital Development
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. Define human capital.

2. Explain the factors affecting the efficiency of human capital

3. Distinguish clearly between human and physical capital

4. Define brain drain.

Definition of Human Capital
Human capital is the stock of habits, knowledge, social and personality
attributes embodied in the ability to perform labour to produce economic
value. Alternatively, it refers to the value that is added onto a company
by an employee’s skill and competencies.

Human capital is an important factor of production, and employing

individuals with the right education, experience, skills and training can
improve efficiency, productivity and profitability. Companies can invest
in their human capital by offering training and education facilities to its

Definition of Physical capital

Physical capital refers to assets which themselves have been
manufactured and are used for the production of other goods and

An important point to note is that physical and human capital must go

hand in hand for a business to run its operations successfully.

Differences between human capital and physical capital

1. Human capital is human assets. On the other hand, physical capital is
non-human assets i.e. they are made by man

2. Human capital can appreciate through education, training and

experience while physical capital does not appreciate their value

3. Physical capital is tangible, i.e. it can be seen and touched. Unlike

human capital is intangible that can only be experienced.

4. Human capital is acquired through formal education, job training, on

the job learning and life experiences, whereas physical capital can be
acquired through direct purchases or lease.
5. Human capital can depreciate through bad health and poor training,
whereas physical capital can depreciate due to ageing and not by bad

6. Human capital is inseparable from its possessor. On the other hand,

physical can be separated from its owner easily.

Characteristics of Human Capital

1. Skills, qualifications and Education: The productivity of workers
is closely tied to their skills, education, and qualifications.

2. Work experience: The more experienced employees are, the more

they create value.

3. Social and communication skills: Human capital requires social

and communication skills. Knowledge, skills and training will be of no
use if they cannot communicate effectively or work well with other

4. It requires motivation: For human capital to perform efficiently and

increase productivity, it must be motivated.

5. Human controls other factors of production: Human capital

controls and combines all other factors of production to make them
more meaningful to the society.

6. Human capital has initiative: Human capital can act on its


Factors that affect the efficiency of human capital

1. Education: Basic education to improve literacy and numeracy has an
important implication for the basis of human capital.

2. Competitiveness: An economy dominated by state monopolies is

likely to curtail individual creativity and entrepreneurs. An environment
which encourages self-employment and the creation of business enables
greater use of potential human capital in an economy.

3. Infrastructure: The infrastructure of an economy will influence

human capital. Good transport, communication, availability of mobile
phones and the internet are very important for the development of
human capital.

4. Vocational training: Direct training for skills related to jobs,

electrician, plumbing, nursing. A skilled professional requires particular
vocational training.

5. Health status: Good health status promotes better human capital

whereas poor health status does not.

6 Experience: Experience is very important for human capital to be


Brain Drain and its effect on Nigeria Economy

Brain drain also called Human capital flight can be described as the
migration of educated and skilled labour from poorer to richer countries.
In other words, human capital flight is the loss of talented or trained
persons from a country that invested in them to another country which
benefits from their arrival without investing in them.

Effect of brain drain on the Nigeria Economy

When brain drain is prevalent in a developing country there may be
some negative repercussions that can affect the economy. These effects
include but not limited to:

1. Loss of tax revenue to the Nigerian government.

2. Loss of potential future entrepreneurs.

3. A shortage of important skilled workers. This may lead to loss of

confidence in the economy which will cause persons to desire to leave
rather than stay.

4. Loss of innovative ideas

5. Loss of the country’s investment in education.

6. The loss of critical health and education services.

Brain drain is usually described as a problem that needs to be solved.

However, some benefits can be derived from the phenomena. When
people move from developing countries to developed countries, they
learn new skills and expertise, which they can utilize to the advantage of
the home economy once they return. Another benefit is remittances; the
migrants send the money they earn back to the home country, which
can help to stimulate the home country’s economy.

How to arrest brain drain

The drawbacks of brain drain outweigh the benefits, so there are some
moves that governments can make to reduce the number of highly
educated and skilled workers that relocate to other countries. If we want
to arrest brain drain the following should be done:

1. Provision of better job opportunities: Better job opportunities

have to be provided irrespective of tribe, belief, race or nationality.

2. Provision of attractive salaries: Government should provide

attractive salaries to highly qualified people based on their qualifications
and experience.

3. Improve on the universities: There should be a proper

improvement on the quality of our universities and bring them at par
with other universities in Europe and America.

4. Improvement on power supply: The country is having constant

poor power supply.

5. Protect the lives of your citizens: The country is not safe with
Boko Haram activities and kidnapping everywhere.

6. Eradication of tribalism, nepotism and corruption: All

sentiments must be discarded.
Economics S.S.S 3 First Term
Petroleum and the Nigeria Economy
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. State the growth of the petroleum industry in Nigeria.

2. Discuss adequately the impact (positive and negative) of

petroleum on the Nigeria economy
3. Explain the role of N.N.P.C AND OPEC in the production and
marketing of petroleum products.

The advent of the oil industry can be traced back to 1908, when a
German entity, the Nigerian Bitumen Corporation, commenced
exploration activities in the Araromi area, West of Nigeria. These
pioneering efforts ended abruptly with the outbreak of the First World
War in 1914.

Oil prospecting efforts resumed in 1937, when Shell D'Arcy (the

forerunner of Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria) was
awarded the sole concessionary rights covering the whole territory of
Nigeria. Their activities were also interrupted by the Second World War,
but resumed in 1947. Concerted efforts after several years and an
investment of over N30 million, led to the first commercial discovery in
1956 at Oloibiri in the Niger Delta.

This discovery opened up the Oil industry in 1961, bringing in Mobil,

Agip, Safrap (now Elf), Tenneco and Amoseas (Texaco and Chevron
respectively) to join the exploration efforts both in the onshore and
areas of Nigeria. This development was enhanced by the extension of
the concessionary rights previously a monopoly of Shell, to the
newcomers. The objective of the government in doing this was to the
pace of exploration and production of Petroleum. Even now more
companies, both foreign and indigenous have won concessionary rights
and are producing. Actual oil production and export from the Oloibiri
field in present-day Bayelsa State commenced in 1958 with an initial
production rate of 5,100 barrels of crude oil per day. Subsequently, the
quantity doubled the following year and progressively as more players
came onto the oil scene, the production rose to 2.0 million barrels per
day in 1972 and a peaking at 2.4 million barrels per day in 1979. Nigeria
thereafter attained the status of a major oil producer, ranking 7th in the
world in 1972, and has since grown to become the sixth-largest oil-
producing country in the world.

Contributions of petroleum to the Nigerian economy

Positive Contributions of petroleum to the Nigerian Economy:
1. Source of government revenue: Petroleum has contributed
greatly to the major source of revenue available to the government.

2. Infrastructural development: Money generated from the

petroleum industry has helped developed infrastructures in the country.

3. Generation of employment: The petroleum industry has aided the

creation of job opportunity for citizens of the country.

4. Improvement of balance of payment: The exportation of

petroleum to foreign countries has contributed greatly to the
improvement of balance of payment

5. Major source of energy: Petroleum remains the major source of

energy in the country. e.g. petrol, diesel and kerosene.

Negative Contributions of petroleum to the Nigerian economy

1. Environmental pollution: Oil exploration has led to serious
environmental pollution of the land, air and water, especially in the
Niger Delta region of the country.

2. Development of mono-economy: As a result of the discovery of

oil, Nigeria is now a mono economic country, i.e. it now relies solely on
crude oil as her major source of revenue.

3. Neglect of agricultural and other sectors: Agriculture, which

used to be a major source of revenue to the nation, has been neglected.
Other sectors no longer have relevance in the economy of Nigeria.

4. Rural-urban migration: It has also led to the movement of able-

bodied men and woman from rural to urban centre in search of
nonexistent jobs.

5. Political instability: The discovery of crude oil has led to political

instability in the country.

6. Economic instability: Crude oil price can collapse any time which
can spell doom for the nation.
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (N.N.P.C)
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is the state oil
corporation which was established on April 1, 1977. In addition to its
exploration activities, the Corporation was given powers and operational
interests in refining, petrochemicals and products transportation as well
as marketing. Between 1978 and 1989, NNPC constructed refineries in
Warri, Kaduna and Port Harcourt and took over the 35,000-barrel Shell
Refinery established in Port Harcourt in 1965.

In 1988, the NNPC was commercialized into 12 strategic business units,

covering the entire spectrum of oil industry operations: exploration and
production, gas development, refining, distribution, petrochemicals,
engineering, and commercial investments.

The roles of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (N.N.P.C)

in the Exploration, Production, Refining, Marketing and
Distribution of petroleum products.
1. Exploration of oil: NNPC is charged with the responsibility of oil
exploration in the country. They have the authority to search for the
presence of oil in any part of the country.

2. Petroleum refining: The NNPC is charged with the responsibility of

supervising the refining of petroleum to get its products like petrol,
diesel and kerosene.

3. Regulatory functions: The NNPC was set up to regulate the

activities of the oil company in Nigeria, e.g. issuance of licenses for oil
exploration, oil prospecting and operation of filling stations.

4. Petroleum production: The NNPC is responsible for the sinking and

controlling of its oil well to produce crude oil.

5. Marketing petroleum products: The organ is the cooperation

responsible for the distribution and marketing of petroleum products.

6. Oil policy implementation: The NNPC is also an organ through

which the government implements its oil policies.

Organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC)

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a
group consisting of 14 of the world’s major oil-exporting nations. OPEC
was founded in 1960 to coordinate the petroleum policies of its
members and to provide member states with technical and economic
aid. OPEC is a cartel that aims to manage the supply of oil to set the
price of oil on the world market, to avoid fluctuations that might affect
the economies of both producing and purchasing countries. Countries
that belong to OPEC include Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and
Venezuela (the five founders), plus the United Arab Emirates, Libya,
Algeria, Nigeria, Gabon, Ecuador, Indonesia, Libya, Qatar. The
organization’s secretariat is in Vienna, Austria.

The roles of Organization of petroleum exporting countries

(OPEC) in the Exploration, Production, Refining, Marketing and
Distribution of petroleum products.
1. To coordinate & unify the petroleum policies of member countries and
to determine the best means for safeguarding their individual and
collective interests;

2. To seek ways and means of ensuring the stabilization of prices in

international oil markets to eliminate harmful and unnecessary
fluctuations; and

3. To provide an efficient economic and regular supply of petroleum to

consuming nations and a fair return on capital to those investing in the
petroleum industry

4. It fixes and allocates production quota to member nations.

5. Encouragement of member nations to participate in the oil

Test: Economics SSS3 First Term Mid-Term Assessment

1. What country is one of the Asian Tigers?

a. Singapore

b. Thailand

c. North Korea

d. China

2. One of the factors that accounted for the rapid development of the Asian tigers include the following
a. High savings rate

b. Abundance of labour

c. Presence of abundance of natural resources

d. None of the above

3. Japan is the ______ largest economy in the world

a. 1st

b. 2nd

c. 3rd

d. 4th

4. Which economy was not among the four Asian tigers of the 1980s?

a. South Korea

b. Singapore

c. Japan

d. Taiwan

5. Singapore does not have an open and corruption-free environment

a. True

b. False

6. Singapore was founded as a _______ trading colony in 1819

a. British

b. Dutch

c. Indian

d. France

7. Lessons for the Nigerian economy from the Asian Tigers include the following except

a. Strengthening the development of agriculture

b. Formulation and implementation of deliberate government policies

c. Discouraging industrial development

d. Development human capital

8. One of the challenges facing SMEs in Nigeria is

a. Good infrastructure

b. Assess to loan
c. Inadequate power supply

d. Human capital development

9. One of the factors that accounted for the rapid development of the asian tigers include the following

a. High savings rate

b. Abundance of labour

c. Presence of abundance of natural resources

d. None of the above

10. South Korea and Taiwan are good technological hub

a. True

b. False

11. All non-human assets created by humans and used in the production and manufacturing process.

a. Human capital

b. Labour force

c. Physical capital

d. Brain drain

12. Which of the following is not an importance of human capital

a. Operation of machines

b. It hinders productivity

c. It ensure profitability

d. Provision of personnel

13. The departure of individuals with technical skills or knowledge from organizations, or geographical
region to another is _______

a. Brain drain

b. Human capital

c. Physical capital

d. Labour flight

14. To arrest brain drain, governments can do any of the following excerpt

a. Improve on the universities

b. Promotion on merit

c. Improve power supply

d. Encourage tribalism and nepotism

15. _______ refers to the value that is added onto a company by an employee which can be
measured by the employee’s skill and competencies

a. Human capital

b. Labour Force

c. Physical capital

d. Human capital flight.

16. The petroleum industry in Nigeria is an example of a

a. Capital-intensive industry

b. Service industry

c. Labour-intensive industry

d. Tertiary production industry

17. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a

a. Cartel

b. Duopoly

c. Monopoly

d. Monopsony

18. Which of the following is not an objective of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

a. Stabilization of oil prices

b. Coordinating prices

c. Harmonizing oil prices

d. Stagnation of developed economies

19. The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) was established in what year

a. 1988

b. 1977

c. 1967

d. 1969

20. Which of the following is a positive contribution of petroleum to Nigerian economy?

a. Environmental pollution

b. High rate of inflation

c. Economic instability

d. Generation of employment

21. ______ refer to the turning of raw materials onto new products by mechanical or chemical
processes in the factory

a. Construction industry

b. Manufacturing industry

c. Labour intensive

d. Capital intensive

22. . An industry that is concerned with all the activities of those who engage in assembling of goods
manufactured into useable form

a. Construction industry

b. Manufacturing industry

c. Labour intensive

d. Capital intensive

23. Which of the following is not a contribution of the industrial sector to the Nigerian economy?

a. Diversification of the economy

b. Man power development

c. Increase in gross domestic product

d. Reduction in government revenue

24. The manufacturing industry belong to primary industry

a. True

b. False

25. . Which of the following is not a problem of manufacturing industries?

a. Insufficient capital

b. Shortage of raw material

c. Incentives to industries

d. Poor management

Economics S.S.S 3 First Term

Service Industries
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. Describe economic services.

2. State types of economics services.

3. List the roles of the service industry to economic development

The service industries involve the provision of services to
business as well as to the final consumers. The service industry
renders services to the people. A service involves doing
something for consumers, which could be personal or indirect
services. The people pay directly or indirectly.
Type of service industries
1. Banking: This includes people who assist others to have
money for their daily needs. They also provide capital for those
embarking on industrial activities and saving facilities.
2. Insurance: Insurance is concerned with the activities of
people who undertake to protect individuals or businesses
against risk in their day to day operation. These people are
insurance brokers, underwriters and agents.
3. Advertising: This involves the business of providing
information about the existence of a product to the potential
4. Transportation: This is concerned with the movement of
goods and services to where they are needed. Those who
engage in these services are drivers, pilots and sailors.
5. Warehousing: The people involved are warehouse
managers, clerks etc. They are concerned with ensuring that
goods produced are stored until they are for consumption.
6. Tourism: This is concerned with all the activities of those who
engage in creating tourist attractions in different tourist centres.

7. Trading: This is concerned with the activities of all people who

engage in the act of buying and selling of goods and services.

8. Communication: This includes all the activities which promote rapid

transmission of messages between senders and receivers or from one
place to another.

Role/ Contributions of the service industries to economic

1. Aids to Trade: Service industries through banking, warehousing and
transportation do assist in enhancing trading in the economy of the

2. Generation of revenue: Service industry generates revenue both

for the government through tax and the people who are engaged in the

3. Generation of employment: The service industry through all

activities in trading, banking, transportation, communication helps to
generate employment for the people.

5. Stimulate other sectors: The service industry does stimulate the

growth of other sectors like the manufacturing and construction

6. Diversification of the economy: The service industry also helps in

the diversification of the economy through its branches like tourism.

7. Manpower development: Many people are trained in different

areas e.g. Doctors, Lawyers, Musicians, Teachers, Police and Army.
Economics S.S.S 3 First Term
Agencies that regulate the financial markets
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. Identify regulatory agencies.

2. State the aspect of the market regulated by each agency.

Meaning and types of regulatory agencies
Regulatory agencies of financial institutions are agencies set up by the
government to regulate the activities of financial markets such as money
market, capital market and stock exchange.

Financial regulation is a form of regulation or supervision, which subjects

financial institutions to certain requirements, restrictions and guidelines,
aiming to maintain the integrity of the financial system. This may be
handled by either a government or non- government organization.

Aims of regulation
1. To maintain confidence in the financial system

2. Contributing to the protection and enhancement of stability of the

financial system.

3. Securing the appropriate degree of protection for consumers.

4. Reducing the extent to which a regulated business can be used for a

purpose connected with financial crime.

5. Financial regulators ensure that listed companies and market

participants comply with various regulations under the trading acts.

6. They supervise the stock exchanges through exchange acts ensure

that trading on the exchange is conducted properly.

The major agencies established to regulate these financial markets are

the central banks of Nigeria (CBN), the Nigerian Deposit Insurance
Corporation (NDIC) and the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Regulation of Money market, Agencies of the money market

and their roles
The money market refers to a market for short term loan. The market
constitutes individuals and institutions that either have money to lend or
wish to borrow on a short term basis. Federal and state governments
have a myriad of agencies in place that regulate and oversee financial
market and companies. These agencies each have a specific range of
duties and responsibilities that enable them to act independently of each
other while they work to accomplish similar objectives. The objectives of
monitoring or regulation is to ensure compliance by listed companies
with their disclosure requirement to ensure that investors have access to
essential and adequate information for making an informed assessment
of listed companies and their securities.

Agencies that regulate the money market in Nigeria are:

1. The central bank of Nigeria: Central bank is the highest financial
institution in a country which carries out the monetary policy of the
government. It is the sole authority in the banking industry which acts
as banker to the government and the commercial banks. Central banks
controls and regulates the supply of money.

2. Nigerian Deposit Insurance Company: The role of the NDIC is to

administer the deposit insurance system (DIS) in Nigeria and protect
depositors. The cooperation provides incentives for sound risk
management in the Nigerian banking system, promotes as well as
contributes to the stability of the financial system. The NDIC
complements the regulatory and supervisory role of the central bank of
Nigeria (CBN), although it reports to the federal ministry of finance.

3. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA): FINRA

represents and regulates all stock and bond brokerage firms and their

Regulation of Capital market, Agencies of capital market,

objectives and tools
Capital market is a market for medium-term and long term loans. It
comprises all the institutions which are concerned with either the supply
of or demand for long term capital. Some of the agencies that regulate
the capital market are:

1. The central bank of Nigeria: Central bank is the highest financial

institution in a country which carries out the monetary policy of the
government. It is the sole authority in the banking industry which acts
as banker to the government and the commercial banks. Central banks
controls and regulates the supply of money.

2. Nigerian Deposit Insurance Company: The role of the NDIC is to

administer the deposit insurance system (DIS) in Nigeria and protect
depositors. The cooperation provides incentives for sound risk
management in the Nigerian banking system, promotes as well as
contributes to the stability of the financial system. The NDIC
complements the regulatory and supervisory role of the central bank of
Nigeria (CBN), although it reports to the federal ministry of finance.

2. The Securities and Exchange Commission: The security and

exchange commission (SEC) is the regulatory apex organization of the
Nigerian capital market. Security and exchange commission was
established in 1979. The primary aim of the commission is to protect
investors and maintain the integrity of the securities markets including
primary and secondary market.

Instruments used in capital market

i. Debt instrument

ii. Equities (also called common stock)

iii. Preference Shares.

iv. Derivatives.
Economics S.S.S 3 First Term
Functions and Roles of Regulatory Agencies
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. Explain the functions of CBN, NDIC, SEC, etc.

2. Demonstrate knowledge of their evolution.

Functions of Central bank of Nigeria (CBN)
Central bank is the highest financial institution in a country which carries
out the monetary policy of the government. It is the sole authority in the
banking industry which acts as banker to the government and the
commercial banks. Central banks controls and regulates the supply of
money. The function of the central bank includes the following:

1. Banker to the government: Central bank is an agent and banker

to the government. It controls the public account, receives revenue on
behalf of the government and makes payment from this account.

2. Foreign Exchange transaction: The central bank holds the foreign

reserve of a country, and this helps in enforcing foreign exchange
control, which is set up to purchase and sell foreign currencies.

3. Management of national debt: The central bank is responsible for

the management of national debt of the country.

4. Responsible for monetary policy: The central bank is responsible

for the monetary policies of the country.

5. Formulation of rules and regulations guiding the banking

industry: The central bank controls, regulate and supervises other
components of the banking system.

Functions of the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Company

Section 2 of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation Act 2006
stipulates the functions for the corporation as follows:

1. Ensuring all deposit liabilities of licensed banks: Such other

financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as “insured institutions”)
operating in Nigeria within the meaning of sections 16 and 20 of this Act
to engender confidence in the Nigerian banking system.

2. Assisting: To insured institutions in the interest of depositors, in case

of imminent or actual financial difficulties of banks particularly where
suspension of payments is threatened, and avoiding damage to public
confidence in the banking system.
3. Guaranteeing payments to depositors: In case of imminent or
actual suspension of payments by insured institutions up to the
maximum as provided for in section 20 of this Act.

4. Assisting monetary authorities: In the formulation and

implementation of policies to ensure sound banking practice and fair
competition among insured institutions in the country

5. Pursuing any other measures: Necessary to achieve the functions

of the corporation provided such measures and actions are not
repugnant to the objects of the corporation.

Functions of the Securities and Exchange Commission

The major functions of the Securities and Exchange Commission are as

1. To control the stock exchange or any other security market business.

2. To register any type of joint-stock scheme including mutual fund and

monitor and control them.

3. To develop, monitor and control security markets all authorized and

self- controlled bodies/organizations.

4. To develop investment-related knowledge and to arrange for training

facilities for persons involved with the security market.

5. To inspect security dealers, issuer and stock exchange and ask to

provide information, investigation and conduct audit.

6. To analyze, discuss and conduct research any activity related with


7. To disclose and preserve any information and data related with

security market. These are the functions of the SEC to develop the share
market and protect the interest of the shareholders.
Economics S.S.S 3 First Term
International Trade
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. Explain how domestic trade differs from international trade.

2. Discuss comparative cost theory.

3. Explain the limitations of comparative cost theory.

International trade also known as foreign trade or external trade is the
exchange of goods and services between countries. Trading globally
allows consumers and countries to be exposed to goods and services not
available in their own countries, or which would be more expensive
domestically. The importance of international trade was recognized early
on by political economists like Adam Smith and David Ricardo.

According to David Ricardo, the country should specialize in the

production of goods and services for which it has a cost advantage over
another country. This he pointed out will bring about the production of
goods at a cheaper cost.

Types of International trade

There are two major types of international trade. These are:

1. Bilateral international trade: This is a trade agreement in which

two countries exchange goods and services.

2. Multilateral international trade: This is a type of international

trade in which a country trades with many other countries. E.g. Nigeria
trades with the USA, Britain and Japan.

Internal Trade
Internal trade, also known as domestic tare of home trade involves the
exchange of foods and services among the people within a particular
country. The items of internal trade include those goods and services
which are produced and sold internally or locally.

Differences between international trade and internal trade

1. Immobility of Factors of Production : Labour and capital do not
move freely from one country to another as they do within the same
country. On the contrary, between regions within the same political
boundaries, people distribute themselves more or less according to

2. Different Currencies: Each country has a different

currency. India for instance, has the rupee, the U.S.A. the
dollar, Germany the mark, Italy the lira, Spain the peso, Japan
the yen, and so on. Hence, buying and selling between nations
give rise to complications absent in internal trade.

3. Restrictions on Trade: Trade between different countries

is not free. Very often there are restrictions imposed by custom
duties, exchange restrictions, fixed quotas or other tariff
barriers. For example, our own country has imposed heavy
duties on import of motor cars, wines and liquors and other
luxury goods.

4. Ignorance: Knowledge of other countries cannot be as

exact and full as of one’s own country. Differences in culture,
language and religion stand in the way of free communication
between different countries. On the other hand, within the
borders of a country, labour and capital freely move about.
These factors, too, make internal trade different from
international trade.

Reasons or basis for international trade

1. Reduced dependence on your local market: Your home
market may be struggling due to economic pressures, but if you go
global, you will have immediate access to a practically unlimited range of
customers in areas where there is more money available to spend, and
because different cultures have different wants and needs, you can
diversify your product range to take advantage of these differences.

2. Increased chances of success: Unless you’ve got your pricing

wrong, the higher the volume of products you sell, the more profit you
make, and overseas trade is an obvious way to increase sales. In
support of this, UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) claim that companies
who go global are 12% more likely to survive and excel than those who
choose not to export.

3. Increased efficiency: Benefit from the economies of scale that

the export of your goods can bring – go global and profitably use up any
excess capacity in your business, smoothing the load and avoiding the
seasonal peaks and troughs that are the bane of the production
manager’s life.

4. Increased productivity: Statistics from UK Trade and

Investment (UKTI) state that companies involved in overseas trade can
improve their productivity by 34% – imagine that, over a third more
with no increase in plant.

5. Economic advantage: Take advantage of currency fluctuations

– export when the value of the pound sterling is low against other
currencies, and reap the very real benefits. Words of warning though;
watch out for import tariffs in the country you are exporting to, and
keep an eye on the value of sterling. You don’t want to be caught out
by any sudden upsurge in the value of the pound, or you could lose all
the profit you have worked so hard to gain.

6. Innovation: Because you are exporting to a wider range of

customers, you will also gain a wider range of feedback about your
products, and this can lead to real benefits. UKTI statistics show that
businesses believe that exporting leads to innovation – increases in
break-through product development to solve problems and meet the
needs of the wider customer base. 53% of businesses they spoke to
said that a new product or service has evolved because of their overseas

7. Growth: The holy grail for any business, and something that has
been lacking for a long time in our manufacturing industries – more
overseas trade = increased growth opportunities, to benefit both your
business and our economy as a whole

The principle of comparative cost advantage

Comparative advantage occurs when one country can produce a good or
service at a lower opportunity cost than another. This means a country
can produce a good relatively cheaper than other countries
The theory of comparative advantage states that if countries specialize
in producing goods where they have a lower opportunity cost – then
there will be an increase in economic welfare.

Theory of Comparative Advantage

Comparative advantage was first described by David Ricardo in his 1817
book “On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation” He used an
example involving England and Portugal. Ricardo noted Portugal could
produce both wine and cloth with less labour than England.

However, England was relatively better at producing cloth. Therefore, it

made sense for England to export cloth and import wine from Portugal.

Example of Comparative Advantage

i. Assume two countries, UK and India

ii. They both produce textiles and books.

iii. Their relative production levels are shown in the table below.

Output without trade

Textiles Books

UK 1 4

India 2 3

Total 3 7

i. For the UK to produce 1 unit of textiles it has an opportunity cost of 4


ii. However for India to produce 1 unit of textiles it has an opportunity

cost of 1.5 books
iii. Therefore India has a comparative advantage in producing textiles
because it has a lower opportunity cost.

iv. The UK has a comparative advantage in producing books. This is

because it has a lower opportunity cost of 0.25 (1/4) compared to
India’s 0.66 (2/3)

Specialization and trade

If each country now specializes in one good then,
assuming constant returns to scale, output will double.

Output after trade

Textiles Books

UK 0 8

India 4 0


i. Therefore the total output of both goods has increased – illustrating

the potential gains from exploiting comparative advantage.

ii. By trading the surplus books and textiles, India and the UK can enjoy
higher quantities of the goods.

There are many examples of comparative advantage in the real world

e.g. Saudi Arabia and oil, New Zealand and butter, USA and Soya beans,
Japan and cars e.t.c.

Criticisms of Comparative advantage

1. Cost of trade: To export goods to India imposes transport costs.

2. External costs of trade: Exporting goods leads to increased

pollution from ‘air-freight’ and can contribute to environmental costs not
included in models which only include private costs and benefits.

3. Diminishing returns/diseconomies of scale:

Specialization means a country will increase the output of one particular
good. However, for some industries increasing output may lead to
diminishing returns. For example, if Portugal has a comparative
advantage in wine, it may run out of suitable land for growing grapes.

4. Static comparative advantage: A developing economy, in

sub-Saharan-Africa, may have a comparative advantage in producing
primary products (metals, agriculture), but these products have a low-
income elasticity of demand, and it can hold back an economy from
diversifying into more profitable industries, such as manufacturing.

5. Dutch disease: Dutch disease is a phenomenon where countries

specialize in producing primary products (oil/natural gas) but doing this
can harm the long-term performance of the economy. In the 1970s, the
Netherlands specialized in producing natural gas, but this led to the
neglect of manufacturing and when the gas industry declined, the
economy was left behind its near neighbours.

6. Trade – not a Pareto improvement: Trade can lead to an

increase in net economic welfare. However, it doesn’t mean that
everyone will become better off. Some workers in uncompetitive
industries may lose out and struggle to gain employment in new

7. Complexity of global trade: Models of comparative advantage

usually focus on two countries and two goods, but in the real world,
there are multiple goods and countries. Increasingly there is growing
demand for a variety of goods and choice – rather than competing on
simple price.
Economics S.S.S 3 First Term
International Trade (2)
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. Explain the term of trade and discuss the instruments of foreign


2. Explain the meaning of the various forms of economic integration.

3. Outline the trend and structure of Nigeria external trade.

Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information, and
jobs across national borders and cultures. In economic terms, it
describes an interdependence of nations around the globe fostered
through free trade.

On one hand, globalization has created new jobs and economic growth
through the cross-border flow of goods, capital, and labour. On the
other hand, this growth and job creation is not distributed evenly across
industries or countries.

Globalization has grown due to advances

in transportation and communication technology. With the increased
global interactions comes the growth of international trade, ideas,
and culture. Globalization is primarily an economic process of interaction
and integration that's associated with social and cultural aspects.
However, conflicts and diplomacy are also large parts of the history of
globalization and modern globalization.

The features of Globalization

1. World Markets: One of the key features of present-day globalization
is access to the world markets. This has been made possible by
globalization. Global consumers demand world-class variation and
quality of products. It can provide a high-rocket speed development

2. Global products standardization: If you want to reach the

markets all over the world, you will need to be able to satisfy the
standards of the global market. The customers will be your judges. If
the quality of your goods and services is low, you will be kicked out of
the market.

3. Sharing of ideas: Globalization provides an interesting concept of

sharing ideas; this is one of its basic features. This is also how different
variations of rock, pop, and rap cultures appear in the world. The fact
that these ideas are worth sharing makes globalization a good
accelerator for spreading them.

4. Raising standards: Globalization does not only increase the

standards and quality of products, but the quality of life itself. More and
more people have increased their living standards due to global trends.
The citizens of one country can see how other people live in the world
and adapt the good ideas, that way they can also demand an increase in
the standard of living in their countries.

5. Freedom standards: One of the major fears of any anti-globalist is

the fear of a united country or government under the rule of few;
however, globalization also results in the spreading of freedom
standards. This includes the freedom of speech and human rights.
Nonetheless, it is still quite difficult to spread these standards all over
the world because some countries oppose them; but as well all know,
freedom cannot be stopped.

The advantages of globalization

Globalization brings several potential benefits to international producers
and national economies, including:

1. Providing an incentive for countries to specialize and benefit from the

application of the principle of comparative advantage.

2. Access to larger markets means that firms may experience higher

demand for their products, as well as benefit from economies of scale,
which leads to a reduction in average production costs.

3. Globalization enables worldwide access to sources of cheap raw

materials, and this enables firms to be cost-competitive in their markets
and overseas markets. Seeking out the cheapest materials from around
the world is called global sourcing. Because of cost reductions and
increased revenue, globalization can generate increased profits for

4. Avoidance of regulation by locating production in countries with less

strict regulatory regimes, such as those in many Less Developed
Countries (LCDs).

5. Globalization has led to increased flows of inward investment between

countries, which have created benefits for recipient countries. These
benefits include the sharing of knowledge and technology between

6. In the long term, increased trade is likely to lead to the creation of

more employment in all countries that are involved.

The disadvantages of globalization

There are also several potential disadvantages of globalization, including
the following:

1. The over-standardization of products through global branding is a

common criticism of globalization. For example, the majority of the
world’s computers use Microsoft’s Windows operating system.
Standardizing of computer operating systems and platforms creates
considerable benefits, but critics argue that this leads to a lack of
product diversity, as well as presenting barriers to entry to small, local,

2. Large multinational companies can also suffer from diseconomies of

scale, such as difficulties associated with coordinating the activities of
subsidiaries based in several countries.

3. Critics of globalization also highlight the potential loss of jobs in

domestic markets caused by increased, and in some cases, unfair, free
trade. This view certainly accounts for some of the rise in nationalist
movements in many developed economies, along with the push for
increased protectionism.

4. Globalization can also increase the pace of deindustrialization, which

is the slow erosion of an economy’s manufacturing base.

5. Jobs may be lost because of the structural changes arising from

globalization. Structural changes may lead to structural
unemployment and may also widen the gap between rich and poor
within a country.
8. Globalization generates winners and losers, and for this reason, it is
likely to increase inequality, as richer nations benefit more than poorer
ones. The awareness of rising inequality, along with job losses, has been
argued to have contributed to the rise in anti-globalization movements.

9. Increased trade associated with globalization has increased pollution

and helped contribute to CO2 emissions and global warming. Trade
growth has also accelerated the depletion of non-renewable resources,
such as oil.

The opportunities globalization presents to the Nigerian

The main opportunities arising from globalization for the Nigerian
economy are:

1. Growth: Assuming Nigeria maintains its competitiveness,

globalization is likely to increase Nigeria growth in the long
term because aggregate demand (AD) is likely to increase
through increased exports (X), and aggregate supply (AS) is
likely to increase because of higher levels of investment, both
domestic and foreign direct investment (FDI). However, growth
in the short term may become more unstable as the global
economy becomes increasingly interconnected. The
recent credit crunch is evidence that unstable growth is a
possible consequence of globalization. Some economists have
also argued that globalization has increased the process
of deindustrialization in the developed countries, including

2. Employment: Long term, jobs may be destroyed in the

manufacturing sector and created in the service sector, hence
creating structural employment, which could widen the income
gap within countries. The net effect of the impact on
employment depends upon the speed of labour market
adjustment, which itself depends upon mobility and flexibility.
Improvements in labour productivity may be needed to close
the productivity gap.X

3. Prices: Increased competition is likely to reduce the price

level, for traded manufactures. Because Nigeria firms can
source from around the world costs may be held down, and this
may be passed on in terms of reduced domestic and export

4. Trade: The volume of both imports and exports is likely to

increase, with trade representing an increasing proportion of
GDP. The effect on the balance of payment is uncertain and
depends upon relative growth rates, inflation, competitiveness,
and the exchange rate.
Test: Economics SSS3 First Term Final Assessment

1. _______ is concerned with the activities of people who undertake to protect individual or
businesses against risk in their day-today operation

a. Insurance

b. Banking

c. Tourism

d. Advertising

2. The provision of services to business as well as to the final consumers is the function of

a. Construction industries

b. Service industries

c. Manufacturing industries

d. None of the above

3. An occupation concerned with ensuring that goods produced are stored until they are needed for
consumption is ______

a. Communication

b. Trading

c. Transportation

d. Warehousing

4. Which of the following is not a contribution of the service industry?

a. Economic growth

b. Generation of employment

c. National disintegration

d. Manpower development

5. ______ can simply be defined as all those activities involved in the distribution and exchange of
goods and services

a. Commerce

b. Service

c. Trade

d. None of the above

6. An agency set up by the government to regulate the activities of the financial markets is

a. Regulatory agencies

b. Market regulatory

c. Financial regulation

d. None of the above

7. Which of the following is not an aim of regulation?

a. Financial stability

b. Consumer protection

c. Reduction of financial crime

d. Losing market confidence

8. The highest financial institution in a country which carries out the monetary policy of the

a. SEC


c. CBN

d. None of the above

9. The regulatory apex organization of the Nigeria capital market is ______

a. CBN

b. SEC


d. None of the above

10. NDIC means

a. Nigerian deposit insurance corporations

b. National deposit insurance corporations

c. Nigerian deport insurance commission

d. None of the above

11. Which of the following is not an aim of regulation?

a. Financial stability

b. Losing market confidence

c. Consumer protection

d. Reduction of financial crime

12. An agency set up by the government to regulate the activities of the financial markets is

a. Regulatory agencies

b. Market regulatory

c. Financial regulation

d. None of the above

13. The highest financial institution in a country which carries out the monetary policy of the

a. SEC


c. None of the above

d. CBN

14. NDIC means

a. Nigerian deposit insurance corporations

b. National deposit insurance corporations

c. Nigerian deport insurance commission

d. None of the above

15. The regulatory apex organization of the Nigeria capital market is ______

a. CBN

b. SEC


d. None of the above

16. According to Ricardo, a country will have a comparative advantage in:

a. Industries in which there are neither imports nor exports

b. Import-competing industries
c. Industries that sell to domestic and foreign buyers

d. Industries that sell to only foreign buyers

17. Which of the following is a determinant of trade?

a. Tastes

b. Per capita income

c. Technological changed

d. All of the above

18. A close economy is one in which:

a. Imports exactly equal exports, so that trade is balanced

b. Domestic firms invest in industries overseas

c. The home economy is isolated from foreign trade

d. Saving exactly equals investment at full employment

19. According to Ricardo’s principle, specialization and trade increase a nation’s total output since:

a. Resources are directed to their highest productivity

b. The output of the nation’s trading partner declines

c. The nation can produce outside of its production possibilities curved

d. The problem of unemployment is eliminated

20. A main advantage in specialization results from:

a. The specializing country behaving as monopoly

b. Smaller production runs resulting in lower unit costs

c. Economies of large scale production

d. High wages paid to foreign workers

21. Amalgamation and rapid unification between countries can be identified as

a. Globalization

b. Liberalization

c. Socialization

d. Privatization

22. Globalization has improved in the living structure of

a. All the people

b. Workers in developed countries

c. People in developed countries

d. None of the above

23. Globalization is a multi-dimensional process, reshaping the context of security, health control and
other governmental policies just as much as their economic policies.

a. True

b. False

24. The following are some of the opportunities of globalization excerpt

a. Trade

b. Growth

c. Employment

d. Disunity

25. ________ is the disparity in resources and wealth between two entities.

a. Economic inequality

b. Economic disparity

c. Trade inequality

d. Globalization

Economics S.S.S 3 First Term

Manufacturing and Construction
Performance Objectives
Student should be able to:

1. Define manufacturing and Construction.

2. List the types of manufacturing activities.

3. List the contributions of the manufacturing industry to economic


4. List the contributions of the construction industry to economic

Manufacturing is concerned with the activities of those who engaged
in processing and turning raw materials produced in the primary
industry into finished products. The raw materials or natural
resources are transformed into finished products after going through
different processes to add value and utility. Examples of
manufacturing industries are shoemaking, food processing, plastic
processing and textile processing.
Construction industry is concerned with all the activities of those
who engage in assembling of goods into a useable form. They
convert manufactured products into various uses. Examples of
construction industries are: Road construction, Building construction,
Airport construction, Bridge construction, Furniture construction.
Types of manufacturing
1. Textile manufacturing: This is based on the conversion of fibre into
yarn, yarn into fabric. These are then dyed or printed, fabricated into
2. Food processing industry: Food processing is an example of light
industry, although food processing can take place on a large scale. It
involves the processing of raw materials into foodstuffs, food
preservation and food packaging.
3. Chemical manufacturing: This involves the transforming of
biological and chemical materials into something new or separating
into parts.
4. Metal manufacturing: This type of manufacturing industries
includes both primary and fabricated metal products. The process
includes various stages such as metal cut, bending, assembling and
so on.
5. Furniture and wood products: This is big manufacturing that works
with wood and lumber to produce new products usually get raw
materials from tree branches, logs and trunks.
Contribution/ Roles of the manufacturing and construction in
economic development
1. Increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The manufacturing and
construction industry through its operations like payment of taxes
increases the earnings accruing to the nation.
2. International trade improves trade balance: Most of the products
of manufacturing industries like machinery are usually from western
nations. This forms the basis for international trade and it improves
trade balance between countries.
3. Employment opportunities: The manufacturing and construction
industries help in the generation of employment for citizens.
4. Infrastructural development: the establishment of an industry in a
place stimulates the development of infrastructure like road,
telephone, electricity and pipe-borne water.
5. Stimulation of other sectors: Industrial sector stimulate the growth
of other sectors like agriculture, mining and lumbering.
6. Diversification of the economy: The industrial sector helps
different countries to prevent over-dependence on only one product
like present Nigeria’s dependence on crude oil.
7. Funding of education and research: The industrial sector provides
capital for the funding of education and research work in all nations.
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