A Global Bank's 3 Step Strategy For Unlocking Legacy Systems With Anypoint Platform

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Legacy modernization

A global bank’s
3 step strategy for
unlocking legacy
systems with
Anypoint Platform

Few industries feel more pressure to modernize legacy

systems than banking.
Banks operate within an uncertain and regulated economic
environment and, as a result, their IT teams have been
pressured to increase operational efficiency. Modernizing
legacy systems - which consume over 75%1 of banking IT spend
- has been identified as a means to do so by simultaneously
reducing costs and increasing the speed of software delivery.
Yet, many organizations still struggle with how to modernize
their legacy systems. One large global bank provides a
compelling example of how financial institutions, as well
as organizations across other industries, can do so using
MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform.

1 https://www.temenos.com/en/blog/2015/july/the-writings-on-the-wall-for-the-bank-batch-run/

The need for legacy modernization at
a major financial institution

As one of the top ten largest banks, this bank and its IT teams
operate on a massive scale, supporting tens of millions of
consumer and small business relationships through thousands
of retail financial centers, ATMs, and digital banking accounts.
The bank’s Central IT team serves as a custodian of core
systems of record—from mainframes and midrange systems
(e.g. IBM’s AS/400) to databases. The team works to provide
and govern access to data assets for business technology
teams, which serve the bank’s various business lines (e.g.
mortgages, global wholesale, retail banking). In addition, they
govern access to externally provided services from vendors
that different business technology teams must interface with.
Prior to adopting MuleSoft, the bank met customers’ digital
needs through a complex web of tightly coupled systems of
record. As the bank made acquisitions and developed new
applications on top of pre-existing code, this complexity only
increased. As a result, applications became even more tightly
coupled, and internal dependencies across applications
increased. This lengthened the amount of time it took the
Central IT team to make changes to existing applications and
develop new ones, making it even more challenging to serve
the growing demands of the business.
The challenges Central IT faced in cost-effectively maintaining
their own applications and enabling rapid business IT
innovation were a contributing factor to the bank’s suboptimal
efficiency ratio (expenses over revenue), an industry
benchmark that they lagged behind peer banks on.
In response to a CEO-led initiative to increase operational
efficiency and improve their efficiency ratio, the Central
IT team embarked upon a strategy to address these
challenges by modernizing their legacy systems with
MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform.
The bank’s legacy modernization strategy

The bank’s modernization strategy was designed to solve a

number of legacy system challenges. To improve efficiency,
Central IT aspired to control maintenance costs and increase
agility by reducing dependence on system experts. Whereas
some organizations pursue a path of connecting legacy
systems to modern endpoints through point-to-point custom
code, the bank concluded that this strategy would lead to even
tighter coupling across their application stack, and make new
projects even more time-consuming to deliver.
“We want to avoid point-to-point connectivity,” explained
the Senior Vice President of IT and leader of the initiative.
“We didn’t want to do an implementation for each service we’re
developing with its own rules.”
Instead, Central IT aspired to surface legacy system
functionality to line-of-business teams through decoupled,
reusable services that could be easily discovered.
To do so, the team envisioned a three-tiered, API-led
architecture, implemented with MuleSoft.

Mobile Customer Branch Web Credit External

applications service offices experiences cards partners

Experience gateway

Decoupled services

System APIs

Oracle Mainframe Document IBM DB2 MySQL AS/400 Third party

database management database applications

In this API-led architecture, system APIs provide governed
access to their respective downstream systems. They also
serve as wrappers that insulate these systems from excess
traffic received by upstream applications. Decoupled services
orchestrate data and functionality from these system APIs,
abstracting away system complexity from business technology
consumers. An experience gateway encapsulates business
logic managing the authentication, authorization, and auditing
of traffic that consume these APIs across different channels.
To implement this architectural approach, the bank identified a
three-part strategy:
1. Developing system APIs to surface and govern data from
source systems to upstream business processes.
2. Decomposing monolithic web services exposed by key
systems of record into discrete microservices that can be easily
used by business IT teams.
3. Re-architecting legacy process-level services and code to
decouple them from source systems of record—making them
more adaptable to evolving business requirements.
Below, we will detail how the bank used MuleSoft’s Anypoint
Platform to deliver on this strategy, and the benefits they
realized in doing so. To do so, we’ll take a closer look at how
the successful implementation of these integration use cases
improved how the bank serviced mortgages for its customers.

Redefining mortgage servicing by
modernizing legacy systems with Anypoint Platform

Mortgages represent a microcosm of the legacy system

complexity underpinning key banking business processes at
the bank.
While many banks aspire to move toward a “mortgage-as-a-
service” operating model – where mortgage-related data is
accessible to any internal bank consumer that needs to make a
credit eligibility decision – this vision has been complicated by
the fact that loan information exists across a variety of legacy
systems and databases. At many banks, collecting this data
from different systems has been a largely manual process,
leading to higher costs for loan servicing and a lower efficiency
ratio. This is why the Central IT team made it a priority to
modernize the systems containing loan data so that credit
eligibility determination could be automated across business
Previously, the shared services supporting mortgages powered
over 400 different internal and consumer applications, and
each of these services was tightly coupled to the systems of
record they consumed data from.
Furthermore, the bank was migrating over 300 applications
supporting mortgage services to an external vendor. This
vendor would be responsible for providing loan servicing and
customer support for all mortgages offered through the bank,
demanding seamless interoperability between the external
vendor and any bank applications requiring mortgage data.
Last but not least, the underlying code for core mortgage-
related services, written in .NET, had evolved into a “ball of
mud” that was time-intensive to adapt whenever business
requirements changed.

The bank’s modernization strategy aimed to address each
of these challenges in order to accelerate project delivery
for applications requiring mortgage data and to increase the
speed at which services could be adapted to meet evolving
business needs.

(Customer experience,
new products and
cchannels) Web Mobile eCommerce Omnichannel

efficiency, non-IT) Customer 360 Business

efficiency, IT) Legacy Move to the
Modernization Cloud

Legacy modernization serves as a foundational initiative to drive

the development of modern customer experiences

Unlocking access to systems of record with APIs

In order to realize their vision of a decoupled architecture, the

bank needed to abstract legacy system of record complexity
from the services that consumed their data. To do so, they
decided to represent the functionality from each web service
operation through a microservice that would be governed
through an API contract.
“With our approach, any connectivity to any service layer
should be a separate component. If we have a service that gets
data from one system of record, it should be represented as a
single entity,” explained the SVP of IT.
With MuleSoft’s API designer, the bank was able to implement
a design-first approach to their System APIs. “With our previous
approach, we’d start writing code and design would come after
the fact. By leveraging API Designer to build RAML API specs
prior to implementation, we were able to more easily align with
the clients consuming the data,” said the SVP of IT.
With MuleSoft’s unified platform for API lifecycle management
and connectivity, the bank was able to not only design APIs to
access system-level data, but also develop implementations
within Anypoint Studio to expose this data in XML or JSON
format. By leveraging MuleSoft’s robust ecosystem of
connectors, as well as Anypoint DevKit to develop custom
connectors when needed, the bank rapidly developed
reusable interfaces for each core system of record holding
mortgage data.

Anypoint Platform also enabled the bank to develop and test
these interfaces more quickly. According to the application
development lead on the project, by leveraging DataWeave,
MuleSoft’s drag-and-drop graphical data mapping capability,
developers were able to easily visualize the complex legacy
data structures that their systems of record exposed, and map
different fields to an XML or JSON payload. This enabled them
to realize up to 5X increases in integration development speed.
And with MUnit, a drag-and-drop unit-testing capability native
to Anypoint Studio, developers were able to apply unit and
functional tests on these integrations 6X faster than when they
had to write their own testing scripts.
The end result was a foundation of data and services from the
bank’s systems of record, with the complexity of these systems
abstracted away from consuming process level services.

Get Account Balance

Drag and drop integration development helps power 5X faster

legacy system connectivity.

Exposing web service functionality through
fine-grained RESTful APIs and SOAP services

In addition to unlocking self-serve access to their own internal

legacy systems, the bank also needed to enable the same
functionality from the external mortgage vendor, which
provided the underlying technology and personnel support for
supporting loan servicing.
Supporting common business processes required providing
applications with real-time, granular, bi-directional access to
the external mortgage vendor.
None of these capabilities were natively supported by the
external mortgage vendor. While it made “copies” of its data
available to the bank’s source systems, these were only
delivered via batch file on a nightly basis, so this record could
not be relied on for business processes demanding real-time
data, such as determining eligibility for credit card applications.
And even though the external mortgage vendor surfaced a set
of web services that could provide real-time data, these web
services were not suitable for the bank’s needs, since each
featured tightly coupled operations that could not be exposed
as-is to line-of-business IT consumers. For example, since
each of the SOAP services included full create, read, update,
and delete functionality for the data objects they represented,
Central IT could not allow teams who were only authorized
“read” access to use these services.
These tightly coupled operations also stymied Central IT’s
ability to create composite services using data from both the
mortgage service vendor and internal systems. For example,
the team wanted to create a composite capability — loan
comments — that provided every note and comment made on
a given customer’s loan history. Without decoupling the “read”
operations from these web services, the team would have to
take a more time-consuming, heavyweight approach.

To address these challenges associated with tight coupling,
the team aligned around an approach of decomposing each of
the 70 WSDLs provided by the external mortgage vendor into
discrete microservices, with each operation in the WSDL being
represented by its own microservice, invokable via API contract.
Rather than manually developing hundreds of microservices to
represent the mortgage vendor’s functionality, the team built a
“WSDL decomposer”— a component that dynamically ingests
a monolithic WSDL, and exposes each operation’s functionality
through a distinct SOAP and REST service.
By leveraging the APIs exposed by Anypoint Platform, the bank
was able to develop both the WSDL decomposer, as well as
the supporting architecture for the automation pipeline, in less
than 2 months. Once they had done so, they were able to use
it to automatically generate over 600 microservices, each with
their own RESTful and SOAP version.
In addition to leveraging Anypoint Platform to automate
the decomposition of the vendor’s web services, the bank
also used the platform’s APIs to automate uploading the
microservices to Anypoint Exchange for line-of-business
“Before MuleSoft, the bank didn’t have a way to publish and
make APIs available. The only approach was an HTTP server
— a tedious process to make these assets available,” explained
the SVP of IT. “With Exchange, you can go and find and search
APIs that we’ve automatically uploaded to the platform.”
To enable this capability, the bank configured the WSDL
decomposer to take all of the constituent services, create an
entry in Exchange for each with the Anypoint Exchange APIs,
and upload the decomposed SOAP services. To surface the
same functionality through RESTful APIs, the bank automated
the process of mapping web service CRUD operations to
their HTTP method equivalents (e.g. “create” to “post,” “read”
to “get”) to create a RAML file. For each RAML file, the bank
automated the process of uploading the RAML file to Exchange,
creating the API, automatically generating examples, and
publishing the API.
In total, automating both the decomposition of monolithic web
services into discrete microservices, as well as the publishing
of these assets into Exchange, drove an over 6X increase in
productivity for the team.
The below architecture provides an illustrative example of how
such an approach served different line-of-business teams.

Credit Consumer Customer

cards applications service Experience

360 loan
3 history
Borrower loan Read Update Update Delete
3 history borrower borrower borrower borrower

Oracle IBM Borrower APIs
DB DB2 web service

External mortgage
servicing vendor

The bank’s digital transformation reference architecture, supported by 3 distinct

legacy modernization strategies

1 Strategy 1 2 Strategy 2 3 Strategy 3

Develop system APIs Decompose Re-architect .NET
to surface and govern monolithic web process level services
data from internal services into discrete and decouple them
systems microservices from source systems

In this architecture, different line-of-business consumers

responsible for developing applications requiring mortgage
date receive selective access to distinct CRUD operations based
on their role within the bank. For example, while customer
service receives full access to the external mortgage servicing
vendor’s functionality (including deleting and updating records),
consumer applications are limited to reading this data.

By enabling both self-serve access to legacy system data, and
governed access to these legacy system assets, Central IT
has increased the speed at which line-of-business IT teams
can update over 400 different applications to meet evolving
customer requirements. And with the automation pipeline
they’ve built with Anypoint Platform’s APIs, the central IT team
can easily take the web services exposed from any future
platform requiring modernization and decompose it in minutes
instead of months.

Anypoint Exchange

Anypoint Exchange enables line-of-business IT teams to easily self-

serve from legacy system assets.

Re-architecting legacy .NET code to increase IT agility

As part of the process of modernizing core systems of record,

the bank identified the need to re-architect the legacy .NET
code underpinning application services.
Over the years, this code had been gradually reiterated on
until it resembled a “ball of mud” that required specialized
expertise and significant time investment to maintain and
adapt. To make the code more easily understandable and
adaptable to changing business requirements, the bank
decided to decouple the code from the source systems it
consumed data from, and re-architect the code into Mule
integration flows (built through drag and drop components to
transform and route data across different systems) that made
it easy to visually understand a given service’s operations and
This proffered a number of benefits for the bank. First, it made
these services easier to maintain and adapt in response to
modern business needs.
“Working with .NET was enormously complex, so representing
what was going on with a flow was monumental,” explained
the SVP. “Previously, making a change to the code required us
to rewrite the code itself. With flow-based design, it becomes
easier to not only see the code, but change it when needed.”
Re-architecting the code also made it easier to implement
business process automation within the Central IT function.
“We are doing a lot of business automation processing
with orchestration and aggregation of data which has
transformations, logic, and different paths we can take,”
shared the SVP of IT. “It’s beneficial to implement something
like that with a MuleSoft platform where we can visualize and
construct the flows in a way where it’s easy to see where the
data is flowing.”

MuleSoft’s out-of-the-box connector for .NET, which allows
IT teams to execute native .NET code in a Mule application,
enabled the teams to make changes to the code and connect
to new systems of record more quickly. “If you were to connect
to a SQL or Oracle server, in .NET we’d have to write helper
classes. In MuleSoft, it’s a connector. You drag and drop, and
there you go,” said the SVP of IT.
Re-architecting the services with MuleSoft has also enabled
Central IT to easily expose services as RESTful APIs returning
JSON and XML payloads that can be centrally managed and
easily consumed by business IT teams. The end result? The
team leading the initiative forecasts that once these refactored
services are put in production, they will be able to adapt
services to meet new business functionality 30-40% faster
than before.


.NET Java

Re-architecting existing legacy applications and exposing

functionality through APIs can improve IT agility by up to 40%.

Why the bank selected MuleSoft to
modernize their legacy systems

The team driving the initiative identified three key reasons

why MuleSoft was selected by the bank to support their legacy
modernization initiative.
1. A platform that unifies integration and full API lifecycle
management. “Integration is vital to getting data out of our
systems of record,” shared the SVP of IT. “But to enable the
business to self-serve, we saw a real need to expose this data
through APIs, instead of just relying on the legacy services we
had available.”
2. The ability to share legacy system data and services with
line-of-business consumers through Anypoint Exchange.
“We have over 1000 APIs on our platform, and as we grow,
we’re going to have a couple thousand more,” said the SVP of
IT. “It was critical for us to have a way that we could make those
APIs easily accessible for our clients.”
3. The ease of use of MuleSoft’s platform, combined with
the customer success model put in place to guarantee
the bank’s success. “With all the other technologies we were
evaluating, we tried a PoC, we had to download libraries for
each feature and function, and implementing even simple use
cases was very time intensive. With MuleSoft, everything was
packaged in a way that made it very easy for our developers to
get started,” explained the SVP of IT.
To date, the work driven with MuleSoft is expected to drive
massive impact at the bank. Just within mortgages, over 400
applications are dependent on the services the team has
developed. With Exchange, these services will now be available
to all lines of business within the bank, enabling accelerated
innovation. Furthermore, the underlying automation pipelines
for decomposing monolithic web services are exposed through
APIs, allowing other teams to employ a similar microservices-
based approach where warranted.
This allows the bank to not only improve its operational
efficiency, but also quickly develop superior customer
experiences and new product offerings by reusing the
underlying assets that the Central IT team has unlocked for
the business.
“The vision in moving to MuleSoft is that it will help us provide
services five times faster than before, and in a cheaper
manner,” said the SVP of IT. “As we implement this API strategy,
we will be able to change and provide additional capabilities
much more easily.”
Take a look at more resources to help you modernize your
legacy systems with Anypoint Platform.

MuleSoft’s mission is to help organizations
change and innovate faster by making it easy to
connect the world’s applications, data and devices.
With its API-led approach to connectivity, MuleSoft’s
market-leading Anypoint Platform™ is enabling over
1,000 organizations in more than 60 countries to
build application networks. For more information,
visit mulesoft.com.

MuleSoft is a registered trademark of MuleSoft, Inc.

All other marks are those of respective owners

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