Class 2 Grammar Final Term

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Ms Final OI} ~ Epes cst. - es We have just leamed all about action words or verbs. Do you know the: some verbs that do not really perform any action? Some of these verbs are am, is and are. These are known as being words, So, now we have to remember that verbs can be doing words or being Words, Remember Am We use am with I. For example: lam six years old. lam going to school. Is We use is with he, she and it. For example: He is my best friend. ; She is my mother. t tis a beautiful flower. We also use is with names of one person, animal, bird, insect and object. For example: Raima is doing her homework. The bear is eating honey. The crow is sitting ona branch. The grasshopper is sitting on a leaf. This pencilis broken. Are We use are with you, we and they. For example: Youare my best friend. Weare going for a picnic. Theyare playing in the garden. In the blanks with am, is or are, , @ driver, . You .. They ..... ARQ We....... honest walking together. ° going to the village. B He nah... the elder brother. @ cross () next to the incorrect sentences. r am reading a book. 4 f , My brother are sleeping. x 3, The parrot is eating a chilli. 4 . These plates are new. 4 r hey ‘8 Cleaning their room. » &. Itis a beautiful house. \ m7, the birds #8 chirping in the garden. x "8. Sam and Peter are having their breakfast. Y . You ig eight years old. 4 , We am at school. _ Now that wo know how ta use am, le ane are Jot U6 FINE OUT MOLE Abo) these wore, Teeman Ain fi ay fielpl settion OR hen we use any of these with another verb, Wa should add «ing to the « $60, rb), Does this Bound aontusing? Its not, Look at these GxAM plas fam eating an lee oream, (am + eat + ing) He in clinbing a mountain, (ist elimb + ing) They are walking to sehool, (are + wall + ing) é That was easy, wasn't i? A, Write the sing froma of these verbs, 1 Work — WAHL UA) sss 2, play ~phaging 3, sloop ‘dlaplg : , eat wonbacliting 4 5, drink 6, laugh —.n.. PAu WAG ‘ 3 7. olimb , drink nn AACA ledh, 9. bark 10. study hud } 11, brush. tage 12. speak Shea teen 4 13, COUN .AAMeyh uf 14. sing, Stgind 16, paint uJ on 16. meet in) 17, draw x v spin 18, cry 19. walk i 20, show a A thie lable for " Xe U6 Of amvia/are with the «ing from ot vert: -ing from of the verbs -_ a a brackets, ONtences using am/is/are and the Thoy Adc. | ie , ‘ pla “4 “4 with their friends. (play) jo AON Me lo school, (Go) | » THe Tights axe. lolutecher (link) . My uncle ua. COO Kg, (cook) a eo picture. (paint) genes vegetables. (buy) Et ou da SLU outside. (rain) . Tina dd. “ana (study) . My parents and | wold film. (watch) . The trees ... kde. “aaah the wind. (sway) -ing form of the verbs poly Complete this passage using amiis/are and the __ in brackets. — Aman and Nadia Oe Veeco) breakfast. They «ms (eat) , s .» (go) to office. Their father 9 i: and porridge. Their reine Np. 0.1m bsg. (stand) behind them at the fone rs We Ine-lduad (hold) ajug of A2.(pass) an apple to Nadia. Nadia SS father .\S at) a piece of frit milk in his hand. Aman Ig. (ay tL pass) a banana to him. ‘Their as ial been done for yo, 0. Aad ed to tne var given ela aT aaah 1, talk talked 4. pick pitched ~ “ ton pees bash ad ‘ |. splash . 7. clean cleaned a brush ietihad 9 act therdl ea totally when they 4f@ USEd in the »,., ere are some ver range Here are some of them. - ies vag Past 7... Present Tense C. Fill in the blanks with the past tense forms of the underlined words On. has been done for you. 1. I go to the market. Yesterday, | .......Went. 2. Ido my homework in the evening. Yesterday, | ida my homework in the evening e fh, _... to the market. 3. The girls run to the clown. Yesterday, the girs #4, tothe clown. e 4. I speak to my father. Yesterday, | Spee to my father. 5. | sit in the front row of my class. i 66 Yesterday, | 1S se in the front row of a. ye \ 5 ml very manngry : My. Sho —had___ two bags BE MY NAME On my Hook j my name on my BOOK BRE HO BOYS in the park day, | 5. hd, two boys in the park ge tO My teache, is@ ioght and sunny day. oto the park. We pack ne Cake in a basket. ‘biscuits. My sister and er run to the car. | open cupboard and look for my It is right at the top. | go p the car. We start off on our rip. We are very happy. 87 “i tho past tense forms of the words that Now, fill in the blanks with are underlined oe the park. We Pac, it WOK) a bright and sunny day W id a packet of biscuits. My ., some cake in a basket My father inv cupboard and Looked F, Ve brother ¢taut to the car. | gperad my iB tastad Wass right at the top. | went to the car. We Off ON our ti, UNAL, very happy: Past and Present Tense te milkshake and then under, erin, E, Read this recipe for a yummy chocola' action words in each of the sentences in the Method. One has be, for you. Ingredients: 1 glas: 5 milk, 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup and 1 slab of ho Method: 1. Pour the milk into a bowl. 2. Add chocolate syrup to it. 3. Mixit well in a mixer. Re 4. Pourit into a tall glass. 5. Grate a piece of chocolate. 6. Decorate the milkshake with it. 7. Sip the yummy chocolate milkshake. Fn In.this recipe at home. a aed. Here in school, let us,do something else. Write the underlined words in the blanks given below. One has been dp, e Hux 2 for you G a ARBOUR Ee. 2 Add 4a Faun X O ee Sau o> atmo cn a Chocolate syrup toit, lcd Nwoll in w mixer, Poured MLinto a tall glass, a 4 plece of chocolate, Ps onated the mitkshake with it i the yummy chocolate milkshake. 1 wish all gram ent Boe Ow, white tying out the recipe, we have actually practised press nd past tense? mar lessons were so delicious!! elite: armen ee ‘. Km down the words that you had underlined as action words in the bo: d Present Tense. In the box titled Past Tense, write down the words you me. One has been done for you. try the recipe at hor Sa 7 Oe eaten e toate eet & Past Tense Present Tense ~ROUT..... 99/goes amis feelfoels eaveats fete ¥ords In the past tense th these sentences with words in the tense. One has been done for you, Goldilocks Went for a walk into the forest. One-day, Goldilocks, goes for .walk into.the. forest. . She saw a cute little house, There was a table in the middle of the room: Ad... Anpbe.. dn... de There were three bowls of soup on it. §. Goldilocks felt very hungry. 6. She took a spoonful of soup from the first bowl. Next, she ate some soup from the second bowl. forms of the underlined G. Fill in the blanks with the past tense TT” a One has been done for you. : did 1. Ido all my work at home. Co : 2. Jatin does his work in school. 3. We bite with our teeth. eee flew, g& The eagle flies very high. . Kartik comes to school by car. — / 1. 4 5. 6. They fall into the well. 7. |. come home early from school. 8. This dog bites the children. 9. An ant falls into the river. 0. | fly a blue kite. The Future Time We leamt about farm families. Let us talk to the litle animals and find out What they are thinking. Iwill become a strong lion | will become a jentle cow like mother. 1H, Rewrite the following future time. seniencee graeme ‘One has been done for you —The teacher tatks to the CABS: a The teacher will talk to, the ClAB®...- 2. We play in the garden. "lay the _ We yiht 3. ak the stairs. ee The boys walk ome a bush. ed The. boys... wilt ul asks a question. ( 5. Rahul asks a quest a ‘ Rabu ...u ee ae will... 3 faain . the. me2S.. 7. They find a snake in the hut. 8. Rehan drinks a glass of water. Rohan nriht.. ARAM Be: gles C3 LOwTey 9. We give the ittie girl a balloon. ‘ He. wilt...ine...the dittle..Y2d..A. Hablser AAuauts. 10. The king talks to the servants. - She. keng Ba Read the following story about how paper is made. Take your teachers help to find out the meanings of the words you do not know. We make paper from wood. We collect the wood from trees. We take the wo to the paper mill. There, the people cut the wood into small chips. Then, the, add chemicals to the wood and turn it to pulp. Next, they wash it to make it {nthe blanks with the future tense of the verte mat ae d. ONG has been done for you [MAKE Paper fram wood. We all coll (he Wood to the papor mil, There, the people * Into small chips, Then, thayotl aad chemicals 10 he 10 pulp. Next, they aul Woastirto make it rife. Th8 stad! china clay or chalk and the pulp 2H! Mast as a thin pulp Wat AAS4 through a machine and Wubll. Cor Out a8 This is how we walt get. paper. « sentences are given below where the verbs have future tense. jrite whether the verbs are in the present, the past or the y has been done for you. The dog has a long tail, 4 The question was easy for the child. . We will buy fresh fruit. {, Mamta js a quiet child. Akbar was a great king. 6. Gitesh wants three dogs. 7. The sky is blue. My father bought many toys. The boy will be late for school. ), The horse ran very quickly.

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