10 M Os Question Bank

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Question bank
Name of the

Subject Code CS20APC504

Year & Sem III Year & I Sem

Unit – 1

1 Differentiate between Multi-processing, Time-sharing and Multi-threading

2 Explain briefly the functions of Operating system in detail.
a) Explain about operating system debugging?
b) List the various services provided by operating systems explain in detail?
Define operating system. Elaborate the Operating system operations with
What is process scheduling? Name the three types of process schedulers and
distinguish between them.
What is system call? Discuss major system calls of operating system in
7 Sketch the neat diagram of process life cycle and explain each state.
8 Illustrate user and operating system interface in detail.
9 Describe operating system structure in detail?
Describe the term CPU utilization, throughput, turnaround time, waiting time,
response time.

Unit – 2

Define Thread and process. Explain advantages and disadvantages of

Determine the average waiting time and average turnaround time for FCFS,
SJF, non-preemptive priority (larger value takes highest priority) and round
robin (time slice =2) scheduling algorithms for the given process, burst and
2 priority given below.
PRIORITY 4 1 2 2 3
BURST TIME 8 6 1 9 3
a) Define thread. Explain in detail about multi-threading models.
b) Explain in detail about threading Issues and thread Libraries.
4 Explain readers-writers problem using semaphores.
5 Write about the various CPU scheduling algorithms
6 Describe Semaphores and Monitors in detail.
a) Discuss in detail about the Dining philosopher’s problem?
b) What is race condition? Explain with example.
a) When does a race condition take place? What are the three requirements
that must be satisfied by any possible solution to critical section problem?
b) Assume we have workload as shown below. All 5 processes arrive at time
0, in order given below. The length of the CPU burst time is given below
in milliseconds.
Process : P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Burst Time : 10 29 3 7 12

Considering the FCFS and Non-preemptive SJF, Find out average turnaround
9 Write short notes on multi- processor scheduling and real time scheduling
State critical section problem? Discuss three solutions to solve the critical
section problem.

Unit – 3

Consider a reference string 4,7,6,1,7,6,1,2,7,1. Assume that there are three

frames and initially all are empty. Find out the number of page faults
1 respective to:
i) Optimal page replacement algorithm.
ii) FIFO page replacement algorithm.
2 Explain the basic concepts of Memory partitioning, paging and segmentation
in detail
3 What are disadvantages of single contiguous memory allocation? Explain.
a) What is paging? Explain with proper example.
b) Consider the following page reference string :
4 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1 with four page frames .
How many page faults occur for FIFO, LRU and Optimal page replacement
algorithms? Note that initially all frames are empty.
Sketch a neat diagram of virtual memory management and Explain how
logical address is translated into physical address.
a) Explain with the help of examples FIFO and LRU, optical page replacement
6 algorithms with example reference string.
b) Mention the merits and demerits of each of the above
Given a page reference string with 4 frames
Compare the number of page faults for LRU, FIFO and Optimal page
replacement algorithm.

8 Explain briefly the concepts of segmentation with paging scheme.

9 Write short notes on swapping.

Explain briefly about Assembler, Compiler, Loader, Linker and the functions
executed by them.

Unit – 4
1 What is RAID structure? Explain briefly about the different RAID Levels.
Consider the following disk request sequence for a disk with 100 tracks.
45,21,67,90,89,52,61,87,25. Head pointer starting at 50 and moving in left
direction. Find the number of head movements in cylinders using FCFS and
SSTF sheduling algorithm?
What is Deadlock? Consider a system with five processes P0 through P4 and
three resource types A,B, and C . Resource type A-10,B-5,C-7 instances.
Suppose that at time To, the following snapshot of the has been taken.

i)Calculate matrix need.

ii)Find out is the system being in a safe state ?

Consider the following disk sequence for a disk with 200 tracks
98,137,122,183,14,133,65,78. Head pointer starting at 54 and moving in left
direction. Find the number of head movements in cylinders using C-SCAN
and SCAN scheduling algorithm.
5 Describe free space management techniques in detail.
How does Deadlock avoidance differ from Deadlock prevention. Explain
deadlock Avoidance algorithm in detail
Explain the concept of a file. Discuss the different file access mechanisms in
A)Explain about necessary conditions of deadlock
B)Explain about recovery from deadlock
Discuss briefly about various File access methods and types of Directory
How do the following disk scheduling algorithms differ: SCAN and LOOK,
11 Explain the Banker’s algorithm for Deadlock avoidance with an example.
What are Directories? Mention any five operations that can be performed on
the directories?

Unit – 5

1 What is Access Matrix? Explain implementation of Access Matrix in detail?

Discuss briefly about the goals and principles of system protection in modern
2 computer systems.

3 Define access control. Explain revocation of access rights?

Discuss program threats, System and network threats of operating system in

4 detail?
a)Describe briefly about the domain of protection.
5 b)Describe briefly about the classification of Computer Security.
6 Write a note on following A) viruses B) Computer Security Specification
7 Explain capability based protection system.
8 Discuss and compare various access matrix implementation techniques.
9 What is system security? Explain user authentication?
Write down the installation steps of Linux Operating Syetem.

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