Lesson 12

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Lesson 12

Complete with

need / have / like / study / go / understand /prefer

1- Where do you __________________________ English?

2- I want to__________________________ to the movies on weekends.

3- What do you__________________________to eat for dinner?

4- I__________________________Chinese.

5- I __________________________ to study today.

6- I__________________________ to eat cheese in the moning.

7- What do you __________________________to speak with me now?

8- I __________________________ a dog at home.

9- Do you want to __________________________ to church on the weekend?

10- I __________________________ to go home now.

Substitution Practice

1- I need to study English. / Do you like your teacher?


2- I don’t want to eat bread now. / I like to drink milk.


3- I like to eat pasta and to drink soda for lunch.


4- I need to go to the farm with my family tomorrow.


5- I don’t like to eat rice and potatoes but I like to eat bread and ham.

6- Sorry, I don’t have time to go with you


7- I don’t have a big family/ I have only one brother.


8- I don’t understand this lesson. / I need to speak English.

Written Practice

1- Eu tenho uma casa nova na fazenda


2- Eu não gosto de estudar alemão nos fins de semana.


3- Eu não quero ir ao parque com meus filhos


4- Você tem algum tempo para ir ao mercado comigo?


5- O que você come no café da manhã?


6- Eu não gosto de brincar com meus filhos na fazenda.


7- Não trabalho hoje. / Quero ir ao centro à tarde.


8- Gosto de brincar com meus filhos na fazenda.


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