LS English 8 Unit 3 Test Answers

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The tests and answers have been written by the authors. These may not fully reflect the approach of
Cambridge Assessment International Education.

Section A: Reading
Question Answer Marks

1 because it is very dark (and a breeze blows over them) 1

Give 1 mark. Give 0 marks if learners copy directly from the text or only mention the breeze.

an adverb
2a Give 1 mark. Accept alternatives to a tick such as a cross or a circle. Give 0 marks if more 1
than one answer is ticked.

It reveals that he feels sad / unhappy / wistful.

2b Give 1 mark for any of the above or a credible own-words alternative. This mark can be 1
awarded even if 2 a was answered incorrectly.

Simile: ‘like thousands of delicate crystal chimes’.

3 Effect: It emphasises the beauty / intricacy / gentleness / musicality of the noise. 2
Give 1 mark for the simile and 1 further mark for any of the above explanations, or any
alternative answer that captures the same idea.

 ‘Heavy-eyed’: shows he can barely keep his eyes open / can’t stop his eyes from
4 shutting. 2
 ‘Yawned’: an involuntary action that shows he is sleepy.
Give 1 mark for each explained example, up to a maximum of 2 marks.

 ‘The muggy breath of the jungle’: makes the air seem very hot and steamy / makes it
sound unpleasantly humid or hot.
5  ‘The sand lay silent’: shows how still and empty the beach is / adds a sense of 2
Give 1 mark for either example and 1 further mark for a credible explanation.

The information after the dash explains the first part of the sentence / he shows he
6 understands why Maya would not want to go too far / it is less formal as it is direct speech. 1
Give 1 mark for any convincing explanation.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 8 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021

Section B: Writing
Creation of texts / vocabulary and language (maximum of 4 marks)

Descriptors Marks

 Content is relevant and developed with imaginative detail.

 Uses a range of well-chosen vocabulary. 4
 Characterisation is shown through actions and reactions during the story.
 A clear, consistent relationship between the writer and the reader is established and controlled.

 Content is relevant, and ideas are developed using some appropriate techniques.
 Vocabulary choices are appropriate and sometimes well-chosen.
 Characters are described and developed with actions linked to key events. 3
 A clear relationship between the writer and the reader is established in parts of the story, which
engages the reader.

 Content is straightforward with an appropriate balance.

 Vocabulary is sometimes simple, but with some choices to create interest. 2
 Some events/feelings are described.
 Some attempt made to engage the reader.

 Ideas are mostly relevant to the task–for example, a simple plot.

 Vocabulary is simple. 1
 The reader is given basic information relevant to the narrative.
 There is a little awareness of the reader.

Structure of texts / grammar and punctuation (maximum of 4 marks)

Descriptors Marks

 Clear, well-organised paragraphs structure the narrative with logical links.

 Cohesion is achieved using devices, such as connectives, accurately and consistently.
 Effective use of a variety of sentence structures, including some complex forms. 4
 Structure may be developed to convey shades of meaning and emphasis.
 Grammar and punctuation, including tenses and speech punctuation, are almost always accurate.
(Serious errors may occur where structures are very ambitious.)

 Paragraphs will be used but not consistently, with some attempt to sequence ideas logically.
 Movement between paragraphs may be disjointed.
 Sentence structures are usually simple but reasonably accurate. Errors arise where complex 3
sentences are attempted.
 Past and present tense of verbs are generally consistent, and punctuation is generally correct
throughout the text.

 Paragraphs will be used, but not consistently.

 Some attempt is made to sequence ideas logically. Some opening and closing of ideas may 2
be evident.
 Movement between paragraphs may be disjointed.

 Some basic sequencing is present, with story ideas evident. 1

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 8 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021

Descriptors Marks

 Mainly simple sentences are used, with some variation in sentence openings.
 Generally correct grammar, with sentences usually punctuated accurately.

Spelling (maximum of 2 marks)

Descriptors Marks

Spelling is generally accurate; any errors are in ambitious words. 2

Spelling of commonly used words is generally correct. 1

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 8 – Creamer, Clare & Rees-Bidder © Cambridge University Press 2021

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