OHS-PR-02 - 12 Control of Hazardous Work Energy

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Safety and Health Management System

Procedure No: OHS-PR-02-12
Control of Hazardous Work and Energy
ISO 45001 Clause 8 (8.1.1/8.1.2)

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1 Purpose……………………………………………………………………………………..3
2 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………..3
3 Definition and Acronyms…………………………………………………………………..3
4 Responsibilities……………………………………………………………………………..5
6 Performance Requirements………………………………………………………………19
7 Reference Documents……………………………………………………………………19

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1 Purpose
This procedure establishes minimum requirements for securing, locking and tagging
out energy-isolating devices, and for the protection of workers from the unexpected
release of hazardous energy during installation, maintenance, service and repair
activities involving hazardous energy sources; and
To ensure there are integrated procedures for issuing, receiving, transferring and
closing of permits to work during the installation, operation and maintenance of
identified hazardous operations.

2 Scope
2.1 This procedure applies throughout Saudi Electricity Company and its Subsideries
and any other procedures specified by business line or sector.
2.2 Permanent on-site contractors (e.g. Isolated Power Plants) may utilize their own
work permit procedures as long as the procedures meet or exceed the
requirements outlined in this standard and have been approved by SEC.
2.3 This procedure does not apply to “Non-Operational” Construction sites. These
sites may utilize the work permit procedures of the Main Contractor as long as
those procedures meet or exceed the requirements outlined in this procedure and
have been approved by SEC.

3 Definition and Acronyms

Company: Means the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) or any of its subsidiary
Contract Company Representative: A contractor who is assigned responsibilities
and oversight for a specific task that requires adherence to SEC OHS Procedures.
Disconnect device: A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission
or release of energy, including but not limited to the following:
 A manually operated electrical circuit breaker.
 A disconnect switch.
 A manually operated switch by which the conductors of a circuit can be
disconnected from all ungrounded supply conductors, and, in addition, no pole
can be operated independently.
 Line valves.
Note: Push buttons, selector switches and other control circuit type devices are not
energy isolating devices.
Energized: Equipment that is supplied with an energy source, or contains residual
or stored energy.
Energy Source: Includes electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical,
thermal, stored energy, vacuum, wind, gravitational or other energy.
OHS: Occupational Health and Safety.

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Hold Tags: A prominent warning device, such as a tag with a means of attachment,
which can be securely fastened to an energy isolating device in conjunction with a
lock to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled
may not be operated until the tag and lock is removed. The hold tags should be able
to endure environmental conditions and not spoil due to humidity, water or rust
throughout lockout period. The tag is integrated with lockout devices in preventing
any accidental or unauthorized operation and warns against removing the tag and /
or lock.
Job Safe Procedures (JSP’s): Means a procedure which describes how work is to
be carried out in a safe and standardized step by step process. A safe work
procedure outlines the hazards, risks and associated controls measures to be
applied to ensure the task/activity is conducted in a way to reduce the risk of
Lockout: The placement of a lockout device and hold tag on any energy isolating
device, in accordance with an established procedure, ensuring that the energy
isolating device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the
lockout device is removed.
Lockbox: A secure box used to store group lock keys during group lockout, which
allows personnel to install their personal locks on the box.
Lockout device: A device that utilizes a positive physical means to hold an energy-
isolating device in the safe position. It prevents the energizing of the equipment, and
cannot be easily removed unintentionally. Including blind flanges and bolted slip
Lock off Point(s): Point(s) identified on equipment when a lock out device(s) and
tag(s) can be affixed to prevent unintentional or unauthorized operation or energizing
of equipment.
Multiple Lock Out Device (Scissor Hasp/Clip): A multiple Lockout Device is a lock
out device that helps applying multiple locks in single isolating device but it cannot
be used as stand-alone locking device.
Work permit: An official authorization document issued by an issuer to a receiver in
order to perform a specified work. A work permit is considered an official document
that includes the conditions and requirements that have been agreed to between the
authorized issuer and the authorized receiver and prescribes the minimum safety
requirements and precautions for the task.
Work Permit Issuer: A qualified and competent SEC employee who has been
authorized by his division manager/section head to issue and close out work permits
for any work under his department/division responsibilities.
Work Permit Receiver: An SEC employee or contractor employee who has been
trained and authorized and found competent to receive and close out permits. SEC
employee is authorized by his department/division manager. The contractor's
employee is authorized by sponsoring department/division manager.
Personal Lock: A uniquely keyed lock issued to an employee for their personal
Risk Assessment: Process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from hazard/impact(s),

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taking into account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or
not the risk(s) is acceptable.
SEC: Saudi Electricity Company.
Switching Program/Isolation Procedure: A Written serial instructions issued from
control room or control center to hold a part of the system (electrical line/equipment
or a device) out of service completely for a particular purpose and temporary time by
isolating this part in a specified method.
Top Management: Person or group of people who directs and controls an
organization at the highest level. Note: Top management has the power to delegate
authority and provide resources within the organization provided ultimate
responsibility for the OHS management system is retained.
Zero Energy State: A condition in which an isolated piece of equipment is physically
prevented from release of all potential and/or stored energy, and verified incapable
of an inadvertent release.
Note: The words “shall” and “must” in this document indicate mandatory
requirements. The word “should” indicates a preferred approach.

4 Responsibilities
4.1 Vice Presidents and Executive Directors
4.1.1 Issuing a Work Permit and Lock out Tag out procedure for their area of
authority that fulfills the requirements of this standard.
4.1.2 Ensuring the implementation of this Work Permit and Lock out Tag out
procedure within the areas under their responsibility and control.
4.1.3 Ensuring that all the resources needed to implement the Work Permit and
Lock out Tag out procedure is available to all departments and divisions
under their control and responsibility.

4.2 Managers, Supervisors and Contractors

4.2.1 Ensuring that their employees and contractors are trained and authorized to
implement the Work Permit and Lock out Tag out procedure.
4.2.2 Ensuring safe, consistent and effective implementation of the Work Permit
and Lock out Tag out procedure throughout their area of responsibility.
4.2.3 Ensuring that all equipment and material needed for the implementation of
the Lock out Tag out procedure is available.
4.2.4 Performing a periodic compliance audit of the Work Permit and Lock out Tag
out procedure.

4.3 Industrial Security Sector

4.3.1 Issuing and maintaining the general frame work for the Work Permit and Lock
out Tag out procedure.
4.3.2 Performing a periodic inspection/ audit on the Work Permit and Lock out Tag

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out procedure throughout SEC.

4.4 Employees
4.4.1 Adhere to the requirements of Work Permit and Lock out Tag out procedure.
4.4.2 Complete required Work Permit and Lock out Tag out procedure training.

5 Implementation Requirements

5.1 Work Permit System

5.1.1 General Requirement

 Each Business line or sector shall perform an overall risk assessment for
every site, task and equipment to develop a risk profile.
 Each Business line or sector shall utilize the risk profile to identify the
hazardous activities or processes where work permit are required and
develop procedure to control and manage the risks associated with the
activities or processes according to their risk rating.
 The work permit system shall include the following procedures:
a. Work Permit procedure.
b. Lock Out Tag Out procedure.
c. Qualification, Training and Authorization procedure.
 Each Business line or sector shall ensure that the work permit system is
reviewed and approved by industrial security sector before the
 Types of work permits may include but not limited to the following:
a. Electrical – High voltage
b. Electrical – Low voltage
c. Electrical – De-energized
d. Electrical – none electrical work near energized equipment.
e. Limitation of access
f. Sanction for test
g. Confined space entry
h. Hot work
i. Cold work
j. Work at height
k. Release of flammable liquid or gases
l. Diving operations

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m. Lifting operations
n. Excavation
o. Radiation
p. Handling of Hazardous Materials
 The business line or sector shall issue a clear understandable work permit
procedure to be implemented within their area of responsibility.

5.1.2 Risk Analysis

 The work permit procedure shall consider analyzing the risk of every task
as a mandatory requirement.
 Risks of the task can be analyzed using the following OHS management
system procedure:
a. OHS-PR-02-03 Hazard Identification and Assessment of OHS Risk
which includes.
o Risk assessment for the task, site, equipment shall be in hand with
issuer and receiver to ensure considering every risk might affect the
safety of employees or contractors and;
o Job Safe Procedures (JSP’s) shall be implemented on every task
that requires a work permit. The issuer and receiver shall be able to
read, understand and implement the practices related to the task.
 If risk assessment or safe work procedure is not available, work shall not
be commenced without a one-time written permission from division
manager or higher. The risk assessment and safe work procedure shall
be prepared as soon as possible.
 All the documents including safe work procedure, risk assessment, one-
time permission (if required) shall be attached to the work permit and
made available on site.

5.1.3 Training, Qualification and Authorization Procedures

 The work permit system shall include a procedure for the authorization of
issuers and receivers.
 The authorization procedure shall detail the competence, training, and
qualification requirements (refer to procedure OHS-PR-02-06
Competency, Training and Awareness).
 The authorization procedure shall cover both the technical knowledge and
the safety knowledge required to do the task.
 It is mandatory to ensure that no employee perform any task for which he
is not authorized.

5.1.4 Issuing the Work Permit

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The following steps shall be considered as a minimum standard for issuing
a work permit:
 The Isolation procedure/switching program shall be issued by the control
room or control center and handed to the issuer.
 The issuer shall perform a site visit and issue the work permit at the site.
 The issuer shall perform the isolation of all energy sources.
 All isolation points shall be clearly labeled with permanent labels. The
isolation points must match the numbers shown on the permit.
 The issuer shall ensure that the system is free from all stored energy
and/or inherent risks by any means including but not limited to:
a. Grounding cables.
b. Drain valves.
c. Vents to atmosphere or flares.
d. General Ventilation.
e. Purging with inert gases.
 If residual risks still exist, the issuer shall state those risks clearly in the
work permit and the required controls for them. The residual risks may
include but not limited to:
a. Electrical current induction.
b. Back feed of electrical power.
c. Accumulation of gases and vapors over time.
d. Traffic.
e. Violence.
f. Weather conditions.
 Every energy source like circuit breakers, valves etc., shall be locked and
tagged by the issuer according to the isolation procedure/switching
 Locks and Tags shall be applied according to the Lock out Tag out
 The issuer shall ensure that the numbers of the locks match the numbers
shown in the isolation procedure/switching program.
 The issuer shall write his name in clear letters with his badge number and
sign the work permit.
 Boundaries or interfaces between energized/live portions and isolated
portions shall be properly defined, marked and barricaded to avoid
confusion and to prevent any accidental contact with equipment.

5.1.5 Receiving the Work Permit

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The following steps shall be considered as a minimum standard for
receiving a work permit:
 The receiver shall join the issuer during the site visit and receive the work
permit at the site.
 The receiver shall confirm the isolation of all energy sources.
 The receiver shall ensure that all stored energy has been discharged
 If residual risks still exist, the receiver shall ensure that all measures have
been taken to control those risks to an acceptable level.
 The receiver shall ensure that every energy source is locked and tagged
by the issuer according to the isolation procedure/switching program.
 The number on the lock shall match the number shown in the isolation
procedure/switching program.
 The receiver shall write his name in clear letters with his badge number
and sign the work permit after the issuer.

5.1.6 Transferring Work Permits

 The work permit procedure shall specify a safe procedure to transfer work
permit from one receiver to another during the validity period of the work
 Transferring the work permit shall comply with the following minimum
a. The transfer shall be documented and signed by the authorized
appointed person.
b. The transfer shall be authorized verbally or in writing by immediate
c. All personnel and contractor performing the task shall be made aware
of the transfer.
d. All other parties affected by the change shall be informed.

5.1.7 Closing the Work Permit

The following steps shall be considered as a minimum standard for closing
a work permit:
 The issuer and the receiver shall conduct a joint inspection to ensure that
the work has been completed and the conditions are safe to close the work
 The work permit shall be closed by the signature of both the receiver and
the issuer after the work has been completed and after ensuring that all
personnel, equipment, tools and waste has been removed from the job
 The work permit is closed by the last receiver of the work permit.

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5.1.8 Issuer and Receiver responsibilities Issuer Responsibilities:
 The work permit procedure shall state clearly the responsibilities of the
work permit issuer.
 The responsibilities of the issuer shall include but not limited to:
 A valid up-to date personal SEC-ID card or a temporary authorization
from the Industrial Security Department.
 The issuer shall ensure that the receiver is competent to do the job.
 The issuer shall ensure that the receiver is authorized to receive the
work permit.
 To ensure that all safety equipment needed such as barriers,
barricades and personal protective equipment are provided to secure
the safety of workers and others.
 To stop the work at any time if conditions become unsafe and cancel
the permit.
 To take the necessary action to correct the status if the job is stopped.
 To allow restarting the work after all safety requirements are met and
issue a new permit. Receivers Responsibilities:

 The work permit procedure shall state clearly the responsibilities of the
work permit receiver.
 The responsibilities of the receiver shall include but not limited to:
 The receiver shall ensure that the issuer hold a valid authorization card.
 Perform the work safely and maintain his own safety as well as that of
those who work with him
 Ensure that all required tools and equipment including personal
protective equipment are provided and are inspected and in a good
 Coordinate with the issuer before starting and after completion of the
 Take the necessary action to correct any safety deficiencies
 If the work permit is cancelled due to unsafe conditions he must obtain
a new work permit once the conditions are rectified.
 The receiver must display the correctly filled in permit at the job site for
the entire period of the job so that it is open for safety inspection and
audit. Plastic weather-proof envelopes are ideal for this purpose.

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 If a valid permit is not displayed at the site, the site will be shut down
immediately and workers will be removed from the site.
 If the job is not completed by the end of day, the receiver is responsible
to ensure that the site is safe before leaving the site.
 In case of defect or failure in safety requirements implementation, the
worker with the permission has to stop the work immediately and report
the incident to his direct supervisor and Issuer the permission.
5.1.9 Special Conditions
 The work permit procedure shall state the special conditions where the
requirements of this standard could not be applied effectively.
 It is mandatory to ensure that those special conditions are not abused and
considered as a short cut or loophole to avoid the regular work permit
 For every special condition, the work permit procedure shall state clearly
the process of issuing, receiving, transferring and closing the work permit.
 The special conditions may include but not limited to:
a. Emergency situations.
b. Remote Areas where issuer may not be able to travel to.
c. Issuing one work permit for several different tasks.
d. Receiving multiple work permits by receiver.
e. Issuing different types of work permits for one task.
f. Issuing by telephone or fax
g. Equipment that cannot be locked or tagged.
h. Work permits duration more than one shift.
i. Isolation points with no label number.

5.1.10 Work Permit Duration Period

 The work permit procedure shall specify the work permit duration and the
level of authority required to approve the work permit.
 The work permit procedure shall state clearly the procedure of handling
any work permit that last for more than one shift.
 No work permit shall be issued with duration more than (120) days.

5.1.11 Permit Duration Extension

 The work permit procedure shall specify the procedure for extending the
work permit duration.

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5.1.12 Work Permit Forms
 The authorized forms to be used in every type of the work permit shall be
attached to the work permit.
 Every form shall have a serial number and every copy has a unique
 The work permit procedure shall explain how to fill every form mentioned
in the work permit procedure.
 Every work permit form shall contain the following information as
a. Type of permit.
b. Serial Number.
c. Description of Work to be done.
d. Name and Number Job location.
e. Equipment involved.
f. Validity of the permit.
g. General safety precautions.
h. Additional/Special Precautions.
i. Number of workers.
j. Date / Time of issuing.
k. Issuing: Name, Badge# and signature of the issuer/ receiver.
l. Date / Time of closing.
m. Closing: Name, Badge# and signature of the issuer/ receiver.
n. Date / Time Transferring.
o. Transferring: Name, Badge# and signature of the receivers.
p. Date / Time extending.
q. List of attachments with numbers: Risk assessment, Job Safe
Procedure, Switching Program.

5.1.13 Work Permit Cancellation

 The work permit procedure shall state clearly the process to stop the work
and cancel the work permit.
 The work permit procedure shall state clearly the reasons for cancelling
the work permit.
 The work permit cancellation procedure shall cover the following:
a. The personnel authorized to stop the work.
b. The personnel authorized to cancel the work permit.

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c. The procedure shall be followed to stop the work.
d. The procedure shall be followed to cancel the work permit.
 The work permit cancellation procedure shall state clearly that the safety
engineer or safety inspector from industrial security department is
authorized to stop the work immediately at any location.

5.1.14 Return to Service

The person in charge of the facility/equipment must ascertain that all
personnel are free of exposure to dangerous conditions that may result
when returning the facility/equipment to service, and that isolated
mechanical equipment or grounded equipment are prepared for return to
5.1.15 Work Permit Filing
The department or division issuing the work permit must keep the original
copy of all closed work permits for a minimum of (12) months for the
purpose of the audit (refer to procedure OHS-PR-02-07 Document

5.2 Lockout / Tag out System

5.2.1 General Requirements

 Only approved padlocks and tags shall be issued and used.
 Master keys for the locks are strictly forbidden and non-compliance to this
requirement constitutes a serious violation of this procedure which may
lead to disciplinary action.
 For every lock there shall only be two keys, one key with the authorized
issuer or receiver and the other shall be kept in secure key safe with the
authorized responsible person.
 Multiple lock out hasp shall be used to allow application of more than one
padlock when more than one technician will work independently. Each
technician shall install his own padlock and keep his own key. Identify
competent resources to develop, implement and control emergency
response and preparedness.
 A hold tag shall not be placed without a lock and a lock shall not be placed
without a tag.
 Locking out any device must not affect the operation of any emergency
isolation device for other systems in operation.
 The main switch must be accessible at all times, even if locks are applied
on the distribution board door.
 If lock-out is not possible for any reason the department manager or the
division manager shall be informed and the precautions prescribed must

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be taken to ensure that work can be carried out safely. A written
permission that is valid for one time shall be obtained.
 Lockout / tag out devices must be uniquely identified and not issued for
any other purposes (such as locking gates, toolboxes, lockers, out of
service equipment, etc.)

5.2.2 Applying Locks and Hold Tags

 The issuer of the work permit shall identify the equipment and the point of
 The work permit shall state the equipment number and the corresponding
lock number.
 The issuer of the work permit shall switch / turn off the equipment / valve /
circuit breaker and test to ensure that in fact ZERO ENERGY exists and
that there is no kinetic, stored or second source of energy.
 The issuer of the work permit shall place the multi-lock out hasp device
then place his own lock out device on the point of lock-out.
 The work permit issuer shall apply his own danger tag out.
 The receiver of the work permit shall now place his lock out device on the
same multi-lock out hasp and shall apply his own danger tag out.
 If there are more than one group working for the same work permit
receiver it is advisable to have a lock for every group, otherwise one lock is
sufficient. If the work permit receiver applied more than one lock then he
must apply a tag for every lock.
 All locks shall be required to be attached in a manner that impedes the
operation of the disconnecting means.
 Note: Person applying his personal log must keep his key and only he may
remove his lock and tag when he has ensured and checked that it is safe
to do so.
 Every tag shall state:
a. Name of the person who applied the lock.
b. Purpose of lock out.
c. Date of lock out.
 Remove the lock out and tag only when the task/work has been completed
and all guards/covers are in their original place and safely secured.
 After the completion of the work each lock and tag shall be removed from
each disconnecting means by the technician who applied the lock and tag.

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Example of applying Locks and Hold Tags

5.2.3 Locks and Tags standardization

 The lock out tag out procedure shall describe clearly the design and
specification of the locks and tags.

Lock-Out Device Hold Tags Multi-lock hasps

 The standardized locks and tags shall be used throughout the business
 All old and non-standard locks and tags shall be removed and destroyed.

5.2.4 Lock Cutting

 The lock out tag out procedure shall describe clearly the procedure of
removing any lock if the person who applied the lock is not present and the
lock need to be removed.
 The removal of any lock by any employee other than the person who
applied the lock constitutes a serious violation of this procedure if not
followed strictly which may lead to disciplinary action.
 The procedure shall comply with the following minimum requirements:

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a. The removal of any lock by anybody other than the person who applied
the lock shall be initiated and approved by department manager or
division manager or higher.
b. A representative from the work permit issuing party and a
representative from the receiving party shall approve the removal of the
c. The immediate supervisor of the employee who placed the lock shall
approve the removal of the lock.
d. The removal of any lock can be achieved through using the duplicate
key available from the division manager / supervisor or designated
person. In cases there is no duplicate key, the padlock may be broken
or forced to open.
e. A standard form shall be designed for this procedure. The form shall
have the following information:
o Date and Time of removal.
o Name and badge # for the employee who placed the lock.
o Reason for removing the lock abnormally.
o Lock number.
o Machine, Equipment or Process.
o Work permit # if known.
o Name, badge # and signature for all responsible persons mentioned

5.2.5 Single Lock and Tag Usage

 Single lock and tag can be used only when it is required to prevent
operating any equipment and no work is being performed downstream
from the single lock.
 The single lock must be replaced immediately with multiple lock out hasp if
there is any work to be performed downstream the single lock and it is
affected by the lock.
 Using single lock and tag while there is work been performed on that
equipment constitute a violation to the work permit system.

5.2.6 Lock Out Station

 The lock out tag out procedure shall describe clearly the requirements for
the lock out tag out station.
 Identify a responsible person for monitoring, inspection and recording lock
out tag out process.
 The lock out tag out station can be of any form of the following:
a. Main lock out tag out station located in a control room or a control

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b. Small lock out tag out station located in a substation or a small control
c. Portable lock out tag out station (Lockbox) that could be carried by the
 The lock out tag out station shall contain all types and colors of locks and
tags required to be used for completing tasks, plus a register for recording
of issue of locks and tags.

Example of Multiple Lock Isolation Cabinet and Lockbox

5.2.7 Color Coding

 The lock out tag out procedure shall specify clearly the color coding of the
locks and tags used in the procedure.

 The color coding system shall be according to a clearly understood system

based on:
a. The type of the system, i.e. low voltage, high voltage, water system,
lubes oil system, etc.
b. The profession of a group of people, i.e., operations, maintenance,
protection, testing, etc.; and
c. The duration of the work permit, i.e. one shift, 7 days or less, one
month or less, etc.

5.2.8 Lock and Tags Information

 Every lock shall have a unique number clearly engraved on it.
 Any locks with duplicate numbers shall not be allowed to be used
simultaneously by any means, i.e. one of them shall be removed from lock
out station.
 Every tag shall have a space to note the following information:
a. Name of the person who applied the lock.
b. Purpose of lock out.

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c. Date of lock out.
5.2.9 Types of Locks and Tags

 The lock out tag out procedure shall specify clearly the type of locks and
tags to be used for every process, workplace, equipment etc.

 The type of the lock shall be able to prevent the operation of the equipment
or the device locked.

 The lock out tag out types may include but not limited to:

a. Gate Valve Lockouts.

b. Ball Valve Lockout.
c. Circuit Breaker Lockouts.
d. Padlock.
e. Universal Wall Switch Lockout.
f. Electrical Plug Lockouts.
g. Plug Prong Lockout.
h. Pneumatic Lockout.
i. Lockout Hasps.
j. Danger: Do not operate Tag out.
k. Danger: Out of service Tag out.
5.2.10 Quality of Locks and Tags

 The lock out tag out procedure shall specify the quality specifications for
each type of locks and tags.

 The locks and tags specification shall consider but not limited to the
a. Weather condition.
b. Chemical Environment.
c. Temperature and humidity.

 The lock out tag out equipment shall always be in good condition.

 Any damaged locks or tags shall not be used under any circumstances
and shall be removed, destroyed and replaced.

 The damage might include but not limited to:

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a. Color or number wear fades.
b. Cracks on the lock.
c. Tag is damaged.

6 Performance Requirements
6.1 OHS-STD-02-12 Control of Hazardous Work and Energy

7 Reference Documents
7.1 OHS-PR-02-07 Document Control
7.2 OHS-PR-02-06 Competency, Training and Awareness
7.3 Generation Work Permit Procedure Approved
7.4 Transmission Safety Documents
7.5 DSEM 01001 Authorization of Distribution Staff
7.6 DSEM 01002 Safety Documents
7.7 OHS-PR-02-12-F02 LOTO Inspection

8 Appendices


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