1 Practice Questions Basic Computer Skills

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Practice Exercises: Basic Computer Skills

1. Questions on understanding folders, files and applications

a. Navigate through the paths of the main folders listed below that
you use the most.
i. Desktop
➢ Example: C:/Users/Kings/Desktop
ii. Downloads
iii. Program files /Applications
iv. Documents
v. Your user root folder: Example your Desktop
➢ Apple Drive/Users/user-name/Desktop
b. Clean up your computer by creating folders and rearranging files
i. Note 1: Do not have more than 5 folders on your Desktop
ii. Note 2: Everytime you create a folder or a file, make sure you
give them names that will easily allow you to identify them

2. Questions on understanding your operating system

a. Clean up your taskbar: the taskbar is located at the bottom of your
computer screen giving you access to the icons of frequently used
i. Pin VSC, Chrome, Zoom and WhatsApp and file explorer icons
to your taskbar for now. These are the applications you will
use most frequently.
ii. If there are other application icons pinned to your taskbar,
remove them from your taskbar.

b. Change your Desktop background image to something cooler 😀

3. Questions on understanding Visual Studio Code (VSC)
a. Create a folder called “Evangadi” on your desktop to save all your
works/ projects, related to this course.
From now on, you will save ALL Evangadi course-related papers
and projects in the "Evangadi" subsidiaries folder.
b. Create two folders: "Phase-1" in the "Evangadi" folder and "Week-1"
in the "Phase-1" folder.
c. Create a folder called "VSCPractice" in your "Week-1" folder.
d. Do the tasks under question "e" inside the "VSCPractice" folder, in
e. While you have your “VSCPractice” folder opened in VSC:
i. Create a folder called “js” in the “VSCPractice” folder. Inside
your “js” folder, create a JavaScript file, called “script.js”
ii. Create a css folder called “css” in your “VSCPractice” folder.
Inside your “css” folder, create a css file called, “style.css”
iii. Create an HTML file called “index.html” inside the
“VSCPractice” folder
iv. In your “index.html” file, add any sample text that says “Hello
World” and save it.
v. Open the “index.html” file using your browser and see how it

4. Questions on understanding your browser (Chrome)

a. Install the Adblocker Google Chrome extension
b. Clear the cache in your Chrome browser.
Be careful not to remove passwords that you don't remember
5. Question on mastering Google
a. Google and find a .pdf file that teaches HTML
b. Save the .pdf file in your VSCPractice folder

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