Dare To Spell 2024. Wordlist R1

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Dare to Spell 2024/25

Preliminary Round 1

Suggested Word List

1. accident 32. conversation 64. gallery 96. pharmacy
2. adventure 33. countryside 65. grandparent 97. photographer
3. accident 34. cricket 66. headache 98. pleasant
4. advertisement 35. curtain 67. horrible 99. programme
5. afterwards 36. dangerous 68. immediately 100. quarter
6. ambulance 37. delicious 69. important 101. quickly
7. amazing 38. department 70. impossible 102. raincoat
8. apartment 39. design 71. information 103. receptionist
9. autumn 40. dictionary 72. instruction 104. roundabout
10. awesome 41. difficult 73. international 105. secretary
11. balloon 42. dinosaur 74. instrument 106. scientist
12. beautiful 43. direction 75. jewellery 107. sightseeing
13. beginner 44. download 76. journalist 108. skateboard
14. biology 45. electricity 77. journey 109. stomach
15. bookshelf 46. earring 78. keyboard 110. successful
16. bracelet 47. elevator 79. language 111. surprised
17. brilliant 48. engineer 80. lemonade 112. swimsuit
18. businessman 49. environment 81. licence 113. technology
19. cafeteria 50. entrance 82. luggage 114. television
20. campsite 51. envelope 83. magazine 115. thunderstorm
21. centimeter/ 52. equipment 84. mechanic 116. tomorrow
centimetre 53. examination 85. medicine 117. tourist
22. ceiling 54. excellent 86. midnight 118. trousers
23. cereal 55. exhibition 87. musical 119. umbrella
24. certainly 56. expensive 88. nature 120. unfortunately
25. chemistry 57. experience 89. necklace 121. underground
26. cheque 58. explorer 90. neighbour 122. university
27. chocolate 59. favourite 91. omelette 123. usually
28. classical 60. festival 92. opposite 124. uniform
29. colleague 61. foreign 93. paragraph 125. various
30. comfortable 62. frightened 94. passenger 126. vocabulary
31. congratulations 63. furniture 95. performance 127. variety
128. violin 160. shelter 192. square 224. classify
129. waitress 161. device 193. breath 225. extinct
130. wardrobe 162. hatch 194. insulator 226. limitation
131. wildlife 163. mimosa 195. breathe 227. quantity
132. windsurfing 164. shoot 196. investment 228. virus
133. weather 165. average 197. pendulum 229. compare
134. website 166. diagram 198. stimuli 230. faeces
135. wonderful 167. height 199. calculate 231. liquids
136. worried 168. minimum 200. excessive 232. volume
137. geography 169. axis 201. latex 233. condition
138. physics 170. discount 202. percentage 234. litre
139. appointment 171. horizontal 203. sting 235. reaction
140. absorb 172. mixture 204. cause 236. width
141. conversion 173. solar system 205. excretion 237. conducive
142. maximum 174. bacteria 206. leaflets 238. float
143. reuse 175. disease 207. perimeter 239. recycle
144. accuracy 176. income 208. sweat 240. conductor
145. cube 177. mode 209. centimetre 241. fraction
146. round off 178. stem 210. experiment 242. magnify
147. addition 179. beaker 211. leather 243. reduce
148. cuboid 180. dividend 212. predict 244. construction
149. graph 181. infer 213. urinate 245. frequency
150. measurement 182. movement 214. chart 246. mankind
151. scale 183. solids 215. explain 247. reference
152. algae 184. birth 216. length 248. contact
153. curl 185. inhale 217. profit 249. fungus
154. grease 186. oblong 218. vaccine 250. reproduce
155. metal 187. spores 219. circumference
156. schedule 188. breadth 220. explore
157. antibiotic 189. electricity 221. life cycle
158. defecate 190. innovate 222. pulse
159. millipede 191. parallel 223. value

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