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The Role of Media in Today

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The role of media in today's

(Muzna Shakeel, Karachi)

In the world of today, media has become as necessary as food and clothing. It has played
significant role in strengthening the society. Media is considered as "mirror" of the modern
society, infect, it is the media which shapes our lives.

The purpose of the media is to inform people about current, new affairs and to tell about the
latest gossip and fashion. It tells about the people who are geographically divided.

The role of media has become one way of trading and marketing of products and prejudices.
The media claimed to be governed by righteousness and equity, but greed and self-
aggrandizement has poisoned its virtues.
Media is in-charge of:
1 information
2 education
3 entertainment
4 advertising
5 correlation of parts of society

Society is influenced by media in so many ways. It is the media for the masses that helps
them to get information about a lot of things and also to form opinions and make judgments
regarding various issues! It is the media which keeps the people updated and informed
about what is happening around them and the world. Everyone can draw something from it.

Media has had a bad effect on a generation, mainly because youth is strongly influenced by
media. Teenagers and children wish to follow the people, who get recognized and do what
they do to get noticed. Sometimes, they focus on bad part of the media and strive to be a
part of it. However, many are not succumbed to a life of crime!

These are the things which get into Young civilian minds!

The media affects people's perspective. Too much intervention of media in everything is a
matter of concern. Media can be considered as "watch dog" of political democracy. Through
the ages, the emphasis of media on news has camouflaged. Media these days, tries to eye
the news, which could help them to sell the information that is gathered worldwide, so that
they could pave a way of success and fame of their respective channels. FM radios,
newspapers, information found on net and television are the mass Medias that serve to
reduce the communication gap between the audience, viewers and the media world. For the
sake of publicity and selling, important figures, their lifestyles are usually targeted.
Unimportant and irrelevant news, that usually have no importance are given priority and
due to a reason or the other, they get onto the minds of the viewers and in this ways many
a times, important political, economical and sociological news get neglected and gradually,
lose their importance!

No doubt, media has played significant role in making world a global village and to reduce
the communication gaps amongst the people living in the far areas but unfortunately, media
these days has become a COMMERCIALIZED SECTOR, eying the news which are hot and
good at selling. The goal is to gain the television rating points.
I believe, if the media identifies its responsibility and work sincerely and honestly, then it
can serve as a great force in building the nation.

An Essay on the Role of Media

The term media is derived from Medium, which means carrier or mode. Media denotes an item
specifically designed to reach a large audience or viewers. The term was first used with the
advent of newspapers and magazines. However, with the passage of time, the term broadened by
the inventions of radio, TV, cinemas and Internet.

In the world of today, media has become almost as necessary as food and clothing. It is true that
media is playing an outstanding role in strengthening the society. Its duty is to inform, educate
and entertain the people. It helps us to know current situation around the world. The media has a
strong social and cultural impact upon society. Because of its inherent ability to reach large
number of public, it is widely used to convey message to build public opinion and awareness.


Mass media can be used for various purposes:


The original idea behind the creation of various ‘media means’ was to entertain masses. Radio,
TV, cinemas and magazines spend most of their resources targeting on entertaining items and
programs. Because of the growing population and developing lifestyle, the demand for more
entertainment is increasing. Every year billion of dollars is traded in entertainment industry.

News & Current Affairs:

One of major duties of media today is to inform the people about the latest happening around
them and the world. They cover all aspects of our interest like weather, politics, war, health,
finance, science, fashion, music, etc. The need for more and more news has evolved into creation
of dedicated TV & radio channels and magazines. People can listen, watch and read latest news
whenever and wherever they want.

Political Awareness:

Media is the overseer of the political system. If it plays its role honestly, it will be a great force in
building the nation. It plays a great role in bringing common man close to their leaders. The
media focuses in bringing details of all major political situations, decisions and scenarios. Hence
people can better understand their rights and make better decisions.

Because of the power of media is so extensive and huge, it can be used to educate people with
very little cost. Imagine a classroom in every city with thousands of students being taught by just
one teacher. But unfortunately, because of money-making approach of media and lack of interest
by government, very less work is done in spreading the education.

Public Announcements:

Various authorities and agencies utilize the power of media to spread informative messages to
public. This may include warning against a storm or epidemic, delay in arrival or departure of
flights and trains, etc. In some cases, it is legally binding to publish notices in newspaper like
tenders, change of property ownership, etc.


Almost all business concerns uses the power of media to sell their products. They advertise in
media for the enhancement of business purposes. Huge amounts of money are invested in media
for marketing of a product. The more attractive the advertisement, the more people will follow it.


Even though there are lot of plus points for use of media but there are also many disadvantages
associated with it. Media has the bad effect of inducing baseless ideas through advertisements.
People are forced to buy harmful or substandard products. Sometimes, the Media develops
unnecessary sensation and distortion of truth to attract attention. Because of its power to build
public opinion, the influence of media can make or break the government.


The media has the power of educating people, the good and the bad. Since it affect the eyes, the
ears and the mind simultaneously nothing can overcome the influence of the media. The media in
the advanced society should perform a noble mission of enlightening people and discourage
sectarian, communal and divisive trends.

The Role and Importance of Media in our daily life

Media is an important part of our life now, it is playing a very important role in every way of life. It
connects us with the scenarios in the world and informs us many things like news, history,
entertainment etc. Which helps us lot in being an upgraded personality.

There was a time when man used to know nothing about the happenings in this world, his outer
knowledge was just up to his backyard or village. But as time passes, things discovered and new ideas
and thoughts invented things like Camera, Satellite, Microphone, Machinery etc. These things made life
easy for every single individual living in this world. Man was being updated day by day and minute by
minute from each and every news.
Now in this time, media is so vast that we just need to turn on our televisions by pressing a button and
we get all the knowledge that we want or even just by searching on search engines on the internet we
get each and every information regarding, news, history, geography, music and entertainment and many
more and for this the good and common example we have is google.com. We can find each and
everything or any kind of news and updates by just writing the name on this search engine and on the
next second we can see the news and information about that particular subject.

Media helps in bringing the true facts and information of the world in front of our eyes. If there was no
media, then there was life but without any information and knowledge.

Importance of media

1. Media is the most popular tool of communication

2. The word global village has been given to the world just because of media
3. Importance of media in nation building cannot be neglected.
4. Media is very integral part of our lives therefore they generate popular interest and debate
about any social problem


1. Helps in getting awareness about the world

2. Helps in bringing the world together
3. Cheap way of communication
4. People know what is wrong and right
5. Helps in research and analysis
6. Entertain people
7. Advertisement has been made very easy


The media, known as the fourth pillar of democracy has a huge impact on society

There are both positive and negative impacts media has on society

Some arte media effects are changes in





1. It should be truthful, fair and objective

2. It should follow agreed codes of ethics and professional conducts
3. It should represent the public and should speak for them


1. Ability to bring the change both on a social and government level is the most powerful strength
if media in any society

Global Warming: Causes, Effects and

Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our planet. It is, in fact, the increase in the
temperature of the earth’s neon- surface air. It is one of the most current and widely discussed
factors. It has far-reaching impact on biodiversity and climatic conditions of the planet. Several
current trends clearly demonstrate that global warming is directly impacting on rising sea levels,
the melting of ice caps and significant worldwide climate changes. In short, global warming
represents a fundamental threat to all living things on earth.

Global average temperature rose significantly during the past century. The prevailing scientific
view is that most of the temperature increases since mid-20th century has been caused by
increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations produced by human activity. Most
scientists agree that planet’s temperature has risen 0.5 degree Celsius since 1900 and will
continue to increase at an increasing rate. As a result, the world is getting warmer. The year 1990
was the hottest year in the last century.

Together with 1991, the years of 1983, 1987, 1988 and 1989 have been measured to be the
warmest six years in the last hundred years. The year 1991 was the second warmest year of the
past century. The consequences of the rise in temperature is being felt all over the globe the
findings of scientific research done in this field reveal that the temperature of the earth is likely
to rise from 1.4°C to 5.8°C within a period of 100 years.

Unfortunately, the imbalance which we have created between our life and earth is already
showing the signs disasters in the form of flood, cyclones, landslides, tsunami, drought, etc. If
the imbalance continues to rise, one day this will pose a question mark on the existence of this
planet. Carbon dioxide (C02) which is an important constituent of environment is causing a
warming effect on the earth’s surface.

It increases the evaporation of water into the atmosphere. Since water vapour itself is a
greenhouse gas, this causes still more warming. The warming causes more water vapour to be
evaporated. The C02 level is expected to rise in future due to ongoing burning of fossil fuels and
landuse change. The rate of rise will depend largely on uncertain economic, sociological,
technological and natural developments. Other gases such as methane, CFCs, nitrous oxide,
tropospheric ozone are also responsible for global warming. Increases in all these gases are due
to explosive population growth, increased industrial expansion, technological advancement,
deforestation and growing urbanisation, etc.

Trees play a significant role in the global carbon cycle. They are the largest land-based
mechanism for removing carbon dioxide from the air. Deforestation is checking these positive
processes. It is the second principle cause of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforestation is
responsible for 25 per cent of all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, by the burning and
cutting of 34 million acres of trees each year. Everyday over 5500 acres of rainforest are
destroyed. As a consequence of massive loss of forests, global CO, levels rise approximately 0.4
per cent each year, the levels not experienced on this planet for millions of years. As we know
the forests are the great absorbers of CO,,.

There is a close relation between global warming and population growth. Today the large
population on earth is using the technologies which are destructive for the earth. Approximately,
80 per cent of atmospheric C02 increases are due to man’s use of fossil fuels either in the form of
coal, gas or oil. A large portion of carbon emission is attributed to the burning of gasoline in
internal-combustion engine of vehicles. Vehicles with poor gas mileage contribute the most to
global warming. Besides, the sulphur group gas is the most harmful for this. Its contribution is 30
per cent in global warming. This gas is also emitted from the burning of fossil fuels.
Increase in global temperatures will cause rise in sea level.

It will lead to melting of glaciers, changes in rainfall patterns, increased intensity and frequency
of extreme weather. As per the latest survey report the rate of melting of glaciers has seen sharp
increase in recent times. Even those glaciers are affected from global warming which have been
considered permanent. The shrinking of glaciers is going to pose a major problem of drinking

The sea levels as a result of melting of glaciers have risen from 0.35 mm to 0.4 mm. Scientists
have warned in their reports that most of the glaciers will disappear within a period of 15 to 25
years. It will create problems of drinking water and food grains in most of the North American
countries. India is not unaffected from it. The Himalayan glaciers have shrunk about 30 per cent
after 1970.

The rise in sea levels is a major cause of concern. A large number of cities located in coastal
areas will submerge in the sea. Besides, many island countries will ultimately “lose their
existence and will be washed away from the surface of the earth. The damage of rising sea levels
is diverse. Buildings and roads close to the water could be flooded and they could suffer damage
from hurricanes and tropical storms. Experts believe that global warming could increase the
intensity of hurricanes by over 50 per cent. In addition, as the sea rises, beach erosion takes
place, particularly on steep banks.
Wetlands are lost as the level rises. Rise in atmospheric temperature will lead to the outbreak of
air¬borne and water-borne diseases. It would also contribute to the rise in death caused by heat.
The problem of drought would be frequent. Consequently, malnutrition and starvation will pose
serious challenge before humanity.
Global warming is a great threat to the flora and fauna of the earth. A large number of species of
them may become extinct.

The expanse of desert would increase. Low rainfall and rising temperature could add to the
intensity and frequency of dusty storm. This in turn will immensely affect the quality of
agricultural land, ultimately causing adverse effect on agricultural produce. It would have far-
reaching socio-economic impact.

In Indian context, the impact of global warming is a matter of grave concern. As is well known,
India is mainly an agricultural country and agriculture here is gamble of the monsoon, e.g.
largely depending on rainfall. Though it is to affect the whole country, the worst likely impact
would be on central and northern India which is high-yielding parts of the country. These are the
regions which produce the largest agricultural yield. The rise in atmospheric temperature and fall
in rain would naturally result in decline in crop production. Moreover, it would have great effect
on biodiversity as well.

The growing concerns over global temperatures have led to the nations, states, corporations and
individuals to draw out a plan of action to avert the situation. As a result the world’s primary
international agreement on combating global warming was reached in Kyoto in 1997 which
came to be known as Kyoto Protocol. However, ten years have passed; the situation does not
appear to be very changed. It seems that the member countries are not very serious about its
devastating effects.

In addition, forestation can be of great help in this regard. Planting more trees and reducing
timber cuts worldwide will help restore the imbalance. Secondly, we must follow on
environmental policy of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’, i.e. promoting the reuse of anything. Thirdly,
the use of fuel-efficient vehicles should be promoted as these vehicles have lower emissions of
harmful gases. Fourthly, every individual should be aware of the importance of the protecting
environment. Besides, eco- friendly technologies must be promoted, and must be substituted
with the technologies which cause great emission of global warming gases. Public awareness
campaign can be of great help in this regard because unless each and every individual is aware
only governments’ effect cannot bring desired difference.

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