Homeopathic Heritage October Issue 2023

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Bringing Classical and Contemporary Homoeopathy Together

ISSN: 9070-6038 Vol. 49, No. 7, October 2023

Psychosomatic Diseases And Homoeopathy

• Psychosomatic Diseases and Homoeopathy
• Insulin Resistance in Connection to PCOS
November 2–4 Online

Simultaneous translation

Summit 2023

Imponderables, Sarcodes
and Evolution
2 | The Homoeopathic Heritage September 2023
Vol. 49, No. 7, October 2023,
Pages: 142

Dr Chaturbhuja Nayak Richard Moskowitz

Dr Eswara Das Roberto Petrucci
Dr Farokh J. Master
Francis Treuherz Dr Sanjay Sehgal
Dr Kamal Sethi Dr Subhas Singh
Dr Rashi Prakash Dr Meeta Gupta Dr Subrata Kumar Banerjea
IN HOUSE EDITOR Dr Monika Kathuria Dr Tarkeshwar Jain
Dr Mansi Aggarwal Dr Queenita Fernandes Todd Rowe
LANGUAGE EDITOR Dr Raj Kumar Manchanda Torako Yui
Dayna Lynn Davis Dr Robert Mathie Dr Uttareshwar R. Pachegaonkar

ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dr Sandeep Sathye Dr Yogesh Sehgal


Dr Anit Acharya Dr Ajit Kulkarni
Dr H. L. Chitkara
Dr Anum Zaheer Dr Bipin Jain
Dr Praful Vijayakar
Dr Geeta Rani Arora Chaim Rosenthal
Dr Robin Murphy
Dr Hitarth Mehta Frederik Schroyens
Dr S. P. Koppikar
Dr Kavitha Kukunoor Grant Bentley
Dr Krutik Shah Jan Scholten Manish Jain
Dr Manpreet Kaur Jeremy Sherr [email protected]

Dr Poorav Desai Dr Kamlesh Mehta Layout and Design : Ankita Rajput

Dr Shilpi Rastogi Luc De Schepper For subscription, change of address,
Dr Shweta Singh Dr L.M. Khan exchange
Dr Yashika Arora Malhotra Miranda Castro of copy or any other complaint:
Dr Yogesh Niturkar Dr M.K. Sahani [email protected]
REVIEWERS Dr P. K. Sudhir Website
Dr Ashish Indani Dr Rajat Chattopadhyay www.homeopathicheritage.com
Dr Clare Relton
Published by: Mr Kuldeep Jain on behalf of
M/s. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
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Note: The views and opinions expressed by the authors of articles published in this journal are not necessarily those of the editors and publishers.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 3

Psychosomatic Disorders and Its
EDITORIAL Homoeopathic Perspective SPECIAL SECTION
Dr Rashi Prakash 5 Dr Prince Kumar 38 Role of Motivation in Homoeopathic
Chronic Care Patient Management
Perspiration and Its Significance in
EDITOR’S DESK Homoeopathy Dr. Grace Thokchom 96
“Role of Homoeopathy in Psychosomatic
Dr. Saurav Biswas, Dr. Supriya Pramanik, Dr. Homoeopathic Drug Proving on Sick:
Disorders” Prabin Kumar Shaw, Dr. Sheetal Mishra, Dr. First Step Towards A Model
Suman Samanta 42
Dr Bipin Jain 7
Dr Manpreet Kaur, Dr S M Singh, Dr Pankaj
Psychosomatic Diseases and Aggarwal, Dr Vandana Gambhir, Dr Chaturbhuja
Nayak 98

DR. HENRY CLAY ALLEN - The Dr. Khushboo Gupta, Dr. Sapna Nagwar, Dr. Itti CASE STUDY
Mishra 49
Promulgator of Pure Homoeopathy
Homoeopathic Medicinal Solution as the
Dr. Subhas Singh, Dr. Niharika Shaw, Dr. Vignesh Migraine and It’s Homoeopathic
Best Tool in Management of Urolithiasis –
K. , Dr. Dinesh Sura 10 Approach - an Overall Review
A Case Series
Dr Patranu Parui, Dr Neelavna Dey
Dr. D. Sampaul Ravin 123

Basis of Prescription In Homoeopathy:

Different Approaches
Prevailing “Maintaining Causes”- The CASE REPORT
Biggest and Probably Unavoidable
Obstacle in Recovery An Evidence Based Case Study of
Dr Chaturbhuja Nayak, Dr. James Michael 62
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Dr. Mansi Aggarwal 58
Dr. Mayuri Verma 115
SUBJECTIVE Hypertension: Detection, Evaluation and
Its Management Herpes Zoster Managed with
Insulin Resistance in Connection to Homoeopathy: A Case Report
PCOS Dr. Nitin saklani 68
Dr. Sumanta Kamila, Dr. Sanjay Sarkar, Dr. Rayba
Dr. Rajat Chattopadhyay, Dr.Ritika Bose, Dr Importance of Knowing Epidemiology of Khatoon 134
Sumanta Kamila 12 Communicable Diseases

Understanding the Homeopathic Dr. Alok Nath Shaw, Dr. Sanjit Biswas, Dr. RESEARCH
Approach in Treating Psychosomatic Akancha Singh 73
Diseases Psychosomatic disease Alopecia
‘Antagonism with Herself ’ from Kent’s
with Acrophobia and Individualized
Dr. Rakhi 18 Repertory
Homoeopathy– A Retrospective Analysis
Psychosomatic Disease and It’s Dr. Rajiv Rui Viegas Peres 76
Dr. Yogeshwari Gupta, Dr. Anshul Chahar, Dr.
Homoeopathic Approach Samridhi Sharma 90
Allergies : on the Axis of Psychosomatic
Dr Rohit Kumar Priya 22 REPERTORY
Psychosomatic Diseases Dr Janki Solanki 79
Anxiety : with a View on Homoeopathic
Prastuti Jaiswal, Dr. Sristi Chakraborty, Dr. Role of Homoeopathy in Allergic Repertories
Shayantan Kumar Das 27 Reactions
Dr. Rimi Srivastava 109
Utility Homoeopathy in Psychosomatic Dr. Lata K. Mallannavar, Dr. Ashwin S. Kulkarni
Diseases 84 BOOK REVIEW
Bithiah Thomas 31 Tourette Syndrome: Homoeopathy’s Role
Essentials of Boger’s Principles And
in Enhancing Quality of Life
Practice of Homeopathy Compiled
Psychosomatic Disease: Modern Outlook
Dr. Preeti Jha, Shaikh Mohammed Hamza
and Homeopathy Dr. Gobind Narayan Gupta 138
Jamaluddin 87
Dr Jolly Khan 34

Dear Readers,

While society often ignores psychosomatic illnesses taking them to be mere calls for attention or hy-
pochondriasis, Psychosomatic disorders are very much a reality, particularly in a world where stress
is a constant. This issue of The Homeopathic Heritage is aimed at acquainting our readers with the
myriad presentations of psychosomatic illnesses and the significance of Homeopathy as a treatment
modality therein.

While society often ignores psychosomatic ill- or can offer further treatment options”.
nesses taking them to be mere calls for attention
or hypochondriasis, Psychosomatic disorders are While that is the take of a doctor belonging to
very much a reality, particularly in a world where the conventional school of medicine, if we look
stress is a constant. Psychosomatic disorder in- at the situation from a ‘unity of medicine’ angle,
volves both the mind and physical body. Derived we know that unlike allopathy, homeopathy does
from Greek words- ‘Psyche’ meaning mind and have a solution. Homeopathy takes into account
‘Soma’ meaning body, this disorder takes shape the moral sphere of the patient when considering
when causes in the mental sphere begin influenc- the totality of the case in order to reach the most
ing the physical body leading to the initiation, suited medicine. Aphorism 225 of the Organon of
maintenance or progression of the physical symp- Medicine reads-
“There are, however, as has just been stated, cer-
Britannica describes psychosomatic disease in the tainly a few emotional diseases which have not
following words- “Psychosomatic disorder, also merely been developed into that form out of cor-
called Psychophysiologic Disorder, (is a) condi- poreal diseases, but which, in an inverse manner,
tion in which psychological stresses adversely the body being but slightly indisposed, originate
affect physiological (somatic) functioning to the and are kept up by emotional causes, such as con-
point of distress. It is a condition of dysfunction tinued anxiety, worry, vexation, wrongs and the
or structural damage in bodily organs through in- frequent occurrence of great fear and fright. This
appropriate activation of the involuntary nervous kind of emotional disease in time destroys the
system and the glands of internal secretion. Thus, corporeal health, often to a great degree.”
the psychosomatic symptom emerges as a physi-
Britannica cites- “Research by psychiatrist Franz
ological concomitant of an emotional state.”
Alexander and his colleagues at the Chicago Insti-
In one of its articles on Psychosomatic disorders, tute of Psychoanalysis in the 1950s and 1960s sug-
the Lancet quoted consultant neurologist Su- gested that specific personality traits and specific
zanne O’Sullivan (National Hospital for Neurol- conflicts may create particular psychosomatic ill-
ogy and Neurosurgery, London, UK)- “Psycho- nesses, but it is generally believed that the form
somatic disorders are not neurological disorders. a disorder takes is due to individual vulnerabili-
Laughter is the ultimate psychosomatic symp- ties”.
tom.” How many people know that? There is no
In such a scenario, Homeopathy being a highly
medical explanation of how the brain produces
individualized system of medicine has miracu-
laughter, and there are many different types.
lous medicines to offer to the ailing patient. The
However, laughter is not a life-threatening prob-
consideration of family history, social relations,
lem. Not like seizures, crippling pain, and fatigue
diathesis and constitution of a patient while con-
so intense that life has lost its purpose or work
structing the totality reflects individualization
becomes impossible, and no one has any answers

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 5

which is the sole need when dealing with psycho- somatic illnesses that have been successfully dealt
somatic ailments. with homeopathy by our homeopaths. Besides,
this issue features the editorial desk by Dr. Bipin
This issue of The Homeopathic Heritage is aimed Jain, a notable name in the field of classical ho-
at acquainting our readers with the myriad pre- meopathy, the special section which presents the
sentations of psychosomatic illnesses and the sig- continuation of the article on Drug Proving and a
nificance of Homeopathy as a treatment modality distinct column called ‘In Italics’ by Dr Chaturb-
therein. huj Nayak, Chairman, Special Committee on Fun-
damental Research,
Quick Word on Issue Content
CCRH, guiding us on The Basis of Prescription in
This issue of The Homoeopathic Heritage is
Homeopathy. Additionally, in this issue of The
themed ‘Role of Homeopathy in Psychosomatic
Homeopathic Heritage, Dr. Subhas Singh, Direc-
Disorders’. With myriad articles presenting the
tor, NIH, takes our readers through the life sketch
views of young writers, the issue brings forth a
of Dr. H. C. Allen while a glympse of Dr. S. K. Ti-
number of articles which present cases of psycho-
wari’s work- ‘Essentials of Boger’s Principles and
Practice of Homeopathy’ has been given by Dr.
Gobind N. Gupta.

Dr Rashi Prakash
[email protected]

Note: The Homoeopathic Heritage is a peer-reviewed journal since January 2013. All articles arepeer-
reviewed by the in-house editorial team. Articles selected from each issue are sent for peer-review
by an external board of reviewers and marked with a ‘peer-reviewed’ stamp.For inclusion of articles
in the peer-review section, kindly send your articles 3-4 months in advance of the said month at
[email protected].

Call for papers for the upcoming issues:

Unbolt Yourself
Issue Topic Date
November 2023 Clinical Trials In Homoeopathy September 15, 2023
December 2023 Role Of Homoeopathy In Surgical Cases October 15, 2023
January 2024 Homoeopathy as Preventive Therapy in Non-Communicable Diseases November 15, 2023

6 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Editor's Desk

“Role of Homoeopathy in Psychosomatic

Dr Bipin Jain

Psychosomatic word is derived from the Greek those emotional disturbances like continued anxi-
word, where “Psyche” means mind and “Soma” ety, worry, vexation, great fear and fright on the
Means Body. The World Health Organization ex- course of time leads to physical disease.
plained the psychosomatic concept, where exter-
nal or internal environmental factors trigger the Homoeopathy as a holistic medicine has already
neuro-endocrine systems leading to change in incorporated the role of constitution, biological
functional state of specific target organs and motor and social factors in development of disease and
systems leading to dysfunction in psycho-biolog- also focused on treating the “individual” and not
ical functioning. So, it suggests role of “internal” the disease. The concept of Predisposition, which
causes i.e. biological factors in causation, devel- we derive from the family history and past his-
opment, progress of disease; psychologically the tory, helps us to understand the affinity of the
mental health, role of stress, adaptation, personal- individual and type of disease process s/he may
ity characteristics and “external” causes like lack develop; which is nothing but the biological fac-
of support from society, social position, various tors as suggested above in development of dis-
stressors; in evolution of disease. The term “psy- ease. The concept of disposition which evolve in
chosomatic” first used by German Psychiatrist the life cycle through continuous interaction of
Heinroth in 1818 and Felix Deutsch introduced internal and external factor for better survival, in-
the term “Psychosomatic Medicine” in 1922. Un- corporates the mental and physical traits; specifi-
der psychosomatic concept, its considered that, cally, the mental disposition, which is a “internal”
all physical illness are because of mental factors phenomenon interacts with “external” environ-
(like persons thoughts, feelings and overall men- ment like society’s demands, norms, culture and
tal health) which determine their evolution (on- through the action and expressions we are able to
set and course), response to management and its understand the evolution of personality. Diathe-
resolution. sis gives us idea about the affinity, to which indi-
vidual is prone to; so relating with predisposition
One of the important components is “role of and HPA axis, how the individual is going to get
stress” in developing the psychosomatic medi- affected at tissue – organ – system level. The dis-
cine as has been experimented and postulated position strikes a balance with the environment,
by Hans Selye. Selye felt his theory of stress was so that individual is adapted well, but when there
extension of ideas proposed by Claude Bernard’s is imbalance and maladaptation occurs, individu-
Milieu interieur and Walter Canon’s homoeosta- al lands up in Disease. Hahnemann was far ahead
sis and linked hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal of his time and he incorporated all these concepts
(HPA) axis in coping and expressing the Stress. much before even the modern concepts were un-
Selye proposed that stress is always present in an folded.
individual, in entire period of exposure to internal
or external causes and nonspecific demands. There was a case of a married lady had a stress-
ful childhood. Her father was alcoholic and
Hahnemann in Organon of medicine (1st edition died early due to complications. Mother needed
which is published in 1810) in aphorism 5 has men- to emotionally fragile sister. She had to take up
tioned, to understand the chronic diseases, apart early responsibility, had to work and do the stud-
from physical constitution, inquiry should be ies simultaneously to complete her graduation in
made about the moral and intellectual character, textile. Patient is very conscientious and sensitive
occupation, mode of living and habits; social and for various inputs. she did love marriage and had
domestic relations. In aphorism 225, described very supportive and loving in-law’s family and

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 7

Editor's desk
husband. In-laws were having only expectation of As describe in both above cases, there is role of
grandchild and sadly there was a need of planned disposition which is getting interacted with en-
abortion during her first pregnancy due to con- vironment and leading to imbalance at mental
genital anomaly found on sonography. Due to (emotional, intellectual, behavioral) and body. At
grief she was not able to conceive again. She went this time, traditionally the management of psy-
in to profound grief and also developed allergic chosomatic involves psychotherapy.
rhinitis with sinusitis, Costochondritis, Function-
al backache and Spasmodic dysmenorrhea. The But Hahnemann had already given directions in
lady carried a strong guilt of not able to fulfil the “Organon” in aphorism 212 and 213, the individ-
wish of her in-laws as DIL and kept on brooding ualistic homoeopathic medicines which are capa-
on same. This eventually led to depression. Here ble of altering the state of disposition and mind,
we are able to see, how conscientious disposition which are selected on the basis of similarity, are
who suffers due to profound grief as not able to capable to cure mental diseases. The similarity
reciprocate to the people who gave her love. Based can be seen in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica,
on this understanding of the person Ignatia was where each remedy has its own peculiar symp-
prescribed which relieved her from chronic grief tomatology which is full of causative modalities,
and also with all her physical suffering and she emotional & intellectual states and symptoms, be-
delivers a normal child after one year. Case dem- haviors. These images help us to reach similimum
onstrate the application of psychosomatic concept and as Hahnemann suggested can alter the state
of Homoeopathy and its correlation in HMM of mind and disposition, to alter the imbalance
into balance.
In another case, there was a sensitive boy who
after being reprimanded in the school by the Predisposition, disposition and diathesis when
teacher, he becomes mute, does not respond to lead to disease both at mental and physical level
any one, stopped eating, developed cramps. In due to fundamental cause, maintaining cause and
this case, the emotional sensitivity of the boy is exciting cause, Homoeopathy at holistic level not
so heightened that the reprimand is being taken only take care of disease but also brings stability
up as being humiliated, leading to the physical ill- od disposition which is vulnerable to suffer. So,
ness. Staph1M brings him back. homoeopathy is most suitable science to manage
psychosomatic illnesses.
Stalwarts’ Expedition


The Promulgator of Pure Homoeopathy
Dr. Subhas Singh, Dr. Niharika Shaw, Dr. Vignesh K. , Dr. Dinesh Sura

Dr. Henry C. Allen was born on 2nd October 1830 sor of Homoeopathic Materia Medica in Univer-
in the village of Nilestown in London. His father sity of Michigan in Ann Arbor from 1880 to 1885.
was Hugh Allen and mother Martha Billings Al- Later he shifted to Chicago in 1890 and remained
len. Man of great grace and poise, Dr. Allen was here for the rest of his life.
amongst those who promulgated Hahnemann’s
Homoeopathy. A pioneer who dedicated his life Dr. H. C. Allen And Hering Medical College
for enhancement of practical approach and appli- Dr. H.C. Allen along with other physicians start-
cation of Homoeopathy as taught by Hahnemann. ed conducting small Materia Medica Clubs from
He authored many books on specific disease con- winters of 1890 in Chicago where Hahnemann’s
ditions other than his masterpiece ‘Allen’s Key- Homoeopathic philosophy was discussed and
notes’ which mainly contains clinically verified taught along with Homoeopathic Materia Medi-
symptoms of 188 medicines. ca. Dr. H.C. Allen was not only a senior member
Early Life and Education at this club but was also an active figure at Ameri-
can Institute of Homoeopathy. Frequent meetings
Allen received his early education from common were held with five to twenty members of the club
grammar school in London Ontario where later in the Town Hotel until all of them got acquainted
on, he also taught for some time. Dr. Allen joined with the law and principles of healing art.
Western Homoeopathic College at Cleveland,
Ohio (later known as Cleveland Homoeopathic It wasn’t until the annual meeting of International
College) for his medical studies and graduated in Hahnemannian Association in 1891 that the idea be-
1861. He did his further medical studies from Col- hind these clubs was decided to be given a big-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada. ger shape by forming a college which later came
to be known as the Hering Medical College. The
Soon after completing his studies, he joined the meetings of Materia Medica Club ceased and
Union Army and served as a surgeon under Gen- meetings related to arrangement of faculty, find-
eral Grant. He also served as Civil War Surgeon in ing a suitable building and decisions regarding
the American Civil War till 1865. course of the study started to take place. Prom-
ised to differ from crowd of many Homoeopathy
Life After American Civil War colleges present at that time, Hering Medical Col-
As soon as the war ended, Dr. Allen joined his lege was found on the principles of Organon of
alma-mater and started his career as Professor in Samuel Hahnemann, to teach pure Homoeopathy
Anatomy in Cleveland Homoeopathic College. and philosophy along with modern medicine ad-
He resigned from there and accepted the same vancement by those who were first homoeopaths
chair in Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago. and second, specialists of the subject.

Dr. Henry Allen married Miss Selina Louise Likewise, Hering Medical College was opened in
Goold on 24th December 1867 in Ontario. They 1892 and Dr. H.C. Allen became the first dean of
had two children Franklyn Lyman Allen and the institute. He continued to teach Homoeopath-
Helen Mariam Allen. Dr. Allen shifted to Detroit, ic Materia Medica and Homoeopathic philosophy
Michigan in 1875 and he got appointed as Profes- there till end of his lifetime.

10 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Stalwarts’ Expedition

Dr. H. C. Allen And Homoeopathy generous nature. He was called upon by many
people for his wise advice and suggestions when
Along with writing numerous articles in vari- there used to be an upsurge of public opinion in
ous journals, Allen authored many highly famed establishing any organisation or institute. He used
books namely – Keynotes and Characteristics with to travel miles to grace people with his presence
comparisons of some of the leading remedies of the and speech just for his love for Homoeopathy.
Materia Medica, The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of He was one of the rare personalities of his time
Intermittent fever, The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of who was widely respected as an academician, as
Fever and Materia Medica of Nosodes. Therapeutics a clinician and as a person who raised his voice
of Tuberculosis affections was written by Dr. R.R. wherever he saw Homoeopathic principles were
Gregg which was edited and enriched by Dr. H.C. not followed or compromised.
Allen and published it under the title of Gregg on
Consumption. He has also done revision of Boen- Dr. Allen died peacefully on 22nd January, 1909
ninghausen’s Slip Repertory by re-arranging it for while retiring at his home after returning from
its rapid and proper utilisation. work. Suddenly, he started having breathing dif-
ficulty and soon unconsciousness followed and
Materia Medica of Nosodes written by him was he passed into the deeper and permanent sleep of
published posthumously in the year 1910. This his life.
book includes 42 remedies including Dr. Bernard
Fincke’s proving of the drug, X-ray.
He was one of the important members and found-
er of the International Hahnemannian Association. 1. Dr. Subhas Singh, Director, National Institute
He was the editor and publisher of Medical Ad- of Homoeopathy, Kolkata
vance for more than 10 years. 2. Dr. Dinesh Sura, Post Graduate Scholar,
National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata
Later Life
3. Dr. Vignesh K., Post Graduate Scholar,
Dr. Allen was a peace-loving person. Despite liv- National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata
ing amongst physicians of different zeal and zest 4. Dr. Niharika Shaw, Post Graduate Scholar,
he always maintained his calm, composed and National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 11


Insulin Resistance in Connection to PCOS

Dr. Rajat Chattopadhyay, Dr.Ritika Bose, Dr Sumanta Kamila In Italics

The modern sedentary life style calls for various metabolic diseases. Insulin resistance is one of such compli-
cated biochemical disorders of human body which can result in hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia,
visceral adiposity, hyperuricemia, elevated inflammatory markers, endothelial dysfunction, and a prothrombic
state.Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has significant metabolic sequelae linked to insulin resistance.A com-
bination of chronic anovulation and high androgen levels correlates with insulin resistance and a higher risk of
cardiovascular complications like dyslipidemia, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic
syndrome. Considering the side effects associated with conventional treatment and the patients who fail to
respond to these measures, there is a demand for a complementary therapy that would alleviate symptoms of
insulin resistance in connection to PCOS without side effects. Homeopathy is a complementary system of medi-
cine that has been successfully used in different metabolic disorders in order to treat the patient in the most
reliable and harmless way.

Keywords: Insulin resistance, Metabolic disease, Obesity, PCOS, Homoeopathy.

INTRODUCTION adipose tissue,resulting in impaired glucose dis-

posal, and compensatory increase in beta-cell in-

E volution has equipped animals with highly

efficient means of overcoming nutrient
scarcity, which involves the synthesis of complex
sulin production and hyperinsulinemia.[1][2][3]
IR and associated hyperinsulinaemia play a role
in the reproductive, and endocrine features of
molecules and storage of redeemable energy PCOS by contributing to hyperandrogenism and
sources when nutrients are plentiful. Insulin is a disruption of gonadotrophin secretion and direct-
pivotal regulator of the transition from nutrient ly stimulate production of androgens via ovarian
production to storage under such conditions. After tissue steroidogenesis, independently of changes
nutrient intake, plasma glucose levels reach a in gonadotrophin concentration.[4]The clinical
threshold level that stimulates insulin secretion by definition of insulin resistance remains elusive as
pancreatic β-cells. Under normal circumstances, there is not a generally accepted test for insulin
this insulin promotes carbohydrate uptake at key resistance. [5][6]
storage and consumption sites, such as in adipose
tissue and skeletal muscle, in which carbohydrates The prevalence of IR and metabolic syndrome
and proteins are stored as lipids. However, over- is commonly thought to be associated with obe-
nourished, sedentary modern lifestyles disrupt sity and T2DM, which inflicts nearly one-third
this system and can cause serious medical of the world’s population [7][ 8]. And patients
problems, which include metabolic syndrome, with metabolic underlying diseases are more
obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), PCOS vulnerable than healthy individuals in the face of
and cardiovascular disease. epidemic disease; for example, up to 50% of those
who die from COVID-19 have metabolic and
vascular disease [9].
Insulin resistance(IR) is defined physiologically
as a state of reduced responsiveness in insulin- For the diagnosis of IR, the hyperinsulinemic-
targeting tissues, primarily the liver, muscle, and positive glucose clamp test (HEGC) is considered
as the gold standard, but its clinical universal-

12 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


ity is poor due to its complexity and limitations. is mainly determined by hepatic regulation of
There are some less invasive approximations can glycolysis and gluconeogenesis[12,13]. Adipose
be used to measure IR, including quantitative in- tissue has a minor contribution to whole-body
sulin sensitivity test index, homeostatic model insulin sensitivity but functions as an important
assessment (HOMA), fasting insulin test, insulin endocrine and inflammatory mediator for other
release test, and oral glucose tolerance test [10]. organs[14,15]. Inflammatory cells, including mac-
Yet, only limited studies on IR in PCOS have used rophages, T cells23 and B cells24, residing in adi-
euglycaemic–hyperinsulinaemic clamps.The in- pose tissue also contribute to IR and the role of
creasing incidence of IR and metabolic diseases the central nervous system is increasingly being
and the toll they take has prompted an in-depth recognized [16]. Insulin resistance in most cases
study of the mechanisms involved. So ,through is believed to be manifest at the cellular level via
studies and precise understandings are required post-receptor defects in insulin signaling. Despite
to explore more over the connections of different promising findings in experimental animals with
metabolic disorders with IR ,changing the lifestyle respect to a range of insulin signaling defects, their
modifications and concern more over the holistic relevance to human insulin resistance is presently
approach of treatment to increase the quality of unclear. Possible mechanisms include down-reg-
life of the patient. ulation, deficiencies or genetic polymorphisms
of tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin recep-
tor, IRS proteins or PIP-3 kinase, or may involve
PATHOGENESIS abnormalities of GLUT 4 function.[17]Obesity,
the most common cause of insulin resistance, is
The pathophysiology of IR is complex and incom- associated with a decreased number of receptors
pletely understoodand hyperandrogenism play and with postreceptor failure to activate tyrosine
key roles in the aetiology . All organ systems con- kinase.Obesity is known to increase circulating
tribute to IR and predominate in different physio- androgen and insulin levels, may increase PCOS
logic states. Following a meal and during physical prevalence and exacerbates the clinical features of
exercise, skeletal muscle is the major determinant PCOS.[18]
of insulin sensitivity[11]. In the fasted state, IR

Relation of Ir With PCOS

bolic Mechanism Symptoms Diagnosis Management
PCOS • IR and its com- • Genet- Features are: (24) Rotterdam criteria (24) • Lifestyle
pensatory hy- ics modifica-
perinsulinemia Increasing obe- I. Oligo and/or an- tions like
is considered • Family sity (abdominal ovulation. exercise,
to be an impor- histo- – 50%), men- diet to
ry of strual abnor- II.Hyperandrogenism
tant pathologi- control
PCOS. malities (70%) (clinical and/or bio-
cal change that obesity.
in the form of chemical).
led to progres-
• Obe- oligomenorrhea, • Manage-
sion of PCOS
sity amenorrhea or ment of
and the main
pathological DUB and infer- underly-
• In-
basis for its tility. Presence ing causes
reproductive of hirsutism and like
dysfunction acne are the im- T2DM or
(19-21). portant features any other
(70%). metabolic

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 13


• Excessive insulin • High Acanthosis III. Polycystic ovaries. • Medical

secretion triggers m a - nigricans & manage-
insulin receptors in ternal Androgen excess and ment(
the pituitary gland, a n - Obstructive PCOS society: (2009) (24) like hor-
promoting androgen dro- sleep apnea monal
secretion from the gen contra-
hirsutism and/or hy-
ovaries and adrenal ceptives
O n - perandrogenemia II.
glands through the • (HCs)
set of Ovarian dysfunction:
pituitary-ovary and etc)
type Oligo-anovulation
adrenal axes, and
1 DM and/or polycystic ova-
increases free tes-
before ries
tosterone levels by
inhibiting hepatic men-
III. Exclusion of other
sex binding globu- arche
androgen-excess or
lin (SHBG) synthesis related disorders
• Drugs
• Sonography — Trans-
• Moreover, insulin, vaginal sonography
as a reproductive is specially useful in
as well as meta- obese patient. Ova-
bolic hormone, ries are enlarged in
has direct effect of volume (> 10 cm3 ).
stimulating ovarian Increased number (>
androgen produc- 12) of peripherally ar-
tion by stimulating ranged cysts (2–9 mm)
17α-hydroxylase ac- are seen.
tivity in the ovarian
theca cells and en- • Serum values:
hance the activity of
insulin-like growth LH level is elevated
factor-1 (IGF-1) re- and/or the ratio LH:
ceptor in the ovary, FSH is > 2:1 Raised
thus increasing its level of oestradiol and
free IGF level and estrone — The estrone
promoting androgen level is markedly el-
production. evated. SHBG level is

Androstenedione is
raised. Raised serum
testo sterone (> 150
ng/dl) and DHEAS
may be marginally el-
evated. (50%)
Fasting blood

14 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


HOMOEOPATHIC APPROACH • Gossypium herbaceum: Intermitent pain in

the ovaries. Morning sickness with a sensitive
THERAPEUTICS uterine region. Suppressed menstruation.
Backache, weight & dragging in the pelvis.
Few drugs for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:
• Ova tosta: Leucorrhoea profuse and offensive
with sensation as if the back were broken into
two and tied
• Apis mel: induration, swelling, and dropsy of
the right ovaries, better by lying in right side. • Palladium metallicum: Chronic oophoritis.
[23] Aurum muriaticum natronatum: Ovaries Pain and swelling in the region of right ovary.
indurated. Leucorrhoea with spasmodic Shooting or burning pains in the pelvis,
contraction of vagina infertility from ovarian bearing down; relieved by rubbing. Soreness
torpor, ovarian dropsy . and shooting pain from navel to the breast.it is
applicable to those gynaecological condition
• Eupionum: Burning in the right ovary.
where the disease had its inception in the
Gushing leucorrhoea. After menses, yellow
right ovary.
leucorrhoea with severe backache. Sacrum
painful as if broken. Intense sweat from the • Senecio: Menses retarded, suppressed.
slightest exertion. Functional amenorrhoea in young girls with
backache. Before menses, inflammatory
• Graphites: painful swelling of the ovaries
conditions of throat, chest and bladder. After
worse every time she gets cold.
menses commences, these improve.  




Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica(KENT)

• Genitalia –

female>Tumors >ovaries>cyst

• Genitalia -female>menses> absent, amenorrhoea

• Genitalia -female>menses> irregular

• Genitalia -female>metrorrhagia

Boger Boenninghausen’s Characteristic Repertory

• Genitalia >Female organs >cysts

• Menstruation >menses ,absent, amenorrhoea

• Menstruation >menses>too late

• Menstruation >menses> too long duration

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 15


Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket book

• Sexual organs>menstruation>long

• Sexual organs>menstruation> short

Clinical Repertory and Therapeutic Index of Homoeopathic Materia Medica (Boericke)

• Hair – chin and upper lip in women; on

• Female sexual system – Menstruation – type – Amenorrhoea

• Female sexual system, Ovaries- Cysts, Dropsy:

DISCUSSION: vous system is necessary for ovulation. Research

The homeopathic holistic approach to treating has shown that insulin resistance can lead to the
insulin resistance in PCOS involves a compre- production of smaller eggs or delayed produc-
hensive evaluation of the individual’s physical, tion of eggs. Also, androgens have a substantial
emotional, and mental well-being. Homeopathy influence on insulin sensitivity and secretion.The
is based on the principle of treating the person as increased incidence of IR and the key roles of IR
a whole, not just addressing specific symptoms. plays in many diseases, urgently require a bet-
In the case of PCOS and insulin resistance, a ho- ter understanding of IR pathogenesis in addition
meopathic practitioner will consider the patient’s to its management through holistic approach. A
unique set of symptoms, their overall constitu- deeper understanding of IR can be achieved with
tion, and even their emotional state.Homeopathic a more systematic approach in addition to explor-
remedies are selected based on these individual ing new intervention strategies to prevent abnor-
characteristics and aim to stimulate the body’s in- mal IR syndrome.
nate healing abilities.This holistic approach also
extends to lifestyle and dietary guidance along
with exercise routines, and stress management
1. Seong J, Kang JY, Sun JS, Kim KW. Hypothalamic inflammation
techniques that align with the patient’s constitu- and obesity: a mechanistic review. Arch Pharm Res. 2019 May;
tion and health goals. It also help to address the 42(5):383-392.
underlying miasms ,that can help to treat under- 2. Brown JC, Harhay MO, Harhay MN. The Value of Anthropometric
lying susceptibility to certain illnesses, including Measures in Nutrition and Metabolism: Comment on
Anthropometrically Predicted Visceral Adipose Tissue and
those related to metabolic and hormonal disor- Blood-Based Biomarkers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Nutr Metab
ders like insulin resistance in PCOS. Though there Insights. 2019;12:1178638819831712.
are many evidence based reports showing the ef- 3. Deacon CF. Physiology and Pharmacology of DPP-4 in Glucose
Homeostasis and the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. Front
fectiveness of Homoeopathy in treatment of such Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2019.
Metabolic disease ,but the numbers are still lim- 4. Norman R, Dewailly D, Legro RS, Hickey TE. Polycystic ovary
ited .So more studies and evidence based research syndrome. Lancet 2007;370:685–697
are required for considering homoeopathy as true 5. Hossan T, Kundu S, Alam SS, Nagarajan S. Epigenetic
Modifications Associated with the Pathogenesis of Type
alternative for insulin resistance disorders. 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug
Targets. 2019;19(6):775-786.
6. Bothou C, Beuschlein F, Spyroglou A. Links between aldosterone
CONCLUSION: excess and metabolic complications: A comprehensive
review. Diabetes Metab. 2020 Feb;46(1):1-7.
The relationship between PCOS and insulin re- 7. Saklayen MG. The global epidemic of the metabolic
sistance has proven that insulin particularly is a syndrome. Curr Hypertens Rep (2018) 20(2).
crucial hormone in females of the reproductive 8. Chooi YC, Ding C, Magkos F. The epidemiology of
obesity. Metabolism (2019)
age group. Also, insulin activity in the central ner-

16 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


9. Steenblock C, Schwarz PEH, Ludwig B, Linkermann A, 22. Dumesic DA, Oberfield SE, Stener-Victorin E, Marshall JC, Laven
Zimmet P, Kulebyakin K, et al. COVID-19 and metabolic JS, Legro RS. Scientific statement on the diagnostic criteria;
disease: mechanisms and clinical management. Lancet Diabetes epidemiology; pathophysiology; and molecular genetics of
Endocrinol (2021) 9(11):786–98. polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocr Rev (2015) 36(5):487–525.
10. Sharma VR, Matta ST, Haymond MW, Chung ST. Measuring 23. He FF, Li YM. Role of gut microbiota in the development of
insulin resistance in humans. Horm Res Paediatr (2020) 93(11- insulin resistance and the mechanism underlying polycystic
12):577–88. ovary syndrome: a review. J Ovarian Res (2020) 13(1):73.
11. Park SE, Park CY, Sweeney G. Biomarkers of insulin sensitivity 24. Edmonds K, editor. Dewhurst’s textbook of obstetrics and
and insulin resistance: Past; present and future. Crit Rev Clin Lab gynaecology: Edmonds/Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics &
Sci (2015) 52(4):180–90. Gynaecology. 8th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell; 2012.
12. DeFronzo, R.A. & Tripathy, D. Skeletal muscle insulin resistance 25. Boericke W. Homoeopathic materia medica and repertory:
is the primary defect in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 32 Suppl 2, comprising the characteristic and guiding symptoms of all
S157-63 (2009). remedies(clinical and pathogenetic) including Indian drugs.UP:
13. Lillioja, S. et al. Insulin resistance and insulin secretory B. Jain Publishers; 2002.
dysfunction as precursors of non-insulin-dependent diabetes 26. Kent JT.Lectures on homoeopathic philosophy. Kolkata: Rup
mellitus. Prospective studies of Pima Indians. N Engl J Med 329, publication; 2013.
1988-92 (1993). 27. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica.Vol-3.UP: B.
14. Matthews, D.R. et al. Homeostasis model assessment: insulin Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2017
resistance and beta-cell function from fasting plasma glucose and 28.Kent JT. Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and a Word
insulin concentrations in man. Diabetologia 28, 412-9 (1985). Index. New Delhi, India: B.- Jain Publishers(P) Ltd; 2004.
15. Alkhouri, N. et al. Adipocyte apoptosis, a link between obesity, 29. Boger CM. Boger boenninghausen characteristics & repertory
insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis. J Biol Chem 285, 3428-38 with corrected abbreviations, word index & thumb index. 38th
(2010). impression. New delhi: B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2013.
16. Dali-Youcef, N., Mecili, M., Ricci, R. & Andres, E. Metabolic 30. Allen TF. The principles and practicability of boenninghausen’s
inflammation: connecting obesity and insulin resistance. Ann Med therapeutic pocket book for homoeopathic physicians to use at
45, 242-53 (2013). the bedside and in the study of materia medica; Low price edition;
17. Heni, M., Kullmann, S., Preissl, H., Fritsche, A. & Haring, H.U. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 2002
Impairedinsulin action in the human brain: causes and metabolic
consequences. Nat RevEndocrinol 11, 701-11 (2015)
18. Teede HJ
,JohamAE, PaulE, MoranLJ, LoxtonD, JolleyD, Lombard C. 1. Dr. Rajat Chattopadhyay -Principal &
Longitudinal weight gain in women identified with polycystic
ovary syndrome: results of an observational study in young Administrator, The Calcutta Homoeopathic
women. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2013;21:1526–1532 Medical College & Hospital (Govt Of Wb)
19. Macut D, Bjekić-Macut J, Rahelić D, Doknić M. Insulin and the
polycystic ovary syndrome. Diabetes Res Clin Pract (2017) 130:163– 2. Dr.ritika Bose-Pgt, Dept. Of Practice Of
70. Medicine, The Calcutta Homoeopathic
20. Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Dunaif A. Insulin resistance and the Medical College & Hospital (Govt Of Wb)
polycystic ovary syndrome revisited: an update on mechanisms
and implications. Endocr Rev (2012) 33(6):981–1030. 3. Dr Sumanta Kamila- Pgt ,Dept. Of Practice
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Pasquali R, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary Medical College & Hospital (Govt Of Wb)
syndrome: an endocrine society clinical practice guideline. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab (2013) 98(12):4565–92.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 17


Understanding the Homeopathic Approach in

Treating Psychosomatic Diseases  
Dr. Rakhi

The complex interplay between the mind and body has long intrigued both medical and alternative healing sys-
tems. Psychosomatic diseases, where emotional and psychological factors intricately influence physical health,
have gained increasing recognition in modern healthcare.(1) This article delves into the concept of psychoso-
matic diseases, unveiling the profound mind-body connection and its implications for health. In this context,
homeopathy, a holistic system of medicine, offers a unique approach. The article explores how homeopathy’s
core principles align with the understanding of psychosomatic diseases. The individualized and holistic nature
of homeopathic treatment addresses not only physical symptoms but also delves into the emotional and psy-
chological roots of illnesses. By considering the person as a whole and employing remedies that mirror the
patient’s symptoms, homeopathy attempts to catalyze the body’s inherent healing mechanisms. The article
acknowledges the debates surrounding homeopathy’s scientific basis while emphasizing its patient-centered
focus. The principle of treating “like with like” and the tailored approach to each patient’s emotional landscape
reflect homeopathy’s commitment to understanding the intricate interplay of emotions and physical health.(2)
In conclusion, the article underscores the relevance of recognizing the inseparable link between the mind and
body in the context of psychosomatic diseases. Homeopathy offers a holistic pathway to wellness by embrac-
ing this connection and leveraging the body’s innate capacity for healing. As science continues to explore the
nuances of psychosomatic diseases and alternative approaches, homeopathy stands as a promising avenue for
fostering comprehensive well-being.(3)

Keywords: Psychosomatic diseases, Mind-body connection, Homeopathy, Holistic approach, Emotional

health, Psychological factors, Integrative medicine, Healing mechanisms, Individualized treatment, Like
cures like, Vital force, Emotional well-being, Homeopathic medicines.

INTRODUCTION how homeopathy offers a unique perspective and

potential solutions.

I n the intricate tapestry of human health, the

interplay between the mind and body has been
a subject of fascination for centuries. The concept
The Mind-Body Connection

The profound connection between the mind and body

of psychosomatic diseases, where emotional and is undeniable. Medical science has acknowledged that
emotions and psychological states can have tangible
psychological factors play a significant role in
effects on physical well-being. Stress, anxiety, and de-
the onset and progression of physical ailments,
pression, for instance, have been linked to a host of
has garnered attention from both traditional physical ailments including cardiovascular diseases,
medicine and alternative approaches. (1) One digestive disorders, and weakened immune systems.
such approach that has gained prominence This intricate web of interactions highlights the im-

is homeopathy, a holistic system of medicine portance of understanding the holistic nature of health.
that aims to restore balance by addressing the
underlying causes of diseases.(3) This article Unraveling Psychosomatic Diseases
delves into the realm of psychosomatic diseases,
exploring their connection with the mind, and Psychosomatic diseases emerge as a result of the

18 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


intricate interplay between emotional distress factors can influence autoimmune diseases
and physiological responses. It’s not just a matter like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple
of “all in the head”; rather, it involves a cascade sclerosis. Emotional stress might contribute
of hormonal, neural, and immune responses trig- to the activation of the immune response and
gered by psychological factors. Chronic stress can exacerbation of symptoms.
lead to the release of stress hormones that, over 6. Chronic Pain Syndromes: Conditions like
time, take a toll on various organ systems. Anxiety fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
and depression can weaken the immune system, often involve widespread pain, fatigue, and
making the body more susceptible to infections.(5) other symptoms that can be influenced by
emotional distress and psychological factors.
7. Headaches and Migraines: Stress, anxiety, and
Psychosomatic diseases, also known as psycho- emotional tension are commonly associated
physiological disorders or mind-body disorders, with triggering or worsening headaches and
encompass a wide range of medical conditions migraines. Emotional factors can contribute to
where psychological factors play a significant role the frequency and intensity of these episodes.
in causing, exacerbating, or influencing physical 8. Hormonal and Reproductive Disorders:
symptoms. These conditions highlight the intri- Emotional stress can affect hormonal
cate connection between emotional states, psy- balance, potentially leading to disruptions
chological well-being, and bodily health. Some in the menstrual cycle, fertility issues, and
common types of psychosomatic diseases include: exacerbation of conditions like polycystic
ovary syndrome (PCOS).
1. Cardiovascular Disorders: Stress, anxiety, and 9. Immune System Suppression: Prolonged
depression can contribute to cardiovascular stress and negative emotions can suppress
diseases like hypertension (high blood the immune system, making the body more
pressure), palpitations, and even coronary susceptible to infections and delaying healing
artery disease. Emotional distress can impact processes.
heart health by affecting blood pressure, heart
rate, and blood vessel function. 10. Insomnia and Sleep Disorders: Anxiety,
depression, and stress are known to contribute
2. Gastrointestinal Disorders: Emotional factors to sleep disturbances and insomnia. Poor
like stress and anxiety have been linked to sleep, in turn, can exacerbate physical health
gastrointestinal issues such as irritable bowel problems.
syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, ulcers, and
inflammatory bowel diseases. Psychological 11. Neurological Disorders: While not
stressors can trigger or worsen these all neurological disorders are strictly
conditions. psychosomatic, stress and emotional factors
can impact the severity and progression
3. Respiratory Conditions: Conditions like of conditions like Parkinson’s disease and
asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary epilepsy.
disease (COPD) can be influenced by It’s important to note that the term “psychoso-
emotional stress. Stress-induced changes in matic” doesn’t imply that the condition is solely
breathing patterns can exacerbate respiratory “in the mind.” Rather, it highlights the intricate
symptoms and decrease lung function. interplay between psychological and physiologi-
4. Skin Disorders: Stress and emotional factors cal factors in the development and course of the
are known to worsen skin conditions like disease. Addressing both aspects is crucial for
eczema, psoriasis, and acne. The mind- comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and overall
body connection in skin disorders is evident well-being.
through the flare-ups triggered by emotional
distress. Homeopathy: A Holistic Approach
5. Autoimmune Disorders: While not fully
understood, there’s evidence that psychological Homeopathy, a form of alternative medicine de-

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 19


veloped in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahn- dilution of remedies, beyond the point where a
emann, embodies the philosophy that treating the single molecule of the original substance may re-
whole person, not just the disease, is essential for main.(12) However, proponents argue that the en-
achieving true healing. Homeopathy embraces ergetic imprint of the substance remains, affecting
the idea that the body has an innate ability to heal the vital force and facilitating healing.
itself, and that imbalances in the vital force, or life
energy, lead to illnesses.(9) This philosophy aligns HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES(13)(14)(15)(16)
seamlessly with the concept of psychosomatic
In homeopathy, the selection of a remedy is high-
ly individualized and based on the totality of a
Individualization and Similars person’s symptoms, including both physical and
emotional aspects. When it comes to psychoso-
One of the cornerstones of homeopathy is the matic diseases, homeopathic remedies are chosen
principle of “like cures like.” This means that a to address the underlying emotional and psycho-
substance that can produce symptoms in a healthy logical factors that contribute to the condition.
individual can be used to treat similar symptoms Here are a few commonly used homeopathic rem-
in an ill person.(2) For instance, if a person is ex- edies that might be considered for psychosomatic
periencing physical symptoms as a result of emo- diseases:
tional distress, a homeopath would seek a rem-
edy that mimics both the physical and emotional 1. Ignatia Amara: This remedy is often indicated
symptoms, addressing the whole person rather for individuals who are sensitive, emotional,
than just the ailment. and prone to sudden mood changes. It’s
helpful for conditions stemming from grief,
Mind-Body Healing in Homeopathy disappointment, or suppressed emotions. It’s
commonly used for ailments like headaches,
Homeopathy places a strong emphasis on under- digestive issues, and respiratory problems
standing the emotional and psychological state of triggered by emotional stress.
the patient. The homeopath aims to unravel the
underlying causes of the disease, often linked to 2. Natrum Muriaticum: People who might
emotional or psychological disturbances. By ad- benefit from this remedy tend to be reserved
dressing these root causes, homeopathic remedies and introverted. It’s often used for conditions
are believed to stimulate the body’s self-healing related to repressed grief, disappointment, and
mechanisms.(10) emotional sensitivity. Natrum Muriaticum
can be considered for ailments like migraines,
A Holistic Journey to Wellness skin issues, and digestive disorders.
3. Lycopodium: Individuals needing
Homeopathy, with its patient-centered approach, Lycopodium often struggle with anxiety, low
offers a unique perspective on psychosomatic self-esteem, and a fear of failure. It’s commonly
diseases. Rather than compartmentalizing the used for digestive issues like bloating and
mind and body, it recognizes their intricate con- indigestion that are exacerbated by stress and
nection. Homeopaths spend considerable time emotional factors.
understanding the patient’s emotional landscape,
4. Pulsatilla: This remedy suits individuals who
allowing them to tailor treatments to the indi-
are emotionally sensitive, seeking reassurance,
vidual’s needs.(11) This holistic approach not only
and prone to frequent mood changes. It’s often
aims to alleviate symptoms but also supports the
used for conditions influenced by emotional
patient’s overall well-being.
stress, including respiratory and reproductive
Scientific Inquiry and Challenges issues.
5. Arsenicum Album: Arsenicum is indicated
While homeopathy’s holistic principles resonate for individuals who are anxious, restless,
with many, its scientific validity has been a sub- and have a fear of illness and death. It can
ject of debate. Critics often question the extreme be considered for conditions exacerbated by

20 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


anxiety and stress, such as gastrointestinal holistic philosophy and individualized approach,
disorders and skin conditions. offers a promising perspective on addressing psy-
6. Aconitum Napellus: Aconite is often used for chosomatic diseases.(2) By recognizing the pro-
conditions that arise suddenly after exposure found connection between the mind and body,
to fear, shock, or traumatic events. It can and harnessing the body’s innate healing abilities,
be helpful for addressing acute symptoms homeopathy represents a unique pathway toward
triggered by emotional distress, like panic achieving harmony and balance in the realm of
attacks and acute inflammatory conditions. health.
7. Staphysagria: This remedy is indicated for
individuals who suppress their emotions REFERENCES:
and often experience anger, indignation, or 1. A short Textbook of Psychiatry, Niral Ahuja, 4th ed, 1999, Jaypee.
humiliation. It’s used for conditions arising 2. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Reprint Edition. Indian
from suppressed emotions, such as headaches, Books and Periodicals Publishers; 2004.
urinary issues, and skin problems. 3. Sankaran R. The Spirit of Homoeopathy. 3rd Edition. Mumbai:
Homeopathic Medical Publishers; 1999.
8. Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica suits individuals 4. Kumar R, Yeragani VK. Psyche and soma: New insights into the
who are highly driven, competitive, and prone connection. Indian J Psychiatry. 2010;
to overwork. It’s used for conditions caused 5. Visa B, Adli Y, Newman L. Psychosomatic disorders [Internet].
by stress, overindulgence, and a sedentary O&G Magazine. [cited 2020 Mar 27]. Available from: https://
lifestyle, such as digestive problems and 6. Psychosomatic disorder [Internet]. Encyclopedia Britannica.
headaches. [cited 2020 Mar 19]. Available from: https://www.britannica.com/
9. Calcarea Carbonica: People needing Calcarea
7. Nisar H, Srivastava R. Fundamental Concept of Psychosomatic
often feel overwhelmed by responsibilities Disorders: A Review. International Journal of Contemporary
and tend to worry excessively. It’s used for Medicine Surgery and Radiology. 2018;
conditions related to stress, fatigue, and issues 8. Davison, Gerald C. & Neale, J.M (2004). Abnormal Psychology
(8th Ed.) John Wiley & Sons Inc, USA
arising from chronic emotional strain.
9. Sankaran P, Sankaran R. The Elements of Homeopathy. 1st
10. Aurum Metallicum: This remedy is often edition. Bombay: Homoeopathic Medical Publishers,1996.
indicated for individuals who experience 10. Dey SP. Essentials of Principles and Practice of Homeopathy.
Enlarged 2nd Edition. Dr. Sabita Rani.
deep sadness, depression, and feelings of
11. Saine A. Teachings Psychiatric Patients Pure Classical
worthlessness. It can be used for conditions Homeopathy. 1st Indian Edition. B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2006.
where emotional factors contribute to physical 12. Schmidt P. Homœopathy and psychosomatic disorders [Internet].
ailments. [cited 2020 Apr 15]. Available from: https://kundoc.com/pdf-
It’s important to emphasize that homeopathy is
13. Boericke William, New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica
a holistic system, and the selection of a remedy & Repertory, 2nd revised ed., 2001, B. Jain
should be done by a qualified and experienced 14. Dewey, Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics, reprint ed, 1993,
homeopathic practitioner. A thorough under- B.Jain
standing of the patient’s emotional landscape, 15. Kent JT., Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Reprint
edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2000,
physical symptoms, and overall constitution is es-
16. Allen HC., Allens’ Keynotes - Rearranged and Classified with
sential for successful treatment in psychosomatic Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica and Bowel Nosodes.
diseases. 10th ed. B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2007;
17. JH Allen, The Chronic Miasms Sycosis, Psora and Pseudo-Psora,
Encyclopedia Homoepathica.
The link between the mind and body has far- ABOUT THE AUTHOR
reaching implications for health and wellness. 1. Dr. Rakhi, B.H.M.S, MD (MED.)HOM.,
Psychosomatic diseases, characterized by the PhD-Sch, Assistant Professor, Department
intricate interplay of emotions and physical re- of Human Physiology and Biochemistry,
sponses, remind us that true well-being encom- Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
passes both dimensions.(17) Homeopathy, with its Chandigarh, Punjab University

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 21


Psychosomatic Disease and It’s Homoeopathic

Dr Rohit Kumar Priya

Psychosomatic diseases are conditions in which emotional or psychological factors contribute significantly to
physical symptoms and overall health. These ailments are increasingly prevalent in today’s fast-paced, stress-
ful world. Traditional medical approaches often focus solely on treating the physical symptoms, neglecting the
emotional and mental aspects that underlie the condition. In contrast, homoeopathy offers a holistic approach
that addresses the patient as a whole which includes the mental as well as the physical complaints, making it a
valuable alternative for managing psychosomatic diseases.

Abbreviations- DSM- Diagnostics and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders, CAD- coronary artery dis-
ease, GI- GastroInstestinal, COPD- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Keywords: Psychosomatic diseases, hypochondriasis, somatization disorder

INTRODUCTION term psychophysiological (or psychosomatic)

disorders and replaced it with psychological fac-

T he term psychosomatic is derived from

the Greek words psyche (soul) and soma
(body). The term literally refers to how the mind
tors affecting physical conditions nor has the term
reappeared in subsequent editions, including the
latest edition (DSM-5).
affects the body. Psychosomatic medicine is
an interdisciplinary medical field exploring Psychosomatic medicine is based on two basic as-
the relationships among social, psychological, sumptions: there is a unity of mind and body; and
behavioral factors on bodily processes and quality psychological factors must be taken into account
of life in humans and animals. when considering all disease states. Concepts de-
Psychosomatic diseases are conditions where rived from the field of psychosomatic medicine
psychological factors play a significant role in the influenced both the emergence of complementary
development, progression, and management of and alternative medicine (C.A.M), which relies
physical symptoms. These conditions can mani- heavily on examining psychological factors in
fest as chronic pain, headaches, gastrointestinal the maintenance of health, and the field of holis-
disorders, dermatological issues, cardiovascular tic medicine, with its emphasis on examining and
problems, and respiratory ailments, among oth- treating the whole patient, not just his or her ill-
ers. ness. (1,2)

Unfortunately, it has come to be used, at least SOMATIC SYMPTOM DISORDER

by the lay public, to describe an individual with
medical complaints that have no physical cause Also known as hypochondriasis. It is character-
and are “all in your head.” In part due to this mis- ized by 6 or more months of a general and non-
conceptualization, the American Psychiatric Asso- delusional preoccupation with fears of having, or
ciation’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental the idea that one has, a serious disease based on
Disorders (DSM), in 1980, deleted the nosological the person’s misinterpretation of bodily symp-
toms. Patients believe that they have a serious

22 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


disease that has not yet been detected and they der and antisocial personality disorder in men.
cannot be persuaded to the contrary. This disorder Men with conversion disorder have often been
is often accompanied by symptoms of depression involved in occupational or military accidents.
and anxiety. Persons with this disorder augment Most common among rural populations, persons
and amplify their somatic sensations; they have with little education, those with low intelligence
low thresholds for, and low tolerance of, physical quotients, those in low socioeconomic groups,
discomfort. For example, what persons normally and military personnel who have been exposed to
perceive as abdominal pressure, persons with so- combat situations.(1)
matic symptom disorder experience as abdominal
pain. They may focus on bodily sensations, mis- GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDER
interpret them, and become alarmed by them be-
GI disorders rank high in medical illnesses asso-
cause of a faulty cognitive scheme. Somatic symp-
ciated with psychiatric consultation. A significant
tom disorder can also be understood in terms of a
proportion of GI disorders are functional disor-
social learning model. As because sickness offers
ders. These disorders include Globus (sensation
an escape that allows a patient to avoid noxious
of lump in throat), Rumination (repetitive re-
obligations, to postpone unwelcome challenges,
gurgitation of contents of stomach), Non-cardiac
and to be excused from usual duties and obliga-
chest pain, Functional Heartburn (acid reflux) and
dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), dyspepsia,
ILLNESS ANXIETY DISORDER Aerophagia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, etc.(1)

It is a variant of somatic symptom disorder (hypo- CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS

chondriasis). Those persons who are preoccupied
Coronary Artery Disease- Depression, anxiety,
with being sick or with developing a disease of
type A behavior, hostility, anger, and acute men-
some kind. According to DSM-5, somatic symp-
tal stress have been evaluated as risk factors.
tom disorder is diagnosed when somatic symp-
Studies of patients with preexisting coronary ar-
toms are present, whereas in illness anxiety dis-
tery disease (CAD) also demonstrate a near dou-
order, there are few or no somatic symptoms and
bling of risk for adverse coronary disease–related
persons are “primarily concerned with the idea
outcomes, including myocardial infarction (MI),
they are ill.” Their preoccupation with illness in-
revascularization procedures for unstable angina,
terferes with their interaction with family, friends,
and death, in association with depression. The
and co-workers. They are often addicted to Inter-
relationship between a behavior pattern charac-
net searches about their feared illness, inferring
terized by easily aroused anger, impatience, ag-
the worst from information (or misinformation)
gression, competitive striving, and time urgency
they find there.(1)
(type A) and CAD found the type A pattern to be
CONVERSION DISORDER associated with a nearly twofold increased risk of
incident MI and CAD-related mortality.
Affect voluntary motor or sensory functions, to
be caused by psychological factors because the The increase in essential hypertension is probably
illness is preceded by conflicts or other stressors. connected to the mental situation of persons who
The syndrome currently known as conversion dis- have learned that aggressiveness is bad and must
order was originally combined with the syndrome live in a world for which an enormous amount of
known as somatization disorder and was referred to aggressiveness is required. (1)
as hysteria, conversion reaction, or dissociative re-
action. Paralysis, blindness, and mutism are the
most common conversion disorder symptoms. Patients with asthma are characterized as having
Conversion disorder may be most commonly excessive dependency needs, no specific person-
associated with passive-aggressive, dependent, ality type has been identified; however, up to 30
antisocial, and histrionic personality disorders. percent of persons with asthma meet the criteria
An association exists between conversion disor- for panic disorder or agoraphobia. In cases of

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 23


COPD- panic disorder prevalence rates among like Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes
patients with COPD range from 8 to 24 percent, Mellitus, Cushing’s Syndrome, Hypercortisolism,
higher than the general prevalence of 1.5 percent. etc.

Traumatic childhood experiences, such as sepa-

SKIN DISORDERS ration from parents or living with an alcoholic
father, have been reported to predispose to hy-
Studies of children with atopic dermatitis found perprolactinemia. Stressful life events are also as-
that those with behavior problems had more se- sociated with galactorrhea, even in the absence of
vere illness. In families that encouraged inde- increased prolactin concentrations. (1)
pendence, children had less severe symptoms,
whereas parental overprotectiveness reinforced FACTITIOUS DISORDER
Patients with factitious disorder simulate, induce,
And patients who report that stress triggered pso- or aggravate illness to receive medical attention,
riasis often describe disease-related stress result- regardless of whether or not they are ill. Thus,
ing from the cosmetic disfigurement and social they may inflict painful, deforming, or even life-
stigma of psoriasis, rather than stressful major life threatening injury on themselves, their children, or
events. Heavy alcohol consumption (more than 80 other dependents. Many persons diagnosed with
g of ethanol daily) by male patients with psoriasis factitious disorder have comorbid psychiatric di-
may predict a poor treatment outcome. (1) agnoses (e.g., mood disorders, personality disor-
ders, or substance-related disorders). Factitious
In Psychogenic Excoriation the behavior some- disorder with predominant physical signs and
times resembles obsessive-compulsive disorder in symptoms is the best-known type of Munchausen
that it is repetitive, ritualistic, and tension reduc- syndrome. The disorder has also been called hos-
ing, and patients attempt (often unsuccessfully) to pital addiction, polysurgical addiction—produc-
resist excoriating. ing the so-called washboard abdomen—and pro-
fessional patient syndrome, among other names.
Hyperhidrosis- States of fear, rage, and tension
can induce increased sweat secretion that appears Factitious disorders must be distinguished from
primarily on the palms, the soles, and the axillae. malingering. Malingerers have an obvious, rec-
Under conditions of prolonged emotional stress, ognizable environmental goal in producing signs
excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can lead to and symptoms. They may seek hospitalization to
secondary skin changes, rashes, blisters, and in- secure financial compensation, evade the police,
fections. Basically, hyperhidrosis can be viewed avoid work, or merely obtain free bed and board
as an anxiety phenomenon mediated by the auto- for the night, but they always have some apparent
nomic nervous system, and it must be differenti- end for their behavior. (1)
ated from drug-induced states of hyperhidrosis. (1)
Urticaria- Controlled studies found an associa-
tion between stressful life events and the onset of Stress management & Relaxation therapy- Cogni-
urticaria. Stress can lead to the secretion of such tive behavioral therapy approaches to stress man-
neuropeptides as vasoactive intestinal peptide agement have three major aims:
and substance P, which can cause vasodilation
and contribute to the development of urticarial (1) to help individuals become more aware of
wheals. (1) their own cognitive appraisals of stressful events,

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM DISORDER (2) to educate individuals about how their ap-
praisals of stressful events can influence negative
The effect of endocrinopathies on psychiatric emotional and behavioral responses and to help
symptomatology has been studied particularly them reconceptualize their abilities to alter these
for disorders of the thyroid and adrenal glands appraisals, and

24 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


(3) to teach individuals how to develop and main- REPERTORIUM UNIVERSALE

tain the use of a variety of effective cognitive and
behavioral stress management skills. (1) FEMALE – PHENOMENA – CANCER – uterus –
grief, after
Master Hahnemann has written about treatment
and management of mental disease in Aphorism Aurum metallicum: ailments from fright, anger,
210-230 in Organon of Medicine which is of great contradictions, mortification, vexation, dread, or
value in treating Psychosomatic diseases. In Aph- reserved displeasure
orism 225 of Organon of Medicine: In this apho-
Argen nitricum- Acute or chronic diseases from
rism our master Hahnemann stated about cor-
unusual or long continued mental exertion.
poreal diseases in which emotional factors, like
persistent anxiety, worry, vexation, frequent oc- Causticum- Ailments: from long-lasting grief and
currence of great fear and fright this type of emo- sorrow , from sudden emotions, fear, fright, joy
tional diseases destroyed the physical health to a ,from anger or vexation.
great extent. (3)
Ignatia: persons mentally and physically exhaust-
Master Hahnemann has also stated in Aphorism ed by long-concentrated grief. Ill effects, from bad
5 for considering the accessory circumstances news; from vexation with reserved displeasure;
which further helps in the progress of disease. By from suppressed mental sufferings; of shame and
the investigation of accessory circumstances. the mortification
physical make-up, moral character, and mind of
the patient, occupation, mode of living. habits, Kali Bromatum- Restlessness and sleeplessness
his/her domestic and social interactions, age etc. due to worry and grief, loss of property or reputa-
In case of Psychosomatic diseases these factors tion, from business embarrassments
contribute a great role. (3)
Lachesis mutus- Ailments from long lasting grief;
“The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy”, sorrow, fright, vexation, jealousy or disappointed
it has been stated that some conditions such as love
feelings of shell shock, dread, and terror, intense
unsatisfied longing, unrequited love, grief, wor- Nux Vomica- hypochondriacs, irritable, impa-
ries, disappointed ambitions, extreme fatigue all tient temperament, disposed to anger, spite or de-
have some impact on vital energy, suppression of ception, prone to indigestion and haemorrhoids
these facts, emotions affect profoundly on an in-
dividual. (4) Phosphoric Acidum- long succession of moral
emotions, such as grief, care, disappointed affec-

MURPHY’S REPERTORY (5) Staphysagria - Ailments from pride, envy or cha-

Mind – GRIEF, ailments from – heart, problems,
RESPIRATION – PHENOMENA – ASPHYXIA, Homeopathy offers an approach that could play
death apparent – pain in heart, after, from fright a significant role in enhancing the psychothera-
or grief peutic process. Hahnemann said it can be confi-
dently asserted, “from great experience, that the
Nerves – MULTIPLE, sclerosis – grief, from vast superiority of the Homoeopathic system over
SYNTHESIS REPERTORY (6) all other conceivable methods of the treatment, is
now here displayed in a more triumphant light
RESPIRATION – ASTHMATIC – grief; from than in mental and emotional diseases of long

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 25


standing, which originally sprang from corporeal 4. Roberts HA. The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.
Reprinted. New Delhi: B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; 2014.p.157,159.
maladies or were developed simultaneously with
5. Murphy R. Homoeopathic Medical repertory. 2nd Revised Edition. New
them.” This clearly indicates the efficacy and su- Delhi: B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2006, 1360p.
periority of homoeopathy 6. Schroyens F. Synthesis. The Essential Synthesis. New Delhi:
Homoeopathic Book Publishers, 2007; 3, 4.
7. Allen HC. Keynotes and characteristics with comparisons of
REFERENCES some of the leading remedies of the materia medica with bowel
nosodes. B. Jain Publishers; 2002.
1. Sadock B.J, Sadock V.A, Ruiz Pedro. Synopsis Of Psychiatry. 11th
Edition. Wolters Kluwer
2. Internet- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychosomatic_medicine
3. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine, translated from the 5th 1. Dr. Rohit Kumar Priya, Post Graduate Trainee,
edition, with an appendix by R.E.Dudgeon with additions and
alterations as per 6th edition translated by William Boericke, and
Dept. Of Practice of Medicine, R.B.T.S. Govt.
Introduction by James Krauss. New Delhi: B.Jain Publishers; 2013 H.M.C.H, Muzaffarpur

26 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Psychosomatic Diseases
is found in many remedies, theDr.basic coreJaiswal,
Prastuti of the Dr. Sristi Chakraborty, Dr. Shayantan Kumar Das
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor and the
reaction pattern belong to the “The
core mind
and acts
in an enemy for those who do not control it” – Bhagavad Gita
individualisation. Finer aspects“More
of patient’s core you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it”- Bible
than anything
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
the profound weakness
disorder of the kidney
is a psychological andthat results in various physical symptoms often without any
genitourinary complaints
medical explanation, which
affecting points
any part Pareira
to body.
of the This article in every step shows no physical symptoms devel-
oped from or without the involvement of mental conditions relating to our Homoeopathic Materia Medica with
Organon of Medicine. Homoeopathic case taking and its prescription is nothing without the mental symptoms.
Mental health issues are clear fundamental causes of all contributing factors to the development or mainte-
nance of sick conditions where homoeopathy aids cure and so Master Hahnemann believed that cure also starts
1. from the mind
Dr.Mahesh where
Gandhi, no Evolution
Personal surgical instrument reaches except the dynamical homoeopathic medicines.
Model The Foundation
Book, first edition reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
page 65, page 135, page 88
Keywords: Psychosomatic disease, Homoeopathic medicines, WHO definition of psychosomatic, Apho-
2. about mental disease
ICD Code

3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis psychological and social variables in health and
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.

M indYakir,Ph.D,
4. Michal represents
the man,
the mind
ORDER body is only
so: Flowering
Book One a disease
Table Of
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
begins in the mind and then reflected in the body,
Underlying causes4:

164, page 166 • Chaotic lifestyle

and it is this physical reflection that is commonly
5. as disease.
term Dr.
Anand R. Kapse, • Difficulty recognising and expressing
is second
derived edition,
from 2003;
Greek by Dr. M.L.
word Dhawale Memorial
“psyche” (mind) emotions
trust; page 102 to 105
and “soma” (body). A psychosomatic disorder is • Childhood neglect
a disease which involves both mind and body. • History of sexual abuse
Mental andTHE AUTHOR
emotional factors which lead to ini-
• Other psychological conditions such as
tiation and progression of several other diseases.
1. depression or personality disorder
For Dr Vaishali
e.g., when a childP. is scolded
Joshi, itM.D (Hom.),
acts on mind
Homoeopathic Physician
first then comes the physical symptoms of crying, • Substance abuse such as alcoholism or drug
palpitation, perspiration, etc. addiction
• Unemployment
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental,
and social well-being and not merely the absence Physical conditions resulting from mental con-
of a disease or infirmity.” Homoeopathy is the dition can be manifested as follows4:
only system of medicine, which has an integrated
• Fatigue
approach in understanding the role of mind in
health and disease. Master Samuel Hahnemann, • Insomnia
the founder of Homoeopathy was perhaps the • Aches and pains – muscle pain or back pain
first man, who not only highlighted the impor- • High blood pressure (hypertension)
tance of mind in the disease process, but also stat-
• Trouble breathing – dyspnoea or shortness of
ed that disease starts in the mind.
The World Health Organization defines psycho- • Headaches and migraine
somatic medicine as “the study of biological, • Erectile dysfunction (impotence)

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 27


• Skin rash (dermatitis) we see the physical symptoms, dynamic homoeo-

pathic medicine administered thus the cure starts
Psychosomatic disease in organon of medicine
5,6,7,12,13,14 in mind and physical symptoms disappear. Thus,
here are few such dynamic medicines
Master Hahnemann in his Organon of Medicine
• Aconitum napellus: Amenorrhoea after fright in
has dedicated various aphorism to make physi-
plethoric young girls
cians understand that all outwardly shown physi-
cal symptoms are results of internal derange- • Actaea racemosa: Mania following
ments Aphorism 80 – the chronic miasm psora disappearance of neuralgia. Exhausting,
the monstrous internal chronic miasm which is irregular menses, delayed or suppressed by
the fundamental cause and producer of numer- mental emotion, with chorea, hysteria or
ous forms of disease which under the names of mania; increase of mental symptom during
nervous debility, hysteria, hypochondriasis, ma- menses
nia, melancholia, madness. • Agaricus muscarius: Physical symptoms <
Aphorism 210 says mental diseases are one-sided mental application. Cannot sleep or have sex
diseases of psoric origin. Mental disease is not in certain beds because they look like coffins
separated from corporeal disease, since in all cor- • Agnus castus: Sadness causes deficiency or
poreal disease the condition of disposition and suppression of milk in nursing women
mind is altered; and in all diseased states the dis- • Alumina: progression of slowness of mind,
position of mind is noted in totality of symptoms to confusion, to loss of identity, despair of
to trace the accurate picture of disease for success- recovery results in degeneration of nervous
fully treating the disease. system leading to early symptomatology of
In Aphorism 225 it states a few emotional condi- schizophrenia. Her mental symptoms change
tions that have manifested as physical illnesses, to even to suicidal impulses
but which, paradoxically, are maintained by emo-
tional causes such as persistent anxiety, worry, an- • Ambra grisea: Insomnia after business
noyance, wrongs, and the recurrence of extremely embarrassment
intense fear and fright, are some illustrations. This • Antimonium crudum: Bad effects of
type of emotional illness frequently impairs phys- disappointed affection
ical health. • Anacardium orientale: Nervous headache of
According to Kent, the mind is the origin of all sedentary persons
disease since it is the core entity from which the • Apis mellifica: Ailments from jealousy, fright,
organism functions as a whole. The mental symp- rage, vexation, bad news
toms are first to consider during evaluation of
• Argenticum nitricum: Acute or chronic diseases
from unusual or long continued mental
Scholten claims that the psychosomatic approach
exertion like headache, metrorrhagia in young
to problem-solving has ingrained itself so deeply
widows Apprehension causes diarrhoea.
within our practice that it is no longer necessary
Anxiety coming from a silly idea causes
to address it separately.
relaxation of penis and thus rendering him
Homoeopathy and psychosomatic symptoms:
8,9,10,11,13,15 incapable of continuing the love act
“Treating the body is really about treating the mind. • Arsenicum album: Most pathology from the
It is all psychosomatic- every bit of it, no exceptions.”- deep-seated insecurity in mind due to sense of
Esther Hicks vulnerability and defencelessness in matters
Cure begins in the mind, thus says the Aphorism about diseases and death.
253 “in ever so slight amelioration we observe a • Asarum europaeum: Cold shivers from any
great degree of comfort, increased calmness and emotion
freedom of mind, higher spirits and in ever so • Aurum metallicum: Ailments from fright, anger
small a commencement of aggravation the exact contradictions, mortification, vexation, dread,
opposite condition of mind is observed”. So, it is a or reserved displeasure like headache. Mental
chain – disease begins in mind , reflected to body,

28 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


and uterine affections with melancholy • Ferrum metallicum: Extreme paleness of the
• Bacillinum: Insanity with pityriasis face, lips, mucous membrane which becomes
red and flushed on least pain, emotion, or
• Bryonia alba: Ailments from chagrin,
mortification, anger, violence, after anger
chilly, <from mental exertion • Gelsemium: Bad effects from fright, fear,
exciting news and sudden emotions, <mental
• Caladium: Impotence with mental depression
exertion, when thinking of his ailments, when
• Calcarea arsenicum: Slightest emotion causes spoken of his loss
palpitation of heart
• Glonoine: Bad effects of mental excitement,
• Calcarea carbonicum: Least mental excitement fright, fear
causes profuse return of menstrual flow
• Helonias dioica: <thinking of his ailments
• Calcarea phosphorica: Ailments from grief,
• Hyoscyamus niger: Convulsion of children
disappointed love, mental exertion. Feels
from fright. Bad effects of unfortunate love,
complaints more when thinking about them
with jealousy, rage, incoherent speech or
• Capsicum: Nervous, spasmodic cough inclination to laugh at everything; often
• Causticum; Severe mental shock resulting in followed by epilepsy
paralysis. Ailments from long lasting grief, • Ignatia: Persons mentally and physically
sorrow, from sudden emotions, fear, fright, exhausted by long concentrated grief. Bad
joy, anger or vexation effects of anger, grief or disappointed love,
• Chamomilla: Complaints from anger, especially bad news from vexation, with reserved
chill and fever. Convulsion of nursing children displeasure, from suppressed mental
after a fit of anger in mother suffering, of shame and mortification
• Cinchona: <mental emotions • Lachesis: Ailments from long lasting grief,
• Cocculus: Bad effects from mental excitement sorrow, fright, vexation, jealousy or
like trembling of arms and legs disappointed love
• Coffea cruda: Ailments from bad effects of • Lycopodium clavatum: Ailments from fright,
sudden emotions or pleasurable surprises like anger, mortification, or vexation with reserved
headache displeasure
• Colchicum autumnale: Ailments from grief, • Lyssin: Mental emotion or mortifying news
misdeeds of others, mental emotion or always makes him worse
exhaustion, effects of hard study • Medorrhinum; Physical symptoms < when
• Colocynthis: Menses suppressed by chagrin. thinking of it
Affection from anger, with indignation- colic, • Murex purpurea: Leucorrhoea < mental
vomiting, diarrhoea. < mortification caused depression, happier when leucorrhoea is
by offense worse
• Conium maculatum: Bad effects from non- • Natrum muriaticum: Bad effects of anger
gratification of sexual instinct, or over caused by offence, of grief, fright, vexation,
indulgence mortification or reserved displeasure;
• Crocus sativus: Nervous headache symptoms < mental exertion
• Cuprum metallicum: Mental and physical • Natrum sulphuricum: Depressed; lively music
exhaustion from over-exertion of mind makes her sad; satiety of life; must use great
• Cyclamen europaeum; Ailments from self-control to prevent shooting himself
suppressed grief, terrors of conscience, from • Nitric acid: Ailments from long lasting anxiety,
duty not done, bad act committed over-exertion of mind, anguish from the loss
• Dioscorea villosa: Vivid dreams of women all of his dearest friend, sadness before menses
night resulting in emissions during sleep, with • Nux vomica: Bad effects of long-continued
weak knees, cold genitals, great despondency mental over-exertion

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 29


• Opium: Bad-effects of fear still remaining, physical symptom originates from the mental
insensibility and partial or complete paralysis conditions as explained by Homoeopathic Stal-
as a result from fright warts in our Homoeopathic Philosophy.
• Phosphoric acid: Bad-effects of chagrin, or a long
succession of moral emotions as grief, care, REFERENCES
1. F. Creed, Somatic Disorders, Editor(s): George Fink, Encyclopedia
disappointed affection, sorrow, homesickness of Stress (Second Edition), Academic Press, 2007, Pages 545-547.
• Picric acid: Slightest mental exertion or https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-012373947-6.00355-X.
overwork brings on headache and causes 2. WHO https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/major-themes/health-
burning along the spine; headache < or from 3. Banerjee PN. Chronic disease – its cause and cure. 1st edn. New
grief or depressing emotions Delhi. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
• Platina: Mental disturbances after fright, grief, 4. Cleaveland Clinic https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/
vexation, onanism, pride. Mental symptoms
5. Sankaran P, Sankaran R. The Elements of Homeopathy. 1st edn.
appear as physical symptoms disappear and Bombay: Homoeopathic Medical Publishers.; 1996
vice-versa. Ailments from deceived ambition. 6. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi: B.
Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.;2011Boericke W. Pocket Manual of
• Rhus toxicodendron: Headache returns from Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory. Reprint ed. New
least chagrin Delhi: B Jain Publishers(P)Ltd.; 1998
• Sambucus nigra: Bad-effects of violent mental 7. Scholten J. Homoeopathy and the Elements. 1st edn. Bombay:
Homeopathic Medical Publishers; 1998
emotion, anxiety, grief, excessive sexual 8. Allen HC. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons of
indulgence some of the Leading remedies of the Materia Medica with Bowel
Nosodes. 8th ed. Delhi: B Jain Publishers(P)Ltd.; 2002.
• Spongia tosta: Every mental excitement < or
9. Vithoulkas G. Materia medica viva. Greece. International
increases the cough academy of classical homoeopathy; 1997. vol 3
• Staphisagria: Ailments from pride, envy or 10. Vithoulkas G. Materia medica viva. Greece. International
academy of classical homoeopathy; 1997. vol 4
chagrin, onanism, mortification, unmerited
11. Sankaran R. The soul of remedies. 1st edn Bombay: Homoeopathic
insults, indignation with vexation or reserved Medical Publishers.; 2022
displeasure 12. Dey SP. Essentials of Principles and Practice of Homeopathy.
• Tarentula: Ill effects of unrequited love Enlarged 2nd edn. Dr. Sabita Rani
13. Boericke W. Mental Symptoms. British Homoeopathic Journal.
1912; XXVII(N3). Encyclopedia Homoepathica.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 14. Samaran R. Vivek R. The concept of psychosomatic disorder.
5,6,12,13 International journal of Homoeopathic Sciences. 2022 issue 2.
4-2-19-55720200618-117895-1m7k9ac-libre.pdf (d1wqtxts1xzle7.
In the present scenario psychosomatic disorder cloudfront.net)
is a major concern to deal with in our day-to-day 15. Vithoulkas G. The Essence of Materia Medica 21st impression 2nd
clinic. Homoeopathy plays a significant role in al- edn. Noida: B. Jain Publishers(P) Ltd.; 1988
leviating the psychosomatic disorders by the help
of administering medicines in a holistic approach ABOUT THE AUTHORS
where mind and body constitute a whole; they are 1. Dr. Prastuti Jaiswal, Assistant Professor,
one and the same. Hahnemann said it can be con- Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Dr.
fidently asserted, “from great experience, that the MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital
vast superiority of the Homoeopathic system over and Research Centre, Homoeopathy University,
all other conceivable methods of the treatment, is Jaipur (Rajasthan)
now here displayed in a more triumphant light 2. Dr. Sristi Chakraborty, PG Scholar, Department
than in mental and emotional diseases of long of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Dr. MPK
standing, which originally sprang from corpo- Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and
real maladies or were developed simultaneously Research Centre, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur
with them.” This clearly indicates the efficacy and
superiority of homoeopath. This work covers the 3. Dr. Shayantan Kumar Das- PG Scholar,
keynote symptom of each remedy full of Psycho- Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Dr.
MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital
somatic illness which all the other works till date
and Research Centre, Homoeopathy University,
lack in. The work very clearly shows how each
Jaipur (Rajasthan)

30 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

Utility Homoeopathy in Psychosomatic
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the Diseases
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor and the Dr. Bithiah Thomas
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
is the profound weakness of the kidney and
genitourinary diseases arewhich
physical diseases
points which occur due to prolonged psychological disturbances. In all
to Pareira
brava. conditions the mental nature of the patient is enquired and medicine is given accordingly in Homoeopa-
thy. Kent mentioned in his lectures that “Man is prior to his illness, man himself is sick not the part or organ is
sick”. Homoeopathy treats the patient as a whole and gets success in psychosomatic illnesses.
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
Keywords:Aphorism, Homoeopathy,
Book, first edition reprint 2019; Mental,
New Delhi, published by Psychosomatic
The diseases
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
page 65, page 135, page 88

2. ICD Code Stage of Resistance: If the stressor persists, the
phase of resistance initiates, in which the body

3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created disorder
psychosomatic by Archibel SA,isbaseda on disease
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
opposes the ongoing impact of the stressor. Yet,
which involves both mind and body. Dr. the ability to withstand new stressors is com-
4. mentions
Michal Yakir,Ph.D, in aphorism
WONDROUS 225 regarding
ORDER Systematic Table Of promised in this phase. Throughout this period,
Homoeopathic Plant
psychosomatic RemediesThe
disorder. Bookcontinued
One : Flowering Plants, 7th
emotional specific hormonal reactions in the body serve as a
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
164, page like
166 anxiety, worry, vexation, wrongs, crucial defence mechanism against the stressor’s
fear and fright leads to physical complaints. effects. Particularly noteworthy among these hor-
Hahnemann advised MANUAL,
treatment Editor
forDr. Anand R. Kapse,
psychosomatic monal reactions is heightened engagement within
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
trust; page as
102 todisplay
105 of confidence, friendly the adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) axis. Adreno-
exhortations, sensible advice, a well-disguised corticotropic hormone (ACTH) is secreted into
deception will rapidly change into a healthy state the bloodstream by certain cells in the pituitary
of mind along THE AUTHOR
with appropriate diet and regimen. gland. Stressors are able to activate the nerve cells
of the hypothalamus so that more corticotropin-
1. Dr Vaishali P. Joshi, M.D (Hom.),
releasing factor is sent to the pituitary gland,
Homoeopathic Physician
thus increasing secretion of ACTH into the blood.
The body’s response to such fear, fright, anxiety In this way, brain activity triggered by stressors
comes under the general adaptation syndrome. influences hormone release; this is a major link
The general adaptation syndrome consists of between environmental events-stressors-and the
three stages: bodily state of stress.

• the alarm reaction, Stage of Exhaustion: The final stage of the gen-
eral adaptation syndrome is the stage of exhaus-
• the stage of resistance, and
tion. In this stage, the body’s capacity to respond
• the stage of exhaustion. to both continuous and new stressors have been
Alarm Reaction: The alarm reaction is essentially seriously compromised. For instance, due to the
the emergency response of the body. In this stage, actions of cortisol described above, a person may
prompt responses of the body, many of them me- no longer be able to ward off infection and may
diated by the sympathetic nervous system, pre- become sick and perhaps die. Or, because of other
pare us to cope with the stressor every time. stressor-induced hormonal effects, stomach ul-

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 31


cers, diabetes, skin disorders, asthma, high blood den emotions or pleasurable surprises.
pressure, increased susceptibility to cancer, or a
host of other diseases may occur at this stage or Colchicum: Ailments from grief or misdeeds of
late in the stage of resistance. others.

The term psychosomatic disorders are used when Colocynthis: Affections from anger, with indig-
perceived stressors-mental events-increase the nation- colic, vomiting, diarrhoea and suppres-
susceptibility of the body to disease. Of course, sion of menses. Menses suppressed by chagrin,
not all instances of the diseases listed above are colic pains.
psychosomatic, but many are, and thus the con- Cyclamen: Ailments from suppressed grief and
trol of stress has become a major problem for terrors of conscience. From duty not done or bad
medicine. acts committed.
HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES Gelsemium: Bad effects from fright, fear, exciting
Homoeopathic medicines show tremendous ac- news and sudden emotions.
tion in psychosomatic disorders. Some of the Hyoscyamus: Bad effects of unfortunate love;
medicines with its indications are listed below:   with jealousy, rage, incoherent speech or inclina-
Aconite: Amenorrhea in plethoric young girls; af- tion to laugh at everything; often followed by epi-
ter fright to prevent suppression of menses lepsy. Convulsions of children from fright.

Anti. Crud: Sentimental mood in the moonlight Ignatia: Bad effects of anger, grief, or disappoint-
especially ecstatic love bad effects of disappointed ed love, from bad news, from vexation with re-
affection served displeasure; from suppressed mental suf-
ferings; of shame and mortification.
Apis: Ailments from jealousy, fright, rage, vexa-
tion, bad news Lachesis: Ailments from long lasting grief, sor-
row, fright, vexation, jealousy or disappointed
Arg. Nit: Acute or chronic diseases from unusual love.
or long continued mental exertion
Lycopodium: Ailments from fright, anger, morti-
Aurum: Ailments from fright, anger, contradic- fication, or vexation with reserved displeasure.
tions, mortification, vexation, dread or reserved
displeasure. Natrum mur: For the bad effects of anger, of
grief, of vexation, mortification or reserved dis-
Bryonia alba: Ailments from chagrin, mortifica- pleasure.
tion and anger.
Nitric acid: Ailments from long lasting anxiety,
Calc. Phos: Ailments from disappointed love and over-exertion of mind and body from nursing the
grief. sick; anguish from the loss of his dearest friend,
indifference, tired of life.
Causticum: Ailments from long lasting grief and
sorrow, from loss of sleep, night watching, from Nux vomica: Bad effects of long- continued men-
sudden emotions, fear, fright, joy, from anger or tal exertion.
vexation. Disturbed functional activity of brain
and spinal cord from exhausting diseases or se- Opium: Ailments that originate from fright, bad
vere mental shock resulting in paralysis. effects of the fear still remaining. Spasms of chil-
dren after fright of mother.
Chamomilla: Complaints from anger, especial-
ly chill and fever. Convulsions of children from Phos acid: Ailments from care, chagrin, grief, sor-
nursing, after a fit of anger in the mother. row, home sickness.

Cocculus: Bad effects of anger and grief. Psorinum: Physical complaints occur from
even slight emotions.
Coffea cruda: Ailments: The bad effects of sud-

32 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


Staphysagria: Ailments from thwarted pride, staph., tarent.

envy or chagrin, onanism, chagrin, mortification,
unmerited insults, indignation, with vexation or MORTIFICATION. ailments after: Arg-n., aur.,
reserved displeasure. aur-m., bell., bry., cham., Coloc., Ign., Lyc., lyss.,
merc., Nat-m., nux-v., op.,Pall., Ph-ac., plat., puls.,
REPERTORIAL APPROACH: rhus-t., seneg., sep., Staph., stram., sulph., verat.
ailments after anger, vexation etc.: Acon., agar.,
alum., am-c., ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn., ars., aur., CONCLUSION
aur-m., bell., bry., calc., calc-p., calc-s., cadm., For over two centuries, homeopathy has directed
caust., Cham., chin., cist., cimic., Cocc., coff., its attention towards the psychological well-be-
Coloc., croc., cupr., ferr., ferr-p., gels., hyos., Ign., ing of its patients. Employing a comprehensive
Ip., kali-p., lach., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., manc., approach, it meticulously documents mental
mez., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nux-m., Nux-v., symptoms during the process of drug testing. It
Op., petr., ph-ac., phos., Plat., puls., ran-b., rhus- places significant emphasis on mental and emo-
t., samb., sec., sel., sep., sil., stann., Staph., stram., tional manifestations across various illnesses.
sulph., tarent., verat., zinc This approach yields high patient contentment,
along with the added benefits of safety and cost-
after anger with anxiety: Acon., alum., Ars., aur.,
effectiveness associated with its medications.
bell., bry., calc., cham., cocc., coff, cupr.,
Consequently, homeopathy emerges as a robust
hyos., Ign., lyc., nat-c., nat-m., Nux-v., op.,
contender for inclusion within global mental
petr., phos., plat., puls., rhus-t., samb.,
healthcare strategies. In today’s context, marked
sep., stann., stram., sulph., verat.
by heightened stress levels and a prevalence of
with fright: Acon., aur., bell., calc., cocc., cupr., psychosomatic ailments, the necessity for such an
Ign., nat-c., nux-u., op, petr., phos., plat., approach is particularly pronounced. The oppor-
puls., samb., sep., sulph., zinc. tunity lies with us to fully harness the potential of
homeopathy across all bodily afflictions originat-
indignation: Aur., Coloc., ip., lyc., merc., mur-ac., ing from psychological sources. In doing so, we
nat-m., nux-v., plat., Staph. have the capacity to aid individuals and contrib-
ute positively to society’s well-being on a larger
silent grief: Alum., ars., aur., bell., cocc., coloc.,
hyos., Ign., Lyc., nat- c., nat-m., nux-v., ph-
ac., phos., plat., puls., Staph., verat
BAD news, ailments from: Apis, Calc., calc-p.,
1. Dr. Hahnemann Samuel. Organon of Medicine (Fifth and sixth
chin., cinnb., cupr., dros., form., Gels., ign., kali- Edition) translated by R.E. Dudgeon: B. Jain Publishers; 7th
c., kali-p., lach., lyss., med., nat-m., nat-p., pæon., Impression- 2013.
pall., phos., puls., stram., sulph 2. Kent J T; Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, B.Jain
Publishers Pvt Limited; 9th Impression, 2015.
FRIGHT, complaints from: Acon., anac., apis, 3. Allen H C; Allen’s Keynotes Rearranged and classified with
arg-n., arn., ars., art-v., aur., aur-m., bell., bry., Leading remedies of he Materia Medica and Bowel Nosodes; 10th
Edition; B.Jain Publishers Pvt Limited; 27th Impression, 2014.
calc., carp-s., caust., cham., coff., cupr., gels., glon., 4. Morgan T Clifford, King A Richard, Weisz R John, Schopler John;
graph., hyos., hyper., Ign., iod., lach., Lyc., mag-c., Introduction to Psychology, Seventh Edition; Tata McGraw- Hill
merc., nat-c., Nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., Op., Ph- ac., Publishing Company Limited.
Phos., plat., Puls., rhus-t., sabad., samb., sec., sep.,
Sil., stram., verat., zinc.
JOY, ailments from excessive: Acon., caust., coff.,
1. Dr. Bithiah Thomas.G, MD Part II, Dept.
croc., cycl., nat-c., op., puls.
of Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic
LOVE, ailments, from disappointed: Ant-c., Philosophy, White Memorial Homoeo
aur., calc-p., caust., cimic., coff., hell., Hyos.,Ign., Medical College, Attoor.
kali-c,, lach., Nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., Ph-ac., sep.,

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 33


Psychosomatic Disease: Modern Outlook

and Homeopathy
Dr Jolly Khan

Psychosomatic diseases are conditions in which emotional or psychological factors contribute significantly to
physical symptoms and overall health. These ailments are increasingly prevalent in today’s fast-paced, stress-
ful world. Traditional medical approaches often focus solely on treating the physical symptoms, neglecting the
emotional and mental aspects that underlie the condition. In contrast, homoeopathy offers a holistic approach
that addresses the patient as a whole which includes the mental as well as the physical complaints, making it a
valuable alternative for managing psychosomatic diseases.

Keywords: Psychosomatic, Disease, Homeopathy, Emotions, Psychology, Mind.



T he notion that one’s mental state has an effect

on one’s physical state is not new. Many
renowned thinkers, including Hippocrates,
According to modern psychiatric textbooks, Ger-
man psychiatrist Heinroth was first to use the term
Socrates, Plato, and Galen, promoted the concept
“Psychosomatic” in 1818. In 1922 Felix Deutsch
of psychosomatic sickness many years ago.
introduced the term “psychosomatic medicine”.
According to Hippocrates, Father of Modern
The idea of psychogenesis characterized the first
Medicine, Psychosomatic Disorders are the
phase of the development of psychosomatic med-
abnormal physical reactions to stressful emotions,
icine (1930–1960) and resulted in the concept of
incidents, and situations [1]. With the advent of
psychosomatic disease [2].
the era of dualism in 1637, this perspective was
abandoned, and the mind was regarded as a
thinking entity and the body as a non-thinking Engel, and Lipowski deserve credit for laying
entity. Following the identification of pathogens the groundwork for revival of this concept under
as the cause of infectious disease in the late more appropriate guidelines in the 1960s. Engel
1600s, the dominant focus of biomedical research developed a multifactorial approach to sickness
shifted to the management and removal of these that was later defined as ‘biopsychosocial,’ allow-
organisms, resulting in the significant advances ing sickness to be studied as the result of interact-
of antibiotic medicine and inoculation. However, ing systems at the cellular, tissue, organismic, in-
there has been a resurgence of interest in the role terpersonal, and environmental levels. He stated
of psychosocial variables in immunologically that the study of every disease must include the
mediated illness, such as cancer and autoimmune individual, his body and his surrounding envi-
disorders, as well as infectious disease, in recent ronment as essential components of the total sys-
years. Much of this research has found a direct link tem [2]. Lipowski gave an invaluable contribution
between psychological processes and sickness. in setting the scope, mission and methods of psy-

34 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


chosomatic medicine. He defined psychosomatic diagnostic tools have been able to identify specific
medicine as a scientific field concerned with ex- neurochemical and hormonal mechanisms that
amining the connections between biological, can account for physical conditions affected by
psychological, social determinants of health and psychological factors and psychological symp-
disease and emphasized on practicing the holistic toms caused by medical conditions.
approach to the practice of medicine [2].
Psychosomatic disorders were classified in the AND EMOTIONS
DSM-II in 1968 as “psychosomatic symptoms
caused by emotional factors and involving a sin- Stress and emotions have a major effect on physi-
gle organ system usually under autonomic ner- ological processes such as activation of the sym-
vous system innervation”. In DSM-IV-TR term pathetic adrenal-medullary (SAM) system, the
somatoform disorder was adopted, and was de- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPAC)
fined as repeated presentations with physical system, and other endocrine systems. Sympa-
symptoms that lacked a sufficient physical basis. thetic nervous system is most active in response
As the somatoform disorders in DSM-IV-TR had to fear and anger, as well as other acute emotional
a lot of overlap, this term was replaced by somatic states such as excitement, while activation of the
symptoms and related disorders in DSM-V [3]. pituitary-adrenocortical system occurs when dan-
gers are judged to be more overwhelming and dif-
According to international classification of dis- ficult to deal with. SAM activation is accompanied
eases [ICD -10,WHO 1993] psychosomatic dis- by the release of epinephrine, norepinephrine,
orders can be classified depending on whether and other catecholamines into the bloodstream,
or not there is tissue damage: “Psychological whereas HPAC activation results in the release of
malfunction arising from mental factors”, it de- adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corti-
scribes assortments of physical manifestations or costeroids [5].
sorts of psychological malfunctioning of mental
origin not involving the tissue damage and usu- The two major stress systems (SAM and HPAC)
ally mediated through the autonomic nervous affect numerous aspects of immunity. Sheng et al
system(ANS). Included in this category are respi- suggested that chronically stressed individuals
ratory disturbances e.g. hyperventilation, psycho- are biased toward a humoral immunity-oriented
genic cough, cardiovascular disturbances such as cytokine production, for unknown reasons. HPAC
cardiac neurosis, skin disorders such as pruritus. System forms a close neuro-effector junction with
If there is tissue damage and psychological factors lymphocytes, macrophages and releases a range
are associated with disease process the following of neuropeptides like IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, and IGF-
definition is used: mental unsettling influences or 1. A properly functioning HPAC prevents the
psychic components of any sort might be thought peripheral release of neuropeptide IL-1, IL-6 fol-
to have had a noteworthy impact in the etiology of lowing acute stress. But due to the dysregulation
certain physical conditions more often involving of the HPAC and a resistance to the immunosup-
tissue damage. Included under this latter designa- pressant effects of glucocorticoids seen in chronic
tion are psychogenic conditions such as asthma, stress, there is a decrease in the ability of the HPA
dermatitis, eczema, gastric ulcer, mucous colitis, to prevent peripheral inflammation resulting in
ulcerative colitis, and urticarial [4]. increased systemic levels of IL-6. TNF-α promotes
gene expression by activating NFκB which results
Despite ongoing vagueness in the scientific com- in the transcription of inflammatory cytokines.
munity about the present definition of psychoso- Hence, an elevation in TNF-α is concomitant with
matic disorders, modern research and advanced elevation in the levels of IL-1 and IL-6[6].   

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 35


Such Immune dysregulation driven by long-term mental condition are determined.”[9].

stress exacerbates pro-inflammatory (dermatitis,
cardiovascular disease, gingivitis) and autoim- William Boericke stated that cases where mental
mune diseases (psoriasis, arthritis, multiple scle- states and emotions are evident primary causes or
rosis) diseases [7]. contributing factors to the production or continu-
ance of diseased conditions, Homoeopathy offers
PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASE AND HOMEOPA- much useful aid, thus: Remember the adaptability
THY of Coffea, Aconite and Opium to the ill effect of
different emotional disturbances, Gelsemium to
Homoeopathy is a holistic science that considers the effect of fear, Ignatia and Phosphoric acid to
the body as a whole, places a strong emphasis on the effect of grief [10].
mental and emotional states and their correlation
with bodily function and diseases. The compre- HOMEOPATHIC DIAGNOSIS OF PSYCHOSO-
hensive approach to treatment not only cures ail- MATIC DISEASES
ments but also makes the person more function-
ing, allowing them to become more adaptive and Psychosomatic disease diagnosis needs the
more equipped to deal with life’s stresses. presence of clearly defined signs and symptoms.
Adequate history, systemic examination, and
In aphorism 225 of the Organon of Medicine, clinical judgment, is more essential than any
Hahnemann states that certain diseases arise from diagnostic test. There is currently no clear test in
mental disturbances such as continued anxiety, the conventional medical system to distinguish
worry, fear etc. and this kind of emotional diseases between psychosomatic and somatopsychic dis-
in time destroys the corporeal health, often to a orders. However, Hahnemann made a clear dif-
great degree [8]. ferentiation between them in 1810. In fact, he
prescribed a psychotherapeutic approach. In aph-
Dr. JT Kent considered that the mind is the center orism 224, he suggested that if mental affection
of the whole functioning of the organism and that proceeds from one or more factors belonging to
it is also the focal point from which the disease psychological conditions, then it will be improved
process starts. Kent stated that “The mental by “sensible friendly exhortations, consolatory
symptoms must be first worked out by the usual arguments, serious representations and sensible
form until the remedies best suited to the patient’s

36 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


advice” and if the mental affection depends on a Holistic approach of homeopathy, the Meticulous
bodily disease, then it will be aggravated by the recording of mental symptoms during drug Prov-
same measures[11]. ing, the importance it places on the mental and
Emotional symptoms in every disease, the high
patient Satisfaction, and the safety and the low
PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASE- RUBRICS [12, 13] cost of the medicines Make it a strong candidate
for inclusion in global mental Health care poli-
Mind, Aliments from, Anger, Suppressed: Colo- cies [14] and it is especially important now, when
cynthis, Lycopodium, Staphysagria stress is at an all-time high and many Psychoso-
Head, hair, falling, grief, from: Phosphoric Acid matic disorders are being diagnosed on a daily
basis. It is our responsibility as homoeopaths to
Genitalia female, menses, suppressed, emotion, utilize the full potential of homoeopathy in all so-
from: Cimicifuga matic disorders that have a mental cause, there-
fore benefiting people and society as a whole.
Abdomen, pain, anger, after: Chamomilla, Coccu-
lus, Colocynthis, Nux-vomica, Staphysagria,
Chest, pain, sore, heart, grief, after: Gelsemium, Ig-
1. Wolman BB. Psychosomatic Disorders. Springer Science &
natia Business Media; 2012.
2. ‌
Fava GA, Sonino N. Psychosomatic Medicine: Emerging
Mind, love, ailments, from disappointed: Calcarea Trends and Perspectives. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.
phosphoricum, Ignatia, Natrium Muriaticum 2000;69(4):184–97.
3. American Psychiatric Association. DSM-5 TM guidebook the

Back, pain, lumbar region, mortification, after: essential companion to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of
Nux vomica mental disorders, fifth edition. 5th ed. Washington, Dc American
Psychiatric Publishing; 2013.
Sleep, sleeplessness, grief, from: Ignatia, Kalium 4. Sadock VA, Ruiz P, Sadock BJ. Kaplan & Sadocks Comprehensive
Textbook of Psychiatry. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2017.
Bromatum, Natrium Muriaticum
5. O’Leary A. Stress, emotion, and human immune function.
Psychological Bulletin. 1990 Jan 1;108(3):363–82.
Extremities, weakness, lower limbs, vexation, af-
‌6. Dhabhar FS. Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the
ter: Causticum, Lycopodium, Nux-vomica bad, and the beautiful. Immunologic research. 2014 May 6;58(2-
7. Holmes TH. Life situations, emotions, and disease.
CONCLUSION Psychosomatics. 1978 Dec;19(12):747–54.
Since the time of Master Hahnemann, the con- ‌8. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 5 and 6 Edition. B Jain
Publisher Pvt Limited; 2013.
cept of psychosomatic disease has existed in ho-
9. ‌Kent JT. Repertory of the homeopathic materia medica. New
moeopathy, but it has not been acknowledged Delhi: B. Jain Publisher Pvt Limited; 2016.
by the scientific community. With an increase in 10. Samaran R. Vivek R. Concept of psychosomatic disorders in

mental health problems, this area is becoming a homeopathy: A review.IJHS.2020;4(2):152
focus of research, giving rise to a new branch of 11. Arya MP, Boericke W. A study of Hahnemann’s organon of
medicine : based on the English translation of the 6th edition by
medicine termed psychosomatic in modern sci- Dr. William Boericke, M.D. New Delhi, India: B. Jain Publishers;
ence, which tells us how frustrations and wor- 2008.‌
ries, anger and hatred contribute to the aetiology 12. Schroyens Frederik. Augmented Clinical Synthesis 9.1. S.L.: B Jain
Publishers Pvt Ltd; 2018.
of most chronic diseases. Emerging fields within
13. ‌Phatak SR. Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic Medicines. B.
psychosomatic medicine, such as psychoderma- Jain Publishers; 2004.
tology, psychoneuroimmunology, and psychoen- 14. Samaran R. Vivek R. Concept of psychosomatic disorders in
docrinology, are in alignment with the concept of homeopathy: A review.IJHS.2020;4(2):154
homoeopathy. In this new and expanding field,
homoeopathy can play a significant role in patient ABOUT AUTHOR
management. But Gaining acceptability in mod- 1. Dr Jolly Khan, BHMS, MD (SCHOLAR-
ern medicine is challenging due to the paucity of Practice of medicine), PGDGC, Baroda
research in the fields of psychosomatic diseases Homeopathic Medical college, Gujarat.
and homoeopathy.  

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 37


Psychosomatic Disorders and Its Homoeo-

pathic Perspective
Dr Prince Kumar

The Greek words “psyche” (meaning “mind”) and “soma” (meaning “body”) are the source of the phrase “psy-
chosomatic”. A psychosomatic disorder is a condition that affects the body and the mind. Sometimes, psycho-
logical and emotional elements may function as risk factors that may affect the beginning and development
of physical ailments. The key points of psychosomatic illnesses are highlighted here, along with the idea of
homoeopathic philosophy. The change from constitutional suffering and weakness to homeopathic health and

Keywords: Psychosomatic, Disease, Homeopathy, Emotions, Psychology, Mind.

INTRODUCTION is not in the DSM-5 as a result, psychosomatic

disorders are not clearly identified, defined, or

M edicine has traditionally divided disease

into either the body (soma) or the mind
(psyche).The division of diseases among
explained in the DSM-5.

Mental states impact body organs through an

specialties and the organization of hospitals amalgamation of three interrelated components:
both demonstrate this dualism. This paradigm is neural, hormonal, and immunologic. By con-
challenged by psychosomatic disorders, which scious command of brain, the motor neurons are
manifest physically yet are assumed to have, at responsible for the voluntary movements, yet the
least in part, psychological roots. A condition act may not be voluntary and conscious. Hypo-
known as psychosomatic disorder, sometimes thalamopituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic
known as psycho physiologic disorder, occurs nervous system get activated in response to stress
when psychological pressures have a distressing that further results in decrease immune response.
impact on physiological (somatic) functioning. Because of activation of corticosteroid, the im-
Through improper involuntary nervous system mune mechanism may be suppressed. In spite of
and internal secretion gland activation, it causes the fact that the immune system resist the body
structural or functional harm to physiological from the pathogens, it appear that introduction
organs. As a physiological byproduct of an to stress and excitation can diminish the immune
emotional state, the psychosomatic symptom system against the foreign bodies.
thus appears. In ancient times, “psyche” meant
“soul or mind” and recently it has been referred In 1964, George Freeman Solomon wrote “Emo-
to as behaviour and Soma implies the body of tions, immunity, and disease: A speculative theo-
organism. The earliest reference to the term retical integration.” In this article, Solomon first
Psychisch -Somatisch occurs in 1818 written by used the term ‘psychoimmunology’ and intro-
German psychiatrist Johann Christian August duced the concept of a medical link between our
Heinroth in “Lehrbuch”. In 1922 Felix Deutsch emotions and immune systems. In 1975, Robert
introduced the term “psychosomatic medicine”. Ader expanded on Solomon’s work and coined
The basic concept in psychosomatic medicine was the term Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) an
described by Sigmund Freud, who used the term emerging discipline that focuses on various in-
“conversion hysteria”. The term psychosomatic teractions the basis forcontinued on page........48
a scientific justification of

38 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


what is widely known as the mind-body connec- tissue damage, rather than neurotic defenses or
tion among these bodily systems. psychotic withdrawal.

Classification of Psychosomatic Disorders (ICD- 3. Personality – The individual utilizes patterns

10; WHO-1993) of action or behavior rather than mental, somatic
or emotional symptoms.
Depending on whether there is tissue damage,
psychosomatic disorders can be categorized un- 4. Psychotic – Characterized by personality dis-
der the international classification of diseases: integration with failure in the ability to per-
ceive, evaluate and test reality.
“Psychological malfunction arising from mental
factors” refers to a variety of physical symptoms or Diagnosis of Psychosomatic Diseases:-
types of psychological dysfunction of mental ori-
gin that are typically mediated by the autonomic The diagnosis of psychosomatic disease requires
nervous system (ANS) and do not involve tissue the presence of clearly defined signs and symp-
damage. This category includes respiratory issues toms consistent with each diagnostic category.
like hyperventilation and psychogenic cough, car- Clinical examination, including an adequate his-
diovascular issues like cardiac neurosis, and skin tory, review of systems, psychiatric assessment,
issues like pruritus,compulsive disorder. The fol- and clinical judgment, is more valid than rely
lowing definition is used if there is tissue damage upon any single laboratory or diagnostic test. Till
and psychological factors are linked to the disease now in conventional medical system there is no
process mental nervous influences or psychic clear test like (pathology and radio diagnosis) to
components of any kind may be thought to have differentiate organic and psychological diseases.
made a significant contribution to the aetiology
Homoeopathy and Psychosomatic Disease:-
of certain physical conditions, more frequently
involving tissue damage. Asthma, dermatitis, Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and
eczema, gastric ulcers, mucous colitis, ulcerative social well-being and not merely the absence of
colitis, and urticarial are all classified under the a disease or infirmity. Samuel Hahnemann the
latter category. founder of Homoeopathy was perhaps the first
man, who not only highlighted the importance of
In 1978 Zegarelli.E.V, Kutscher.A.H and HY-
mind in the disease process, but also stated that
MAN. G.A classified the psychosomatic disor-
disease starts in the mind. According to Homoe-
ders as follows
opathy, disease consists of two parts: generalized
1. Psychoneurotic disorder disturbance of the whole organism and localized
problems. It can be seen that generalized distur-
2. Psychophysiologic disorder bance (which includes physical, general and psy-
chological changes) precedes localization of the
3. Personality disorder. problem. In his magnum opus, Organon of Medi-
cine in Aphorism ‘210’ Hahnemann states regard-
4. Psychotic disorder ing MENTAL DISEASE “They do not, however,
1. Psychoneurotic – Basic characteristic is subject constitute a class of disease sharply separated
feeling of anxiety. Type of neurosis – from all others, since in all other so-called corpo-
real diseases the condition of the disposition and
• Phobic mind is always altered; and in all cases of disease
we are called on to cure the state of the patient’s
• Obsessive disposition is to be particularly noted, along with
• Depressive the totality of the symptoms, if we would trace an
• Conversion accurate picture of the disease, in order to be able
there from to treat it homoeopathically with suc-
2. Psychophysiologic – Distress renders the indi- cess.”
vidual to physiologic dysfunction and eventual-

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 39


In Aphorism 225 he states “There has been stat- • Causative factors.  

ed, that a few emotional diseases which have not • Peculiar mental states.

In Italics
merely been developed into that form out of cor-
• Characteristic physical generalities including
poreal diseases, but which, in an inverse manner,
its general modalities.
the body being but slightly indisposed, originate
and are kept up by emotional causes, such as con- • Characteristic particular symptoms including
tinued anxiety, worry, vexation, wrongs and the its particular modalities. Relevant information
frequent occurrence of great fear and fright. This from the Past/Personal/Family/medical
kind of emotional diseases in time destroys the history of the patient.
corporeal health, often to a great degree”. • Miasmatic profile of the patient.
As regards the miasmatic background of the
But Hahnemann in 1810 itself made a clear dis-
Pyschosomatic disorders Psora plays an indubi-
tinction between them. In fact, he prescribed
table role according to Hahnemann, so in all cases
psychotherapeutic techniques. In paragraph 224
appropriate antipsoric treatment must be em-
he recommends “If the mental disease ...be still
ployed for complete cure.
somewhat doubtful whether it really arose from
a corporeal affection or... result from faults of Hahnemann states in Aphorism 211“This holds
education, bad practices, corrupt morals, neglect true to such an extent, that the state of disposi-
of the mind, superstition or ignorance. The mode tion often chiefly determines the choice of the
of deciding this point will be, that if it proceed homoeopathic remedy”. The Homoeopathic Ma-
from...the latter causes it will diminish and be teria Medica and the Repertories placed great
improved by sensible friendly exhortations, con- emphasis upon mental and emotional states and
solatory arguments, serious representations and their correlation with bodily function and dis-
sensible advice. ...whereas a real moral or men- eases. The homoeopathic materia medica is full
tal malady, depending on bodily disease, would of drugs which have been well proved on human
be speedily aggravated by such a course, the beings, Hahnemann has said “There is no power-
melancholic would become still more dejected, ful medicinal substance in the world which does
querulous, inconsolable and reserved, the spiteful not very notably alter the state of the disposition
maniac would thereby become still more exasper- and mind in the healthy individual who tests it,
ated, and the chattering fool would become mani- and every medicine does so in a different man-
festly more foolish.” ner” and these have been verified on countless
occasions. These drugs are capable of exerting a
Homoeopathic approach towards Psychosomat- curative influence, not only on the body but on
ic Disorders:- the patient’s personality as well. They can be used
equally well in functional diseases as in organic
The fundamental principle of Homoeopathy is maladies. Moreover, the Law of Similars makes
that it treats the patient as a whole and as an in- no such absurd distinction between functional
dividual. There is no medicine for any particular and organic disease because the former untreated
disease, but there is a medicine for the patient suf- is invariably the precursor of the latter.
fering from the disease. “The individual, not the
disease, is the entity”, said the celebrated Sir Wil- Some example from Materia Medica:-
liam Osler. The general factors which should be
taken into consideration are age, intelligence, du- Aconite napellus: Amenorrhea in plethoric young
ration of illness, insight, nature of physical illness, girls after fright.
environmental stress and personality structure of
the individual. Along with this, the homoeopath Calcarea carbonicum: Least mental excitement
takes into consideration the conceptual image of causes profuse return of menses.
the patient which comprises: Chamomila matricaria: Convulsions of chil-
dren from nursing after a fit of anger in mother.
• Constitution, Temperament, Diathesis of the Complains from anger, specially chill and fever.

40 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


Ignatia amara: Children when reprimanded, newly aspect of medicine tell us that how anger,
scolded, get sick or have convulsions in sleep. stress, anxiety, fear frustration can affect human
health, cause of chronic diseases.
Opium: Involuntary stool, especially after fright.
Spasm of children, from approach of stranger; As Homoeopathy gives special attention on
from nursing after fright of mother mental health of patient. Its holistic approach of
treatment provide us a new path for mental health
Argentum nitricum:- Apprehension when ready of patient in global world, documentation of mental
for church or opera, diarrhea sets in. symptoms during drug proving and give more
emphasis on mental and emotional symptoms
Some Example from Repertories:-
during treatment gives mental satisfaction to the
There are many rubrics present in repertories and patient, due of low cost availability of medicine
these are mostly present in mind chapter. To get- too. All somatic disease of mental origin might be
ting similimum we use repertories and some of cured through homoeopathy in its fullest extent,
here in example:- and it will be beneficial for both patient as well as
global society.
Mind – Anxiety – abortion – after:- Cimic. Op. Sa-
Chest – pain – anger – after:- arg-n. caust. 1. Psychosomatic disorder [Internet]. Encyclopedia Britannica.
[cited 2020 Mar 19]. Available from: https://www.britannica.com/
Chest – milk – suppressed – anger- after – Cham
2. Margetts L. The Early History Of The Word “Psychosomatic “.
Canadian Medical Association Journal. 1950; 63(4):402-404.
Chest – hemorrhage of lungs – anger after – Nux-v
3. Kumar R, Yeragani VK. Psyche and soma: New insights into the
connection. Indian J Psychiatry. 2010; 52(Suppl 1):S233–9
Chest – oppression - anger – after- dulc. Staph 4. Sankaran R. The Spirit of Homoeopathy. 3rd Edition. Mumbai:
Homeopathic Medical Publishers; 1999, 4,5,33.
Rectum – diarrhea – anger – after – Aloe. Calc-p. 5. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Reprint Edition. Indian
Cham. Coloc. Nux-v. Staph. Books and Periodicals Publishers; 2004. 142,143,146.
6. Schmidt P. Homœopathy and psychosomatic disorders [Internet].
[cited 2020 Apr 15]. Available from: https://kundoc.com/pdf-
CONCLUSION homopathy-andpsychosomatic-disorders-.html
7. Sankaran P, Sankaran R. The Elements of Homeopathy. 1st edition.
Homoeopathy a significant therapeutic method, Bombay: Homoeopathic Medical Publishers; 1996; 2:704.
that might cure or improve psychosomatic dis- 8. Allen HC. Allens’ Keynotes - Rearranged and Classified with
eases, in harmless way. Homoeopathic medicine Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica and Bowel Nosodes.
10th ed. B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2007
prepared in dilution method where process of at- 9. Schroyens F. The Essential Synthesis. New Delhi: Homoeopathic
tenuation continued to prepare preceding poten- Book Publishers, 2007.
cy, by these process medicine preferred and it is
nontoxic, gentle, safe and administered on holistic ABOUT THE AUTHOR
principle. Here Homoeopathy is an ideal alter-
1. Dr Prince Kumar, (PG Scholar) , Department
native to conventional medicine with no adverse
of Practice Of Medicine inspite of prince
drug effect. In homoeopathy mental symptoms
Kumar sahay, and please add address RBTS
have been given more values to select the remedy
Government Homoeopathic Medical College
and it is used from Hahnemann’s era . Today a
And Hospital Muzaffarpur, Bihar

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 41


Perspiration and Its Significance in Homoeo-

Dr. Saurav Biswas, Dr. Supriya Pramanik, Dr. Prabin Kumar Shaw, Dr. Sheetal
Mishra, Dr. Suman Samanta

In the human body water is given off by intact skin by evaporation from the epidermis as sweat, a form of cool-
ing in which liquid is actively secreted from sweat glands. Perspiration is the act or process of insensible elimina-
tion of fluid through the pores of the skin, which is visible as droplets on the skin. This article describes perspira-
tion, anatomy & composition of sweat glands, different varieties of sweat and its significance in Homoeopathy.

Keywords: Perspiration, Homoeopathy, Eccrine glands, Apocrine glands, Anhidrosis, Bromhidrosis,


INTRODUCTION 1. A secretary portion which lies deep in the der-

mis, where the tubule is twisted into a fairly com-

P erspiration (sweating, transpiration,

or diaphoresis) is the physiological process by
which production of a fluid consisting primarily
pact tangle.

2. A duct portion passing outwards through the

of water as well as various dissolved solids (chiefly overlying dermis and the epidermis.
chlorides), that is excreted by the sweat glands in
the skin of mammals. Sweat is the watery fluid There are two types of sweat glands:
produced and excreted by the sweat gland.
1.The Eccrine sweat glands: They are located
over the entire body surface except for the lips,
ANATOMY OF SWEAT GLANDS nipples and part of the external genial, and are
Sweat glands: They are simple tubular glands innervated by sympathetic nerves.
found in almost every part of the skin (There 2.The Apocrine sweat glands: They are limited in
are two to four million sweat glands distributed their distribution to axillary, pubic, and perianal
all over our bodies). Sweat glands are modified region, and armpits (less than eccrine glands).
smooth muscle cells, known as myoepithelial They are larger in size compared to the eccrine
cells, invest the base of the glands. Each gland sweat glands. They become active with the onset
consists of two parts: of puberty.


Sweat mainly consists of secretions of the eccrine glands. The human sweat has specific gravity of about
1.001- 1.006, pH -3.8 to 6.5 and average composition is as follows:

continued on page........48

42 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


Water 99.221 – 99.742 g/ 100 ml

Solids 1.174 – 1.587 g/ 100 ml
Creatinine 0.1 – 1.3 mg/ 100 ml
Urea 12 – 57 mg/ 100 ml
Lactic acid 285 – 336 mg/ 100 ml
Carbolic acid 2 – 8 mg/ 100 ml
Sugar (as glucose ) 1 – 3 mg/ 100 ml
Uric acid 0.07 – 0.25 mg/ 100 ml
Ascorbic acid (as dehydroascorbic acid ) 70.5 micro g/ 100 ml
Total nitrogen 33.2 mg/ 100 ml
Non- protein nitrogen 27 – 64 mg/ 100 ml
Calcium 1 – 8 mg/ 100 ml
Iodine 0.5 – 1.2 micro g/ 100 ml
Iron 0.022 – 0.045 mg/ 100 ml
Chloride 36 – 468 mg/ 100 ml
Sodium 24 – 312 mg/ 100 ml
Potassium 21 – 126 mg/ 100 ml
Sulphur 0.7 – 7.4 mg/ 100 ml
Copper 0.006 mg/ 100 ml
Amino acids ( total ) 43.62 mg/ 100 ml

SWEATING CONTROL AND STIMULA- conditions sweating occurs chiefly in the

TION palms, soles and axilla, but it is also present
at the head and neck and elsewhere. In the
• Sweating is controlled from a center in extreme conditions it may be more generalised
the hypothalamus where thermosensitive (hyperhidrosis). Emotional (cold) sweating is
neurons are located . due to impulses discharged from the higher
• Hypothalamus → Lateral horn cell in the centres, affecting the sweat centres directly.
spinal cord →Sympathetic ganglion cell→ sweat • In muscular exercise, sweating is both thermal
glands and mental. Sweating is reduced by cold,
• Sweat glands are stimulated in response which at the same time reduces cutaneous
to high temperature, exercise, hormones, circulation. It is also reduced by dehydration,
emotional stress (emotionally induced whether the result of deprivation of fluid
sweating is restricted to palms, soles, armpits intake or by sweating itself.
and forehead while temperature induced • In hot climates, eating spicy foods stimulates
sweating causes sweating throughout the sweating (gustatory sweat), because pain
body). nerve endings in the mouth are stimulated.
Hence the reflex of sweating occurs in the
• Owing to sympathetic activity, nausea and
• Insensible perspiration which occurs even in
vomiting, fainting, hypoglycaemia and
cold climates amounts to 600 to 800 ml daily.
asphyxia cause secretion of sweat.
• Thermal sweating occurs in hot environmental
temperature, the threshold being 280 C for men FUNCTION OF SWEAT
and 310C for women. As the environmental 1. Thermoregulation which is the principle
temperature rises sweating increases and function of sweat. Sweating allows the body
many amount to 11 litre/day under extreme to rid itself of excessive heat production,
conditions. through the evaporation of water which
• Psychic sweating brings about cooling of the body.
• Emotional (mental) sweating. In emotional 2. Sweat accounts for a large proportion of the

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 43


water that remains on the skin, forming part of SIGNIFICANCE OF PERSPIRATION IN HO-
the hydrolipid film which is the indispensable MOEOPATHY
protective covering keeping the skin in good
condition and, allowing it to perform its many ORGANON OF MEDICINE
essential functions.
Aphorism 89 : “... the physician is at liberty and
3. It plays a minor excretory role ( some drugs obliged (if he feels he has not yet gained all the
and toxins are excreted in sweat). information he needs) to ask more precise, more
special questions.
In footnote : When did the sweat come on-at the
• Chloride sweat test; It measures the beginning or the end of the heat? Or how many
concentration of chloride that is excreted hours after the heat? When asleep or when awake?
in sweat and is used to screen for cystic How great was the sweat? Was it warm or cold?
fibrosis(CF). On what parts? How did it smell? What does he
• In cystic fibrosis the CFTR chloride channel complain …”
is defective, thus preventing chloride from
being reabsorbed into sweat duct cells. WHAT THE DOCTOR NEEDS TO KNOW IN
Consequently, more chloride stays in the ORDER TO MAKE A SUCCESSFUL PRESCRIP-
duct leading to an elevated concentration of TION BY DR. J.T. KENT
chloride in sweat of individuals with cystic
fibrosis. Is it local or general over the body? Does any
particular part or place sweat at any time? foul,
DIFFERENT TYPES OF SWEAT greasy, pungent smell, sour? What is the color?
What color does it stain the clothing? Is sweat
Hyperhidrosis (Excessive sweating) weakening? How do you feel during and after
sweat? Do you sweat easily? Where, on what part
It is a functional disorder of the sweat glands,
do you sweat most?
characterized by excessive sweating. It may be
either general or local, symmetrical or unilateral. THE PRINCIPLES AND ART OF CURE BY HO-
It occurs in the young and the alike, and affects MOEOPATHY BY HERBERT A. ROBERTS  
females as well as males. Flat-footed people are
especially obnoxious to it. In its causation faulty CASE TAKING : If he perspire? Under what con-
innervations play an important part. ditions? Freely or scanty? All over or only certain
in certain parts? Is the perspiration offensive, ex-
Anhidrosis hausting, greasy, hot or cold? Is it better or worse
during or after?
It may be defined as a functional disorder of the
perspiratory apparatus, characterized by insuffi- CHAPTER SUPPRESSION (PAGE 160,161)
cient sweat.
Another source of suppression is the attempt to
Bromhidrosis (Offensive sweating) suppress the natural secretions of the body, like
the perspiration in the armpits and the perspi-
It is a functional disorder of the sweat glands,
ration of the feet, by the use of medicinal pow-
characterized by offensive sweat.
ders. This forbids the elimination of waste mat-
It may be either general or local. The former is ter through the natural channels and this waste
usually associated with some constitutional dis- must be taken up in other parts of the body and
ease. Local bromhidrosis is commonly located in attempts made to eliminate them through these
the feet, axillae, and genitals regions. The hands other channels. In this way much harm may be
and feet are frequently cold, and present a bluish done and while the local suppressions may be en-
appearance, due to inactive circulation. tirely successful, the constitutional manifestations
are inimical to health. Under the suppression of

44 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

secretions we often find the sudden suppressions • Perspiration in the morning in bed.
of sweat by plunging in for a cooling swim after • Perspiration breaks out easily during the day
exertion or in hot weather. Here, too, we find the time, even with little movement (or inability
resulting action on the vital force, the disturbance to bring out perspiration.
taking on grave, or even dangerous, forms.
• Predisposition to catch cold either whole
LOCAL APPLICATIONS body or only in parts like head, throat, breast,
abdomen, and feet (especially when these
Along the same line is the promiscuous use of lo- parts are inclined to perspiration) and many
cal applications, deodorants to suppress or the other, sometimes long continuing ailments
change the character of perspiration. This is ex- arising there from. (In persons not afflicted
ceedingly objectionable, because it leaves pent up with psora, though draughts and damp cold
in the system that which is poisonous and injuri- air may not be agreeable to them, they do not
ous to the health of the individual. This condition suffer any cold or evil after-effects therefrom.)
is not often observed by the doctor unless he by • Perspiration on the head in the evening after
chance runs across it or is the alert for such sup- going to sleep.
pressions. • Usually cold hands with perspiration on the
NATURAL SUPPRESSIONS – The normal func- palms or burning in the palms.
tioning of the body is suddenly checked or inhib- • Cold, dry or foul smelling sweaty feet, burning
ited due to the influence of some external factors. of soles.


• All symptoms are aggravated at night and by
• Unnatural sweats, excessive sweat, sweat perspiration.
particularly on the forehead, hands and feet, • The scalp is moist in general. The scalp
face and scrotum; or complete want of sweat; perspires and hair becomes wet (in tubercular
or fetid sweat, etc. children also.)
• Patients are better by psoric attacks of all • The syphilitic or tubercular patients are driven
kinds, by copious perspiration. (amelioration out of bed by their diarrhea, sometimes this
by natural discharge) is accompanied with profuse warm or cold
• Easily frightened often by trivial things – fear perspiration, which is very exhausting and
often beings with trembling and shaking of debilitating.
body followed by great weakness and muscular
prostrations and copious perspiration SYCOSIS
• Vertigo with flashes of heat, and with
perspiration, which often ameliorations. • All sufferings are ameliorated by abnormal
• Scalp is dry, rarely perspiring. discharge (leucorrhea) but aggravated by
• Sweat breaks out after eating; cannot keep natural excretions like sweat.
awake after a meal. • The perspirations in these patients have
• Psoric skin is generally dry, rough and an extremely rank and unpleasant odour.
unwashed with or without little pus and Locally it is more noticeable about the axilla,
blood. thighs and external genitalia they are forever
washing and scrubbing.
• Hands and feet dry, hot, often with burning
sensations in palms and soles. • Natural discharge (sweat) which is green
greenish yellow in colour and fish brine odour.
LATENT PSORA • The sycotic scalp perspires but there are no
moist matting eruptions of syphilis.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 45


HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA PETROLEUM- Tenderness of the feet, which are

bathed in foul smelling sweat (Graph., Sani., Sil.).
KEYNOTES AND CHARACTERISTICS WITH Sweat and moisture of external genitals, both sex-
BOWEL NOSODES – H.C ALLEN PHOSPHORUS- Perspiration has the odour of

PSORINUM- Profuse perspiration after the acute

AMMONIUM MURIATICUM- Offensive sweat disease, with relief of all sufferings (Calad., Sanic.,
of the feet (Alum., Graph., Psor., Sanic., sil.). Sil.).
BOVISTA- Sweat in axilla, smells like onions. RHEUM- Sweat on scalp, constant profuse;
whether asleep or awake, quiet or in motion, the
CALADIUM-Sweet sweat attracts files.
hair always wet; may or may not be sour (Calc.,
CALCAREA OSTREARUM- Head sweats pro- Sanic.)
fusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around
SAMBUCUS- Profuse sweat over the entire body
(Sil., Sanicula.).
during waking hours; on going to sleep, dry heat
Profuse perspiration, mostly on back of head and returns. (Sweats as soon as he closes his eyes to
neck or chest and upper part of the body (Sil.). sleep, Cinch., Con.).

Sweat : of single parts; head, scalp wet, cold; SANICULA- Head and neck of children sweat
nape of neck; chest, axillae, sexual organs; hands, profusely during the sleep; wets pillow far around
knees; feet (Sep.) (Calc.; Sil.).

CONIUM MACULATUM- Sweat day and night, SILICEA- much sweating about the head (lower
as soon as one sleeps, or even when closing the than Calc.); which must be kept warm by external
eyes (Cinch.) covering (Sani.)

CUPRUM METALLICUM- Bad effects of sup- Sweat of hands, toes, feet and axillae; offensive;
pressed foot sweat (Sil., Zinc.) intolerable, sour, carrion-like odour of the feet
without perspiration, every evening.
DULCAMARA- Perspiration being suppressed
from cold. Dropsy after suppressed sweat. STANNUM METALICUM- Sweat : mouldy,
musty, odours; after 4 A.M. every morning; on
HEPAR SULPHURIS- Sweats : profusely day and neck and forehead; very debilitating.
night without relief; perspiration sour, offensive;
easily, on every mental exertion (Psor., Sep.). THUJA OCCIDENTALIS- sweat : only on uncov-
ered parts; or all over except the head (reverse of
IGNATIA- Sweat on the face on a small spot only Sil.); when he sleeps; stops when wakes (reverse
while eating. of Samb.); profuse, sour smelling, foetid, at night.

MAGNESIA MURIATICA- Great tendency of Perspiration smelling like honey on the genitals.
head to sweat (Cal., Sanic., Sil.).
VERATRUM ALBUM- Cold perspiration on the
MERCURIUS- Profuse perspiration attends near- forehead (over entire body: Tabecum); with near-
ly every complaint, but does not relive; may even ly all complaints.
increase the suffering (profuse perspiration re-
lives, Nat. m., Psor., Ver.) ZINCUM METALLICUM- Feet sweaty and sore
about toes, foetid; suppressed foot sweat; very
NUX MOSCHATA- Adapted to people with dry nervous; during sweat cannot tolerate any cover-
skin, who rarely perspire. ing.

46 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023



CINCHONA OFFICINALIS- Pale, sallow face,
sunken eyes with dark rings around, throbbing ABIES CANADENSIS- Wants to lie down all the
headaches, night sweats, and sweats easily on time; skin cold and clammy, hands cold; very
least motion or labor. faint. Night-sweat.

MERCURIUS- Sweats day and night without re- ACETIC ACID-Skin- Burning, dry, hot, skin, or
lief in many complaints. bathed in profuse sweat.

CALCAREA OSTREARUM- Sweats general Fever- hectic, with drenching night-sweats. Red
(night sweats and on exertion). Local; head (chil- spot on left cheek. No thirst in fever. Ebullitions.
dren), axillae, hands, feet, etc. Sweat profusely, cold.


E.A.FARRIGTON marked. Cold sweat and icy cold-ness of face.
Sweat drenching, on parts lain on; relieving all
BARYTA CARBONICA- Like Baryta, the Silicea symptoms.
patient suffers from damp weather. He also has
offensive sweat and general emaciation with the AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM- Fever- 7 to 12
exception of the abdomen. The difference be- p.m. evening fever, skin hot and dry. Sweat pro-
tween the two remedies lies principally in the fuse and hot with the fever.
mental symptoms. The Silicea child is obstinate
and self willed, and, too, his head is dispropor- AETHUSA CYNAPIUM- Stomach- Vomiting,
tionately large. with sweat and great weakness, accompanied
by anguish and distress, followed by sleepiness.
Lactic acid has copious sweating of the feet, but is Skin.- surface of body cold and covered with
not offensive. clammy sweat.

For the offensive foot sweat, compare Silicea, Thu-

ja, Nitric acid, Kali carb, Graphites and Carbo veg.
BRYONIA ALBA- On the external head, we find MOEOPATHY
Bryonia developing an oily perspiration with a
sour odor. A similar symptom referred to the face Perspiration is one of the chapters in Homoeo-
is found under the Natrum mur. pathic literature. The symptoms concerning sweat
are of the most important general symptoms that
CALCAREA OSTREARUM- The scalp sweats affect the whole person, compared to local symp-
profusely, particularly during sleep. This is not toms. As such they are very central in selecting
usually a warm sweat, nor usually a warm sweat, the correct Homoeopathic medicine. In addition
nor is it a cold sweat; but it is cool from natural to understanding the process of sweating in ho-
evaporation. moeopathy one must understand the symptoms
that may occur due to suppression of the sweat-
PSORINUM- like cinchona, is useful in some cas- ing process. As usual, Homoeopathy observation
es of night sweats. It is indicated when profuse is specific to a specific person. Meaning there are
sweats occur after acute illness, as typhoid fever people for whom suppression of sweat can cause
etc. The patient is very despondent, hopeless of a variety of symptoms, even very difficult ones,
recovery; remains weak, with trembling of the and many others for whom suppression of sweat
hands and weak back and joints. Sulphur is very is of little significance. Symptoms that may ap-
similar. pear after suppression of sweat include worsen-
ing of the general physical condition, headaches,

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 47


and asthma as a result of oppressing sweating of 9. Kent J.T. , Repertory of the Homoeopathic materia
medica,1982,Economic Homoeo Pharmacy.
10. Kippex Jhon R.,A Hand Book Of Diseases Of Skin And Their
Homoeopathic Treatment; Fifth edition; Revised and enlarged; B.
Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi- 110055.
CONCLUSION 11. Roberts H. A; The principles and Art of Cure By Homoeopathy,
Reprint edition, 2006; ibpp.
From the above discussion we can say that perspi-
12. SPEIGHT P.; “A Comparison of the Chronic Miasms Psora,
ration is one of the most important general symp- Pseudo Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis”, Reprint edition, New Delhi,
toms in Homoeopathy. While case taking we are B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1998.
giving much emphasis on the generalities like Ap-
petite, thirst, desire, aversion, perspiration, stool, ABOUT AUTHORS:
urine etc. The article gives detailed information 1. Dr. Saurav Biswas , M.D. (Hom.), Lecturer,
about different aspects of perspiration & its utility Dept. of Practice of Medicine, Mahesh
in Homoeopathy. And it will be fruitful in our day Bhattacharya Homoeopathic Medical College
to day practice. & Hospital, Howrah, Govt. of West Bengal.
2. Dr. Supriya Pramanik, M.D. (Hom.), Lecturer,
REFERENCES Dept. of Organon of Medicine , The Calcutta
1. ALLEN, H.C.: “Keynotes and characteristics with comparisons Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,
of someof the leading remedies of the Materia Medica”, B. Jain Kolkata, Govt. of West Bengal.
publisher pvt. ltd., New Delhi, Reprint edition 2003.
2. Boericke William, Pocket Manual Of Homoeopathic Materia
3. Dr. Prabin Kumar Shaw, M.D. (Hom.),
Medica, Reprint edition 2000, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi Lecturer, Dept. of Homoeopathic Materia
3. Chatterjee C.C, Human Physiology Vol 2 , Nov. Edn, Medical Medica, The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical
Allied Agency, 1997. College & Hospital, Kolkata, Govt. of West
4. Clarke J. H.; The Prescriber, Reprint Edition: 2006, ibpp. Bengal.
5. Dudgeon R.E. , Organon Of Medicine, 5TH And 6TH Edn, Indian
Books And Periodicals, New Delhi, 2006. 4. Dr. Sheetal Mishra, M.D. (Hom,), GDMO
6. Farrington E. A., Clinical Materia Medica, Fourth Edition,B.Jain (Homoeo) District Hospital Mayabunder,
Publishers. North Andaman
7. Hutchison, Hutchison’s Clinical methods, 21st edn.
5. Dr. Suman Samanta, M.D. (Hom). HMO,
8. Kent J.T. , Lectures On Homoeopathic Philosophy, B. Jain
Publishers. Nakaijuri PHC. Bakura, Govt. of West Bengal.

continued on page........52

48 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

Psychosomatic Diseases and Homoe-
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the opathy
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor and Dr.the
Khushboo Gupta, Dr. Sapna Nagwar, Dr. Itti Mishra
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
is the profound weakness of the kidney and
genitourinary disorders arewhich
referred to thetoSomatic
points Pareira diseases arising from mental disturbances, where “Soma”
brava. body and “Psyche” means mind. Thus the diseases of the physical plane arising from mental or emo-
tional disturbances are better known as “Psychosomatic Diseases”. Homoeopathy deals with such disorders
in the most effective way. As in Homeopathy its diagnosis does not base merely on a few symptoms for the
prescription but it practices thorough case taking and prescribing on the basis of the mental, emotional, and
physical plane.
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
Book, first edition reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The
this article,
Managerpsychosomatic illnesses
Crossbill Publishing are highlighted
Co., pages 61, page 63, along with the idea of homoeopathic philosophy, which
states that
page 65, pagewhen a person
135, page 88 has a homoeopathic cure, the deeper components of his existence, such as his will
and understanding or logical mind, are in balance. Physical health improves with a high level of resistance to
2. ICD Code
illnesses of all sorts as a result of the change in the mental and moral areas. The change from constitutional an-
3. guish and1.3
Synthesis weakness to by
app, created homoeopathic health
Archibel SA, based and comfort. In this way, the patient is restored to normal health
on Synthesis
and the cure
Repertory is established
version inFrederik
2009, Editor Dr. a holistic way.

4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of

Homoeopathic Plant Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th
Keywords:Aphorism, Homoeopathy,
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Mental,
Kandern, Narayan Psychosomatic
Verlag, page diseases
164, page 166

5. I.C.R OPERATIONAL MANUAL, Editor Dr. Anand R. Kapse,
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
scious and voluntary. In reaction to stress, the hy-
pothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathet-

trust; page 102 to 105
he Greek words “psyche” (meaning “mind”) ic nervous system are stimulated, which further
and “soma” (meaning “body”) are the source reduces immunological response. T-lymphocyte
the phrase “psychosomatic”1. A disease activity decreases when under stress. Corticoste-
that affects both the body and the psyche is roid activity may cause the immune system to be
1. Dr a Vaishali
called P. Joshi,
psychosomatic ailment.M.D (Hom.),
Mental and inhibited. Although the immune system protects
Homoeopathic Physician
emotional variables might occasionally function the body from viruses, it is known that exposure
as risk factors that may affect the onset and to stress and excitement can weaken the immune
development of physical illnesses. It is a disease system’s defences against foreign invaders. In
whose symptoms are brought on by the patient’s 1964, George Freeman Solomon published “Emo-
mental processes rather than direct physiological tions, Immunity, and Disease: A Speculative The-
reasons1. A disorder may be categorised as oretical Integration.”1
psychosomatic if a medical examination cannot
identify a physical or organic cause or if it looks According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, each
that an ailment is caused by emotional states like disease appears in a person differently based on
anxiety, anger, worry, melancholy, depression, or the range of emotions they feel, necessitating in-
guilt. dividualized treatment rather than the adminis-
Through the interaction of three connected fac- tration of a single disease-specific drug. Homoe-
tors—neural, hormonal, and immunologic— opathy, which likewise believes in treating the
mental states have an impact on bodily organs. individual as a whole and not just the symptoms,
The motor neurons are controlled by the brain’s can play a significant role in treating psychoso-
conscious will, yet the act may not be fully con- matic disorders in this situation2.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 49


Grief is a normal, healthy emotion that plays a sig- “it will never be feasible to achieve a cure in con-
nificant role in the human experience. Grief can be formity with nature, that is, homoeopathically, if,
resolved by allowing the process to work, with- in every particular case of disease, even acute, we
out trying to interfere in it. However, if you don’t do not simultaneously note the changes that have
express your grief, you’ll eventually develop psy- taken place in the psychic or mental condition of
chosomatic illnesses. When emotions are deeply the patient8.
felt for extended periods of time, go unrecognized
or unspoken, they become pathological.3 DIAGNOSIS OF PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASES
The diagnosis of psychosomatic disease requires
Therefore, Hahnemann deserves credit for devel-
the presence of clearly defined signs and symp-
oping psychosomatic medicine. Although Hip-
toms consistent with each diagnostic category.
pocrates and Galen spoke of the connection be-
Reliance upon the total clinical examination, in-
tween the soul and the body before him, he is the
cluding an adequate history, review of systems,
first to have described the practical foundations of
psychiatric assessment, and clinical judgment, is
potential therapeutic measures to be taken in the
more valid than reliance upon any single labora-
resulting illnesses.4
tory or diagnostic test. Not only are these bodily
In his comment to paragraph 17 of his Sixth Edi- disorders caused by a psychic factor, but the cor-
tion of the Organon5, Hahnemann demonstrates relation between these symptoms (aggravation
the impact and consequences of the mental on the and recovery) is also very strong. To date in the
physical, which states that: “The patient who is conventional medical system, there is no clear test
too much occupied by the superstitious fancies to differentiate organic and psychological diseas-
or a dream predicting death could be managed es2.
through their proper counseling and the health
is restored by substituting these evil thoughts by Hahnemann in 1810 made a clear distinction be-
good affirmations.” tween them. In fact, he prescribed psychothera-
peutic techniques. In section 2249, he makes the fol-
According to his observation in paragraph 2156, lowing recommendation: “If the mental ailment...
“Nearly all morbid states that are referred to as be still somewhat unsure whether it actually start-
‘psychic’ are in reality nothing more than somatic ed from a bodily affection or... result from defects
ailments in which the conflict between the intel- of education, improper practices, corrupt morals,
lectual and moral faculties, each in its own par- neglect of the mind, superstition, or ignorance.
ticular way and in a manner more or less rapid, The method of deciding on this issue will be that,
have become predominant through their relation if it stems from...the latter causes, it will weaken
to the purely physical symptoms. As a result, they and be strengthened by sane friendly exhorta-
end up taking on the characteristics of a “defec- tions, solace-seeking arguments, grave assertions,
tive” disease that appears to be a localized illness and sane advice. The melancholic would become
with a root in the sensitive and invisible organs even more dejected, querulous, inconsolable, and
of the mind.-the “psychosomatic illnesses” of con- reserved, the spiteful maniac would become even
temporary writers. more exasperated, and the chattering fool would
become obviously more foolish, whereas a real
He also says the following about alternating ill- moral or mental malady, depending on the bodily
nesses in his note in paragraph 2327: “The men- disease, would be speedily aggravated by such a
tal symptoms are included under the alternating course1
symptom where these symptoms alternate with
one another i.e. when one appears the other dis- SOME OF THE MOST COMMON PSYCHOSO-
appears such as when sorrow may be followed by MATIC DISORDERS INCLUDES
gay, insanity or frenzy. The former state frequent-
ly leaves no discernible traces when the new one Irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, GERD, ulcer-
emerges. ative colitis, bronchial asthma, cancers, skin dis-
eases, and allergy diseases are a few of the most
Hahnemann, in1810, in paragraph 213, states that prevalent psychosomatic conditions 2.

50 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


To treat conditions like anxiety, sadness, impa- systemic cleansing and free flow.
tience, insecurity, paranoia, etc., specific medica-
tions are used. These emotions are thought to be • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
the causes of the aforementioned diseases, there-
• Exercise regularly
fore controlling them can improve the patient’s
general health. • Have good stress management
GIVEN BELOW 3 • Pace yourself
Mind – GRIEF, ailments from – heart, problems, • Take hot baths or showers to soothe sore-
with- aur, Dig, lach, Nat-m, phos (MURPHY ness, increase circulation, and relieve stiff-
Heart – ACHING, pain – grief, after- Nat-m • Cut back on caffeine, alcohol, and sugar
death apparent – pain in heart, after, from fright
or grief- lach
HEART & CIRCULATION – PHENOMENA – Cimicifuga Racemosa: These patients feel un-
PAIN – sore, bruised – heart – grief, after - IGN. happy, confused and dream of forthcoming evil.
They complain of nausea and vomiting from feel-
FEMALE – PHENOMENA – CANCER – uterus ing pressure on the spine and cervical region.10
– grief, after- aur-m-n (REPERTORIUM UNI-
VERSALE) Ignatia Amara: This is the principal treatment for
hysteria, especially in females. They are perceptive,
GENERALITIES – PHENOMENA – CANCER- sensitive, and quickly stimulated. They quickly
OUS affections – grief, after- con (REPERTO- experience a change in their physical and mental
RIUM UNIVERSALE) states in opposition to one another. Most of their
GENERALITIES – CANCEROUS affections – bodily problems are a result of their sadness and
grief, after- con (COMPLETE REPERTORY) anxiety.10

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – psoriasis – grief or sup- Aurum Metallicum: Illnesses brought on by

pressed emotions; after- STAPH sadness, shame, or a commercial failure. DES-
Nerves – MULTIPLE, sclerosis – grief, from - caust, AWARENESS ANXIETY, SUICIDAL IMPULSES,
Suicidal due to pain. Has a death wish.3
Diseases – MULTIPLE, sclerosis – grief, from-
caust con nat-m phos (MURPHY›S REPERTORY) Natrum Muriaticum: EMOTIONAL VULNER-
CHOSOMATIC DISEASES10 person – Intolerant of any form of grief, rejec-
tion, ridicule, or humiliation. At all costs, avoid
getting wounded or hurting people. Depression,
• At least eight hours of sleep should be ob- even suicide. Sad but cannot weep. Dwells on past
tained each night. disagreeable occurrences. AILMENTS FROM
• Eat several small meals during the day to
keep a steady supply of protein and carbo- Staphysagria: Ailments from INDIGNATION,
hydrates for proper muscle function MORTIFICATION, ROMANTIC DISAPPOINT-
MENTS. Suppression of emotions, anger, grief.
• Drink plenty of water since it promotes

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 51


History of abuse, incest. Is more susceptible to ill- practitioners to manage such cases in a gentle way
nesses brought on by suppressing emotions. This and bring harmony in the interior of the patient in
includes embarrassment over losing a job, disap- order to treat him mentally, physically and mor-
pointed love, being treated unfairly, abuse, and ally. Homoeopathy will serve as the best mode to
bereavement. They are oversensitive to every- cure and manage these diseases.
thing that they express their rage quite forcefully
by smashing things and hitting people. PSORIA-
Hemiplegia after anger.3 1. Ramakrishnan, Vivek & Samaran, Dr. (2020). Concept of
psychosomatic disorders in homoeopathy: A review. International
Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences. 4. 10.33545/26164485.2020.
Phosphoric Acid: EMOTIONS, a long string of v4.i2c.161.
negative emotions such as sadness, shock, un- 2. Lybrate.com. [cited 2023 Jul 30]. Available from: https://www.
happy love, homesickness, and unpleasant news. lybrate.com/topic/psychosomatic-disorder-role-of-homeopathy-
in-treating-it/1c7e939ab6d712753717e8e9926c8123 )
It has an impact on the mind, particularly on its
3. Me A. Emotional disturbance Psychosomatic diseases and
emotional side. It also has an impact on sensory Homoeopathy [Internet]. Homeopathy Resource by Homeobook.
nerves. Ailments from grief. Silently suffers. com. Homeobook; 2014 [cited 2023 Jul 30]. Available from: https://
EMOTIONAL PLANE WEAKNESS AND EN- diseases-and-homoeopathy/
FEEBLEMENT, SUCCEEDING TO THE PHYSI- 4. Homeopathy360.com. [cited 2023 Jul 30]. Available from: https://
CAL AND MIND PLANES. ‘Freeze down’ feel- www.homeopathy360.com/2017/08/23/homoeopathy-and-
ings. Early-onset dementia or an APATHETIC,
5. Dudgeon R.E,The Organon of Medicine by Dr.Samuel
BURNED-OUT condition may be caused by Hahnemann. 6’ edition,New Delhi,B Jain;2002.p37
this issue. Collapse following loss of fluid, ill- 6. Dudgeon R.E,The Organon of Medicine by Dr.Samuel
ness, medicines, or bereavement FEELINGS OF Hahnemann. 6’ edition,New Delhi,B Jain;2002.p113
WEAKNESS.3 7. Dudgeon R.E,The Organon of Medicine by Dr.Samuel
Hahnemann. 6’ edition,New Delhi,B Jain;2002.p117
8. Dudgeon R.E,The Organon of Medicine by Dr.Samuel
Hahnemann. 6’ edition,New Delhi,B Jain;2002.p112
9. Dudgeon R.E,The Organon of Medicine by Dr.Samuel
In homoeopathy, we build our line of treat- Hahnemann. 6’ edition,New Delhi,B Jain;2002.p115
ment on a phenomenon known as constitutional 10. Seyedaghanoor S (2013) Effective Homeopathic Cure of Patient
with Somatoform Disorder. J Homeop Ayurv Med 2:120. doi:
symptoms, where we place a high value on both 10.4172/2167-1206.1000120
the mental symptom and the defining physical
symptom. As a result, every prescription given ABOUT THE AUTHOR
by a homoeopathic doctor will undoubtedly in-
clude a psychosomatic analysis component and 1. Dr. Khushboo Gupta, PG Scholar, Dept. of
then come up with a therapeutic strategy that is Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic
unique. Our mental health, balance, and regula- Philosophy, State National Homoeopathic
tion are crucial to our daily lives. Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow.
2. Dr. Sapna Nagwar, PG Scholar, Dept. of
Dr. Hahnemann has simplified and made it easy Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic
to form the thread to treat mental diseases which Philosophy, State National Homoeopathic
is mentioned in his Organon of Medicine. Accord- Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow.
ing to conventional medicine, these are difficult 3. Dr. Itti Mishra, PG Scholar, Dept. of
diseases to get treated. But homoeopathy finds an Case Taking & Repertory, State National
easy way through Keen observation, introspec- Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital,
tion, perseverance, experiences of the homoeo- Lucknow.
pathic stalwarts, and clinical verification of the

52 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Migraine and It’s Homoeopathic
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the Approach- An Overall Review
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor and the Dr Patranu Parui, Dr Neelavna Dey
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
is the profound weakness of the kidney and
Migraine is a very
genitourinary commonwhich
complaints neurobiological
points to headache
Pareira disorder. It affects daily activities of a large number of
people. Migraine is an episodic headache associated with nausea, vomiting and other neurological symptoms.
According to American Migraine Study (AMS-II), there is nearly one in four households having at least one mi-
graine sufferer. Treatment of migraine by modern medicine practitioners causes severe adverse effects, where-
as Homoeopathy has been used in migraine for centuries without any significant side effects. The aim of this
article is to present a general idea about migraine and explore the scope of homoeopathy for the treatment of
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
Book, first edition reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
page 65, page 135, page 88
Keywords: Psychosomatic disorders; Headache; Migraine; Homoeopathic Treatment; Miasm; Homoeo-
2. ICD Code
pathic Medicines.
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
Repertory version WHO- World
2009, Editor Health
Dr. Frederik Organization,
DSM- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, IHS- International Headache Society, CSD- Cortical Spreading Depression,
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of
Homoeopathic Plant Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
164, page 166
INTRODUCTION word ‘Hemicranias’.3 Migraine is the second most
common cause of headache, and the most com-

5. I.C.R OPERATIONAL MANUAL, Editor Dr. Anand R. Kapse,
n 1818,
second German
edition, psychiatrist
2003; published by Dr. M.L.Heinroth was
Dhawale Memorial mon headache-related, a neurologic cause of dis-
the first102toto 105
trust; page use the term “Psychosomatic”. ability in the world, affecting almost 15% of fe-
Psychosomatic disorders are defined as disorders male and 6% of male over a period of 1 year. It
ABOUT THEbyAUTHOR physiological changes that is usually an episodic headache associated with
originate, at least in part, from emotional certain features like nausea, vomiting, sensitivity
1. Dr DSM-II
Vaishali 1968
P. defined psychosomatic
Joshi, M.D (Hom.), to light, sound or movement.4
disorders as “psychosomatic
Homoeopathic Physician symptoms that
are caused by emotional factors and involve a
single organ system usually under autonomic WHO ranks migraine among the world’s one of
nervous system innervations.”1 However, in the most disabling medical illnesses.3 In many
DSM-V we find ‘somatic symptom and related cases the pain of migraine is so severe that it leads
disorders’.2 Few most common psychosomatic to disruption of school, work and social activities.
disorders are fatigue, insomnia, aches and pains, Evidence shows that migraineurs experience a
essential hypertension, indigestion, peptic ulcer lower quality of life.5
disease, headaches and migraine. Homoeopathy
is a holistic mode of treatment and it has been Epidemiology
used effectively in psychosomatic disorders for
Migraine is one of the most prevalent and dis-
centuries. This article will focus on migraine, its
abling psychosomatic illnesses in the world.
pathophysiology and as a homoeopath, how we
WHO ranks migraine as the third most prevalent
will approach a case of migraine.
medical condition and second most disabling
The word ‘Migraine’ is derived from the Greek neurological disorder in the world.6 The current

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 53


estimate of global migraine prevalence is 14% Triggering factors

to 15%. In India, females after puberty are more
commonly affected than males.3 In case of chil- • Hormonal changes in women: fluctuation
dren migraine occurs among 3% to 7% according of oestrogen,
to the criteria of the International Headache Soci-
• Foods like cheese, chocolates, dairy prod-
ety (IHS).7 Females are more commonly affected
ucts, red wine, pickles, citrus fruits etc,
than males and the incidence is higher in second
and fourth decade of life. • Drinks like Alcohol, wine with high caf-
feinated beverages,
• Stress, Sensory Stimuli like bright light,
Migraine is a group of familial disorders with a
loud sound, strong smelling perfumes etc,
genetic component and an autosomal dominant
disorder. The gene of chromosome 19p3 is af- • Lack of sleep.5
fected here.3 The pathophysiology of migraine is
not fully understood. However, the roles of atypi- Clinical Features
cal pain processing, central sensitization, cortical
hyperexcitability and neurogenic inflammation
have been studied.8 A migraine has main three The International Headache Society defines mi-
phases: i. Premonitory (prodrome), ii. Headache graine as intermittent attacks of headache com-
phase, iii. Postdrome.4 bined with autonomic disturbance.9 Migraine is
a benign and recurring symptom of headache
Premonitory associated with other symptoms of neurologic
dysfunction. The character of pain is often throb-
It is the earliest stage of a migraine attack. This bing and unilateral. However, migraine is a triad
type of attack is spontaneous attacks. In this phase of paroxysmal headache, nausea, vomiting and
posterior and lateral regions of hypothalamus an ‘aura’ of neurological events, usually visual.
and adjacent midbrain ventral tegmentum is ac- Triad of these symptoms without aura is common
tivated.6 migraine and with aura is classical migraine.10
Migraine with aura usually lasts for 4 to 72 hrs
and associated with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity
This phase is associated with the initial hyper- to light, sound, movement.11 60% of attacks are
aemic phase followed by reduced cortical blood usually one sided, pulsating and aggravated by
flow. Studies support the hypothesis that cortical movement. At least 5 such attacks are required to
spreading depression (CSD) produces the aura.3 diagnose migraine.9 It often begins with premoni-
CSD is thought to be the underlying physiologi- tory symptoms hours or days before the onset of
cal cause of the aura phase of migraine and it’s headache. Some common premonitory symptoms
a severe depolarisation of glial and neuronal cell are fatigue, impaired concentration, neck stiffness
membranes results in disruption of ionic gradi- etc.6
ents, extracellular potassium concentration in-
creases, glutamate release and transient increase
followed by a decrease in cerebral blood flow.6 Diagnosis of migraine is based on the character of
headache and associated symptoms.3 Diagnosis is
purely clinical. The International Headache Soci-
The headache phase is due to activation of tri- ety developed diagnostic criteria to help with the
geminal sensory pathways that innervates pain diagnosis.5
sensitive intracranial structures. These structures
Diagnostic criteria for migraine according to the
are supplied by a plexus of largely unmyelinated
International Headache Society7
fibres that project from the ophthalmic division of
trigeminal nerve and upper cervical spinal roots.6 0. At least 5 attacks fulfilling criteria B-D

54 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


A. Headache lasting 4-72 hours (untreated or background etc., and then only we can form the
unsuccessfully treated) totality of symptoms of the patient.

B. Headache has at least 2 of the following char- Miasmatic Approach:

Miasmatic analysis is one of the most important
• Unilateral localisation things homoeopaths have to consider while treat-
ing a patient of any chronic disease. Without con-
• Pulsating quality
sidering the miasm we can only get the surface
• Moderate or severe pain intensity totality of the patient, not the whole portrait of the
• Aggravation by or causing avoidance of disease.
routine physical activity (eg, walking or
climbing stairs). Paroxysmal headaches which increase as the Sun
D. During headache at least 1 of the following rises and ameliorate when sun goes down is psor-
occurs: ic. Psoric headaches generally affect the frontal,
temporal and parietal region and are associated
• Nausea and/or vomiting with red face, throbbing and > by rest, quiet, sleep
• Photophobia and phonophobia and hot application. 13,14
E. Not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 In case of Syphilitic patients, we find dull, heavy,
diagnosis. persistent headaches in the base of the brain or
Treatment one sided, which <at night. Headache persists all
night, gets better in the morning and attacks reap-
Dietary approach: pear again at night. Syphilitic headaches < from
riding, mental or physical exertion, heat and > by
There are few foods which trigger the pain of mi- motion and cold application. 13,14
graine. Among these mainly tyramine-containing
foods should be avoided.12 Foods which contain Sycotic headache affects vertex region generally.
tyramine are Cheese, Beer, Wine, chocolate, Beef, Headache which < from lying down and after
Spinach, Oranges, etc. midnight are sycotic origin. 13,14

Lifestyle Modification: Headache occurring in Sunday or rest days are

usually combination of psora and Syphilis mi-
Lifestyle modification can significantly reduce asm.13,14 Headache > by nose bleed has tubercular
the pain frequency, severity of migraine. Some of miasm in background.14
these types of modification are:
For further miasmatic analysis, we have to con-
• Proper sleep and diet. sider the past and family history of the patient as
• Avoid foods which trigger or aggravate the well as their mental and physical generals.
pain. Repertorial Approach:
• Regular exercise.
• Yoga or Meditation.5 From ‘Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia
Medica’ by Dr. J. T. Kent15
Homoeopathic approach:
Homoeopathy does not treat the name of the dis- In this repertory we cannot find direct rubric for
ease, but the patient as a whole. It is the patient migraine. Instead, we find a few sub rubrics un-
who is sick to us, not his head or eye or other der the rubric ‘pain’ in chapter ‘Head’ which can
parts of the body. Homeopathic treatment is sole- be useful in migraine. Those are-
ly based on individualisation. To individualise a
patient, we must consider the whole symptom- • Pain, ascending steps, on
atology of the patient, his constitution, miasmatic • Pain, blinding

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 55


• Pain, gastric • Pain, periodical

• Pain, intoxication, after
• Pain, pulsating Pain
• Pain, jar, from any
• Pain, light in general, from • Pain, sleep, loss of from
• Pain, mental exertion, from • Pain, walking, agg
• Pain, motion, from
• Pain, side, one side (hemicrania) etc.
• Pain, noise, from
• Pain, paroxysmal pains • In chapter ‘Eye’ we can find a few rubrics
• Pain, sleep, loss of, from which can be useful.
• Pain, spirituous liquors, from etc. • Pain, headache, during
From Boericke’s Repertory16 • Photophobia, headache, before
In this repertory in chapter ‘Head’, we find rubric • Photophobia, headache, during etc.
‘Headache, Type, Migraine’. Apart from this ru-
bric, few rubrics will also be useful- Some common medicines for migraine:

• Headache, cause, mental exertion or nervous There are a large number of homoeopathic medi-
exhaustion cines available for the treatment of migraine. Some
well proved polychrest like Belladonna, Bryonia
• Headache, cause, sleep, loss alba, Calcarea Phosphoricum, Glonoine, Nux Vom-
ica, Pulsatilla nigricans, Kali Bichromicum.12 Some
• Headache, location, semi lateral (hemicrania) lesser-known medicines like Scutellaria laterifolia,
etc. Damiana, Chionanthus virginica, Tongo-dipterix odo-
rata, Iris Versicolor, Cyclamen europaeum, Verbascum
From ‘Synthesis Repertory” 17 thapsus, Oleum Animale., Ptelea trifoliata, Onosmo-
dium, Epiphegus virginiana, Lithium Carbonicum are
• In this repertory under rubric ‘Migraine’ from used to treat the pain of migraine.18
chapter ‘Head’ we do not find any symptoms.
This rubric is cross referred to rubric ‘Pain’ Discussion
from the same chapter.
Migraine is the second most common cause of
• In rubric ‘Pain’ under chapter ‘Head’ we can headache, and the most common headache-relat-
find several sub rubrics which can be useful in ed, a neurologic cause of disability in the world.4
migraine. Those would be- WHO ranks migraine as the third most prevalent
medical condition and second most disabling
• Pain, accompanied by, nausea neurological disorder in the world.6
• Pain, accompanied by, vomiting In modern medicine migraine is treated by anal-
gesics which relieves the pain, but a large number
• Pain, bursting Pain
of adverse events of those medicines like drowsi-
• Pain, emotions ness, vomiting, diarrhoea, visual discomfort,
cramps, weight gain, somnolence, etc affects the
• Pain, gastric quality of life of those patients.19 There is evidence
that in case of children the adverse reactions are
• Pain, mental exertion
same as adults even if the dose of medicines are
• Pain, motion, agg different.7

• Pain, noise, agg Homoeopathic medicines have been used suc-

cessfully in treatment of migraine for over 150

56 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


years. Homoeopathy has a huge scope in treating 4. Loscalzo J, Fauci A, Kasper D, Hauser S, Longo D, Jameson L,
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do a large number of researches on individualised
homoeopathic medicines and migraine and pub- ABOUT THE AUTHORS
lish the result of the study.
1. Dr Patranu Parui, Junior Research Fellow,
Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy,
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American Psychiatric Association, 2013.
3. Silberstein, S D. Migraine. The Lancet. 2004; 363: 381-91

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 57


Prevailing “Maintaining Causes”-

The Biggest and Probably Unavoidable
Obstacle in Recovery
Dr. Mansi Aggarwal

In routine practice, we often encounter that the seemingly indicated remedy does not give desired response,
the reason behind has been previously also explained by Dr. Hahnemann as ‘Cause Occassionalis’ (Aph 7) and
the phenomenon Dr. H.A. Robert as ‘deflected current’. This article will try to introduce prevailing forms of causa
occassionalis that should be investigated & removed in order to welcome cure uninterruptedly.

Keywords: Causa occassionalis, pseudochronic diseases, cure and recovery, lifestyle disorders, lifestyle
medicine, obstacle to recovery.

INTRODUCTION mere palliation of the symptoms should not be mistak-

en for cures nor falsely paraded as such.”[2]

I n the sake of modernization, we as a human

are lacking behind in terms of health. Where
there are advanced medical facilities, there are
In simple language, ‘cure’ is said to be attained
when the disease condition does not relapse back
“advanced disease causing factors” too, that causes after being off medication. Whereas, ‘recovery’ is
hindrance in cure and recovery of an individual something like palliating one’s suffering to pro-
& obstructs expected flow of homoeopathic vide prompt comfort to an individual, & may
medicine. Lifestyle related diseases form a major show recurrence in future.
contributor of disease burden all over the world,
that includes the majority of factors that lead to In Homoeopathy, ‘cure’ is the “only” mission and
multisystem disorders. dream to achieve for every physician. But unfor-
tunately, today even after skillful medicine selec-
Epidemiology tion, cure lags behind and only recovery takes
place, especially in cases of chronic diseases.
70% of total global deaths due to chronic diseases
is estimated to increase by year 2050. The combi- The reason for this has been attributed as “Obsta-
nation of four major lifestyle changes are required. cle to Recovery’’ by Dr. H.A. Robert. As the speed
Maintaining optimum weight, regular physical breaker decreases the speed of the vehicle, like-
activity, having healthy diet and not smoking are wise the obstacles can break the speed of recovery
associated with approximately 80% of decrease in of an individual. According to him, obstacles can
most deadly chronic diseases, including stroke, arise from either side- from a patient, or physi-
heart diseases, COPD, metabolic syndrome, some cian, or medicine.
types of cancer, etc.[1]
Pseudo Chronic diseases :-
Cure & Recovery :-
Dr. Hahnemann described majorly three types of
“Natural recoveries following treatment consisting of chronic diseases in Aph 74-78. [3]

58 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


According to Dr. Hahnemann, the faulty lifestyle verifies that presence of causa occassionalis acts
of an individual causes seemingly chronic dis- “as a dam that lessens the flow of river” in common
eases, but correction of the same often cures the practice.
totality of symptoms.
Understanding Lifestyle Disorders:-
Today’s disease pattern has evolved a lot. An in-
If we go to the dictionary for the meaning of life-
dividual suffers not only from miasmatic causes
style, results come out as – ‘way of living’, ‘habit’,
but also from STRESS in form of emotional over-
‘behavior’ ‘custom’, ‘life situations’, ‘manner of
load, physical stress, toxins present in food and
living’, ‘set of circumstances’, etc.
environment, lack of sleep and mixture of all.
Lifestyle medicine is itself a different and emerg-
How maintaining causes hinders Cure:-
ing science of healing that targets “though avoid-
Dr. Hahnemann termed maintaining causes as able, yet in-separable causes of diseases”. Life-
“Causa occassionalis’’ and proposed to investi- style related illnesses acquire major areas of a
gate for presence of maintaining causes before global burden of disease and healthcare. It has
beginning treatment for chronic diseases, as they been estimated that 90% of heart attacks can be
cause hindrance in cure of an individual or result prevented by just correcting the lifestyle.
in development of pseudo chronic diseases.
Let’s consider an example, a patient comes to you
Our health is dependent on what we eat, level of
for complaints of fibromyalgia and during inter-
activity, duration of quality sleep, stress parame-
rogation you find imbalance in the sleep cycle.
ters, occupation, sociability, addictions and medi-
Here even a strongly indicated similimum cannot
cations. There is a major transition from ancient
“CURE” his suffering until and unless maintain
and modern lifestyle that resulted in childhood
cause, i.e., lack of sleep is overcome, and only re-
diabetes, heart failure in twenties of age, low im-
covery is attainable.
mune threshold , early arthritis, etc.
Similarly, there are ‘n’ numbers of examples that
There are only about 10 in 1000 individuals who

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 59


fulfill all their health requirements. these etiological factors can significantly improve
and prevent any dis-ease condition.
Dealing with obstacle in recovery:-
First sign of such an unadapted Lifestyle is “In-
Beside providing primary therapeutic aid, it is creasing body weight”, due to ‘hypercaloric diet
the duty of every physician “to remove the cause and physical inactivity’.
of disease” as well , in order to welcome “Cure”.
Dealing with the cause of disease is equally im- It is the foundation for a complete, gentle, per-
portant as searching for PQRS totality. Before manent, value-based ‘CURE’ introducing system,
these causes of disease, ie., factors contributing to addressing overall Health of a person. [4]
pseudo chronic illness become an obstacle or hin-
drance in flow of similimum, physicians need to Evidence from Stalwarts writings supporting
correct them. Lifestyle Medicine :-

Extra time is demanded to :- The Father of Homoeopathy wrote in his Aph 4 –

“He is like a preserver of the health, if he knows the

• Get a detailed understanding of an individual’s
thing that deranges health, and to remove them from
underlying risks and habits, occupation,
the person in health.”
including addictions, if any.
Here, it is clearly evident that Dr. Hahnemann
• Note down individual’s eating, exercise, is focused on first removing the maintaining
resting schedule and sociability etiquettes. cause of a disease that is responsible for a varied
number of external manifestations manifested by
• Draw out “Full Picture of Health Risks”
an individual than giving therapeutic aid, where
required. Also he guides the physicians to pro-
Lifestyle medicine :- vide all possible aids in removing the cause from
a person in health.
Lifestyle medicine is a new emerging branch of
medical science, that deals with correcting pa- “ The health of General physicians is impor-
tient’s dis-ease state through interventions target- tant because they serve as “Health role mod-
ing his – els”. One of the Strongest predictors of health
promotion counseling by primary care physi-
• Eating habits, to draw out his/ her nutritional cians is practicing a healthful behavior himself. “
Numerous evidences are scattered in our litera-
• Physical activeness ture from stalwarts, some of them are quoted
• Sleep and stress management
• Dr. S. Close says in his ‘The Genius of
• Social involvement Homoeopathy’ -
• “…requirement for performance of an ideal
• Abstinence from addiction( this includes cure, therefore, is a complete and impartial
not only alcohol or tobacco, but also gadgets collection and record of the facts which
overuse – there are lot many eye and skin constitute the natural and medical history of
diseases incidences in teenage children who individuals…his occupation, habits, social
are involved in surfing in mobile for internet and domestic relations…as far as they can be
or digital games) recalled.” [2]
Hence, Lifestyle related disorders are where • Dr. H.A. Robert in his ‘The principles and Art
pathophysiology of an individual significantly of Cure by Homoeopathy’ says-
influenced by Lifestyle factors and a change in • “It is fortunate that the similimum often can
take the additional tension from the patient,

60 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


or may lift off one series of symptoms; but so dedicated their whole life in enhancing the medi-
long as these [in context of unhappy domestic cal science to not let any person go in vain, and
condition] strains persist under the surface, also from experiences that Homoeopathy togeth-
one cannot expect cure…This has to be met not er with Lifestyle medicinal intervention can bring
only with the Homoeopathic remedy but with desired CURE in a holistic manner. It has become
economic equilibrium and a well thought out a need of an hour to give priority to bring equi-
diet [ in context of malnutrition ] if the patient librium in lifestyle of an individual so that action
is to be cured.” [5] of similimum is allowed to flow without any hin-
• Dr. Hahnemann pointed need of considering drance, or encountering “amelioration achieved
diet, habits and life circumstances at various to a point then case become standstill.”
• “…if the improvement delays too long in REFERENCES
making its appearance, this depends either
on some error of conduct on the part of the 1. UN Chronicle, Lifestyle Diseases : An economic burden on the
Health services, available from- https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/
patient or on other interfering circumstances.” article/lifestyle-diseases-economic-burden-health-services
• “…the restoration goes forward, 2. Close Stuart, The Genius of Homoeopathy, Low price edition,
published by Bjain, India 2016, page number (125, 131)
notwithstanding, to the goal of perfect
3. Hahnemann Samuel, Organon of Medicine, 5th & 6th Edition
recovery, if it be not prevented by the combines, 32nd impression, published by Bjain, India, 2015, page
heterogeneous medicinal influences upon the number (118-122, 169, 227)
patients, by errors of regimen or by excitement 4. American College of Lifestyle Medicine, homepage, ‘What is
Lifestyle Medicine’, available from- https://lifestylemedicine.org/
of the passions.”[3]
5. Roberts H.A., The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy,
• Dr. J.T. Kent in his ‘Lectures on Homoeopathic low price edition, published by Bjain, India, 2016, page number
Philosophy’ explains as- 271.
6. Kent J.T., Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy, Low price
• “All these circumstances ought to be examined edition, published by Bjain, India, 2016, page number 168
to discover if there is anything that could give
birth to and keep up the disease, so that by its
removal the cure may be facilitated.” [6]
DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION 1. Dr. Mansi Aggarwal (BHMS, CFN), Lifestyle
It is, therefore, concluded from evidence scattered consultant and Homoeopathic Family
in vast writings of great stalwarts in history who Physician

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 61

In Italics
Basis Of Prescription In Homoeopathy:
Different Approaches
Dr Chaturbhuja Nayak, Dr. James Michael

Committee,Government of India

Publications: Authored 2 books, compiled 1, and

contributed to 51 books, in different capacities.

Published around 90 articles in peer-reviewed

medical journals and over 200 articles in other
journals/magazines etc.

Presentations: 9 international seminars, Over 100

Dr Chaturbhuja Nayak is well known as a national seminars, workshops, and CME programs
distinguished scholar in the field of research,
education, administration, and publications. Awards: Best Teacher Award’ from CCRH,
Whether in job or outside, he has been inspiring sponsored by the Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of
homoeopathic professionals to promote quality of India
teaching and research in Homoeopathy as well as
publications in scientific journals. Some important Lifetime Achievement Award’ from the Govt. of
features of his career are given below. Odisha, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Delhi, and Dr. Sarkar Allen, Mahatma Hahnemann
Current positions: Chairman, Special Committee &amp; Swamiji Trust, Kolkata
on Fundamental Research,
‘Homeo Rattan Award’ from the Board of
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Homoeopathic System of Medicine, Delhi
(CCRH), Government of India.

Member of Governing Body, CCRH, Member,

Drug Technical Advisory Board on Homoeopathy,
Govt. of India Chairman, Scientific Advisory
Committee, Regional Research Institute
(Homoeopathy), Puri, Odisha

Career highlights: 42 years of professional

experience, including 24 years in research and 22
years in administrative roles, Former Honorary
Physician to the Hon&#39;ble Governor of
MD(Hom), MBA(HCM), Cert-Google Data
Odisha, Former Director General, Central Council
for Research in Homoeopathy, Former President,
Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, James Michael is recognized for his dedicated
Chairman, Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia efforts in the area of research and data analysis in

62 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

homeopathy. His skillset extends beyond clinical from Coursera, Holds an MBA in Health Care
practice into epidemiological studies, data Management
analysis, and health worker training, fostering an
evidence-based approach in the field. Skills: Proficient in Excel for data analysis,
Specialized in creating surveys via Google Forms/
Former Positions: Research Associate, Kobo, Experienced in health worker training,
Fundamental Research, Central Council for SPSS/R for data visualization, Manuscript drafting
Research in and publication in homeopathy

Homeopathy (CCRH), Government of India Publications: Authored 7 articles in PubMed-

Senior Research Fellow, Epidemic Cell, CCRH indexed journals

Data Analysis Consultant for Homeopathic Awards and Achievements: Received 1st Place in
research projects the India International Science Festival 2019 for
research poster, Listed in the Top 10 Homeopathy
Career Highlights: Over 4 years of research practitioners in India and in the Top 59
experience focused on epidemiology, Worked
in clinical settings for 11 months prior to joining Homeopathy practitioners worldwide (by
CCRH, Certified in Google Data Analytics Expertscape)

The basis of prescription in Homoeopathy should be in accordance with classical homoeopathy. Still then, over a
period, it has been extended to other areas, following teachings of some stalwarts of Homoeopathy. In modern
times, the practitioners of Homoeopathy are adopting different methods for remedy selection, being inspired
by the success stories of the senior practitioners, in their respective ways. This article focuses on these methods
of prescription, in the practice of Homoeopathy.

Keywords: Prescription basis, Symptoms totality, PQRS, Keynotes, Miasms, Causation, Organ specific,
Pathological, Isopathy, Tautopathy.

INTRODUCTION This, in turn, enhances the effectiveness of their

practice and contributes to better patient care and

T he basis of prescription in Homoeopathy is

multifaceted, encompassing a wide range
of principles and methodologies. A thorough
favourable outcomes.

Thirdly, the study of the basis of prescription in

understanding of the basis of prescription is Homoeopathy can contribute to the broader field
of paramount importance for several reasons. of medicine. It can provide valuable insights into
Firstly, it provides a comprehensive idea about the principles and practices of holistic health care,
a patient’s health condition, considering not just which can be incorporated into other forms of
the physical symptoms but also the mental and medicine to ensure better patient care.
emotional state of the patient. Such a holistic
This article provides an overview of these
approach ensures that the treatment is tailored
methodologies, highlighting their significance in
to the needs of the individual patient, thereby
the practice of Homoeopathy.
increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.
Secondly, the study of the basis of prescription Totality of symptoms
is crucial for practitioners of Homoeopathy.
It equips them with the knowledge and skills The foundation of homoeopathic prescription
necessary to prescribe the most suitable remedies. is the concept of the "Totality of Symptoms." As
per this concept, the complete set of symptoms

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 63

experienced by a patient, including physical, homoeopathy consultation. By focusing on these
mental, and emotional changes, forms the basis distinctive symptoms, homoeopaths can select a
for prescribing a remedy. As stated in Aphorisms remedy that is most likely to stimulate the body's
6 and 7 of Hahnemann's "Organon of Medicine," healing process to achieve cure. This method was
the totality of symptoms represents the disease in advocated by Dr. H.N. Guernsey, Dr. H.C. Allen,
its entirety and guides the selection of the most Dr. Cowperthwaite, Dr. Hawkes etc.
suitable remedy for the patient. Such ‘totality of
symptoms’ serves as the only guide to disease Miasmatic concept
treatment, and its removal signifies the elimination
The ‘miasmatic theory’ in Homoeopathy is a
of the disease itself. This approach is consistent
fundamental concept, introduced by Dr. Samuel
with the holistic nature of Homoeopathy, which
Hahnemann, according to which miasms are
considers the patient's entire state of health while
the root causes of diseases. Dr. Hahnemann
selecting a remedy.
identified three primary miasms - Psora (the itch
PQRS symptoms miasm), Sycosis (the gonorrheal miasm), and
Syphilis (the venereal miasm). He proposed that
PQRS, an acronym for Peculiar, Queer, Rare, and these miasms are responsible for all forms of
Strange, refers to unique symptoms that help diseases and understanding them is crucial for
individualize a case in Homoeopathy. These successful homoeopathic treatment. According
symptoms, which are separate from the common to him, miasms are dynamic influences that affect
disease symptoms, play a crucial role in remedy the vital force of individuals, leading to various
selection, guiding the homoeopathic practitioner diseases. Anti-miasmatic treatment is essential in
towards a remedy that closely matches the Homoeopathy as it aims at the root cause of the
patient's symptomatology. The concept of PQRS disease, thereby providing long-lasting cure.
symptoms is deeply rooted in the teachings of
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann who emphasized the Dr. J. H. Allen and Dr. Phyllis Speight highlighted
importance of individualizing each case based on the therapeutic importance of chronic miasmatic
the totality of symptoms, including those that are theory. They argued that to cure, it is essential
peculiar or unique to the patient. As mentioned to consider miasms as they are the basic cause of
in Aphorism 153 of Organon of Medicine, “The chronic diseases. The concept of miasms remains
more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar a cornerstone of homoeopathic philosophy
signs and symptoms of the case of disease are and practice. Understanding miasms allows
chiefly and most solely to be kept in view; for it is homoeopaths to treat patients more effectively
more particularly these that very similar ones in by addressing the underlying causes of their
the list of symptoms of the selected medicine must diseases, rather than just alleviating their external
correspond to, in order to constitute it the most symptoms.
suitable for effecting the cure.” This approach
Causation/Ailments from
ensures that the selected remedy is tailored to the
individual needs of the patient, thereby increasing In Homoeopathy, the concept of 'causation' or
the possibility of a successful outcome. 'ailments from' is a crucial factor in the selection
of remedies. This refers to the specific event,
Keynote symptoms
exposure, or emotional trauma that triggered the
‘Keynotes’ are the most characteristic symptoms onset of symptoms. Understanding the ‘causation’
of a remedy, often used for a quick reference is essential as it aids in choosing a remedy that
during remedy selection. These symptoms, which not only aligns with the symptom picture but also
are typically unique and peculiar to a particular targets the underlying cause of the disease. Dr.
remedy, help homoeopaths differentiate between H.C. Allen and Dr. H.N. Guernsey, who followed
remedies with similar symptom profiles. The the keynote prescribing approach, gave significant
art of matching a patient's symptoms with the importance to ‘causation’ or 'ailments from' in
keynotes of a remedy is a crucial component of their methods of prescribing. Dr. James Tyler Kent
also considered ‘causation’ as a crucial part of his

64 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

prescription methodology. He emphasized the Dr. Richard Hughes is known for his preference
importance of understanding the patient's general to ‘pathological approach’ while prescribing. He
modalities, which often included the ‘causation’
or 'ailments from'. gave more importance to the patient's pathological
picture rather than mental and general
Organ specific remedies symptoms. His approach stresses the importance
of understanding the disease pathology to
The concept of "Organ specific remedies" or select the most appropriate remedy. His book,
“Organopathic Remedies” in Homoeopathy "Manual of Pharmacodynamics," is based on the
refers to certain medicines known for their pathogenesis of drugs, further highlighting his
specific affinity towards certain organs or focus on pathology in homoeopathic prescribing.
systems in the body. These medicines are often
administered when a particular organ of the Isopathy and Tautopathy
patient is predominantly affected. For instance,
Carduus marianus is considered one of the most ‘Isopathy’ refers to the use of remedies prepared
important liver remedies. It is often used in cases from the exact disease-causing substance, a
where there are many types of pains- pressing, principle that deviates from the traditional
dragging, drawing, burning, or worse from homoeopathic principle of 'like cures like'. This
motion. This medicine is also known to establish approach is often used in the treatment of allergies,
a healthy flow of bile, thereby curing conditions where the allergen itself is used as a remedy in a
that favour formation of gall stones. potentized form.

This approach of using organ-specific remedies ‘Tautopathy’, on the other hand, involves the
allows homoeopaths to target the affected organ use of homoeopathic preparations of allopathic
directly, providing a more focused treatment. drugs to counteract their adverse side effects.
However, it is important to note that these This approach is particularly useful in cases
remedies are used within the broader context of where patients suffer from adverse reactions to
the patient's overall symptom picture and not in conventional medications, such as chemotherapy-
isolation. induced nausea or steroid-induced symptoms.

Dr. J. Compton Burnett and Dr. John Henry While both these methods are not strictly
Clarke gave significant importance to organ- homoeopathic in the classical perspective, they
specific remedies in their methods of prescribing. are used in certain situations for their therapeutic
Dr. J. C. Burnett discovered the importance of benefits and are considered part of the broader
these remedies in treating chronic cases. In such homoeopathic practice.
cases, he used organopathic remedies, often in
Other prescription methods
conjunction with constitutional remedies. Dr. J.H.
Clarke also believed that some medicines have Besides the above, there are other prescription
a predominant affinity for certain organs, which methods which are briefly described below.
will often cure a great variety of infections seated
in or arising from these organs. • Treatment in layers: treating physical,
emotional, and mental symptoms of the
Pathological approach patient, one by one; used in chronic diseases
with multiple symptoms.
The ‘pathological approach’ in Homoeopathy
• Sequential or ladder-like prescription:
involves prescribing remedies based on the
prescribing remedies in a specific sequence to
pathological condition of the patient. While
address different stages of disease progression,
Homoeopathy primarily focuses on symptoms,
used in chronic diseases.
understanding the underlying pathology can
provide valuable insights into the disease process • Complex Homoeopathy: using combinations
and guide remedy selection. of remedies to treat a condition, used in
complex cases where multiple remedies seem

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 65

indicated. 2. Bell IR, Boyer NN. Homoeopathic Medications as Clinical
Alternatives for Symptomatic Care of Acute Otitis Media and
• Never well since: identifying and treating the Upper Respiratory Infections in Children. Glob Adv Health Med.
2013 Jan;2(1):32-43.
event or illness that caused deterioration in
3. Hahnemann S. Organon of the Art of Healing. In: Dudgeon RE,
health of the patient; used in cases where the Boericke W, editors. Organon of Medicine 5th & 6th edition. New
patient has never been well since a specific Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2010.
event or illness. 4. Hahnemann S. The Chronic Diseases: Their Peculiar Nature and
Their Homœopathic Cure. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt.
• Synthetic prescription: using a combination Ltd.; 1991.
of symptoms, keynotes, and other factors to 5. Kent JT. Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica: Together
select a remedy; used to increase the precision with Kent’s “New Remedies” Incorporated & Arranged in
Alphabetical Order. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2015.
and effectiveness of remedy selection.
6. Lees P, Pelligand L, Whiting M, Chambers D, Toutain PL,
• Intercurrent remedies: using remedies to Whitehead ML. Comparison of Veterinary Drugs and Veterinary
Homoeopathy; Part 1. Vet Rec. 2017 Aug 12;181(7):170-176.
remove obstacles to cure and to enhance the
7. Patel RP. What is Tautopathy? 7th ed. Baroda: Indian Books &
action of the main remedy; used in chronic Periodicals Publishers; 2005.
cases where progress has been stalled. 8. Roberts HA. The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy: A
• Prescription on alternation: alternating two or Modern Textbook with Word Index. 3rd ed. New Delhi: B. Jain
Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 1942.
more remedies in a prescription; used in cases 9. Singh M. Pioneers of Homoeopathy: Illustrated Biographies of
where more than one remedy seems indicated. Personalities & Their Contributions. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers
Pvt. Ltd.; 2015.
• Relationship of drugs: studying how different
10. Teixeira MZ. Isopathic Use of Auto-sarcode of DNA as Anti-
remedies relate to each other and using this miasmatic Homoeopathic Medicine and Modulator of Gene
knowledge to guide the sequence of remedy Expression? Homeopathy. 2019 May;108(2):139-148.
prescription and ensure favourable treatment 11. Thompson TD, Weiss M. Homoeopathy--What are the Active
Ingredients? An Exploratory Study Using the UK Medical
outcomes. Research Council's Framework for the Evaluation of Complex
• Intra-uterine prescribing: prescribing Interventions. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2006; 6:37.
12. Vithoulkas G, Woensel E van. Levels of Health: Practical
for conditions related to the intrauterine Applications and Cases: The Second Volume of the Science of
environment, such as issues arising from the Homoeopathy. Alonissos: International Academy of Classical
mother’s health during pregnancy; used to Homoeopathy; 2010.

address pre-natal factors that affect health of 13. Young WW. Isopathy and Homoeopathy: Their Relationship.
The Journal of American Institute of Homoeopathy
the child. [Internet].1935;28(12). [cited 2023 August 1]. Available from:
The basis of prescription in Homoeopathy is a
complex process that considers a multitude of 1. Prof. (Dr.) Chaturbhuja Nayak, Former
factors. From the ‘totality of symptoms’ to the Director General, Central Council for Research
individual's ‘mental state’, from the ‘causation’ in Homoeopathy, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of
of the disease to the ‘relationship of drugs’, India & President, Homoeopathy University,
each aspect plays a pivotal role in guiding the Jaipur, Rajasthan
homoeopathic practitioner towards the most 2. Dr. James Michael, Former Research
suitable remedy. Associate (Homoeopathy), Clinical Research
Unit (Homoeopathy), Aizawl, Mizoram
1. Aversa R, Petrescu RVV, Apicella A, Petrescu FIT. About
Homoeopathy or “Similia Similibus Curentur”. American Journal
of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2016 Apr 1;9(4):1164–72.

66 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


Hypertension: Detection, Evaluation and

Its Management
Dr. Nitin saklani

HTN is the common clinical entity in which the pressure exerted by flowing blood in arterial wall is too high. It
is consider as an epidemic of 20th Century and it is now matter of global concern because of gradual raise in
the incidences of morbidity and mortality associated with uncontrolled HTN. Conventional system despite of
their good understanding in pathogenesis of development of HTN, fail to check these blood pressure parameter
within the range in long terms. Which is clearly evident with long term follow up of people who are taking treat-
ment of HTN. Patients in conventional system start with single medicine and ultimately end into multiple drug
treatment which also fail to control the blood pressure. On the other hand Homoeopathy is highly safe and ef-
fective in reducing the blood pressure in long terms as it is more focus on host for the control of blood pressure.

Keywords: Hypertension, Homoeopathy, Conventional system, Miasmatic.


A ccording to new recommendations common In India about 33% urban and 25% rural Indians
to the guidelines by the 2014 JNC-8 are hypertensive. Out of these, 25% rural and 42%
committee, 2013 ESH/ESC, 2011 UK-NICE and Indians are aware of their hypertensive status and
2011 ACCF, AHA.[1] Blood pressure more than among these only 25% and 38% of urban Indi-
150/90 mm Hg for elderly patients and 140/90 ans are being treated for hypertension. And only
mm Hg for non elderly patients and patients with One-tenth of rural and one-fifth of urban Indian
Diabetes or CKD.[1] Uncontrolled blood pressure hypertensive population have their BP under con-
is one of the main culprit behind the increase trol.[2] [5]
incidence in the morbidity and mortality in the
Worldwide the estimated total number of adults
present century.
with hypertension in 2000 was 972 million (957-
Common practice which can reduce the error in 987 million); 333 million (329-336 million) in
measuring the blood pressure such as-[4] economically developed countries and 639 mil-
lion (625-654 million) in economically develop-
1. The equipment should be regularly inspected ing countries.[3] Number of adults with hyperten-
and validated. sion in 2025 was predicted to increase by about
2. The operator should be trained and regularly 60% to a total of 1.56 billion (1.54-1.58 billion).[3]
3. The patient must be properly prepared and
positioned and seated quietly in a chair at 1. Primary Hypertension- HTN for which there
least for 5 min. is no universally established cause is known. It is
also known as essential hypertension. Around 90-
4. Caffeine, exercise and smoking should
95% cases belong to this category.
be avoided for at least 30 min before BP
measurement. 2. Secondary Hypertension – HTN that occurs
5. Appropriately sized cuffs should be used. secondary to any other rectifiable causes. It ac-
counts for 5-10% cases of HTN.

68 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


Causes related to Secondary hypertension [7]

Common causes[7] Uncommon causes[7]

Intrinsic renal disease (for ex- Glomerulonephri-
tis, Obstructive uropathy, Pyelonephritis )
Reno-vascular disease Excess of Glucocorticoids ( Cushing syndrome)
Excess of Mineralocorticoid (Adrenal hyperplasia,
Excess or decrease in thyroid hormone
Conn’s syndrome.)

Sleep breathing disorder (such as OSA ) Coarctation of aorta

Classification Of Hypertension-[6]

BP Classification SBP mm Hg DBP mm Hg

Normal < 120 <80
Pre- Hypertension 120-139 80-90
Stage 1 Hypertension 140-159 90-99
Stage 2 Hypertension >160 >100

Follow based on initial BP measurements adult-(* without acute organ damage)

Initial BP (mm Hg ) Follow up recommended

Recheck in 2 years
Pre- Hypertension
Recheck in 1 years
Stage 1 Hyperten-
sion Confirm within in 2 months

Stage 2 Hyperten- Evaluate or refer to a source of care within 1 month. For those with higher
sion pressure (> 180/110 mm HG) evaluate or treat immediately or within one
week depending upon clinical complication and situation.

WHITE COAT HYPERTENSION [8] people this difference can be even greater.
The term “white coat” comes from references to HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS-[9]
the white coats traditionally worn by doctors.
The white coat effect means that your blood pres- Hypertensive emergencies-
sure is higher when it is taken in a medical setting Marked elevation of Blood pressure with rapidly
than it is when taken at home. On average, when evolving end organ damage. No fixed Blood pres-
your blood pressure is taken at home the top sure cut off values are defined but, in general the
(systolic) number can be around 10 mmHg lower blood pressure values are as follows.
than it would be if taken by a doctor and 5 mmHg
lower on the bottom (diastolic) number. For some Diastolic BP > 120; SYSTOLIC BP > 220

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 69


Hypertensive Urgencies- system, Nervous system, Kidneys and Eyes)

Marked elevation of blood pressure without rap- • Damage to blood vessels seen on fundoscopy.
idly evolving end organ damage. No fixed blood
pressure cut off values are defined but in general PATIENT EVALUATION OBJECTIVE-[6]
the blood pressure value may approach the same
range as seen in hypertensive emergencies. 1. To assess lifestyle and identify other
cardiovascular risk factors or concomitant
Hypertensive crises are a group of clinicopatho- disorders that may affect prognosis and guide
logical entities in which rapid reduction of hyper- treatment.
tension is necessary to prevent serious end-organ
2. To reveal identifiable causes of high BP.
damage. The diagnosis and treatment plan de-
pends on the identification of specific end-organ 3. To assess the presence or absence of target
dysfunction. The goal of treatment is to limit the organ damage and CVD.
progression of end-organ damage in patients
with hypertensive crises. Several potent antihy-
pertensive drugs, such as sodium nitroprusside, 1. Treating SBP and DBP to targets.
labetalol and urapidil, are available to produce
an immediate fall in blood pressure. The choice of 2. Patients with diabetes or renal disease, the BP
the drug should be made on the basis of its phar- goal is <140/90 mm of Hg.
macodynamic properties, clinical effects, advan- 3. The primary focus should be on attaining the
tages and contraindications. Additionally, rapid SBP goal.
reduction of blood pressure carries a considerable 4. To reduce cardiovascular and renal morbidity
risk, if it is performed in an uncontrolled manner, and mortality.
leading to further end-organ damage. The aim of
the treatment is not just to reduce blood pressure, MANAGEMENT OF UNCOMPLICATED ES-
but to do so with minimal adverse effects while SENTIAL HYPERTENSION-[14]
preserving organ function.
a. Weight reduction – attain and maintain BMI <
SION [10] b. Dietary salt reduction- it should be less than 6
g Nacl/d. Normal salt can be replaced by LONA
1. Severe headache.
salt (in which Na+ is replaced by K+). Prior to this
2. Fatigue or confusion. serum potassium and KFT should be checked be-
3. Vision problem. cause under-functioning of the kidney results in
4. Chest problem. retention of potassium which is clinically evident
in the form of hyperkalemia. And patients may
5. Difficult breathing.
start developing tachycardia, palpitation and ar-
6. Irregular heart beating. rhythmia.
7. Pounding in the chest, head or neck.
c. Adapt DASH (Dietary adjustment for stop-
COMPLICATION OF PROLONGED UNCON- ping hypertension) type of dietary plan- Diet
TROLLED HTN- [6] rich in fruits, vegetables, sprouted nuts and low
– fat dairy products with reduced content of satu-
• High pressure jet flows in arteries leads rated and total fat. In order to control the B.P, diet
to vessels wall injury and result into should include potassium, Magnesium, Omega 3
arteriosclerosis throughout vasculature. fatty acid and antioxidants.  
• Complication arises due to “target
d. Moderation of Alcohol - For those who drink
organ” dysfunction and ultimately
alcohol, consume 2 drinks/day in men and 1
failure.                                            ( Cardiovascular

70 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


drink/day in women. Several studies show mod- Common presentation of HTN patient which
erate consumption of alcohol having a cardio pro- covers certain medicine of homoeoapthy-
tective role.
Case 1-
e. Physical activity- Regular aerobic activity, e.g.,
brisk walking for 30 min/d. Patient reveals in his history that he is going
through some emotional disturbance, grief, or
f. Lavender oil (Rub 2-3 drops of lavender oil in disappointment, has a mild headache towards the
your cupped palms, then use the inhalation meth- evening and cannot concentrate on his work and
od to draw the scent all the way into your emo- even has some sleepless nights and has become
tional warehouse (amygdala gland) in your brain short tempered and irritable. He has also turned
to calm the mind.) introvert. Dwells constantly on the past unpleas-
ant happenings. He wants to be alone and to cry
but cannot. At this point wants no consolation.
MENT OF HTN[11][12] Ignatia Or Natrum Mur

The primary rule to treat Hypertension is to iden- Case 2 –

tify the cause of hypertension in the individual
and try to resolve the case. Very sensitive, morbidly sensitive, the least word
that seems wrong hurts very much, special senses
Hahnemannian pathology classifies Hyperten- become irritable, cannot tolerate touch, odour,
sion into four classes in accordance with the Mi- noise that sends the blood surging to the heart and
asmatic break up: head – causes the blood pressure to rise. There
is a urinary complaint with the emotional state.
1. Functional or Psoric phase; Frequent desire to pass with burning in urethra.
2. Sycotic Phase; When not urinating, a feeling as if the bladder is
3. Tubercular Phase or Pseudopsoric; not empty.
4. Syphlilitic or Destructive Phase. Staphysagria
In psoric or the functional phase the levels of
blood pressure show constant fluctuation. It is, Case 3-
therefore, also known as labile hypertension.
Marked symptoms of congestive headache, with
With passage of time and inadequate treatment
throbbing, hot and red face with burning eyes.
this may pass into a regular hypertension. The hy-
This may start after a head bath, or a haircut that
pertension in Sycotic personality may be caused
is relieved by tight bandaging. There is rise in
by the systemic disorders. The functional labile
systolic pressure with a full bounding pulse. The
blood pressures, when unchecked, pass on to the
blood pressure returns to normal after the conges-
changes in the body’s biochemistry, resulting in
tion is normal.
changes in the diastolic pressure, either due to
atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels, or in Belladonna
the renal tissues. It is clearly evident after years
of experience that stress plays an important role Case 4-
in the pathogenesis of HTN, it may affect emo- Sudden and violent irregularities in circula-
tional and physical level ( pregnancy and physi- tion with sensations of pulsation throughout the
cal overwork beyond his capacity). Some people body. Hyperemia of the brain, congestive head-
born with tendency to become anxious and angry ache, mostly due to suppressions of the menses,
at little things; these are inherited traits. These the shocks in the head are synchronous with the
cannot be completely altered with homoeopathic pulse. Better by elevating head and in open air.
medicine but definitely it can be modified upto There is a characteristic mental condition “loss
certain extent by counseling and homoeopathic of sense of location “. Like in Belladonna, expo-
medicine. sure to sun, bright light, or working in heat or un-

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 71


der gas-light, may also produce this hyperemia. important role in providing health care to a large
Slightest touch to the head or weight on the head number of people. Its strength lies in its evident
causes headache. effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach to-
wards the sick individual through promotion of
Glonoine inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and
These psoric expressions get greatly exaggerated physical levels. So Homoeopathy can be effec-
in Tubercular type of hypertension. These changes tively used in order to control the blood pressure
are highly fluctuating , and may even lead to epi- along with other lifestyle modifications.
staxis, bleeding from ears, eyes, nose etc. At times
patient may present with these symptoms, in REFERENCES
fact these symptoms often work as safety valves. 1. James PA, Oparil S, Carter BL, Cushman WC, Dennison-
Blood pressure measured at this point may show Himmelfarb C, Handler J, Lackland DT, LeFevre ML, MacKenzie
TD, Ogedegbe O, Smith SC. 2014 evidence-based guideline for
elevated figures. Immediate attention is therefore the management of high blood pressure in adults: report from the
required. panel members appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee
(JNC 8). Jama. 2014 Feb 5;311(5):507-20.
Case 5- 2. Gupta R. Trends in hypertension epidemiology in India. Journal
of human hypertension. 2004 Jan 5;18(2):73.
A tall person, slim and slender, of sanguine tem- 3. Kearney PM, Whelton M, Reynolds K, Muntner P, Whelton PK,
perament, is ideally a tubercular personality. The He J. Global burden of hypertension: analysis of worldwide data.
The lancet. 2005 Jan 15;365(9455):217-23.
bleeding here is due to fatty degeneration of tis- 4. Perloff D, Grim C, Flack J, Frohlich ED, Hill M, McDonald M,
sue, and organs. Phosphorus is chilly and of tu- Morgenstern BZ. Human blood pressure determination by
bercular diathesis. In tubercular personalities the sphygmomanometry. Circulation. 1993 Nov;88(5):2460-70.
symptoms are greatly accelerated and may pro- 5. Anchala R, Kannuri NK, Pant H, Khan H, Franco OH, Di
Angelantonio E, Prabhakaran D. Hypertension in India: a
duce cerebral edema. Left ventricular failure or systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence, awareness,
renal impairment. Retinal hemorrhages exudates and control of hypertension. Journal of hypertension. 2014
and papilledema, when present, are diagnostic of
6. McPhee SJ, Papadakis MA, Rabow MW, editors. Current medical
malignant hypertension, more and more compli- diagnosis & treatment 2017. New York:: McGraw-Hill Medical;
cations are present and possible at this point. 2017 Nov 5.441.
7. Viera AJ, Neutze DM. Diagnosis of secondary hypertension:
an age-based approach. American family physician. 2010 Dec
Phosphorus 15;82(12).
8. Pickering TG, James GD, Boddie C, Harshfield GA, Blank S,
CONCLUSION Laragh JH. How common is white coat hypertension?. Jama. 1988
Jan 8;259(2):225-8.
9. Marik PE, Varon J. Hypertensive crises: challenges and
Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system management. Chest. 2007 Jun 1;131(6):1949-62.
and is being practiced almost all over the world. 10. Abdullah ABM, Long cases in Clinical medicine: 2013, Jaypee
In India it has become a household name due Brothers Medical Publishers; 208.

the safety of its pills and gentleness of its cure. A 10. https://youtu.be/jDYm0i5zT68

rough study states that about 10% of the Indian 11. Muzumdar K.P. Texbook of Homoepathic therapeutics with
Clinical approach: New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
population solely depend on Homoeopathy for 12. Boericke W. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopatic Materia
their Health care needs and is considered as the Medica with Repertory: B. Jain Publisher (P) LTD. 9th edition.
Second most popular system of medicine in the 2000.

Country. 13. h t t p : / / a y u s h . g o v . i n / a b o u t - t h e - s y s t e m s / h o m o e o p a t h y /
14. https://youtu.be/jDYm0i5zT68
It is more than a century and a half now that
Homoeopathy is being practiced in India. It has
blended so well into the roots and traditions of
the country that it has been recognized as one of ABOUT THE AUTHOR
the National System of Medicine and plays a very 1. Dr. Nitin saklani

72 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

Importance of Knowing Epidemiology
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
of Communicable Diseases
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor Dr. andAlok
the Nath Shaw, Dr. Sanjit Biswas, Dr. Akancha Singh
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature
Communicable of are
diseases Menispermeaceae
a global problem family
now and to know its impact, risk factor and prevention the most
the profound weakness of the which
tool is to know epidemiology kidney and
is the basic science of preventive and social medicine. Epidemiol-
ogy can provide complaints
informationwhich points
that will in Pareira
help to breaking one of the legs of the epidemiological triangle, thereby
disrupting the connection among environment, host and agent and stopping the outbreak.

Keywords: Epidemiology, Communicable diseases, Infectious diseases, Levels of Prevention.
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
Book, first edition reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The
pathogenesis of disease; and
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,

page 65, page 135, page 88
ommunicable diseases are a global problem 3. To provide the data essential to the planning,
and implementation and evaluation of services
2. ICD Codein the past used to be the leading cause
of death. Epidemiology, the basic science of for the prevention, control and treatment
3. Synthesis 1.3 and social
app, created medicine,
by Archibel hason rapidly
SA, based Synthesis of disease and to setting of priorities among
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
evolved during the past few decades and has these services.
4. Michalrise to newer
Yakir,Ph.D, offshoots.
WONDROUS Infectious
ORDER Systematicdisease
Homoeopathic Plant is Remedies
a practical science,
Book One concerned
: Flowering Plants, 7th
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
with minimizing the impact of pathogens on 1. To study the effects of disease state in a
164, page 166
public health. To prevent diseases it is important population over a time and predict future
to I.C.R
5. understand
OPERATIONALthe causative
MANUAL, Editor Dr. agents, risk
Anand R. Kapse, health.
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
factors and circumstances
trust; page 102 to 105 that lead to specific 2. To diagnose the health of the community.
disease. Studying epidemiology has paved new 3. To evaluate health services.
opportunities for prevention, treatment, planning 4. To estimate individual risk from group
and improvingTHEthe AUTHOR
effectiveness and efficiency of experiences.
health services.
1. Dr Vaishali P. Joshi, M.D (Hom.), 5. To identify the syndrome.
Homoeopathic Physician
EPIDEMIOLOGY 6. To research the cause of disease
distribution of health related events, states and
processes in specific populations, including the
study of the determinants influencing such pro- •    2 or more population involved.              
cesses and the application of this knowledge to
control relevant health problems1. • Cause is often known.

AIMS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY1 Types of Epidemiological Studies.

According to IEA it has 3 main aims 1. OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES.

1. To describe the distribution and magnitude a. Descriptive studies.

of health and disease problems in the human b. Analytical studies.
2. To identify the etiological factors in the • Cohort study.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 73


• Case control study. 3. Detecting outbreaks.

• Cross-sectional study. 4. Prioritization, development and evaluation of
• Ecological study. disease
2. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES. 5. Control programs.
a. Randomized control trial b. Field trial. c.
Community trial. d. Clinical trial Includes broader measures like improving
the social determinants of health like
Epidemic investigation. education,employment having a strong health
Set of procedures used to identify the cause re- care system and having an effective health work-
sponsible for the disease, the people affected, the force.
circumstances and mode of spread of the disease Communicable diseases have a significant social
and other relevant factors involved in propagat- impact2
ing the epidemic control disease spread.
1. Disruption of family and social networks -
Especially important if the epidemic: child headed households , social exclusion
Has unusual features, significant threat to public 2. Widespread stigma and discrimination-
health, not self- limiting Discrimination in employment, schools
,migration policies.
Control of Infectious Diseases1 3. Orphans and vulnerable children - Loss
of primary caregivers, Susceptibility to
exploitation and trafficking.
• Like regular handwashing. 4. Interventions such as quarantine measures
• Use of condoms to prevent STD. may aggravate social disruption.
• Use of insect repellants. Communicable diseases have a significant eco-
• Having a healthy diet nomic impact in affected countries
1. Vector control 1. Reduction in revenue for the country (eg,
2. Safe water tourism).
3. Sanitation and hygiene 2. Estimated cost of SARS epidemic to Asian
4. Improving housing and working conditions countries: $20(2003) billion .
5. Food safety and Air quality 3. Drop in international travel to affected
countries by 50 to 70%.
4. Malaria causes an average loss of 1-3% annual
1. Proper sterilisation of equipment. GDP in countries with intense transmission.
2. Isolating infectious agents. 5. The plague outbreak in India cost the economy
over 1 billion from travel restrictions and
3. Strict hand washing practices. embargoes.
4. Cleaning. At the household level
5. Hospital surveillance. 1. Poorer households are disproportionately
SURVEILLANCE- 2. Substantial loss in productivity and income
1. Used to monitor disease. for the infirmed and caregiver
2. Characterize disease patterns. 3. Catastrophic costs of treating illness

74 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


MODERN CONCEPT LEVELS OF PREVEN- 8. Minus desk to prevent backache

TION1 Secondary Prevention
Primordial Prevention- “Action which halts the progress of a disease at its
1. It is prevention of the emergence or incipient stage and prevents complications.”
development of risk factors in countries of
population groups in which they have not yet
and Treatment.
2. It is receiving special attention in the Tertiary Prevention
prevention of chronic disease.
1. It signifies intervention in the late pathogenesis
3. MODES OF INTERVENTION- Individual phase.
education and mass education, example-
children are discouraged from adapting “All measures available to reduce or limit impair-
harmful lifestyles. ments and disabilities, minimise suffering and to
Primary Prevention promote the patient’s adjustment to irremediable
“Action taken prior to the onset of disease, which 2. Modes Of Intervention - Disability, limitation
removes the possibility that a disease will ever oc- & Rehabilitation.
cur.” Primary prevention is a holistic approach.
1. It utilizes knowledge of the pre pathogenesis CONCLUSION
phase of disease, embracing the agent, host International travel and a worldwide food mar-
and environment, ket have made humans potentially vulnerable to
2. MODES OF INTERVENTION - Promotion of infectious diseases no matter where they live. Epi-
health, Specific protection demiology has got a very important role to play
“The process of enabling people to increase con- in the current scenario where new pathogens are
trol over and to improve health.”-It strengthens emerging such as SARS and the recent pandemic
the host through a variety of approaches. like COVID-19 and are spreading across the globe
taking away lives of millions of people.
1. Health Education
2. Environmental Modifications: Like Provision Epidemiology can provide information that will
of safe water.Installation of sanitary help in breaking one of the legs of the epidemio-
latrines,control of Insects and Rodents logical triangle, thereby disrupting the connection
,Improvement on Housing. among environment, host and agent and stopping
3. Nutritional Intervention: Like - Food the outbreak.
Distribution and nutrition improvement,
Child feeding programmes, food fortification, REFERENCES   
nutrition education. 1. Park K ; Parks Textbook of Preventive in Social Medicine. 25th ed.
Jabalpur: Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers; 1994.
4. Lifestyle and Behavioural Changes.
2. [Internet]. 2020 [cited 8 August 2020]. Available from: https://www.
Specific Protection ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7150259/

1. Vaccination. ABOUT THE AUTHORS

2. Contraception.
1. Dr. Alok Nath Shaw MD (Hom.), BHMS
3. Chemoprophylaxis for contacts.. (Hons.), HMO, Govt. of West Bengal
4. Bed nets for malaria. 2. Dr. Sanjit Biswas MD (Hom.), HMO Govt. of
5. Quarantine. West Bengal
6. Nutritional supplementation. 3. Dr. Akancha Singh MD (Hom.) N.I.H., Govt.
7. Pasteurization. Of India

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 75


‘Antagonism with Herself’ from Kent’s

Dr. Rajiv Rui Viegas Peres

“Antagonism with herself” means hate or extreme unfriendliness or active opposition to oneself. This is a sub-
jective symptom seen in four different remedies found in Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica by
Dr. J.T Kent, sixth American Edition corrected, revised and improved by Dr. Ramananlal P Patel. This article is to
explain how the four different remedies (Anacardium, Aurum-Met, Kali-Carb & Lac-Can)1 given in Kent’s reper-
tory under the rubric, Antagonism with herself can be comprehended in context to homoeopathic psychology
with the help of examples from my clinical practice.

Keywords: Antagonism, Sadness, Pathogenesis

INTRODUCTION fended and he is overcome by sudden rage and

panic, leading to having stabbed someone. Upon

M any a times we find rubrics in our

homoeopathic repertories specially
from mind section, that are extremely difficult
asking why they behaved this way, they answer:
‘I can’t help it, someone makes me do it’, express-
ing the delusion of being possessed. These aspects
to comprehend at first hand, but a deeper reveal a lack of control and much confusion in the
reflection along with co-relation of knowledge patient’s behaviour as well as the fixation of be-
of psychology to homoeopathic materia medica ing separated from the world because of the battle
and further integration of it with Rubrics from between two wills. This will lead to an obstructed
repertory finally yields clarity and then these personality, a lack of ego growth or what we call
rubrics become usable in our day-to-day clinical psychic arrest. Parental domination is one of the
practice. These rubrics could also be understood most common triggers of an Anacardium state5.
from a miasmatic perspective but that requires Lack of confidence in himself and others3. Suspi-
strict individualisation.   cious4. Circumstances giving rise to these mental
states are when the parents of a young child di-
Anacardium: It has not only weakness of mind, vorce. Conflicts between parents in the presence
but weakness of all the senses (illusory unpleas- of the child creates immense fright and confusion
ant smells 6), weakness of body, paretic weakness as the child loves both parents; the child now be-
of rectum. Lack of power: mental and physical2. comes a split personality, choosing one parent
Dull emotions, laughing at serious matters but one moment, then the other the next. This break-
maintains a serious demeanour over laughable up of his family creates not only confusion, but
things. This shows that sadness often hides be- also creates guilt. Childhood crime has now creat-
hind such contradictory behaviour. Here is a split ed a dysfunctional adult (Swearing, obscene and
personality5 (feels and thought has two wills, lewd) violence and rage. They become a threat to
one commanding to do what the other forbids; others-Syphilitic symptoms.
thinks is double; sense of duality) demonstrates
exactly opposite behaviour unexpectedly, with- Aurum Metallicum: An extremely conscientious
out any apparent reason, from acts of goodness and industrious person living idealistically by
to the most evil acts known to humankind. Want making personal sacrifices faces false allegations
of moral sentiment “Moral Inferiority”: Char- crushing his self-ego then he constantly dwells
acterized by impiety, hardness of heart, cruelty. on suicide6 and desires death (Constantly loath-
Malicious; seems bent on wickedness. Easily of- ing of life). Gold is an emotional remedy. What

76 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


to live for? Neither pain is remaining nor love. on same path firmly like a sober Mummy’s Boy,
To live one needs a motive for example in order cannot be easily influenced by anyone (Friends,
to take revenge or to live to achieve somebody’s distractions) easily. He has tendency to follow
love. Aurum has lost the reason to live. Never the rules. Will live his life as per the foundation
well since: Retirement5 (may fall into great de- laid down by his parenting. Family value, con-
pression, not able to see himself in the mirror, he cern for the family is of highest importance in
feels that he has lost affection of his friends, feels kali-carb. But once in any point of time there is
unfit, boredom, anxiety, irritability, succumbing a contradiction with its family teaching, family
to a heart attack, and even suicides are common values and its outside survival, Loss of depen-
consequences), disappointed love, loss of money, dency develops pathology centred on paralytic
hearing bad news, sudden loss of employment, type weakness of backache2 (Back is support of
loss of longtime partner, being scorned, reserved life to stand up in life). Complaints settle in throat
displeasure3, violence. Thereafter he feels “I did (Kent). Subsequently the respiratory disturbance
not do enough, that’s why I failed” (delusion, arises. Dreams of fighting with parents or close
he has neglected his duty5). Self-condemnation4, relative reflects the parental conflict. Hence, we
self-criticism. Contradictory symptoms found are find intolerance to solitude (need for support, be-
that generally Aurum-met symptoms are worse ing heard to) as well as aggravation from conso-
at night but eye symptoms are mysteriously bet- lation (He already knows everything as he was
ter in moonlight. In liver and heart complaints raised idealistically and doesn’t require advice,
of Aurum one finds despair and hopelessness2, very irritable4, oversensitivity, touchiness, sensi-
but Hopefulness is found with lung complaints tive to every change in weather6). Any sort of cri-
is another unique feature of Aurum. Persistent sis especially at psychic level, any sort of anxiety
thoughts about death (thinking of self-destruc- settles and reflects in the stomach. Bad news will
tion, cutting their wrists with a knife, surviv- give uneasiness, nausea and hollowness in stom-
al is difficult because he has fallen in his own ach. Opposite symptoms found in kali-carb is
eyes;Mental degeneration4 (Syphilitic destructive- that extreme chilliness is found everywhere but
ness). Recently I came across a case of P.C.O.S a its haemorrhoids produce heat and burning pain
girl of 22 years who had to own responsibility of relieved by cold application. Whereas all symp-
caring for her three younger siblings due to the toms of Kali-carb are having aggravation from
sudden untimely death of her mother from post- cold in general. Normally when man eats, he gets
partum haemorrhage. Her father remarried and warmed up and energised but in Kali-carb we
separated from them. Now she is working to ed- find lethargy, lost strength and going into sleep
ucate and feed the younger siblings out of great state while eating. One of kali-carb’s principal
sense of duty but her younger siblings don’t give aetiologies is from sexual excess, a part of her
her respect nor acknowledge her sacrifices, she duty towards her family5(Procreation program
has to cook, clean everything despite her work as with tendency to obesity6). Its toothache aggra-
a quarrelsome receptionist. She wants respect but vates while eating. Hahnemann calls Kali-carb
as she doesn’t get it out of frustration, she has at- as a medicine of great strength to treat the deep-
tempted suicide four times already by cutting her est level of psoric diseases3. A case of 57-year-old
wrist, but due to lack of courage and concern for headmistress who is the sole bread earner of the
her sibling’s well-being she hesitates to die and family, suffering from panic attacks at night due
didn’t succeed. Her life oscillates between living to anxiety of pressures generated by the college
for care giving towards siblings and tired of living management and her dream profession of being a
due to no honour from her siblings and desiring master of ceremony and life coach which is not al-
death. lowed as per norms of college managements. She
cannot give up her job as family needs will be at
Kali-Carb: Has been raised with good initial fam- stake hence, she has to force herself to work every
ily teachings all his childhood and that becomes a day and hidingly carry out her mike compering
complete world for him. Later on, he simply fol- sessions for people’s weddings and celebrations.
lows those precepts. He continues his further life Her struggle is between means of survival where

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 77


she has to protect her energy and on the other end stairs3. Pain in the opposite breast while feeding.
to focus on herself in pursuit of her own dream as Oversensitive to touch; cannot bear one part of
an entertainer.   her body to touch another yet hard pressure ame-
liorates is also an antagonistic aspect. A case of
Lac-can: Thinks himself to be of little consequence a household maid, single mother with three chil-
“I am worthless” reflects a state of low self-es- dren living in master’s house suffering from hy-
teem. This mental state develops when someone pertension and forgetfulness (When it comes to
is treated badly by a ‘Wicked stepmother’ a case totaling bills of purchases unable to recollect any-
of deliberate neglect from early childhood.As this thing, forgets when food is placed on gas cooker-
medicine is procured from milk of bitch so it faced Absent minded) due to constant conflict created
lot of criticism from homoeopaths before its use. by other senior maids of owner’s house who envy
Poor social training and being excluded from so- her importance in the house, this generated anger
cial events leads to unnecessary defiance. Parental inside her. She is split between too much respon-
or spousal abuse are the causality but Lac-can’s sibility of work as a maid with the politics around
anger and rage are directed at the self5. She feels and responsibility of three children’s education
insulted because she thinks she is looked down and their careers.
upon by everyone, she imagines being dirty; she
imagines horrible mass of incurable disease4 and
could not bear to look at any portion of the body
as it intensifies her feeling of disgust and horror. Antagonism with oneself is an inherent trait in
This person who feels isolated in a threatening these above-mentioned remedies as per Kent’s
society in which there is no sense of love and be- repertory, the underlying miasm and environ-
longing has to fight and struggle for her existence. mental stimulus help to maintain the disease and
A struggle to convince others of one’s own value contribute to the pathogenesis. The psychological
and worth. Lac-can is stuck in her emotions, lead- evolution of these remedies is what is my attempt
ing to irresolution: absent minded6; makes pur- through this article.
chases and walks off without them. Extremely
nervous and irritable, attacks of rage, cursing and
swearing at slightest provocation3. Shows great REFERENCES:
sensitivity, shyness, inability to express direct ag- 1) Dr. Ramananlal P Patel’s Repertory of the homoeopathic
Materia medica of Dr. J.T Kentcorrected, revised and improved
gression. This genuine sadness is intensified and , sixth American Edition, published by Dr R.P Patel Institute of
expanded into self-hatred (Antagonism/ aversion Homoeopathy, Vadodara, Gujarat. Pg 4.
to herself) and depression enacted in her psychotic 2) C.M Boger’s Synoptic Key of the materia medica 2004 Reprint
edition. Published by B.Jain publishers PVT.LTD. Pg 120, Pg 134,
world through voices and hallucinations. This Pg 220, Pg 227.
person hovers around the danger line between 3) Allen C.H, Keynotes and characteristics with comparison and
neurosis and psychosis reflected as a delusion, out bowel nosodes of Materia medica. Eight reprint edition: IBPP
publishers, May 2009. Pg21, Pg 134, Pg42, Pg136, Pg143. Pg 144.
of body, she is hovering in the air like a spirit. This
4) Boericke William, New manual of homoeopathic Materia medica
is called depersonalisation5. Later on, she ques- with repertory. Third revised and augmented edition: BJain
tions herself if she has the right to exist, followed publishers, 200; Pg 44, Pg88,Pg 88, Pg 325, Pg341.
by suicidal ideation. Symptoms erratic, pains fly 5)Schepper de Luc, Discovering life Homoeopathic portraits an in
depth modern clinical materia medica: Full of life publishers,
from one part to another2. What forgetfulness is in First edition; Pg73, Pg 75,Pg105, Pg 111, Pg 265, Pg 278
the mental plane, likewise shifting pains is a type 6) Bhanja C.K, Master key of homoeopathic Materia medica,
of forgetfulness at the physical level of location Published by Sri Usharanjan Sinha Roy, National homoeopathic
laboratory, Calcutta. Second edition; Pg 31, Pg61, Pg 216, Pg 217,
where pain had settled earlier. Forgetfulness is Pg 235
not due to carelessness of mind, rather it is a fixed
and pathological state. Its forgetfulness is greater ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
than anacardium and even greater than medor-
rhinum. Tubercular taint is seen in this remedy. 1. Dr. Rajiv Rui Viegas Peres, (M.D Hom),
Breast inflammation aggravated by least jar and Assistant Professor, Dept of Organon of
must hold them firmly when going up and down Medicine, Aarihant Homoeopathic Medical
College & Research Institute, Gujarat

78 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Allergies : on the Axis of
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the Psychosomatic Trait
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor and the Dr Janki Solanki
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature
Psychosomatic ofterm
is a new Menispermeaceae
but it is as old as family
the art of healing. It is not a new discovery, but rather a reaffirma-
theof profound weakness
the ancient principle thatofmind
the andkidney andinteractive and interdependent. Allergy and psychosomatic
body are
medicine havecomplaints whichseveral
much in common, to Pareira
pointsstudies have been done concerning how psychosocial stress influences
the occurrence and progression of allergic disorders. The complicated interaction between the central and the
autonomic nervous systems with the immune system and its component contributes to the allergic manifesta-
tion, the result of this interaction are referred to as ‘psychosomatic’.
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
Keywords: Chronic
Book, first edition reprintstress, psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology,
2019; New Delhi, published by The allergic reaction, psychosomatic disor-
der. Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
page 65, page 135, page 88

2. ICD Code : IgE-ImmunoglobulinE, TNF-(alpha)-Tumor necrosis factor alpha, PNEI- Psychoneuro-
endocrinoimmunology, HPA axis- Hypothalamic-pituitory-adrenal axis, SNS-sympathetic nervous sys-
3. NK cells-Natural
Synthesis killer
1.3 app, created by cells,
Archibel SA,ICD-10-International
based on Synthesis classification of diseases, tenth revision.
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.

4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of

Homoeopathic Plant Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
164, page 166 cells.2 Atopy is the typical main factor that affect
an individual, who predispose to an immune
A llergic
edition, 2003;
page 102 to 105
is a hypersensitivity
5. I.C.R OPERATIONAL MANUAL, Editor Dr. Anand R. Kapse,
disorder in published
which bythe immune
Dr. M.L.
reacts to substances in the environment that
Dhawale Memorial
response against common allergens too.3
Allergies are not only about immune response
are normally considered harmless. Variety to some allergens or antigens but it also includes
of allergens including pollens, mold spores, psychological disturbances determinant of daily
animal danders, insect stings, certain foods and hassles and cognitive life events, even challenging
1. Dr areVaishali
P. for initiating
Joshi, M.D a cascade
(Hom.), lifestyle, having too much to do, cost of living,
of molecular
Homoeopathicand Physician
cellular events resulting in conflicts at work or home, these have been linked
immunoregulatory dysfunctions similar to those to increased stress level of people now a days.
noted in highly stressed population.1 Over the These psychological stress has an adverse impact
last 150 years, changes in environment, diet on endocrine and immunological function, which
and lifestyle, water quality and individual’s bring about dysregulation of mediators and ex-
behaviour according to personality have played acerbation of inflammatory responses, multiple
dominant role in prevalence and severity of factors that can impact includes atopy, influential
allergic disorders. There are some features like environmental factors, adjuvant factors like smok-
increased sensitisation to indoor allergens, change ing, pollution may leads to various disorders like
in diet, decreased physical activity as well as the asthma, migraine, neurodermatitis, urticaria, cer-
effects of prolonged periods of shallow breathing, tain food allergies etc.4
specific food allergies for example sensitisation
Pathophysiology :
to peanuts, gluten intolerance, can’t digest
milk, soybeans, eggs suggest that possibility of Allergic diseases can be defined as clinical mani-
lifestyle modification in the last two decades festations of inappropriate IgE immune respons-
could have influenced the permeability of human es. Most allergies are type-1 hypersensitivity

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 79


reactions which are IgE mediated and some are among physiological functioning of the neuro-
type-4 which are T-cell mediated. It’s pathologi- immune system in health and disease such as al-
cal process is divided into two stages, first one lergies, autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities,
is allergic sensitisation stage where initial expo- immune deficiencies and physical, chemical and
sure to allergen results in tolerance breakdown physiological characteristic of the components of
with subsequent generation of specific IgE and the neuro-immune system.5
another one is allergic response through media-
According to PNEI, allergic reaction starts in the
tors such as histamine and platelet activating fac-
immune system but it has some connection with
tor. In an allergic individual, an initial exposure
continuous psychological stress in context with
to allergens triggers production of IgE, which is
hormonal imbalance. Cognitive life events such
activated by a subtype of T-lymphocytes, known
as death of a close person, a separation or divorce,
as helper T-cells. IgE molecules then bind to their
loss of job, migration or any type of positive or
receptors on the surface of mast cells and baso-
negative events give rise to potential threats that
phils. The first exposure is usually asymptomatic,
are called ‘stressors’, the origin of stress, what is
but the body is now sensitised, upon re-exposure
stress? The stress is defined as a real or interpreted
to the same antigen, the antigen binds to adjacent
threat to the physiological or psychological
IgE molecules, stimulates mast cell degranula-
integrity of an individual that result in specific
tion, bringing their receptors together, triggering
physiological or behavioural responses seek-
a signalling cascade that induces the release of
ing to restore homeostasis and whose chronicity
histamine and other inflammatory chemicals like
is potentially pathogenic.6 When these stressors
neutral proteases, proteoglycans, some cytokines
are long continued with repetitive acute stress-
such as TNF-(alpha). These chemicals cause dila-
ors then it will convert into chronic psychological
tation and increased permeability of blood ves-
stress. There are multiple factors that can impact
sels causing flushing, urticaria, pruritus; mucus
this cause-and-effect relationship including ge-
secretion; stimulation of sensory nerves; smooth
netic background, previous life experiences, and
muscle spasm, and are responsible for allergic
past or present environmental exposures, loss of
symptoms. In acute phase response, reactions are
adaptation.4 However, these Chronic stressors
immediate, within minutes of contact with aller-
stimulate two major pathways one is HPA-axis
gens. Whereas in late phase response, due to sub-
and another is SNS system; it creates dysregula-
sequent tissue infiltration with eosinophils and
tion of HPA-axis activity and cytokine imbalance,
other inflammatory cells.3
which is normally important for homeostatic bal-
In psychosomatic disorder, psychosocial stress ance of the body; there is continuous secretion of
affects the nervous, endocrine and immunological stress hormones like glucocorticoids(cortisol) and
system which are involved in the onset and ex- catecholamines due to HPA-axis imbalance, may
acerbation of various clinical manifestations. reduce the effect of neurotransmitters and other
Psychological stressors have been reported as receptors in brain leads to dysregulation of neu-
inciting, continuing or precipitating factors for rohormones; resulting in to depression, anxiety,
initiating allergic responses. Chronic exposure emotional distress, mania, bipolar disease. These
to these stressors resulting in homeostatic imbal- glucocorticoids, neuropeptides with cytokines
ance, which is the key factor to allergic reactions. further inhibit the activity of HPA-axis resulting
Possible mechanisms linking to production of cy- in hormonal imbalance. Under certain condition
tokines, which can be modified by stressors and these stress hormones may facilitate inflammatory
heightened susceptibility to infectious substances immune response through induction of SNS path-
which might be harmless to others.4 way leads to immune system activation, releasing
histamine and cytokines which are responsible
Psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunological view : for allergic reaction. Various studies have noted
that stress hormones associated with increase in
PNEI is the study of interaction between psycho- number of circulating neutrophils and decrease
logical processes and the nervous and immune in number of NK cells, helper T-cells, cytotoxic T-
system of the human body. These is the studies cells, B cells, which can lead to immunosuppres-

80 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


sion with a higher risk of infection and allergic reaction.5 This allergies are due to hyper sensitivity to
particular substances or allergens considered as allergic diseases.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 81


Asthma : Neuro-dermatitis :

Just as the heart is sometimes referred to as the The skin, like the eye, is an important organ of
seat of emotions and the abdomen as the sound- contact between the inner and outer world of the
ing board of the emotions, so the lung might body. When Internal disturbances came out in the
be spoken of as the barometer of the emotions. form of clinical manifestation on the outer part,
When people are unable to act or unable to speak on skin; means there was something happening
about problems, the body takes over the func- chronically at the level of psychological form
tion of answering the problems in its own way. which is now presenting at somatic form. Neu-
When asthmatic people feel shortness of breath, rodermatitis is the skin condition characterised
that represents not dyspnea but sighing respira- by chronic itching or scaling, scratching makes it
tion; he feels load on his chest, the implication be- itch more and that exacerbation of itch came from
ing that he could get it off by talking about his psychological disturbances like chronic emotion-
troubles; which are so common in neurotic peo- al tension, anxiety, depression and stress. Several
ple. Asthma may worsen when the patient over- studies have linked neurodermatitis to emotional
works, has a stressful interpersonal relationship, disturbances, which result in repeated and cyclic
or has problems coping with stress. The attacks itching. Exact pathophysiology is still unknown.
of asthma often occur at the point where he was Generally it is related with atopic dermatitis.12
suddenly exposed to the conflicts between an ac-
tual life situation and the fear of losing someone Food allergy :
or something. It has been noted that the sufferer
Food allergy is a pathological reaction of the im-
from asthma often seems to make the most of his
mune system triggered by the ingestion of food
attack by drawing attention to himself and by his
protein antigen. Exposure to antigen can trigger
distress disturbing those around him, just like he
clinical symptoms such as GIT disorders, urticar-
tries to say something to surrounding.7 Accord-
ia, airway inflammation, ranging in severity from
ing to ICD-10, asthma coded as J45+F54, making
mild to life-threatening.13 Again these are related
it possible to indicate the presence of psychologi-
to immune response against allergens, which we
cal and behavioural factors; which may play the
have described earlier that why even common al-
major role in the aetiology of asthmatic exacerba-
lergens affect an individual. Food intolerance is
regarded as one of the greatest enigmas in mod-
Migraine : ern society nowadays due to change in food hab-
its, lifestyle modification created great impact
Headache often results from traction or irritation over certain individuals.
of meninges and blood vessels resulting in in-
flammation of meninges and blood vessels spasm Homeopathic approach :
or dilatation. Exact mechanism is still unknown.
Our master Hahnemann had described it in ‘aph-
Current study shows that migraines are due to
orism 225’ stating that a few emotional diseases
primary problems with the nerves of brain, auras
which have not merely been developed into that
are thought to be caused by a wave of increased
form out of corporeal disease, but they develop
activity of neurons in the cerebral cortex known
in opposite manner, where initially the body was
as cortical spreading depression followed by peri-
not disturbed much, and which originated and
od of depressed activity.9 These suggest, involve-
kept up by the emotional causes such as contin-
ment of psychological disturbances (anxiety,
ued grief, worry, anxiety, anger, humiliation and
depression, stress) can also responsible for exac-
continuous exposure to fear and fright; emotional
erbation of migraine.10 Careful study of migraine
diseases of this kind in the course of time greatly
confirms collaboration with some personality
harm and destroy the physical health’.14 Accord-
namely, persistence towards success, difficulty in
ing to Eugene Underhill, everyone suffers from
sexual adjustment, perfectionism, intolerance in
emotional conflicts, and if these emotions remain
general and obsessive compulsive features.11
persistent they produce tension, stress, and create
a negative impact over mind and body. If physi-

82 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


ologic equilibrium gets disturbed, dysregulation      PMCID: PMC4617537.

and dysfunction will set in the weaker structure 3. Warren Levinson. Review of medical microbiology and
of an individual. Homeopathic materia medica
     Edition 13th. California: Mc grawhill a LANGE; 2014.
and repertories have given special importance
4. Dave ND, Xiang L, Rehm KE, Marshall GD Jr. Stress and allergic
upon mental and emotional states and their cor-      diseases. 2011 Feb. PMCID: PMC3264048.
relation with physical symptoms of disease.15 So 5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychoneuroimmunology.
homeopathic treatment is far superior than any 6. https://www.researchgate.net/publication  
other therapeutic approach. Homeopathy is the      Grip_Force_on_Steering_Wheel_as_a_Measure_of_Stress.
only system of medicine which has an integrated 7. Baiardini I, Sicuro F, Balbi F, Canonica GW, Braido F. Psychological
approach in understanding the role of mind in      aspects in asthma: do psychological factors affect asthma
health and disease. Homeopathy treats man in      management? 2015; august. PMC5142316.
disease not disease in man. 8. https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes.
9. Patten j. Neurological differential diagnosis. Edition 2nd. London:
Discussion :      springer ; reprinted 1998.
10.Risquéz Fernando. Psychiatry and homeopathy. Edition reprinted.
Allergic diseases are the result of alteration at
     New Delhi: b jain; 1997.
PNEI level and this indicates lifestyle changes
have made great impact on people. Emotions and
11.Ahuja Niraj. A short textbook of psychiatry. Edition 5th. New
stress significantly affect health and susceptibil- Delhi:
ity of the individual towards pathology, as well      Jaypee; reprinted 2004.
as ability to recover from illnesses. PNEI provides 12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lichen_simplex_chronicus.
convincing and scientifically sound arguments for 13. Harrison’s. principle of internal medicine. Edition 20th. US: Mc
the consideration and integration of psychological       grawhill education; 2018
aspects in treatment of somatic disorders, which 14. Hahnemann S, Sarkar BK, Dudgeon RE. Organon of Medicine.
is an important medical point of view nowadays       Aude sapere with an introduction and commentary on the text.
to understand health and disease. The studies re-
      Delhi: Birla publications; reprint 2022.
lated to psychosomatic disorders in homeopathy
15. Underhill E. Emotional conflicts and the problem they present
are rarely carried out and thus we must conduct to the  
many methodological clinical trials of such cases.       physician. The homeopathic recorder; LXV N 10.Encyclopedia    


1. Marshall GD Jr. The adverse effects of psychological stress on
     immunoregulatory balance: applications to human inflammatory 1. Dr Janki Solanki, PG scholar, Department
     diseases. 2012 Feb; PMID: 21094928. of organon of medicine and homeopathic
2. Platts-Mills TA. The allergy epidemics: 1870-2010. 2015 Jul; philosophy, Rajkot Homeopathic Medical
Collage, Parul university.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 83


Role of Homoeopathy in Allergic Reactions

Dr. Lata K. Mallannavar, Dr. Ashwin S. Kulkarni

The article describes allergies, allergens, their types as well as the Homeopathic remedies which are commonly
used for treatment of the allergies. Many times an allergic or hypersensitivity reaction is triggered by contact
with allergen. But the signs and symptoms are due to an individual’s reactivity. Homoeopathic remedies not
only deal with allergy but also help the altered susceptibility to normalize.

Keywords: Allergy, Homoeopathy, Hypersensitivity, Idiosyncrasy, Susceptibility.

INTRODUCTION certain foods [milk,peanuts,shellfish,egg],

antibiotics [penicillin,tetracycline], vac-

A llergy is the defensive response of the immune

system to the normally harmless stimulus
present in the environment. Any common or
cines [pertussis,typhoid], venoms
[honeybee,wasp,snake], cosmetics, chemicals in
plants such as poison ivy ,pollen, dust, molds ,io-
normally harmless substance can lead to allergy dine-containing dyes used in certain x-ray proce-
in any individual depending upon the sensitivity dures, and even microbes.(1)
of that person. There is a variety of allergens
Whenever something foreign [from external
present naturally in nature. The symptoms may
environment] enter; the human body reacts to it
vary in severity depending upon the reactivity of
the person. Conventional medicines usually focus in one of the following ways:
on administration of anti allergic medicines which a] When the foreign substance is harmful to the
tend to alter the reactivity of the person. Use of body:
steroids, antihistamine are more commonly seen i] The body develops immunity against the
nowadays. Chronic use of anti allergic drugs may harmful foreigner.
lead to certain unwanted side effects. On the other ii] The body is not able to defend itself and
hand, Homoeopathic medicines tend to stimulate individual suffers [the resistance offered by
the body’s own immunity to take over and help the body is not strong enough]
to reduce the symptoms of allergy. Homoeopathic b] When the foreign substance is harmless to the
remedies are prescribed on symptom similarity. body:
The Allergic responses can be of any miasm;
Psora, sycosis, Syphilis depending on symptoms i] Normally the body shows no reaction.
shown by the patient. Most of the time, tubercular ii]Body reacts in an unpleasant manner. For
miasm can also be seen. example- developing rashes after eating an
Allergic Reactions- egg. This is an allergic reaction.
Allergists define allergy as a specific immune
Definition --A person who is overly reactive to a
response in which various mechanisms provoke
substance that is tolerated by most other people is
the interaction of chemical mediators leading to
said to be allergic or hypersensitive.
clinical symptoms. This immune response can be
Whenever an allergic reaction takes place, against one or several allergens.
some tissue injury occurs. The antigens
Allergens – Allergen is a substance which causes/
that induce an allergic reaction are called
initiates allergic processes or reactions. An aller-
allergens. Common allergens include

84 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


gen can be classified into various categories ac- types.

cording to the following:
Based on underlying immune mechanisms,
1] Site of its action in the human body; hypersensitivity reactions are of 4 types:
2] Its origin; and Type I: Anaphylactic (or atopic) hypersensitivity
Type II: Antibody – mediated cytotoxic hypersen-
3] Place of its contact.
On the basis of place of its action, an allergen can Type III: Immune complex – mediated hypersen-
be classified into: sitivity
Type IV : Delayed( cell-mediated) hypersensitiv-
a] Cutaneous allergen- Allergy by skin contact
b] Inhaled allergen- Allergen enters body by
inhalation Homoeopathy & Allergy-
c] Trophallergen- Allergens which cause gastro- Homoeopathy follows the principle of law of
intestinal troubles similars. Depending upon the symptom similar-
On the basis of its origin: On the basis of its origin, ity and severity, Homoeopathic remedies are pre-
an allergen can be classified into the following: scribed. Susceptibility gets altered by the allergic
a] Allergens of animal origin- e.g. Animal response. Homoeopathic remedies give the neces-
Dander, dust mite sary boost so that the susceptibility can take care
b] Allergens of plant origin- e.g. pollen of the signs and symptoms.
There are peculiar corporeal constitutions which
c] Chemical allergens- e.g. Aspirin, penicilin
are although otherwise healthy, possess a dis-
d] Microbial allergens- e.g. Streptococci, position to be brought in to more or less morbid
Staphylococci state by certain things which seems to produce no
e] Mycotic allergens- e.g. Candida albicans impression and no any change in many individu-
f] Parasitic allergens- e.g. Ascaris, filaria als.(3) Homoeopathic remedies provide service to
all such sick individuals because these remedies
g] Physical agents- e.g. Temperature, Sun
have capability of producing such idiosyncrasies.
On the basis of place of its contact These allergens (mentioned above) can be patho-
a] Indoor allergen- e.g. kitchen smoke, bed bug logical or non pathological but can be treated eas-
b] Outdoor Allergen- e.g. Industrial smokes, pol ily with homoeopathy.
lens Following are some of the commonly prescribed
Factors favoring allergy: remedies used to treat allergic reactions.
Certain factors present in our environment which REMEDIES—
favor allergy and increase the chances of suffer- 1. Arsenicum Album-
ing from allergy in an individual are as follows:
Altitude, Environmental pollution, Food habit, Clinical features-Nose discharges thin watery
Nutritional factors, Self-medication, Weather etc. fluid, which excoriates the upper lip, and
nasal passages feel stuffed all the time, dull ,
Hypersensitivity reactions (Immunological tis- throbbing, frontal headache; sneezing without
sue injury) relief; ulcers and scabs form in nose; irritation
in one spot in the nose as from tickling of a
Hypersensitivity is defined as an exaggerated or feather, causing sneezing , catarrhal asthma.
inappropriate immune response which is associ-
Modalities- Worse, Wet weather, after mid
ated with onset of adverse effects on the body.(2)
night, from cold, cold drinks or food. Seashore,
It is a reaction in response to an endogenous or
right side.
exogenous antigen which manifests clinically as a
form of immunologic tissue injury. Many instanc- Better from heat, from head elevated, warm
es of hypersensitivity reactions are genetically- drinks.(4)
determined or are associated with certain HLA 2. Allium Cepa-

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 85


Clinical features- Sneezing, especially when CONCLUSION

entering a warm room. Copious, watery and
extremely acrid discharge. Feeling of a lump Allergens usually cause all the signs and
at root of nose. Fluent coryza with headache, symptoms depending upon their type, site
cough and hoarseness. or time of contact. The severity of signs and
Modalities- Worse, in the evening, in warm symptoms are dependent upon the ability to
room. Better, in open air, and in cold room. react of the individual. In Homoeopathic line
of treatment, susceptibility plays an important
3. Histaminum Muriaticum- role in prescription. There are ways in which
Homoeopathic remedies can be prescribed
Pathology- It is a capillary vasodilator,
such as acute remedy, constitutional remedy
arteriole, vasoconstrictor and a hypersensitive
or phasic remedies. Remedies such as intercur-
drug. It causes constriction of bronchi and
rent remedies are important when the miasm
stimulates tissues. It has an allergic type of
is considered. For example, remedies such as
reaction over skin and mucus membranes.
Arsenicum Album and Allium Cepa can be
Clinical features- Allergic reactions- It causes used where there are allergic reactions because
dryness of mucus membranes. Oedema, of allergens of various origins such as animal,
Hives, Itching- Redness with itching of face, chemical or physical. Remedies like Apis Mel-
as from first degree burn. lifica can be used when cutaneous allergens
Pruritis – Pruritis and burning of nose, throat, are present. Remedies like Histaminum Mu-
ear and vagina, burning of scrotum and left riaticum can be employed when all the types
ovary. of allergens are concerned. These are merely a
Rashes – there is redness and burning in few examples of Homoeopathic remedies used
circumscribed areas with red, itching papules. for treatment of allergies.
Urticaria- Papules of size of pea, all over the
body , better by scratching and worse by REFERENCES
bathing. 1. Nanda D. Homeopathic Therapy for Living with Allergies. New
Delhi: Dr Dhiraj Nanda, 1995
     Modalities- Aggravations – Heat, movement,
2. Mohan H. Textbbok of Pathology. 7th Edition. New Delhi; Jaypee
nervousness Brothers medical Publisher’s (P) LTD, 2015. p 57
Ameliorations – Pressure and fanning .(5) 3. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 6th Edition. New Delhi:
Indian Books and Periodicals Publishers; December 2018. p 183.
4. Boericke W. Pocket Manuel of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
4. Apis Mellifica- 9th Edition. New Delhi: Indian Books and Periodicals Publishers;
March 2022. p 82.
Pathology- It has over cellular tissues causing 5. Murphy R. Lotus Materia Medica. 3rd Revised Edition. New
edema of skin mucus membranes. The swelling Delhi. B Jain Publishers; 2020. p 925
has red rosy hue, stinging pains ,soreness, and
intolerance of heat. There are erysipelatous ABOUT AUTHORS
inflammations, dropsy, anasarca and 1. Dr. Lata K. Mallannavar, (MD HOM), Head
inflammation of kidney. Constricted feeling of Department,Department of Practice of
with sensation as of something torn off in the Medicine, Late Mrs Housabai Homoeopathic
interior of the body. Medical College, Nimshirgaon, Dist Kolhapur
  Clinical features- Swelling of the skin after 416 101 (Maharashtra)
bites. Much soreness and sensitiveness of skin. 2. Dr. Ashwin S. Kulkarni, (MD HOM),
Carbuncles with much burning and stinging Assistant Professor, Department of Practice of
pain. Sudden puffing of whole body. Medicine, Late Mrs Housabai Homoeopathic
Modalities- Aggravations- Heat, touch, Medical College, Nimshirgaon, Dist Kolhapur
pressure, heated rooms. 416 101 (Maharashtra)
Ameliorations- Open air, uncovering.

86 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

Tourette Syndrome: Homoeopathy’s
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Role in Enhancing Quality of Life
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor andDr. thePreeti Jha, Shaikh Mohammed Hamza Jamaluddin
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
ABSTRACThelp in remedy differentiation.
The marked
Tourette feature
syndrome is aofdisorder
that involves family
repetitive movements or unwanted sounds (tics) that cannot be
the controlled.
profoundForweakness of the kidney
instance, you might repeatedlyandblink your eyes, shrug your shoulders, or blurt out unusual
genitourinary complaints which points to Pareira
sounds or offensive words. Tics typically show up between ages 2 and 15, with the average being around 6 years
of age. Males are about three to four times more likely than females to develop Tourette syndrome.

People with psychosomatic disorder usually do not report overt symptoms of psychiatric distress. Instead, they
believe their problems are caused by medical conditions. They tend to visit healthcare providers frequently to
1.get tests and
Dr.Mahesh treatments,
Gandhi, often notModel
Personal Evolution receiving a diagnosis, which may lead to frustration and distress.
The Foundation Psychoso-
matic disorder is sometimes called somatic symptom
Book, first edition reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The disorder, somatic symptoms, or somatic pain.
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
page 65, page 135, page 88

2. ICD Code Psychosomatic Disorder, Tics, Homoeopathy, Motor, Vocal

3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis

Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
INTRODUCTION Classification – As per the DSM-5 (Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) clas-
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of
ourette syndrome
Homoeopathic is a Book
Plant Remedies condition characterized
One : Flowering Plants, 7th
sification of the tics disorders is as follows:
by uncontrollable repetitive motions page
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, or
164, page 166
sounds (tics). You might, for instance, blink your 1. Tourette Syndrome
5. I.C.Rfrequently,
Dr. AnandorR. blurt
forth strange
second edition,noises or inappropriate
2003; published remarks.
by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial 2. Persistent Motor Or Vocal Disorder
trust; page 102 to 105
The onset of tics normally occurs between the 3. Provisional Tics Disorder
ages of 2 and 15, with an average age of 6 years.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR 4. Other Specified or Unspecified Tics Disor-
The likelihood of developing Tourette syndrome
is der
1. roughly three to four
Dr Vaishali P. times higher
Joshi, in men
M.D than
in women.
Homoeopathic Physician 5. Diagnostic Criteria for Tourette Syndrome
Causes – It is unknown what specifically causes Diagnosis – Tourette’s syndrome is diagnosed on
Tourette syndrome. It’s a complicated condition the basis of the following three factors:
that is probably brought on by a mix of inherit-
ed (genetic) and environmental variables. Neu- 1. Presence of motor or vocal tics
rotransmitters (chemicals in the brain that send
nerve impulses), such as dopamine and serotonin, 2. Duration of tics
may be involved. 3. Age of onset
Symptoms – The defining symptom of Tourette
In absence of any additional factors (drugs, sub-
syndrome is tics, which are sudden, brief, or inter-
stances, or medical conditions) that could contrib-
mittent motions or noises. They might be modest
ute to tics specific criteria are used to make the
to really severe. The quality of life, daily function-
diagnosis of Tourette’s syndrome.
ing, and communication may all be profoundly
impacted by severe symptoms. There should be at least one vocal tic, two or more

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 87


movement tics, and multiple motor tics. These • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
two events could take place simultaneously or • Autism Spectrum Disorder
separately. These tics can range in severity and
• Learning Disabilities
frequency. However, they must be present for at
least a year before a diagnosis may be made. • Sleep Disorders
• Depression
Age is a significant diagnostic component as well.
• Anxiety Disorders
Tics must first appear before the age of 18, and
they usually do so between the ages of 4-6 years. • Pain related to tics, especially headache
• Anger management problems
A persistent motor or vocal condition, often
known as a chronic tics disorder, is characterized Management – Therapies to manage uncontrol-
by the presence of either motor tics or vocal tics lable tics are as follows:
(single or multiple; one or more motor or vocal 1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: This can
tics may be present). However, unlike Tourette’s assist a patient in determining the causes of
syndrome, any of the tics will be present rather their tics. Additionally, this can be beneficial
than both vocal and motor tics. Once more, the for those who have trouble learning and
age of onset must be before 18 years old, and the interacting with others.
duration of symptoms must be at least one year.
2. Habit Reversal Training: This therapy
There may be one or more vocal, motor, or both involves exercises that assist a person in
tics under provisional tics disorder. However, in undoing the effects of their tics. For instance,
this location, the tic period is shorter than a year. when a tic to frown is activated, a person may
The onset age must be under 18 years old. decide to grin.

You’ll probably feel an uneasy body sensation

(premonitory urge), such as an itch, a tingle, or DIET MANAGEMENT – For Tourette syndrome
tightness, before the commencement of motor typically focuses on overall health and minimiz-
or verbal tics. Relief results from tic expression. ing potential triggers. Maintain a balanced diet
Some patients with Tourette syndrome can briefly rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole
hold back or halt a tic with a lot of effort. grains to support overall health. Proper hydration
is essential for overall well-being and can help re-
Risk Factors – The common risk factors for To-
duce stress, which may worsen tics. Identify and
urette syndrome includes:
avoid foods that may exacerbate tics. Try to mini-
1. Family History: People who have Tourette mize the consumption of stimulants like caffeine
syndrome or other tic disorders in their and nicotine, as they may increase tics.
families may be at higher risk of developing SUPPLEMENTS TO BE USED – For the treat-
the condition themselves. ment of Tourette’s syndrome “Magnesium” is
2. Sex: Males have a three to four times greater very effective. The central nervous system and the
chance of developing Tourette syndrome than muscular system both benefit from magnesium as
females have. an element. An individual with low magnesium
3. Complications: People with Tourette levels is also more prone to anxiety and depres-
syndrome frequently have active, healthy sion, which are both frequent tics triggers. A diet
lives. However, the behavioural and social high in magnesium can therefore aid in the man-
difficulties that Tourette syndrome typically agement of Tourette’s syndrome. Children’s vo-
brings can be damaging to your self-image. cal and motor tics can also be controlled by a diet
Conditions often associated with Tourette syn- high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12.
drome include: FOODS TO BE AVOID – Avoiding foods to
which one is allergic can be quite beneficial. The
• Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder frequency of tics can be decreased by avoiding
(ADHD) dairy products, particularly if there is a sensitivity

88 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


to milk and dairy products. The primary reason CONCLUSION

for a rise in the frequency of these tics is discov- Homoeopathy is a kind of system of medicine
ered to be the protein “casein” found in milk and which successfully deals with challenges faced
dairy products. A casein-free diet can aid in tic by the individuals with Tourette’s syndrome,
control. A gluten-free diet has also demonstrated ADHD, and OCD. It also highlights the impor-
to lessen the motor tics and behavioural problems tance of early diagnosis and evidence- based in-
connected to Tourette’s syndrome. terventions, emphasizing behavioural therapy
pharmacological therapy. It also sheds light on
non-pharmacological approaches which includes
dulging in relaxing activities (Yoga, meditation,
mindfulness-based therapies and homoeopathic
etc.) can help soothe the child and reduce the in-
medicines which offers a holistic perspective on
tensity and frequency of tics. Environment and
managing the symptoms of Tourette syndrome.
allergens play an important role in triggering tics.
It is impossible to overestimate the value of early
These should be identified and avoided as far as
diagnosis and action. Ultimately in this article we
seek to enhance understanding and awareness of
HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES – Homoeopathy Tourette syndrome by emphasizing more on the
strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes comprehensive importance, multidisciplinary
a holistic approach towards the sick individual care to improve the quality of life of those indi-
through promotion of inner balance at mental, viduals and families living with Tourette’s syn-
emotional, spiritual and physical levels. There drome. In closing this article serves as a reminder
are numerous potent homoeopathic treatments of the need for empathy, compassion, and inclu-
for Tourette syndrome, but the choice is patient- sivity when addressing Tourette’s syndrome.
specific and takes into account both the mental
and physical symptoms.
1. Agaricus Muscarius: Agaricus Muscarius 1. Aspi Golwalla, Sharukh A. Golwalla, Golwalla’s Medicine for
works better in the case of motor tics. It students. A reference book for the family physician, 25 edition,
Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers, 2017 (500)
has a good action on twitching and hurried 2. Sir Stanley Davidson, Davidson’s Principles and Practice of
movement, trembling of the lower jaw area, Medicine, 23rd edition, Elsevier, 2018 (1086)
hyperactivity and clumsiness. 3. William Boericke, Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia
Medica with Indian Medicine and Repertory, Reprint edition:
2. Argentum Nitricum: Argentum Nitricum April 2016, Indian Books and Periodicals Publishers New Delhi
with its key features works in anxiety like tics (19,612,337,685,72)
worse during anxiety, trembling of hands and 4. h t t p s : / / m y . c l e ve l a n d c l i n i c . o r g / h e a l t h / d i s e a s e s / 2 1 5 2 1 -
legs, desire for sweets.
5. h t t p s : / / w w w . d r h o m e o . c o m / h o m e o p a t h i c - t r e a t m e n t /
3. Hyoscyamus Niger: Hyoscyamus Niger homeopathic-medicines-tourette-syndrome/
works in all types of tics like grimacing,
unintelligible chattering, and nakedness. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
4. Stramonium: Stramonium works in the case 1. Dr. Preeti Jha, Assistant Professor Department
of vocal tics. It has action on frequent vocal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Parul
tics (like babbling), hoarseness of voice, use of Institute of Homoeopathy and Research, Parul
hands indicating motor tics. University, Vadodara, Gujarat.
5. Zincum Metallicum: Zincum Metallicum 2. Shaikh Mohammed Hamza Jamaluddin,
works better in fidgeting, grinding teeth, and Student of 3rd BHMS, Parul Institute of
echolalia. Homoeopathy and Research, Parul University,
Vadodara, Gujarat.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 89


Psychosomatic disease Alopecia with Acro-

phobia and Individualized Homoeopathy– A
Retrospective Analysis
Dr. Yogeshwari Gupta, Dr. Anshul Chahar, Dr. Samridhi Sharma

Background: A psychosomatic disease involves both the body and mind. These diseases have physical symp-
toms originating from mental or emotional causes. According to literature fear is a metaphysical cause of alope-
cia. According to Dr. Kent, the disease process starts from the mind. According to Dr. Hahnemann also Aphorism
225 states continued fear for a long time destroys corporeal health over time. So, this study was conducted
with an objective to find out if fear relates in cases of alopecia and to know the effectiveness of homoeopathic
medicines in these cases.

Methods: Mental generals data of patients during the period between February 2022 to March 2022 were col-
lected retrospectively and pre-post treatment scores were analysed with paired t-test statistical methods.

Results: Mental generals of patients show Acrophobia in the majority of cases. Paired t-test result showed that
p value is < 0.05 & value of t (6.2) is greater than the tabulated value in t-table at df = 17 (2.11), which was sta-
tistically significant. As per literature, Alopecia is found to be associated with fear.

Conclusion: This retrospective analysis concludes finding of Acrophobia in patients of Alopecia and individual-
ized medicine when given to the patients shows positive results. Detailed repertorization from different reper-
tories for “fear high place” showed listing of these medicines at the top of the chart. Also this analysis opens a
scope for further prospective studies in this direction for developing strong evidence.

Keywords: Alopecia, Homoeopathy, Psychosomatic, Individualized Homoeopathic Medicines, Acrophobia.

INTRODUCTION tained from General Outpatient Department

(OPD) of Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medi-

P sychosomatic disorders are those in which

physiological functioning is affected by
psychological stresses which leads to structural
cal College & Research Centre, Sitapura, Jaipur,
India to find out how many cases were having
acrophobia. Individualized homoeopathic medi-
damage.[1] Human body reacts in a certain way cines along with pre-post treatment score which
under fear.[2] If fear was present for a long time, was calculated on the basis of self made Alope-
hair follicles damage may become irreversible. cia scoring scale were listed (Table-2) which was
If this was episodic and did not recur in the near developed on the basis of literature to clinically
future, hair restoration occurs normally and will assess the treatment outcome in cases of Alopecia
last approximately 3-4 months.[2] (Table-3). Different repertories were also searched
Materials & Methods for the fear high place or fear of height, first & Sec-
ond grade medicines for such rubric are indicated
For this retrospective analysis concerned case re-
against them (Refer Table 1) and are again reper-
cord during the period of February 2022 to March
torized in single window as shown in Figure-1 to
2022, irrespective of age, sex and types were ob-

90 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


cross check the medicine which was given in the sults. Paired t-test applied on Pre-Post treatment
majority of cases of clinically diagnosed cases of score to assess effectiveness of homoeopathic
Alopecia with Acrophobia with reportorial re- medicines.

Figure 1

Synthesis Murphy’s Van Zandvoort R Com- Van Zandvoort R Complete

Repertory Reprtory plete Repertory (2003) Repertory 4.5

High Arg-n. Aur-m- ARG-N.AUR.AUR-M-N. Arg-n.Aur.
place n. Carc AUR-S.



1. 3 2 Lycopodium
2. 1 0 Natrium Muriaticum
3. 2 0 Nux Vomica
4. 0 0 Lycopodium
5. 1 0 Natrium Muriaticum
6. 1 0 Lycopodium
7. 2 0 Baryta Carbonicum
8. 3 0 Sulphur
9. 1 0 Phosphorus
10. 1 0 Natrium Muriaticum
11. 4 0 Natrium Muriaticum
12. 3 0 Phosphorus
13. 2 0 Sulphur
14. 0 0 Natrium Muriaticum
15. 4 0 Argentum Nitricum
16. 2 0 Hepar Sulphur
17. 1 0 Thuja
18. 2 0 Phosphorus

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 91


Table-3 Clinical Assessment of Alopecia – Alopecia Scoring Scale

Hair- Dandruff with Hairpull

Score Itching[7]
fall [5] Hairfall[6] Test[5]
Absent with 50-
0 <100 Absent Negative
100 hairfall

Pruritus without the need to Present with >10% or >6 Hairs/

1 100-150
scratch <100 hairfall Pull

Pruritus with the need to

Present with >20% or >12
2 150-200 scratch but without excoria-
100- 200 hairfall Hairs/Pull

Pruritus unrelieved by
Present with >30% or >18
3 200-250 scratching but without exco-
200-300 hairfall Hairs/Pull

cum, Hepar Sulphur, Thuja (Figure-3) was given
Out of 63 clinically diagnosed cases of Alopecia 18 to the patient as shown in Table-2 along with pre-
cases found to have Acrophobia (shown in Figure post treatment score. Further Rubric “Fear High
2) and out of these 18 cases, in 5 cases Natrum Mu- Place or Fear of Height ‘’ was searched from dif-
riaticum, in 3 cases Lycopodium, in 3 cases Phos- ferent repertories at one place showing Argentum
phorus, in 2 cases Sulphur, in respective single Niticum, Sulphur, Natrium Muriaticum, Phos-
cases Nux Vomica, Baryta Carb, Argentum Nitri- phorus at top of the list.


92 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023



Search of Homoeopathic Medicines through re- after the treatment.

portorial approach (shown in Table-1) 3. Worse: If the score was increased even after
the treatment.
Pre-Post treatment score was calculated on the
Paired t-test was applied on Pre-Post treatment
basis of Alopecia Scoring Scale before treatment
score to assess effectiveness of homoeopathic
as well as after treatment and was compared to
medicines. The treatment outcome was analyzed
assess the effectiveness of homoeopathic medi-
on 18 patients. The statistical test used to achieve
cines. Following outcomes was assessed:
the goal was Paired t-Test. The analysis was done
on IBM SPSS 25.0. So, Sample size is 18, for which
1. Improvement: If the score is reduced after the
degree of freedom (n-1) = 17 and level of signifi-
cance is α=0.05.
2. Status Quo: If the score remained the same

Paired Samples Statistics

Std. Std.
Mean N
Deviation ErrorMean
Pair1 1.833 18 1.20 0.28
0.111 18 0.47 0.11

Table-4:Mean & Standard deviation of the samples

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 93


Paired SamplesTest

Paired Differences
95% Confidence Interval of the Dif-
ference Sig. (2-tailed)
Std. Std.
Devia- Error
Mean tion Mean Lower Upper T df

Pair1 1.722 1.178 0.278 1.14 2.31 6.2 17 0.000


Table-5: Paired t-test.

Paired t-test (shown in Table-5) was conducted to As fear, tension, trying to control everything, not
assess effectiveness of Homoeopathic medicines trusting the process of life are the metaphysical
in the treatment of Alopecia. In this above men- cause of alopecia or baldness.[8] Previous Stud-
tioned table, the result showed that p value is < ies also concluded that psychological factors in-
0.05 & value of t (6.2) is greater than the tabulated volved in development of disease.[9][10]
value in t-table at df = 17 (2.11), which was statisti-
cally significant. This study concludes that in patients of alopecia,
in mental generals acrophobia was found and
when individualized homoeopathic medicines
DISCUSSION were given to the patient showed improvement in
In Aphorism 225 Dr. Hahnemann states that alopecia condition. So, one strength of this retro-
“There are, however, as has just been stated, cer- spective analysis is that homoeopathic medicines
tainly a few emotional diseases which have not which were given to these patients on the basis
merely been developed into that form out of cor- of individualization showed positive results also
poreal diseases, but which, in an inverse manner, listed on the top of the repertorization table when
the body being but slightly indisposed, originate rubric “Fear high places” or “Fear of height” was
and are kept up by emotional causes, such as con- searched in different repertories. This analysis
tinued anxiety, worry, vexation, wrongs and the opens a scope for further prospective studies in
frequent occurrence of great fear and fright. This this direction for developing strong evidence.
kind of emotional diseases in time destroys the
corporeal health, often to a great degree”[3]
The loss of hairline begins to occur as a result of This retrospective analysis showed finding of Ac-
a person’s desire to have total control over the rophobia in patients of Alopecia and individual-
situation, as well as due to a distrustful attitude ized medicine given to the patients shows posi-
towards life and constant tension. The psychoso- tive results. Further such studies are needed to
matics of hair loss is directly related to a person’s provide strong evidence in relation to this.
sense of self.[3]
Declaration of Patient’s Consent–Consent was
Kent considered that the mind is the centre of the obtained from all patients for publication of their
whole functioning of the organism and that it is treatment results.
also the focal point from which the disease pro- Financial support and sponsorship - NIL
cess starts.[4]
Conflicts of Interests – None declared

94 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


Acknowledgement – NIL 9. Torales J, Castaldelli-Maia JM, Ventriglio A, Almirón-

Santacruz J, Barrios I, O’Higgins M, et al. Alopecia areata:
A psychodermatological perspective. J Cosmet Dermatol.
REFERENCES 10. Güleç AT, Tanriverdi N, Dürü C, Saray Y, Akçali C. The role
1. Satsangi AK, Brugnoli MP. Anxiety and psychosomatic of psychological factors in alopecia areata and the impact of
symptoms in palliative care: from neuropsych biological the disease on the quality of life. Int J Dermatol [Internet].
response to stress, to symptoms’ management with clinical 2004;43(5):352–6.
hypnosis and meditative states. Annals of Palliative Medicine.
2. Hair loss metaphysical reasons. Louise hay baldness [Internet].
Spoabris.ru. Available from: https://spoabris.ru/en/vypadenie- 1. Prof. Dr. Yogeshwari Gupta, Prof , MD (
Hom), Principal & HOD Materia Medica,
3. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Reprint Edition. Indian
Books and Periodicals Publishers; 2004. 142,143,146. Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical
4. Sankaran P, Sankaran R. The Elements of Homeopathy. 1st College and Research Centre, Jaipur Rajasthan,
edition. Bombay: Homoeopathic Medical Publishers; 1996; 2:704. India. (Former Dean, Homeopathy, Rajasthan
5. Shapiro Jerry. Hair Loss: Principles of Diagnosis and Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan,
Management of Alopecia.p. 10-13
6. Saint Le ́ger D. Dandruff (pityriasis capitis simplex):of yeasts
and men. In: The science of hair care, 2nd edn. Bouillon, C., 2. Dr. Anshul Chahar, Associate Professor,
Wilkinson; Boca Raton: Tailor and Francis; 2005. p. 609–631 Department of Practice of Medicine, University
7. Reich A, Jacek, Szepietowski C. Pruritus intensity assessment: College of Homoeopathy, Kekri, Ajmer.
challenge for clinicians. Expert Review of Dermatology.
2013;8(3).p. 291–9. 3. Dr. Samridhi Sharma, MD (PGR) Part-II
8. Hay L. Heal Your Body: The mental causes for physical illness -Department of Practice of Medicine, Swasthya
and the metaphysical way to overcome them. Carlsbad, CA: Hay Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College &
House; 1995.p. 17
Research Centre, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan,

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 95

Special Section

Role of Motivation in Homoeopathic

Chronic Care Patient Management
Dr. Grace Thokchom

Background: The main aim of this article is to understand the role of motivation and positive reinforcement in
homoeopathic chronic case management.

Keywords: motivation, chronic care patient management, reinforcement.

INTRODUCTION a. Need for freedom or gaining independence

b. Need for security

M otivation is a process which energies an

individual to act or behave in a particular
manner for attending some specific goal or
Need for love and affection
Need to achieve
purpose. e. Need for recognition or social approval
Every human being has to strive for the satisfac- f. Need for social company
tion of his basic needs and push the individual to- g. Need for self-assertion
wards the process of motivation. Need is the basic h. Need for self-expression or self-actualization
element of a motivational process. Every human
These needs give rise to drive, which is an aroused
being moves forward and enhances himself with
awareness of heightened tension that sets up for a
the driven force called drive.
desirable goal -oriented behavior.
For easy understanding we can divide need into
It is not uncommon among patients who are un-
two broad classifications.
der the chronic care unit to lack such kind of goal-
a. Biological oriented behavior due to various reasons. Some of
b. Socio-psychological needs.                                                                                                                                            the factors are
                a. Physically ill
Biological needs are our bodily or organic needs.
b. Lack of social interaction
It comprises the need for oxygen, water, food etc.
for basic physiological functioning of the body. c. Dependent on others
Other categories of biological need include need d. Loss of hope
for rest, regular elimination of waste products, ac- e. Frustration etc.
tion when rested, sleep after a period of wakeful- There are various theories of motivation proposed
ness, protection of threats etc. We can place the by different schools of Psychology.
third category of biological need as need for satis-
faction of sex urge or desire to seek sex experienc- One among them is Maslow’s Self Actualization
es. And the last category are the needs associated theory. According to this theory, the motive of
with the demands of our senses. These include self-actualization is related to one’s motivation.
the need for physical contact, sensory stimulation, Self-actualization refers to an individual’s need
variability and manipulation etc. for his or her own potential. Self-actualizers are
On the other hand, socio- psychological needs in- the one who make the fullest use of their capaci-
clude the needs that are associated with the socio- ties. Human needs are arranged themselves in
cultural environment of an individual which are hierarchies of prepotency i.e, the appearance of
acquired through social learning. one need depends on the satisfaction of another.
They are closely related to each other and may be
It can be categorized as- arranged from lowest to highest development of
96 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023
Special Section

personality. tient except to some extent partial relief for a very

He proposed five sets of basic needs that can be short period of time.
arranged in definite hierarchical order. After a series of observations and interviewing
the patient, the examiner found out about the pa-
tient’s lack of motivation in the treatment process.
She complained of pain most of the time, ring the
alarm bell more often for help, reduced smiling to
the examiner unlike before and became less coop-
At this point the examiner identified the need of
belonging and love in the patient and adopted the
technique of reinforcement in the form of incen-
tives to drive the patient’s motivation, in other
word- rewards in the form of incentives were
Figure: Maslow’s hierarchical structure of needs given for some desirable behaviors like smiling,
greeting the examiner etc. During each visit of IPD
Starting from the satisfaction of the physiological rounds- whenever a patient shows these gestures
needs, every individual strives for the satisfaction of greeting and smile, incentives in the form of ed-
of the other needs of higher order. This striving ible items (as per the patient’s choice) were given
for one or the other needs causes motivation for and they appreciated the gestures. This technique
his behavior. The satisfaction of one need leads continued for a while and within subsequent days
an individual to try for the satisfaction of other there were visible changes in the patient’s behav-
needs. In this way the motivational behavior of ior- patient started smiling more often, greeting
a person is always dominated not by his satis- people with handshakes thereby reducing the
factions but by his unsatisfied wants, desires or episode of recurrent fever and complaint of pain
needs. intensity at the same time.
In homeopathic treatment, individualization is
the essence of the treatment. Each individual’s CONCLUSION:
behavior, habit, intellectual character and domes- Motivation plays an important role in homoeo-
tic mode of living are taken into considerations pathic chronic care management in understand-
along with the homeopathically indicated medi- ing the patient’s need to drive better health be-
cine as a part of the treatment protocol havior and overall wellness. And technique of
reinforcements can be used in order to bring up
A brief reflection on the role of motivation in
homoeopathic chronic care management. the desirable behavior from the patient.

A 62 years old female of known case of Pott’s dis-

ease and BPAD, currently in remission was admit- REFERENCES
ted under the palliative care unit of chronic care 1. MANGAL, S. K. Introduction to Psychology. STERLING
management for paraplegia and other neurologi-
2. Morgan, Clifford Thomas, and Clifford Thomas Morgan. Study
cal disorders. She is by nature- a very cooperative Guide to Accompany Introduction to Psychology. McGraw-Hill,
and affectionate woman who used to smile most 1956.
of the time and was friendly with people around 3. Mangal SK. Advanced educational psychology. New Delhi, India:
Phi Learning; 2012.
and the caretakers. After a week of admission
patient started to get recurrent episodes of fever
towards evening on most of the days. Blood in-
vestigation shows mild rise of ESR and 4-5/HPF 1. Grace Thokchom, MD- Scholar, Department
pus cells in urine. In spite of giving well indicated of Homoeopathic Psychiatry, Father Muller
homoeopathic medicine it failed to help the pa- Homoeopathic Medical College, Mangalore.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 97

Special Section

Homoeopathic Drug Proving on Sick:

First Step Towards A Model
Dr Manpreet Kaur, Dr S M Singh, Dr Pankaj Aggarwal, Dr Vandana
Gambhir, Dr Chaturbhuja Nayak

MATERIALS & METHODS All the patients were required to attend two fol-
low-up visits, at the interval of one or two weeks,
Procedure (Continued from The Homoeopathic depending upon their health condition. During
Heritage, Vol 49, No. 6, September 2023) the follow-up, the changes in the subjective and
objective symptoms were recorded in the ‘Follow-
Next, each patient was provided a ‘Patient’s up/During and Post-proving Assessment and
Symptom Recording Sheet’, to record changes in Treatment Format’ to evaluate the effect of during
his/her mental and physical symptoms, till next and after medicine. In this proforma, the symp-
follow-up visit. toms were recorded under three categories as de-
scribed in TABLE 3.


Symptoms observed as disap-

These symptoms were regarded as solely belonging to the
1 peared/ameliorated after admin-
pathogenesis of Pulsatilla nigricans.
istration of the medicine
These symptoms were regarded as produced due to the
Symptoms observed as ap-
administration of Pulsatilla nigricans on the sick individuals
2 peared/aggravated after admin-
and thus, belonging to the pathogenesis of Pulsatilla nigri-
istration of the medicine
These symptoms were present in the history of the patient
Symptoms observed as re- (as elicited during case-taking/ anamnesis) and reappeared
3 appeared (old symptoms) after after the administration of Pulsatilla nigricans, and thus,
administration of the medicine regarded as belonging to the pathogenesis of Pulsatilla

Note: The symptoms from any of the above three categories were taken as significant only if found in
more than two patients.

During each follow up visit, the patients were in- up visit.

terrogated to validate the sign(s) &/or symptom(s)
recorded by them in their ‘Patient’s Symptom Adverse events
Recording Sheet’. The patients had to submit
If the symptoms of medicinal aggravation ap-
this sheet at the centre and receive a new blank
peared, then, these were to be noted down, but
copy of the sheet, for subsequent recording of the
appropriate measures to be undertaken for the
changes in the state of their sickness till next fol-
well-being of each patient, i.e, either the medicine
low-up visits. All these sheets were collected and
to be antidoted, or if the medicinal symptoms
kept attached with the case records for evaluation
were not violent enough to endanger the life of
of the results. The potency, dose and repetition
the patient, then placebo to be prescribed and the
of Pulsatilla nigricans were reviewed according to
treatment to be continued. However, no cases of
the condition of the patients during each follow-
adverse events were reported.

98 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Special Section
Data Collection and Data Analysis: The data recorded in ‘Case taking proforma/Pre-proving
were collected by clinical case study method of Assessment and Treatment Format’, ‘Follow-up/
research, which consisted of pathogenetic symp- During and Post-proving Assessment and Treat-
toms of Pulsatilla nigricans obtained after its ad- ment Format’ and the ‘Patient’s Symptom Record-
ministration to the patients, which were analysed ing Sheet’ from all the patients were compiled
by content analysis. The sign(s) &/or symptom(s) into ‘Symptoms Compiling Proforma’ [Table 4].


Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared
• Obstinate constipa-
• Sensation as if about to menstruate [absence tion
of menses] • Pain due
• Increased appetite
C1 to ureteric
• Obstruction of nose felt better [obstruction [moderate appetite]
of nose] • Increased thirst
[moderate thirst]
• Menstrual flow stopped [profuse menstrual • Small, papular,
flow] pimple-like red
eruptions on face
• No recurrence of menses at shorter dura-
tion [menses occurring at shorter duration- ev- • Small, papular,
ery 20 days] pimple-like red
eruptions on back
• Menses: non-offensive, dark red [menses:
C2 Severe backache No symptom
offensive, black] •
(whole back); feels
• Pain in lower abdomen accompanied with as if the back would
menses decreased [pain in lower abdomen break down; > lying
during menses] down
• Appetite improved and desires to eat [de- • Increased thirst
creased appetite with no desire to eat] [moderate thirst]
• Mucus in throat in morning decreased
[finds mucus accumulated in the throat in the
morning on waking up]

• Sneezing, coryza with cough improved

[sneezing, coryza with cough]

• Obstruction of nose decreased [obstruction

C3 of nose] No symptom No symptom

• Rawness in throat decreased [rawness in


• Thirst improved [decreased thirst]

• Difficulty in breathing decreased [difficulty

in breathing (with bronchitis)]

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 99

Special Section

Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared

• Obstinate constipa-
• Pain and stiffness in joints of fingers of
hands decreased [pain and stiffness in joints • Cramps in calves
of fingers of hands] of legs (more in left
• Pain and stiffness in joints of knees de-
creased [Pain and stiffness in joints of knees] • Pain in feet

• Attacks of suffocative feeling at night ac- • Changeability in

companied with great anxiety, restlessness eating desires:
and palpitation relieved [Attacks of suffoca- sometimes feels like
tive feeling at night accompanied with great eating salty things,
anxiety, restlessness and palpitation] and sometimes
sweet things
• Feels less weepy now [weepiness of mood]
• Pain in legs
• Sudden clenching of jaws relieved [sudden
clenching of jaws] • Weak feeling in legs
C4 No symptom
• Eructations of gas relieved [gas formation in • Acidity and gas for-
abdomen with eructations] mation in abdomen;
burning sensation
• Sudden stiffness in lumbo-sacral joint, as felt in chest due to
of a cramp; >rubbing-improved [Sudden acid reflux from the
stiffness in lumbo-sacral joint, as of a cramp; stomach
• Pain in right shoul-
• General weakness decreased [general weak- der joint
• Sensation as if body
• Bodyache decreased [bodyache] weight lost

• Depression of mood decreased [depressed • Mental irritability

mood] increased [Irritable
• Menses became regular [irregular menses]
• Anger increased

100 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Special Section
Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared

• Pain in knee joints decreased [pain in knee

joints; pricking pain, <bending the joint, >hot

• Cervical pain and stiffness decreased [Cer-

vical pain and stiffness, < after waking up in
C5 morning, >afternoon] No symptom No symptom

• Appetite improved [decreased appetite]

• Thirst improved [decreased thirst]

• Feels less weepy now [Weepiness of mood]

• Pain in waist decreased [pain in waist: shifts

places in the waist; stretching and pricking;
<walking, bending forward, lifting heavy
weight, >lying down]

• Bodyache decreased [Bodyache]

• Pain in neck with vertigo decreased [Pain in

neck with vertigo]

• Blisters in mouth decreased in number

C6 [recurrent blisters in mouth with intense pain, No symptom No symptom
sensitiveness; <warmth, >cold with sour taste
in mouth]

• Tingling in hands decreased [tingling in


• Tingling in feet decreased [tingling in feet]

• Appetite improved with desire to eat [no

desire to eat though hungry, likes cold food]

• Thirst improved [decreased thirst]

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 101

Special Section

Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared

• Pain in the swelling on left side of chest

decreased [Swelling around the nipple over
the left side of chest, with tenderness in lat-
eral lower part on the left side, pricking pain,

C7 • Blisters in mouth decreased in number No symptom No symptom

with decreased salivation [Frequent blisters
in mouth with increased salivation]

• Frequent desire to urinate decreased [Fre-

quent desire to urinate]

• Appetite improved [decreased appetite]

• Anxiety decreased [Anxiety that someone

may demand something from her; wants to help
others but too much helping others brings her a
fear of ruining herself]

• Pain in neck decreased [Pain in neck]

C8 • Pain in knees decreased [Pain in knees with No symptom No symptom
knocking sound]

• Mucus in the throat during early morn-

ing after waking decreased [Finds mucus
accumulated in the throat in the morning on
waking up]

102 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Special Section

Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared
• Boil over lower ab-
• Itching over whole body with no urticaria domen
[Urticaria with excessive itching over whole • Pain and stiffness in
body; burning after scratching; cannot cover it, joints of fingers of
must be in open] hands
• White spot on the skin of back decreased in • Pain in left lower
size [White spot on the skin of back]; pigmen- limb; difficulty in
tation started standing up
• Appetite improved [decreased appetite] • Itching over thighs
C9 • Pain of calf muscles decreased [pain in left No symptom
• Numbness of left
leg, especially in calf muscles; unable to walk thigh
and stand; desire to lie down; pain comes sud-
denly and goes gradually; <walking, summer; • Formication in left
heaviness and swelling of calf muscles] thigh, <walking,
• Tongue: white coated→ edges clear, centre
white coated→ clean [Tongue: white coated] • Eye: haziness, un-
clear vision; watery;
• Pain in left leg decreased [Pain in left leg; black spot before
<climbing, walking, summers] eyes; stitching in
• Burning sensation
in blackish spots on
the cheeks
• Brown discoloration over cheeks slightly
• Blister appeared
C10 decreased in size [Brown discoloration over No symptom
over tongue [no blis-
the cheeks]
ter over the tongue]

• Headache, <morn-
ing on waking

• Itching and eruptions over the soles of feet

decreased [Itching and eruptions over the soles
of feet]

• Itching over scalp decreased [Itching over

C11 No symptom No symptom
• Anxiety with palpitation in afternoon
decreased [Anxiety with palpitation in after-

• Aching pain in both the legs decreased

[Aching pain in both the legs]

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 103

Special Section

Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared

• Pain in lower abdomen during menses

decreased [Pain in lower abdomen during
menses; agg. standing, after flow begins; amel.
C12 rest] No symptom No symptom
• Pain in lumbar region of back during men-
ses decreased [Pain in lumbar region of back
during menses]

• Eruptions over cheeks decreased in num-

C13 ber [Eruptions over the cheeks with pus; pain- • General weakness No symptom
ful on touch; leaving reddish scars]

• Eruptions over the body (lipoma) slightly

C14 No symptom No symptom
changed [Eruptions over the body (lipoma)]

• Acne bilaterally symmetrical, blood and

pus, mixed leaving marks behind- bluish,
C15 No symptom No symptom
decreased [Acne bilaterally symmetrical, blood
and pus, mixed leaving marks behind- bluish]

• Profuse leucorrhoea with pain in lumbar

region of back; <stooping decreased [Pro-
fuse leucorrhoea with pain in lumbar region of
back; <stooping]

• Dryness in throat decreased [Dryness in


C16 • Darkness before eyes decreased [Darkness No symptom No symptom

before eyes]

• Pain in abdomen on lying down decreased

[Pain in abdomen on lying down]

• Pain in lower abdomen during menses

decreased [pain in lower abdomen during

104 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Special Section
Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared

• Pain with swelling in joints: elbow, knee,

hip bones and on sides of both eyes, de-
creased [Pain with swelling in joints: elbow,
knee, hip bones and on sides of both eyes]

• Pain felt in bones, <motion, winters, cold

weather, rainy weather; >pressure of tight
bandaging with cloth, >lying down, mas-
saging and wrapping with cloth- decreased
[Pain felt in bones, <motion, winters, cold
weather, rainy weather; >pressure of tight ban-
daging with cloth, >lying down, massaging and
C17 wrapping with cloth] No symptom No symptom

• Pain radiating from shoulders to hands

decreased [Pain radiates from shoulders to

• Pain radiating from hip to ankles decreased

[Pain radiates from hip to ankles]

• Pain in one joint increase while pain in

another joint decrease- ameliorated [Pain
in one joint increase while pain in another joint

• Boils over the back

• Itching over whole body, <rainy season of head
decreased [Itching over whole body, <rainy
season] • Boils over the shoul-
C18 No symptom
• Acidity after eating oily or spicy food de-
creased [Acidity after eating oily or spicy food] • Pain in left knee

• Running nose, watery eyes, <morning- de-

C19 creased [Running nose, watery eyes, <morn- No symptom No symptom

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 105

Special Section

Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared

• Pain in abdomen during and after stool

decreased [Pain in abdomen during and after
• Itching in eyes
• Backache decreased [Backache]
• General weakness • Running
• Pain and heaviness in abdomen after eating nose,
meal decreased [Pain and heaviness in abdo- • Pain in feet
C20 men after eating meal] with water-
• Increased thirst
• White coating of the tongue decreased [moderate thirst] ing of eyes
[White coating of the tongue] at change
• Dryness of throat, of weather
• Gas formation with bloating of abdomen, has to get up at
<eating, decreased [Gas formation with bloat- night to have water
ing of abdomen, <eating]

• Headache decreased [Headache]

• Brown discoloration over the cheeks

C21 slightly decreased [Brown discoloration over No symptom No symptom
the cheeks]

• Itching over whole body, <change of

weather, warm, sleep decreased [Itching
over whole body, <change of weather, warm,
sleep] • Pain in legs
C22 No symptom
• Burning during urination decreased [Burn- • Headache
ing during urination]

• Feels less weepy now [Weepiness of mood]

• Pain in left flank decreased [Pain in left

C23 No symptom No symptom

106 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Special Section

Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared
• Thirst improved [decreased thirst]
• Difficulty in breathing with suffocative
feeling in throat and restlessness decreased
[Difficulty in breathing with suffocative feeling
in throat and restlessness]
• Palpitation decreased [Palpitation felt in the • Pain in shoulders
• Decreased appetite
• Bodyache decreased [Bodyache]
C24 • Sleep decreased No symptom
• Feels less weepy now [Weepiness of mood]
• Pain in ribs decreased [Pain in ribs] • Pain in legs, right
• Dryness in throat decreased [Dryness in leg more painful
throat] than the left leg

• Burning in throat decreased [Burning in

• Headache decreased [Headache]
• Vertigo decreased [Vertigo]
• Pain in legs

• Heaviness in head
• White discharge per vagina decreased
[White discharge per vagina] • Pain in heels, right
C25 heel more painful No symptom
• General weakness decreased [General weak- than the left
• Vertigo, <standing

• Sleep decreased
• Gas formation because of fried food lead-
ing to headache and vomiting, ameliorated
[Gas formation because of fried food leading to
headache and vomiting]

• General weakness ameliorated [General • Constipation: diffi-

weakness] culty in passing the
stool, has to stain a
C26 • Swelling in the feet decreased [Swelling in No symptom
the feet]
• Pain in the left side
• Blackish discoloration over the face amelio-
of neck
rated [Blackish discoloration over the face]

• Concentration improved [Concentration dif-


• Menses appeared [absence of menses]

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 107

Special Section

Case Symptoms
Symptoms observed as disappeared/amelio- Symptoms observed as
num- observed as
rated appeared/aggravated
ber re-appeared
• Feeling of nausea after eating food de-
creased [Feeling of nausea after eating food]
• Appetite improved [decreased appetite]
• Appearance of menses [absence of menses] • Pain and heaviness • Cold, co-
in abdomen and ryza with
• Pain in lower abdomen during menses chest after eating sneezing,
decreased [Pain in lower abdomen during food running
menses] nose
• Backache during menses, >during flow, • Red coloured,
decreased [Backache during menses, >during pimple-like erup- • Difficulty
flow] tions on the face in breath-
• Pain and heaviness of breasts during men- • Menstrual flow
ses decreased [Pain and heaviness of breasts increased, painless • General
during menses] heavy bleeding weakness
• Craving for fresh air before menses de-
creased [craving for fresh air before menses]
• Thirst improved [decreased thirst]
• Pain in multiple joints, wandering pains, • Sleep became
C28 >lying down decreased [Pain in multiple worse- Unrefreshing No symptom
joints, wandering pains, >lying down] sleep
• Cough better [Cough] • Headache

C29 • Sneezing better [Sneezing] • Pain in hands No symptom

• Running nose better [Running nose] • Pain in feet

• Small eruptions in palm, in between fin-
gers and back of both hands decreased in
number, reddish colour in them decreased,
C30 <soap, detergent, >scratching, daytime No symptom No symptom
[Small eruptions in palm, in between fingers
and back of both hands, reddish in colour,
<soap, detergent, >scratching, daytime]
Note. Symptoms within brackets, in italics, are the symptoms of the patients at the beginning of their
Department of Organon of Medicine, Naiminath
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and
Research Centre, Agra, Uttar Pradesh.
1. Dr Manpreet Kaur: BHMS, MD (Hom.), PhD
(Hom.), DNHE, Fellowship in Palliative Care 4. Dr Vandana Gambhir, PhD (Psychology),
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Assistant Professor in Psychology, Department of
JR Kissan Homoeopathic Medical College and Psychology, Keshav Mahavidyalaya, New Delhi.
Hospital, Rohtak, Haryana Email: [email protected]
2. Dr S M Singh, PhD (Hom.), Director, Sri Sainath 5. Dr Chaturbhuja Nayak, MD (Hom.), Former
Postgraduate Institute of Homoeopathy, Prayagraj, President, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur,
Uttar Pradesh. Rajasthan and Director General of Central Council
for Research in Homoeopathy
3. Dr Pankaj Aggarwal, PhD (Hom.), Professor,

108 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

Anxiety : with a View on Homoeopathic
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the Repertories
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor and the Dr. Rimi Srivastava
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
the profound
medicines,weakness of the and
disease conditions kidney and with the help of the rubrics provide valid and reliable in-
genitourinary complaints
formation in resolving everywhich points to In
case individually. Pareira
this article, an attempt has been made to collect various rubrics
associated with anxiety disorder from different repertories to study medicines with a new approach. Rubrics
are the repertorial language of the symptoms given by patients which provide evidence based homoeopathy
as the symptoms have been clinically verified and are authenticated. Repertory helps to find several impor-
tant symptoms or single remedy symptoms which are well proven but at times not mentioned or overlooked
1.in homoeopathic
Dr.Mahesh materiaEvolution
Gandhi, Personal medica.Model
The article aims at using repertories in a way that both retrospective and
The Foundation
Book, first edition reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The
prospective study of the medicine can be done.
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page Objective
63, of this article was to simplify the use of repertory in
cases of page
page 65, anxiety by understanding
135, page 88 the symptoms under various sections. It was concluded that anxiety can be
studied through repertory under several sub headings like onset , relation with time, cause, mental or bodily
2. ICD Code
anxiety, associated conditions and alternating symptoms.[1]
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
Keywords: Anxiety, Rubrics, Homoeopathy
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of
Homoeopathic Plant Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
164, page 166
According to psychodynamic theory anxiety acts
as a signal that there is something disturbing the
5. I.C.R OPERATIONAL MANUAL, Editor Dr. Anand R. Kapse,
ne edition,
second of the2003;mental diseases
published that
by Dr. M.L. we witness
Dhawale Memorial psyche. This calls repression (a defense mecha-
trust; page 102as rising in the number of cases
to 105
nism) to come into play. Repression is defined
is anxiety. Anxiety is defined as a state of
as withdrawal of unwanted ideas, thoughts and
apprehension, unease or anticipation arising out
ABOUT THE AUTHOR desires from the conscious mind and pushing it
of a danger or fear of the unknown. The term
down into the unconscious part of the mind. A
has a relation
1. Dr to fear
Vaishali P. in Joshi,
its essence
M.Dwhereas its
(Hom.), blockage is created which prevents the thoughts
synonyms like concern
Homoeopathic Physician and worry are related
from re- entering the conscious mind. If this fails
more with the essence of care. Anxiety has several
the anxiety increases and causes distress to the in-
physical and psychological symptoms.
Physical symptoms are categorized into motor
and autonomic / visceral symptoms. Motor symp- An integrated method is highly effective when
toms include tremors, restlessness, twitchings studying a disease and medicine with the help of
and fearful facial expressions. Palpitation, tachy- rubrics hence achieving a holistic approach. This
cardia, sweating, hot flushes, dyspnoea, hyper- gives a vast knowledge of the required subject in
ventilation, constriction in the chest, dry mouth, a short time and peculiar symptoms can be traced
frequency of micturition and diarrhea constitute speedily. It gives a new perspective to under-
the autonomic / visceral symptoms. Patients suf- stand homoeopathic medicines and shows their
fering with anxiety experience various psycho- deep and dynamic nature. The repertorial lit-
logical symptoms as well such as difficulty in erature shows various connections of the disease
concentration, negative thoughts, apprehension, symptom with mind, specific regions affected and
fearfulness, inability to relax, irritation, feeling of physical symptoms.[4]
impending doom, insomnia and hypersomnia.[2]

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 109


Studying Anxiety With The Help Of Homoeopathic Repertories

1. Anxiety At Mental Level - Rubrics[5]

Anxiety about business Anxiety about health

Anxiety about children Anxiety about others

Anxiety about conscience Anxiety about salvation

Anxiety about duty Anxiety about trifles

Anxiety about family Anxiety associated with fear / fright

Anxiety about friends Anxiety associated with weeping

Anxiety about future

Few single medicine rubrics given in repertory:- nervous: sil.

Anxiety about business 1. Anxiety Classified By Different Regions of

The Body [5]
Business is defined as a person’s occupation, work
or trade. The term is not only confined to those Anxiety in heart region
who have a business or are running a company.
For every individual business should be under- Anxiety in chest region
stood in an individual context as to what work the
Anxiety in stomach
person is dealing with daily. Observation should
be focused on the content that the patient is talk- Anxiety in abdomen
ing about repeatedly.
Anxiety in extremities
Mind; anxiety; business, about; dyspepsia, in: NUX-
V. Few single medicine rubrics about anxiety given
in repertory
Mind; anxiety; business, about; prosperous, although:
PSOR. Anxiety in heart region

Anxiety about health Mind; anxiety; heart region; exercise, after: LYC.

Mind; anxiety; health, about; celibacy, from: CON. Mind; anxiety; heart region; faintness, with: VERAT.

Mind; anxiety; health, about; drunkards, in: NUX-V. Mind; anxiety; heart region; giving directions about
the household, even when: STANN.
Mind; anxiety; health, about; skin complaints, in: LYC.
Mind; anxiety; heart region; grief, after: NAJA.
Anxiety about salvation
Mind; anxiety; heart region; stool, during: RHEUM.
Mind; anxiety; salvation, about; uterine complaints,
in: lil-t. Heart & circulation; anxiety; heart region; pregnancy,
in: ACON.
Mind; anxiety; salvation, about; hell, of: PLAT.
Heart & circulation; anxiety; heart region; rheumatic
Anxiety about trifles complaints, in: LACH.
Mind; anxiety; trifles, about; weakness, from extreme Heart & circulation; anxiety; heart region; sadness, be-

110 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


fore: lyc Mind; anxiety; alternating with; fainting

Heart & circulation; anxiety; heart region; sighing, Mind; anxiety; alternating with; gout
with: PLB.
Mind; anxiety; alternating with; heat, flushes of
Heart & circulation; anxiety; heart region; sight of
strong colors, from: TARENT. 4. Physical symptoms associated with anxiety
given in repertories [5]
Anxiety in stomach Anxiety with congestion
Mind; anxiety; stomach, in; menses, during: sil. Anxiety with constriction
Mind; lamenting, bemoaning, wailing; anxiety in pit Anxiety with convulsions
of stomach, about: ars.
Anxiety with cough
Mind; anxiety; stomach, in; pit of; sitting, while: calc-
acet. Anxiety with cramps

Mind; anxiety; stomach, in; standing; amel.: calc. Anxiety with fever

Mind; anxiety; stomach, in; walking amel.: Calc. Anxiety with headache

Anxiety with heaviness

2. Anxiety can be present with several
Anxiety with heat
conditions like:- [5,6]
In bed (Mind; anxiety; bed; in; moon, at full: nat-c sep Anxiety with hemorrhage
sil sulph.), menses, delivery, lying, motion, rest, rising,
riding, sitting, sleep, stool, stooping, urination, wak- Anxiety with inflammation
ing, walking and so on.
Anxiety with nausea
3. Anxiety alternating with other symptoms [5]

Anxiety with pain

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; cheerfulness
Mind; anxiety; alternating with; contentment Anxiety with palpitation

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; ecstasy Anxiety with perspiration

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; euphoria, elation Anxiety with pulsations

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; indifference Anxiety with pulse

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; irritability Anxiety with respiration

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; joy Anxiety with swelling

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; laughing Anxiety with twitchings

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; mania Anxiety with vertigo

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; rage Anxiety with vomiting

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; timidity Anxiety with weakness

Mind; anxiety; alternating with; tranquility Homoeopathic Medicines Related With Anxiety
Related Disorders

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 111


1. Aconitum napellus - Generally with anxiety Mind; anxiety; epistaxis; with: ars.
there is rapid pulse but in aconite pulse is Mind; anxiety; hernia, in inguinal: ACON ARS
slow and thready. Aconite is an acute remedy LACH
given when anxiety appears suddenly and
Back; anxiety; dorsal region: ARS carb-an.
causes great anguish and restlessness. [7]
Mind; anxiety; pulse; slow, with: acon Patients have a particular mental feature that they
lament and bemoan about their pain and want to
Heart & circulation; pulse, heartbeat; thready; anxi- be treated fast.
ety, with: ACON
Mind; lamenting, bemoaning, wailing; anxiety in
Mind; anxiety; chilliness, with: ACON. pit of stomach, about: Ars.
Mind; carried; desires to be; fast: ARS[5]
Mind; anxiety; hemoptysis, in: ACON.
6. Aurum metallicum - Here complaints appear
Mind; anguish; driving him from place to place; rest- after nightwatching or loss of sleep. Patients
lessness, with: ACON [5] usually have anxiety in the heart region. A
peculiar finding is that emaciation may occur
2. Alumina - In the repertory we find that in after mental or bodily anxiety.
alumina, anxiety usually appears in the heart
Mind; anxiety; nightwatching, from: aur.
region between 4 A.M - 5 A.M and sometimes
threatening to convulsions. Mind; anxiety; sleep; loss of sleep, from: aur.
Mind; anxiety; chest, in; morning; four am. or five am. Heart & circulation; inflammation; heart, carditis;
endocardium, endocarditis; pain and great anxiety:
Mind; anxiety; heart region; night; four am.
Mind; anxiety; heart region; midnight, after; four am.
Heart & circulation; anxiety; heart region; motion;
- five am.
amel.: AUR CAUST op rhus-t.
Mind; anxiety; heart region; midnight, after; four am.
Generalities; emaciation; anxiety, from bodily and
- five am.; rising amel
mental: AUR. [5]
Mind; anxiety; convulsions; threatening, with:
alum. [5] 7. Barytas - Constitutions with need of support.
They get anxious about losing people on
3. Ammonium carbonicum - Mind; anxiety; whom they depend. [8]
breathing; short, loud and accelerated: Ammc.
Mind; anxiety; rolling on ground, with, and want
Eyes; staring; anxiety, with: am-c. [5] of breath: Bar-m.
4. Argentum nitricum - It is a hurried and Mind; anxiety; others, for; losing their protectors
worried constitution which gets anxiety when or familiar relations, for: Bar-c.
a time is set. Mind; anxiety; school, about: ars aur-m-n bar-p lyc
Mind; anxiety; time is set, when a: ARG-N [5] sil.

5. Arsenicum album - In arsenic we find anxiety Back; anxiety; lumbar region: bar-acet bar-c.[5]
in association with dropsical conditions. 8. Belladonna - Complaints of anxiety are
Mind; anxiety; continued, in anasarca associated with bladder complaints.
Skin; swelling; edematous; anxiety, with contin- Bladder; convulsions, spasms; neck; anxiety, after:
ued: ARS. bell.
Here We also find anxiety with other disease con- Mind; anxiety; cramps, with; bladder, neck of: bell.
ditions like:- [5]

Mind; anxiety; night; agg.; rheumatic complaints, 9. Borax - Anxiety is related to motion. [7]
in: ARS.
Mind; anxiety; children, in; rocking, from: BOR.

112 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


Mind; anxiety; motion; agg.; airplanes, of: BOR. Mind; unusual, ailments from anything: GELS
Mind; anxiety; motion; agg.; cable-railway, of: Mind; anxiety; urination; amel.: gels
BOR. Mind; anxiety; anticipating an engagement: gels[5,6]
Mind; anxiety; motion; agg.; elevator, of: BOR.
14. Ignatia amara - It is usually given for
Mind; anxiety; children, in; lifted from cradle, bed, complaints appearing after grief. Patient is
when: bor CALC(3) CALC-P(3) gels. unable to express himself in anxiety.  
Mind; anxiety; motion; agg.; upward: bor. [5]
Mind; anxiety; express oneself properly, so that he
could not: ign.
10. Calcareas - Patients who are extremely
sensitive to cruelties, brutalities and horrible Mind; anxiety; voice; loss of, in: FERR(3) ign lyss.[5]
things. They become industrious from anxiety.
15. Kalium carbonicum - Patients get startled
But are aggravated by both mental and bodily
from sudden pleasant surprises and have fear
exertion leading to prostration. Anxiety is felt
of losing control.
more in the umbilical region. [8]
Mind; surprises agg., ailments from; pleasant: kali-c.
Mind; anxiety; cruelties, after hearing of: CALC
Stomach; anxiety; news, after bad: hydr-ac kali-c.[5]
Mind; anxiety; children, in; afraid of everything:
CALC. 16 . Mercurius corrosivus - Can be given in anxiety in
Mind; industrious, mania for work; anxiety, from: children when there is desire to be rocked.
CALC. Mind; anxiety; children, in; rock, must: merc-c.[5]
Mind; prostration of mind; anxiety, after: calc. 17. Nux vomica - For anxiety in drunkards and
Abdomen; pain; umbilical region; right; anxiety, debauchers or workaholic people leading a
with: CALC-P[5] sedentary lifestyle. [7]

11. Chamomilla - For anxiety in infants and Mind; anxiety; dilated pupils, with: NUX-V
newborn children. Child is inconsolable.[7] Mind; anxiety; health, about; drunkards, in: NUX-
Mind; anxiety; children, in; infants: CHAM V[5]

Mind; anxiety; children, in; newborns, in: CHAM 18. Pulsatilla pratensis - For anxiety with
complaints in ears.
Mind; anxiety; inconsolable: CHAM[5]
Mind; anxiety; humming in ears, with: Puls.
12. Coffea cruda - Patients may develop anxiety
after pleasant things. Mind; anxiety; noises in ears, with: Puls.[5]
Mind; anxiety; joyful things, by most: COFF
19. Silicea terra - A very good remedy for people
Mind; excitement, excitable; ailments from, agg.; who are diligent, studious and have anxiety
sudden, pleasant: COFF about themselves. They are quite formal
Mind; laughing; ailments from, agg.; excessive: and feel appointment with the doctor as an
COFF interview. They prepare well beforehand. [7]
Mind; play; ailments, agg. from excessive: coff.[5] MIND; ANXIETY; himself, about[5,6]

13. Gelsemium sempervirens - A commonly used 20. Stramonium - Patient is highly anxious and
homoeopathic medicine for anxiety. Anxiety fearful as if something strange has happened
before an appointment which is relieved by to him. Patient has a lot of queries regarding
urination.[7] his condition and is looking for answers that
Mind; anticipation; ailments from, agg.; stage-fright; will relieve their anxiety. [7]
singers and public speakers, in: GELS Mind; delusions, imaginations; strange; everything
Mind; fright, fear agg., ailments from; ordeal, of an:

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 113


Mind; anxiety; dark, in: STRAM ment which can further be resolved and cured.
Thus the basic principle of homoeopathy i.e. Indi-
Mind; anxiety; candle light; amel.: stram[5] viduality remains intact.  

Thus homoeopathy offers a large number of ru- 1. Loukaki K, Kirkilessi G. Homeopathic Approach to Separation
brics for common and uncommon or unusual Anxiety in Dogs. Homœopathic Links. 2007;20(04):218-22.
symptoms of anxiety. Hence giving medicines for 2. Moorthi K. Homoeopathy in the management of generalised
anxiety disorder: A case report. Indian Journal of Research in
various conditions associated with anxiety. Ho- Homoeopathy. 2023;17(1):5.
meopathic case taking of a patient suffering from 3. Ahuja N. Concise Textbook of Psychiatry. Indian Journal of
anxiety can be studied under headings given be- Psychiatry. 2002 Apr 1;44(2):193.
low. 4. Tiwari SK. Essentials of Repertorization: A Comprehensive Text
Book on Case Taking and Repertorization for Practitioners and
Students. B Jain Publishers; 2000.
• Anxiety with duration. 5. Complete dynamics © Eduard van Grinsven version 21.11
browser edition, 2021 Oct 31
• Onset : sudden / chronic
6. Schroyens F. Synthesis Repertory in Radar 10.0. Assesse, Belgium.
• Time : morning / afternoon / evening / night 2007.
• Cause : event / situation after which the patient 7. Allen HC. Allens Keynotes Rearranged & Classified. B. Jain
Publishers; 2002.
developed the complaint. (Ailments from)
8. Sankaran R. The soul of remedies. InThe soul of remedies 1997.
• Whether anxiety is at Mental level or Physical Homoeopathic medical publishers
level (anxiety felt more in a particular region).
• Whether anxiety is associated with any condition ABOUT THE AUTHOR
• Whether anxiety is alternating with any other 1. Dr. Rimi Srivastava, PG SCHOLAR,
symptom Department of Psychiatry, Bakson
This study also paves a pathway to study other Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital,
disease conditions and thus providing data for Greater Noida. (U.P)
every individual case suffering from the same ail-

114 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


An Evidence Based Case Study of
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor and the Dr. Mayuri Verma
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
Keywords: P.C.O.S.,
is the profound Miasms, of
weakness Sycotic .
the kidney and
genitourinary complaints which points to Pareira
INTRODUCTION 1. Menstrual cycle anomalies ( ranges from
REFERENCES amenorrhea to Oligomenorrhoea).
A 15 year old female patient came with
1. Dr.Mahesh
of Book,
Gandhi, Personal Evolution
first edition reprint
obesity, darkening
Model The Foundation
New Delhi, published by The
2. Clinical hyperandrogenism ( acne, male
pattern alopecia, hirsutism) and/or
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63, biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism(
page 65, page 135,confirming
page 88 P.C.O.S. After going
elevated serum Testosterone and elevated
through the details of the patient, kali carbonicum
and then
2. ICD CodeThuja occidentalis prescribed according
to miasmatic plan of treatment and the patient is 3. Ultrasound appearance of Polycystic ovaries.
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis After all other diagnosis are ruled out.
cured clinically
Repertory versionand
2009, in investigations
Editor both.
Dr. Frederik Schroyens.

4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of Clinical features include central obesity (abdomi-
About the Disease
Homoeopathic Plant Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
nal), menstrual abnormalities in the form of Oli-
164, page 166 gomenorrhoea, amenorrhea or DUB and infertili-
Polycystic ovarian Syndrome is one of the most ty. There may be hirsutism, Acne and Androgenic
common endocrine MANUAL,
5. I.C.R OPERATIONAL disordersEditor
in women of R.
Dr. Anand repro-
second age
ductive edition, 2003; published
group, with by Dr. M.L. Dhawale
prevalence ranging Memorial
trust; page 102 to 105
2.2 % to 26% (1).The patients are mostly 15-25 years
of age. The incidence appears to be on the increase
due to changesTHEinAUTHORlifestyle and stress. Polycystic • USG-lower abdomen, confirmatory of PCOS.
Ovarian Syndrome is now becoming the increas- • LH level -elevated.
1. cause
ing Dr Vaishali
of infertility. P. Joshi, M.D (Hom.), • LH: FSH ratio - increased >3:1.
Homoeopathic Physician
• Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) level -
PCOS is a multifactorial and polygenic condition. decreased.
PCOS includes chronic non-ovulation, hyperan-
• Serum testosterone and
drogenism associated with normal or raised oes-
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) – elevated.
tradiol level (E2), raised Luteinizing Hormone and
increased Luteinizing Hormone /Follicle stimulat- • Fasting Serum Insulin level is more than 10
ing hormone ratio. Androgens are also linked to mIU/ml in insulin resistant case.
hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance which • Laparoscopy is not only diagnostic but also
in turn stimulates more androgen production and therapeutic in destroying the cysts (5).
reduces Sex hormone binding globulin. In some Homoeopathic Understanding of PCOS
cases there is mildly increased level of Prolactin
which may stimulate production of androgen, According to Dr Hahnemann’s classification of
further aggravating the disorder(2). disease, PCOS comes under True Natural Chron-
According to Rotterdam PCOS Diagnostic Crite- ic disease. The cause responsible for its devel-
ria, patient demonstrates two of three criteria(3). opment is known as Fundamental cause. The
Homoeopathic concept is that PCOS is predomi-

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 115

Case Report

nantly comes under the Sycotic miasm. It is one of in mother. Paternal side: Nothing significant.
the manifestations of secondary stage of sycosis. Personal history
Homoeopathy in its holistic approach attempts to
treat every case of disease by considering not only • Occupation: Student.
the symptoms of the patient but also the attributes • Marital status: Unmarried.
that make him a unique individual, different from • Habits &Addictions: Tea.
another person who suffers from the same illness.
Dr J.H. Allen has said, “The fact is, we cannot se- • Dietetic habits: Irregular.
lect the most similar remedy possible unless we • Socio-economic condition: Poor.
understand the phenomenon of the acting and • Accommodation: Living in well ventilated
basic miasm; for the true similia is always based house.
upon the existing basic miasms”(6). • Relation with family members and in the
field of occupation: Good.
• Any medicines taken regularly: Ointments
used from time to time by herself.
A patient named T.S., 15 year old, young girl
came for consulting me in N.I.H., O.P.D. number- HOMOEOPATHIC CHARACTERISTIC AND
5 (Organon of Medicine), OPD Reg. number was OBSERVATIONS (GENERALITIES)
52403/15. Physical generals:-

PRESENTING COMPLAINTS – • General modalities: Pt. feels worse in winter

1. Absence of menses from last six months.
• General tendencies: Susceptible to cold.
2. Aching pain in lower back lasting about one
year. Pain radiate downwards towards both • Thermal reaction: chilly patient.
thighs. Pain aggravated by walking and • Appearance: short but stout with dark
ameliorated by rest. complexion.
3. Darkening of complexion with much • Appetite: good, can’t tolerate hunger.
darkening and thickening of skin of nape of • Thirst: Moderate, 2-3 litres/ day.
neck region from one year. • Desire: Sweet++, egg, warm food.
4. Increasing of body weight lasting one year. • Aversion: Nothing particular.
5. Ring shaped itching eruptions in bilateral • Intolerance: onion++.
groin lasting eight months. Itching aggravated
• Urine : clear
at late night, by sweating.
• Stool: Satisfactory.
6. Always weakened feeling.
• Sleep: Deep, sound and refreshing sleep.
History of presenting complaints
• Dreams: Nothing particular.
1. Menses started two years back but it was very • Perspiration: Profuse over whole body.
irregular in appearance about at four to five
• Tongue: clean and moist
months interval. Flow was scanty, every time
Mental generals:-
for two to three days. But from lasting six
months menses completely ceased. • Dull & sluggish.
2. For skin eruptions (ringworm), she used to • Prefers company. Fear of being alone.
take allopathic medicine and ointment which Physical examination:-
given only temporary relief as palliated • General survey: Palms- warm & moist++.
her condition. Then she left the allopathic • Systemic examination: No abnormality detected.
treatment from last 2-3 months.
Clinical diagnosis:- P.C.O.S., Ringworm of groin
Past history- Chicken pox in childhood. ( Tinea cruris).
Family history- Maternal side: Breathing difficulty

116 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report



Comments:- First follow up: 29/7/2015-

1. Menses not appeared.
Case is appeared to be of mix miasmatic state of 2. Low back pain slightly better.
Psora and sycosis. As the late develop symptom
3. Itching was less and eruption is becoming
was itching eruptions in groins with its repeated
palliation done allopathically, Kali carbonicum
seems to covering the totality of symptoms of the 4. Weakness same as before.
whole case and being predominant antipsoric 5. Darkening of skin same as before.
medicine and it was seem to be correct choice of
medicine to open the case. Investigation report:-USG whole abdomen was
get done on dated 28/7/2015.Report- Both ova-
Prescriptions:-   ries are bulky in size with peripherally arranged
tiny immature follicles. Features suggestive of
24/06/2015- 1. Kali carbonicum 0/1, 16 doses, AD for bilateral polycystic ovarian Syndrome. See figure
32 days. Patient was advised to come after 32 days no-1.
with investigations done. Advised to do exercises
and meditation regularly and to avoid junk, spicy Prescription: kali carbonicum 0/2, 16 doses, AD for
oily food. 32 days
Advice for investigation: USG- whole abdomen.  

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 117

Case Report



1. Menses appears at
04/09/15, for 6 days with-
out any problem.

2. Backache –better. Kali carbonicum 0/3,

09/09/15 3. Itching – not present, Improving 16 doses, AD for 32
size of itching eruption – days.    
decreased & much cleared.

4. Darkening of skin same as


1. L.M.P. 08/10/15.

2. Backache –progressively

14/10/15 3. Itching – not present, Improving Placebo for 30 days.    

size of itching eruption –
cleared completely.

4. Darkening of skin same as


1. L.M.P. 12/11/15.

2. Backache –progressively

3. NO itching eruptions in
16/12/15 groins. Improving Placebo for 30 days.    

4. Darkening of skin same as


5. Patient feels better in gen-


1. L.M.P. 27/12/15.

2. Darkening of skin same as Placebo for 30 days.

06/01/16 Improving
Advice- USG of
C/O- Pain in right upper abdo- lower abdomen.
men & umbilical region.

118 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

1. Menses not appeared.

2. Now Severe pain in right

upper abdomen & umbili-
cal region.

3. Darkening of skin same as


4. C/O- Need to repeat the remedy as Kali carbonicum 0/4 ,

original symptoms seems coming 16 doses, AD for 32
1. Pain in bilateral calf
back. days
10/02/16      < late night,

            >rest, pressure.

        2. Itching eruption in


            starts to reappear again.

Investigation report- Patient could not get done hormonal test due to financial problem.

USG (08/02/16)-i. P.C.O.S., with bulky & increased size of both ovaries.

                           ii.Hepatomegaly with fatty changes in liver. See figure no-2.

1. Menses not appeared yet.

2. Pain in right upper abdo-

men & umbilical region
was better. Kali carbonicum 0/5 ,
09/03/16 Improving 16 doses, AD for 32
3. Itching eruption in groin days
was better.

4. Darkening of skin same as


1. Menses appeared. L.M.P-

13/04/16 and 18/03/16.

2. Pain in right upper abdo-

men & umbilical region Kali carbonicum 0/6 ,
21/04/16 was better. Improving 16 doses, AD for 32
3. Itching eruption in groin days
was better.

4. Darkening of skin same as


October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 119

Case Report


1. Pain in right upper abdo-

men & umbilical region
was better. Kali carbonicum 0/7 ,
26/05/16 Improving 16 doses, AD for 32
2. No itching eruption in days
groin region.

3. Darkening of skin same as


1. L.M.P -04/06/16 Kali carbonicum 0/8 ,

2. No Pain in right upper ab- 16 doses, AD for 32
domen & umbilical region. days
29/06/16 Improving
3. No itching eruption.

4. Darkening of skin same as Advice- USG of

before. lower Abdomen.

1. L.M.P - 25/07/16.

2. Darkening of skin same as Patient was improving but now

before new symptom (cystic growth still
persistent & appearance of leu-
Now C/O-   corrhoea) clearly indicating that
sycotic miasm is coming in pre- Thuja occidentalis
1. Leucorrhoea, profuse, whit- dominance. So here a antisycotic 0/1, 16 doses, AD,
ish, constant, before & after medicine need to be prescribed. for 32 days.
menses, thick, bland. Now Thuja occ was seems as
choice of medicine which was cov-
2. Pain in left lower abdomen ering the late symptoms as well as
lasting previous menses. sycotic miasm.

Investigation report:

USG (02/08/16)-Bulky ovaries but size was reduced than before. Impression-P.C.O.D. See
figure no-3.

1. L.M.P -22/08/16

2. Darkening of skin same as

Improving Thuja occidentalis
10/09/16 3. Leucorrhoea present but 0/2, 16 doses, AD,
not profuse as before. for 32 days.
4. Pain in left lower abdo-
men was much better than

120 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

1. L.M.P -18/09/16

2. Leucorrhoea progressively
better than before.

3. Pain in left lower abdo- Improving Thuja occidentalis

19/10/16 men was much better than 0/3, 16 doses, AD,
before. for 32 days.

4. Darkening and thickening

of skin of face and nape of
neck slightly reduces.

1. L.M.P.-26/10/16, for three

days. Previously it was 6-7
days every time.

2. Leucorrhoea much better. Thuja occidentalis

22/11/16 3. Occasional Pain in left Improving 0/4, 16 doses, AD,
lower abdomen. for 32 days.

4. Darkening and thickening

of skin over nape of neck
region further reduces.
1. L.M.P.-18/12/16 and
22/11/16 . Thuja occidentalis
2. Darkening of skin progres- Improving 0/5, 16 doses, AD,
28/12/16 for 32 days.
sively reducing.

3. Patient was better in every

1. L.M.P.-16/01/17, for three

08/02/17 2. No other complaint. Improved. Thuja occidentalis

0/6, 16 doses, AD
3. Hyperpigmentation and for 32 days.
thickening of skin of face
and neck further reduced
upto a marked degree. .
Investigation report:

i. USG of lower abdomen (06/02/17):-Both ovaries are normal in size & echogenicity. Impression-
USG feature appears to be within normal. See figure no 4.

L.M.P.-16/01/17 for three Thuja occidentalis

05/04/17 Improved.
days. 0/7, 16 doses, AD
No other complaint. for 32 days.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 121

Case Report

CONCLUSION: Homoeopathic system of medicine is very effi-

cacious in treatment of P.C.O.S especially when
Now patient is very happy having regular medicine is prescribed on totality of symptoms
menses with no back pain, no itching erup- with emphasis and consideration of underly-
tions. Her darkening of shin has also decreased ing miasmatic background of patient.
markedly. This case once again confirms that


Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

1. R.Nidhi, V Palmalatha et al. Prevalence of Polycystic ovarian
syndrome in Indian adolescents. Journal of Paediatric and
Adolescent Gynaecology. 2011Aug; 24 (4): 223-227.
2. Padubidri V, Daftary S. Howkins and Bourne Shaw’s Textbook of
Gynaecology. 14th edition. New Delhi : Elsevier, a divison of Reed
Elsevier India Private Limited; 2008: 331.
3. Shaw R.W, Soutter W.P, Stanton S.L. Gynaecology. Third Edition.
Churchill Livingstone. Reprint edition : 2003: 259-264.
4. Dutta DC. Textbook of Gynaecology. 5 edition. Kolkata: New
Central Book Agency (P) Ltd; 2008: 440-443.
5. Padubidri V, Daftary S. Howkins and Bourne Shaw’s Textbook of
Gynaecology. 14th edition. New Delhi : Elsevier, a divison of Reed
Elsevier India Private Limited; 2008: 331.
6. Allen, J.H. The chronic Miasms with Repertory; Rearranged &
Augmented edition: 2007. New Delhi, B. Jain publishers Pvt. Ltd:


1. Dr. Mayuri Verma, M.D (Hom.), National
Figure 4 Institute of Homoeopathy.

122 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023


Homoeopathic Medicinal Solution as the
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Best Tool in Management of Urolithiasis – A
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor and the Case Series
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core Dr. D. Sampaul Ravin
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
is the profound weakness of the kidney and
Calculi formed in
genitourinary Kidney andwhich
complaints seen also in other
points urinary organs is quite common but usually demands immediate
to Pareira
brava. of the doctor. Homoeopathy provides easy and effective treatment to this desperate condition with
utmost satisfaction of the patient. This work is aimed to explain the tremendous scope of Homoeopathic medi-
cine as ‘split dose medicinal solution’ in rapid and safe management of renal system calculi without the use of
crud mother tincture through five evidence based clinical cases.
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
Book, first edition reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The
Keywords: P.C.O.S.,
General Manager Miasms,
Crossbill Sycotic
Publishing . 61, page 63,
Co., pages
page 65, page 135, page 88

2. ICD Code Clinical features are fixed renal angle pain, ago-
nizing pain from loin to groin often accompanied

3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created
enal calculus by Archibel
is one of theSA,mostbased on Synthesis
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens. by nausea, vomiting and profuse sweating. Dys-
diseases of the urinary tract. It occurs more uria with haematuria are common if the stone
frequently in menWONDROUS
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, than in women. It is rare
ORDER Systematic TableinOf gets impacted in the intramural ureter. Diagno-
children. Plant Remedies
It shows Bookpredisposition.
a familial One : Flowering Plants,

edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page sis is made by clinical presentation along with
cause of renal
164, page 166 stone formation is not yet fully ultrasonography and radiography. Treatment in
understood but in majority of cases multiple modern medicine is usually dissolution at early
5. I.C.R are involved.1MANUAL,
A deficiency,
Dr. Anand altered
R. Kapse,
stages. Later they advice surgical procedures like
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
urinary solutes
trust; page and colloids, decreased urinary
102 to 105 nephrolithotomy, pyelonephrolithotomy, partial
output of citrate, renal infection, inadequate nephrectomy.2
urinary drainage, prolonged immobilization and
hyperparathyroidism are being considered as CASE 1
1. Dr Vaishali P. Joshi, M.D (Hom.), CHOLELITHIASIS & CALCULI IN RIGHT
Varieties of renal Physician
Homoeopathic calculi are oxalate/Calcium
oxalate calculi, phosphatic/Calcium phosphate
calculi, uric acid & urate calculi, cystine calculi,
xanthine and indigo calculi. Oxalate calculi are On 25.01.22 Mr. M P, Age 36 presented with fol-
usually single and popularly known as mulberry lowing complaints.
stone, covered with sharp projections. Phosphatic
calculi are usually smooth & dirty white in color, • Pain in loin extends to lower back.
giving rise to few symptoms until they have at-
• < Bending forward & backward
tained a large size. Uric & urate calculi are hard
and smooth, usually multiple. They are typical- • Pain in loin associated with flatulence.
ly faceted. Color varies from yellow to reddish • Pain suddenly felt in thighs, legs.
brown. Cystine calculi are usually multiple and • Fullness of abdomen. Can eat only small
soft. Xanthine calculi are extremely rare. They are quantity.
smooth and round, brick red in color. Indigo cal- Ultrasonography Impression
culi are curiosities. They are blue in color.2
1. Multiple moving calculi in Gall Bladder(20-30

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 123

Case Study

nos). time with 5 succussions, 10 drops in quarter

2. Right hydronephrosis with hydro ureter seen glass of water, hourly 6 tea spoons.
up to ureterovesical junction due to calculus Medicinal Solutions are advanced water potencies
obstruction in ureterovesical junction(Calculi recommended by Hahnemann as split doses in
size- 4.2x3.4 mm) Chronic Diseases and in 5th, 6th edition of organon
3. Calculus in left kidney(size- 3.4mm). of medicine for speed and safe recovery of the
• Based on the symptoms Dioscorea villosa – 6 patient. Further explanations are being added in
C/Medicinal Solution was prescribed. Every discussion part.

Table 1 - FOLLOW UP (Case 1)


• Pain reduced.
Dios. – 6C/Medicinal So-
• Flatus passes freely dur- • Patient is improv-
lution, every time with 5
ing stool. Have to strain ing.
succussions 10 drops in
01.02.22 for stool. Consistency of • Continue same quarter glass of water, two
stool is normal. medication less hourly 6 tea spoons.
• Can eat better. Fullness of frequently.
abdomen greatly reduced.

• Pain greatly reduced.

• Difficulty in passing stool


• Patient keeps on
Ultrasonography Impression improving. Dios. – 30C/Medicinal So-
1. Multiple moving calculi • Size of calculi re- lution was prescribed. Ev-
in Gall Bladder(20-30 nos) duced in both the ery time with 5 succussions
16.02.22 sides. 10 drops in quarter glass
of water, two hourly 6 tea
2. Mild Right hydro ne-
phrosis with hydro ureter • Continue medi- spoons.
seen up to ureterovesical cine in next high-
junction due to calculus er water potency
obstruction in uretero- to relieve rapidly.
vesical junction(Calculi
size- 3.2x2.7mm).

3.Calculus in left
kidney(size- 2.5mm).

124 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Study

• Stones expelled through Dios.200C/Medicinal So-

urine one by one at four lution was prescribed. Ev-
• Patient became
days interval. Now no ery time with 5 succussions
free from calculi.
pain at all. Urine passes 10 drops in quarter glass
freely. • In order to im- of water, three hourly 6 tea
prove the patient spoons.
• Difficulty in passing stool on the whole,
25.02.22 greatly reduced. same medicine
is planned to be
• Fullness of Abdomen
used in next high-
with rumbling and vomit-
er water potency
ing sensation after eating
with less frequent
is there.

• Patient is still under treatment for gall stones wife through phone.
and keeps improving. • Severe pain in Right kidney region.
CASE 2 • Cannot walk, sit and lie. Nothing comforts
him except passage of scanty urine.
RIGHT RENAL CALCULI • Constant nausea with forcible, bitter vomiting.
Can’t even think about drinking or eating.
On 5.6.21 Mr. A.V, Age 38 • Ocimum canum – 6 C/Medicinal Solution
was given. Every time with 6 succussion, 15
• Patient was not able to come to clinic due to drops in quarter glass of water, 3 tea spoons
severe pain. Details were obtained from his once in 20 minutes.

Table 2 - FOLLOW UP (Case 2)


• Pain greatly
reduced. Occa-
sionally pain felt
in Right kidney Oci. – 6C/ Medicinal Solu-
region. • Symptoms got reduced. tion was repeated at one
8.6.21 hour interval with 4 suc-
• Nausea &Vom- • Continue medicine less cussions.
iting stopped frequently.

• Urine passes

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 125

Case Study

• A small stone
came out this
morning during • Patient became free from
first urination. calculi. Oci. – 6 C/ Medicinal Solu-
tion was repeated 3 times
10.6.21 • Mild pain in • In order to relieve patient in a day before food with 3
urethra with oc- completely, same medicine succussions for three more
casional nausea will be used less frequent- days.
& vomiting. ly.

• Urine passes nor- • Patient feels completely

mally. No further alright.
12.6.21 No medicine given.
stone or gravel
seen. No pain.

kidney regions.
BILATERAL RENAL CALCULI WITH RIGHT • Nausea with vomiting on attempt to drink or
HYDRONEPHROSIS eat anything.
On 11.6.22 Mrs. M, Age 21 • Giddiness proceeds to nausea & vomiting
every time.
• Patient complains of stones in both kidneys • Has to strain for urination.
with mild Right Hydronephrosis. • Tabacum – 30 C/Medicinal Solution was
• After scanning abdomen, got admitted and given. 10 drops in quarter glass of water, 3 tea
had given intravenous fluids last week. spoons hourly with 5 succussions every time.
• Now patient has severe pricking pain in both

126 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Study

Table 3 - FOLLOW UP (Case 3)

• Pain reduced. Urine
passes freely.
Tabacum – 30 C / Medici-
• Giddiness, Nausea, nal Solution was given.
• Complaints improved.
Vomiting reduced. 10 drops in quarter glass
15.6.22 Can eat and drink. • Continue the medicine of water, 3 tea spoons two
But only small with less frequent rep- hourly with 5 succussions
quantity. Patient etition. every time.
mentioned, “Vomit-
ing threatens if I try
to eat little more.”
• Giddiness, Nausea,
Vomiting greatly
reduced. Can eat
and drink better. Tab. – 200 C/ Medicinal So-
• Patient feels generally
lution were given. 10 drops
• This time patient good but complains of
in quarter glass of water, 3
23.6.22 complains of in- renal pain with feeble
tea spoons once in two hour
termittent pain in urination.
with 4 succussions.
Right loin with • Increase the potency.
feeble stream of


• Vertigo and vomit-

ing stopped com- Lycopodium clavatum –
• No change in pain and 30 C/ Medicinal Solution
pletely. No nausea
in troublesome urina- 10 drops in quarter glass
27.6.22 felt.
tion. of water, 3 tea spoons once
• Pain in Right loin in two hour with 4 succus-
• Change the remedy.
remains same. sions.
Feeble urination
still persists.

• Medicine is acting well. Lyc. – 30 C/ Medicinal So-

lution were given. 10 drops
2.7.22 • Almost no pain or • Continue the same with in quarter glass of water, 3
patient rarely felt less frequent repetition. tea spoons once in 4 hour
the pain. with 2 succussions.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 127

Case Study

Patient was asked to confirm

• Patient feels happy. the cure with ultrasonography.
But she was not interested to
• No pain at all. undergone scanning and confi-
7.7.22 No medicine given.
• Urine flows freely. dently told that she is complete-
ly alright now and believes that
the stones were dissolved and
expelled out.

CASE 4 > kneeling and bending forward till the forehead

touches the floor, Lying on abdomen.
• Recently Lips become dry.
• Berberis vulgaris – 30 C/Medicinal Solution
On 28.7.22 Mrs. S, Age 42 was given. 10 drops in quarter glass of water,
3 tea spoons once in one and half hour with 5
• Patient Complains of sharp, stitching pain succussions every time.
below Left Kidney region.
                     < Sitting +++

Table 4 - FOLLOW UP (Case 4)

• Stone expelled out yesterday.
There was pain & nausea during
expulsion of stone. Keep in observa- Placebo daily morning for
tion for one week. 7 days.
• Patient feels completely alright

CASE 5 Mr. V.K, Age 30

RECURRENT RENAL CALCULI • Severe colicky pain in right loin extends down
05.10.18 to deep pubic area.

128 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Study
• Painful, Bloody micturition. Must strain to 10 mm, approximately 1.0 cm proximal to
evacuate. ureterovesical junction. Also another calculus
• Patient cannot bear the pressure of the trousers measuring 3 mm noted in lower pole calyx of
in waist. Want to take off the hook for feeling right kidney.
free. • Lycopodium clavatum – 30 C/Medicinal
Ultrasonography Impression Solution was given. 6 drops in quarter glass
of water, 3 tea spoons once in 2 hours with 6
• Moderate Hydroureteronephrosis is seen succussions.
secondary to distal ureteric calculus measuring

Table 5 - FOLLOW UP (Case 5)


Patient is improving. Same Lyc. – 30 C/Medici-

11.10.18 • Regarding pain, patient felt nal Solution were repeated
50% better. Continue the medi-
cine with little less fre- with 4 succussions once in
• Bloody urine stopped. quency. 3 hours this time.

• Patient is now happy with no

pain or discomfort.

24.10.18 • He handed over a rough sur- Stone got expelled.

faced, mulberry like stone
Keep in observation Placebo daily morning.
packed in zip lock cover and
for 1 week.
said “it came out through
urine doctor! Thank you so

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 129

Case Study

But after few months on 26.05.19, patient reported well.

with similar complaints. • Anxiety about family. Wants to maintain the
integrity. Suppresses anger.
• Pain in left loin during hard work.
• Sports man. Passion deceived.
• Mild burning pain in urethra during and after
• Craves meat & salt.
Ultrasonography Impression • Offensive sweat on head.
• Fish causes loose motion and vomiting.
• 3mm stone in upper pole calyx of right kidney. • Nasal discharge and violent sneezing from dust
• 4-6 mm stones, 2 in number at middle, lower exposure.
pole calyx of left kidney. • Patient is thermally Chilly.
Constitutional Totality • History of UTI & Renal stone several times. Mostly
on right side.
• Straight forward but shares less.
• Born as preterm baby with low birth weight.
• Very much attached with family, value relationships


1. Offensive sweat on
1. Suppressed head.
anger. 1. Preterm
2. Craves for meat &
1. Anxiety about 2. Lithiatic dys- baby.
family. crasia. 2. Low birth
3. Allergic dyscrasia.
2. Introvert 3. Passion de- weight
ceived. 4. Tendency to catch

Kalium phosphoricum – 200 C, single dose was ment. As an intense condition, calculi in renal
prescribed as test dose. As a polychrest remedy, system demand the homoeopath to give correct
Kali. phos. displays features of all miasm in pic- medicine with proper dosage. In order to pay at-
ture but tubercular features dominates other all.6 tention to agony of patient and to relieve rapidly,
After some improvement, the same medicine was repetition is inevitable in these conditions. In Ho-
prescribed as moeopathy, dry dose cannot be repeated often.7
medicinal solution in CM potency, 15 drops in so specific mother tincture is being used frequent-
quarter glass of water, 5 tea spoons daily twice ly. Mixture of tinctures is also in use. But tinctures
with 6 succussions for few weeks. Patient im- miserably fail in many patients when prescribed
proved well on the whole and became free from vaguely without considering symptoms similar-
urinary tract infection & renal stone. No relapse ity. Here Hahnemann advised similar medicine as
and no recurrence till now. medicinal solution where frequent repetition and
immediate action can be attained without aggra-
Usually Calculi in Renal system are addressed Hahnemann’s new dosage technique
as an acute severity in outpatient department.
Rarely the same can be identified accidently After Hahnemann started to potentize medicine,
while scanning the abdomen for other purposes. he strongly instructed not to give medicine in the
However once the calculi got detected, the patient form of mother tincture or diluted mother tinc-
turns impatient and rushes to hospital for treat- ture. Once Hahnemann treated a case of washer

130 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Study

women in 1815 and administered pure juice of “I have made some improvements in the techni-
Bryonia alba. But later (after potentization be- calities of our art, which I will now first commu-
come standardized method) he added a following nicate to you… Now, as my medicines are very
footnote to his followers as caution which is men- powerful, I seldom dissolve more than one glob-
tioned in his lesser writings as, ule in 7,15,20,30 tablespoon of water and because
to patient has no distilled water (which besides
“According to the most recent development of our after a few days become spoilt and ferment), I em-
new system the ingestion of a single, minutest ploy for this purpose spring or river water mixed
globule, moistened with the decillionth (X) poten- with 1-15th or 1-20th part of spirits of wine or I put
tial development would have been quite adequate twice or four small pieces of hardwood charcoals
to effect an equally rapid and complete recovery; into the solution. This mixture, of which the pa-
indeed equally certain would have been more tient affected with a chronic malady takes a table-
olfaction of a globule the size of a mustard seed spoon water or 1,2 or 3 teaspoon of water every
moistened with the same dynamization, so that day, or every other day is to be shaken the bottle 5
the drop of pure juice given by me in the above or 6 times every dose taken, in order to change the
case to a robust person, should not be imitated.” 8 degree of dynamization each time.” 11
At that time he wrote this footnote, centesimal This is the first document we have that Hahn-
& LM potencies were not yet discovered. After emann gives the full details of the split dose and
both scales had been launched, he favored only medicinal solution. In the following year of 1837,
medicinal solutions since many conditions Hahnemann released to the public the conclusion
demanded repetition. But till today, mother of his new experiment through an article. In that he
tinctures are widely used as an emergency aid to says that, in all types of diseases including acute,
provide temporary relief in many conditions. In half acute, and tedious, most tedious conditions,
case of renal calculi, medicine selected based on it is better to use water potency as divided dose.
existing symptoms and physician’s observation, This advice was an outcome of painstaking ex-
if prescribed in the form of medicinal solution as periments done with water potencies over plenty
split doses, benefits the patient excellently. On the of patients. Hahnemann was more confident and
other hand, mother tincture when taken in crude contented with split dose water potencies.12
form may develop new pathological symptoms.9
Unfortunately till now, mother tinctures are being By replacing the single unit dose with the new
used very frequently as if they are the only hope split dose it becomes possible to use one dose sev-
in management of pathologically progressed cas- eral times. This apparent contradiction is resolved
es where frequent repetition becomes necessary. by the fact that the remedy solution is made with
Hahnemann too met such cases but has had cor- one 10 size pill that is dissolved into several liquid
rect plan and revealed very clearly in fifth edition portions that are used repeatedly. For this reason
of organon of medicine. In that he introduced the Hahnemann called his new technique the ‘split
following new method. dose’ method instead of ‘multi dose method’.
Hahnemann realized early on that too many dos-
Similar medicine can be repeated as per need es of dry pills accumulated until they produced
when it is given in medicinal solution form. This troublesome aggravation. Even though the patient
medicinal solution can be repeated frequently may be taking the solution more times they are
even after improvement of patient had set in.10 still receiving a smaller amount than they would if
they repeated a dry dose even once. This is a very
Medicinal Solutions as Split doses
subtle aspect of the theory of the minimal dose
In 1836, Hahnemann wrote a letter to Constantine that took Hahnemann many years to fully under-
Hering in which he gave detailed instruction of stand.12
the latest techniques relating to the medicinal so-
Hahnemann mentioned the exceptional use of
lution. This is mentioned in Bradford’s ‘life and
watery solution in chronic disease. And from fifth
letters of Hahnemann.’
edition onwards Hahnemann made the use of

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 131

Case Study

watery solution as rule. tion (as split dose) is designed to stimulate the
sick vital force more frequently even during the
Aphorism 286 progression of amelioration. This is well planned
in order to avoid relapse and aggravations. Ev-
For the same reason the effect of homoeopathic
ery time the instinctive vital force receives a new
medicine increases, greater the quantity of fluid
dose but in slightly higher potency which helps to
in which it is dissolved when administered to the
get rid of disease as soon as possible. Technically
patient although the actual amount of medicine it
this method satisfies the susceptibility well and
contains remains the same. For in this case, when
enhances the secondary curative action through
the medicine is taken, it comes into contact with
repeated but controlled primary action. This is ex-
a much larger surface of sensitive nerves respon-
plained by master in preface to fourth edition of
sive to the medicinal action. Although theorists
chronic diseases.13
may imagine there should be a weakening of the
action of a dose of medicine by its dilution with Centesimal & 50 Millesimal Potency Medicinal
large quantity of liquid, experience asserts exact- Solution
ly the opposite, at all events when the medicines
are employed homeopathically.7   We shall adopt a common procedure to prepare
medicinal solutions for both the potencies (as
Preparation mentioned earlier). Also for administration and
repetition we shall follow one common procedure
Selected potency must be dissolved in water.
(as described earlier). But to know the distinct use
Then a rectified spirit has to be added for pres-
of centesimal and 50 millesimal scales, let us listen
ervation. For example, we have to fill 40 ml of
to Hahnemann.
drinking water in 60ml amber glass bottle. Then
medicated globule 1-4 in number has to be dis- Hahnemann was not completely satisfied with
solved in it. 1-2 ml of rectified spirit (15-30 drops) medicinal solution of centesimal potency, espe-
can be added as a preservative solution. Upper cially in weak susceptibility patients with chronic
one third of the bottle should be kept empty to miasmatic diseases. He found in certain case that
perform succussion. This bottle is called as me- the lower potencies were not able to stimulate
dicinal solution bottle. This should consist of in- the healing reaction, yet at the same time, higher
ner dropper in it.10 potencies cause serious aggravation. So, Hahn-
emann decided to put yet another effort into his
high eighties. As a result, he discovered a new
As per aphorism 287 the Medicinal Solution potency which resolved the aforesaid problems.
needs to be succussed every time before adminis- As he waited for a long time, the newly discov-
tration. By doing this we introduce new potency ered potency successfully stimulated the curative
(slightly higher than the previous) to vital force process in all constitutions without perceptible
every time and facilitates better contact. Number aggravation and cured the patient perfectly. So he
of succussion will vary depending on the suscep- called it as ‘Renewed and Most Perfected Dynam-
tibility of the patient and seat of disease. Hahn- ization’.7
emann mentioned 1,2,3,10,15 and more strokes
Except the weakly susceptibility patients, all oth-
to succuss medicinal solution. 10 to 15 drops of
ers can be treated with centesimal potency medic-
succussed Medicinal Solution is to be added in
inal solutions effectively.
quarter glass of water. After stirring the medici-
nal water thoroughly, 3 or 6 or 9 tea spoons can Totality based prescription in Renal Calculi
be taken by the patient in a time. This can be re-
peated as per the need.10 In Homoeopathy, totality of symptom is stressed
by Hahnemann as sole indication of selection of
Working methodology medicine.7 In case of renal calculi, similar medi-
cine ‘Similimum’ is selected through different to-
Unlike the single unit dry dose, medicinal solu-
talities based on the presentation of the case. If a

132 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Study

patient is in severe trouble, similar medicine will guaranteed.

be derived through sector totality. If the condition
is not severe, similar medicine can be selected FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND SPONSORSHIP
based on acute totality. Sometimes calculi in re-
nal system may be detected accidently with other
symptoms. Here medicine can be selected based CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
on chronic totality.14
None declared.
Miasmatic approach in Renal Calculi

In many patients, Urinary tract infection and Re- REFERENCES

nal Calculi are seen as recurrent patterns. Each and 1. S.Das. A Concise Textbook of Surgery. 7th edition, published by
every acute call here is not exactly call of an acute S.Das, Kolkata, India: July 2012: 1203-1209
2. Bailey & Love. A Short Practice of Surgery. Revised by A.J.Harding
disease rather it is call from an underlying chronic Rains & H.David Ritchie. 17th reprinted edition, Published by
problem. So in Homoeopathy it is being under- H.K.Lewis & Co Ltd; London: March 1977: 1160-1167

stood as ‘acute exacerbation of chronic miasmatic 3. Subrata Kumar Banerjea. Miasmatic Prescribing. Second extended
edition, New Delhi, India: B.Jain publishers (P) ltd; 2010: 97, 184,
disease’. Hence after removal of stone with similar 195, 214, 27, 3-5 & 271-285
acute medicine, in order to eradicate the tendency 4. Schepper Luc De. Hahnemann Revisited. Hahnemannian
Textbook of Classical Homeopathy for the Professionals. Reprint
of urinary tract infection and stone formation, pa- edition, New Delhi, India: B.Jain publishers (P) ltd; 2007: 483, 21-
tient must be given similar miasmatic medicine 40
5. Rajendran E.S. The Nucleus. Lectures on Miasm, First edition,
with the help of miasmatic analysis. 3,5  
Calicut, Kerala, India: Mohana Publishers, 2004: 142-143
6. Sankaran Rajan. Soul of Remedies. Reprinted edition, Mumbai,
India: Homoeopathic Medical Publishers, 2006: 10
CONCLUSION 7. C.S.F.Hahnemann. Organon of medicine-5th&6th editions
Homeopathy treats many surgical conditions ef- combined (Translated by R.E.Dudgeon & W.Boericke). Reprint
edition, New Delhi, India: B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 1992: 121-
fectively, so that the patients are happily cured 123,147&37
without surgery. One example is renal stone. Lat- 8. C.S.F.Hahnemann. The lesser writings(compiled and translated
est posology introduced by Hahnemann in 5th and by R.E.Dudgeon). Reprint edition, New Delhi, India: B.Jain
Publishers (P) Ltd; 1990: 769-771
6th edition of organon is of great use in manage-
9. Medindia. Basis of Homoeopathy – Mother Tincture, written by
ment of uro-lithiasis speedily and safely. Cases Medindia Content Team, Reviewed by Medindia complementary
explained here are classical examples to showcase Medicine Team. Available from: https://www.medindia.net/
the efficacy of Homoeopathy in successful treat- htm
ment of renal system calculi without the use of 10. Schepper Luc De. Achieving and Maintaining the Similimum.
crud mother tinctures. Reprint edition, New Delhi, India: B.Jain publishers (P) ltd; 2007:
21- 40
FUTURE PERSPECTIVES 11. Bradford T.L. The life and letters of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
Reprint edition, New Delhi, India: B.Jain publishers (P) ltd; 1992:
Well designed research studies are required for 12. Little David. Hahnemann’s Advanced Methods. Homoeopathic
establishing the complete effectiveness of Ho- online education. Simillimum.com. Available from: http://
moeopathic medicinal solutions in treating renal simillimum.com/education/little-library/the-works-of-great-
calculi cases. 13. Hahnemann Samuel. The chronic diseases Their Peculiar Nature
and Their Homoeopathic Cure. Rearranged and Augmented
DECLARATION OF PATIENT CONSENT edition, 30th impression, New Delhi, India: B.Jain publishers (P)
ltd; 2010: xii, xxii
The author certifies that he has obtained all ap- 14. Tiwari Shashi Kant. Essentials of Repertorization. Reprint Edition,
propriate patient consent forms. In the form the New Delhi, India: B.Jain publishers (P) ltd; 2003: 125
patients have given their consent for their images
and other clinical information to be reported in ABOUT THE AUTHOR
the journal. Patients understand that their name 1. Dr. D.Sampaul Ravin, BHMS.,M.D.,(Hom),
will not be published and due efforts will be made Consultant Homoeopathic Physician
to conceal their identity, but anonymity cannot be

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 133

Case Report

Herpes Zoster Managed with Homoe-

opathy: A Case Report
Dr. Sumanta Kamila, Dr. Sanjay Sarkar, Dr. Rayba Khatoon

Herpes zoster (HZ) or ‘shingles’ is a painful vesicular rash resulting from reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus
that also causes chickenpox. The incidence of HZ infection (HZI) increases with age and the degree of immune-
suppresssion. Here we report a case of a female patient, aged 32 years, complaining of a sudden vesicular erup-
tion on her back with burning pain along with itching and oozing yellowish discharge, which transformed into
multiple painful blisters. She was treated with individualistic homoeopathic medicine Arsenicum album 30c and
administered on the basis of totality of symptoms. Overall well-being of the patient along with complete healing
of the herpetic lesion as evidenced from the photographic images taken before, during and after the treatment
clearly demonstrates the positive role of individualistic homoeopathic treatment in case of herpes-zoster.

Keywords: Herpes zoster, Homoeopathy, Case-report

Abbreviations: Herpes zoster (HZ), Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Post herpetic neuralgia (PHN)


H erpes zoster (HZ) disease, also known as

‘Shingles,’ usually presents as a painful,
vesicular dermatomal rash.[1] It results from
significant association between paediatric HZ and
megaloblastic anaemia. According to the Global
Burden of Disease database, the mortality rate
the reactivation of the latent varicella-zoster due to HZ in patients >65 years ranges from 0.0022
virus in sensory ganglia.[2] The factors that to 82.21 per 100,000 population [8]. According to
trigger reactivation of dormant virus are not 2007 and 2008 HZ-outpatient incidence data from
fully elucidated, though decline in cell-mediated Germany, the annual mortality rate of HZ has
immunity with age or immunosuppressive been estimated as 0.29 (women) and 0.10 (males)
conditions or treatments play an important per 100,000 patient years [9]. It is important to note
role. HZ occurs worldwide without seasonal possible heterogeneity in epidemiological data
variations of incidence. The incidence of HZ is due to differences in reporting. It is possible that
age-dependent and ranges from 1.2 to 3.4 per 1000 countries without efficient and effective reporting
persons per year among younger adults to 3.9–11.8 systems may not have lower numbers than
per 1000 persons per year in elderly patients (i.e., those with efficient reporting systems. Clinical
>65 years) [3]. According to a systematic review of symptoms appear in three stages—pre-eruptive,
studies from 2002–2018, the cumulative incidence acute exudative, and chronic [3]. The pre-eruptive
has been estimated between 2.9–19.5 cases per stage presents with burning or pain within
1000 population with female predominance [4]. the affected dermatome at least 2 days prior to
Common risk factors for HZ are age > 50 years, cutaneous eruptions. Non cutaneous symptoms
immunosuppression, infections, and mental such as experiencing headaches, general malaise,
stress [5]. A meta-analysis of 16 studies till January and photophobia may also be present. In the
2021 confirmed that patients with diabetes acute eruptive phase, multiple umbilicated and
mellitus also have a higher risk [6]. A recently painful vesicles develop. The vesicles often burst,
published (2021) Indian study [7] reported a ulcerate, and eventually dry out. This is the

134 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

most contagious stage. Pain is often severe and CASE REPORT

unresponsive to nonsteroidal pain medications.
The acute eruptive phase may last 2–4 weeks. Present complaints: A 32-year-old lady visited
Pain can continue longer. Chronic HZ infection is our OPD on 17/05/2023, with painful blister-like
characterized by severe pain that lasts >4 weeks. eruptions over her back for the last 2 days; there
Patients experience dysesthesias, paraesthesias, was burning pain.
and sometimes shock-like sensations. The pain Past history:
is disabling and may last for several months. In
most patients, diagnosis is made clinically. Due to Mental generals:
variable clinical presentation and atypical cases,
the diagnosis of HZ may be challenging in some • Patient was too anxious about her complaints.
patients [10]. PCR is useful for confirmation of Physical generals:
suspected HZ-type pain without a rash. PHN,
• Thirst increased
the most common complication of HZ, occurs
after the zoster rash has resolved. Conventional • Desire for warm drinks.
therapies include antivirals, corticosteroids and General survey: PR. - 78/min., RR.: 16/min., temper-
analgesics, both oral and topical. HZ is an 80-year- ature: 99.60 F, B.P.- 110/80 mm Hg
old woman involving maxillary nerve and the Provisional Diagnosis: Depending upon the clini-
article also reviews various treatment modalities cal symptoms, herpes zoster is diagnosed.
available for the management of HZI.

Analysis and Evaluation of the Symptoms with Miasmatic Analysis:


Patient was too anxious Patient was too anxious about her
about her complaints. Mental gen- complaints. PSORA

Thirst increased Physical gen- Thirst increased

Psora, Sycosis
Desire for warm drinks. Physical gen- Desire for warm drinks.

Painful blister like erup-

Particular Painful blister like eruptions SYCOSIS
tions over her back

There was burning pain Particular There was burning pain PSORA

Totality of symptoms: • Burning pain

Repertorization: The repertorization process was
• Patient was too anxious about her complaints. carried out utilizing the HOMPATH ZOMEO®
• Thirst increased software, version 3.0. On repertorization it was
• Desire for warm drinks. found that Arsenicum album has covered the
• Painful blister like eruptions appeared over maximum number of rubrics and scored maxi-
the back mum, keeping behind remedies like Sulphur
(13/5), Bryonia (12/5), Phosphorus (10/5) etc.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 135

Case Report

Fig -1: Repertorisation Sheet

Prescription: Considering the presenting symp- Arsenicum album 30c, 2 doses, as we found along
toms, and those associated mental and physi- with other prominent symptoms like desire for
cal generals, our final selection for this case was warm water, excessive mental anxiety etc.
Follow up sheet:


20/05/2023 Pain diminished, eruption is decreased than before, vesicles dried up. Placebo
Marked improvement is seen . eruption is healed up now, and no
23/05/2023 Placebo
pain was there.

Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4

Before Treatment During Treatment After Treatment

Discussion: Herpes zoster is not an uncommon cantly. Being a homoeopath, we should always try
dermatological condition in a homoeopath’s as mentioned in our organon of medicine to con-
chamber. Being an acute disease with severe pain sider the symptoms and phenomena of the present
and irritation it affects one’s quality of life signifi- phase which are already very fresh in the mind of

136 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Case Report

the patient. In this case the Herpes zoster patient REFERENCES:

was having the characteristics of Arsenicum album 1. Wareham DW, Breuer J. Herpes zoster. BMJ. 2007;334(1):211–15.
as already mentioned, after subsequent 2 follow 2. Hope-Simpson RE. The nature of Herpes zoster: a long-term
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Treasure Island USA: StatPearls Publishing;2021.
evidenced from the images.
4. Van Oorschot, D.; Vroling, H.; Bunge, E.; Diaz-Decaro, J.; Curran,
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ing a thorough understanding of this disease is 5. Dai, Y.; Yeh, F.; Shen, Y.; Tai, Y.; Huang, N.; Chang, Y.; Chen, T.;
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and prevention of complications, providing an 2021;46:1293–1298. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
advantage in tailoring individualized homeo- 6. Huang, C.-T.; Lee, C.-Y.; Sung, H.-Y.; Liu, S.-J.; Liang, P.-C.; Tsai,
pathic treatment strategies. This case report dem- M.-C. Association between Diabetes Mellitus and the Risk of
Herpes zoster: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J. Clin.
onstrates the significant and rapid effectiveness of Endocrinol. Metab. 2021;107:586–597. [CrossRef]
individualized homeopathic treatment in manag- 7. Sahu, P.; Dayal, S. Association of various risk factors with
ing cases of herpes zoster as evidenced from the childhood Herpes zoster: A case–control study in Indian patients.
Indian J. Dermatol. Venereol. Leprol.2021;87:725–728. [CrossRef]
photographic images. Further clinical trials are [PubMed]
necessary to check the efficaciousness of homoeo- 8. Bardach, A.E.; Palermo, C.; Alconada, T.; Sandoval, M.; Balan,
pathic drugs in large scales. D.J.; Guevara, J.N.; Gómez, J.; Ciapponi, A. Herpes zoster
epidemiology in Latin America: A systematic review and meta-
analysis. PLoS ONE.2021;16(2):558-77. [CrossRef]
9. Ultsch, B.; Siedler, A.; Rieck, T.; Reinhold, T.; Krause, G.;
Wichmann, O. Herpes zoster in Germany: Quantifying the
The authors are grateful to Prof (Dr.) Rajat Chat- burden of disease. BMC Infect Dis. 2011;11:173. [CrossRef]
topadhyay, Principal & Administration, Prof (Dr.) 10. Wollina, U. Variations in Herpes zoster manifestation. Indian J.
Himangsu Hait, HOD, Practice of Medicine of Med. Res.2017;145: 294–298. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College &
Hospital for the help and support. ABOUT THE AUTHORS
Declaration of Patient Consent: 1. Dr. Sumanta Kamila, BHMS(WBUHS). PG
Scholar (Part- II), Department of Practice
Written informed consent was obtained from pa- of Medicine of The Calcutta Homoeopathic
tient for publication of her case in an academic Medical College & Hospital. Kolkata- 09, WB.
journal 2. Dr. Sanjay Sarkar, BHMS(WBUHS). PG
Funding: Scholar (Part- II), Department of Practice
of Medicine of The Calcutta Homoeopathic
No such Medical College & Hospital. Kolkata- 09, WB.
Conflicts of interest: 3. Dr. Rayba Khatoon, BHMS (WBUHS). PG
Scholar (Part-I), Department of Practice of
None declared Medicine of The Calcutta Homoeopathic
Medical College & Hospital. Kolkata- 09, WB.

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 137

Book Review

Essentials of Boger’s Principles and Practice of Ho-

meopathy Compiled
Dr Shashi Kant Tiwari

bly a vitalist’. Another statement reads, ‘the ho-

About the Reviewer moeopathist should know his tools thoroughly
Dr. Gobind Narayan Gupta (sound homoeopathic books, materia medicas,
repertories and card indices). He has also men-
Asst. Prof. Department tioned medical history such as bloodletting, mer-
of Organon of Medicine, curialisation, poisons, serology, etc.
Homoeopathic Philosophy, Chronic
diseases and Psychology In the subsequent chapters following topics
have been covered -

“Essentials of Boger’s Principles and Prac- • Homoeopathic Science.

tice of Homoeopathy”, the collected work of He explained that the real homoeopathic physi-
Dr. C. M. Boger comprises 66 chapters. These cian is a specialist in materia medica and the exem-
writings bring out in an inimitable way the plification of the law which include almost every
principles of Homeopathy as expounded by
Hahnemann, but with the spirit of Dr. Bo- system of the body while
ger; thereby helping us to understand further specialist of other system
what the Master taught us. This painstaking is naturally inclined to a
work is compiled by Dr Shashi Kant Tiwari, narrower view of things,
former Director, National Institute of Homoe- e.g., dermatologist, mi-
opathy, Kolkata, Govt of India, former Princi- croscopist, etc.
pal, Fr Muller Homoeopathic Medical College
• What does
& Hospital, Mangalore, former Dean of Edu-
homoeopathy stand
cation, Dr Nielsen Homoeopathic Medical
and Research and author of Essentials of Rep-
With ever changing
ertorization, Homoeopathy and Child Care
medical literature, here
and Boenninghausen-Boger Final General
Repertory. He collected various lectures and the author explains homoeopathic modus ope-
articles of Boger and compiled them in the randi. To seek the truth of homoeopathic science,
form of a book “Essentials of Boger’s Principle few books have been mentioned e.g.,
and Practice of Homoeopathy” for the better
prospects of homoeopathy in clinical practice. • HOMOEOPATHY; ALL ABOUT IT” by
Boger gives us insight of the Homeopathy J.H.Clarke  
practiced in that glorious age. This book is a • FIFTY REASONS FOR BEING A
collection of the untouched scattered valuable HOMOEOPATH” by J.C. Burnett
concepts deliberated by Boger which are very • ORGANON OF MEDICINE
useful in clinical practice.(1890-1935). • MATERIA MEDICA PURA
The author begins his book with the chap- • CHRONIC DISEASES: THEIR PECULIAR
ter ‘What is Homoeopathy?’ and focuses on NATURE AND THEIR HOMOEOPATHIC
the system of homoeopathy, and its variance CURE” By Dr S. Hahnemann
from other systems. In one of the paragraphs, • LECTURES ON HOMOEOPATHIC
he writes, ‘an allopath is a natural oppor- PHILOSOPHY” by J.T. Kent
tunist while the real homoeopath is inevita-

138 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Book Review

• LEADERS IN HOMOEOPATHIC themselves in the physical body.

CLASSIFICATION” by E.B. Nash • The Philosophy of Similia
• COMPARATIVE MATERIA MEDICA by E.A. Homoeopathy, springing from and preserving
Farrington the vitalism of the ancients, is willingly or unwill-
ingly (nolens volens) leaven of modern medicine.
• A SYNOPTIC KEY OF THE MATERIA The realist inclined towards the material and
MEDICA” by C.M. Boger. mechanical means, while the philosophically in-
• The standing of Homoeopathy (1911) clined works out his problems from the dynamic
The author says that false practice is its greatest standpoint.
enemy. The power of the similimum is a constant
source of pleasure to careful prescriber which is • What we should know
cited by an example of a highly educated man The physician needs all available evidence of dis-
who underwent surgery but for vain, after per- ease before attempting to prescribe. Hahnemann
suasion tried homoeopathy and got cured. said that in case of paucity of symptoms or the
presence of overshadowing symptoms, the reme-
• What homoeopathy means (1920) dy could be selected on basis of its peculiar symp-
“Similia Similibus Curentur” – that likes seemed toms or concomitant.
to cure likes. In this chapter author mentioned the
importance of prevention than cure and also the • Studies in the Philosophy of Healing (1921)
importance of dynamic medicine and its marvel- Dynamism is an essential factor of our very nature
ous results in cases of acute diseases, epidemics. and life and must be reckoned with if we would
He also explains the significance of symptoms be efficient healers of the sick. Curing is mild and
which serves as indices for diagnosis, prognosis gentle process, devoid of suppressive measures,
and treatment. narcotics, etc., all of whose finalities lean death-
• The Evolution of homoeopathy (1914)
The collateral systems have been mentioned here • Vital Energy
with the difference between homoeopathy and This chapter deals with definition of energy, vital
isopathy by citing example of Psorinum. force, disease and restoration of order.

• Why Homoeopathy? Energy has been defined in this chapter as “store-

5 cases have been given as examples where sur- house of vitality”. In respect to disease conditions,
geon reported nothing could be done but Ho- the author explained the condition with the exam-
moeopathic treatment made complete cure. ple of a runaway train.

• A contribution on the relation of • The Language of Disease

homoeopathy to the sciences (1904) The language of disease is nothing but the signs
The chapter begins with comparison of earlier and symptoms and this chapter thoroughly deals
provings and later provings which according to with symptoms, its type, importance of signs with
the author has a vast difference. Even the dis- supportive examples. Apart from this, progress of
advantage of keynote symptoms has been men- disease has also been explained.
tioned here which are adopted by nowadays phy-
sicians. • Taking the Case (1909)
The author tried to cover the general schema of
• The Law of Cure (1916) case taking with detailed description of each point
Absolute cure means the establishment and main- like location, sensation, modalities, concomitant
tenance of mental and physical harmony. Also as well as the peculiarities of the case, importance
mentioned about the Hering’s Law of Cure which of time modalities.
also explains that all cure proceeds from soul
through the spiritual body and finally manifest • How to Take the Case (1920)
This chapter deals with the importance of proper

October 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 139

Book Review

case taking and few clinical cases has been men- Importance of family history is mentioned in or-
tioned. The author also explains the importance of der to complete the symptom image of any one
diagnostic symptoms in prescription with exam- individual sickness. This is the main reason for
ple of Bryonia (pleurisy) and Kali bichromicum different prescription from different angles seen
(duodenal ulcer). by physician.

• The Similimum (1922) • Homoeopathic Reactions (1926)

Here, the author mentioned two principal ways of Author focuses on the reaction of vital force and
finding the indicated remedy. of remedies. He also mentioned about non-ho-
meopathic reaction which is more or less violent
• Finding the Similimum-I nature and may even do vital damage.
Viewed from the angle of similia, author focuses
on 3 points The last point is especially helpful in • Grading of Symptoms (1925)
those single symptom cases which Hahnemann Many examples have been cited with rubrics
called the most difficult of all. Finally, he focuses which may have many remedies under it but we
the information obtained on the patient in hand. have to differentiate it according to the grades and
hierarchy of the symptoms covered by the case.
• Finding the Similimum-II (1930)
Author points out that the specific application of • Philosophy and the Repertory
similimum will always remain more or less an in- The trinity of homoeopathy – the law of cure, sin-
dividual affair. One case has been given with in- gle remedy, minimum dose is mentioned.
dicated remedy.
• Reason and Fact
• Finding the Similimum with the Help of the
Here we will learn about Law of Life, Nature’s
Family Anamnesis According to a method by
call for help, peculiarities of epidemic, Doctrine
Cyrus M. Boger
Importance of anamnesis is described by the au- of Signature etc.
thor. Comparing the two series i.e., the patient’s
• Random notes
disease tendency series and the family disease
tendency series. It deals with general discussion about medicine,
Homoeopathy, Hahnemann, Symptoms.
• The Power of Similimum
Importance and uses of imponderabilia has also • Observations on Prescribing
been mentioned. The author says that the better we know our origi-
nal materia medica the less will we feel the need of
• The Indicted Remedy (1922) newer and but partially proven drugs.
This chapter deals with the different ways of get-
ting the indicated medicine, either through reper- • Correct Prescription (from Synoptic Key)
torisation or cross questioner or degree of similar- He called modalities as natural modifiers of sick-
ity. ness and also mentioned various forms of modali-
ties. Few points about repetition of same medicine
• What Indicates the remedy? (1922)
Here the author criticized the polypharmacy and have also been discussed.
misuse of disease diagnosis.
• Is There a Law of Dose?
• How Shall I find the Remedy? This chapter particularly deals with the process
Here, the author stresses upon exciting and main- of potentisation and the discussion between stal-
taining causes as well as the location, sensation, warts revolve around Fincke’s method of poten-
modalities and concomitant, sign and symptoms tisation.
of a patient.
• Choosing the Remedy
• Some Thoughts on Prescribing Here, the author beautifully opened the chapter

140 | The Homoeopathic Heritage October 2023

Book Review

with aphorism 152 for direction of selection of • The Genus Epidemicus

remedy, the importance of concomitant, anamne- This chapter deals with the idea and application
sis, accessory symptoms and modalities in selec- of Genus Epidemicus with examples. Even two
tion of remedy. methods of prescribing that is high and low po-
tency prescribing has been mentioned.
• The Repetition of The Dose I
The author basically emphasizes on the single • Clinical Cases and Verification
dose of properly selected medicine and not to A well proven remedy is worth hundreds of frag-
repeat frequently which usually disappoint the ments. With this statement, the author describes
physician. He also mentioned about the change in the importance of a well proven medicine with ex-
the sick condition which embraces 3 events after ample of Lachesis.
the administration of carefully selected remedy.
• Tuberculosis – the Medical Side of the
• The Repetition of The Dose II Question
The author further elaborated the condition of This chapter deals with the approach and homoeo-
repetition of remedy and where to wait and pathic treatment of tuberculosis with examples of
watch. It also deals with the importance of second remedy.
• Three Liver Cases
• Regularity and Progress- Three different cases with three different remedies
Successful practice depends upon certain more or i.e. Carduus mar, Scrophularia nodosa and Meni-
less fully developed innate faculties, and that our spermum canadense have illustrated in this chap-
present methods of training do but little to up- ter.
build them and thus make real healers of the sick.
• The Homoeopathic Viewpoint in Cancer
• The Undeveloped Picture- This chapter solely deals with the approach of
After an acute disease explosion, the submerged cancer and its treatment.
symptoms again slowly emerge from their hiding,
finally showing themselves to be part and par- • Panaritium
cel of a deeply imbedded miasm. Also, he men- Different remedies with indication have been
tioned about the prover that only educated prover mentioned for panaritium in this chapter.
should not be included in the study.
• The Metals and their Relation to the
• The Whole Case Functions of the Reproductive Organs
This whole chapter deals with the drawback of One thing is very stressed upon in this chapter is
keynote symptom. piece-meal prescription.

• Suppression • Points in Obstetrical Therapeutics

Here, how suppression of sycosis and psora hap- One of the most interesting chapters of the book to
pened is also mentioned with examples of the read, which contain different conditions of preg-
cases and its treatment. nancy and its management.

• Signs and the Law • Climacteric Remedies

This chapter deals with the danger of too much in- 21 remedies with indication for climaxis have
dividualization which is a novel one and often ne- been mentioned in this chapter.
glected. A case of Niccolum has been mentioned.
• Diabetic Gangrene
• The Relation of Homoeopathy to Pathology A case of diabetes insipidus cured with Nat.
The discussion between Dr. H.C. Allen and Dr. Sul.30 has been mentioned.
Boger about their views on clinical symptoms
with example of Lycopodium and Calc carb is • Clinical Cases
worth reading. Total 7 different cases have been presented with
Book Review

prescribed medicine. This chapter shows the method of approaching

medicine while reading Materia Medica.
• A Case of Cholecystitis
A interesting case of Euonymus has been men- • The Genius of Our Materia Medica
tioned in Gallbladder stone. This chapter generally deals with how to get the
picture of the medicine in diseased person and
• The Choleraic Complex the Genius of the remedy.
The author focuses on the efficacy of homoeopath-
ic treatment in diseases of infants and children. • The Strontium Salts
The purpose of this chapter is to point out the
• Homoeopathy in Diseases of Children necessity of proving the various Strontium salts.
Few remedies in disease condition of children An elaborative case has been mentioned to show
especially cholera, cholera morbus, and cholera the effective prescription of Strontium.
infantum have been mentioned and explained
with differentiation with medicines. • Gymnocladus
This rare drug has been described with a won-
• The Sick Child derful case of stitching pain and appearance of
Here it is mentioned that the first study is the child blue tongue.
itself; particularly all of his dominating moods,
for this is the master key to every sickness. Objec- • Veterinary Homoeopathy
tive symptoms of many polychrest remedies have This is a short chapter dealing with the impor-
been added and how to observe that has also been tance of Homoeopathy in cases of animals.
• President Address
• The Study of Materia Medica This book ends with the final chapter i.e., Presi-
Study shows every drug to be a living, moving dent address.
conception with attributes which arise, develop,
expand and pass away just as diseases do.   The very compiled work is truly inspirational
and should be read and reread by every Homeo-
• The Development of Materia Medica pathic physician. I would like to recommend this
The future development of our Materia Medica is book to the homoeopathic fraternity for better
a subject of interest to every true Hahnemannian understanding of homoeopathic science and
profession will really be enlighten with these col-
• Materia Medica, a Study lected lectures and articles.

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