How To Play Sepak Takraw

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Sports tourism has been an impac ul catalyst in brining in tourists to des na ons around the Philippines.

Davao City will be hos ng the to visit some sports a rac on. more and more par cipants. holders must always have the
Palarong Pambansa in 2019. It As we have witnessed in Iron- Weed and Bull iden fies the environment aspect on top of
will also be holding its second man, while the par cipants five main categories: sports their priori es along with
Ironman 70.3. This gives the stay was short they brought par cipa on, tourism and profitability. As in any profit
city’s tourism a bigger push along their families, and we sports content, luxury sports center, the components for
above the conven on and know that families outside tourism, sports event, and sustainability must be in
events market that it has been their homes do. While here, sports training. We can see place. Thus, while we are glad
aiming on, and bringing in they get an overview of the there is sports par cipa on that we are finally ge ng to
more people through sports city and get to know that this the city can offer there’s a host sports events, the poli-
tourism. is far from the war-tom boon- considerable coverage that cies should be in place before
Sports tourism refers to trav- docks. Mt. Apo Boulder face can be enhanced to bring in this goes out of hand.
elling to play and watch sports Challenge has been gaining the visitors. Tourism stake-
-tan, but most modern ones are
Sepak Takraw is played between
synthe c. Sepak is Malay for “kick”


two teams of three players; the
and takraw is Thai for “a woven
le side, the right side and back.
ball”, therefore sepak takraw literally
The court is about the same size

means “to kick the ball”. Sepak
as a badminton court (20 by 44
Takraw originates in South East Asia.
feet) and the net is 1.52 meters
Basic rules and scoring are similar to
high. Tradionally the balls were
volley ball. They are allowed a maxi-
hand woven from bamboo or rat
mum of three touches of the ball to
get it back over the net to the other
side without le ng it touch the
Play starts when the server is tossed
the ball by a teammate while keep-
ing one foot in a small serving circle.
A er that, volleyball rules pre y
much apply, except for the fact that
the ball can’t be touched by the
hands or arms. The first team to
score either 15 or 21 depending on
the rules in play, wins the set.
There are many types of Sepak
Takraw: Net Takraw, In-tossing
Takraw, Hoop Takraw, In-scoring
Takraw and Takraw Wong. The game
varies according to the type of being
played, As well as the place where it
is being played. In a village, for ex-
ample, there is o en no referee. The
winning player puts on the best



VMS: Over-all champion in Elementary; 2nd Place in Secondary level among private schools
By Ayeene Casey Vinas And Health Wri ng, and News
wri ng par cipants competed
To develop the skills and on the second day.
knowledge of the stu- Educa on Supervisor in English,
dents in wri ng and Mrs. Mary Ruth Salonga ex-
broadcas ng, students plained the mechanics of the
compe on for the elementary
from private and public
and Mr. Alex Angeles, Educa-
schools took part in the on Supervisor in Filipino ex-
Division Schools Press plained the mechanics for the
Conference (DSPC) on high school level.
October 4 and 5 in Gapan Top five winners were recog-
nized but only the top three will
South Central School for
move on to the Regional
the elementary level and Schools Press Conference
October 11 and 12 for (RSPC) in Pangasinan.
the secondary in San Village Montessori School
(VMS) p3 elementary depart-
Contestants of Photo Journal- ment hailed as champion
Wri ng, and script wri ng and Radio Broadcas ng were among private schools and sec-
ism, Copy Reading and Head-
the first one to compete. Scriptwri ng and TV broad- ond place both private and
line Wri ng, Editorial Cartoon-
cas ng, Collabora ve and Desktop Publishing, Online public schools.
ing, Editorial wri ng, Sports
publishing, Feature Wri ng, Science The high school department

By Ayeene Casey Vinas Poster Making, Costume Making Con-
Students from Village Montessori test and Essay Wri ng.
School (VMS) celebrated Nutri on There were parades for pre-school,
Month to remind the students that primary, Intermediate, and high school
vegetables and fruits were important. Muses and escorts wear the costumes
Ronaldo Fidel Garcia, Chairman and their classmates made and represents
John Kyle Phillip Figuerroa, co- their sec on.
chairman both grade 10–Integrity, or- The winners of the event received thei
ganized the ac vi es for the students. awards.
The ac vi es were Cook-off, Cook Fest, Nutri on Month is the first event that
Classroom Se ng, Guess the Food, starts the school’s tradi on.
Nutri-trivia, Slogan Making, Food Art,

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