1 5945.20 6197.24 Recommended RF channel arrangements for
2 5974.85 6226.89 fixed wireless systems for channel spacing of 28 MHz 3 6004.50 6256.54 or 29.65 MHz 4 6034.15 6286.19 5 6063.80 6315.84 Previous channel arrangments may also be used for 6 6093.45 6345.49 systems upgrade only, however, the use of these 7 6123.10 6375.14 channel arrangments is encouraged. 8 6152.75 6404.79 CH # F F' ITU-R F.383-8
1 5960.025 6212.065 Recommended RF channel arrangements for
2 5989.675 6241.715 fixed wireless systems for channel spacing of 56 MHz 2 6019.325 6271.365 3 6048.975 6301.015 Previous channel arrangments may also be used for 4 6078.625 6330.665 systems upgrade only, however, the use of these 5 6108.275 6360.315 channel arrangments is encouraged. 6 6137.925 6389.965
6425-7125 MHz CH # F F' ITU-R Rec. 384-11
POINT-TO-POINT RADIO 1 6460 6800 Recommended RF channel arrangements for
SYSTEM 2 6500 6840 fixed wireless systems for channel spacing of 40 MHz 3 6540 6880 4 6580 6920 Previous channel arrangments may also be used for 5 6620 6960 systems upgrade only, however, the use of these 6 6660 7000 channel arrangments is encouraged. 7 6700 7040 8 6740 7080 CH # F F' ITU-R Rec. 384-11
6540 6880 Recommended RF channel arrangements for
6620 6960 fixed wireless systems for channel spacing of 80 MHz 6700 7040