Class VII Maths Periodic Test 1 (KG) NEW CH

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PERIODIC TEST I (2024-25) Q3. Competency Based Questions: (1M ⨯ 4Q) 4

Following table shows the temperature in degree Celsius (°C) at different
Time: 40 Min M.M: 20 places on a particular day.
Name____________________________________Roll No. ________Sec:_________
General Instructions: Places Kandla Kashmir kullu kamakhya kanpur
 All questions are compulsory.
Temperature(˚C) 38 -14 -7 27 39
 Do not change the order of the questions. Do not mix questions
of one section with another section.
9. Arrange the given temperatures in descending order.
Section A 10. Temperature difference between Kamakhya and Kanpur is ____.
Q1. Fill in the blanks: (1M × 4Q) 4 (a) 12 °C (b) -12°C (c) 27 °C (d) -27°C
11.Total temperature of Kashmir and Kullu is ____________.
1. The product of two negative integer is __________. (a) -7 °C (b) -21°C (c) -14 °C (d) 21°C
2. The exponential form of 3×3×3×3 = _______________. 12. What is the temperature difference between the hottest and the coldest
1 place among the above?
3. × ________________ = 1
3 (a) 53 (b) -21 (c) -14 (d) 21
4. Predecessor of (−¿12) is __________________. Section D
Section B Q4. Solve the following: (2M ⨯ 2Q) 4
Q2. Multiple Choice Questions: (1M ⨯ 4Q) 4 13. Evaluate: (i) (−¿20) + 7 × 8 ÷ 2
(ii) (−3)3 × (−1)9 × (1)2
5. 26=¿ ___________.
a) 12 b) 64 c) 32 d) 128 14. (i) Write in scientific notation: 7,00,000
(ii) Find the difference (−¿129) – (20)
6. Base in the expression (−12)3 is ________
Section E
a) 3 b) -3 c) −¿12 d) 12
Q5. Solve the following: (Any 1) (4M ⨯ 1Q) 4
7. |−¿25| ___________ |25|.
a) = b) > c) < d)  15. (i) Express 625 to the base 5
(ii) The sum of two integers is 50. If one of them −¿ 38, then find the
8. If 2 and 3 are two integers then 2+3 = 3+2. This is ___ property. other integer.
a) Associative b) Identity c) closure d) commutative

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16.(i) An elevator descends into a mine shaft at the rate of 6m/min. If the
descent starts from 10 m above ground level, how long will it take to
reach -350 m?
6 2
3 ×5
(ii) Simplify: 2
9 ×5

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