A Model For Neurolinguistics

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AUTHOR Whitaker, H. A.
TITLE A Model for Neurolinguistics.
INSTITUTION Essex Univ., Colchester (England). Language Centre.
REPORT NO eccas-Pap-10
NOTE 63p.

EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29

DESCRIPTORS *Language Development, *Language Patterns, Language
Research, Linguistics, *Linguistic Theory, Motor
Development, *Neurological Organization, *Neurology,
Psycholinguistics, Psychological Studies,
Psychomotor Objectives, Verbal Development

Noting that linguistics and the neurological
sciences have developed independently, this paper presents a
coordinated approach to man's understanding of language, cognition,
and mind. A neurological model is developed following a discussion of
the rationale of such an approach. Chapters include: (1) the relation
of neurological evidence to models of language, (2) a schematic model
of language, (3) functional anatomy of the central language system,
(4) functional anatomy of the peripheral language modalities, and (5)
concluding reuarks. Tables and charts illustrate theory.
Bibliographical references are included. (RL)






H.A. Whitaker*

*University of Rochester, New York


This work was supported by the Science Research

Council, Award Number B/SR/6733 to the Language
Centre, University of Essex. I owe a particular debt
of gratitude to M.A.A. Tatham and Katherine Morton
for providing me with an environment conducive to study
and for a great many helpful comments and criticisms.
I would also like to mention the following persons
whose long-standing interests and whose own ideas are
gratefully acknowledged: Juan Azcoaga (Buenos Aires),
Vicki Fromkin, Ted Magoun and John French (UCLA), and
Fred Darley (Mayo Clinic).

University of Essex

Language Centre


Colchester, December 1970



1. Introduction
2. The Relation of Neurological Evidence to Models
of Language

3. A Schematic Model of Language

4. Functional Anatomy of the Central Language System

5. Functional Anatomy of the Peripheral Language

6. Conclusion
1. Introduction

The written word and the acoustic waveform of human

language are representatives, albeit imperfect, of neuro-
linguistic units in the peripheral and central nervous
systems. It is generally recognized that in themselves
they cannot provide sufficient information to account for
man's knowledge and use of language. Consequently, the
construction of a model of language will perforce rely
not only upon abstractions (rules) that can be consistently
related to graphic/acoustic data, but also upon constraints
that are derived in part from other disciplines. Language
is in no more of a neurological vacuum than it is in a
psychological or cultural vacuum; consequently the best
model of language will incorporate as broad a range of
interdisciplinary facts as can be consistently related
to each other. Linguistics, as it is understood here, is
the science of investigating the mechanisms which underlie
or are responsible for the observed languag savior of
human beings. A linguistic hypothesis thus a statement
about one or more of these mechanisms. Neurolinguistics
differs from linguistics per se by implying a broadened
empirical domain that considers, as evidence for linguistic
hypotheses, various observables not usually entertained by
the linguist - in particular, aphasic speech, and in general,
the neuroanatomical substrates of the aphasias (see Green
[1969, 1970] for further discussion). Neurolinguistics
will constrain the account cf the mechanisms underlying
language behavior to thole 'Mich may correspond to neuro-
logical systems, hypotheses and data in the broadest sense
- i.e., neuroanatomy, neuropllysiology, neurochemistry,
neuropsychology (in short, the neurological sciences) can
and ought to make appropriate contributions to our
understanding of linguists: structure.
It is quite true that linguistics and the neurologic
sciences have developed quite independently of each other
to date and there is no reason to assume that they cannot
continue to do so. Nevertheless most serious researchers
in the aforementioned disciplines would agree that the
ultimate understanding of language, congnition and mind
will absolutely depend upon the coordination of all avenu
of approach. Even though this assertion is easily
accepted, it could be useful to delineate some of the
reasons why it is true. Linguists as well as others have
often claimed that there is a significant qualitative
difference between human language and animal communicatio
systems. A review of some of these claims can be found i
Drewe, Ettlinger, Milner and Passingham [1970]. Some
elegant and quite convincing hypotheses have been
marshalled to substantiate these claims. Recently howeve
some psycholinguistic experimentation with chimpanzees,
e.g. D. Premack (University of California at Santa Barba
and R.A. and B.T. Gardner (University of Nevada), has
raised some important new questions about the capacity of
infra-human primates to acquire language. No matter how
the psycholinguistic arguments are resolved, nor for that
matter how the vocal-tract morphological arguments are
resolved (cf. Lenneberg [1967]), the ultimate decision
concerning that capacity will have to be made on the basi
of brain structure and function. Language could not be
structured in such a way as to be incompatible or un-
acceptable to the brain; otherwise, it would be impossibl
to learn it, know it or use it, much less think about it.
But of course we want to know even more than this, namely
what aspects of linguistic structure are innate, species-
specific and 'biological' and what aspects are acquired,
common to all communication systems and 'social'. It is
absurd to suppose that these questions can be answered
within a purely linguistic framework and of course it cou
hardly be said that an understanding of language may be
reached without the answers.
In addition to such obvious justifications as above,
there may be more practical and immediate justifications
for undertaking a neurolinguistic model. The analytical
power of current linguistic hypotheses well exceeds the
known facts of language and consequently it is important
for the construction of an adequate grammar that it be
subject to constraints on the domain, applicability and
type of rules of which it is comprised. This was observe(
several years ago by Chomsky [1967] who remarked that

sooner or later it is going to be necessary

to discover conditions on theory construction,
coming presumably from experimental psychology or
from neurology, which will resolve the alternatives
that can be arrived at by the kind of speculative
theory construction linguists can do on the basis of
the data available to them, (100)
Finally, consider this goal from the perspective of the
neurological sciences: one of the primary purposes for
investigating physiological and neurological mechanisms
and their associated anatomical substrates is to under-
stand the basis of human (and animal) behavior. However,
to put it in a misleadingly simple way, behavior is no
more differentiated than the electrical activity of the
central nervous system. When the neurological sciences
arrive at some understanding of the processes that underlie
the physical data obtained from the nervous system, it will
be imperative that a science of behavior has developed far
enough to explain what such processes mean. The question
might be: will it make sense at that point to explain a
specific configuration of neuronal spike trains as a
representative or code for a specific word? Bearing in
mind the fact that any such explanation is oversimplified,
it is nevertheless the case that we must as.,ume there to
be a correlation between behavioral phenomena external to
the organism and neurological phenomena internal to the
organism. Discovering what this relationship might be is
the task of all the sciences of man.

2. The Relation of Neurological Evidence to "adels of


There are two preliminary questions of some importanc

which need to be answered: (1) given an agreement on an
ultimate goal to correlate linguistics and neurological
sciences, how in fact can hypotheses and data from several
different models and paradigms be correlated? and (2) have
we currently available a sufficient body of hypotheses and
data that, presuming a favorable answer to the first
quest!an, a model can be proposed within which such corre-
lations might be made? The answer to the first question
largely depends upon what particular position one wishes
to take with respect to the philosophy of science; a mild
form of materialism, subject to certain qt,alifications,
is the view taken in this paper. The answer to the second
question is, because of the nature of the materialist
position espoused, a qualified yes; the major part of this
paper will be devoted to an elaboration of a neuro-
anatomical model for neurolinguistics. A great deal of
material relevant to this task will be either assumed or
ignored; it is not possibl° to review the literature on
aphasiology, functional neuroanatomy, physio,ogical
psychology, linguistics or neurology. Because the
perspectives being presented here are an attempt to
synthesize divergent materials, the references both in the
text and in the bibliography have been selected to extend
pertinent discussions rather than document each proposal.
More complete references may be found in Whitaker [1969,
1970, to appear].

Fodor [1968] discusses two types of materialism that

might be embraced by the contemporary psychologist. The
first is the stronger type - reductionism - whereby the
facts of the neurological sciences are taken as a micro-
analysis of the hypotheses of psycholinguistics. In such
a view, one would establish some principle of verbal
behavior, e.g. that the relative strength of word
associations depends upon the proximity of the words, and
assume that this is re-statable in terms of neuronal spike
trains or neurochemical processes. Fodor rejects the
straight reductionist position; his rejection is well-
motivated. The second and milder version of materialism
is the proposal that it is possible to establish functional
equivalences between disciplines. This position, the one
adopted in this paper, holds that psycholinguistic
mechanisms/hypotheses may be directly correlated with
functionally equivalent (i.e. in the mode)) mechanisms/
hypotheses in the neurological sciences. To the extent
that such correlations can be plausibly made, the
hypotheses and mechanisms in both disciplines are strongly
supported; to the same extent, the general neurolinguistic
model of language is supported. But in addition one might
expect that weak or poorly-substantiated hypotheses in any
one discipline may gain in credibility to the extent that
they correlate with their functional equivalents in other
disciplines or the general model as a whole. Unfortunately,
it is a bit too easy to overstate this last point: most of
the researchers in all the disciplines mentioned above
have been more than careful to stress the general lack of
knowledge (lack of suitable, integrated hypotheses) about
language, cognition and mind. This is not disputed - we
dolnow very little. As a general caveat for what follows,
it might be well to observe that virtually the only thing
that is certain is that le guage is represented in the
human brain - the hypotheses, mechanisms and even the facts
from linguistics and the neurological sciences are only
the best proposals that can be made by the author at the
present time.
Accepting the position of mild materialism just
advanced forces one to consider some contingent issues:
(1) localization vs. non-localization of cortical functions,
(2) rules vs. strategies and (3) competence/performance
and the level of abstraction. The debate between
localization and non-localization of cortical functions
has been seriously contested for over a century. It is
obvious that to accept the notion of functional
equivalences for an anatomical model for neurolinguistics
is to accept some form of localization of cortical
function. The arguments which are most pertinent can be
reviewed briefly. A non-localizationist position maintain:
a unitary loss, or single element deficit, view of aphasia
(see Schuell, Jenkins and Jimenez-Pabon [1964] or
Lenneberg [1967] for discussion); in the author's view
neither the clinical, the psychological, nor the linguistic
analysis of aphasia supports this (see Green [1969b, 1970],
Geschwind [1965], Nielsen [1946], 114caen [1969], Luria
[1966], Riklan, Levita, Zimmerman and Cooper [1969],
Penfield and Roberts [1959], Newcombe [1969], Whitaker
[1968, 1969a, 1969b] for discussion).
A non-localizationalist position often minimizes both
thematomical differences betweLn cortical areas (e.g.
preponderance of pyramidal cells in motor cortex and
and granular cells in sensory cortex) and the anatomical
connections within each hemisphere (cortico-cortical,
thalamo-cortical, etc.) whereas the localizationist
position stresses these distinctions (see Luria [1966],
Geschwind [1964, 1965], Riklan and Levita [1969] and
Penfield and Roberts [1959] for further discussion ; since
the localizationist position, with qualifications, is
accepted in this paper, further discussion of neuroanatomy
will be taken up later).
The non- localizationist position can point to the
fact that in the literature on aphasia there are many
inconsistencies in the putative loci of lesions associated
with specific defects (see Lenneberg [1967] for discussion)
Although this is factually true, the reasons for the
apparent refutation of the localizationist position are
easy to pinpoint and once this is done most, although not
all, of the inconsistencies disappear. For example, Penfiel
and Roberts did electrical stimulation imappinr on brains
that not only were diseased but had been diseased for a
long time prior to surgery; some functional reorganization
and compensation would have taken place. In addition, it
is unclear how large the electrical current was that was
introduced via the electrode and it is unclear whether
any attempt was made to discount the effects of after-
discharges. Despite all these shortcomings, the evidence
obtained by Penfield and Roberts is remarkable for its
support of localizationist views. In other studies lesions
can and have been located by gross inspection of the
surface of the cortex, gross inspection of serial sections
of the brain, microscopic inspection with or without


staining techniques and, in some instances, unfortunately,

without even looking directly at the brain. Very few
attempts to locate lesions (in man) have made use of
cytoarchitectural information (as, for example, postulated
by Brodmann on the basis of cell densities and cell-type
layers in the cortical mantle) but have instead relied
upon topographical information (the gyri and sulci).
This alone would introduce many problems in localization
since the gyri and sulci are nearly as variable as
fingerprints or voiceprints from person to person. Even
so, localizations based on brain topography are remarkably
consistent. One might well ask how it is that lesion
loci so often correlate with deficits than the more usual
question of why there fails to be a perfect match. In
this paper a strict localizationist position is rejected:
it is not claimed that all cortical functions have a
single, discrete locus. What is claimed is that certain
cortical (and sub-cortical) areas of the brain can be
functionally equated with certain psycholinguistic
hypotheses and mechanisms. These cortical areas are not
perfectly demarcated partly because the distribution of
cytoarchitectural distinctions itself is not perfectly
demarcated; furthermore, there is the possibility of limited
functional re-organization of the cortex that may further
blur the boundaries of functional areas based on lesion
evidence. And last, it is not likely to be the case that
a single cortical locus of any description (cell, network
or 'lobe') will be the single substrate or correlate for
a discrete linguistic unit or rule. If words arestored
in the brain it is probable that they are 'content-addressed'
rather than 'location-addressed'. With the above
qualifications, the localizationist view of brain functions
is accepted.

Investigation in linguistics has led to the

formalization of hypotheses as rules (and rule-sets) which
operate on linguistic units in specified ways. The search
for psychological support for these rules has met with
limited success (see Watt [1970] for a review); there is
more encouraging support for the units of the grammar. It
is reasonable to ask whether or not the brain's usual
mode of functioning is as fully categorial as would be
required by a rule-governed model, or whether brain
functions are (in Azcoaga's [1970] terms) 'dynamic
processes' (see also Luria [1966]).
A rule-governed operation is one in which all features
of a given signal are computed in full. For a perceptual
operation such a model requires the complete analysis of
the signal and a one-one correspondence between the full
analysis and the storage signal being matched to the
message signal. A strategy-governed operation is one in

which the features of a given signal are hierarchically

arranged in order of communicative importance (the
features may be so arranged in a rule-governed operation,
too, but such an arrangement would be irrelevant for
perceptual analysis). For a strategy-governed perceptual
operation the model requires only that a sufficient number
of the features of the signal match with corresponding
features of the storage signal to allow a probable guess.
Since the context can often specify in advance some of
the major features of the signal, the strategies may be
employed in the usual case for merely analyzing the
minor 'distinguisher' features. The two models have
analogous distinctions for motor production operations.
It should be clear that, given a more predictable signal
due to an appropriate context, the strategy-governed model
is much faster. Without an appropriate context the
strategy model may require as long or longer time for
operation than its corresponding rule-governed model.
Although there is at present little evidence which may
throw light on this issue, a plausible model may be
developed either way without violating the requirements
of functional equivalence stated earlier. Specifically,
it is possible that the brain requires a complete deep
structural representation of a sentence in order to encode
or decode it in which case the functional equivalences
would be rather direct. It is more likely that the brain
computes, on the hierarchical principle, just enough
information about the deep structure representation of
the sentence that would facilitate a well-motivated
(statistically highly probable) guess. This view would
place more importance on contextual information beyond
the level of the sentence than in the rule-governed model,
since such information would be required in order to
maximize the success of the strategies. In either view of
brain function, the equivalence is established with formal,
discrete linguistic rule; if the correspondence fails
because the neurologically more adequate model is strategy-
governed, then it is necessary to incorporate the larger
information domain as well as probability principles.at
that level in the general model. At present this issue is
of more significance in computer simulation research than
in seeking some fundamentals of an anatomically-oriented
neurolinguistic model.
The distinction between competence and performance
appears to have been quite useful in linguistic theory
(Chomsky [1965]), less useful in psycholinguistic theory
(Lyons and Wales [1960), somewhat confusing in neuro-
linguistic theory (Weigl and Bierwisch [1970],
Traill [1970]) and virtually irrelevant to phonetic theory.
Linguists might maintain that neurolinguistics is in fact
'a thinly disguised theory of performance; to do so,

however, produces a theory of competence so highly abstract

that it is difficult to determine how it might relate to
psychological and neurological hypotheses. If the notion
of functional equivalence is to have any meaning, some
attempt must be made to find levels in the respective
models which can be correlated. As Reich [1968] observed,
it can be uncomfortable when parameters of verbal behavior
are found under plausible experimental conditions and
those parameters appear to contradict the linguistic model
(see also Watt [1970] in this regard). It is not
acceptable to remove linguistic hypotheses to an abstract
level outside the domain of neurological correlation and
refutation. This does not remove a degree of responsibility
from thaneurological sciences: the model must be adequate
from both ends and a failure to match a linguistic
hypothesis may not be due to its abstractness out to short-
comings in the neurological model. At the same time, the
general neurolinguistic model should provide for a
separation of the problem-solving ability, the ability to
assume the 'abstract attitude', general cognitive
abilities (including visuo-spatial perception) and the
linguistic ability. The motivation for making such
distinctions is two fold: first, the neurolinguistic model
should not account for abilities othe/ than language even
though it should be able to integrate such abilities in
the more comprehensive theory of mind, and second, it is
likely that problem-solving and general cognitive
abilities (intelligence) obey Lashley's mass-action and
equipotentiality parameters of brain function, i.e. are
non-localized. In quite parallel fashion, one would not
require a neurolinguistic model to provide an account of
emotional mechanisms or general visual perception
(although the latter system will play a role in the
immediate context of the model as will be explained below),
even though these systems are if anything more anatomically
localized than the language system.
An issue which is not contingent upon accepting the
position of mild materialism but which is of equal
importance to the overall philosophical assumptions here,
is the matter of basing hypotheses of normal function upon
the data obtained from abnormally functioning organisms -
the 'lesion' assumption. Lenneberg [1967] suggests that
lesion evidence is suspect because of the variety of lesion
types, some of which may affect larger areas of the brain
than is generally conceded, because some lesions may not
in fact totally disrupt the affected area but introduce
unknown behavioral concomitants, because the exact locus
of some lesions.is difficult to ascertain, and because (as
noted above) lesion studies in the literature do not
completely correspond. First, it must be recognized that

brain lesions of any type are not always exactly circum-

scribed in neural tissue, are not always easily
identified and are not always strictly and completely
correlated with functional deficits - all neurologists
recognize this. Nevertheless the statistical correlations
accumulated over the past century are sufficiently
impressive that a plausible case can be made (and in fact
is made by most neurologists, neurosurgeons and speech
pathologists) for lesion evidence in support of the
localizationist position, as qualified above. The
objections to lesion evidence may be met with the
following brief and necessarily incomplete summary.
The usual lesions studies are the stroke (CVA) and
the traumatic injury due to penetrating missiles because
of their higher frequency of occurrence. The CVA may
incompletely destroy the affected tissue, resulting in
some functional recovery; a plateau is reached eventually
after which time permanent functional losses can be
assessed. Vascular lesions in general are ultimately
good sources of localization since the infarcted area is
clearly recognizable on histological examination. Traumat
injury temporarily disrupts wider areas of the brain but
usually quickly stabilizes; infection, of course, will
change this pattern. It is often the case that the residu.
defect from a missile wound is of a highly specific but no
seriously debilitating nature; such deficits require
sophisticated testing procedures to detect. An excellent
review of the literature and a contemporary analysis
which largely supports the position assumed here can be
found in Newcombe [1970]. Generalized diseases of the
brain such as Parkinsonism are of course not localized;
many of them, however, do not result in deficits of the
central language system (aphasia) anyway, which in itself
is an interesting phenomenon supporting the current model.
Tumors are relatively poor sources of data, but this is
due more to the fact that they disrupt brain structure at
a slow rate thereby allowing for ompensation and re-
organization, than to the inabili y to identify histolo-
gically the locus of lesion. Aneurysms, hematoma and
closed head injuries are difficult to assess behaviorally
until after a recovery period and can be difficult to
assess structurally; however, few claims for loci and
functional correlations are based upon these lesions.
Rarer lesion types such as carbon monoxide poisoning can
often provide striking support for the model (see Geschwini
Quadfasel and Segarra [1968]).
With respect to the observation that many lesions
destroy an area too large to be of use in localizationist
theories, there is no simple answer. Proposed anatomical

correlations are not generally based upon single cases

but rather upon the accrual of a large number of cases.
There have been some interesting exceptions to this which
in fact later turned out to be strikingly corroborated
when more evidence was obtained, e.g. Nielsen's [1946]
proposal of a frontal motor center anterior to the pre-
central gyrus, above Broca's Area, that is involved in the
ability to write. Nielsen discussed a single case, which
in fact was not even his own; however, Hecaen [1969] has
recently noted four cases of isolated agraphia with
lesions in the same general area, providing strong
support for Nielsen's claim. To be sure there are a great
many unknowns in the clinico-anatomical study of the
aphasias; eventually general correlations are demonstrable,
correlations which may not fit any single case exactly,
but which in the main account for the evidence.
Another argument is often used in criticizing lesion
studies: the destruction or extirpation of a particular
cortical area which results in a particular behavioral
loss or abnormality, may not permit the inference that
when the area was normal it had the function which was lost,
or worse, the role of suppressing the abnormality. On
occasion arguments like this lead to the conclusion that
the loss of brain structure can 'add' behavioral functions
to the organism, a conclusion which is simply rejected
here as being absurd. On other occasions though such
arguments reflect on unwillingness to accept the research
paradigm - i.e., that one can infer the properties of
normal function by examining abnormal function. Since
this is an a priori assumption, there is little to be said
about it other than to invoke the 'authority' of the
numerous researchers in the neurological sciences who
accept the assumption. There is a further, in fact, serious,
criticism of lesion studies which at the moment is un-
answerable: it is possible, even likely, that certain
aspects of brain function cannot be isolated or disrupted
by lesions of the sort investigated so far (and of course
certain neurochemical and electrophysiological studies that
use animal subjects cannot be replicated using human beings).
These non-isolatable functions may be expressible only in
terms of electrical or chemical events in the central
nervous system which are not subject to gross structural
damage in a specific area. That this is a possibility
should be a challenge to the neurological sciences to seek
other means of obtaining data from the brain, for example,
the cortical evoked potential (in this regard, see
Donchin and Lindsley [1969].
Many brain lesions produce loss of or impairment of
brain function. Loss or impairment thus provide positive
evidence for the neurological reality of the function under

the conditions just noted. This is essentially the basic

research paradigm in the neurological sciences: to ablate
tissue or otherwise block or inhibit the normal function-
ing of the tissue by electric shock or chemical reaction.
The assumption is that a comparison of pathologic with
normal behavior under controlled experimental conditions,
reveals function of tissue so manipulated. Virtually the
same assumption underlies the neurological investigation
of the aphasias upon which much of this study is based.
The principal difference is that with the human brain one
cannot freely experiment. To consider an accidental
lesion which causes aphasia as an experimental datum
requires a careful analysis of a wide variety of mitigating
circumtances, some of which have already been noted.
A similar situation but with a quite different
consequence exists when a brain lesion affects function
X when it is function Y that is being investigated. In
this case the evidence is negative, for only one of the
potentially several functions can be ruled out. For
example, if one is looking for evidence that sub-cortical
structures such as the basal ganglia or thalamus do or
do not play a significant role in the central language
system, negative evidence is provided by noting that
lesions in these structures produce dysarthria (which is
an impairment of muscle innervation) rather than aphasia.
There is an additional aspect to this research paradigm
which is even more problematic: the distinction between
loss and impairment itself. The loss of a particular
aspect of brain function might be either a direct loss or
loss of access to the storage necessary for the execution
of the function. For example, if a certain set of
phonological rules no longer characterize the speech out-
put of a brain-damaged patient, it might be that the
neurological correlate of these rules was directly
destroyed or it might be that a neurological mechanism
which activated the correlate in question was destroyed.
To rephrase this issue in another framework, it is often
difficult to distinguish a loss of a memory store from the
loss of access to storage. The nature of impaired brain
function does shed some light on the problem. A brain-
damaged patient's ability to perform tasks often fluctuates
from day to day, particularly and primarily in the
recovery period following a brain insult. For example,
a patient may know a word on one day and not know it on
the next, where 'know' can mean he is able to name an
object, to match the correct word with its picture, to
point to the picture which corresponds to a word, etc.
Under such conditions the usual interpretation is that
access is impaired not storage. Notice however that under
either condition we may infer the neurological reality


of the function in question as well as the fact that the

locus of the lesion probably identifies a structure that
is involved in some way in the function. Some further
remarks on this matter may be found in Weig] and
Bierwisch [1970].


3. A Schematic Model of Language

The language system in the brain will eventually

s be modelled by empirical support from several
disciplinary domains, not just simply by our intuitions
about linguistic structures. With the difficulties and
qualifications cited above well in mind, a box-diagram
approach to a general neurolinguistic model may be
discussed. In the most simplified perspective, four
distinct sub-systems of human language are intuitively
clear: speaking and listening, which all human languages
have, and reading and writing, which a few human languages
have. These systems are distinct because of their
individual dependence upon distinct sensory organs - the
eye and the ear - and distinct muscular groups - tht
mouth and the hand. In order to successfully and naturally
speak or write, there must be some degree of monitoring
(feedback) minimally at a level compatible with the
meaning or semantics of the intended production (see Laver
[1969)). This high-level feedback naturally links the
speaking and listening systems to each other and also
links the writing and reading systems to each other; the
effects of blocking this feedback are quite obvious on a
moment's reflection. But the analogies seem to break
down at this point, for, while it is difficult to imagine
oneself speaking with any muscle groups other than those
of the mouth (vocal tract) or listening with any sense
organ other than that of the ear (auditory system), it is
not difficult to imagine reading with other sensory organs
- as with the fingers for braille - or writing with other
muscle groups - the non-dominant hand, or with a pen
clenched in the teeth, etc. On neuropsychological criteria
then we may wish to consider the reading and writing system!
one step removed in some', sense from the speaking and





Fig.1 The Peripheral Language System


listening systems. The derivative nature of reading and

writing has been pointed out by Azcoaga [1970]. One
might propose a primary level of production and recognition
systems - the vocal tract and the auditory pathways; a
secondary level of production and recognition systems
would be the arm/hand musculature and the visual pathways.
The secondary level, however, can be extrapolated from
its normal systems and be adapted to general motor and
sensory systems in man. Following the usual terminology
in anatomy, these general motor and sensory systems should
be named after the type of nerve fibers involved; periphera
structures such as the skin, skeletal muscles, joints,
tendons and ligaments are supplied by somatic fibers, and
thus the proposed secondary level production and
recognition language systems may be considered general
somatic efferent (motor) and general somatic afferent
(sensory) systems. The consequences of this distinction
will become apparent when the neuroanatomy of the box-
diagram is discussed below in Section S. Thus far, primary
and secondary production/recognition systems have been
distinguished on the basis of the obvious differences in
transferability and in the 'medium' by which high-level
semantic feedback is achieved: the primary system uses
sound and thus the relevant parameter is the acoustic
waveform, the secondary system uses a conventional graphic
pattern, generally transmitted visually but potentially
tactile and thus the relevant parameter is a general
pattern of (relatively) fixed shape. These observations
may be represented as in Fig.l.
It is possible to make one further observation at
this simplified level: all four systems, for any individual
converge in the sense of being systems of the same language
This convergence can be represented as a fourth box in the
diagram and, following the conventions of linguistic theory
this box may be labeled the grammar. Current linguistic
theory divides the structure of language, the grammar,
broadly into semantic, syntactic and phonological aspects
(with some qualifications to be noted shortly). Various
levels of linguistic structure have been proposed which
approximate components of the grammar. The semantic
component is comprised of rules which combine elements of
meaning into readings for phrases and sentences; the rules
are defined across syntactic constructions produced by the
base rules of the syntactic component. The syntactic
component is comprised of two sets of rules: (1) base rules
which define the structure of phrases within a sentence
and which may be considered a universal set for all
languages from which a sub-set is drawn for each language
and (2) transformational rules, a set of operations which
manipulate the structures specified by the base rules in


order to approximate the derived syntactic structure

associated with actual sentences of a language. There is
presumably a universal set of transformational operations,
too, from which are taken the specific set for a language.
The phonological component is comprised of a set of rules
which convert an abstract generalized representation of
the sound patterns of a language into a systematic phonetic
representation; there are attempts to relate this output
to the observed articulatory behavior (and therefore the
acoustic waveform) of speakers of the language. The
lexical component contains the elementary units which the
above sets of rules operate upon or manipulate. These
units are identified as features: in appropriate srt of
semantic, syntactic and phonological features defines a
lexical entry (morpheme, or 'word'). In some current
conceptions of the grammar, the semantic and syntactic
components are not thought to be separate but rather as
a unified body of rules. This would remove the level of
deep structure, (the syntactic construction specified by
the base rules, upon which both semantic rules and
transformations operate - the former to interpret meaning
and the latter to generate surface structures) from the
model. At present the evidence from aphasia which might
be considered as bearing on this last question is
equivocal although tending to support the former (standard)
model of separate components. With this reservation in
mind, the two components will not be shown as separate
in the model, since the intricacies of the aphasic data
are beyond the scope of this proposal. Some discussion can
be found in Whitaker [1969, 1970, to appear] and an
alternative interpretation in Weigl and Bierwisch [1970].
The grammar to be modelled is comprised of these three
components: the phonological system, the syntactic/semantic
system and the lexicon. The basis of this proposal is in
linguistic theory where with the exception of the
separation of syntax and semantics, reasonably good
motivation is found for the individual components. The
grammar will integrate information that goes to and comes
from the four systems postulated before, in the sense of
pairing meaning with so'ind for production and pairing
sound with meaning for recognition. For a more adequate
linguistic description of the general properties of a
grammar see Postal [1968].
It was argued before that linguistic ability should
be distinct from abilities such as problem solving,
cognition, the 'abstract attitude' (or introspective
ability) and the like. This suggestion can be made more
specific now byproposing that such other abilities that
affect but are not the same as the linguistic ability must
be represented in the box-diagram as separate systems.


The problem solving ability and general cognitive functions

may not be behaviorally or neurologically distinguishable
from each other at present, so they will be lumped in the
model as a general cognitive system - cognition. The
nature of memory per se is also neurologically elusive,
although the various forms of amnesia strongly indicate
that it is a separate system from the language system
regardless of whether or not it can be anatomically
localized; notice however that the memory-effector system,
by which is meant the system which executes memory storage,
may be considered separately from the storage proper (see
Talland [1965] for further details). Emotions and
attention, which obviously affect the operation of the
language system, are intuitively less closely related to
it in terms of rules, units and components than the other
systems proposed; aside from providing a box for attention,
for reasons to be developed in Section 5, no further
treatment of these systems will be undertaken. An extended
discussion of them may be found in Grossman [1967]. The
components that have been suggested so far, based in part
on intuition and in part on evidence from linguistics and
psychology, represent in a simplified way the major
components of the language mechanism as a whole and some
systems which are closely related to it. These proposals
are schematically shown in Fig.2.
There are some logical implications of this schematic
of the language system which ought to be pointed out. A
person can manually copy a visually presented pattern
either directly in response to the pattern or indirectly
from a memory trace of the pattern; this can be done
regardless of whether or not the pattern has any meaning
to the person. It is of interest to note that brain lesions
can impair either the direct or the indirect pattern-
copying ability. A meaningless sequence of letters or a
word in an unfamiliar writing system can be copied equally
well without invoking any of the mechanisms in the language
system. Therefore, there is a route connecting the
peripheral visual system with the peripheral tactile. system
which is not mediated by the grammar but by a visuo-spacial
system, as shown in Fig.2. In the simplest examples it is
obvious that such a system and pathway must exist. It is
not clear from the neuropsychological and anatomical
evidence that this system is completely independent of the
language system or cognitive systems in general. A good
review of the problem with references for detailed study
may be found in Benton [1969]. The model presented in
Fig.2 does assume a separation of the systems, as is shown.
The four peripheral language modalities converge on a
common grammar, as previously noted. Notice that the
alternative to this view would be a 'grammar' for each

41111 =1 411 MEMO M11111 Mulr. 0111 omMi, 11, 01 ommlb








.".......0* AUDITORY
r r

< z WAVE z
> Ce re





Fig.2 The LanguAge System


modality - an auditory grammar, a verbal grammar, etc. -

which is clearly unacceptable on linguistic grounds but
of course must be shown inadequate on neurological grounds.
Another model incorporating performance grammar components
for each modality is found in Weigl and Bierwisch [1970]
and a comparison between that model and the one proposed
here, using aphasic data, may be found in Traill [1970].
The model of Weigl and Bierwisch can be re-interpreted in
terms of the present framework, as is shown in Whitaker

Regardless of which model is presupposed, however, it

is necessary to postulate a mechanism for the transfer of
information from the central language system to any of the
modality-specific sub-systems. The need for such a
mechanism has been recognized in many proposals of speech
production models as a transfer point between linguistically
motivated units and units which represent motor commands
to the articulatory muscles (cf. Tatham [1970], MacKay
[19701, Whitaker [1970], Lecours and Lhermitte [1969],
Green [1969a], et al.). This mechanism may be identified
as a tracking mechanism and is represented in the Fig.2
schematic as a circle in all four input and output pathways
to and from the central language system. This mechanism
will be discussed further in Section 5.
Implicit in the schematic proposed above is a
distinction between two types of feedback, one being system-
specific and the other being generalized to central systems.
Within each of the peripheral production systems it is
assumed that local feedback (tactile and proprioceptive)
systems may operate at low levels of motor commands
(MacNeilage [1970]). Feedback that makes use of one of
the peripheral recognition systems must, according to the
model, be mediated through the central language system.
Furthermore, there are presumed to be only two types of
cross-system feedback - one based on sound and the other
based on shape - which further restricts feedback to either
the primary system level (verbal-auditory) or the secondary
system level (tactile-visual) but not both. The model also
implies that feedback which is centrally mediated may or
may not involve the semantic-syntactic component of the
central language system; i.e., monitoring can be based on
graphic shape alone or acoustic waveform alone without
necessarily involving the linguistic significance of the
signal. The nature of the feedback systems - both their
putative existence as well as how they function - is quite
open to debate (except for the obvious high-level semantic
feedback noted above) at present and the claims just made
might be too restrictive to adequately account for the
requirements of orderly meaningful language expression.

4. Functional Anatomy of the Central Language System

The remarks in the next two sections on the

functional anatomy of the parts of the language system
must be considered in light of the following caveats.
Any model should be an attempt to integrate some good ideas
with some blatantly speculative ones, for the purposes of
initiating further study not stultifying it. As expressed
by Green [1970], 'the search for models is thus not
designed to sum up but to define areas of fruitful inves-
tigation' (220). The speculative nature of the first three
sections should have been obvious; it may appear that the
next two sections are less speculative because specific
anatomical structures of the central and peripheral nervous
systems are named. However, even though the neuroanatomy
per se is on relatively secure grounds, the hypotheses
about the functions of the brain areas under consideration
are quite speculative. There are no deliberate distortions
but the mere attempt to provide a cohesive model for
neurolinguistics will perforce introduce hypotheses for
which there is little hard evidence.
There have been few attempts to construct a neuro-
linguistic model of language, fewer still based on or
constrained by anatomical considerations. Green [1969b]
has a good review of the models developed so far. As he
points out, only the models of Luria [1966] and the Boston
Veterans Administration Hospital (BVAH) group (of which
Green is a member) are rich enough in hypotheses as well
as detailed enough anatomically to be seriously correlated
with linguistic theory. The model presented below quite
freely borrows from Luria and the BVAH group - they should
be consulted directly for much of the clinical data from
aphasia studies presented here. There are, in the author's

Broca's Posterior Non-fluent Intact Limited Limited

Aphasia Inferior

Wernicke's Posterior Fluent Impaired Impaired Impaired

Aphasia Superior
Conduction Arcuate Fluent Intact Impaired Impaired
Aphasia Fasticulus

Isolation Association Fluent Impaired Intact Impaired

Syndrome Cortex Echolalic

Anomic Angular Fluent Intact Intact Impaired

Aphasia Gyrus

Fig.3 Aphasia Classification by Syndromes, from Green [1969]


opinion, some limitations to these earlier models which

collectively justify yet another speculation. Neither
model is correlated with contemporary linguistic theory,
the particular purpose of the present model. Neither
model develops the relationships between central and
peripheral mechanisms, a relationship considered important
here because of the requirement that the model relate to
work in linguistics and therefore work in phonetics. In
this regard the work of Darley and co-workers at the Mayo
Clinic has been particularly invaluable. Neither model
mentions the possible role of thalamic and other sub-
cortical nuclei in the central language system, a hypothesis
first advanced by Penfield and Roberts [1959] and recently
strongly supported by work done at the NIH in Bethesda.
And last, neither model attempts to state information flow
patterns, a point which is less important than the
previous three in some respects since such patterns can
in fact be inferred from their models. The model presented
below should not be regarded as rejecting the proposals
made by Luria or the BVAH group, nor as offering counter-
proposals; rather it should be regarded as an attempt to
build upon their theories.
Green proposes five aspects of the language ability
which may be differentiated in aphasia; he does not imply
that there are only five aspects, as there obviously are
not, but that these are the aspects which the BVAH model
emphasizes. These are represented in the following table
from Green [1969b), (p.47), as Fig.3. In the main the
areas delimited in this modelare accepted, but as will be
apparent, the interpretations placed upon them with
respect to linguistic functions will be rather different.

It is not possible here to adequately depict in

diagrams the brain and its components in any really
revealing way; nevertheless, at least a gross reference
point can be given for the cortical components of the
proposed central language system. Aside from these
reference diagrams the remainder of the proposed systems
in this and the next section will be presented schematically.
The cerebral cortex is a sheet of neurons, cytoarchi-
tecturally separable into six layers generally, folded
over on itself. The smooth top parts of the folds are
called gyri, the creases, sulci or fissures. No two brains
are alike in the topographical configuratiOns of gyri and
sulci, although usually a number of 'landmarks' can be
identified: the Fissure of Rolando which separates the
primary motor (anterior) cortex from the primary sensory
(posterior) cortex; the fissure of Sylvius which marks the
dorsal (top) edge of the temporal lobe; the major gyri
(convolutions) of the frontal and temporal lobes - superior,

Fig.4 Lateral view of left hemisphere of brain
Fig.5 Brodmann areas of left hemisphere.

NOTE ON CYTOARCHITECTURE: The six layers of cells in

neocortex are: (1) apical dendrites and collaterals from
cells in lower layers, (2) small pyramid and granular
cells which project axons to lower layers, (3) the large
pyramid cells which receive afferents from specific
fibre systems and which send axons to other cortical
areas, (4) star pyramids which have dendritic processes
vertically and horizontally in neocortex and star cells,
(5) large pyramid cells which project long axons into
white matter, (6) spindle cells whose axons make up the
long and short association fibres of neocortex; the non-
specific thalamic fibres terminate in this layer. The
cortical areas according to Brodmann are based on variations
in cell density and development of these six layers.





Fig.6 Coronal section of left hemisphere


middle and inferior, proceeding from top to bottom. A

simplified sketch of the surface of the left hemisphere,
showing the classical names for those parts of the cortex
usually associated with language and speech is shown in
Fig.4. Since the gross topography alone is quite un-
satisfactory as an anatomical basis of the neurolinguistic
model, a sketch of the major cytoarchitectural distinctions
based upon the original drawings of Brodmann and employing
his numbering system, is provided in Fig.5. If a cut is
made vertically through Wernicke's Area and the brain is
viewed 'head-on' (a coronal section), the resulting view
is shown as Fig.6 - the area of importance in this view is
Heschl's Gyrus.

What is of interest to note is the remarkable degree

to which distinct cellular arrays in the cortex (the
Brodmann areas) correspond to the 'areas' classically
associated with the language system, a correlation that is
easily seen by comparing Figs.4 and 5. Thus Area 44 is
correlated with Broca's Area, the foot of the inferior
frontal eyrus. A portion of Area 6 is correlated with
Exner's Center, the foot of the middle frontal gyrus. The
primary motor and sensory cortical areas, anterior to and
posterior to the Fissure of Rolando respectively, correlate
with Areas 4 and 2, respectively - note that only the
'vocal-tract' areas are shown on the diagram, to indicate
that the muscles of the neck and head are represented in
those cortical fields. Muscles for the hand, arm, body and
leg are represented in ascending order in the motor cortex.
The corresponding somatosensory representations are in the
sensory cortex. The supramarginal gyrus correlates with
parts of Areas 40 and 22, the angular gyrus, with Area 39.
Wernike's Area correlates with Area 42 and probably parts
of Area 22, and the Auditory Association field with the
main part of Area 22. Heschl's gyrus, shown in Fig..6,
correlates with Area 41 of Brodmann. Since the architectonic
fields just described are essentially the same for all brains
and the topography is not, it is reasonable to suggest that
these fields are more appropriately considered the anatomical
correlates of the language system; in order to simplify
discussion however the more familiar classical names will
be used throughout this proposal.
As is well-known, cortical fields interconnect with
each other (cortico-cortical fibers) as well as with sub-
cortical and peripheral structures. Some interesting
conclusions may be made from a knowledge of the connections
combined with the behavioral evidence (the apraxias, agnosias
and aphasias) due to lesions. First, the central language
system (CLS) may be distinguished from its points of
contact or association with the peripheral language
modalities. It is pestulated'tha, the following regions

of the cortex subserve the semantic/syntactic component

and the lexicon of the grammar: part of Wernicke's Area,
the Auditory Association cortex, the Supramarginal Gyrus
and part of the Angular Gyrus. It is highly unlikely that
there are strict boundaries to this system in any one
brain even on cytoarchitectural grounds, even though we
may presume that the general demarcation is definable.
One suspects that there are individual differences in
terms of how much of these cortical fields are actually
recruited for the CLS just as there are individual
differences in everything else. Lesions to these areas
produce a range of defects that typically involve the
following linguistic concepts: selection of appropriate
grammatical categories, the syntactic integrity of the
sentence as well as its major constituents the noun phrase
and the verb phrase, the selection of specific items within
a semantic field, the ability to relate sentences of the
same meaning to each other using syntactic transformations,
the ability to make use of a normal vocabulary range, and
the ability to string together meaningful sequences of
words. The full linguistic details of these deficits are
remarkable confirmation for many of our notions of
grammatical organization; some details of these deficits
may be found in Geschwind [1967a], Marshall and Newcombe
[1966] and in work of the author, and consequently will
not be elaborated further here.
The connections of these postulated areas of the CLS
satisfy the requirements of the general schematic proposed
in Section 3. In particular, each of the areas are
connected to each other via the short cortico-cortical
fibers that are found within the cortical mantle. These
fibers, incidentally, rarely are found outside the grey
area; the connecting fibers found in the white matter
beneath the cortical mantle are generally longer, trans-
heMispheric or interhemispheric connections. It is the
latter fibers that connect some of these areas of the CLS
with the peripheral production modalities. Considering
both types of connecting fibers, we may conclude that the
following pathways for the transfer of signals in the CLS
exist: the Angular Gyrus connects with visual association
cortex, Brodmann Area 19; the Supramarginal Gyrus connects
with general somatic afferent association cortex in Areas
40 and 7; the posterior portion of Wernicke's Area and
the Auditory Association cortex connect with the
association cortex (Area 42) surrounding Heschl's Gyrus,
and portions of Wernicke's Area, Auditory Association
cortex and Angular Gyrus, connect via the long inter-
cortical fibers known as the Arcuate Fasciculus with Broca's
Area and Exner's Area.


Thus the anatomical connections provide the grammar

or CLS with the requisite sources of information and out-
lets for expression that a logical schematic requires.
Geschwind [1965] discusses these connections in greater
detail and in addition develops postulates for the role of
interhemispheric connections such as the corpus callosum,
and for the role of sub-cortical connections to the limbic
system. He also notes some interesting properties of the
cortical arc2s proposed in the CLS mechanism. The
myelination of the axons within and leaving the infero-
parietal region (Supramarginal and Angular Gyri) is
completed much later than in other cortical areas. The
myelin sheath surrounding an axon presumably acts as an
'insulator' that permit,. neuronal spike trains to travel
at a much faster rate. Dendritic growth is completed
later in this ...Igloo than in other areas of the cortex, too.
The dendrite complex of a neuron may be regarded informally
as its information source: the more complex a dendritic
structure, the more sources of excitatory and inhibitory
impulses available to influence the firing of the cell
body (soma). It is of course suggestive that this region
should at the same time be well-correlated with the
acquisition of language in the child. There are few
homologies between the infero-parietal region in an and
any region in the brain of other primates - i.e., a region
which seems to sit squarely at the junction of the parietal
(somatosensory, spatial, etc.), occipital (visual, etc.)
and temporal lobes (audition, etc.). The interconnections
established by the infero-parietal region led Geschwind to
postulate that this area was a pre-requisite for the
capacity of language in man. There are, to be sure,
questions remaining about the neuroanatomy of this region
as well as the putative lack of correlation with other
primate brains, but in the main this hypothesis appears to
be a remarkable insight that takes full advantage of the
relevance of neuroanatomy to an under,tanding of language.
The thalamus, located approximately in the center of
the brain in the area which would be the topmost
ramification of the brain stem, has not been discussed in
great detail in most recent work. It was originally
proposed by Penfield and Roberts [1959) to be part of the
CLS, even though they had quite weak supporting evidence.
It now appears that to a degree they were correct. It is
possible, using electro-stimulation techniques (as a
concomitant of neurosurgery) to cause aphasic language
disruptions in the tett pulvinar and perhaps in some other
left-side thalamic nuclei. The fact that the right
pulvinar does not yield such data is rather dramatic
corroboration of the role of these thalamic nuclei in the
CLS, since the lateralization .of cortical language functions
has been well established. A' .full discussion of the

thalamic evidence may be founrl in Ojemann, Fedio and

VanBuren [1968]. Connections between the pulvinar and
those parts of the cortex known to be part o" the CLS,
in particular the Supramarginal and Angular Gyri (infero-
parietal cortex), are quite well established as ascending
fibers (thalamo-cortical) but slightly less well
established as descending fibers (cortico-thalamic). On
the aphasic evidence alone it seems necessary to include
the pulvinar in the CLS mechanisms, even though fuller
details are needed.
In a very interesting case history studied by
Geschwind, Quadfasel and Segarra [1968], a sub-part of
the CLS structures was preserved. They observed that
most of the cortex was destroyed by CO poisoning; however,

... a detailed study of serial whole-brain sections

showed intactness of auditory pathways up to and
including Heschl's gyrus, of Wernicke's area and
Brace's area and of the arcuate fasciculus connecting
these two cortical regions, of the lower Rolandic
cortex and of corresponding portions of the pyramidal
tract. The hippocampal region (except for Sommer's
sector) and the structures of the limbic system were
well preserved, as was the reticular substance of the
brain stem. (327)

The patient, although unable to make use of the

semantic/syntactic component and the general cognitive
system, was able to repeat verbal material very well, to
complete well-learned stereotyped phrases (about which more
will be said shortly) and engage in a limited verbal
learning of new songs played on the radio. As an exemplary
case supporting the localizationist position adopted here
it is well worth noting; however it has, for linguistic
theory, an even more interesting concomitant. It is
patently obvious that the verbal behavior of this patient
required an intact phonological component of the grammar.
In fact, it is highly probable that the patient's verbal
behavior can be simply characterized as a separation
(disconnection, to use Geschwind's terminology) of the
phonological component from the remainder of the CLS and
from other related systems. Including this evidence and
that pertaining to the pulvinar, one could suggest that the
schematic in Fig.7 adequately represents the neuroanatomj,
of major structures of the central language system. The
three part structure incorporating Heschl's Gyrus, some
of Wernicke's Area, the arcuate fasciculus, Broca's Area





Fig .7 Anatomical schematic of the central language system


and perhaps the vocal tract area of the motor cortex,

constitutes the phonological component of the grammar and
its interface or contact with the primary production and
recognition systems - the auditory and verbal. The
remainder of the represented structures comprise the
semantic/syntactic component.
There is presently little evidence for a cortical
locus of the lexicon; oddly enough, there is even less
evidence that lexical disruption occurs from lesions in
non - central language system structures. The probable view
based on current evidence is that the lexicon is a
property of all nervous system structures that are
associated with the language system. This suggests that
certain aspects of language, particularly those which are
stored or are part of a linguistic memory, may be bio-
chemical in nature rather than either structural (areas
or networks of neurons) or electrical (trains of neuronal
impulses). One might be led to accept the hypothesis of
tonguet-Higgins [1968] that memory storage in the brain is
'holographic'. One expects a reduction in the clarity and
detail of a hologram if parts of the photo plate are
destroyed, but not 'holes' or missing portions of the
picture. Analogously, destruction of cortical language
structures does not destroy a lexicon per se, but only
quantitatively reduces it - this is a concomitant of the
aphasias associated with lesions to CLS structures.
Notice though that there is in fact good evidence that the
lexicon is a separate neural component of the CLS, even if
the separation is not based upon anatomical localization.
Lesions can selecti),;ly disrupt the rules of derivational
morphology, the relationship between content and function
words, semantic features, the phonological organization of
words (in terms of the sequence of segments but not in
terms of language-specific acceptable sequences), the
referents of words and the like. Thus we are led to
conclude that the lexicon is ind-,:d a component of the CLS,
but represented within the anatomical structures of the CLS
not as a separate system. One neurological correlate which
satisfies these requirements is biochemical processes.
Some models of memory based on biochemical processes are
discussed in Grossman [1967].
Lesions in CLS structures by definition produce
aphasia. To the extent that the lesion is preponderantly
'towards' the contact point between the CLS and one of
the peripheral modalities, there will be an increasingly
greater component of apraxia (if near a production modality)
or agnosia (if near a recognition modality). Otherwise,
the deficit will be manifest in all language modalities to
some degree. Lesion affecting systems related to but distinct


from the CLS cannot properly be said to cause aphasia,

though there may be aphasic symptoms in conjunction with
them. These related systems were represented in Fig.2 and
may be briefly mentioned again in anatomical terms. It is
presumed that the major structures correlated with emotions
comprise the limbic system which would influence the CLS
through either the frontal lobes or thalamus. The limbic
system, of course, is quite similar in man and other
animals and a great many homologies may be drawn. The
Reticular Activating System is usually associated with
the control of attention in the nervous system, following
the work of Magoun [1963] and others. Although memory
storage appears to have no specific locus but is a general
property of nervous tissue, there is good reason to assume
that the momory-effector system is anatomically well-
defined. Based upon much evidence that lesions in these
areas impair or destroy the ability to store new memories,
we may assume the memory-effector system is comprised of
the mamillary-hippocampal, thalamic system outlined in,
e.g. Talland [1965] and others. The visuo-spatial system,
to the extent that it is separable from the CLS, probably
is subserved by the parietal lobe of the nondominant
hemisphere (which is usually the right hemisphere). This
suggestion is common to many studies of constructional
apraxia and other visual-spatial orientation disorders
directly associated with the ability to manipulate patterns
without verbal mediation. Benton [1969] has a review of
this literature.
To conclude this section on the CLS, brief mention
should be made of the matter of hemispheric asymmetry.
The evidence that for most people the CLS is strictly
lateralized in the left hemisphere is statistically over-
whelming. Some data indicating that the isolated non-
dominant (right) hemisphere can process language (where
isolation is accomplished by surgical section of commisural
connections - Gazzaniga [1970]) in all likelihood reflects
the fact that some aspects of linguistic structure are
expressed in the general somatic afferent and efferent
properties of the secondary peripheral systems; it could
be predicted that certain parts of the non-dominant hemi-
sphere may have stored or retained some control over, these
general neuronal properties. The non-dominant hemisphere
control of language so far has been shown to be limited to
a small subset of concrete nouns - those limited to
familiar household objects. There is also the possibility,
of course, that in some brains the lateralization tendency
is incompletely realized. With these qualifications, the
CLS mechanisms are presumed to be found only in one
hemisphere, usually the left.

5. Functional Anatomy of the Peripheral Language


The overriding principle of the four peripheral

language modalities, a principle not generally emphasized
in neurolinguistic models, is the distinction between
modality-specific linguistic functions and the physiology
and anatomy of the system itself. These will be referred
to as modality-specific and system functions in the
following text. The importance of the distinction is well
understood by neurologists and speech pathologists who
must differentially diagnose, for example, a right visual
field hemianopia from alexia - i.e. a visual loss or
blindness must be distinguished from a deficit in the
ability to process written language materials. Analogous
distinctions can be made in all the peripheral modalities.
It will be useful to establish the terminology used to
characterize this principle, as employed here. ALEXIA
will be used to refer to a modality-specific linguistic
deficit in the visual system. AGNOSIA will be used to
refer to a modality-specific linguistic deficit in the
auditory system. In the production systems, AGRAPHIA will
refer to a writing deficit that is independent of muscular
coatrol of the arm and hand and APRAXIA will refer to a
comparable deficit in the linguistic control of the vocal-
tract musculature. In reference to production systems in
general, the term apraxia may be used to refer to general
linguistic impairments; the term agnosia will be similarly
used to refer to recognition systems in general. DYSARTHRIA
is a term reserved for system dysfunctions in the verbal
language modality, i.e. loss or impairment of control of
the muscles of the vocal tract for any purposes rather than
just linguistic. This usage does not completely coincide
with the terminology found in the aphasiology literature;


there are several reasons for the discrepancies. Clinically

it is useful to distinguish some sub-types of deficit that
are often associated with aphasia but may not be due to
damage of the central language system or any peripheral
language modality; for example, deficits in the patient's
ability to process and manipulate visuo-spatial pattern
information probably has an anatomical locus in the parietal
region. Some types of this disorder are more frequently
located in the right (non-dominant) parietal lobe and others
seem to be more frequently associated with left parietal
lesions. This deficit has been labeled by many researchers
'constructional apraxia' (see Benton [1969]) although from
the point of view taken here it is difficult to see why it
should be linked to production deficits rather than
recognition deficits. There is also in the clinical
literature a number of terms that are used to attempt to
break down a general deficit into its linguistically
relevant syndromes. Thus one finds terms such as pure word
deafness, sensory amusia, transcortical sensory aphasia,
auditory agnosia, etc. And last, one often finds in the
literature a number of terms referring to the same deficit:
Broca's Aphasia, motor aphasia, apraxia of speech, cortical
dysarthria, and the like (Darley [1968]). It would be
impossible as well as pointless to make any attempt to sort
out the terminological issues in aphasiology in this paper.
Some sources to refer to for studies of this kind are
Nielsen [1946] which is a bit out of date but very
complete, or Bay [1967]. References to components of
dysfunctions in this proposal will be made in linguistic
terminology wherever possible; hopefully this framework
will obviate the need for an elaborate clinically-based
classification system.

5(a). The Visual Language Modality

Details of the visual system of man are readily

available in most texts of neuroanatomy and physiological
psychology; therefore the specifics of this system will
be considered only in bare outline,. The gross anatomy of
the visual pathways is diagrammed in Fig.8, and includes
its presumed terminus as a language modality in the region
of the Angular Gyrus in the left hemisphere. The principal
optic characteristics are well known: the right half of the
visual field is focussed on the left half of each retina,
and vice versa. Each optic nerve carries a right and a
left half-field (divided vertically) to the optic chiasma
where the pathways carrying left visual field information
(from the right retinas) converge in the optic tract of







Fig.8 Anatomical schematic of the visual modality


the right hemisphere; right visual field information

proceeds in the optic tract of the left hemisphere. At
the lateral geniculate bodies posterior to the thalamus,
the optic tract divides into an upper and a lower quadrant
- the optic radiations. The two optic radiations proceed
through the hemisphere to the primary visual cortex
(occipital lobe) which is Area 17 of Brodmann. In the
right hemisphere, for example, the lower left quadrant
of the visual field projects to the cortex anterior to
the calcarine fissure and the upper left quadrant projects
to the cortex posterior to the calcarine fissure at the
occipital pole. The reverse, of course, holds for the
left hemisphere. From Area 17 visual information is
presumably processed through the visual association cortex
(Areas 18 and 19) and then to the Angular Gyrus and other
temporo-parietal areas. Information from the right
occipital lobe (information pertaining to the upper and
lower quadrants of the left visual field) is not directly
exchL.nged with the left occipital lobe until it reaches
the visual association cortex; primary visual cortex
projects to secondary visual (association) cortex and the
latter crosses to the opposing hemisphere via tl'e splenium
of the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum connects many
cortical fields between the two hemisphere, but not (as
discussed in Geschwind [1965]) between primary projection
cortex; this suggests of course that the interhemispheric
information transfer occurs only after some sort of
'analysis' or 'recoding' has occurred. Geschwind has some
interesting speculations on this and should be consulted
for complete details. Lesions which produce aphasia, i.e.
lesions to left hemisphere CLS structures, often affect
the optic radiation fiber bundle which passes below the
cortical mantle of the temporal lobe. It is common to
find therefore, right visual field deficits (since this
is the visual field for which information is carried in
the left hemispheric optic radiation) which can on
occasion be mistaken for alexic difficulties. Specifically,
it can happen that a patient will fail to read a word or
sentence properly because he does not actually see the
print; when the visual field cut happens to divide the
subject from the predicate, or a derivational affix from
its stem, it is not hard to imagine the erroneous linguistic
conclusions that can be made.
Assuming a normal corpus callosum and no damage to the
optic system from the retina to the occipital lobe, there
is little evidence now for any lateralization (hemispheric
dominance) of visual function.- there is only the division
of right and left visual fields (and quadrants) which are
presumed to be equally displayed to each hemisphere.
Laterality in the visual system does not appear to be

introduced until the visual patterns are processed in

relation to memory storage, probably at the level of the
Angular Gyrus; at this point the left hemisphere dominates
for written language information, the right for general
pattern recognition. Considering the nature of alexic
impairments, one or two speculations may be made about
the topmost level of the visual language modality. It is
possible to distinguish the task of identifying a single
written word as opposed to the task of identifying a
phrase or sentence. The whole visual language modality
can, of course, be 'disconnected' from the CLS, producing
complete. alexia. And it is possible that different classes
(both grammatical and semantic) may be differentially
impaired in reading (some interesting discussion of the
last possibility is found in Marshall and Newcombe [1966]).
From these and other considerations to be mentioned
below, information flow in the visual language modality
could be postulated as follows: up to the visual
association cortex (Areas 18 and 19) the primary function
is pattern integration within the specific half-field.
The Angular Gyrus however will have patterns 'presented'
to it which, because of the connections in the splenium,
will be full field; based on the contact the Angular Gyrus
has with the CLS, these patterns will be correlated with
language storage. Since visual patterns are ordinarily
not time-varying, it may be unnecessary to consider such
time-based concepts as tracking and guessing strategies
but the principle must be very similar. One buffer (from
the visual association cortices) has the organized
pattern and the other (from the Angular Gyrus) the sources
by which the pattern information can be given linguistic
significance. Note that saccadic eye movements will in
fact project a time-varying image on the retina; it is
assumed that this time base subserves system-specific
physiological functions and is not related to the
transmission of high-level pattern information to the
Angular Gyrus. The different types of deficits found in
alexia will presumably be associated with either lesions
in the Angular Gyrus or in other parts of the CLS and not
with lesions in visual association cortex or other parts
of the visual system.
It was noted in Section 2 above that the secondary
level production and recognition systems could be regarded
as general somatic efferent and afferent, respectively.
This implies that the reading buffer in the Angular Gyrus
which ordinarily makes use of visual input patterns can
if necessary compute on patterns from somesthetic
association cortex (parietal lobe). Braille reading
should make use of a tactile pathway to the primary
sensory cortex (posterior to the Fissure of Rolando and

above the area designated as vocal-tract (sensory) in

Fig.4); information would pass from this region through
the parietal lobe to the Angular Gyrus region. If
correct, this model would expect that blind persons who
read braille are susceptible to alexic deficits identical
to those that other persons may suffer, except that they
would be manifested in part in tactile sub-system. The
model would also predict that the deaf who use sign
language could suffer these deficits and not deficits
typical of apraxia or agraphia. There is evidence to
support these hypotheses. In brief, the Angular Gyrus
reading buffer should be capable of computing the
linguistic significance of any sensory signal coded as
a graphic pattern, although it is obviously most pro-
ficient at receiving information from the visual system
buffer. The contact point between the putative buffers
was represented as a circle in Fig.2 - it is the point at
which the guessing mechanisms operate, assuming as in
this model that language functions are strategy-governed
rather than rule-governed. The Angular Gyrus region is
also the contact point through which feedback information
is piovided to the tactile system for control of writing
and typing. This information is probably carried by the
occipito-frontal fasciculus and will be discussed again
in Section 5(c) below.

5(b). The Auditory Language Modality

Like the visual pathways, the basic anatomy of the

auditory paths is relatively well-known and little detail
needs to be noted here. The general schematic is shown
in Fig.9. Signals from the cochlea (organ of corti) pass
along the acoustic nerve (Cranial N. VIII) to the ventral
and then dorsal cochlear nuclei located in the medulla
just below the brachium pontis. From the ventral
cochlear nucleus some fibers proceed to the ipsilateral
superior olivary complex and some to the contralateral
superior olivary complex; ipsilateral fibers then proceed
from each olivary up the brain stem to the inferior
colliculi. The remaining fibers which go to the dorsal
cochlear nucleus cross the midline to the contralateral
superior olivary complex and in combination with other
fibers also proceed up the brain stem to the inferior
colliculus. Some fibers again cross the midline at the
inferior colliculi level; the rest pass to the medial
geniculate bodies and then to Heschl's Gyrus. It is
obvious therefore that each Heschl's Gyrus receives signals
from both ears, apparently in approximately equal dis-


Fig.9 Anatomical schematic of the auditory modality










tribution. The acoustic waveform is probably 'displayed'

across Heschl's Gyrus in a frequency array - higher
frequencies to the posterior end and lower frequencies
to the anterior end near the temporal pole. Presumably
the intensity differences in the waveform are also encoded
directly into Heschl's Gyrus. Although each Heschl's
Gyrus or primary auditory projection cortex (Area 41 of
Brodmann) receives virtually identical signals, the
signals are clearly not processed identically. There is
much evidence - from psychophysical studies as well as
lesion studies (reviewed in detail in Vignolo [1969]) -
that linguistically significant acoustic signals are
preferentially analyzed by the (right ear and) left hemi-
sphere and other kinds of acoustic stimuli are processed
by the right hemisphere (e.g., music). It is not certain
whether the sorting of linguistic and non-linguistic
acoustic signals is achieved prior to their arrival at the
cortex (approximately 10msec. after stimulation in the
organ of corti) but it is quite certain that the left
Heschl's Gyrus is the only one which is part of the CLS.
Heschl's Gyrus interconnects only with adjacent cortical
fields (Area 42 or Wernicke's Area) but from here
information may either follow the arcuate fasciculus fibers
directly to Broca's Area - the pathways suggested earlier
as the basis for fast phonological but non-semantic feed-
back to the verbal system and therefore the primary
anatomical substrate from the phonological component of
the CLS - or, it may be further integrated by CLS
structures connected to Wernicke's Area - the Auditory
Association. cortex, Supramarginal Gyrus, etc.
Like the visual system's adaptation for language the
auditory system must also provide a buffer for a coding
of the acoustic waveform that allows the auditory control
to match linguistically significant storage to incoming
signals. It is likely that this proceeds in two steps: the
first being a straight phonological reading and the second
a semantic/syntactic reading. And, incidentally, it should
be suggested that the visual system operates analogously.
There is much evidence from the predominantly sensory
aphasias to support this view (and a fuller discussion of
it may be found in Weigl and Bierwisch [1970]): the ability
to repeat but not comprehend or spontaneously speak, an
impairment of auditory comprehension with good visual
comprehension and spontaneous speech, and similar gross
functional isolations. What is of even more interest is
that agnosia can be as selective as alexia in affecting
semantic class, grammatical categories, phrases and
sentential structure; at least, assuming that the judgments
and tests of impaired auditory recognition cited in the
literature are reasonably accurate and valid, one can
make such linguistic interprktations.

The buffer relationship in the auditory modality is

quite obviously time-locked, which would lead us to expect
that it has optimum quantities of information that it
can process at a time as well as an optimum speech of
input. It is rather interesting to observe that, in this
model, the primary production and recognition systems
(verbal and auditory) have time-locked tracking and
guessing strategies and furthermore compute on information
that is virtually modality specific. The secondary
production and recognition systems (tactile and visual)
are not so time - locked and the information used is more
like general somatic afferent and efferent patterns. An
obvious speculation to make is to inquire whether or not
these qualitatively different operating mechanisms differ
in other respects as well, namely, the degree to which
features of input and output information must be hier-
archically arranged, the degree to which the primary system
must be strategy-governed and the secondary system
(possibly) rule-governed, whether all these ideas bear
upon questions of acquisition, long-range stability
(resistance to linguistic change) and whether there are
general constraints on the possible information load that
graphic patterns may freely carry (i.e. in a day-to-day
situation rather than in the potentials of such things
as secret codes or phonetic diacritics). It is remotely
possible that the general somatic afferent/efferent aspect
of the secondary systems, and the possibility that the
central and peripheral nervous system structures which
usually carry this information are more removed from
limbic system influences than the primary system, both
contribute to the specific character of writing systems,
the reading process and other dependent functions.

5(c). The Tactile Language Modality

The Production Systems are not as easily incorporated

into the neurolinguistic model, partly because the
functional neuroanatomy is less well understood, partly
because the model here must explicitly account for errors
(since errors overtly show up in the data, unlike the
situation for the recognition systems) and partly because
any coherent speculations may immediately be confronted
with the results of the systems in operation - observed
verbal/writing behavior. One interesting aspect of
production systems is the so-called ictal speech auto-
matisms (see Chase [1967]) which appear to be fully
encoded motor programs for words and phrases, generally
ones which are emotionally charged such as swearing.

These utterances may be produced by patients with major

lesions of the anterior branches of the middle cerebr41
artery (i.e. with massive destruction of Broca's Area and
surrounding vocal-tract motor cortex) who otherwise are
unable to speak at all. In Whitaker [1969] a patient was
described who could produce the utterance 'What are you
going to do right now?' with perfect articulation,
intonation and clarity, but who had no other expressive
speech. Data such as this has led to models which
incorporate a special mechanism for ictal speech automatisms
that is presumed to be outside the CLS proper. When it is
observed that similar data occurs in the tactile modality,
it is apparent that this putative mechanism must be a
property of production modalities as a whole and not just
the verbal (speech) mode. For instance in unpublished
work of the author a patient was observed who had severe
alexia and agraphia with little impairment of the CLS and
verbal-auditory modalities. In conversation it was only
slightly apparent that he had suffered brain damage (which,
incidentally, was in the general parietal region) but by
contrast he could not read or write spontaneously. After
much prompting and encouragement the patient was induced to
attempt to write and it developed that in fact he could
write his name, address and hometown birthplace, all with-
out paying attention to the pencil, his hand or the
writing task. As soon as he concentrated on the task he
failed to be able to perform. Since he could not write to
dictation, nor copy, the only explanation of the behavior
is that there are ictal automatisms in the tactile language
modality, too. Since such utterances are generally highly
over-learned (practised) as well as emotionally significant,
it is quite probable that the sub-cortical modality-
specific parts of the production systems can 'tap' a
store of integral motor commands under conditions of stress
or in other emotional contexts. There is no reason to
presume a locus for these motor programs and there is no
evidence suggesting one, either.

The tactile system is, analogous to the visual system,

considered here to be a secondary level production system
that relies on general somatic efferent patterns of input
which it converts to written language: it is schematically
shown in Fig.10. The relevant hand and arm muscles are
innervated by the median, ulnar and radial nerves which
are spinal nerves emanating from the brachial plexus. The
Motor nuclei of these nerves are controlled via the
corticospinal fiber tracts which are generally identified
as the Pyramidal Motor System. The pyramidal tracts are,
incidentally, phylogenetically a late development in man
and the primates; the so-called extra-pyramidal system is
the older one. The pyramidal tracts descend from the
motor cortex anterior to the Fissure of Rolando from a

Fig.10 Anatomical schematic of the tactile modality.

FINGERS 47---2







Fig.11 Anatomical schematic of the extra-pyramidal









IL./ I



a IZ.
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point just above the area designated as vocal-tract (motor)

in Fig.4. The tract first finds its way through the
fiber tracts of the corpus callosum (at this point the
pyramidal tract is called the corona radiata), then
around the thalamus and corpus striatum or basal ganglia
structures (at this point the pyramidal tract is called
the internal capsule). into the midbrain and pontine areas
(at which point it is Aentified as the basis pedunculi)
and to the medulla where approximately BO% of the fibers
cross to the contralateral side (the decussation of the
pyramids) and proceed into the spinal cord. These are
rather long fibers - there are no synaptic connections
between the cortex and the spinal motoneurons for this
part of the system (usually called the alpha fibers).
There is a second group of alpha fibers as well as a gamma
motor fiber system, both of which contribute to the
control of the peripheral musculature. It would be
difficult to adequately summarize the various motor systems
and putative functions which supplement the pyramidal
system except to note that they first of all involve the
extra-pyramidal tracts and second, act to smooth out,
coordinate, integrate, control the target for and hold
in position, the multitude of skeletal muscles in the
body. For discussion of some aspects of these systems
and their role in the local feedback control circuits for
speech, see Tatham [1969], Hardcastle [1970] and Reid
[1970]. A gross schematic of the basic anatomy at the
supra-spinal cord level is shown in Fig.1l; it is not
intended to be complete. With respect to the possible
use of the gamma efferent system for feedback control of
the motor output of the cranial nerves (the verbal
language system) some comments will be presented in
section 5(d) below.

The lower (sub-cortical) structures of the tactile

system are not of as much interest as the higher structures
for two reasons. First they are system-specific and do
not play a role in the linguistic use of the tak.tile-
graphic modality as can be readily determined by the fact
that lesions in them do not produce agraphia; second,
linguistic functions at this level in the secondary
production system are general somatic efferent and thus
any group of voluntary muscles are theoretically capable
carriers of the output information. The higher
structures are very relevant to*the model but unfortunately
are not so simple. It is known that handedness correlates
with hemispheric dominalim for language but need not - in
fact, r3st left-handed persons are left-hemisphere
dominaht for the CLS. Since the pyramid fibers cross the
midline (decussate) it must be the case that the hand
motor area in the anterior rolandic cortex in the

contralateral hemisphere controls the preferred hand.

For left-handed persons this will generally imply that
the right hemisphere motor cbrtex controls the hand while
for the same person the left hemisphere motor association
cortex controls the linguistic use of the hand; therefore,
the signals to the tactile system must cross the corpus
callosum for such persons, which is a rather inefficient
manner of achieving things though certainly possible.
Nevertheless, since the tactile language modality makes
use of a general somatic efferent signal, it may make
very little difference which muscle groups activate it or
in which hemisphere they are cortically represented. There
is good evidence in addition that the foot of the middle
frontal gyrus, identified as Exner's Center in Fig.4, as
well as the occipito-frontal fasciculus and some part of
the Angular Gyrus, all play a role in the tactile system;
for lesions in any of these areas can produce agraphic
symptoms that are virtual analogs of apractic symptoms
caused by lesions in Broca's Area or the arcuate fasciculus.
Since Exner's Center is motor association cortex, as is
Broca's Area (which incidentally, interconnects with it
via short cortical fibers), and since the primary motor
cortex anterior to the Fissure of Rolando does not connect
Via the corpus callosum with the other hemisphere, whereas
fibers from Exner's and Broca's areas do so connect, it
may be possible to fit these complex systems into a
plausible framework. From Exner's Center which is the
main staging area for sending signals to the tactile
language modality, information flow may follow several
possible routes to the appropriate production sub-systems:
the corpus callosum to the motor association cortex in
the opposite hemisphere to the primary motor cortex and
then down the pyramidal system, directly to the primary
motor cortex within the same hemisphere and then on down
the pyramidal system, or possibly directly down the
pyramidal system from Exner's Center itself, either side.
At the moment there is an insufficient amount of evidence
available to adequately distinguish these possibilities.
In any event we might note the following general
characteristics: the primary motor cortex (anterior
rolandic cortex) is labeled in terms of specific parts of
the body and muscle groups, which in effect means that if
this area does figure into the production systems (either
tactile or verbal) then there are labeled transmission
lines from the cortex to the appropriate musculature;
motor association cortex such as Exner's Center or Broca's
Area is not so labeled. There appears to be the possibility
then of a three-stage model for the tactile system, which
in two particular respects will be quite similar to the
verbal language modality to be discussed next, as follows:

the first stage involves the tracking of linguistically

significant and phonologically specified graphic
patterns by mechanisms in Exner's Center, where by tracking
is meant specifying the appropriate general somatic
efferent signals which will ultimately direct peripheral
muscles to achieve graphic shape targets. The time-base
characteristics of the tactile tracking mechanism is obvious
not as crucial'as that for the verbal tracking mechanisms;
nevertheless, it is obvious that the rate of display in the
CLS buffer and the rate of tracking by the tactile buffer
may not be the same and in fact may be voluntarily varied.
The second stage would be the organization of the general
somatic efferent signals into commands appTriate for the
muscles of the intended system to be used; by this it is
presumed that the graphic pattern is recoded three times:
linguistically, general motor efferent, and as specific
muscle commands. The verbal language modality probably
does not have the second - general somatic efferent -
recoding stage since signals in this system are system-
bound as has been repeatedly noted. The third stage in
the tactile model is, of course, transmitting the signal
through the correct fiber tracts. Up to this final stage
it is presumed that there is linguistic control of the
somatic efferent system and that lesions in structures
responsible for these stages will lead to agraphia. If
the tracking system is not functioning properly one would
expect the output buffer to produce on occasion some
graphic shapes that are appropriate to the language but
erroneous in the specifically intended context. T' , does
happen and in fact parallels apraxia as noted bef .

Finally, from the point of view of the model, it difficul

to find evidence for the second stage - the organ, of
the signal into appropriate general somatic efferc signals
since the concomitant of impairment here would ac,_ually
lead to no production at all. By contrast there is
striking evidence for the third recoding state in the verbal
system as is seen in the dysarthrias. One might wish to
take as evidence for the second s Age such facts as whether
the writing is evenly spaced, more or less level to the
page, and whether the letters are in fact letters or
meaningless scribbles, all within certain tolerances of
course; some patients do write with minute nearly-
illegible scrawls that fall off sharply to the right or
the left and it is unlikely that they could produce any
writing of a better quality with, for example, the other
hand, or by grasping a pencil in the teeth, etc. An
adequate account of the modality-specific aspects of the
tactile system will probably require, among other things,
a plausible theory of writing, replete with 'dialect
variation' and all.


Fig.12 Anatomical schematic of the verbal modality.










5(d). The Verbal Language Modality

The verbal language modality has been studied in

greater detail than any other aspect of the language
system simply because of the accessibility of data of a
linguistic, acoustic, articulatory and psychological
nature. Since the literature in linguistics, phonetics,
neurology, speech pathology and psychology is replete
with models and evidence for them, the remarks to be
made here will be confined to emphasis on the somewhat
different perspective of the neurolinguistic framework
developed so far. The verbal production system is
schematically represented in Fig.12. Within the verbal
language modality we may identify the clearest differencLs
between system-specific and modality-specific functions.
The evidence for this distinction rests on the easily
observed behavioral correlates of lesions that produce
dysarthria and of lesions that produce apraxia. In the
former the system loses to a greater or lesser extent its
control over the speech musculature per se, resulting in
deficits ranging from total loss of speech to, for
exampla, the inability to modulate the fundamental
frequency. Dysarthric affects can separate out numerous
physiological phonetic parameters of vocal-tract control
- nasality, whisper/voicing, adequately forceful closure
of lips or tongue, intra- and inter-sy:lable durations,
degree of stress, phrasing between words (pause length),
intonational contour, or, in short, nearly every muscle,
muscle group and combination of muscle groups can be
selectively isolated. A proper study in neurolinguistic
terms of the phonetic implications of dysarthria has yet
to he undertaken even though the relevance of such a study
is obvious. Among other things it should lead to
hypotheses which have strong empirical support pertaining
to which processes in the sound system of language are
phonetic (in the sense of common to the functional anatomy
of the verbal language modality for all human beings) and
which are phonological (in the sense of either universally
true of the CLS aspects of human language or else and more
likely, particularly true of a given language). Such an
investigation should also lead to a model which uses
features that correlate with articulatory commands and
the neuronal impulse trains responsible for them; such
features might be grounded on the configuration of cranial
nerve innervation of the vocal tract musculature together
with hypotheses concerning the nature of cooing in
neuronal impulses. A good general treatment of the cranial
nerves can be found in Brodal [1959] and some the possible
codes in the nervous system are discussed in Bullock


As implied earlier, lesions which produce

dysarthria rarely if ever disrupt cortical areas - they
are essentially sub-cortical. Furthermore, they are
usually lesions of the basal ganglia and other upper
motor neuron nuclei (pseudo-bulbar palsy) or they are
lesions of the brain stem and other lower motor neuron
nuclei (bulbar palsy), or they involve systems in the
cerebellar circuits (ataxias). Therefore they provide
good evidence that the dist4nction between modality-
specific and system-specific functions are anatomically
as well as behaviorally well-founded.

Damage to the cortical areas of the verbal language

modality, in particular Broca's Area and th- Arcuate
Fasciculus, produces apraxia of speech whicA, is the
deficit that isolates the linguistic use of the verbal
modality from the system itself. One of the most salient
features of such a deficit is the rigid adherence to the
laws of phonological organization of the particular
language regardless of the severity of the dysfunction.
This was carefully observed by Lecours and Lhermitte
[1969] and also by Green [1969a]; Green notes:
With hardly any exception the patient's paraphasias
and jargon e?isodes consist of English phonemes.
Occasionally consonants and vowels such as /f/, /''
and /a/ are overly long; there are a few insti. ,os
of unrounded back vowels and rounded front ',,wets,
and irrejular consonant clusters... 131.! In t - main
the paraphasias are rule; by the phrr lJgical
structures of English. All the Enyish phonemes
occur ... at very much the same frequencies that one
finds In American English... Neologisms contain
twice as many consonants as vowels, just as English
words do, and they average about six or seven
s- phonemes long. (106)
[ The full linguistic relevance of apraxia may be appreciated
from a brief summary of the kinds of dysfunction that have
been observed: systematic shifts from one.consonant type
to another as, e.g., changing affricates, nasals and
continuants into stops (Blumstein [1968]), confusions with
complex consonant clusters leading to either extra
Syllables being introduced or substitutions or simplifications
of target clusers (Darley [1968]), misplacing of stress
reflecting in many cases an erroneous analysis of the
grammatical form class, errors in vowel reduction and
coasonant/vowel alternations associated with English
derivational affixes, substitutions of words based upon
a quantifiable degree of phonetic similarity, or
changing the specific derivational affix in order to us,:


a word of a grammatical class that is more easily

manipulated as, e.g. in changing verbs into derived
nominals because nominals are easier to process.
At least some of these errors committed by apractics
indicate malfunctioning in a mechanism previously
identified as a tracking or guessing strategy in the
other three language modalities. In the case of the
verbal production system we might assume that it tracks
at some point the final buffer of the CLS (in linguistic
terms, the level of systematic phonetics) providing an
articulatorily well-motivated set of efferent commands
to the verbal language modality as a match for a
linguistically well-motivated set of signals from the
CLS. If the parameters employed at either end failed
to be fully specified, the figures on selection and
copying errors would naturally soar well beyond the
level normal for relaxed conversational speech. If the
tracker could search the CLS buffer both forwards and
backward_ as necessary and within the allowable time
limit, it seems reasonable that much of the data on
reversals (spoonerisms) for example could be seen as
either an anticipated change based upon a scanning jump
or a residue that was re-scanned unnecessarily.
The model adopted here considers both the Arcuate
Fasciculus and Broca's Area to be intimately involved in
the phonological component of the CLS. Following a
suggestion of Blumstein [19681, it is likely that the
Arcuate Fasciculus is more involved in transferring
abstract phonological information from the CLS to the
tracking mechanism than it is in specifying the
correct motor programs with which such information will
be associated. Broca's Area - the inferior frontal
gyrus - would then be the potential candidate for the
locus of the tracking mechanism. This view fits, by
analogy, the postulate that all guessing and tracking
strategies are located in cortical staging areas where
the four peripheral modalities interface with the CLS,
as originally suggested by the placement of the circles
in Fig.2.


6. Conclusion


The preceding sketch has attempted to propose a

sensible model of language incorporating what appears to
underlie our ability to speak and comprehend; correlated
with this proposal has been a series of speculations on
the functional neuroanatomy of each putative component.
One of the more important conclusions to be drawn from
the model as formulated is the nature of the relationship
between central and peripheral language systems and a
brief review of this might usefully put it into proper
perspective. The evidence alluded to in the preceding
sections seems to indicate that each of the four
peripheral language modalities may be considered both in
terms of their resnective functional anatomy (system-
specific functions) and their use as input and output
systems for the language mechanism ;modality- specific
functions). A consideration of the structures and their
operation of the central language system indicates that
each of the four peripheral modalities interfaces with
the CLS in a specific manner and in a specific place in
the central nervous system. It would not be too un-
realistic to assume that what have here been identified
as tracking and guessing mechanisms which in a sense
convert CLS linguistic representations into the modality-
specific representations required by input/output
functions, is in some way a reflection of one of the
contributions made by the cerebral cortex to human
language. To put this in another perspective, it would
be interesting indeed if it turned out that cortical
areas in man's brain which are homologous to cortical
areas in the brains of other primates on anatomical
criteria, in fact turned out not to be homologous because
of physiologically different modes of functioning; a
possible mode, so to speak, would be the neurological

substrate of what has been called the tracking/

guessing strategies.

Within the sphere of the CLS itself, the model

proposed does not distinguish modality-specific functions.
In the literature of apasiology it has often been remarked
that there is no deficit which is confined solely to one
modality; while a patient may exhibit predominantly
receptive disorders, a careful examination will usually
reveal an expresoive component. Such observations fit
the model which is suggested. The CLS, even though
divided into several cortical fields, and even though
divided into a phonological component and a remaining
syntactic/semantic component on anatomical grounds, is
nevertheless a cohesive mechanism in the psychologinguistic
sense. The units and rules of the grammar underlie the
uses of the grammar in all modalities and therefore, if
the CLS is damaged, it is to be expected that the deficit
will be manifest in all modalities. On occasions this
can take rather striking forms, e.g., an impairment in
reading and writing personal pronouns, frequent error
in the use of personal pronouns in spontaneous speech, and
an imperfect awareness of the specific features of the
personal pronouns in comprehension; when explored in full
detail even a slight deficit if it is a CLS deficit can
be shown manifested in all four peripheral modalities.
Taken together it is hoped that the above ideas form an
adequate basis for neurolinguistic investigations. The
many gaps in the model and the weaknesses of may of the
ideas do not need to be reiterated; the reliance on
previous work, much of which is cited in the references,
is apparent in most of the hypotheses which have a fair
degree of empirical support. The overall synthesis may
have a number of useful consequences in addition to
hopefully advancing the understanding of language. Most
studies of aphasia that the author happens to be familiar
with may be fit into the proposed framework without
violent distortion.
At least one minor benefit of reconsidering the
aphasiology literature in these terms is that it would
obviate the need for a plethora of terms and definitions
which at the moment appear to be impeding our under-
standing of the brain rather than advancing it. The
possibility of incorporating evidence from aphasia into
the domain of linguistic theory is implicit; the neuro-
linguistic'framework clearly indicates how such data
may be considered and a number of the cited references
deal specifically with such data in terms of linguistic
hypothese. A strong claim for the model is that it may
be able to decide some issues in linguistic theory on


the basis of evidence from a wide domain of

investigation. As such it may be regarded as enriching
the explanatory power, in the ordinary sense of the
word, of linguistic hypotheses. Even if this claim is
not fully realized, the neurolinguistic model is a step
towards an adequate theory of performance, which
obviously must be grounded in the neurological sciences
if it is to be at all successful. With the more
complete specifications and hypothesizing that are to
be expected with further research along these lines, it
may very well develop that the need for highly abstract
theories in linguistics will no longer exist; instead
one might expect functional equivalencies in the domain
of the neurological sciences to provide the behavioral
corroboration that now seems to be lacking.


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