Supportive Learning Environment and Assertive Classroom Management Strategies As A Contributing Factor of The Academic Resiliency of T.L.E. Students

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Supportive Learning Environment and Assertive

Classroom Management Strategies as a Contributing
Factor of the Academic Resiliency of T.L.E. Students
Author Co-Author
Clarie Joy E. Dumagyo Oliver P. Ponsades

Abstract:- This study investigated the effects of supportive of academic resiliency can lead to learning losses that can
learning settings and assertive classroom management diminish students’ potential productivity (Honra, 2022).
tactics on students' academic resilience. Using a
descriptive-correlational research methodology, 254 junior A supportive learning environment has an impact on the
high school students from a public secondary school in the students’ academic resilience through appropriate guidance and
Division of Davao del Norte were chosen using stratified giving encouragement to help students persist to succeed in
random sampling. Using three adopted questionnaires and their academic. (Thompson, 2021). Nurturing a supportive
statistical tools such as mean, Pearson r, and regression classroom environment can boost students' sense of belonging
analysis, the study demonstrates a very high degree of and motivation, increasing their academic resilience in the face
supportive learning environment, with high levels of of challenges (Kennebeck, 2019). Furthermore, a supportive
assertive classroom management strategies and academic learning environment is a reliable factor in predicting students’
resilience. Significant correlations were discovered academic resiliency and success. Emphasizes how important it
between numerous components of supportive learning is to create a positive and supportive learning environment in
environments and assertive classroom management the classroom where students are motivated and engaged
practices, which influenced students' academic resilience. (Sinha, 2024).
The study emphasizes the critical role of supportive
learning settings and assertive classroom management Assertive classroom management strategies involve the
practices in developing academic resilience, particularly in process by which teachers and schools create and maintain
technical livelihood education. Recommendations include appropriate behavior of students in classroom settings. The goal
developing targeted interventions based on strengths is to enhance prosocial behavior and increase student academic
observed in supportive learning environments, providing resiliency (Ananda, et al. 2023). According to the study of Ha
professional development opportunities for educators, (2023) demonstrated that effective classroom management
implementing specialized interventions targeting specific techniques, which include clear expectations and consistent
qualities associated with academic resilience, and fostering discipline, can help students develop self-regulation skills and
a culture of continuous review and development within perseverance, promoting academic resilience. Assertive
educational institutions. classroom management strategies have been considered as one
of the important areas in developing the academic resiliency of
Keywords:- TLE, Descriptive-Correlation, Regression students. It is associated with managing the students’
Analysis, High School Students, Supportive Learning misbehavior inside the classroom (Nawastheen et al., 2021).
Environment, Assertive Classroom Management Strategies, Similarly, assertiveness management strategies in teachers are
Academic Resiliency, Davao Del Norte, Philippines. necessary inside the classroom for which this will help them to
be persistent in managing students' behavior and positively
I. INTRODUCTION influence the students’ performance and academic resiliency
(Rajendran et al., (2020).
Academic resilience is the student’s capability to deal
efficiently with academic seatbacks, anxiety, and study With all these concerns and predicaments faced by many
pressure (Radhamani & Kalaivani 2021). In addition, resilience students in the present, the researcher has found the need to
is characterized by those students that are present with the conduct this study. Furthermore, some studies correlate
capacity to reverse academic misfortune and failure and supportive learning environment to academic resiliency
succeed while others continue to perform poorly and fail (Kennebeck, 2019) and assertive classroom management to
(Mesman et al., 2021). However, students with low resilience academic resiliency (Ha, 2023). However, the researcher hasn’t
experience poor performance, challenge, or pressure in school. come across any studies that link the three variables mentioned
With increasing dropout figures among students and have an and focuses on which domain of the variables significantly
increased vulnerability to mental illness and difficulty in affects the academic resiliency of the students, especially in
coping with academic stress and changes (Orion et al., 2019). national and local settings.
Furthermore, students who lack academic resiliency tend to not
persevere through challenging educational settings and does not
have high level of desire to succeed in life Lobo, 2023). Lack

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

This study is useful, particularly in assessing the agreement or disagreement to a statement. The following were
interconnected relationships of the variables that contribute to the scales: always, often, sometimes, seldom, and never.
the students’ academic resiliency. The findings and results of
this study can assist educators in developing interventions and This study used a descriptive-quantitative approach using
programs to encourage students to be more resilient the correlation technique. The role of correlational research
academically. Also, the results will be submitted to or which concerned with establishing relationships between two
presented in different seminars, research fora, and presentations or more variables in the same population or between the same
to give knowledge and awareness about factors that would help variables in two populations is a very important part of a
in creating programs in raising academically resilient students. research study. Understanding the associations and
relationships that exist among human phenomena is a
II. METHOD remaining incentive for scientific investigation in all the social
science disciplines, and that motivation surpasses even the most
The study focused on junior high school students grade 7 differentiated model distinctions between various research
to grade 10 at a one of the secondary schools in Carmen during methods Curtis et al., 2016.
the academic year 2023-2024. Data gathering was conducted
from September 2023-October 2023. These students were In this research endeavor, the researcher investigated the
tasked with evaluating their teachers' supportive learning significant influence of supportive learning environment and
environments, assertive classroom management strategies, and assertive classroom management strategies on academic
their own academic resilience in the face of challenges. resiliency of the students utilizing quantitative non-
experimental descriptive-correlational research as the design of
The researcher used the Slovin formula wherein 254 this study. Moreover, quantitative research design was utilized
respondents were selected from 36% of the total population of in this study to describe problems descriptively and
699 students from Grade 7 to Grade 10. A stratified random numerically as it used mathematical and statistical mean to
sampling technique ensured proportional representation from measure results and to come up with a decision whether to
each grade level: 57 students in Grade 7, 64 in Grade 8, 60 in accept or reject hypothesis (Creswell, 2014).
Grade 9, and 73 in Grade 10. The students ranged in age from
12 to 16 years. The selection of a sample size of 254 responders In gathering applicable information for this study, the
out of a total population of 699 was based primarily on researcher requested the consent lead of the study through a
statistical validity and practical considerations. The study made composed correspondence to the workplace of Schools
sure that the sample size for analysis was reasonable and Division Superintendent of Davao del Norte. The endorsed
statistically significant by applying the Slovin algorithm to letter of the superintendent will be fastened to the letter for the
choose a subset of the population. This strategy preserved the principals of the one of the secondary schools in Carmen,
viability of data gathering and processing while enabling a Davao del Norte asking for the consent for the researcher to
thorough investigation of the study objectives. conduct a study.

Adopted questionnaire were used in gathering the data. In There were significant ethical issues and concerns that
supportive learning environment consisted of a 24-item have a specific effect for this quantitative inquiry. Some issues
questionnaire from which is use from Elvira et al. (2016) while and concerns were ascended from the methodology involved
the assertive classroom management strategies questionnaire that was embedded in this study. The ethical issues related to
consisted of 37 items used by Aliakbari and Bozorgmanesh this research concern the right to conduct the study,
(2019). Academic resiliency worked by (Cassidy, 2016) consist confidentiality, and anonymity.
of 30 items.
The participation of the respondents was completely
The researcher underwent an internal validation for voluntary and anonymous to protect their privacy and
content validity. It involved consultations with research information. The researcher respected the views and opinions
specialists in study. The three-part questionnaire was submitted of the respondents and their decision whether to participate or
for approval and validation by the panel of experts. The said not during the gathering of the data. After the purpose and the
questionnaires underwent pilot testing among grade 11 students benefits of the study were described and presented to the
who were not included in the study. The pilot testing result was respondents, their rights to contribute to the body of knowledge
computed using Cronbach Alpha for independent and was carefully considered and adhered upon.
dependent variables. The results of Cronbach Alpha for both
independent and dependent variables were .815 for supportive Moreover, the researcher respects the rights and privacy
learning environment, .802 for assertive classroom of the respondents and ensures that the data gathered was
management strategies, and .800 for academic resiliency. The protected in accordance with RA 10173, also known as the
findings revealed the validity of the questionnaire's items. Data Privacy Act of 2012. The researcher focused on important
ethical questions such as confidentiality regarding the opinions
The questionnaire was structured in such a way that the of respondents and integrity. The responses of the respondents
respondents would answer it easily. Thus, the set of were encoded and secured in a password-protected excel file. It
questionnaires structured using the Likert format with a five- was uploaded to the researcher's Google Drive for safekeeping
point response scale (Likert, 1967). A Likert Scale is a rating in a password- protected ZIP format. Then the raw responses
scale that requires the subject to indicate his or her degree of were kept in a folder and stored in a safe cabinet of the

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

researcher. The gathered data will be kept for three (3) years The research was conducted with formality and clear
before being destroyed in a secure method that prevents use, adherence to ethical standards; thus, the researcher requested an
unauthorized access, or disclosure to any other party or the endorsement letter from the Dean of Graduate School. The
public or in accordance with applicable law. The researcher researcher submitted a letter of permission to the Schools
guaranteed that whatever the results of the study at the end, Division Superintendent of the Division of Davao del Norte to
these will not be disclosed to the respondents, or any members obtain permission to conduct study. Following the approval, the
of the community and will keep the records of the study researcher sent and provided a copy to the School Principal
confidential. requesting assistance in administering the survey
questionnaires to respondents. The research was only
The study secured informed consent and the researcher conducted after the approval from the authorities.
communicated with grade 7 to grade 10 advisers, subject
teachers, and guidance counsellor to seek permission for the The researcher made a significant intellectual contribution
researcher to conduct study and allow their students to to the findings, analysis, and results of this study. In particular,
participate. After seeking permission, the researcher gave the research adviser acknowledged as the co-author of the
informed consent and assent to the participants with permission study. Researcher ensured fair and proper acknowledgement of
from their parents to allow their children to be the participants contributions from the research adviser who have been the co-
of the study. No survey questionnaires are given to the author and made sure that acknowledgements fully reflect the
participants without their parents’ approval. The survey was input of the contributor.
conducted with the agreement and consent of the respondents
themselves and the school authorities concerned. The III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
respondents of this study are bona fide students of one of the
schools of Davao Del Norte from grade 7 to grade 10 ages 12- This chapter presents the results of the study.
16, as shown in the population and sample on how the
respondents are classified. Also, the manner of data collection, Table 1 shows the varied indicators assessing the level of
distribution of survey questionnaires and other procedures are supportive learning environment implemented by teachers.
presented clearly in this study. Across all dimensions, the mean scores consistently point
towards a highly positive evaluation, with an overall mean of
The respondents were protected from physical, 4.29 and a standard deviation of 0.67, indicating a
psychological, or social economic harms during the conduct of homogeneous response. Notably, sharing and comparing
the study. To ensure the respondents’ health and wellness are knowledge, self-control and self-reflection, epistemological
safeguarded against the threat of the highly infectious COVID- understanding, teaching for understanding, support learning for
19, the researcher strictly followed the IATF Protocol. The understanding, and problem-solving strategies all falls within
researchers paid special attention to vulnerable subjects to the "Very High" descriptive level. The highest mean score is
avoid breech of ethical codes. Thus, the researcher did not give observed in problem-solving strategies (4.44), emphasizing the
money or additional grades to the participants during the remarkable proficiency of teachers in fostering critical thinking
conduct of the study. However, the researcher gave one whole skills. The comprehensive analysis of the results reveals a
intermediate paper as a token of gratitude for participating consistently positive evaluation across various dimensions, as
during the conduct of the study. reflected in mean scores.

The researcher made sure that the readings found in this The result connects with the study of Monteiro et. al.,
study underwent paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism issues, no (2021), whose findings revealed that supportive learning
misrepresentation of someone else’s work and authors of all environment employed by teachers help students to have a
cited literature are cited properly to ensure research adequacy. higher level of understanding and self-reflection. The study
This document will be checked for grammar and plagiarism implies that supportive learning environment has a significant
using Grammarly and Turnitin tools to do this. The researcher relationship with the variables. Moreover, in the study of Niu et
made sure that there is no manipulation of research al., (2022) supportive learning environment is positively
instrumentation, materials, or processes during the conduct of associated with students creative thinking that includes
the study. Truthfulness of all the results, research adequacy and demonstrating problem solving skills. This suggests that a
avoidance of conflict of interest will be observed to protect the supportive learning environment can lead to many desirable
safety and welfare of the participants. All results of the research educational outcomes among students.
and the avoidance of conflicts of interest were observed
carefully and every effort was made to present the situation in In addition, a supportive learning environment can make
the best way possible. students feel heard and valued instilling confidence that
enhances their overall learning experience and can cultivate
trust and engagement between teacher and student (Khodadad,
2023). This agrees with the study findings of Ghany and
Wahyudin (2021) that supportive learning environment can
further encourage students to achieve more optimal learning

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 1 Level of Supportive Learning Environment Employed by Teachers

Indicators Standard Deviation Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Sharing and comparing knowledge 0.67 4.22 Very High
Relevance 0.66 4.17 High
Self-control and self-reflection 0.70 4.23 Very High
Epistemological understanding 0.71 4.26 Very High
Teaching for understanding 0.67 4.35 Very High
Support learning for understanding 0.67 4.32 Very High
Problem solving strategies 0.61 4.44 Very High
Overall 0.67 4.29 Very High

Table 2 Level of Assertive Classroom Management Strategies Employed by Teachers

Indicators Standard Deviation Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Organization strategies 0.77 4.24 Very High
Teaching strategies 0.94 4.06 High
Teacher-student relationship strategies 0.73 4.30 Very High
Punishment-reward strategies 1.13 3.72 High
Overall 0.93 4.09 High

Table 2 display the evaluation of assertive classroom This aligns with the study of Yazdi et al. (2019), the
management strategies employed by teachers, delving into key results demonstrated that assertive classroom management
indicators such as organization strategies, teaching strategies, predicted students’ perceptions of classroom activities
teacher-student relationship strategies, and punishment-reward exhibiting the highest influence of all domains. Positive
strategies. The mean scores collectively indicate a perception can in turn stimulate more learning learning-
commendable level of assertive classroom management, with enhanced skills and strategies. Further, teachers who use
an overall mean of 4.09 and a standard deviation of 0.93, assertive classroom management such as punishment-reward
signifying a relatively consistent response. Particularly strategies have a greater impact on students’ high achievement
noteworthy is the "Very High" descriptive level for teacher- (Batool et al., 2023)
student relationship strategies (4.30) and organization strategies
(4.24), reflecting the effectiveness of teachers in maintaining a Moreover, according to the result of the study of Alcover
structured and positive classroom environment. While teaching (2020) emphasized that controlling a class requires time, and
strategies also fall within the "High" category (4.06), it's that period of time is wasted. Effective discipline is essential
essential to consider potential areas for improvement. The for improving the classroom the environment in along with
punishment-reward strategies, with a mean of 3.72, fall within instruction. There are numerous strategies that can assist avoid
the "High" range, suggesting the need for a nuanced disturbances and allow students to learn in an interesting and
examination of specific strategies within this domain. dynamic way. Additionally, teachers can improve their
management skills, which will encourage them to involve the
class in more pleasant activities.

Table 3 Level of Academic Resiliency of Junior High School Student

Indicators Standard Deviation Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Perseverance 1.19 4.04 High
Reflecting and adaptive help-seeking 0.68 4.37 Very High
Negative affect and emotional response 0.77 3.35 Moderate
Overall 0.98 3.92 High

Table 3 outlines the indicators assessing the level of According to findings of Westover (2022), whose study in
academic resiliency among junior high school students. The a corrections education context illuminates the significance of
mean scores provide a comprehensive overview, with an perseverance, reflective and adaptive help- seeking, and
overall mean of 3.92 and a standard deviation of 0.98, emotional responses as integral components of academic
indicating a generally high level of academic resiliency with resilience, the discussion under academic resilience of junior
some variability. Reflecting and adaptive help-seeking emerge high school students gains depth. By examining the unique
as a particularly strong aspect, earning a "Very High" challenges faced by students in corrections education, the study
descriptive level with a mean of 4.37. Perseverance, while offers valuable considerations for educators working with
falling within the "High" descriptive level at 4.04, signifies a diverse student populations in similar contexts. This conforms
commendable effort in the face of challenges. However, to the findings of Liu and Han (2022), that students who have a
negative affect and emotional response show a "Moderate" good academic resiliency enables to deal with academic
descriptive level with a mean of 3.35, suggesting an area that adversity.
may benefit from targeted interventions.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

According to the study conducted by Öz, and (2022) that academic resilience has been evidenced as critical
Şahinkarakaş, (2023), results show the positive correlation exist personal resources that can stimulate students’ related
between the students’ academic resilience and academic outcomes.
achievement. This also validates the statement of Ononye et al.

Table 4 Significant relationship between supportive learning environment and academic resiliency of T.L.E. students
Academic resiliency Overall
Supportive learning
Reflecting and adaptive Negative affect and emotional
Perseverance help-seeking response
.280 .280 -.073 .260
Sharing and comparing knowledge (0.000) (0.000) 0.244 (0.000)
.104 .119 -.047 .098
Relevance 0.099 0.058 0.452 0.120
.138 .192 .011 .165
Self-control and self-reflection (0.028) (0.002) 0.862 (0.009)
.429 .474 .043 .464
Epistemological understanding (0.000) (0.000) 0.496 (0.000)
.368 .284 .036 .345
Teaching for understanding (0.000) (0.000) 0.572 (0.000)
.245 .290 .135 .305
Support learning for understanding (0.000) (0.000) (0.032) (0.000)
.305 .305 .139 .347
Problem solving strategies (0.000) (0.000) (0.027) (0.000)
.452 .459 0.060 .475
Overall (0.000) (0.000) 0.344 (0.000)

Presented in Table 4 are the results aimed at determining This study supports the proposition of Permatasari et al.,
the significant relationship between the supportive learning (2021) who mentioned that supportive learning environments
environment and academic resiliency of T.L.E. students. The contribute to the academic resiliency of students. Students’
correlation coefficients (r) and corresponding p-values indicate ability to handle challenging circumstances, cope effectively
the strength and significance of the relationships between with them, and overcome obstacles might be positively
various aspects of the supportive learning environment and impacted by someone who is regarded to have strong social
different dimensions of academic resiliency. Notably, support. According to the study of Ghany and Wahyudin
statistically significant positive correlations are observed across (2021) for students to achieve their academic resiliency, a
multiple indicators. For instance, sharing and comparing supportive classroom atmosphere must foster high levels of
knowledge, epistemological understanding, teaching for intellectual quality and connectivity. In addition, students who
understanding, support learning for understanding, problem- feel encouraged to participate in their studies have more
solving strategies, and the overall supportive learning positive attitudes, but they also exhibit higher levels of
environment display significant positive correlations with motivation to learn, regular attendance, engagement, and
overall academic resiliency, ranging from .260 to .475 (all p- notable academic resiliency. Thus, teaching skills help students
values <0.001). These findings suggest a significant positive enhance their class performance.
relationship between a supportive learning environment and the
academic resiliency of T.L.E. students, emphasizing the Furthermore, according to the study of Sri & Perumal
potential impact of effective teaching practices on students' (2024) a supportive learning environment has been
ability to persevere, seek adaptive help, and manage emotional significantly contributes increasing students’ academic
responses. resilience, highlighting the significance of teacher and student
activity in creating a stimulating learning environment.
Students are more likely to participate in class when they are
supported and encouraged. Additionally, a supportive learning
environment promotes emotional well-being by reducing
anxiety and instilling a growth mindset in students.

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 5 Significant Relationship between Assertive Classroom Management Strategies and Academic Resiliency
Academic resiliency Overall
Assertive classroom management Reflecting and adaptive Negative affect and
help-seeking emotional response
.185** .243** .272** .292**
Organization strategies (0.003) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
.376** .370** .187** .431**
Teaching strategies (0.000) (0.000) (0.003) (0.000)
.200** .338** .210** .322**
Teacher-student relationship strategies (0.001) (0.000) (0.001) (0.000)
.269** .345** .169** .352**
Punishment-reward strategies (0.000) (0.000) (0.007) (0.000)
.357** .444** .289** .482**
Overall (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

Table 5 presents the findings aimed at determining the classroom management practices on students' perseverance,
significant relationship between assertive classroom adaptive help-seeking, and emotional response management.
management strategies and academic resiliency among T.L.E.
students. The correlation coefficients (r) and corresponding p- In the study conducted by Yasin et al., (2022) effective
values reveal the strength and significance of the relationships classroom management strategies significantly influence the
between various aspects of assertive classroom management academic resiliency of the students such as studying,
and different dimensions of academic resiliency. Notably, developing new abilities, and managing students’ behavior.
statistically significant positive correlations are evident across Employing effective teaching techniques and procedures,
all indicators. For instance, organization strategies, teaching teachers can greatly influence students' academic resiliency.
strategies, teacher-student relationship strategies, and Moreover, the classroom instruction and shaping of students'
punishment-reward strategies all exhibit significant positive behavior can be seen in the physical evidence of their
correlations with overall academic resiliency, ranging from participation and presence. Because of this, the behavior of
.292 to .482 (all p-values < 0.001). These outcomes suggest a every student will show their interests and the like. Teachers
positive relationship between assertive classroom management can encourage students to actively participate in class by using
strategies and the academic resiliency of T.L.E. students, behavioral engagement techniques. For instance, teaching
emphasizing the potential impact of organized and effective students that there will be incentives in the form of points or
punishments can encourage them to behave obediently.

Table 6 Domain of Supportive Learning Environment that best Influences the Academic Resiliency of T.L.E. Student
Academic Resiliency
B B Std. error t Sig
Constant 1.829 .248 7.385 .000
Sharing and comparing knowledge 0.087 .056 .039 1.421 .157
Relevance -0.010 -.007 .040 -0.175 .861
Self-control and self-reflection -0.042 -.025 .036 -0.694 .489
Epistemological understanding 0.333 .171 .030 5.613 .000
Teaching for understanding 0.151 .109 .046 2.357 .019
Support learning for understanding 0.109 .066 .037 1.761 .080
Problem solving strategies 0.176 .115 .041 2.832 .005
R 0.561
R^2 0.315
F 16.179
P 0.000

Table 6 presents the results of the multiple regression at least one predictor significantly influences academic
analysis aimed at identifying the domain of supportive learning resiliency. The model explains 31.5% of the variance in
environment that best influences the academic resiliency of academic resiliency (R² = 0.315), indicating a moderate degree
T.L.E. students. The predictors considered in the model include of prediction. Upon closer examination of the individual
sharing and comparing knowledge, relevance, self-control and predictors, it is observed that epistemological understanding (B
self-reflection, epistemological understanding, teaching for = 0.333, t = 5.613, p = 0.000), teaching for understanding (B =
understanding, support learning for understanding, and 0.151, t = 2.357, p = 0.019), and problem-solving strategies (B
problem-solving strategies. = 0.176, t = 2.832, p = 0.005) have significant positive
influences on academic resiliency. These findings suggest that,
The regression analysis indicates that the overall model is among the domains of supportive learning environment
statistically significant (F = 16.179, p = 0.000), suggesting that considered, a deeper understanding of epistemology, effective

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

teaching methods, and proficiency in problem-solving fostering a setting that allows them to reach their full academic
significantly contribute to the academic resiliency of T.L.E. potential and giving assignments to the students develop their
students. problem-solving strategies which will impact their academic
These findings support the result of Hussain (2023) that
all these domains influence the academic resiliency of students. Moreover, teaching methods such as peer activities and
Students who consistently work with materials and engage in problem-based learning can support the development of
nonlinear, continuous processes of active learning, discovery, resilience. Teachers can facilitate resilience by incorporating
and inquiry will develop a stronger epistemological resilience teaching and training. Resilient qualities can be
understanding of the creative process, teachers will serve as developed through the facilitation of appropriate learning and
facilitators, giving students an organized environment and teaching interventions (Walsh et al., 2020).

Table 7 Domain of Assertive Classroom Management Strategies that best Influences the Academic Resiliency of T.L.E. Student
Academic Resiliency
B B Std. error T Sig
Constant 0.000 1.950 .230 8.466 .000
Organization strategies 0.088 .057 .042 1.376 .170
Teaching strategies 0.269 .207 .053 3.880 .000
Teacher-student relationship strategies 0.098 .078 .051 1.534 .126
Punishment-reward strategies 0.209 .141 .040 3.484 .001
R 0.497
R^2 0.247
F 20.391
P 0.000

Table 7 displays the results of the multiple regression actively in their education. Each of these elements supported a
analysis investigating the predictors influencing the academic more effective and successful learning experience.
resiliency of T.L.E. students, specifically focusing on assertive
classroom management strategies. The predictors examined Furthermore, in the study of Ozomadu et al., (2019) that
include organization strategies, teaching strategies, teacher- the use of assertive classroom management techniques in the
student relationship strategies, and punishment-reward classroom has been shown to impact students' engagement
strategies. The overall model is statistically significant (F = levels and academic resilience. It is discovered that effective
20.391, p = 0.000), suggesting that at least one predictor teaching strategies makes efficient use of class time, lowers
significantly influences academic resiliency. The model disruptive behaviors, and boosts student involvement. Students
explains 24.7% of the variance in academic resiliency (R² = can be inspired and encouraged to have more positive
0.247), indicating a moderate level of prediction. impressions of their teachers when they use more assertive
management techniques and dedicate more time to preparation
Upon closer examination of the individual predictors, it is and successful instruction.
observed that teaching strategies (B = 0.269, t = 3.880, p =
0.000) and punishment-reward strategies (B = 0.209, t = 3.484, IV. CONCLUSION
p = 0.001) have significant positive influences on academic
resiliency. These findings suggest that, within the domain of The results highlight the essential role of teachers in
assertive classroom management strategies, employing administering a supportive learning environment in a
effective teaching methods and adopting balanced punishment- classroom. The overall mean revealed a very high. Further
reward strategies significantly contribute to the academic results revealed that among all domains problem solving
resiliency of T.L.E. students. The ensuing discussion will strategies, teaching for understanding, support learning for
explore the nuanced implications of these significant predictors understanding, epistemological understanding, self-control and
and their potential role in fostering academic resiliency among self-reflection, and sharing and comparing knowledge
T.L.E. students. associated with very high level which means supportive
learning environment is observed in the classroom.
In the result of the study conducted by Wirsaseno et al.,
(2024) posited the domain assertive classroom management Moreover, it has been discovered that assertive classroom
strategies the punishment reward strategies and teaching management strategies were manifested by teachers. Results
strategies influences the academic resiliency of students. It is showed that teacher-student relationship strategies are the most
essential to discipline misbehaving students. The teacher important domain in assertive classroom management
developed positive relationships with her students when the strategies with a very high descriptive level. Therefore, teachers
students changed their attitudes and complied with the should maintain good student-teacher relationships.
disciplinary rules in the classroom. They ought to create an
environment in the classroom where students feel valued and
encouraged, since this will encourage them to participate more

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Further results show that academic resiliency was [7]. Batool, S., Bhatti, R. U., & Waseem, M. (2023). Impact
observed in the T.L.E. student with a high descriptive level. of Classroom Management Strategies on Academic
Reflecting and adaptive help-seeking in academic resiliency of Achievements of Students at The Elementary
students was found very high. This implies that students are Level. Journal of Education and Social Studies, 4(2),
motivated when they are encouraged. 373-284.
[8]. Berlin, R., & Cohen, J. (2020). The convergence of
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