Neetu Singh Vocab Book SSC 2023 All One Word Substitutions 1

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42 One Word Substitutions


CGL TIER-II, 2023 one who is skilled and eloquent in public

Exam Held on : 26/10/2023 || 9:00 AM
(1) lecturer (2) orator
1. Select the option that can be used as a (3) spokesperson (4) actor
one-word substitute for the underlined 5. Select the correct option to substitute
part of the given sentence. the given set of words.
There is a place for grains in the a statement open to more than one
backyard of this house. interpretation
(1) dormitory (2) apiary (1) explicit (2) palpable
(3) granary (4) archive (3) tangible (4) ambiguous
2. Select the option that can be used as a 6. Select the most appropriate option to
one-word substitute for the underlined substitute the given group of words.
phrase in the following sentence. the husks of corn or other grains
She was known for her ability to separated by winnowing or threshing.
communicate effectively and express (1) chaff (2) peel
herself clearly in writing and speaking. (3) hay (4) fodder
(1) incoherence (2) rambling 7. Select the correct option to substitute
(3) articulation (4) mumbling the given set of words.
Answer Key to skip about playfully
1. (3) 2. (3) (1) scramble (2) amble
(3) gambol (4) trundle
CPO TIER-II, 2023 8. Select the most appropriate option to
Exam Held on : 08/01/2024 || 9:00 AM substitute the given group of words.
1. Select the most appropriate option to Natural talent for something
substitute the given group of words.
A person who has excessive admiration
of themselves 9. Select the most appropriate option to
(1) egotist (2) egocentric substitute the given group of words.
(3) narcissist (4) fanatic irrational fear of water
2. Select the correct option to substitute (1) cacophobia (2) claustrophobia
the given set of words. (3) hydrophobia (4) acrophobia
one who cannot be corrected 10. Select the most appropriate option to
(1) vulnerable (2) versatile substitute the given group of words.
(3) indefatigable (4) incorrigible a legal document authorizing the police
3. Select the most appropriate option to or another body to make an arrest or
substitute the given group of words. search premises
a wooden frame for holding an artist’s (1) permit (2) licence
work while it is being painted or drawn (3) decree (4) warrant
(1) easel (2) lectern Answer Key
(3) platform (4) podium
1. (3) 2. (4) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (4)
4. Select the most appropriate option to
substitute the given group of words. 6. (1) 7. (3) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (4)
KD Publication 1 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)
CHSL TIER-II, 2023 7. A person who conforms to accepted
Exam Held on : 02/11/2023 || 9:00 AM
behaviour or established practices.
(1) Psychologist (2) Conformist
1. Select the option that can be used as a (3) Socialist (4) Rebelist
one-word substitute for the given group 8. The constitutional right to vote
of words. (1) Franchise (2) Polling
The inability to obtain adequate sleep (3) Voting (4) Buttoning
(1) Pyromania (2) Insomnia 9. A person who lives a secluded or solitary
(3) Andromania (4) Mythomania life, often for religious reasons
2. Select the option that can be used as a (1) Extrovert (2) Chauvinist
one-word substitute for the given group
of words/phrase. 10. The study of coins
A phrase or words written in memory of (1) Currency (2) Minting
a person who has died (3) Numismatics (4) Barter
(1) Epigram (2) Tombstone 11. Argue loudly about unimportant things
(3) Epitaph (4) Calligraphy (1) Maintain (2) Disagree
3. Select the option that can be used as a (3) Agree (4) Squabble
one-word substitute for the given phrase. 12. A life history of a person written by
One who believes in fate himself
(1) Fatalist (2) Flirt (1) Biography (2) Epic
(3) Superstitious (4) Fatal (3) Story (4) Autobiography
Answer Key 13. One who always expects the worst
1. (2) 2. (3) 3. (1) possible outcome
(1) Pessimist (2) Optimist
CHSL TIER-I, 2023 (3) Preacher (4) Serial killer
Exam Held on : August 2 to 22, 2023 14. One who is bad in spellings
Select the option that can be used as a one- (1) Cartographer (2) Cacographer
word substitute for the given group of words. (3) Chauffer (4) Calligrapher
1. The vehicle which carries dead bodies 15. One’s relatives or family, related
(1) Kilt (2) Kindle
(3) Ambulance (4) Corpse (3) Kin (4) Kine
2. A book where names and addresses of 16. Done without conscious control;
people living in an area is kept unintentional
(1) Diary (2) Encyclopaedia (1) Invincible (2) Involuntary
(3) Directory (4) Library (3) Invitro (4) Invoke
3. A person who has features of extrovert 17. Exceptionally clever or talented
and introvert (1) Indigenous (2) Studious
(1) Stoic (2) Ambivert (3) Assiduous (4) Ingenious
(3) Ambiguous (4) Dual 18. The character and atmosphere of a place
4. Something which cannot be easily
conquered (3) Ligament (4) Ambience
(1) Frightening (2) Invincible 19. A lover of mankind
(3) Reciprocal (4) Stable (1) Misanthrope (2) Philanthropist
5. The doctor who treats bone problems (3) Narcissist (4) Lexicographer
(1) Obstetrician (2) Gynaecologist 20. The study of skin
(3) Orthopaedist (4) Physiotherapist (1) Dermatology (2) Cytology
6. A person who loves and collects books (3) Congenital (4) Dementia
(1) Bibliophile (2) Philanthropist 21. A group of people, typically with vehicles
(3) Geologist (4) Sommelier or animals, travelling together

KD Publication 2 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)

(1) Alibi 33. A person who is against the use of
(2) Anachronism Troupe violence and war to settle disputes
(3) Caravan
(4) Bohemian
22. Showing or having skill, especially with 34. The murder of a king
the hands. (1) Sacrilege (2) Rebel
(1) Insomniac (2) Meticulous (3) Reticule (4) Regicide
(3) Pertinent (4) Dexterous 35. One who is new to some trade or
23. Affected by an undesirable condition or profession
unpleasant feeling (1) Novice (2) Philistine
(1) Cancelled (2) Indifferent (3) Martyr (4) Omnipresent
(3) Modest (4) Stricken 36. A royal ceremony in which a crown is
24. The theory or philosophy of law placed on the head of a new King or a
(3) Cosmology (4) Philia (1) Corroboration (2) Unseating
25. Animals especially on a farm, regarded (3) Ousting (4) Coronation
as an asset. 37. Spoken or done without preparation
(1) Livid (2) Livery stable (1) Elocution (2) Extempore
(3) Livelihood (4) Livestock (3) Debate (4) Declamation
26. O ne who pos se ss es o uts ta nd in g 38. A person who does not believe in the
technical ability in a particular art or existence of God
(1) Atheist (2) Priest
(1) Virtuous (2) Virtuoso (3) Theist (4) Satan
(3) Gourmand (4) Amateur 39. Free time; time at one’s own disposal
27. The allowance which is paid to wife on (1) Leisure (2) Legible
(3) Lethal (4) Legion
legal separation
40. Unpleasantly rough or sharp, especially
(1) Racisms (2) Dowry
to the senses, cruel
(3) Alimony (4) Money
28. A word or a phrase formed by rearranging
a different word
41. An imperfection; a blemish, a crack
(1) Anaphora (2) Amateur
(1) Flaunt (2) Fleck
(3) Anagram (4) Accessible
(3) Flaw (4) Flea
(1) Mammal (2) Vegetarian
(3) Flock (4) Mob (3) Carnivore (4) Cannibal
30. A person who believes that all events 43. Collection of written or spoken texts
are predetermined or subject to fate (1) Data bank (2) Dictionary
(1) Fatalist (2) Credulous (3) Corpus (4) Circa
(3) Egotist (4) Aristocrat 44. A particular form of a language which
31. A form of government in which power
is held by the nobility group.
(1) Democracy (2) Aristocracy (1) Singular (2) Slang
(3) Republic (4) Nobility (3) Dialect (4) Referendum
32. An amount of money that is paid at one 45. One who studies the evolution of
time mankind
(1) Advanced amount (1) Anarchist
(2) Credit (2) Amateur
(3) Lump sum (3) Anthropologist
(4) Mortgage (4) Antagonist
KD Publication 3 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)
46. An imagined place or state of things in 6. One who settles in another country
which everything is perfect (1) Resident (2) Immigrant
(1) Dwarf (2) Utopia (3) Traveller (4) Refugee
(3) Chronology (4) Octogenarian 7. The capacity for being useful for some
47. Poor physical or mental condition. purpose.
(1) Ill nature (2) Illicit (1) Gain (2) Utility
(3) Ill-fated (4) Ill health (3) Desirability (4) Aid
Answer Key 8.
(1) Recuperate (2) Recurrent
1. (2) 2. (3) 3. (2) 4. (2) 5. (3)
(3) Rapport (4) Regression
6. (1) 7. (2) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (3) 9. The study of the human mind
11. (4) 12. (4) 13. (1) 14. (2) 15. (3) (1) Psychology
16. (2) 17. (4) 18. (4) 19. (2) 20. (1) (2) Microbiology
21. (3) 22. (4) 23. (4) 24. (1) 25. (4) (3) Epidemiology
26. (2) 27. (3) 28. (3) 29. (2) 30. (1) (4) Anthropology
31. (2) 32. (3) 33. (3) 34. (4) 35. (1) 10. A keeper or custodian of a museum or
other collection
36. (4) 37. (2) 38. (1) 39. (1) 40. (3)
(1) Cartographer (2) Calligrapher
41. (3) 42. (4) 43. (3) 44. (3) 45. (3) (3) Curator (4) Chauffeur
46. (2) 47. (4) 11. A pre tence of h aving a virt uo us
CPO TIER-I, 2023 character, moral or religious beliefs or
Exam Held on : 03rd to 05th October 2023
principles, etc., that one does not really
1. A notice of the death of a person, often (1) Shrewdness
with a biographical sketch, as in a (2) Naivety
newspaper. (3) Gullibility
(1) Obituary
(2) Oblivion 12.
(3) Elegy
(4) Advertisement
2. Fear of water 13. Minimum people needed for a meeting
(1) Forum (2) Quorum
(2) Bibliophobia (3) Addendum (4) Decorum
(3) Microphobia 14. Detailed list of goods dispatched with
(4) Botanophobia quantity and price to the purchaser.
3. A person engaged in or trained for (1) Ledger (2) Sales
(3) Receipt (4) Invoice
(1) Astute 15. To criticise someone severely
(2) Astronomer (1) Rate (2) Remonstrate
(3) Astronaut (3) Chastise (4) Scoff
(4) Atrocious 16. To make a low continuous vibratory
4. Working or operating quickly and sound expressing contentment (of a
effectively in an organised way cat).
(1) To meow (2) To purr
(2) Extensive (3) To buzz (4) To roar
(3) Excellent 17. No longer used because something new
(4) Effusive has been invented
5. Study of science of insects (1) Classic (2) Ancient
(1) Entomology (2) Anthropology (3) Ornamental (4) Obsolete
(3) Microbiology (4) Ecology
KD Publication 4 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)
18. Spoken or done without any previous (3) To smother (4) To yield
thought or preparation 30. An animal or a person that eats all types
(1) Inaugural (2) Maiden of food, especially plants and meat
(3) Extempore (4) Initiative
19. A place where coins are made (3) Omnivore (4) Carnivore
31. A collection of historical documents or
(3) Grove (4) Mint records providing information about a
20. Something of monstrous size or power place, institution, or group of people
(1) Bulk (2) Amazon (1) Museum (2) Apostate
(3) Asylum (4) Archive
21. A list of source materials that are used 32. A structure in the garden where
or consulted in the preparation of a climbing plants can grow and people
work or that are referred to in the text. can walk under
(1) Bibliography (2) Bibliophile (1) Tomb (2) Outhouse
(3) Bibliotheca (4) Bibliomemoir (3) Pergola (4) Treehouse
22. An ability to do several things at the 33. Extremely beautiful, elaborate or
same time. impressive
(1) Indictment (2) Blasphemy
(3) Unitasking (4) Multitasking
23. The compulsion to tell lies 34. A form of government in which the
(1) Pyromania (2) Nymphomania supreme power is vested in the people
(3) Megalomania (4) Mythomania and exercised by their elected agents
24. Someone who pretends to have certain under a free electoral system.
moral standards while secretively that (1) Democracy (2) Anarchy
person practices those very moral lapses. (3) Monarchy (4) Autocracy
(1) Sinner (2) Actor 35. To tell the nature of a disease by its
25. A person who does not eat any animal (1) Design (2) Diagnosis
product (3) Decisive (4) Dosage
(1) Vegetarian (2) Veggie 36. A book published after author’s death.
(3) Vegan (4) Non-vegetarian (1) Posthuman publication
26. Lasting for a very short time (2) Posthumous publication
(1) Eternal (2) Ephemeral (3) Supernatural publication
(3) Blasphemy (4) Chronology (4) Predecessor publication
27. Very attractive and easy to feel love for 37. Centre of public attention
(1) Flamboyant (2) Adorable (1) Ambiguity (2) Obscurity
(3) Mysterious (4) Laudable (3) Fuzziness (4) Limelight
28. A disease prevalent in a community 38. One who goes from place to place, begging
(1) Misogamist (2) Malleable
affecting a large area. (3) Meticulous (4) Mendicant
(1) Pandemic (2) Eradicate 39. Study of coins
(3) Epidemic (4) Endemic (1) Philately (2) Antiquary
29. To have a strong emotional effect on. (3) Numismatics (4) Apothecary
(1) To forfeit (2) To overwhelm
KD Publication 5 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)
40. A person who eats too much caused by demanding circumstances.
(1) Glutton (2) Garrulous (1) reluctance (2) stress
(3) Greedy (4) Gullible (3) penalty (4) depression
41. To restrain or compel a person to do 50. lot of
something by force. happiness, expressing joyful melodies
(1) Convoy (2) Consensus that brought smiles to everyone’s faces.
(3) Coerce (4) Casualty (1) surprise (2) joy
42. An act of exchanging information (3) excitement (4) fear
(1) Collaboration (2) Communication 51. The co mpany w as known fo r its
de s erv ing re sp ec t or ad mi r ati o n
43. Requiring exceptional skill or caution business practices and honest and fair
in performance or handling ethical standards.
(1) Blunt (2) Tricky (1) honourable (2) decent
(3) Sustainable (4) Abstract (3) respectable (4) trustworthy
Select the option that can be used as a 52. Denmark has a type of government
one-word substitute for the underlined where power is held by the wealthiest
group of words. members of society.
44. (1) democracy (2) plutocracy
learning the art of producing beautiful (3) monarchy (4) oligarchy
handwriting? 53. The king’s coronation ceremony was
(1) Lexicography (2) Demography a grand affair, with all the nobles
(3) Calligraphy (4) Graphology
45. Ms. Scarlet was indifferent to pain and insignia of royalty.
pleasure, she never complained. (1) ornaments (2) regalia
(3) regals (4) spectres
(3) Versatile (4) Amateur 54. an organisation that raises
46. not willing to attend the money for a particular cause.
technical session of the conference. (1) donation (2) volunteer
(1) dejecting (2) reluctant (3) charity (4) fundraiser
(3) curious (4) comprehensive 55. She is really interested in the study of
47. Since God is an all-powerful creator, he religion.
has absolute control over those whom (1) theology (2) philology
he has created. (3) lexicography (4) psephology
(1) Voracious (2) Omnipotent 56. The basketball player was a formidable
(3) Incorrigible (4) Omniscient opponent because he was able to use
48. Children and adolescents with a morbid both his left and right hands equally well.
compulsion to steal experience a growing (1) equipoised (2) dexterous
sense of tension just before stealing, (3) ambidextrous (4) ambivalent
57. The schedule was capable of bending
during or just after stealing. easily without breaking and able to be
(1) Pyromania (2) Kleptomania .
(3) Dipsomania (4) Megalomania (1) adherent (2) inadaptable
Rajiv has a mental or emotional strain
KD Publication 6 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)
58. The new technology was much more 21. (1) 22. (4) 23. (4) 24. (4) 25. (3)
productive and achieved maximum 26. (2) 27. (2) 28. (3) 29. (2) 30. (3)
output with minimum wasted effort or 31. (4) 32. (3) 33. (2) 34. (1) 35. (2)
expense. 36. (2) 37. (4) 38. (4) 39. (3) 40. (1)
41. (3) 42. (2) 43. (2) 44. (3) 45. (2)
46. (2) 47. (2) 48. (2) 49. (2) 50. (2)
59. a story that is passed 51. (1) 52. (2) 53. (2) 54. (4) 55. (1)
down from generation to generation 56. (3) 57. (4) 58. (1) 59. (1) 60. (3)
through spoken word. 61. (4) 62. (3) 63. (2) 64. (4)
(1) folktale (2) fable
(3) epic (4) parable
Exam Held on : 12th and 13th, October 2023
60. Th e ch ild wa s no t g uil ty o f any
wrongdoing and lacked knowledge or Select the option that can be used as a one-
awareness of wrongdoing. word substitute for the underlined words.
(1) ignorant (2) inexperienced 1. It was his love and goodwill to humanity
(3) innocent (4) cruel that was recognised by the state
61. After the scandal, the king was left with government.
no choice but to announce his act of (1) humanism (2) affection
renouncing the throne. (3) philanthropy (4) misanthropy
(1) coronation (2) extradition 2. Whatever topic I discussed with the
(3) exoneration (4) abdication sage, it seemed that he knew everything.
62. ‘A Red, Red Rose’ by Robert Burns is a (1) was omniscient
poem that tells a story and has a regular (2) was abnormal
rhythm and rhyme scheme. (3) was excellent
(1) epic (2) haiku (4) was a psychologist
(3) ballad (4) sonnet Answer Key
63. Kidney beans were boiled quickly when 1. (3) 2. (1)
Nisha added a substance that speeds CGL TIER-I, 2023
up a chemical reaction without being Exam Held on : 14th July to 27th July 2023
consumed by the reaction itself.
Select the option that can be used as a
(1) reactant (2) catalyst
one-word substitute for the given group
(3) enzyme (4) solute
of words.
64. As I walked through the old town, I
couldn’t help but feel a sentimental
(1) Eligible (2) Digestible
longing for the simpler times of my
(3) Curable (4) Edible
2. A person who believes that laws and
(1) affection (2) homesickness
governments are not necessary.
(3) inertia (4) nostalgia
(1) Antagonist (2) Antichrist
Answer Key
(3) Anarchist (4) Adversary
1. (1) 2. (1) 3. (3) 4. (1) 5. (1)
3. A person who hates and avoids other
6. (2) 7. (2) 8. (2) 9. (1) 10. (3)
11. (4) 12. (2) 13. (2) 14. (4) 15. (3)
(1) Masochist (2) Pervert
16. (2) 17. (4) 18. (3) 19. (4) 20. (4)

KD Publication 7 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)

4. A person who abandons religion 15. To put off doing something, es vecially
(1) Egotist (2) Priest out of habitual carelessness or laziness
(3) Apostate (4) Atheist (1) Accelerate (2) Lacerate
5. A book or set of books giving information (3) Procrastinate (4) Recuperate
about all areas of knowledge 16. A person who gives help and sympathy
(1) Encyclopedia (2) Dictionary to people who need it.
(3) Volume (4) Anthology (1) Preacher (2) Moralist
6. Irreverent behaviour toward anything (3) Samaritan (4) Pardoner
held sacred or concerning God. 17. A person who draws or produces maps
(1) Agnosticism (2) Pantheism (1) Calligrapher (2) Choreographer
(3) Theism (4) Blasphemy (3) Chauffeur (4) Cartographer
7. A place to play games and bet on them 18. Being careful that every detail of
Motel something is correct
(1) Fastidious (2) Squeamish
(4) Pub (3) Stubborn (4) Impregnable
8. Any female animal which feeds its young 19. Something that is absolutely necessary,
on milk from her own body that you cannot do without.
(1) Insular (2) Indispensable
(1) Vertebrate (2) Parasite
(3) Isolated (4) Intolerant
(3) Mammal (4) Fauna
20. Animal living both on land and water.
9. Certain to happen
(1) Marine (2) Amphibian
(3) Arboreal (4) Terrestrial
(3) Convertible (4) Inevitable
21. Person who betrays his own country.
10. A similarity between like features of two
(1) Mascot (2) Traitor
things, on which a comparison may be
(3) Icon (4) Paragon
22. Child bereaved of one or both the
(1) Analogy (2) Amalgamation
(3) Apathy (4) Ambiguity (1) Destitute (2) Orphan
11. The money paid to former wife, husband (3) Lout (4) Desolate
or partner when the marriage is ended. 23.
(1) Alimony (2) Compensation easily yield to pressure
(3) Recompense (4) Maintenance (1) Substantial (2) Firm
12. A group of people travelling together in (3) Ramrod (4) Close
a van 24. Government governed by wealth
(1) Gypsies (2) Caravan (1) Theocracy (2) Autocracy
(3) Brood (4) Constellation (3) Democracy (4) Plutocracy
13. A detailed description of a series of real 25. Copying someone else’s work and trying
to submit as your own
long period of time
(1) Witness (2) Journal (3) Altruism (4) Cynicism
(3) Saga (4) Case study 26. A person who enjoys doing dangerous
14. A secret plan, made to do something things, in a way that other people may
(usually wrong) think is stupid.
(1) Strategy (2) Planning (1) Cavalier (2) Lunatic
(3) Conditioning (4) Conspiracy (3) Gallant (4) Daredevil
KD Publication 8 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)
27. Forsaken or neglected child who has no 38. Causing or wanting to cause harm or
home and spends most of his/her time evil to someone
on the streets (1) Chaotic (2) Malevolent
(1) Fugitive (2) Vulnerable (3) Insipid (4) Rancour
(3) Miscreant (4) Waif 39. Causing or ending in death.
28. Gradual recovery of health and strength (1) Gruesome (2) Foster
(1) Convalescence (2) Potency (3) Fatal (4) Grotesque
(3) Benefaction (4) Rejuvenation 40. A person whose age is between 70 and
29. Capable of being bent or pulled into 79 years old
different shapes (1) Septuagenarian (2) Aged
(1) Lithe (2) Willowy (3) Pensioner (4) Oldie
(3) Ductile (4) Lissome 41. A formal agreement between two or
30. Someone who dishonestly pretends to more nations or peoples
deceive under an assumed character (1) Pact (2) Concord
(1) Imposter (2) Imitator (3) Bond (4) Charter
(3) Explorer (4) Imbecile 42. To move or travel back and forth
31. Waver between different opinions or frequently
(1) Grapple (2) Shuttle
(3) Rupture (4) Foster
(1) Sway (2) Viaduct
43. Willing to take risks and try new ideas.
(3) Thrifty (4) Vacillate
(1) Resolute (2) Desperate
32. A person who kills somebody, especially
(3) Adventurous (4) Mythical
for political reasons
44. Author’s explanatory remarks at the
(1) Monster (2) Criminal
beginning of a book
(1) Preface (2) Foreward
33. A group of worshippers
(3) Bibliography (4) Biography
(1) Congregation (2) Crowd
45. One who loves mankind
(3) Caravan (4) Constellation (1) Atheist (2) Pessimist
34. The place that a person treats as his (3) Optimist (4) Philanthropist
permanent home, or lives in and has a 46. A speech by an actor at the end of a play
substantial connection with (1) Prologue (2) Monologue
(1) Oasis (2) Domicile (3) Epilogue (4) Duologue
(3) Embankment (4) Resort 47. Someone who lives in solitude
35. Capable of or adapted for turning easily (1) Metropolitan (2) Cosmopolitan
from one to another of various tasks, (3) Recluse (4) Refugee
48. One who loves mankind
do many things. (1) Atheist (2) Pessimist
(1) Versatile (2) Turncoat (3) Optimist (4) Philanthropist
(3) Talented (4) Flexible 49. Author’s explanatory remarks at the
36. A big clumsy often slow-witted person beginning of a book
(1) Slouch (2) Chump (1) Preface (2) Foreward
(3) Oaf (4) Ape (3) Bibliography (4) Biography
37. Place where grains are stored. 50. Never changing and therefore boring.
(1) Tannery (2) Pantry (1) Outdated (2) Impractical
(3) Mint (4) Granary (3) Idealistic (4) Monotonous
KD Publication 9 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)
51. Kind, generous, and forgiving. 63. Filled with fear or dread
(1) Prudent (2) Tremulous
(3) Portentous (4) Magnanimous
52. Enjoying or affording warm secure 64. Outer protective layer of a tree.
shelter or cover and opportunity for ease (1) Bark (2) Shrub
and contentment (3) Rind (4) Peel
(1) Undisturbed (2) Easeful 65. A place where airplanes are kept for
(3) Untroubled (4) Snug maintenance
53. Changing secret and coded messages
in a readable form
(1) Decoupling (2) Encoding Select the option that can be used as a one-
(3) Decoding (4) Encrypting word substitute for the underlined words.
54. Too strong to be defeated or changed 66. The prime minister paid tributes to the
martyrs by laying circular arrangement
(3) Vigorous (4) Sovereign .
55. Which cannot be read. (1) buds (2) posies
(1) Illiterate (2) Inaudible (3) bouquets (4) wreaths
(3) Invisible (4) Illegible 67. The heavy medications and strong
56. The murder of a large number of people drugs at the sanatorium will surely
from a particular nation or ethnic group. turn a patient completely lifeless and
(3) Genocide (4) Mariticide (1) tombic (2) cadaverous
57. Life history written by oneself. (3) zonic (4) wasted
(1) Autography (2) Autobiography 68. By killing a large number of people, they
(3) Autophagy (4) Autocracy
58. A person who does not drink alcohol. the schemes.
(1) Vegetarian (2) Celibate
(3) Teetotaller (4) Abstain (3) Feticide (4) Genocide
59. Something belonging to or surviving Answer Key
from an earlier period 1. (4) 2. (3) 3. (4) 4. (3) 5. (1)
(1) Vestige (2) Dinosaur 6. (4) 7. (3) 8. (3) 9. (4) 10. (1)
(3) Ruin (4) Relic 11. (1) 12. (2) 13. (3) 14. (4) 15. (3)
60. Someone who regards the world as his 16. (3) 17. (4) 18. (1) 19. (2) 20. (2)
country 21. (2) 22. (2) 23. (2) 24. (4) 25. (1)
(1) Atheist (2) Metropolitan 26. (4) 27. (4) 28. (1) 29. (3) 30. (1)
(3) Cosmopolitan (4) Philanthropist 31. (4) 32. (4) 33. (1) 34. (2) 35. (1)
61. N ot in form ed abo u t o r aw a r e o f 36. (3) 37. (4) 38. (2) 39. (3) 40. (1)
something 41. (1) 42. (2) 43. (3) 44. (1) 45. (4)
(1) Oblivious (2) Uneducated 46. (3) 47. (3) 48. (4) 49. (1) 50. (4)
(3) Absent (4) Inconscient 51. (4) 52. (4) 53. (3) 54. (1) 55. (4)
62. Burial ground consisting of graves. 56. (3) 57. (2) 58. (3) 59. (4) 60. (3)
(1) Courtyard (2) Cemetery 61. (1) 62. (2) 63. (4) 64. (1) 65. (3)
(3) Sanctuary (4) Auditorium 66. (4) 67. (2) 68. (4)

KD Publication 10 42. One Word Substitutions (Previous Years)

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