新东方雅思真题阅读长难句训练 (电子版)

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新东方 老师好
页码 语法主题 句子总数 任务梳理

1. Page 2 定语从句 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

2. Page 8 状语从句 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

3. Page 13 非谓语结构 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

4. Page 18 同位语从句 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

5. Page 23 名词性从句 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

6. Page 28 插入语 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

7. Page 33 后置定语 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

8. Page 38 综合练习 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

9. Page 43 综合练习 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

10. Page 48 综合练习 4 sentences 3 tasks for each

1. 建议做每个练习前,先根据语法主题去复习相应的内容,再进


2. 错题请使用红笔订正,做错题分析,便于后续做复习

长难句 1 – 定语从句

Sentence One
真题长难句 C6 T2 P2 Greying population stays in the pink 真题 Q21-22

It also ①shows ②that there has been a considerable reduction in the

number of elderly people ③who are disabled,④which means that the
cost involved in supporting this section of the population ⑤may be less
than predicted.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
④⑤,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 主句中的谓语动词是

2. 定语从句是

3. 宾语从句是

Task 2:生词支持和学习

considerable adj. 大量的 disabled adj. 不能自理的,残疾的

reduction noun 减少 involve v. 包括,涉及
section noun 部分 predict v. 预测

Task 3:翻译句子,如果你感兴趣,可以理解并尝试翻译,答案本章节后可以查看


Sentence Two
真题长难句 C6 T1 P3 Climate Change and the Inuit 文章 D 段

① It ②would cost ③a family ④around £7,000 a year ⑤to replace meat

⑥they obtained themselves through hunting with imported meat.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤⑥,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 句子主语是

2. 句子谓语动词是

3. 句子的宾语是

4. 定语从句是

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

replace A with B 用 B 取代 A hunt v. 捕猎,狩猎

obtain v. 获得 import v. 进口

Task 3: 翻译句子
句子语序提醒: 翻译时候记得把定语从句的部分放到修饰名词前面



Sentence Three
真题长难句 C10 T1 P1 Stepwell 第 10 段

① On the fourth side, ②verandas ③which are supported by ornate

pillars ④overlook ⑤the steps.

Task 1:写出句子成分

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

veranda noun 游廊 ornate adj. 华丽的

pillar noun 支柱 overlook v. 俯瞰

Task 3:翻译句子
句子语序提醒: 翻译时候记得把定语从句的部分放到修饰名词前面



Sentence Four
真题长难句 C11 T1 P2 The Falkirk Wheel 第六段

A hydraulic clamp, which prevents the arms of the Wheel moving while
the gondola is docked, is removed, allowing the Wheel to turn.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

A hydraulic clamp, which prevents the arms of the Wheel moving

while the gondola is docked, is removed, allowing the Wheel to turn.

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

hydraulic clamp 液压夹板 gondola noun 平底船

the Wheel 水轮(本文中特指) remove v. 移走,移除

Task 3: 翻译句子
句子语序提醒: 翻译时候记得把定语从





Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:
1. 主句的谓语 ① 1. 句子主语是
2. 定语从句 ③⑤ 2. 句子谓语动词是
3. 宾语从句 ② 3. 句子的宾语是
4. 定语从句是
Task 3:这(调查)也表明不能自理的
老人数量在显著下降,这意味着用于支 Task 3:一个家庭每年大约要花费七千英
持这部分人口的开销也许比预想的要 镑才能用进口的肉食来取代他们自己狩猎
低。 的肉类。

Sentence Three Sentence Four

Task 1: Task 1:
① 状语 A hydraulic clamp(主语), which
② 主语 prevents the arms of the Wheel
③ 定语 moving while the gondola is docked
④ 谓语 (定语从句+状语从句), is removed

⑤ 宾语 (谓语), allowing the Wheel to turn


Task 3: Task 3:当平底船停靠时,防止水轮的悬

在第四面,由华丽支柱支撑的游廊着俯 臂移动的液压夹板会被移走,让水轮得以
瞰阶梯。 旋转。

长难句 2 – 状语从句

Sentence One
真题长难句 C9 T4 P3Young children’s sense of identity D 段

① Empirical investigations of the self-as- subject in young children

② are, ③however, ④rather scarce ⑤because of difficulties of

communication: even if young infants can reflect on their experience,
they certainly cannot express this aspect of the self directly.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤,一行可能填 1
① ④
② ⑤

Task 2:生词支持和学习
empirical investigation 实践调查 self-as-subject 以自身为主体

rather scarce 相当稀少的 reflect on 反思,想到

Task 3 : 翻译句子
句子翻译提醒:翻译时候 However 可以放在句子的最开头



Sentence Two
真题长难句 C10 T4 P1 The megafires of California 第 7 段

③ That said, ②many experts ③give ④California ⑤high marks for

making progress on preparedness in recent years, ⑥after some of the
largest fires in state history scorched thousands of acres, burned
thousands of homes, and killed numerous people.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤⑥,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
that said, 尽管如此 scorch 烧
high marks 高分,很好的评价 acres 公顷

Task 3: 翻译句子




Sentence Three
真题长难句 C10 T4 P3 When evolution runs backwards 第 3 段

①Early 20th-century ②biologists ③came ④to a similar conclusion, ⑤

though they qualified it in terms of probability, stating that there is no
reason why evolution cannot run backwards-it is just very unlikely.

Task 1:写出句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

qualify 补充说明 probability 可能性

in terms of 就…方面而言 evolution 进化

Task 3:翻译句子



Sentence Four
真题长难句 C10 T1 P3 The psychology of innovation 第 12 段

Many theorists believe the ideal boss should lead from behind, taking
pride in collective accomplishment and giving credit where it is due.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

Many theorists believe the ideal boss should lead from behind, taking pride in

collective accomplishment and giving credit where it is due.

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

pride 骄傲,荣耀 give credit 认可,赞许

collective accomplishment 集体成就 be due 到期,到时机

Task 3: 翻译句子






Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:
① 主语 ① 状语
② 系动词 ② 主语
③ 状语 ③ 谓语
④ 表语 ④ 间接宾语
⑤ 状语 ⑤ 直接宾语
⑥ 状语
Task 3: Task 3:虽然话是这么说了,但许多专

Sentence Three Sentence Four

Task 1: Task 1: Many theorists believe
① 状语 (主语)the ideal boss (谓语)
② 主语 should lead (状语)from behind,
(状语)taking pride in collective
③ 谓语
accomplishment and giving credit
④ 介词+宾语
(状语从句)where it is due.
⑤ 状语

Task 3:20 世纪早期生物学家也得出了类 Task 3:

似的结论,不过他们是以可能性高低的方 许多理论家认为,理想的老板应当在幕
式来进一步说明这一规律的, 指出没有什 后进行领导,为团队成就感到自豪并在
么理由为什么进化- -定 不能倒退一只不 恰当时给予赞扬。

过这种情况不 太可能发生罢了

长难句 3 – 非谓语结构

Sentence One

真题长难句 C8 T2 P3 A 段第三句

①A scent ②associated with a good experience ③can bring ④a rush of

joy, while a foul odour or one ⑤associated with a bad memory may
make us grimace with disgust.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 主语是
2. 非谓语做定语是
3. 谓语
4. 宾语是

Task 2:生词支持和学习

scent n.气味 odour n.气味

associated with 与…有关 grimace v.面部扭曲
foul adj.污浊的 disgust n.恶心

Task 3 : 翻译句子,句子翻译提醒:翻译时候记得把做定语的非谓语提前



Sentence Two
真题长难句 C8 T2 P3 B 段第四句

In one well-known test, women and men ①were able to distinguish by

smell alone ②clothing ③worn by their marriage partners from similar
clothing ④worn by other people.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 宾语是

2. 谓语动词是

3. 非谓语做定语是

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

distinguish A from B 区分 A 和 B well-known adj. 知名的

worn(wear) v. 穿 marriage partner 配偶

Task 3: 翻译句子
句子翻译提醒:翻译时候注意 distinguish A from B 这个短语




Sentence Three
真题长难句 C8 T4 P1 E 段倒二句

Parents ①are kept closely informed of ②their children's progress and

will play a part in helping their children to keep up with class, ③sending
them to 'Juku' (private evening tuition) if extra help is needed and ④
encouraging them to work harder.

Task 1:写出句子成分

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

keep informed of 被告知 keep up with 追赶上

tuition noun 指导 encourage v. 鼓励

Task 3:翻译句子




Sentence Four
真题长难句 C9 T4 P1 第八段 第一句

During World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irene,
devoted herself to the development of the use of X-radiography,
including the mobile units which came to be known as ‘Little Curie’,
used for the treatment of wounded soldiers.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

During World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irene, devoted

herself to the development of the use of X-radiography, including the mobile

units which came to be known as ‘Little Curie’, used for the treatment of

wounded soldiers.

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

devoted to 投身于 mobile units noun 流动设备

x-radiography n. X 射线照相技术 treatment noun 治疗
wounded adj. 受伤的

Task 3: 翻译句子,




Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:
1. 主语是 ① 1. 宾语是②
2. 非谓语是② ⑤ 2. 谓语动词是①
3. 谓语③ 3. 非谓语做定语是③④
4. 宾语是④
Task 3:
Task 3: 在一项著名测试中,被测试的男性和女性都
某种和愉快经历相关的气味会带来欣 能够仅仅通过气味在相同的衣物中区分自己
喜,污浊的气味或与糟糕经历相关的 的配偶穿过的衣服和其他人穿过的衣服。

Sentence Three Sentence Four

Task 1: Task 1:
①谓语 During World War I(时间状语), Marie
Curie( 主 语 ), with the help of her
daughter Irene(插入语), devoted(谓
语) herself (宾语)to the development
④非谓语做状语 of the use of X-radiography( 宾 补 ),
including(非谓语做状语) the mobile
Task 3: units which came to be known as ‘Little
父母能及时了解到孩子的进步,帮助 Curie’(定语从句), used for (非谓语做
孩子跟上进度,必要时会把孩子送到 定 语 )the treatment of wounded
Juku(私人夜校补习班),并鼓励他 soldiers.
们刻苦学习。 Task 3:
在第一次世界大战期间,Marie 在女儿
Irene 的帮助下,投身于 x 射线照相技术的

长难句 4 – 同位语从句

Sentence One
真题长难句 C8 T3 P3 How Does the Biological Clock Tick? D 段

①A further argument against the simple wear and tear theory is ②the
observation ③that the time ④within which organisms age lies between
a few days (even a few hours for unicellular organisms) and several
thousand years, as with mammoth trees.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④,一行可能填 1
1. 主句中的主语是

2. 同位语从句是

3. 定语从句是

Task 2:生词支持和学习
wear and tear theory n. 耗损理论 unicellular adj. 单细胞的
observation n. 观察 mammoth trees n. 巨杉
organism n. 生物体 argument n.论据
age v. 老化 as with 就像

Task 3:翻译句子:如果你感兴趣,可以理解并尝试翻译,答案本章节后可以查看



Sentence Two
真题长难句 C9 T4 P2 Young Children’s Sense of Identity 文章 C 段

However,Lewis and Brooks-Gunn (1979) suggested that ①the infant’s

developing understanding ②that the movement they see in the mirror
are contingent on their own, ③leads to ④a growing awareness ⑤that
they are distinct from other people.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 宾语从句的主语是

2. 宾语从句的谓语是

3. 宾语从句的宾语是

4. 同位语从句是

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
infant noun 婴儿 awareness noun 意识
contingent on 取决于 distinct from 与…不同

Task 3: 翻译句子




Sentence Three
真题长难句 C5 T1 P1 Johnson’s Dictionary 倒三段

①The fact ②that Johnson had taken on the Academies of Europe and
matched them (everyone knew that forty French academics had taken
forty years to produce the first French national dictionary) ③was ④
cause for much English celebration.

Task 1:写出句子成分(暂时不看括号中的句子)

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

take on 承担 match v. 势均力敌

academies noun 学术界 celebration noun 庆祝

Task 3:翻译句子




Sentence Four
真题长难句 C5 T1 P3 The Truth about the Environment 第四段

That may be wise policy, but it will also create an impression that many
more potential problems exist than is the case.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

That may be wise policy, but it will also create an impression that many more

potential problems exist than is the case.

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
impression n.印象 potential adj. 潜在的
exist v.存在 case n. 特指事实

Task 3: 翻译句子







Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:
1. 主句的主语 ① 1. 宾语从句的主语是①

2. 同位语从句 ③ 2. 宾语从句的谓语是③

3. 定语从句 ④ 3. 宾语从句的宾语是④

4. 同位语从句是② ⑤
Task 3:对抗简单磨损理论认为,
Task 3: 但 是 Lewis 和 Brooks-Gunn
(1979 年)认为婴儿意识到镜子里的动作
Sentence Three Sentence Four
Task 1: Task 1:
① 主语 That(主语) may be(系动词) wise
policy(表语), but it(主语) will
② 同位语 also create(谓语) an impression
(宾语) that many more potential
③ 系动词 problems exist than is the case.(同

④ 表语 位语从句)

Task 3:这似乎是一项明智的决策,但是
Task 3:
众所周知,四十个法国学者花了 40
成, 这一切都让英国人引以为豪。

长难句 5 – 名词性从句

Sentence One
真题长难句 C8 T2 P3 The Meaning and Power of Smell A 段第 2 句

①It ②became apparent ③that smell can evoke strong emotional


Task 1:匹配句子成分

1. 主句中的主语是

2. 主句中的谓语是

3. 主语从句是

Task 2:生词支持和学习

apparent adj. 显然的 evoke vt. 引起, 唤起

response n.反应

Task 3:翻译句子
翻译提示: 注意形式主语 it 的翻译


Sentence Two
真题长难句 C8 T2 P3 The Meaning and Power of Smell E 段第 3 句

①Researchers ②have still to decide ③whether smell is one sense or two

- ④one responding to odours proper ⑤and the other registering
odorless chemicals in the air.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 主句的主语是

2. 主句的谓语是

3. 宾语从句是

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

odour n. 气味 respond to n. 回应

proper adv. 完全地 register v. 留有印象,有记忆

Task 3: 翻译句子:如果你感兴趣,可以理解并尝试翻译,答案本章节后可以查看




Sentence Three
真题长难句 C9 T1 P2 Is There Anybody Out There A 段倒 2 句

①The mere existence of such a civilisation ②will tell ③us ④that long-
term survival is possible, and ⑤gives us some cause for optimism.

Task 1:写出句子成分

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

existence n. 存在 civilisation n. 文明

survival n. 幸存, 生存 optimism n. 乐观

Task 3:翻译句子:




Sentence Four
真题长难句 C8 T1 P2 Air Traffic Control in the USA G 段第 7 句

The difference between Class E and A airspace is that in Class A, all

operations are IFR, and pilots must be instrument-rated, that is, skilled
and licensed in aircraft instrumentation.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

The difference between Class E and A airspace is that in Class A, all operations

are IFR, and pilots must be instrument-rated, that is, skilled and licensed in

aircraft instrumentation.

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
airspace n. 领空, 空域 licensed adj. 特许的

instrument-rated 仪器导航 operation 操作

aircraft 航空仪表 IFR 仪表飞行规则
instrumentation (Instrument Flight
Rules 的缩写)

Task 3: 翻译句子



Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:
1. 主句中的主语是 ① 1. 主句中的主语是①

2. 主句中的谓语是 ② 2. 主句中的谓语是②

3. 主语从句是 ③ 3. 宾语从句是③

Task 3:很显然,气味可以引起强烈的 Task 3:研究者仍然需要判断出嗅觉是一

情绪反应。 种感觉还是两种感觉(一种感觉是完全对气

Sentence Three Sentence Four

Task 1: Task 1:
① 主句的主语 The difference between Class E and A
airspace (主语) is (系动词) that in Class
② 主句的谓语
A, all operations are IFR, and pilots
③ 主句的宾语 must be instrument-rated, that is,

④ 宾语从句 skilled and licensed in aircraft

instrumentation (表语从句).
⑤ 主句的谓语
Task 3:等级 E 与等级 A 的不同在于:在
等级 A 的空域,所有的操作都要在仪表操
Task 3:

长难句 6 – 插入语

Sentence One
真题长难句 C8 T4 P1 Land of the Rising Sum C 段第 3 句

①These textbooks ②are, ③on the whole, ④ small, presumably

inexpensive to produce, ⑤but well set out and logically developed.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 主语是
2. 表语是
3. 插入语是
4. 系动词是

Task 2:生词支持和学习

textbook n. 教材, 课本 on the whole n. 总的来说

presumably adv. 可能 set out v.陈述, 陈列

Task 3 : 翻译句子,句子不难,来翻译看看吧!


Sentence Two
真题长难句 C8 T2 P3 Power of smell C 段第 2 句

①The reason ②often given for the low regard ③in which smell is held ④is
that, ⑤in comparison with its importance among animals, ⑥the human

sense of smell is feeble and undeveloped.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
①②③④⑤⑥,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 主句的主语是
2. 主句的系动词是
3. 表语从句是
4. 插入语是
5. 非谓语是
6. 定语从句是

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
regard n. 尊重, 注意 in comparison with 与… 比较

feeble v. 微弱的 undeveloped adj. 不发达的

Task 3: 翻译句子
翻译提示: 非谓语和定语从句翻译时提前



Sentence Three
真题长难句 C9 T1 P1 William Henry Perkins 第四段第 2 句

①The drug ②is derived from ③the bark of the cinchona tree, ④native to
South America, and by 1856 demand for the drug was surpassing the

available supply.

Task 1:写出句子成分

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

is derived from 来自, 源自于 bark n. 树皮

cinchona tree 金鸡纳树 surpass v.超过, 胜过, 优于

available adj. 可获得的

Task 3:翻译句子



Sentence Four
真题长难句 C8 T3 P2 The Nature of Genius 第三段最后一句

It was only with the growth of pediatrics and psychology in the twentieth
century that studies could be carried out on a more objective, if still not

always very scientific, basis.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

It was only with the growth of pediatrics and psychology in the twentieth

century that studies could be carried out on a more objective, if still not always

very scientific, basis.

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
pediatrics n. 儿科 psychology n.心理学

objective adj. 客观的 Studies(study) n 研究(复数)

Task 3: 翻译句子
翻译提示: 强调句型“It was only … that …” 可翻译为 “只有… 才…”





Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:
1. 主语是① 1. 主语是①
2. 表语是④ 2. 主句的系动词是④
3. 插入语是③ 3. 表语从句是⑥
4. 系动词是② 4. 插入语是⑤
5. 非谓语是②
Task 3: 6. 定语从句是③
也不高,但是内容陈述恰当,很有逻辑 Task 3:
性。 嗅觉不受重视的原因通常是,与嗅觉在动物 中

Sentence Three Sentence Four

Task 1: Task 1:
①主语 It was only ( 强 调 句 ) with the growth of
②谓语 pediatrics and psychology in the

③宾语 twentieth century that ( 强 调 句 ) studies

( 主 语 ) could be carried out ( 谓 语 ) on a
more objective ( 状 语 ), if still not always
very scientific, (插入语) basis (状语).
Task 3:
皮中提取的, 到了 1856 年, 这种药供 Task 3:
不应求。 随着二十世纪儿科和心理学的发展, 研究才能
够以更加客观的方式进行, 尽管不总是科学的.

综合训练 7 – 后置定语

Sentence One
真题长难句:C6 T2 P2 Greying population stays in the pink-答题部分 14-15

①Research ②carried out by scientists in the United States ③has shown

that ④ the proportion of people over 65 ⑤ suffering from the most
common age-related medical problems is falling ⑥and that the speed of
this change is increasing

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤⑥,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 主句中的主语/谓语分别是

2. 后置定语是

Task 2:生词支持和学习

proportion n.比例 falling v. 掉落,落下

suffer from 经历,遭受 age-related adj. 与年龄有关的

Task 3 : 翻译句子



Sentence Two
真题长难句:C9 T1 P2 Is there anybody out there? - 摘要部分

① Although groups around the world ② have been searching

intermittently for three decades, ③it is only now ④that we have reached
the level of technology ⑤where we can make a determined attempt to
search all nearby stars for any sign of life.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 句子主语是

2. 形式主语是

3. 让步状语是

4. 定语从句是

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
intermittently adv. 间歇地 determined adj. 有决心的
star n. 恒星 sign n. 迹象

Task 3: 翻译句子
句子翻译提醒:注意强调句 it is only now that …的翻译



Sentence Three
真题长难句:C7 T2 P2 The true cost of food-F 段

①Breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to hunger ②

may be very hard for some countries, but in Britain, ③ where the
immediate need to supply food is less urgent, and the costs and the
damage of intensive farming have been clearly seen, ④it may be more

Task 1:写出句子成分( 如下已经给出了辅助提示词)

① 从句的主语

② 从句的

③ 从句作为

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

break away from 脱离,离开 intensive farming 精耕农业

urgent adj. 紧迫的 feasible adj. 可行的,行得通的

Task 3:翻译句子



Sentence Four
真题长难句 C8 T4 P1 Land of the rising sum-A 段

Large sample international comparisons of pupils' attainments since the

1960s have established that not only did Japanese pupils at age 13 have
better scores of average attainment, but there was also a larger
proportion of ‘low' attainers in England, where, incidentally, the
variation in attainment scores was much greater.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

Large sample international comparisons of pupils' attainments since the 1960s

have established that not only did Japanese pupils at age 13 have better scores

of average attainment, but there was also a larger proportion of ‘low' attainers

in England, where, incidentally, the variation in attainment scores was much


Task 2: 生词支持和学习
attainment n. 达到,成就 incidentally adv. 偶然地
attainers n. 得到者,成就者 variation n. 变化;变异

Task 3: 翻译句子




Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:

1.主语/谓语/宾语分别是① ③ 1.句子主语是④

2.后置定语是② ⑤ 2.形式主语是③
Task 3:科学家在美国做的一项研究
表明,患有与年龄相关疾病的 65 岁
以上的人口比例正在下降,且这个改 Task 3:虽然世界各地的团体已经陆陆续续
变的速度增长加快。 地搜寻了三十多年,然而直到现在,我们所

Sentence Three Sentence Four

Task 1: Task 1:
① 主语 主语:Large sample international comparisons
of pupils' attainments since the 1960s
② 谓语
谓语:have established
③ 非限制性定语, 插入语 宾语从句:that not only did Japanese pupils at

④ 主句 age 13 have better scores of average

attainment, but there was also a larger
Task 3: proportion of ‘low' attainers in England,
对于一些国家来说,通过摆脱农业产 非限制性定语从句:where, incidentally, the
variation in attainment scores was much
且密集型农业所耗费的成本和带来的 Task 3:20 世纪 60 年代以来,就学生数学
破坏是显而易见的,因此现代化农业 成绩所做的大量国际样本比较研究证明,13 岁
更为可行。 的日本学生平均分数更高,同时也证实了英

长难句 8 – 综合练习

Sentence One
真题长难句 C10 T1 P1 Stepwells 第 8 段
①It actually ②resembles ③a tank (kund means reservoir or pond) ④
rather than a well, ⑤ but ⑥displays ⑦the hallmarks of stepwell
architecture, including four sides of steps that descend to the bottom in
a stunning geometrical formation.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤⑥,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

① ———————— ② ———————— ③————————

⑤ ———————— ⑤ ———————— ⑥————————

Task 2:生词支持和学习
resemble v.相似 hallmark n.特征
tank n.水箱 descend to 下降到,下落到
display v.展示 a stunning geometrical 令人惊叹的几何造型

Task 3 : 翻译句子




Sentence Two
真题长难句 C8 T3 P2 The nature of Genius 第 3 段
In other words,① when, for instance, information is collated about
early illnesses, methods of upbringing, schooling, etc., ②we ③must
also take into account ④information from other historical sources
about how common or exceptional these were at the time.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
in other words 换言之 upbringing 养育

collate 收集,整理 schooling 学校教育

take…into 考虑到 exceptional 例外的,特别的

Task 3: 翻译句子



Sentence Three
真题长难句 C8 T1 P2 Air traffic control in the USA E 段
In general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire country
is blanketed by controlled airspace. ①In certain areas, mainly near
airports, ②controlled airspace ③extends ④down ⑤to 215m above the
ground, and,④in the immediate vicinity of an airport, all the way down
⑤to the surface.

Task 1:写出句子成分

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
in general 通常而言 extend 延伸
controlled airspace 飞行控制区 vicinity 附近

blanket 覆盖

Task 3:翻译句子




Sentence Four
真题长难句 C8 T3 P3 How does the Biological Clock tick? E 段
If a life span is a genetically determined biological characteristic, it is
logically necessary to propose the existence of an internal clock, which
in some way measures and controls the ageing process and which finally
determines death as the last step in a fixed programme.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

If a life span is a genetically determined biological characteristic, it is logically

necessary to propose the existence of an internal clock, which in some way

measures and controls the ageing process and which finally determines death

as the last step in a fixed programme.

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
life span 寿命 logically 逻辑上
genetically 基因地 propose 提出
biological characteristic 生理特征 internal clock 内在时钟
aging process 老化,变老 fixed 固定的
in some way 在某种程度上

Task 3: 翻译句子




Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:
①主语 ①状语从句
②谓语 ②主语
③宾语 ③谓语
④状语 ④宾语
Task 3:

Task 3: 病、养育方式、学校教育等信息时,我们
实际上它类似一个池塘( kund 是蓄水 也要考虑到在其他的历史资料中所记载
池或水塘的意思),而非水井,但 的、关于这种情况在当时有多么普遍或不

呈现出水井的建筑特征一四面有通向 寻常的信息。

Sentence Three Sentence Four
Task 1: Task 1:
( 条 件 状 语 从 句 )If a life span is a
①状语 genetically determined biological
②主语 characteristic,(形式主语) it (系动词)
③谓语 is (表语)logically necessary (真正主
④状语 语 )to propose the existence of an
internal clock, (主语中的定语从句)
⑤介词+宾语 which in some way measures and
controls the ageing process and(主语
中的定语从句) which finally determines
Task 3: death as the last step in a fixed
一般来说,离地面 365 米以及更高的 programme.

Task 3:
的地带,管制空域扩大到自地面 215 米
区域。 最终决定这一固定程序的最后一步:死亡。

长难句 9 – 综合训练

Sentence One

真题长难句 C9 T4 P1 Marie Curie’s Life and work 第 8 段

During World War I, ①Marie Curie, ②with the help of her daughter
Irene, ③devoted herself to ④the development of the use of X-
radiography, ⑤including the mobile units which came to be known as
'Little Curies’, ⑥used for the treatment of wounded soldiers.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤⑥,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 主句中的主语/谓语/宾语分别是

2. 插入语是

3. 分词做定语是

Task 2:生词支持和学习
X-radiography n. X 放射照相 unit n. 单元,设备
mobile a. 活动的 wounded a. 受伤的

Task 3:翻译句子:如果你感兴趣,可以理解并尝试翻译,答案本章节后可以查看



Sentence Two
真题长难句 C8 T2 P3 The Little Ice Age - B 段

①The Little Ice Age was far from ②a deep freeze, however; rather ③an
irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shifts, ④few lasting more than a
quarter-century, ⑤driven by complex and still little understood
interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 句子主语是

2. 句子表语是

3. 分词做定语是

4. 句子插入语是

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

far from adv. 远远不是 seesaw n. 跷跷板

rather adv. 准确地说 atmosphere n. 大气层

Task 3: 翻译句子




Sentence Three
真题长难句 C12 T5 P1 Cork -B 段

①Developed most probably as a defence against forest fires, ②the bark

of the cork oak ③has ④a particular cellular structure - ⑤with about 40
million cells per cubic centimetre - ⑥that technology has never
succeeded in replicating.

Task 1:写出句子成分

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
defence n. 防御 cellular adj. 细胞的
bark n. 树皮 replicate v. 复制

Task 3:翻译句子
句子语序提醒: 翻译时候记得把定语从句的部分放到修饰名词前面



Sentence Four
真题长难句 C12 T5 P2 Collecting as a hobby 第 4 段

There is a danger that if the individual is ever lucky enough to find what
they're looking for, rather than celebrating their success, they may feel
empty, now that the goal that drove them on has gone.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

There is a danger that if the individual is ever lucky enough to find what

they're looking for, rather than celebrating their success, they may feel empty,

now that the goal that drove them on has gone.

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
individual n. 个人,个体 empty a. 空虚

Task 3: 翻译句子





Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:
1. 主语/谓语/宾语分别是① ③ ④ 1. 句子主语是①

2. 插入语是② ⑤ 2. 句子表语是② ③

3. 分词做定语是⑥ 3. 分词做定语是④

4. 句子插入语是⑤

Task 3:第一次世界大战期间,Marie
在女儿 Irine 的帮助下,投身于 X 射线
Task 3:然而,小冰期远非一个深 度冰冻
照相技术的发展研究,其中包括被称 为
解的相互作用引起的、持续期普遍短于 25
备。 年的一系列 不规则气候剧变的集合。

Sentence Three Sentence Four

Task 1: Task 1:
①非谓语做定语 There is a danger 同位语从句 that 状语从
②主语 句 if the individual is ever lucky

③谓语 enough to find 宾 从 what they're

looking for, 插 入 语 rather than
celebrating their success, 主 干 they
may feel empty, 原因状语 now that the
goal that drove them on has gone.
Task 3:
Task 3:尽管如此,也会存在一种风险:

长难句 10 – 综合训练
Sentence One
真题长难句 C12 T6 P1 The risks agriculture faces in developing countries

①Participants in the ②online debate ③argued ④that our biggest

challenge is to address the underlying causes of the agricultural
system's inability to ensure sufficient food for all.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案

1. 主句的主语是
2. 主语的谓语是
3. 宾语从句是

Task 2:生词支持和学习
participant n. 参与者 address v. 解决
challenge n. 挑战 sufficient a. 足够的
underlying a.潜在的 inability n. 无能

Task 3:翻译句子:如果你感兴趣,可以理解并尝试翻译,答案本章节后可以查看



Sentence Two
真题长难句 C12 T6 P2 the lost city -B 段

①When Bingham and his team set off down the Urubamba in late July,
②they had an advantage over travellers ③who had preceded them: ④a
track had recently been blasted down the valley canyon ⑤to enable
rubber to be brought up by mules from the jungle.

Task 1:匹配句子成分
要求:在横线上写出上述句中对应的①②③④⑤,一行可能填 1 个或多个答案
1. 句子主干是
2. 定语从句是
3. 时间状语是
4. 目的状语是

Task 2: 生词支持和学习
precede v. 在...之前 canyon n. 峡谷
track n. 小径 mule n. 骡子
blast v. 爆破 rubber n. 橡胶

Task 3: 翻译句子
句子语序提醒: 翻译时候记得把定语从句的部分放到修饰名词前面




Sentence Three
真题长难句 C13 T2 P2 Oxytocin-B 段

①The team found that ②participants ③who had sniffed oxytocin via a
nasal spray beforehand invested more money than those ④who
received a placebo instead.

Task 1:写出句子成分

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

sniff v. 吸入 nasal spray 鼻用喷雾

oxytocin n. 催产素 placebo n. 安慰剂

Task 3:翻译句子
句子语序提醒: 翻译时候记得把定语从句的部分放到修饰名词前面




Sentence Four
真题长难句 C13 T4 P3 The happiness industry 第 4 段

By associating money so closely to inner experience, Bentham set the

stage for the entangling of psychological research and capitalism that
would shape the business practices of the twentieth century.

Task 1:句子结构分析,把成分按照横线划出,并且在句子上面标注成分名称

By associating money so closely to inner experience, Bentham set the stage

for the entangling of psychological research and capitalism that would shape

the business practices of the twentieth century.

Task 2: 生词支持和学习

entangle v. 纠缠,混乱 shape v. 塑造

capitalism n. 资本主义 practice n. 实践

Task 3: 翻译句子






Answer Key 答案:

Sentence One Sentence Two

Task 1: Task 1:
1. 主句的主语 ① 1. 句子主干是②
2. 主句的谓语是③ 2. 定语从句是③
3. 宾语从句是④ 3. 时间状语是①
4. 目的状语是⑤

Task 3:
在线讨论的参与者们认为,我们最 Task 3:
大的挑战是需要找到导致农业系统不 当 Bingham 和他的团队在七月下旬沿着乌鲁班
能为 所有 人提供 充足 食物的 潜在原 巴出发时,他们比先于他们出发的旅行者们 更有
因。 优势:一条小路一条沿着峡谷刚开辟不 久,这
Sentence Three Sentence Four
Task 1: Task 1:
① 主句的主语 ①By associating money so closely to inner
② 宾从的主语 experience(状语), ②Bentham(主语)

③ 定语从句 ③set( 谓 语 ) ④the stage for the

entangling of psychological research and
④ 定语从句
capitalism(宾语) ⑤that would shape the
business practices of the twentieth century
Task 3:
Task 3:
通 过将 金钱 与内 在体 验 如此 紧密 地建 立联 系 ,
Bentham 为心理学研究与资本主义的结合提供
了舞台,这会塑造 20 世纪的商业实践。



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