April 28

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

28 April 2024 5th Sunday of Easter Year B


am the vine, you are the branches,” Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel
passage. This is not a way of speaking but a wonderful reality, for
at our baptism we have been grafted onto him. It is thanks to our
deep union with Jesus that we can enjoy God’s salvation and produce the
fruits worthy of our new life in him.
Jesus’ statement that “apart from him we can do nothing” may hurt
our pride, but it is the sober truth. Only those who accept it in all humility
and live accordingly can experience the joy of being God’s children, and
are in the best position to produce an abundance of fruits unto eternal life.

they prevent us from bearing we glorify you, we give you

fruit in our spiritual life. (Pause) thanks for your great glory,
P –Lord Jesus, you are greater Lord God, heavenly King, O
than our hearts and all is God, almighty Father.
Entrance Antiphon known to you. Lord, have Lord Jesus Christ, Only
(To be recited only when no mercy! Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
Entrance Hymn is sung.) All – Lord, have mercy! of God, Son of the Father,
O sing a new song to the you take away the sins of the
Lord, for he has worked won- P –Lord Jesus, those who keep world, have mercy on us; you
ders; in the sight of the nations your commandments re- take away the sins of the world,
he has shown his deliverance, main in you and you in receive our prayer; you are
alleluia. them. Christ, have mercy! seated at the right hand of the
All – Christ, have mercy! Father, have mercy on us. For
Greeting P –Lord Jesus, you are the vine you alone are the Holy One,
and we are the branches. you alone are the Lord, you
P – In the name of the Father, alone are the Most High, Jesus
and of the Son, and of the Holy Lord, have mercy!
All – Lord, have mercy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
Spirit! in the glory of God the Father.
All –Amen! P – May almighty God have Amen!
P –The grace of our Lord Jesus mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
Christ, the love of God the Fa- and bring us to everlasting life. Collect (Opening Prayer)
ther, and the communion of the All – Amen!
Holy Spirit be with you all! P –Almighty ever-living God,
All – And with your spirit! constantly accomplish the Pas-
Gloria chal Mystery within us, that
Penitential Act those you were pleased to make
All – Glory to God in the high- new in Holy Baptism may, under
P –As we prepare to celebrate est, and on earth peace to peo- your protective care, bear much
the Sacred Mysteries, let us call ple of good will. We praise you, fruit and come to the joys of life
to mind our sins and realize that we bless you, we adore you, eternal.

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Through our Lord Jesus Bb C F he gave us.
Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of
       The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God!
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and sem-bly of your peo-ple!
ever. Gospel Acclamation Jn 15:4.5
All – Amen!
* I will fulfill my vows before
those who fear the Lord. The All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
lowly shall eat their fill. They “Remain in me as I remain
who seek the Lord shall praise in you,” says the Lord.
him: “May your hearts live “Whoever remains in me
forever!” R. will bear much fruit.”
1st Reading Acts 9:26-31 Alleluia! Alleluia!
After his conversion, Paul did * All the ends of the earth
not have an easy life, but the shall remember and turn to Gospel Jn 15:1-8
Lord watched over him, as we the Lord. All the families of the The allegory of the vine and
learn from the passage we are nations shall bow down before the branches illustrates the
about to hear proclaimed. him. R. vital relationship that exists
* To him alone shall bow between Jesus and us. It also
R – A reading from the Acts of emphasizes the need for us to
the Apostles down all who sleep in the earth.
Before him shall bend all who live in communion with him.
When Saul arrived in Je- go down into the dust. R. P –The Lord be with you!
rusalem he tried to join the dis- All –And with your spirit!
ciples, but they were all afraid * And to him my soul shall
live. My descendants shall P – A reading from the holy
of him, not believing that he Gospel according to John
was a disciple. serve him. Let the coming gen-
eration be told of the Lord, that All – Glory to you, O Lord!
Then Barnabas took
charge of him and brought him they may proclaim to a people Jesus said to his disciples:
to the apostles, and he reported yet to be born the justice he has “I am the true vine, and my
to them how he had seen the shown. R. Father is the vine grower. He
Lord, and that he had spoken takes away every branch in me
to him, and how in Damascus that does not bear fruit, and
he had spoken out boldly in the 2nd Reading 1 Jn 3:18-24
name of Jesus. The life of a Christian is expect- every one that does, he prunes
Saul moved about freely ed to be a life of faith and love in so that it bears more fruit.
with them in Jerusalem, and action. Only on this condition You are already pruned
spoke out boldly in the name can we claim that we are keeping because of the word that I
of the Lord. He also spoke and God’s commandments. spoke to you. Remain in me,
debated with the Hellenists, as I remain in you. Just as a
R – A reading from the First branch cannot bear fruit on its
but they tried to kill him. And Letter of John
when the brothers learned of own unless it remains on the
this, they took him down to Children, let us love not vine, so neither can you, unless
Caesarea and sent him on his just in word or speech but in you remain in me.
way to Tarsus. deed and truth. Now this is how I am the vine, you are the
The Church throughout all we shall know that we belong branches. Whoever remains in
Judea, Galilee, and Samaria to the truth and reassure our me and I in him will bear much
was at peace. It was being built hearts before him in whatever fruit, because without me you
up and walked in the fear of the our hearts condemn, for God can do nothing. Anyone who
Lord, and with the consolation is greater than our hearts and does not remain in me will be
of the Holy Spirit it grew in knows everything. thrown out like a branch and
numbers. Beloved, if our hearts do wither. People will gather them
not condemn us, we have confi- and throw them into a fire and
The Word of the Lord! they will be burned.
All – Thanks be to God! dence in God and receive from
If you remain in me and
him whatever we ask, because
my words remain in you, ask
Responsorial Psalm Ps 22 we keep his commandments for whatever you want and it
and do what pleases him. will be done for you. By this is
R –I will praise you, Lord, in And his commandment is
the assembly of your peo- my Father glorified, that you
this: we should believe in the bear much fruit and become
ple! name of his Son, Jesus Christ, my disciples.”
and love one another just as
R. M. Velez The Gospel of the Lord!
he commanded us. Those who
F Dm keep his commandments re- All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
         main in him, and he in them, Christ!
 and the way we know that he
I will praise you, Lord, in the as- remains in us is from the Spirit Homily

28 April 2024
Profession of Faith our commitment to reject what- earth are full of your glory.
(Apostles’ Creed) ever can separate us from you Hosanna in the highest!
and our neighbor. Keep us one Blessed is he who comes in
All –I believe in God, the Father with you as you are one with the the name of the Lord. Hosan-
almighty, Creator of heaven and Father and the Holy Spirit, for na in the highest!
earth, and in Jesus Christ, his ever and ever.
only Son, our Lord, who was All – Amen! Memorial Acclamation
conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary, suf- P –The mystery of faith!
fered under Pontius Pilate, was All –We proclaim your Death,
crucified, died and was buried; O Lord, and profess your
he descended into hell; on the Resurrection until you
third day he rose again from the come again!
Preparation of the Gifts
dead; he ascended into heaven,
P –Pray, brethren . . .
and is seated at the right hand of All – May the Lord accept the
God the Father almighty; from sacrifice at your hands, for the
there he will come to judge the praise and glory of his name,
living and the dead. for our good and the good of all All – Our Father . . .
I believe in the Holy Spirit, his holy Church. P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
the holy catholic Church, the All –For the kingdom, the
communion of saints, the for- power, and the glory are
Prayer over the Offerings
giveness of sins, the resurrection yours, now and for ever.
of the body, and life everlasting. P –O God, who by the wonder-
Amen! ful exchange effected in this sac-
rifice have made us partakers of Sign of Peace
Prayer of the Faithful the one supreme Godhead, grant,
we pray, that, as we have come to Breaking of the Bread
P –In Baptism we have been know your truth, we may make it
united to Jesus Christ and have ours by a worthy way of life. All – Lamb of God, you take
become part of his mystical Through Christ our Lord. away the sins of the world: have
body. He is the vine, we are the All – Amen! mercy on us. (2x)
branches. Our life depends on Lamb of God, you take
our remaining united with him. Preface of Easter II away the sins of the world:
Therefore, we confidently pray: grant us peace.
P –The Lord be with you!
All – Source of our life, hear us! All –And with your spirit! Communion
P –Lift up your hearts! P –Behold the Lamb of God,
C – That the Church may always All – We lift them up to the Lord!
be a prosperous vine, bearing behold him who takes away the
P –Let us give thanks to the sins of the world. Blessed are
fruits of holiness, justice and Lord our God!
peace, let us pray! R. All –It is right and just! those called to the Supper of the
P – It is truly right and just, Lamb.
C –That all the baptized may All –Lord, I am not worthy
remain united with the Lord by our duty and our salvation, at all
that you should enter under
living according to the Gospel times to acclaim you, O Lord, my roof, but only say the word
principles and values, let us but in this time above all to and my soul shall be healed.
pray! R. praise you yet more gloriously,
when Christ our Passover has
C –That all the lay faithful may Communion Antiphon
been sacrificed.
preserve their union with Jesus Through him the children of
(To be recited only when no Com-
through the offering of their dai- light rise to eternal life and the
munion Hymn is sung.)
ly activities and fervent prayers, I am the true vine and you
halls of the heavenly Kingdom
let us pray! R. are the branches, says the
are thrown open to the faithful;
C –That all those who receive for his Death is our ransom from Lord. Whoever remains in
holy Communion may strength- death, and in his rising, the life of me, and I in him, bears fruit in
en their union with Christ all has risen. plenty, alleluia.
through a life of service to their Therefore, overcome with
neighbor, let us pray! R. paschal joy, every land, every Prayer after Communion
C –That all those who are at the people exults in your praise and P –Graciously be present to
point of death may cling to Jesus even the heavenly Powers, with your people, we pray, O Lord, and
as their sole source of hope and the angelic hosts, sing together lead those you have imbued with
salvation, let us pray! R. the unending hymn of your glo- heavenly mysteries to pass from
ry, as they acclaim: former ways to newness of life.
P –Lord Jesus, full of trust in All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, Through Christ our Lord.
the help of your grace, we renew God of hosts. Heaven and All – Amen!
5th Sunday of Easter (B)
and give you true love for ily and society.
one another. All – Amen!
All – Amen!
P – May almighty God bless
P –The Lord be with you. P –May the Lord help you to you: the Father, and the
All –And with your spirit! seek Him with all your Son, and the Holy Spirit.
P –Bow your heads and pray heart and to deserve what All – Amen!
for God’s blessing. (Pause) He promises.
All – Amen! P –The Mass is ended. Go in
– May the Lord live in you the peace of Christ.
and strengthen you by His P –May the Lord make you His All – Thanks be to God!
grace. May He help you re- instruments of communion
main close to Him in prayer and solidarity in your fam-

In Touch or Attached?
Kalakbay at Katoto

W e ought to discard the word “cell-

phone” nowadays. First, it has
become anything but a mere phone.
The videocam phone does more than
keep one in touch. It is very simply at-
tached to our bodies and touches every
And the word “cellular” has lost its ap- single aspect of our individual and com-
peal and original meaning. Cellular con- munal (read: digital) lives. PLDT should
notes a geographical area covered by a now re-think their famous, so-80s by-line
cell site that is awash in radio frequency “keeping you in touch.”
waves. Phones nowadays are mostly in-
ternet-based. And it has become a multi- And here’s the best part. The Lord’s
use gadget. Calendar. Planner. Camera. words today say more than simply be-
CCTV. Translator. And a whole lot more! ing in touch. “I am the vine, you are the
branches,” is a statement of attach-
It has become an appendage to the ment, not doing shallow emoticon-mode
body, much like a hand or a foot is. Gig- touching base with him. It means being
gling girls inside malls (and everywhere connected, 24/7, spiritually, bodily, sacra-
else) always carry that gadget. TikTok- mentally, totally. In other more tradition-
crazed teens gyrate and gesticulate in al words, it means loving God with one’s
Church patios, in front of K-Kopi or Juan whole heart, mind, soul, and body!
Café counters, inside Starbucks or dance Do not just keep in touch. Be connected.
their merry time away at Dunkin’s. Be attached!

Tune in to Radio Veritas (846 kHz)

every Saturday from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
and listen to BISPERAS SA VERITAS the interactive radio
program that helps you discover
ă the messages of each Sunday Theme and Biblical read-
ings, and
ă how they can empower your life, your family, and your community.

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
WORD AND LIFE Tel. Nos. 8894-5401; 8475-8945 • Website: www.wordandlife.org
PUBLICATIONS • E-mail: [email protected] • FB: Word And Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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