RAV 3.04 - The Odds Against

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Unknown Speaker 0:00

You're listening to a big finished production.

Unknown Speaker 0:13

I spy with my little eye.

Unknown Speaker 0:18

Something beginning with

Unknown Speaker 0:23


Unknown Speaker 0:26


Unknown Speaker 0:28

No seven incorrect. Try again. Well, there's nothing in here. So featureless sell,
obviously. Obviously not for another go.

Unknown Speaker 0:43

Played corpse is what? Six. Where are you even looking? Are we supposed to be
looking? I was exploring my imagination. It's rather fun, play properly or don't
play at all. Clearly the answer is Failed regeneration that is all down you in
Brasil. trapped us in a prison of your own creation. How you expect us to play
games? It's food machine, you idiots. There's literally nothing else in here. It's
what they use to get out. How could you miss it? Oh, yes. does seem obvious Now you
mentioned it. We all winding me up. Us.

Unknown Speaker 1:27

Heaven forfend. would we?

Unknown Speaker 1:30

Yes, I won't play if you're being like that. Then we can all be bored together.

Unknown Speaker 1:38

Wait, did you hear that? Of course I need credit with the same ears

Unknown Speaker 1:46

can free me. Hello? Hello out there. I'm trapped in a cell. I was locked away by
some naughty people for no good reason at all. I have a poor innocent. Can you help
me please?

Unknown Speaker 2:02

I don't like the sound of that

Unknown Speaker 2:09

even mean I hate

Unknown Speaker 2:11

actually you don't want to forget I said anything. I'm fine. I'm happy to stay here
for a bit. It's like a lovely holiday.

Unknown Speaker 2:22

Feel free to toggle off to

Unknown Speaker 2:39

grab someone's name.

Unknown Speaker 2:43

Let me out.

Unknown Speaker 2:56

I won't, I won't. I'll stick in your throat Do food poisoning the ravenous

Unknown Speaker 3:01

good work fool you killed us There must be a way out to turn on the charm

Unknown Speaker 3:16

can't get him the gloves it's it's reinforced. I can't get out but you can't get

Unknown Speaker 3:24

Excellent in your face ravenous

Unknown Speaker 3:36

gloves should resist tons of pressure.

Unknown Speaker 3:41

Does he know something you love?

Unknown Speaker 3:45

I'm really sorry about this.

Unknown Speaker 3:59

You see These dots suggest the starfield when viewed from wherever the ravenous
were imprisoned.

Unknown Speaker 4:04

That's a guess. So we simply have to identify them and 11

Unknown Speaker 4:12

something's the matter. Really? Not from where I'm standing. Everything's fine.
This is very unusual behavior for a time, Lord. I'm not sure I like it. He
certainly doesn't

Unknown Speaker 4:21

look well, but he might be faking

Unknown Speaker 4:23

real. 11 speak to me.

Unknown Speaker 4:27

So right.

Unknown Speaker 4:30

The night he stopped in my head anymore, isn't he? What a pity love that guy.
Where's he gone? What's happened to him?

Unknown Speaker 4:40

Helen? The Nine was the one who captured you. Yes. They were in me. I forgot to ask
what did you do with him? We

Unknown Speaker 4:48

left him in one of the cells. It seemed apps.

Unknown Speaker 4:51

What? Can you
Unknown Speaker 4:52
remember? We went to your prison and the revenues were following us. They must have
gone there found him.

Unknown Speaker 4:57

They denied. I think they might have

Unknown Speaker 5:00

Yeah, as in 789.

Unknown Speaker 5:04

Sorry, still not finding anything to be upset about

Unknown Speaker 5:07

on our trail and getting stronger. We have to find a way of defeating them soon.
Otherwise I don't think much about Oh, it's

Unknown Speaker 6:19

Moon the third moon of Africa Yes, so the more laughs than I

Unknown Speaker 6:23

was expecting,

Unknown Speaker 6:24

but greener moons come in all shapes and sizes Helen. They're not all barren
wastelands like yours Some are gaseous, some a fiery Some are quite good at poker.
Others are covered in oceans and dotted with small green islands like this one.

Unknown Speaker 6:37

Yeah, well, thanks for the sales pitch, but we're not here on holiday. This is
where the revenues got imprisoned.

Unknown Speaker 6:42

According to legend starmap the constellations only match that specific pattern in
this location, right?

Unknown Speaker 6:49

Maybe I'm missing something. But to me, that's a grassy Cliff with absolutely
nothing on it. That doesn't scream ideal location for final showdown. Well,

Unknown Speaker 6:57

I don't imagine it was here. This exists. spot, there's bound to be some sort of
complex facility here about where the Time Lords have dealt with them.

Unknown Speaker 7:07

I'm detecting fluctuations in the nature of reality about half a mile east of here.
That certainly sounds promising and worrying to me. Everything's relative. Helen go
to the infirmary see of our houseguest is able to accompany me. Do you think you'd
get a warmer greeting from live taken?

Unknown Speaker 7:23

Do we have to bring the 11 I mean, I still don't trust him.

Unknown Speaker 7:28

But I do trust his fear his selfishness. He's afraid and wants to live where his
enemies enemy that puts him on our side.

Unknown Speaker 7:36

Unknown Speaker 7:38
He's a formidable foe, which makes him All the better to have as an ally. Sure. But

Unknown Speaker 7:43

this goes wrong, I'll laugh in your face at the precise moment. He's killing us as
a spirit.

Unknown Speaker 7:59

Yes, definitely. That direction

Unknown Speaker 8:01

then we should hurry before my past unravels completely I could be raised for my
existence any second I don't know you show you don't fancy the scenic route casual
stroll The view from up here must be pretty spectacular maybe there's a lookout
point a gift shop Miss checker when the reference are banished again that very
moment be sure you're nowhere near me. Because if you are that's the moment you die
as long as my life is at risk I will stand Europe uses but not one second longer

Unknown Speaker 8:34

not entirely sure that is conducive to a peaceful working environment.

Unknown Speaker 8:37


Unknown Speaker 8:38

anymore talk like that. 11 I'll leave you to them and hold back on my account and
live you could at least try to be civil

Unknown Speaker 8:44

me. You're having a go

Unknown Speaker 8:45

at me now. I'm simply trying to get us through this. I just we waste time. Every
second we delay I 11.

Unknown Speaker 8:56

a momentary weakness. That's all. Let's continue

Unknown Speaker 9:00

When you show your strong enough cause no matter how weak I have always be strong
revenue. If you're

Unknown Speaker 9:08

gonna give us any consolation, I've been through something like this before it'll

Unknown Speaker 9:11

How do you know? You have no understanding of my condition? You put your previous
regenerations aside to me, never ever present to lose work for him not to be there.
It's like It's like I'm no longer myself.

Unknown Speaker 9:27

Really. You told him to shut up often enough

Unknown Speaker 9:28

when he was here? He was aggravating. That doesn't mean he wasn't part of me.
Unknown Speaker 9:33
You realize that even if we managed to stop the revenues there's no guarantee we
can bring the nine back.

Unknown Speaker 9:39

That's a risk I'm willing to take.

Unknown Speaker 9:42

College boy tell you for your fail. Yeah. Ah,

Unknown Speaker 9:49

what he said.

Unknown Speaker 9:50

I didn't understand it's a nine instead. How can you still be here causality

Unknown Speaker 9:55

is a little complicated for time travel as hell and particularly once Crossing over
their own timeline. The only reason the ravenous came with a name was because we

Unknown Speaker 10:04

led them there me in the 11 quite

Unknown Speaker 10:06

the grandfather paradox. It will take the universe time to know what to do with

Unknown Speaker 10:12

Takes me 20 seconds. Sorry, sorry folks of habit.

Unknown Speaker 10:15

In the meantime we can find what stopped the ravenous Originally, we might find a
way to reverse the nines murder bring him back brilliant. It might never have
actually taken place. And is that why he doesn't know what happened? Exactly. his
past is in a temporal flux. tricky. Recalling something that doesn't entirely exist
yet. Remember when you first met him?

Unknown Speaker 10:37

Try not to

Unknown Speaker 10:38

he didn't recognize you because the nine hadn't met you at that point you

Unknown Speaker 10:43

Not entirely know.

Unknown Speaker 10:44

Well then I'll explain. Later with blackboards and diagrams.

Unknown Speaker 10:57

If the revenue is only just reached the Knights prison we should have done before
they catch up. Let's not get complacent, very pretty,

Unknown Speaker 11:04

sort of place and expect the time.

Unknown Speaker 11:08

One of them he Revenant he

Unknown Speaker 11:12

could hardly lock them up on Gallifrey This is

Unknown Speaker 11:30

a forcefield I can't get any further. I'm sure I could deal with it if you let me
or told you seven. I can't let you out too often. Every time you manifest, I feel

Unknown Speaker 11:41

I'm saying nothing. Maybe I should take a look. You've got an idea. Well, it
depends on what sort of force field we're dealing with.

Unknown Speaker 11:49

Do you know

Unknown Speaker 11:51

by all means, take your time.

Unknown Speaker 11:55

It's not like my very existence is at stake now is it

Unknown Speaker 11:59

wasn't explained see anyone else

Unknown Speaker 12:04

could be unfortunate. I wonder if they'll cause a problem

Unknown Speaker 12:15

there was that

Unknown Speaker 12:17

a generator part

Unknown Speaker 12:19

time low technology.

Unknown Speaker 12:20

I think there's another one ahead there would be popcorn down every few hundred
yards and generate the wall between them. novel this one will be laughing

Unknown Speaker 12:28

noble, that technical term. So you really need to disable one offense.

Unknown Speaker 12:35

It is the principle is simple but the action itself is very hard. A billion to one
shot only

Unknown Speaker 12:40

a genius could break through one of these.

Unknown Speaker 12:44

You see when I say

Unknown Speaker 12:45

I could have done that, but you didn't. Did you go to take

Unknown Speaker 12:47

the pot? I'm activating it again. Should any of us need to get to the TARDIS in a
hurry, come along.

Unknown Speaker 13:02

Well, I'm no expert but that looks like fluctuations in reality to me, I could
cause it on top of the Neeraj. I've seen ways move that way but not hills.

Unknown Speaker 13:12

Your naivete knows no bounds does it

Unknown Speaker 13:15

work building must be sat on top of a dimensional rift holding it in like a cork.

Unknown Speaker 13:19

That sounds awfully like it might be about to pop.

Unknown Speaker 13:22

Oh, don't worry. Look how old it is. It's been there a long time untouched. It's
clearly safe. Whatever it's sitting on won't suddenly explode. Hopefully

Unknown Speaker 13:32

you're not always a comfort. You know that doctor? It's not just that he'll look

Unknown Speaker 13:42

alien that looks vaguely humanoid.

Unknown Speaker 13:46

It's a body.

Unknown Speaker 13:49


Unknown Speaker 13:52

Please. No more. I told you. Yes. I mean, is that a body? I think so. arms, legs.

Unknown Speaker 14:00

Could be a head just doesn't look like it's stable in this reality.

Unknown Speaker 14:09

Like stuck out.

Unknown Speaker 14:12

Please. Hi Becky like

Unknown Speaker 14:18

Oh great. Now he's dead to just what we need to call. Please don't we have company?

Unknown Speaker 14:28

Oh what are the chances you know

Unknown Speaker 14:30

just once I want to stumble over a dead body a good half hour before the
authorities turn up. All right. All right. All right we surrender. We'll come

Unknown Speaker 14:54

Unknown Speaker 14:55
there you are.

Unknown Speaker 14:56

Are you in charge? We can't explain

Unknown Speaker 14:59

you wouldn't believe how often this happens do very, very unlucky.

Unknown Speaker 15:04

There's no need for words. Your time mode. Yes, me. I could tell from the sky if
you want biology. In that case, you're obviously innocence of our brothers murder.
The Time Lords are friends of the ex. They would never kill one of our number.

Unknown Speaker 15:19

Oh, that was easier than I expected.

Unknown Speaker 15:22

You are I expect wandering travelers who made the chance to stumble upon the

Unknown Speaker 15:27

near enough

Unknown Speaker 15:28

guys good. We've placed your friend in the infirmary is

Unknown Speaker 15:32

no friend of ours.

Unknown Speaker 15:34

Let's not complicate matters. And we took our brother's corpse to the mortuary for
further examination.

Unknown Speaker 15:39

All right. I'm sorry about that. Any idea what happened to him?

Unknown Speaker 15:42

That has as yet we've been unable to ascertain interesting, I might be able to help
you there. I'm a bit medical. It's kind. It's something of a new study for us. New
X has died unnaturally in my lifetime. Then suddenly there have been five deaths in
the last few weeks and still no obvious calls. It's very disturbing.

Unknown Speaker 16:05

I can see what might be don't have to feel these days might be connected to why
we're here to the ravenous

Unknown Speaker 16:13

I think there's every chance the odds against it being a coincidence would be huge,

Unknown Speaker 16:17

ravenous you know

Unknown Speaker 16:20

just a bit, we're actually looking for a way to stop them

Unknown Speaker 16:24

and I might be able to offer resistance. We were the ones who stopped them in the
first place.

Unknown Speaker 16:29

So I guessed we were hoping you'd show us

Unknown Speaker 16:31

how simplicity itself. Follow me into the control room. I can show your friends the
mortuary on the way and explain the procedure.

Unknown Speaker 16:54

rather good. Rather, rather,

Unknown Speaker 16:58

your species that combs the air brotherhood, technically,

Unknown Speaker 17:01

I am about to say, if you've not visited our RV before, then there's no reason you
should. We only exist on this movement and we never travel. We keep ourselves to

Unknown Speaker 17:15

seems a bit parochial

Unknown Speaker 17:17

move too far from the dimensional breach and we'd all probably a good idea. Then
the X are the children of the breach. It's brought us here and it keeps us alive.
We feed on it, we worship

Unknown Speaker 17:31

through the Time Lords, we control it through them. Interesting.

Unknown Speaker 17:35

The forcefield generators were made by many people. That was robots to I suspect

Unknown Speaker 17:39

our services. Correct. All this is heels built by the timelords.

Unknown Speaker 17:46

The whole Abbey

Unknown Speaker 17:48

every single room, we sit at home with the dimensional rift guarding the gap
between realities. Brother

Unknown Speaker 17:58

How many of you are there

Unknown Speaker 18:00

Round 31 Okay,

Unknown Speaker 18:04

now very chatty.

Unknown Speaker 18:05

We usually remain silent. speech is a distraction.

Unknown Speaker 18:11

Right? It's like this is my stop. I'll come with you. I'm sure I understand the
Unknown Speaker 18:16
medical bit more than the multi dimensional stuff.

Unknown Speaker 18:18

You should find a reasonable array of equipment inside the servitors will assist
you in this cost. I can figure out what's going on.

Unknown Speaker 18:25

See you soon. See you first.

Unknown Speaker 18:32

Remarkable friends you like to think so. through here. That leads to the caves
beneath us central control is along that corridor there. Might I trouble you to go
ahead. I have a little something I need to deal with elsewhere.

Unknown Speaker 18:46

Of course, you've been most helpful.

Unknown Speaker 18:49

Let's hope it's just the start.

Unknown Speaker 19:00

No, no please.

Unknown Speaker 19:20

Calm yourself.

Unknown Speaker 19:23


Unknown Speaker 19:25

doesn't look to the best of health. Does he? Have your back? Are you?

Unknown Speaker 19:30

Thanks for the warning.

Unknown Speaker 19:36


Unknown Speaker 19:38

stronger, somehow

Unknown Speaker 19:42

perfectly safe here. He feels

Unknown Speaker 19:45

so close.

Unknown Speaker 19:50

Ah, who? Who are you? I might ask you the same question. We are the X and I am the
abbot. You

Unknown Speaker 20:01


Unknown Speaker 20:04

the one who will rip you for

Unknown Speaker 20:11


Unknown Speaker 20:14


Unknown Speaker 20:18

this, this one may be able to help ours. Ah, please, please forgive my other son.

Unknown Speaker 20:29

He's not representative.

Unknown Speaker 20:33

That's interesting, isn't it? The doctor?

Unknown Speaker 20:36

Is he here? I'm

Unknown Speaker 20:40

much stronger

Unknown Speaker 20:45

with that.

Unknown Speaker 20:47

But But I can be of assistance,

Unknown Speaker 20:49

this complicates things. Stay here

Unknown Speaker 20:55

I can stop

Unknown Speaker 21:13

I mean, I said I could help you're not sure where to start. It's a bit tricky
examining a body that's not in this reality. I mean, make up your mind that you
want to exist in this dimensional you don't robot. How can I help? Do you have any
way of I don't know scanning this collecting reading is difficult. individual cells
are not always present, noticed. Or they just appearing in any particular pattern,
any particular order, it appears to be random, could do something like that.

Unknown Speaker 21:50

Something like that. Perhaps.

Unknown Speaker 21:53

Big isn't it? Correct. preacher appears to be a humanoid pick up on claim,
indeterminate precedent always seen rhetorical coming this way.

Unknown Speaker 22:07

What did it say?

Unknown Speaker 22:11

Cool. So that's it.

Unknown Speaker 22:21

Sorry. Everything all right. This isn't. So if you had a chance to look things up

Unknown Speaker 22:27

briefly, I confess I was rather distracted by your war. I'm guessing that swirling
mass isn't an art installation.
Unknown Speaker 22:35
That's the breach. I thought it might be.

Unknown Speaker 22:37

Do you have any idea what caused it?

Unknown Speaker 22:38

There are myths, legends, but no, nothing confirmed. I say well, it's impressive.

Unknown Speaker 22:43

You managed to keep it under control.

Unknown Speaker 22:46

Your people achieve that we merely maintain what they started. This is the point
where two different realities meet. That wall opens into a central chamber, the
either side of which is the dimension beyond We manage the ebb and flow between the
two with the aid of the mock

Unknown Speaker 23:04

up are in the canal sense, very clever.

Unknown Speaker 23:08

Whilst our work is usually avoiding too much interaction, we could open the lock
completely do it correctly, and we can sweep the contents of either universe
straight into the other, which is what you did to the ravenous. Correct. I must say
I'm disappointed to hear they've returned. I'm not

Unknown Speaker 23:27

exactly jumping for joy myself.

Unknown Speaker 23:30

However, replicating the original procedure should be simple. Would you like to see
the method? There's nothing

Unknown Speaker 23:36

I'd rather do.

Unknown Speaker 23:39

They could easily be swept away just as long as we hold the center of the groups
these things Yes, computer How may I help? I wish to show the doctor the procedure
for the dimensional cross. Would that be all right?

Unknown Speaker 23:52

That would be your doom has arrived. It is the end. You will all die screaming Is
there anything else I can help you with?

Unknown Speaker 24:04

Right now either someone on your staff has a warped sense of humor or I'm guessing
it doesn't usually do that.

Unknown Speaker 24:14

Not exactly nimble is actually between us and the door though.

Unknown Speaker 24:21

Robot How may I ask this? You seem nice but you know, priorities attack that gauge.
I am not programmed by aggression. We just do our best to the circumstances very
Unknown Speaker 24:34
Paul. Paul.

Unknown Speaker 24:44

I'm so sorry. I think about it. Everybody

Unknown Speaker 24:57

has a weird glitch thing in there.

Unknown Speaker 25:01

All right, scratch that we

Unknown Speaker 25:04

came away from it. Even speaking of running

Unknown Speaker 25:11

doctor, we need to find the control room.

Unknown Speaker 25:24

Right let's see if that's better computer. Can you demonstrate the dimensional
cross now

Unknown Speaker 25:30

will be consumed, you will die in bearable agony.

Unknown Speaker 25:36

Right? I think we may need to switch it off and on again,

Unknown Speaker 25:40

this is most unusual behavior. You think this infection is connected to whatever is
killing my breath.

Unknown Speaker 25:47

What are the chances that it isn't? I'm sure it's all connected. It's just a
question of figuring out how.

Unknown Speaker 25:55

Thank goodness. I'm running. That's never a good sign.

Unknown Speaker 25:59

For us. It looks like the bus We found only it's not dead. It's alive and torso,
fake limbs. Actually, it's nothing like the body really, it seems to be glitching
in and out of reality I'm gonna touch one of the services that started glitching

Unknown Speaker 26:12

I think we might have found the killer terms of things like these. Some of my
brethren have reported seeing them around the Abbey. I've never believed these
creatures to be really well

Unknown Speaker 26:20

maybe you'll believe them. Now that certainly looks like one Hello there.

Unknown Speaker 26:26

They get on terribly well with this computer and speaking of this computer live
Hello, maybe it will be a good idea to get behind and

Unknown Speaker 26:31

you don't have to tell me twice.
Unknown Speaker 26:37
Why is it not falling? In the

Unknown Speaker 26:42

fall? It's a statistical inevitability at least thanks for reminding us. But there
is something you want to do. is it all about the threats with you? As it

Unknown Speaker 26:53

is, hey,

Unknown Speaker 26:58

our load master Not mine.

Unknown Speaker 27:06

Never said there was more than one.

Unknown Speaker 27:09

Doctor, I hope you're doing something useful.

Unknown Speaker 27:11

I'm trying to identify what we're dealing with. It's not easy. Those things aren't
registering on the system. They might as well be holograms. They destroyed a
server. I know.

Unknown Speaker 27:23

That's interesting. There's something generating a signal coming from below the
app. But you said this place was built on caves. Yes, correct. That's where they
originated somewhere in the caves. Maybe by trying to block the transmission.

Unknown Speaker 27:40

Thank you, doctor that

Unknown Speaker 27:44

coming first now.

Unknown Speaker 27:49

trying the signals too strong. I can't stop it. So this quickly. Yup.

Unknown Speaker 27:57

As in Canada. That's not made it clear.

Unknown Speaker 28:01

Hold on to the cribs.

Unknown Speaker 28:05

be surprised,

Unknown Speaker 28:24

was close to be

Unknown Speaker 28:29

really entirely sure

Unknown Speaker 28:30

they said they were stitches in time, whatever that means a lot more like glitches
to me. Well, whenever they were they certainly seem keen on this. What do they say?

Unknown Speaker 28:39

apocryphal one?
Unknown Speaker 28:41
That can't be true. It's impossible. We're

Unknown Speaker 28:44

on the run from something impossible. I'm willing to suspend my disbelief here

Unknown Speaker 28:48

rather running the odds Currently,

Unknown Speaker 28:50

the apocryphal one is a myth. It's not real.

Unknown Speaker 28:54

That's implicit in the name. It's alleged

Unknown Speaker 28:56

seeming par for the course as far as we're concerned. I've met three legends this
week. If those creatures think it exists, I'm happy to take them at their word. But

Unknown Speaker 29:04

when you talk about myths and legends when when the origin of the breach

Unknown Speaker 29:09

I'll show you the item in the database by people who wants to believe the breach
was created with a giant beast, a demon broke out of its own dimension and emerged,
it's ours. The breach was the terror left in the universe. My ancestors gave that
beast a name. They

Unknown Speaker 29:26

don't know about you, but I won't need three guesses. You said your people believe
in it once.

Unknown Speaker 29:30

You don't anymore. As time passed without evidence of its existence, we came to
believe it was superstition. here

Unknown Speaker 29:38

Yeah, looks like a giant demon to me. It says here that it was rumored to sleep in
the heart of the moon. As in the caves,

Unknown Speaker 29:45

that was the story. This is slumbered far below

Unknown Speaker 29:49

and you never felt the urge to go down and check

Unknown Speaker 29:51

recruiter looking like that. Would you

Unknown Speaker 29:55

all tie in alarmingly with that signal I detected it was coming from the caves.
Something down there sent those glitches, stitches, whatever they are.

Unknown Speaker 30:04

It also ties in with what they said that the apocryphal one had risen. It was
asleep. Now it's working out

Unknown Speaker 30:09

why now if it was snoozing down there what roused it. And why did it send those
glitches to attack us? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 30:16

Oh, but it happens around the time we arrive isn't it doesn't matter

Unknown Speaker 30:19

why is usually

Unknown Speaker 30:20

the most important question I find.

Unknown Speaker 30:22

Surely if your answers in the caves, you won't learn much up here. If it said those
things once you could send them again, we might not be able to stop them so easily
next time.

Unknown Speaker 30:33

He makes a good point.

Unknown Speaker 30:34

You must go down there.

Unknown Speaker 30:37

Can you print out a map of the case? If I can identify where the signal was coming
from? Of course,

Unknown Speaker 30:43

it never changes does it?

Unknown Speaker 30:55

Through this law,

Unknown Speaker 30:56

yes. is something that matters. Just feeling missing something

Unknown Speaker 31:00

you have to investigate who knows what it's up to? We may not have much time as it
was I don't have a choice

Unknown Speaker 31:07

do we ever

Unknown Speaker 31:08

best we don't forget the ravenous though they are why we are here after all live
stay with the abbot. Make sure everything is ready for their arrival. Sure.

Unknown Speaker 31:17

Is that necessary? I saved my breath Rubin I can handle them.

Unknown Speaker 31:21

I'm sure you can but belt and braces. If any more glitches turn up they might throw
a spanner in the works and lives can be surprisingly useful. Exactly.

Unknown Speaker 31:30

Hold on surprisingly.

Unknown Speaker 31:31

Hello Molly be okay to come with me.
Unknown Speaker 31:34
Of course, with the first team and I've made good to see you

Unknown Speaker 31:37

live won't be long. Hopefully

Unknown Speaker 31:39

I'll see you back in the control room. Come on, Helen.

Unknown Speaker 31:42

What do you need to do in the control to familiarize

Unknown Speaker 31:44

myself with the system just in case

Unknown Speaker 32:00

dunk, isn't it?

Unknown Speaker 32:01

Well think of it as potholing just with a giant monster to the end,

Unknown Speaker 32:05

probably weren't all the same to you. Hold them up. Which way are we going

Unknown Speaker 32:10

on finding out? I'm adjusting the breach locator should give us a way of tracing
the sigma.

Unknown Speaker 32:16

Does straight on, not all that far.

Unknown Speaker 32:30

Right. So if I want to open the lock, what do I do?

Unknown Speaker 32:32

Who really wouldn't worry about it is it's

Unknown Speaker 32:33

all in half. I'm just doing what the doctor suggested, which I happen to think is a
good idea. Well,

Unknown Speaker 32:40

no, Okay, then I'll just look it up in the database. That was here, wasn't it?

Unknown Speaker 32:51

something bothering us in there.

Unknown Speaker 32:53

Was it that obvious?

Unknown Speaker 32:54

I know you. Yeah. It's just not quite fitting together. I'm sure it's Nothing but

Unknown Speaker 33:02

hold up. The computer threatens me in the habit. It said we were going to die.

Unknown Speaker 33:06

The glitches did exactly, but why
Unknown Speaker 33:08
bother? I mean, it's very kind of whoever's behind this to flag up their
intentions, but I can't quite see the point. What goes through the effort of
possessing computer send up glitches the toilets with Doom? If you're planning on
killing has just killed us. You don't need to announce it in advance.

Unknown Speaker 33:28

Maybe they want us to feel fear before we die and

Unknown Speaker 33:30

ravenous that's what they want. They're not having much luck. I'm feeling bemused
if anything

Unknown Speaker 33:35

is exactly the sort of thing that always happens to you. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 33:39

Exactly. That sort of thing, like arriving somewhere and stumbling over a body just
as the authorities arrive. What do you mean? I'm not sure yet. But at least some of
the answers will be down here. That's what bothers me.

Unknown Speaker 34:00

Something the better.

Unknown Speaker 34:01

This database is rubbish. Everywhere I go, it just sends me back to the screen
about the Apocrypha one. Yeah, it's so frustrating. It's almost like it's the only
entry in there.

Unknown Speaker 34:15

Oh, great.

Unknown Speaker 34:19

This really would have helped if you'd gone with your friends this checkout.

Unknown Speaker 34:30

Close now. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 34:35

Yeah, but it was very keen to send us down how to deal with this apocryphal one
wasn't me. But why?

Unknown Speaker 34:41

Why? Because we are very good at this sort of thing.

Unknown Speaker 34:44

But how would he know that? You've never met us before? Or have you seen us do is
run from a monster. He was the one who stopped the glitches not us. You know,

Unknown Speaker 34:53

that's an excellent point.

Unknown Speaker 34:55

Maybe I'm being paranoid. You might notice by reputation

Unknown Speaker 34:58

where except you do Just our names now I think of it. We turn up I don't know where
he doesn't ask who we are. Seems remarkably lacking curiosity
Unknown Speaker 35:08
here does, isn't it?

Unknown Speaker 35:10

But to consider another time we're here. Whatever sent that signal, it's up ahead.

Unknown Speaker 35:15

Rich. Look at the map. Is it vast?

Unknown Speaker 35:19

Kevin, we won't find out what it is standing here.

Unknown Speaker 35:22

Maybe we'll be able to hide in the shadows.

Unknown Speaker 35:27

I think it is.

Unknown Speaker 35:30

Well, now I'm really worried.

Unknown Speaker 35:40


Unknown Speaker 35:42

not far now.

Unknown Speaker 35:47

Trying to get my brethren to help they work

Unknown Speaker 35:51


Unknown Speaker 35:52

No, they just don't exist. And the only real person here that holograms The silence
just seems simple that way. I mean, I had to let the glitches speak anyone else was
too much

Unknown Speaker 36:08

effort was always made the stumbles, surprise billing

Unknown Speaker 36:12


Unknown Speaker 36:17

I want you

Unknown Speaker 36:19

to die in

Unknown Speaker 36:22


Unknown Speaker 36:24

putting me in the caves, say goodbye to your friends for me

Unknown Speaker 36:37

just one more thing to do
Unknown Speaker 36:48

Unknown Speaker 36:49

just an ordinary computer seemingly

Unknown Speaker 36:51

so it's relaying the transmission from elsewhere the signal actually originates in
the abbey above

Unknown Speaker 37:00


Unknown Speaker 37:00

nothing at all. So there's nothing down here No. Giant demon.

Unknown Speaker 37:05

Nope. Nothing. It seems a apocryphal

Unknown Speaker 37:08

one was completely apocryphal, right should perhaps

Unknown Speaker 37:12

have realized as clues go with the names a bit on the nose

Unknown Speaker 37:16

and the characters

Unknown Speaker 37:18

with a real I'm not sure but they didn't register on the scanners upstairs. Maybe
they're just as insubstantial.

Unknown Speaker 37:22

The whole thing is fake. Why?

Unknown Speaker 37:25

Why make it up?

Unknown Speaker 37:26

words? Isn't it obvious? The Abbot. He's the only plausible candidate. You know, he
actually said the apocryphal one wasn't real. It must have been struggling not to

Unknown Speaker 37:41

Who is he? Why

Unknown Speaker 37:53

was him

Unknown Speaker 37:55

your way awake is good. That'll make everything watch easier. I feel

Unknown Speaker 38:03

stronger again. Almost. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 38:08

what are you? Where are you taking me
Unknown Speaker 38:12
to the doctor's Titus will strand him completely. Third was escaping if he breaks
out. That's the key off him earlier. He didn't even notice.

Unknown Speaker 38:22

You're stealing here to go to your barn after my own. I didn't know.

Unknown Speaker 38:30

You're back stealing it was my plan. Funnily enough. Why he didn't think of it.
I'll never know. I thought it was totally in character. Well, I'm doing it now.

Unknown Speaker 38:42

Who are you talking to?

Unknown Speaker 38:43

Seriously? You did.

Unknown Speaker 38:49

The rubber balls.

Unknown Speaker 38:56

Sorry. Sorry, I forgot I was wearing it. Hello. I suppose this must be a bit of a

Unknown Speaker 39:06

by Who's that? devil shots up nigh?

Unknown Speaker 39:11

I didn't say anything.

Unknown Speaker 39:13

I thought you were dead.

Unknown Speaker 39:15

Well, obviously not.

Unknown Speaker 39:18

If I did a bad boy

Unknown Speaker 39:24

we should go. I doubt we'll find anything more down here

Unknown Speaker 39:27

and I suspect not and if the abit tricked us into coming here safe to say here is a
place we'd rather not be in an empty Hello. There's no demon here. That doesn't

Unknown Speaker 39:39

you know when they'll stop saying things like that.

Unknown Speaker 39:49

So which number are you 11

Unknown Speaker 39:53

so don't too far ahead. Hello. Good day charmed. Oh not another one. It's good to
meet you. Hi there

Unknown Speaker 40:08

Hello. Are you perhaps a good man? No. I thought I should probably introduce myself

Unknown Speaker 40:22

leave not Yes of course. Howdy. Good day to you too.

Unknown Speaker 40:29

Oh, come on. Pleasure off.

Unknown Speaker 40:33

Mr. Grumpy drawers silence No need to keep pushing. I can walk. restraint has
recovered. Yes, I think that might be me. Seems like we kind of repair each other a
bit. After the ravenous attacked me my other selves just vanished from my head.
They've only started coming back when I was around you did make disguising myself
as the ex Abbott a lot easier. Ex

Unknown Speaker 40:59

gay. IX, nine in Roman numerals Exactly. We couldn't resist it.

Unknown Speaker 41:05

little clues, like the monster the same day was stitches in time.

Unknown Speaker 41:10

What does that say? That you will talk to love that

Unknown Speaker 41:13

so? Yes, yes. You don't have to spell it out for me five. I've got it all
instantly. Of course I did.

Unknown Speaker 41:19

Obviously I didn't get it all instantly.

Unknown Speaker 41:21


Unknown Speaker 41:22

you wouldn't have needed me to explain it. I actually, in my head. Sorry, it was
the fall just arguing with the fall. It's just getting really confusing. This is
why we shouldn't cross our time stream but that wasn't my fault. How was I supposed
to know your turn up? You've made things awfully complicated and you really think
you were dead today. Sorry about that. Well, your voice vanished from my head. Must
have been the intersecting timeline as meeting here. And these temporal mashups
always hard to remember given I've been attacked by the ravenous you assume the
worst or can you blame me? How did you escape? I didn't. That's the point. We're
working together. Time

Unknown Speaker 42:11

queued up this quick

Unknown Speaker 42:12

there's a lot we don't know about that. depends

Unknown Speaker 42:16

if the average wants to trap us with him it's unlikely he'd have left with an easy
escape. Not necessarily with one ace in the pack lips still outside as long as
she's there with a fighting chance.

Unknown Speaker 42:29

Dr. Helen was coming to find you
Unknown Speaker 42:32
definitely gonna stop saying things like that.

Unknown Speaker 42:48


Unknown Speaker 42:54

well, I've had it before, technically but

Unknown Speaker 42:56

mine again doesn't sound anywhere near as impressive.

Unknown Speaker 43:02

You're working with the ravenous but they want to consume us. We might want to Yes,
that doesn't mean they can.

Unknown Speaker 43:12

Cool What's up?

Unknown Speaker 43:14

It's been downhill.

Unknown Speaker 43:16

Laughter shots on.

Unknown Speaker 43:21

Sounds weird. Yes, he sounds different when you do it. I suppose we filter them
through our individual personalities or something. Anyway, I digress. The ravenous
don't feed on timelords per se. They feed on regeneration energy. Yes. Well, we
don't quite regenerate the same way as everybody else. The dysmorphia means the
energy is a bit trapped. Long the short of it is we're immune, Emil

Unknown Speaker 43:49

Amaz. Yes, I just told you pay attention. Silence nine keeps speaking to me like
that and I might just lose my temper soon. Don't get bored of telling us to shut up
all the time at this moment I would happily make you is essentially how we end up.
How disappointing. Imagine how I feel enough. All of this leads to one inevitable
question. Is that really what I look like not? What were you doing back there on
that moon where the residents were defeated that place? Oh, they were never
defeated there. I made that up.

Unknown Speaker 44:30

I used this vortex manipulator I stole from an archaeologist of my acquaintance,
traveled back in time, and planted a fake clue in the legend database. That was
just an empty timelord post bereft of life.

Unknown Speaker 44:46

Well, it was when I'd finished. I don't understand you want to catch the doctor?
You can't. You'll just keep running. You need to get ahead of him. Make him come to
you though. The whole thing was a trap. Exactly. That's what I said. I mean, he
talking to myself. I served him up to the rafters.

Unknown Speaker 45:24

The whole thing's fake a trap.

Unknown Speaker 45:26

Yeah, but made it up as we gather that.

Unknown Speaker 45:30

I didn't feel the need to spell that out.

Unknown Speaker 45:32

It was also specifically tailored to us stumbling over bodies, strange creatures,
ancient demons waking up exactly the kind of mystery we can't help getting

Unknown Speaker 45:41

involved. It was almost an archetype, the odds against one of those happening
naturally, us knew exactly how to bait us hook

Unknown Speaker 46:00

Locked suppose that is what I was expecting. Try to sonic screwdriver

Unknown Speaker 46:06

I heard of you

Unknown Speaker 46:10

nothing to be fair that is what I was expecting to get out if the EPA knows us he
wasn't going to give us a lock door I could easily Sonic Mike he's taken
precautions he's been terribly thorough in new arenas to do and that's it. After

Unknown Speaker 46:25

we've been through he's gonna kill us by

Unknown Speaker 46:28

locking a door it's simple but effective. And with the revenues below is on the
stairs as traps go. It's a good one. I don't know what to do. So don't help me I do
not know what to do.

Unknown Speaker 46:43

I created a mystery that couldn't be solved. all manner of meaningless clues
pointing precisely nowhere. Just what we needed to load the doctor and keep him in
one place until the ravenous common kill him exactly. Fascinating. you approve
approve, approve. Of course I don't approve.

Unknown Speaker 47:05

See? I said sorry, what?

Unknown Speaker 47:09

fully planned exactly what he said. I like the cut of that one's jib. Which one was
it? take a wild guess. You discover it's impossible for the ravenous to consume you
to consume us. And all you do with that knowledge is set a trap for the doctor and
his friends. Don't forget his friends. They're all the dead.

Unknown Speaker 47:37

Something wrong with that. Of course there is sex. It's all so petty, so small.
They have been nothing but trouble for me since I was born. Took my crucible ruin.
My collection locked me up with no hope of escape, all of which is asinine. Thing
compared to what they've done to me precisely my point they've always been a thorn
in our sides of doing this with a lot of us.

Unknown Speaker 48:09

You have this advantage and you throw it away on riffing mere revenge you

Unknown Speaker 48:22

did you

Unknown Speaker 48:23

you just attacked me Hi. Hello

Unknown Speaker 48:39

adding back to the moon

Unknown Speaker 48:47

but there must be something we can do.

Unknown Speaker 48:49

Nothing is coming to mind

Unknown Speaker 49:06

This way when doctors say

Unknown Speaker 49:08

you don't know what they're like, and you don't know what they do, there is no way
of stopping them every linkless of do we're all do we

Unknown Speaker 49:17

can't be

Unknown Speaker 49:28

from outside if you still got

Unknown Speaker 49:33

to think so.

Unknown Speaker 49:39

Today would be good. Yes. Yeah. Great. Can we use it?

Unknown Speaker 49:43

I'm not sure where the work when it's not part of its chamber. Well, nothing

Unknown Speaker 49:48

That's the spirit, unbridled enthusiasm, doing wonders for my confidence here.

Unknown Speaker 49:57

make something happen.

Unknown Speaker 50:01

Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Unknown Speaker 50:15

Leave it to the last second deliberately, thank goodness. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 50:18

Oh, yes.

Unknown Speaker 50:24

My apologies. It seems someone rang the dinner gone prematurely. I do so hate to

Unknown Speaker 50:30

could have thought of that a bit earlier. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 50:32

It's just with them here. It's hard to concentrate. I'm a time note. The home tower
Unknown Speaker 50:38
did wonders for my

Unknown Speaker 50:47

daughter. It strikes me that we still can't get through the door. We're stuck here.

Unknown Speaker 50:52

I was trying not to think about that.

Unknown Speaker 50:54

How long will this forcefield last?

Unknown Speaker 50:56

Low battery burst. Try not to think about that either.

Unknown Speaker 51:05

The mood

Unknown Speaker 51:07

why oh, I have this funny feeling the doctor might be in trouble. You cold want him
to escape? Contact? He's our greatest foe. And he's doomed. Save him he would say,
seriously. You're asking me that you also

Unknown Speaker 51:24

I don't believe it.

Unknown Speaker 51:24

Oh, wonderful. You finally found your way to the site of right. Don't be ridiculous
eight. I've only been working with the doctor through fear fear of the ravenous but
if they can't kill me, and he doesn't know that grants me all manner of interesting

Unknown Speaker 51:45

Yes, I see what you mean. You do not do. I might but I don't. And maybe you need to
have a word with yourself.

Unknown Speaker 51:57

Ah me Sorry, I didn't see. I was given the chance to react. Thank you nine would
have you spoiling my plans. 11 worked too hard on them and I would have an imbecile
spoiling mind. You'll thank me for this in a few regenerations time. Thank you for

Unknown Speaker 52:21

Bye bye.

Unknown Speaker 52:28

You shouldn't have shown me where your vortex manipulator was. It was simplicity
itself to pick bucketed and attach it to you. I do hope you ended up somewhere
tolerable. But you know how to do well, if you will insist on hanging around, I
might pick things up eventually. Oh, shut up and let me do this. Good

Unknown Speaker 53:10

to use this strength to the full scope maybe it might last longer Am I but what if
it's not strong enough to keep them out?

Unknown Speaker 53:33

Got to stay strong got to focus
Unknown Speaker 53:38
sounds awfully like they're getting through.

Unknown Speaker 53:48

Yeah, definitely getting through to strengthen the dream completely.

Unknown Speaker 53:52

No, no no, that's it. That's it. Hello, Helen. You're brilliant,

Unknown Speaker 53:55

as I say just before I die, but

Unknown Speaker 53:57

why? Because you're not going to die. Turn the power down. We turn it up

Unknown Speaker 54:02

surely. Yes, that looks off the forcefield but if I'm right we'll only need it for
a few seconds

Unknown Speaker 54:13

if I connect the force field to itself loop it's in a bubble around us.

Unknown Speaker 54:18


Unknown Speaker 54:19

Oh by

Unknown Speaker 54:20

it'll press against the door right.

Unknown Speaker 54:27

If I increase the strength of the field it'll build up the pressure

Unknown Speaker 54:34

which should be enough to pump the door.

Unknown Speaker 54:55

Where are we going? Good luck control, we may be able to open wait

Unknown Speaker 55:08

Everything is being drawn the way

Unknown Speaker 55:31

Oh, you're back thanks for stopping by.

Unknown Speaker 55:34

I'd almost forgotten about you know, be glad I didn't forget about you because

Unknown Speaker 55:37

I'm about to save the day. He's happening to look it's sweeping everything away. I
thought it might be a means of removing the reverence you should probably hold on
to something if you don't want to follow the

Unknown Speaker 55:49

grips quick catch

Unknown Speaker 56:00

Not today. Thank you
Unknown Speaker 56:07
so sorry

Unknown Speaker 56:10

No, okay.

Unknown Speaker 56:17


Unknown Speaker 56:23


Unknown Speaker 56:35

the stomach

Unknown Speaker 56:42

It's no use anymore. I was a pretty good bowler once

Unknown Speaker 56:57

in the control

Unknown Speaker 57:04

I think so. I really think so. 11

Unknown Speaker 57:08

got again as he

Unknown Speaker 57:10

loves to save her life. Let's see if we can return the favor.

Unknown Speaker 57:15

heart's still beating, but he doesn't look well.

Unknown Speaker 57:24

Did it work? Did I stop?

Unknown Speaker 57:28

Yes. Don't worry. They go. Ah

Unknown Speaker 57:35

Yes, they are.

Unknown Speaker 57:40


Unknown Speaker 57:41

That's what we said. No, no, no.

Unknown Speaker 57:44

My other selves. I can't hear them anymore. They're not there.

Unknown Speaker 57:53

I'm a good man.

Unknown Speaker 57:57

At last hug cure.

Unknown Speaker 58:13

He's up for the count.

Unknown Speaker 58:15

I don't trust him.

Unknown Speaker 58:17

You surprised me. I have to agree. hearing voices didn't make any will establish
that we can't even

Unknown Speaker 58:24

be something more happen but last ravenous attack, drew out some of his
regeneration energy, he's bound to be different,

Unknown Speaker 58:31

maybe, but different in the right way.

Unknown Speaker 58:33

We have to give him the benefit of the doubt. So in connection,

Unknown Speaker 58:37

he's never shown any

Unknown Speaker 58:38

which is exactly the point live. We have to be better than the man he was. If we
treat him the way he treated us, we're the same as that monster. And I don't know
about you, but I'd rather not be

Unknown Speaker 58:49

so we just fly on with the possibility that monster still here with us and with the
revenues gone. He's got a reason to help us anymore.

Unknown Speaker 58:55

I said given the benefit of the doubt not lose our minds. There are ways means
checking whether what he says is true. Don't worry. I have a plan.

Unknown Speaker 59:21

You know, I'm still not happy about what you did back there. Silence nine. I think
we've heard enough from you today. Stay quiet as the doctor and his friends realize
I'm faking this will be a short trip. Oh, I can't believe you destroyed the
ravenous was our world avantage I did

Unknown Speaker 59:49

I did nothing of this sort Another

Unknown Speaker 1:00:09

time. Wait, wait, wait. I believe you're working with one of my earlier selves.
He's imminently going to leave your doctor down here for you to kill him. Might I
suggest an alternative arrangement?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:33

getting him to play at their own demise was

Unknown Speaker 1:00:35

beautifully done by influence of course, play. Oh, what are you talking about? You
told me yourself nine. That wasn't where the ravenous were defeated. They're
perfectly safe. The whole thing was staged by me.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:55

I'm doomed. And
Unknown Speaker 1:00:58
of course, you don't Because you didn't see what else was in the legend database.
The other thing I discovered what is it humans say, give a man a fish and he'll eat
for a day but teach him how to fish and he'll eat forever. If the ravenous want
regeneration energy to feed on, they can have it in almost infinite amounts. And I
can have my revenge not just on the doctor or his friends, but on the entire

Unknown Speaker 1:01:34

The doctor thinks they're gone. But they're not.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:39

He'll get complacent and take me where I need to go. It's hoping terribly well

Unknown Speaker 1:02:42

You have been listening to Doctor Who ravenous series three the odds against
Britain by john Dorney

Unknown Speaker 1:02:49

The doctor was played by Paul McGann live Shanker, Nicola Walker. Helen Sinclair,
hottie moron. The 11 Mark bhana the nine The avid john Heffernan ravenous one, and
glitch George aspray ravenous to computers and robots Suzy emod. Other parts played
by members of the cast, directed by Ken Bentley, produced by David Richardson,
script editor Ken Bentley, executive producers, Nicholas Briggs and Jason Hey

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