KIA 3005 Hydraulics: L8 - Sediment Load

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KIA 3005



Ir. Dr. Faridah Othman

Civil Engineering Department
Universiti Malaya


 Chapter 11 in Flow in open channels by

 Chapter 14 in Civil Engineering Hydraulics
by Featherstone and Nalluri

faridahothman@UM KIA 3005

Course outcome

At the end of this topic, student should

be able to:
 Determine the characteristics for
sediment in channels
 Able to perform the sediment
transport calculations.

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Types of Sediment Load
 Sediment particles will start to move when o > c.
 Types of sediment load
 Bedload (contact load , saltation load)
 Suspended load (suspension load)
 Total Load (bed load + suspended load + ‘wash load’)

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Sediment transport – short videos

Sediment transport

Underwater video of sediment transport in

Akutan, Alaska by High Tide Exploration

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Sediment Load

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Sediment transport mode

 The mode of transport of the material depends

on the sediment characteristics such as
 its size and shape,
 density and movability parameter Ws/U*
 Ws is the fall velocity of the sediment particle,
 U* is the shear velocity.
 By balancing forces for a falling spherical
object, Ws can be written as:

Ws = gd
3 CD
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Suspended Load
 Whether a particle will travel as a bed load or
suspended load depends upon the parameter U*/Ws
as given by table below:

Ref: Featherstone and Nalluri

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Erosion and sedimentation

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Riverbank Erosion Protection

Gabion retaining wall for slope concrete wall to protect

protection banks against erosion

Woven geobags for riverbank

erosion protection Gabions & Terramesh
10 System
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Bed load transport (qb)

 Assuming that sedimentation is homogen and

non-cohesive, several empirical equations have

i) Duboys
ii) Shields Equation
iii) Meyer–Peter & Muller formula (MPM)
iv) Einstein-Brown formula

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Bed load (qb)
 Duboys (1879) was the first to propose an
expression for qb as a function of excess shear
stress over the critical shear stress;

qb =  ( o −  c )

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Shields Equation

q b 10 (o − c )
qS gd

 Where
qb = the bed load per unit width (m3/s.m)
q = the unit discharge in the channel ( Q/B)
S = channel slope
s − 
Δ = sediment relative density (  =
 )

 Range :
0.06 < Δ < 3.52 and
1.56 mm < d < 2.47 mm
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Meyer Formula– Peter & Muller (MPM)
 Bed load : 3/ 2
3  RS 
qb = 8 gd  − 0.047 
 d 
3/ 2
 Where µ is ripple factor and is expressed as C 
=  channel 
 C grain 
 
 C is Chezy’s coefficient and is given by
k = d (for particle) and  12R 

C = 18 log  
 k = surface roughness (for channel)  k 

 The velocity is given by: V = Cchannel RS

 The eqn above is dimensionally homogeneous and covers

a wide range of particle sizes and widely used.

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Einstein-Brown Formula
 Introducing probability concepts  = f ( )
of sediment , Einstein developed
an empirical relationship =
between flow parameter () with RS
transport parameter () 3
 1 
 = 40 
 
 

 Bed load qb given by:

( )
q b =  gd3
 Range
0.785 mm < d < 28.65 mm
0.052 <  < 1.68
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Total load (qt)

 Total load = Bed load + suspended


 Some common equations are;

i) Garde’s Equation

ii) Graf’s Approach

iii) Ackers-White Formula

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Garde’s Equation

 U*  RS 
q t = 10  
3   
d 

 Based on flume and field data with sediment size

0.011 mm < d < 0.93 mm

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Graf’s Approach
 Using several flume and stream data including
closed conduit data establish the equation:
d  A = Cv
A =
RS gd 3

A = 10.39( A ) −2.52 CV = qt / q

 For range
10-2 <  < 103

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Ackers-White Formula

 The total load is predicted by a  With the

transition type equation: dimensionless grain
diameter dgr, defined
n m by:
 q t y o   U*   Fgr  
 qd   V  = C  A  − 1 1/ 3
       g 
d gr = d 2 
where  
1− n
 
U *n  V 
Fgr =  
gd  5.75 log  12 .2 yo  
  
faridahothman@UM   d KIA 3005 

Ackers-White Formula – cont.
The coefficients for equations are shown below
(ref: Table 14.3 Featherstone and Nalluri)

Coefficient Fine Transitional Coarse

dgr <1.0 1.0 < dgr < 60 dgr > 60

n 1.0 n = 1.00 – 0.56 log dgr 0.00

A - A = 0.14 + 0.23/√ dgr 0.17

M - m = 1.34 + 9.66/ dgr 1.50

C Log C = 2.86 log dgr – (log dgr)2 – 0.025


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Example 1
A wide river with a bed material of median size, d50 =
0.8 mm and density is 2650 kg/m3.
The river has a longitudinal slope 5x10-4, water depth
1.6m and velocity of 0.9 m/s.
Estimate the bed load, the total load and the
suspended load.

 Calculate to and tc
 Bed load either use MPM or E-B

faridahothman@UM KIA 3005

Example 2
 A rectangular channel has the following
characteristics ;
 Width: B = 10 m
 Flow rate: Q = 8 m3/s
 Flow depth: y = 1.2 m
 Slope: S = 1.5 x10-4
 Particle size: d = 1 mm
 Density: s = 2600 kg/m3

(i) Show that sediment motion exist

(ii) Estimate the bed load using Meyer-Peter
and Muller (MPM) equation.
faridahothman@UM KIA 3005

 If the river in Example 2 is flowing to a

reservoir, estimate the time before the
reservoir is filled up with the sediment
assuming that no periodical maintenance
is carried out. The reservoir capacity is 20
million m3.

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