Fanuc Diagn Laser

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Laser Process and

Diagnostics Guide - Fanuc


Cincinnati incorporated lasers centers

with Fanuc resonators


EM-535 (R-03/10) COPYRIGHT  2010

Process and diagnostic guide CONTENTS


GENERAL COMMENTS................................................................................. A-1
MISCELLANEOUS COMMENTS............................................................. A-1
MILD STEEL................................................................................................... A-3
N2 ASSIST ............................................................................................... A-3
AIR ASSIST ............................................................................................. A-4
O2 ASSIST, DRY . .................................................................................... A-4
STAINLESS STEEL (TYPE 304).................................................................... A-6
N2 ASSIST ............................................................................................... A-6
AIR ASSIST ............................................................................................. A-7
ALUMINUM (5052-H32)................................................................................. A-8
N2 ASSIST ............................................................................................... A-8
AIR ASSIST ............................................................................................. A-8


Mild steel................................................................................................... B-1
N2 ASSIST................................................................................................ B-1
O2 ASSIST................................................................................................ B-2
AIR ASSIST.............................................................................................. B-4
stainless steel (Type 304).................................................................... B-5
N2 ASSIST................................................................................................ B-5
AIR ASSIST.............................................................................................. B-7
aluminum (5052-H32)................................................................................. B-8
N2 ASSIST................................................................................................ B-8
AIR ASSIST............................................................................................ B-10


GENERAL DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELINES........................................................ C-1
ALUMINUM.................................................................................................... C-2
MILD STEEL and TOOL STEEL – O2 ASSIST.............................................. C-3
COPPER ALLOYS.......................................................................................... C-7
COMPOSITES and PLASTICS..................................................................... C-8
WOOD............................................................................................................ C-9
LASER CUTTING DIAGNOSTIC WORKSHEET......................................... C-10


Checking POWER STABILITY................................................................... D-1
Checking BEAM ALIGNMENT.................................................................... D-1
Checking MODE QUALITY........................................................................ D-2
TABLE MODE BURN examples................................................................. D-3

EM-535 (R-03/10)


The purpose of this manual is to help users of CINCINNATI INCORPORATED laser machining systems prevent
many common laser cutting problems and quickly fix those problems (in the cutting process) that do occur. The
information contained in this document will cover multiple Fanuc resonators. Therefore, some of the information in
this document will not apply to all resonators.

This manual consists of four sections:

• SECTION A – PROCESS NOTES; includes comments, hints, and suggestions regarding cutting parameters.
The first process notes page contains general process information. Each of the remaining process notes pages
contains information about cutting a particular material.

• SECTION B –PROGRAMMING AID; provides useful information regarding attributes used in the Laser
Nesting Software to assist with the programming of materials listed in this guide. This information covers Fanuc
resonators of multiple power levels. Some of these pages will not apply to lower power level resonators.

• SECTION C – DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE; provides troubleshooting assistance. General diagnostic guidelines

are provided as well as detailed diagnostic charts for each of several material categories. A laser diagnostic
worksheet is also included in this section.

• SECTION D – MACHINE EVALUATION; provides information that will assist trained maintenance personnel.
Information is provided for checking power stability, beam alignment, and mode quality.

If a particular laser-cutting problem cannot be solved using the procedures in this manual, document the problem
using the LASER CUTTING DIAGNOSTIC WORKSHEET located at the end of SECTION C. Refer to this
worksheet when calling the CINCINNATI INCORPORATED Laser Applications Department for assistance. Note,
the phone number is on the worksheet.

Note: Detailed diagnosis of machine problems and methods for fixing problems are not included in this
manual. Contact CINCINNATI INCORPORATED, Laser Service Department for proper maintenance
of your laser machining system.
GENERAL COMMENTS The 160sp nozzle has an exit orifice of 0.160” (4 mm)
and is 0.150” (3.8 mm) shorter than the standard nozzle
tips. These nozzles are used for nitrogen assist cutting
CUTTING PARAMETERS AND CUTTING of thick stainless steel and aluminum. They are shorter
TECHNIQUES to achieve a more negative focus than the cutting head
will allow with the standard length tips.
The supplied laser cutting parameters are guidelines. They
have been developed to help you, the laser user, obtain The design of the High Capacitance (hc) nozzle
consistent cutting performance in daily operation with a improves the consistency of the cut standoff especially
well-adjusted Cincinnati Incorporated Laser System. These when plasma is present. Consistency of the cut standoff
parameters were established using commercially available is vital when processing thin materials at high speed with
1008/1010/1020 mild steel (cold rolled, HRPO, or laser- nitrogen or air assist. Deviating from the recommended
quality hot-rolled plate), type 304-2B stainless steel, and nozzle tips designated in each parameter library file may
type 5052-H32 mill-finished aluminum. All materials had require parameter adjustments to achieve consistent
clean, smooth and consistent surface condition. results.
You may choose to adjust some of these parameters to ○○ 0.040” Straight CI #913185
optimize cutting performance for your application. Several
factors could lead you to make parameter adjustments. If ○○ 0.060”hc (High Capacitance) CI #913188
your material composition and/or surface conditions are
different from those used in developing these parameters, ○○ 0.060” Double CI #913026
some adjustments are likely. In this case, use the parameters ○○ 0.080”hc (High Capacitance) CI #913190
for a similar material of the same thickness as a starting
point. If a particular part has very closely spaced features ○○ 0.040”shr (Shower nozzle)* CI #923013
or intricate contours, some minor adjustments might be
helpful. Usually these adjustments would be designed to ○○ 0.062”shr (Shower nozzle) CI #923014
control localized heating of the workpiece. Finally, you ○○ 0.160” Straight CI #913313
might wish to increase feed rates above the recommended
values. Sometimes this feed rate increase is achievable by ○○ 0.160”sp (Special, 0.150” shorter) CI #913193
“tweaking” the cutting parameters and (possibly) sacrificing
consistency of the edge quality. *As an alternative to the 0.062”shr nozzle, the 0.040”
straight nozzle. can be used for processing 0.375” (9.5
The following notes provide additional information mm) and 0.5” (12.7 mm) laser quality hot rolled steel.
regarding these parameters, and they describe helpful
cutting techniques. 3. When ramped pierce is recommended, the pierce
time shown in the table is equal to the sum of the step
times plus the cooling time. Piercing in the near field
MISCELLANEOUS COMMENTS generally takes longer than piercing in the far field of
the optical path length. This difference is more apparent
1. Focus setting is the vertical position of the focal point
when piercing thick mild steel. When using the Auto
relative to the nozzle tip (not the workpiece). For the
Focus head, the pierce times can be made similar at the
manual focus cutting head, set the focus by reading
near field (NF) and far field (FF) locations by lowering
the scale on the head (after the focus scale has been
the NF pierce focus compared to the FF pierce focus.
calibrated). The focus setting for the Auto Focus head
Lowering the pierce focus position (when using the
is in the cutting parameter library. For calibrating the
Auto Focus cutting head) may reduce ramped pierce
zero focus reference position of the cutting head refer
to the appropriate Operation, Safety, and Maintenance
Manual for details. 4. Use Extended Pierce Cycle whenever the 0.040”
straight nozzle is used. Extended Pierce Cycle is used
2. Process parameters were developed using the
to optimize the initial start of cut during the first pierce.
recommended nozzle tips in the list below. The 125sp
The extended pierce cycle is set in the configuration
nozzle has an exit orifice of 0.125” (3.2 mm) and is
page under [Maintenance] – [Configuration].
0.100” (2.5 mm) shorter than the standard nozzle tips.

A-1 EM-535 (R-03/10)

The settings are: Beam Off time=10 seconds, Extra “Z hold distance” is not used when cutting with oxygen
Cycle Time=1.0 second. In some cases an Extra Cycle assist because the height of the pierce mound makes the
time of up to 2.0 seconds may be beneficial. Turn this initial Cut standoff too high. If the Z-axis maintained
feature off when cutting plastic coated stainless steel that high standoff, the cutting process might not start
(set Beam Off time=0). The “Supervisor” password is correctly and could degrade to thermal runaway. When
required to edit the settings for this feature. cutting with oxygen assist, set “Z hold distance” to
5. The 0.040” straight nozzle is used for cutting CRS or
HRPO mild steel with oxygen assist. For this cutting If a program commands Optional Standoff (M45) when
process to work well, use these techniques together: the X Y position is inside the “Z hold distance”, the
extended pierce cycle, head down operation, speed Z-axis will change to normal tracking mode, maintaining
gas on, and rapid pierce. Dross that comes off just the Optional Standoff setting.
by touching it is called ‘crumble dross’. This kind of
dross is typical when using the 0.040” nozzle in gage 11. Minimum processing time is obtained by cutting with
thickness mild steel. the head down between features and by using the Speed
Gas option. Also, a zero pierce time will save 0.080 to
6. For mild steel oxygen assist, the 0.040” nozzle is 0.100 seconds per pierce.
beneficial in the following ways; it reduces pierce time,
it produces excellent edge quality, it allows higher feed 12. Optional standoff (M45) is used when cutting medium
rates, and it uses less assist gas. to thick mild steel, stainless steel, or aluminum with
nitrogen assist gas. This function allows the lead-in to
7. Optional pressure (M67) enables the use of a second be cut at a higher standoff than the feature being cut.
cutting assist gas pressure. For example, you can use When optional standoff is recommended, the lead-in
the cut pressure on the lead-in to start the cut and use the standoff (specified with the Cut standoff parameter)
optional pressure for the rest of the cutout. The optional is typically 0.100” (2.5 mm) or more and the optional
pressure feature is used primarily for nitrogen assist standoff is typically 0.025” (0.6 mm).
cutting of stainless steel, mild steel, and aluminum. A
dwell time of 200 to 500 msec is necessary after the The program will cut the lead-in using the (higher)
M67 to achieve a smooth cut edge immediately after “Cut” standoff to protect the nozzle tip, and then
the lead-in. Optional pressure may also be used for commands M45 so the rest of the cutting path uses
oxygen assist cutting of thick mild steel in conjunction the (lower) Optional standoff. However, at the lower
with rapid pierce. This pressure may be commanded standoff distance, the nozzle tip can be damaged from
differently in the near field and far field areas to be used the nozzle dancing over the pierce whiskers. To avoid
like a dynamic-optional pressure. nozzle damage, the programmer should select a pierce
location far enough away from the final cutting path,
8. Nitrogen assist gas is preferred over oxygen for cutting so the nozzle can complete the cutting path without
thin material. Higher feed rates can be achieved in touching the whiskers. Optional Pressure (M67) is
thinner materials with nitrogen assist. In addition to generally used together with Optional Standoff (M45).
higher cutting speeds, the cut edge is free of oxidation
unlike the cut edge when using oxygen or air assist. Note that the word “optional” in “optional standoff”
and “optional pressure” refer to a second, or alternate,
9. Actual cut feed rate is limited by accuracy requirements value.
on small features and is calculated within the nesting
(CAM) software. 13. Pierce standoff is ignored if the pierce time is zero.

10. The “Z hold distance” parameter enables a function that

improves the cutting process for nitrogen or air assist.
After completing a pierce, the Z-axis moves the nozzle
to the Cut standoff position. When “Z hold distance” is
not zero, the Z-axis position does not change again until
the X and Y-axes have moved the specified distance
away from the pierce location. Without this function,
the Z-axis would change position in response to the
plasma initially generated by nitrogen or air assist
cutting, producing incorrect nozzle standoff.
EM-535 (R-03/10) A-2
MILD STEEL 11. Cut standoff – A low cut standoff is recommended to
get the best assist gas flow through the cut kerf. See
comments on optional cut standoff below.
12. Nozzle – Use the recommended 060hc, 080hc, or 100str
The use of nitrogen assist prevents the creation of an oxide nozzle. Do not use a shower nozzle for nitrogen cutting
layer on the cut edge. Recommended parameters are given because it does not improve cutting performance, and
for thickness up to 0.25” (6.4 mm). Nitrogen assist is not will increase assist gas consumption.
recommended for thickness over 0.25” (6.4 mm) because
the feed rate is considerably lower than with oxygen assist. 13. Optional assist gas pressure – Use M67 at the end of
the lead-in to activate the optional assist gas pressure
1. Pierce time – Thin materials may use a zero pierce time. followed by a dwell time to allow the assist gas pressure
A zero pierce time minimizes the part processing time to stabilize. Typical dwell times are from 0.200 seconds
but may cause undesirable cosmetic imperfections on to 0.500 seconds.
small features. By using a non-zero pierce time, such as
0.010 seconds, these imperfections can be minimized. 14. Optional standoff – Optional standoff is recommended
to prevent the pierce mound from damaging the nozzle
2. Pierce power and duty cycle – Lowering the pierce power tip. The M45 code is used at the end of the lead-in to
and/or pierce duty cycle is recommended to produce a activate the optional standoff.
smaller pierce hole and minimize the size of the pierce
mound. The benefit of smaller pierce holes is that the 15. Start-of-cut process with M67 and M45 – To initiate the
lead-in length can be minimized. The disadvantage is lead-in, use low cut pressure and low feed rate (10% to
the pierce time generally will increase. 30% of cut feed rate). Increase the lead-in length 0.050”
(1.3 mm) to 0.200” (5.1 mm) as thickness increases. Use
3. Pierce standoff – As material thickness increases, an M45 to activate optional standoff together with M67 to
increasingly higher pierce standoff is recommended. activate optional pressure. Use a 0.200 to 0.500 second
The purpose of the higher standoff is to get a small spot dwell after the M67 to help transition to the cut process.
size for the pierce and to reduce possible lens damage. Continue at the recommended feed rate.
The higher standoff also allows clearance for the pierce
mound created during the pierce process with thick MISCELLANEOUS COMMENTS
material. 1. Large hard dross can be eliminated by lowering focus,
4. Pierce pressure – If the pressure is too low, lens damage increasing nitrogen assist gas pressure, and/or increasing
is more likely. If the pressure is too high, plasma cutting speed.
formation is likely which will increase the pierce time. 2. Fine (sandpaper type) dross can be eliminated by
5. Ramped pierce – Ramped pierce is not needed when lowering the cutting speed, lowering the nitrogen assist
cutting mild steel with nitrogen assist gas. gas pressure and/or raising the focus.

6. Cut feed rate – Use the recommended feed rate for 3. Add or increase the dwell time after the M67 (optional
most features. When cutting small features, a reduced assist gas) to eliminate a rough looking cut edge after
feed rate might be necessary to maintain contouring the lead-in.

7. Pre-cut dwell – Pre-cut dwell is not needed for processing

mild steel with nitrogen assist.

8. Cut power – Use the maximum power at 100% duty

cycle for cutting with nitrogen assist gas to get maximum
feed rate.

9. Cut frequency – Use 2000 Hz for best performance.

10. DPC feed rate – When this parameter is set correctly,

it will help reduce the dross on sharp corners. If a loss
of cut occurs while exiting sharp corners, decrease the
DPC feed rate below the maximum cutting speed.

A-3 EM-535 (R-03/10)

AIR ASSIST 10. DPC feed rate – When this parameter is set correctly,
it will help reduce the dross on sharp corners. If a loss
The use of air as an assist gas improves cutting speeds like of cut occurs while exiting sharp corners, decrease the
nitrogen assist but, unlike nitrogen cutting, it leaves an DPC feed rate below the maximum cutting speed.
oxide layer on the cut edge similar to that of oxygen assist.
The benefits of air cutting are in the thin gage materials. The 11. Cut standoff – In most parameters, a low cut standoff is
benefits include cutting speed increase and reduced cost of recommended to get the best assist gas flow through the
assist gas. The only drawback is a small burr typically seen cut kerf. See comments on optional cut standoff below.
on 14 gage and thicker. Air assist cutting is recommended
for higher wattage resonators. Assist gas pressure used 12. Nozzle – Use the recommended 060hc or 080hc nozzle.
while air cutting is generally low compared to nitrogen Do not use a shower nozzle for air cutting because it
assist cutting. does not improve cutting performance, and will increase
assist gas consumption.Optional standoff – Optional
1. Pierce time – Thin materials may use a zero pierce time. standoff is not used for air cutting.
A zero pierce time minimizes the part processing time
but may cause undesirable cosmetic imperfections on 13. Optional assist gas pressure – Optional assist gas
small features. By using a non-zero pierce time, such as pressure is not used for air cutting.
0.010 seconds, these imperfections can be minimized.
2. Pierce power and duty cycle – Lowering the pierce power
and/or pierce duty cycle is recommended to produce a For mild steel up to 0.188” (4.8 mm) thick, the listed
smaller pierce hole and minimize the size of the pierce parameters apply to CR (cold-rolled) or HRPO (hot-rolled,
mound. The benefit of smaller pierce holes is that the pickled and oiled). Since HRPO treatment is expensive for
lead-in length can be minimized. The disadvantage is thicker mild steel, the listed parameters for thickness above
the pierce time generally will increase. 0.188” (4.8 mm) apply to laser-quality hot-rolled (HR)
3. Pierce standoff – As material thickness increases, an
increasingly higher pierce standoff is recommended. If the 0.040” straight nozzle is insufficient for some reason
The purpose of the higher standoff is to get a small spot the 0.040”shr nozzle may be used instead. The power, feed
size for the pierce and to reduce possible lens damage. rate, and assist gas pressure may need to be reduced to
The higher standoff also allows clearance for the pierce maintain good cut quality.
mound created during the pierce process with thick
material. 1. Pierce power – Use the recommended piercing power.
Exceeding the recommended piercing power may cause
4. Pierce pressure – If the pressure is too low, lens damage blowouts and/or lens spatter.
is more likely. If the pressure is too high, plasma
formation is likely which will increase the pierce time. 2. Pierce standoff – Use the recommended standoff or a
higher standoff to prevent lens damage.
5. Ramped pierce – Ramped pierce is not needed when
cutting mild steel with air assist gas. 3. Pierce time – When using an auto focus head, a lower
pierce focus can be used to possibly reduce the pierce
6. Cut feed rate – Use the recommended feed rate for time.
most features. When cutting small features, a reduced
feed rate might be necessary to maintain contouring The parameter table indicates pierce times in several
accuracy. rows. When Ramped Pierce is specified, the “normal”
pierce time (G89 D) indicates the total time for the
7. Pre-cut dwell – Pre-cut dwell is not needed for processing ramped pierce steps. When the application includes
mild steel with air assist. Rapid Pierce parameters, “normal” pierce time is listed
with a second value indicating the sum of rapid pierce
8. Cut power – Use the maximum power at 100% duty Beam On and Cool times.
cycle for cutting with nitrogen assist gas to get maximum
feed rate. 4. Pierce pressure – Recommended pressure is relatively
low to avoid blowouts. If the pressure is too low, lens
9. Cut frequency – Use 2000 Hz for best performance. damage is more likely.

EM-535 (R-03/10) A-4

5. Ramped pierce –Ramped pierce is used to prevent 10. Cut standoff –Use the recommended settings. Be sure
blowouts. If blowouts occur, the recommended action to recalibrate the standoff when changing nozzle tips.
depends on the type of blowout. There are two common
types of pierce blowouts. The first is a blowout before 11. Kerf width – The kerf width is a good indicator of
the pierce time has elapsed. This type can be corrected the proper focus setting when cutting mild steel. If
by lowering the pierce duty cycle, power, or assist gas the measured kerf is less than the value shown in the
pressure. As a last resort, lengthen the ramp time. parameter table, then raise the focus.

The second type of blowout occurs after the pierce time 12. Nozzle – The recommended nozzle tips for oxygen
has elapsed, and is caused by an incomplete pierce within cutting include 0.040” straight, 0.040” shower, 0.060
the specified pierce time. A blowout of this nature can high capacitance, 0.060” double, 0.062” shower, and
be corrected by increasing the pierce duty cycle, power, 0.160” straight nozzle.
or assist gas pressure. If these changes cause the first 13. Lead-in – Generally for large features, a longer lead-
type of blowout, lengthen the hold time instead. in will produce the best part quality as long as there is
Thick plate may have as many as 20 ramp segments. enough room to dissipate the heat from the pierce and
This technique allows a higher pierce power and a lead-in process. The higher the pierce power, the larger
reduced pierce time. in diameter the pierce hole may be. Make the lead-in
longer than the radius of the pierce hole and pierce
Cooling time can be used to reduce the localized heat mound for best standoff control.
build up at the pierce location. This parameter helps
control the temperature for the start-of-cut, and may 14. For optimum results, the minimum dimension of small
reduce gouging at the start-of-cut for small features. features must be greater than or equal to the material
thickness. To cut smaller features in thick mild steel,
6. Cut feed rate – For large features, use the recommended contact the Laser Applications department for “small
feed rate. For small features (close to material thickness feature” cutting techniques and parameters.
in size), use 80% of recommended feed rate. When
cutting small features, a reduced feed rate might be 15. Rapid Pierce – Assist gas pressure should be low (8 to
necessary to maintain contouring accuracy. This is 10 psi) to reduce the velocity of molten material during
automatically calculated by Cincinnati’s Laser Nesting the pierce. Use a high standoff of 0.150” (3.8 mm) to
software. 0.250” (5.1 mm). The high standoff helps prevent lens
damage and produces a larger pierce hole, allowing
7. Pre-cut dwell – This parameter turns the beam on, at the complete removal of the pierce mound.
cut parameters, for the specified amount of time before
axis motion begins. When the power burst time is zero, The air-blast off time should be approximately equal
the power level during the pre-cut dwell corresponds to the actual pierce through time. If the off time is set
to the DPC min value. When the power burst time is much shorter than the pierce time, the air-blast will
greater than zero, the power level during the pre-cut distort the pierce hole. If the off time is too long, the
dwell corresponds to the full cut power. pierce mound will cool and be more difficult to remove
with the air blast.
For thick mild steel where the pierce standoff is higher
than the cut standoff, a short pre-cut dwell may help A longer lead-in (at least 1/2 to 1 material thickness) is
provide a cleaner start of cut. A pre-cut dwell is also needed when rapid pierce is used.
used to allow time for all other machine cut parameters If rapid pierce is recommended, a second pierce time
to stabilize. is shown in the parameter table. The time shown is the
8. Cut power – Most materials will cut at full power. If sum of the beam on time and the cool time.
the power is too high, overheating of the material will
cause poor edge quality, especially for small features
and at corners.

9. DPC feed rate – This setting improves cut quality for

small features cut at a reduced speed. It also helps
prevent a tab at the end of a feature when ramping down
the feed rate. Some materials do not use DPC.

A-5 EM-535 (R-03/10)

STAINLESS STEEL (TYPE 304) 9. Cut standoff – A low cut standoff is recommended for
all materials to get the best assist gas flow through the
kerf. See the following comment on optional standoff.
10. Nozzle – Use the 060hc, 080hc, 100str, 125sp, or 160sp
Stainless steel is commonly cut with nitrogen assist gas. nozzles as recommended. Testing of shower nozzles
The use of nitrogen prevents the creation of an oxide layer for nitrogen cutting has shown no improvement in the
on the cut edge. It also produces a considerably smoother cutting performance, but has shown increased assist gas
and more consistent edge quality. consumption.
1. Pierce time – Thin materials may use a zero pierce time. 11. Optional assist gas pressure – Use M67 at the end of
A zero pierce time minimizes the part processing time the lead-in to activate the optional assist gas pressure
but may cause undesirable cosmetic imperfections on followed by a dwell time to allow the assist gas pressure
small features. By using a non-zero pierce time, such as to stabilize. Typical dwell times are from 0.200 seconds
0.010 seconds, these imperfections can be minimized. to 0.500 seconds.

2. Pierce power and duty cycle – Lowering the pierce power 12. Optional standoff – Optional standoff is actually the
and/or pierce duty cycle is recommended to produce a cutting standoff when two different standoff values
smaller pierce hole and minimize the size of the pierce (cut and optional) are commanded. In some materials
mound. The benefit of smaller pierce holes is that the it is recommended to prevent the pierce mound from
lead-in length can be minimized. The disadvantage is damaging the nozzle tip and to help prevent lens spatter.
the pierce time generally will increase. Optional standoff is activated via the M45 code at the
end of a lead-in. Both M45 and M67 codes are generally
3. Pierce standoff – As material thickness increases, an used together. It is used for stainless steel with nitrogen
increasingly higher pierce standoff is recommended. assist.
The purpose of the higher standoff is to get a small spot
size for the pierce and to reduce possible lens damage. 13. Start-of-cut process – Use a slow feed rate (10% to 30%
The higher standoff also allows clearance for the pierce of cut feed rate) during the lead-in for all nitrogen cut
mound created during the pierce process especially with stainless steel applications. Increase the lead-in length
thick material. 0.050” (1.3 mm) to 0.350” (8.9 mm) as thickness
4. Pierce pressure – If the pressure is too low, lens damage increases. Use optional standoff (M45) together with
is more likely. If the pressure is too high, plasma optional assist gas (M67) at the end of the lead-in. Use
formation is likely which will increase the pierce time. a 0.200 to 0.500 second dwell, and/or ramp up the feed
rate in several segments after the M67, to help transition
5. Ramped pierce – Ramped pierce may be necessary for into the cut process. Continue at the recommended feed
piercing through the thickest stainless with nitrogen rate.
assist gas.
Using a ‘ramped start-of-cut’ can minimize the plasma
6. Cut feed rate – Use the recommended feed rate for most formation at the start of the cutting process (after the
features. When cutting small features, a reduced feed lead-in and M67). Using the minimum required assist
rate might be necessary to maintain contouring accuracy. gas pressure will also minimize plasma formation.
This is automatically calculated by Cincinnati’s Laser
Nesting software. Miscellaneous Comments

7. Cut power – Use maximum power for cutting with 1. Coatings – For thin stainless steel that is plastic coated,
nitrogen assist gas to get maximum feed rate. a slight feed rate reduction may be necessary to optimize
edge quality. For some PVC coated stainless steel, the
8. Cut frequency – A cut frequency of 2000 Hz is coating must first be cut or etched to prevent “bubbling”
recommended for all materials. When cutting at full feed of the coating. For more techniques and information
rate, the cut frequency makes little difference since the on cutting PVC coated stainless contact the Laser
laser is set to 100% duty cycle. However, the frequency Applications department.
has more of an affect on the cut when the feed rate is
reduced at corners and small features. The DPC feed rate 2. Consistent long “icicle” type dross can be eliminated by
and min power % needed to obtain good edge quality lowering focus, increasing nitrogen assist gas pressure,
depend on the cut frequency. The DPC parameters were and/or increasing cutting speed.
optimized for a cut frequency of 2000 Hz.
EM-535 (R-03/10) A-6
3. Fine (sand paper type) dross can be eliminated by 8. Cut frequency – A cut frequency of 2000 Hz is
lowering the cutting speed, lowering the nitrogen assist recommended for all materials. When cutting at full feed
gas pressure, and/or raising the focus. rate, the cut frequency makes little difference since the
laser is set to 100% duty cycle. However, the frequency
4. Increase the dwell time after an M67 to eliminate a has more of an affect on the cut when the feed rate is
rough cut edge immediately after the lead-in. reduced at corners and small features. The DPC feed rate
and min power % needed to obtain good edge quality
AIR ASSIST depend on the cut frequency. The DPC parameters were
optimized for a cut frequency of 2000 Hz.
The use of air as an assist gas improves cutting speeds like
nitrogen assist but, unlike nitrogen cutting, it leaves a light 9. Cut standoff – A low cut standoff is recommended for
oxidation layer on the cut edge and is gold in color. The all materials to get the best assist gas flow through the
benefits of air cutting are in the thin gage materials. The kerf.
benefits include cutting speed increase and reduced cost of
10. Nozzle – Use the 060hc, 080hc, 100str, 125sp, or
assist gas. The only drawback is a small burr typically seen
160sp nozzles as recommended. Testing of shower
on 14 gage and thicker. Air assist cutting is recommended
nozzles for air cutting has shown no improvement in
for higher wattage resonators. Assist gas pressure used
the cutting performance, but has shown increased assist
while air cutting is generally low compared to nitrogen
gas consumption.
assist cutting.
11. Optional assist gas pressure – Optional assist gas
1. Pierce time – Thin materials may use a zero pierce time.
pressure is not used for air cutting.
A zero pierce time minimizes the part processing time
but may cause undesirable cosmetic imperfections on 12. Optional standoff – Optional standoff is actually the
small features. By using a non-zero pierce time, such as cutting standoff when two different standoff values
0.010 seconds, these imperfections can be minimized. (cut and optional) are commanded. In some materials
it is recommended to prevent the pierce mound from
2. Pierce power and duty cycle – Lowering the pierce power
damaging the nozzle tip and to help prevent lens spatter.
and/or pierce duty cycle is recommended to produce a
Optional standoff is activated via the M45 code at the
smaller pierce hole and minimize the size of the pierce
end of a lead-in. Both M45 and M67 codes are generally
mound. The benefit of smaller pierce holes is that the
used together. It is not used for stainless steel with air
lead-in length can be minimized. The disadvantage is
the pierce time generally will increase.

3. Pierce standoff – As material thickness increases, an

increasingly higher pierce standoff is recommended.
The purpose of the higher standoff is to get a small spot
size for the pierce and to reduce possible lens damage.
The higher standoff also allows clearance for the pierce
mound created during the pierce process especially with
thick material.

4. Pierce pressure – If the pressure is too low, lens damage

is more likely. If the pressure is too high, plasma
formation is likely which will increase the pierce time.

5. Ramped pierce – Ramped pierce is not necessary.

6. Cut feed rate – Use the recommended feed rate for most
features. When cutting small features, a reduced feed
rate might be necessary to maintain contouring accuracy.
This is automatically calculated by Cincinnati’s Laser
Nesting software.

7. Cut power – Use maximum power for cutting with

nitrogen assist gas to get maximum feed rate.

A-7 EM-535 (R-03/10)

ALUMINUM (5052-H32) 9. Dynamic power control – This function is for
establishing the power speed relationship needed for
N2 ASSIST acceptable cut quality at feed rates less than full cutting
speed. It also provides proper power control through
The cut edge is dross-free up to 0.063” (1.5 mm). For thicker areas of acceleration and deceleration.
materials, dross forms but is easily removed.
10. DPC feed rate – This function is for establishing the
1. Pierce time – Thin materials may use a zero pierce time. power speed relationship needed for acceptable cut
A zero pierce time minimizes the part processing time quality at feed rates less than full cutting speed. It
but may cause undesirable cosmetic imperfections on also provides proper power control through areas of
small features. By using a non-zero pierce time, such as acceleration and deceleration.
0.010 seconds, these imperfections can be minimized.
11. Cut standoff – A low cut standoff is recommended for
2. Pierce power and duty cycle – Lowering the pierce power all materials to get the best assist gas flow through the
and/or pierce duty cycle is recommended to produce a kerf. See the following comment on optional standoff.
smaller pierce hole and minimize the size of the pierce
mound. The benefit of smaller pierce holes is that the 12. Nozzle – Use the 0.060”hc, 0.080”hc, 0.100” straight
lead-in length can be minimized. The disadvantage is nozzle, or 0.125”sp nozzles as recommended. A shower
the pierce time generally will increase. nozzle is not recommended for cutting aluminum
because it does not improve cutting performance, but
3. Pierce standoff – As material thickness increases, an does increase assist gas consumption.
increasingly higher pierce standoff is recommended.
The purpose of the higher standoff is to get a small spot 13. Optional assist gas pressure – Use M67 at the end of
size for the pierce and to reduce possible lens damage. the lead-in to activate the optional assist gas pressure
The higher standoff also allows clearance for the pierce followed by a dwell time to allow the assist gas pressure
mound created during the pierce process with thick to stabilize. Typical dwell times are from 0.200 seconds
material. Pierce standoff is ignored if the pierce time to 0.500 seconds.
is zero. 14. Optional standoff – Optional standoff is actually the
4. Pierce pressure – If the pressure is too low, lens damage cutting standoff when two different standoff values
is more likely. (cut and optional) are commanded. In some materials
it is recommended to prevent the pierce mound from
5. Ramped pierce – Ramped piercing may be used in the damaging the nozzle tip and to help prevent lens spatter.
thickest aluminum. Optional standoff is activated via the M45 code at the
end of a lead-in. Both M45 and M67 codes are generally
6. Cut feed rate – Use the recommended feed rate for most used together. It is used for aluminum with nitrogen
features. When cutting small features, a reduced feed assist.
rate might be necessary to maintain contouring accuracy.
This is automatically calculated by Cincinnati’s Laser
Nesting software.

7. Pre-cut dwell – This parameter turns the beam on, at the

cut parameters, for the specified amount of time before
axis motion begins. When the power burst time is zero,
the power level during the pre-cut dwell corresponds
to the DPC min value. When the power burst time is
greater than zero, the power level during the pre-cut
dwell corresponds to the full cut power.

8. Cut power – Use maximum power for cutting to get

maximum feed rate.

EM-535 (R-03/10) A-8

AIR ASSIST It also provides proper power control through areas of
acceleration and deceleration.
The cut edge is dross-free up to 0.063” (1.5 mm). For thicker
materials, dross forms but is easily removed. 10. DPC feed rate – DPC feed rate is always set to the same
or lower than the full cutting speed.
1. Pierce time – Thin materials may use a zero pierce time.
A zero pierce time minimizes the part processing time 11. Cut standoff – A low cut standoff is recommended for
but may cause undesirable cosmetic imperfections on all materials to get the best assist gas flow through the
small features. By using a non-zero pierce time, such as kerf. See the following comment on optional standoff.
0.010 seconds, these imperfections can be minimized.
12. Nozzle – Use the 0.060”hc, 0.080”hc, 0100”str, or
2. Pierce power and duty cycle – Lowering the pierce power 0.125”sp nozzles as recommended. A shower nozzle is
and/or pierce duty cycle is recommended to produce a not recommended for cutting aluminum because it does
smaller pierce hole and minimize the size of the pierce not improve cutting performance, but does increase
mound. The benefit of smaller pierce holes is that the assist gas consumption.
lead-in length can be minimized. The disadvantage is
the pierce time generally will increase. 13. Optional assist gas pressure – Use M67 at the end of
the lead-in to activate the optional assist gas pressure
3. Pierce standoff – As material thickness increases, an followed by a dwell time to allow the assist gas pressure
increasingly higher pierce standoff is recommended. to stabilize. Typical dwell times are from 0.200 seconds
The purpose of the higher standoff is to get a small spot to 0.500 seconds.
size for the pierce and to reduce possible lens damage.
The higher standoff also allows clearance for the pierce 14. Optional standoff – Optional standoff is actually the
mound created during the pierce process with thick cutting standoff when two different standoff values
material. (cut and optional) are commanded. In some materials
it is recommended to prevent the pierce mound from
Pierce standoff is ignored if the pierce time is zero. damaging the nozzle tip and to help prevent lens spatter.
Optional standoff is activated via the M45 code at the
4. Pierce pressure – If the pressure is too low, lens damage end of a lead-in. Both M45 and M67 codes are generally
is more likely. used together. It is not used for aluminum with air
5. Ramped pierce – Ramped pierce is not used for cutting
aluminum with air assist.

6. Cut feed rate – Use the recommended feed rate for most
features. When cutting small features, a reduced feed
rate might be necessary to maintain contouring accuracy.
This is automatically calculated by Cincinnati’s Laser
Nesting software.

7. Pre-cut dwell – This parameter turns the beam on, at the

cut parameters, for the specified amount of time before
axis motion begins. When the power burst time is zero,
the power level during the pre-cut dwell corresponds
to the DPC min value. When the power burst time is
greater than zero, the power level during the pre-cut
dwell corresponds to the full cut power.

8. Cut power – Use maximum power for cutting to get

maximum feed rate.

9. Dynamic power control – Dynamic power control is for

establishing the power speed relationship needed for
acceptable cut quality at feed rates less than full cutting
speed. It is not used for thick aluminum since loss of
cut at the corners and start of cut problems can occur.

A-9 EM-535 (R-03/10)

EM-535 (R-03/10) A-10
Mild steel


Material MS018N2 MS030N2 MS036N2 MS048N2 MS060N2 MS075N2 MS105N2 MS120N2 MS135N2 MS188N2 MS250N2

Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean
Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut

Length ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.075 ∼ 0.125 ∼ 0.125 ∼ 0.200 ∼ 0.200 ∼ 0.200 ∼ 0.200

Lead-in 60° to 60° to 60° to 60° to 60° to 60° to 60° to 60° to 60° to 60° to 60° to
Angle 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90°

∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 20% ∼ 20% ∼ 20% ∼ 10%

Exact Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Exact Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for
Stop sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp
(features) corners corners corners corners corners corners corners corners corners corners corners

Yes; + Yes; + Yes; + Yes; + Yes; + Yes; + Yes; +

add dwell add dwell add dwell add dwell add dwell add dwell add dwell
Gas No No No No
for 0.200 for 0.200 for 0.200 for 0.300 for 0.300 for 0.400 for 0.500
sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. sec.

No No No No No No No No No No No

No No No No No No No No No No No

Start Cut G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84

No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Z-axis Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Use Use
Antidive M130 M130 M130 M130 M130 M130 M130 M130 M130 M130 M130

B-1 EM-535 (R-03/10)

Mild steel


Material MS030O2 MS048O2 MS060O2 MS075O2 MS105O2 MS120O2 MS135O2 MS188O2 MS250O2

Process Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut

Lead-in G84 ∼ 0.125 G84 ∼ 0.125 G84 ∼ 0.150 G84 ∼ 0.200

Length (inch) ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.100 ∼ 0.125
G84 T2 ∼ G84 T2 ∼ G84 T2 ∼ G84 T2 ∼
0.125 0.125 0.150 0.200
G84 G84 G84 G84
Lead-in 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75°
Angle 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75°
G84 T2 G84 T2 G84 T2 G84 T2
45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75°

Lead-in Feed ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60%

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exact Stop

Exact Stop
No No No No No No No No No

Optional Gas
No No No No No No No No No

2 segments 2 segments 2 segments 2 segments 2 segments 2 segments 2 segments 2 segments 2 segments

Ramped both~0.075” both~0.075” both~0.075” both~0.075” both~0.075” both~0.075” both~0.075” both~0.075” both~0.075”
Start/End Start 60/80% Start 60/80% Start 60/80% Start 60/80% Start 60/80% Start 60/80% Start 60/80% Start 60/80% Start 60/80%
End 80/60% End 80/60% End 80/60% End 80/60% End 80/60% End 80/60% End 80/60% End 80/60% End 80/60%

No No No No No No No No No

G84 or G84 or G84 or G84 or

Start Cut G84 G84 G84 G84 G84
G84T2 G84T2 G84T2 G84T2

Z Standoff No No No No No No No No No

Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130

EM-535 (R-03/10) B-2


Material MS313O2 MS375O2 MS500O2 MS625O2 MS750O2 MS1000O2 MS1125O2

Process Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut

Lead-in G84 ∼ 0.150 G84 ∼ 0.250 G84 ∼ 0.250 G84 ∼ 0.250 G84 ∼ 0.250 G84 ∼ 0.375 G84 ∼ 0.450
Length (inch)
G84 T2 ∼ G84 T2 ∼ G84 T2 ∼ G84 T2 ∼ G84 T2 ∼ G84 T2 ∼
0.200 0.250 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.500
G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84
Lead-in 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75°
G84 T2 G84 T2 G84 T2 G84 T2 G84 T2 G84 T2 G84 T2
45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75° 45° to 75°

Lead-in Feed ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 60% ∼ 70%

No No No No No No No
Exact Stop

Exact Stop
No No No No No No No

Optional Gas
No No No No No No No

2 segments 2 segments 2 segments 2 segments

1 segment 1 segment 1 segment
Ramped both~0.075” both~0.075” both~0.075” both~0.075”
0.125" 0.125" 0.150"
Start/End Start 60/80% Start 60/80% Start 60/80% Start 60/80%
End 80% End 80% End 80%
End 80/60% End 80/60% End 80/60% End 80/60%

No No No No No No No

G84 or G84 or G84 or G84 or G84 or G84 or

Start Cut G84
G84T2 G84T2 G84T2 G84T2 G84T2 G84T2

Z Standoff No No No No No No No

Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130

B-3 EM-535 (R-03/10)

Mild steel


Material MS036N2 MS048N2 MS060N2 MS075N2 MS105N2

Process Air Air Air Air Air

Length ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.100 ∼ 0.100 ∼ 0.125

60° to 90° 60° to 90° 60° to 90° 60° to 90° 60° to 90°

∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30%

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exact Stop

Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for
Exact Stop
sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp
corners corners corners corners corners

No No No No No
Gas (M67)

No No No No No

No No No No No

Start Cut G84 G84 G84 G84 G84

Z Standoff No No No No Yes

Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130

EM-535 (R-03/10) B-4

stainless steel (Type 304)


Material SS030N2 SS036N2 SS048N2 SS060N2 SS075N2 SS105N2 SS120N2 SS135N2

Process Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut

Length ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.125 ∼ 0.150 ∼ 0.150

45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90°

∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 20% ∼ 20%

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exact Stop

Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for
Exact Stop
sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp
corners corners corners corners corners corners corners corners

Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add
No No No dwell for dwell for dwell for dwell for dwell for
Gas (M67)
0.200 sec. 0.300 sec. 0.300 sec. 0.300 sec. 0.300 sec.

No No No No No No No No

No No No No No No No No

Start Cut G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84

Z Standoff No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130

B-5 EM-535 (R-03/10)

stainless steel (Type 304)


Material SS188N2 SS250N2 SS313N2 SS375N2 SS500N2

Process Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut

Length ∼ 0.200 ∼ 0.200 ∼ 0.250 ∼ 0.300 ∼ 0.350

60° to 90° 60° to 90° 60° to 90° 60° to 90° 60° to 90°

∼ 20% ∼ 10% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30%

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exact Stop

Yes, for Yes, for

Exact Stop
sharp sharp No No No
corners corners

Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add
dwell for dwell for dwell for dwell for dwell for
Gas (M67)
0.500 sec. 0.500 sec. 0.500 sec. 0.500 sec. 0.500 sec.

3 segments 3 segments
Ramped all 0.075" all 0.075"
No No No
Start/End Start Start
60/70/80% 60/70/80%

3 segments 3 segments
No No No all 0.020" all 0.020"
60/70/80% 60/70/80%

Start Cut G84 G84 G84 G84 G84

Z Standoff Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130

EM-535 (R-03/10) B-6

stainless steel (Type 304)


Material SS036N2 SS048N2 SS060N2 SS075N2 SS105N2

Process Air Cut Air Cut Air Cut Air Cut Air Cut

Length ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.080 ∼ 0.125

45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90°

∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30%

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exact Stop

Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for
Exact Stop
sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp
corners corners corners corners corners

No No No No No
Gas (M67)

No No No No No

No No No No No

Start Cut G84 G84 G84 G84 G84

Z Standoff No No No No No

Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130

B-7 EM-535 (R-03/10)

aluminum (5052-H32)


Material AL020N2 AL032N2 AL050N2 AL063N2 AL080N2 AL090N2 AL100N2 AL125N2

Process Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut

Length ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.080 ∼ 0.100 ∼ 0.100 ∼ 0.150 ∼ 0.150

45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90°

∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 20%

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exact Stop

Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for
Exact Stop
sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp
corners corners corners corners corners corners corners corners

Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add

No No No No dwell for dwell for dwell for dwell for
Gas (M67)
0.300 sec. 0.300 sec. 0.300 sec. 0.300 sec.

No No No No No No No No

No No No No No No No No

Start Cut G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84

Z Standoff No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130

EM-535 (R-03/10) B-8

aluminum (5052-H32)


Material AL190N2 AL250N2 AL313N2 AL375N2 AL500N2

Process Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut Clean Cut

Length ∼ 0.200 ∼ 0.250 ∼ 0.300 ∼ 0.350 ∼ 0.400

60° to 90° 60° to 90° 60° to 90° 60° to 90° 60° to 90°

∼ 20% ∼ 20% ∼ 20% ∼ 10% ∼ 10%

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exact Stop

Yes, for Yes, for

Exact Stop
sharp sharp No No No
corners corners

Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add Yes; + add
dwell for dwell for dwell for dwell for dwell for
Gas (M67)
0.300 sec. 0.500 sec. 0.500 sec. 0.500 sec. 0.500 sec.

3 segments 3 segments 3 segments

Ramped all 0.030" all 0.030" all 0.030"
No No
Start/End Start Start Start
30/50/80% 30/50/80% 30/50/80%

3 segments 3 segments 3 segments

No No all 0.020" all 0.020" all 0.020"
60/70/80% 60/70/80% 60/70/80%

Start Cut G84 G84 G84 G84 G84

Z Standoff Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130

B-9 EM-535 (R-03/10)

aluminum (5052-H32)


Material AL020N2 AL032N2 SS050N2 AL063N2 AL080N2 AL090N2

Process Air Cut Air Cut Air Cut Air Cut Air Cut Air Cut

Length ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.050 ∼ 0.080 ∼ 0.100 ∼ 0.100

45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90° 45° to 90°

∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30% ∼ 30%

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Exact Stop

Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for Yes, for
Exact Stop
sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp
corners corners corners corners corners corners

Yes; + add Yes; + add

No No No No dwell for dwell for
Gas (M67)
0.300 sec. 0.300 sec.

No No No No No No

No No No No No No

Start Cut G84 G84 G84 G84 G84 G84

Z Standoff No No No No No Yes

Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130 Use M130

EM-535 (R-03/10) B-10

HISTORY Each chart contains three distinct categories of cutting
Find out what happened since the machine last worked problems - (1) pierce problems, (2) edge condition problems
correctly. Even those events that seem to be insignificant that are independent of location along the edge, and (3)
often help identify the cause of the problem. Talk to other edge condition problems that occur at certain locations or
operators, programmers, and maintenance personnel. for certain kinds of cutouts. Use the charts as follows:

PATTERNS • Identify the problem category (pierce, edge condition,

Look for patterns in the problem. Does the problem occur
at a certain time of day or after a certain period of cutting • Locate the problem description in the “problem” column
time? Is it related to position on the worktable, orientation that best matches your cutting problem.
of the part, size of cutout, upper/lower pallet, personnel, or
material condition? Does the problem occur at certain stages • Identify possible causes of this problem. The possible
of the cutting process such as pierce, lead-in, or contour? causes are listed to the right of each problem in the
“possible causes” column. The most likely causes are
SETTINGS listed first.
Verify that all cutting parameters and machine adjustments • Identify remedies for the problem. The remedies for each
are correct. Refer to the cutting parameter tables for cause are listed to the right of the cause in the “remedy”
recommended parameters. Refer to the process notes column. The most common remedies are listed first.
for hints and suggestions. Check the following machine
adjustments as described in the Operation, Safety, and • Starting with the first recommended remedy, make the
Maintenance manual: necessary change to the cutting process. A combination
of these remedies may be required to correct the cutting
1. Nozzle tip is clean and undamaged. problem(s).
2. Standoff is correct.
3. Focusing lens is correct focal length, in good condition, If you are unable to identify and resolve the problem yourself,
and mounted correctly. use the worksheet in the back of this section to document
4. Lens is centered. specifics of the problem. Then contact the Laser Applications
5. Focus setting is correct. additional assistance.

Use the diagnostic charts for the type of material you
are cutting to identify possible causes of the problem
and recommended remedies. Charts are provided for the
following materials:

• Aluminum

• Mild Steel and Tool Steel (Oxygen Assist)

• Mild Steel, Galvanized, and Stainless Steel (N2 Assist)

• Copper Alloys

• Composites & Plastics

• Wood

C-1 EM-535 (R-03/10)

Pierce Problems
No sparks during the pierce. • Standoff too low. • Increase standoff.
Bright plasma during the pierce. • Standoff too low. • Increase standoff.
• Focus too high. • Lower focus.
• Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce assist gas pressure.
Blowout at the end of a pierce just as • Pierce not complete. Test: observe • Increase pierce power (duty
cutting head starts to move. pierce process. cycle).
• Increase pierce time.
Tip touch alarm at the end of a pierce • Pierce mound buildup has come in • Use optional standoff (M45).
just as cutting head starts to move. contact with the nozzle tip. • Use anti-spatter spray on material
before cutting.
Edge quality problems (independent of location along part edge)
Loud popping noises during cutting • Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce assist gas pressure.
and gouges in the part edge. • Focus too high. • Lower focus.
• Feed rate too high. • Reduce feed rate.
Dross. • Focus not optimal. • Adjust focus (~. 0.020” (.5mm))
and observe effect.
Note: For thick aluminum, dross is • Assist gas pressure too low. • Increase assist gas pressure (~.
typical. 10%).
• Feed rate too high. • Reduce feed rate (~. 10%).
Edge quality problems (depends on location along part edge or size of cutout)
Dross on one side or two opposite • Lens not centered. • Center the lens.
sides of a part. • Nozzle partially clogged or • Clean or replace nozzle.
• Lens dirty or damaged. Test: cut • Clean or replace lens.
with a known good lens.
• Beam delivery system out of • Call maintenance to align beam
alignment. Test: check beam delivery system.
• Laser mode asymmetric. Test: • Call maintenance to correct the
check mode quality. mode problem.
Very rough edge or lost cut at beginning • Pierce not complete. Test: observe • See remedy for blowout at end of
of part edge (0.5” to 2” (13 mm to 51 pierce process. pierce.
mm)). Usually accompanied by loud • Start-of-cut feed rate and assist • Use start-of-cut technique (reduced
“popping” noise. gas pressure too high. assist gas pressure, reduced feed
• Anti-dive may be active. • Turn off anti-dive with M130 at
the beginning of the program.
• Pre-cut dwell incorrect. • Adjust pre-cut dwell time.
• Dynamic power minimum too • Increase dynamic power
low. minimum.
Loss of cut or dross at corners or on • Power too low at reduced feed • Increase dynamic power
intricate features. rate. minimum.

EM-535 (R-03/10) C-2

Pierce Problems
Blowout at the beginning of the • Power too high at start of pierce. • Reduce start % of ramped pierce
pierce. power.
• Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce assist gas pressure (~. 10%).
Blowout during the pierce. • Power too high too fast during • Reduce starting ramped duty %.
pierce (for thick material using • Reduce ending ramped duty %.
ramped pierce). • Increase ramped pierce time.
• Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce assist gas pressure (~. 10%).
Blowout at the end of a pierce just as • Pierce not complete. Test: observe • Increase pierce time.
cutting head starts to move. pierce process. • Increase ramped hold time (ramped
pierce only).
• Increase pierce power.
Blowout in thin material. • Pierce not complete. • Increase pierce time.
• Increase pierce power.
• Power too high. • Reduce power.
• Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce assist gas pressure (~ 10%).
Pierce Problems – Rapid Pierce
Blowout at the end of a pierce just as • Pierce not complete. Test: observe • Lower standoff.
cutting head starts to move. pierce process. • Increase pierce time.
• Increase assist gas pressure.
Pierce hole elongated at top. • Air blast is distorting pierce • Increase air blast off-time.
Poor pierce mound removal • Pierce mound cools before air • Reduce air blast off-time.
blast is activated
• Air blast is not strong enough. • Increase air blast pressure.
• Move air blast nozzle closer to
• Non-oiled material • Pre-treat plate with anti-spatter.

C-3 EM-535 (R-03/10)

Edge quality problems (independent of location along part edge)
Very rough part edge. Wide kerf. • Too hot, thermal runaway. • Reduce assist gas pressure (~. 10%).
• Adjust focus (~ 0.020" (0.5mm)) and
observe effect.
• Reduce power (~. 5%).
• Increase feed rate (~. 5%).
• Increase pierce cooling time.
• Use ramped feed rate start of cut.
• Poor material or material surface. • Use clean, scale-free, gouge-free
material or laser quality HR with
thin tight scale.
Small gouges widely spaced. Typical • Assist gas pressure slightly high. • Reduce pressure (~. 5%).
gouge extends from the middle to the • Feed rate too slow. • Increase feed rate.
bottom of the part edge. • Deformities in material or material • Use clean, scale-free, gouge-free
surface. material.
Dross. • Focus not optimal. • Adjust focus (~. 0.020” (.5mm)) and
• Assist gas pressure too low. observe effect.
• Power too low. • Increase pressure (~. 10%).
• Increase power (~. 5%).
• Feed rate too high. • Reduce feed rate (~. 5%).
Edge quality problems (depends on location along part edge or size of cutout)
Very rough edge or lost cut at • Pierce not complete. Test: observe • See remedy for blowout at end of
beginning of part edge (0.5” to 2” (13 pierce process. pierce (pulse pierce or rapid pierce).
mm to 51 mm)). • Lead-in feed rate too high. • Lead-in feed rate should be 60% to
100% of contour feed rate.
• Anti-dive may be active. • Turn off anti-dive with M130 at the
beginning of the program.
• Lead-in transition too sharp. • Use angled lead-in or radius the
transition from lead-in to part edge.
• Use a ramped start of cut.
• Pre-cut dwell time incorrect. • Adjust pre-cut dwell time (0.050 sec
• Power burst time not set. • Set power burst time to recommended
value (if available on machine).
• See remedy under pierce problems –
• Poor pierce mound removal (rapid rapid pierce.
pierce). • Use higher assist gas pressure (about
• Failed to establish clean kerf near 50% higher) for first half of lead-in.
bottom of pierce hole in first half • Increase dynamic power minimum.
of lead-in. • Use a ramped start of cut.
• Not enough power to start the cut.
• Start of cut is too hot.

EM-535 (R-03/10) C-4

Dross on one side or two opposite • Lens not centered. • Center the lens.
sides of a part. • Nozzle partially clogged or • Clean or replace nozzle.
• Lens dirty or damaged. Test: cut • Clean or replace lens.
with a known good lens.
• Beam delivery system out of • Call maintenance to align beam delivery
alignment. Test: check beam system.
• Laser mode asymmetric. Test: • Call maintenance to correct the mode
check mode quality. problem.
Dross at corners, in small holes, and/ • Power too low for the cutting • Increase dynamic power minimum.
or in first part of cut after pierce. speed.
Gouges at corners, in small holes, • Power too high for the cutting • Decrease dynamic power minimum.
and/or in first part of cut after pierce. speed.
Gouges just past the corners. • Localized overheating of sharp • Use a radius (10% to 15% of material
corner. thickness) at the corner.
Very rough edge or lost cut on small • Feed rate too high. • Feed rate for small cutouts should be
cutouts (such as small diameter 70% to 100% of contour feed rate; 80%
holes). works well.
• Reduce lead-in length.
• Overheating of cutout (slug). • Use angled lead-in or radius the
transition from lead-in to part edge to
clean up transition.
• Pre-heating of adjacent work • Re-sequence closely spaced cutouts
material. to allow cooling time for adjacent
Spatter on bottom of lens. • Pierce standoff is too low. • Increase by 0.025” at a time.
• Pierce frequency is too low. • Increase pierce frequency (normal
pierce to 200 Hz, ramped pierce to 100-
200 Hz.
• Pierce assist gas pressure is too • Increase pierce assist gas pressure.

C-5 EM-535 (R-03/10)

Pierce Problems
Blue plasma formation • Focus too high. • Lower focus (~ 0.020”).
during pierce (slows material • Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce pressure (~ 10%).
Spatter on bottom of lens. • Standoff too low. • Increase standoff.
• Assist gas pressure too low. • Increase pressure (10%).
• Frequency is too low • Increase frequency to a minimum
value of 200 Hz.
Edge quality problems (independent of location along part edge)
Consistent, long “icicle” • Assist gas pressure too low. • Increase pressure (~ 10%).
dross on part and/or on parent • Focus too high. • Lower the focus (~ 0.020”).
material. • Feed rate too low. • Increase feed rate.
Fine dross. • Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce pressure (~ 10%).
• Feed rate too high. • Reduce feed rate.
• Focus too low. • Raise the focus (~ 0.020”)
Loss of cut. • Focus is too high. • Lower focus.
• Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce pressure (~ 10%).
• Focus lens is dirty. • Clean focus lens.
Lower portion of cut edge not • Feed rate is too high. • Lower feed rate.
smooth and uniform. • Standoff incorrect. • Check standoff calibration and
commanded standoff.
• Nozzle orifice diameter incorrect. • Verify proper nozzle and size.
Edge quality problems (depends on location along part edge or size of cutout)
Dross on one side or two • Lens not centered. • Center the lens.
opposite sides of a part. • Nozzle partially clogged or damaged. • Clean or replace nozzle.
• Lens dirty or damaged. Test: cut with a • Clean or replace lens.
known good lens. • Call maintenance to check and/or
• Beam delivery system out of alignment. align beam delivery system.
Test: check beam alignment. • Call maintenance to inspect mirrors
• Beam delivery mirrors dirty or damaged. and clean or replace as necessary.
Test: check mode quality. • Call maintenance to correct the mode
• Laser mode asymmetric. Test: check problem.
mode quality.
Very rough edge or lost cut at • Pierce not complete. Test: observe pierce • See remedy for blowout at end of
beginning of part edge (1/2” to process. pierce.
2” (13mm to 51mm)). • Anti-dive may be active. • Use M130 in program.
• Start-of-cut feed rate and assist gas • Use start-of-cut technique (reduced
pressure too high. pressure, optional assist gas M67,
reduced lead-in feed rate).
• Lead-in length too short. • Use lead-in lengths of 0.050 to
Loss of cut or fine dross at • Power too low at reduced feed rate. • Increase dynamic power minimum.
corners or on intricate features.
Long “icicle” dross at corners • Power too high at reduce feed rate. • Decrease dynamic power minimum.
and on intricate features.

EM-535 (R-03/10) C-6

Pierce Problems
No “sparks” on pierce. • Beam is reflecting off workpiece. • Reduce assist gas (~10%).
• Coat material with graphite paint.
• Scuff surface with abrasive pad.
Blue plasma formation during • Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce pressure (~ 10%).
pierce. • Focus too low. • Raise the focus (~ 0.020”).
Spatter on bottom of lens. • Standoff too low. • Increase standoff.
• Assist gas pressure too low. • Increase pressure (10%).
Edge quality problems (independent of location along part edge)
Consistent, long “icicle” • Assist gas pressure too low. • Increase pressure (~ 10%).
dross on part and/or on parent • Feed rate too low. • Increase feed rate.
material. • Focus too high. • Lower the focus (~ 0.020”).
Fine dross. • Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce pressure (~ 10%).
• Feed rate too high. • Reduce feed rate.
• Focus too low. • Raise the focus (~ 0.020”).
Loss of cut. • Feed rate too fast. • Decrease feed rate.
• Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce pressure (~ 10%).
• Focus lens is dirty. • Clean focus lens. (Refer to lens
cleaning procedure in the Operation,
Safety, and Maintenance manual.)
Lower portion of cut edge not • Standoff incorrect. • Check standoff calibration and
smooth and uniform. • Nozzle orifice diameter incorrect. commanded standoff.
• Verify proper nozzle and size.
Edge quality problems (depends on location along part edge or size of cutout)
Dross on one side or two • Lens not centered. • Center the lens.
opposite sides of a part. • Nozzle partially clogged or damaged. • Clean or replace nozzle.
• Lens dirty or damaged. Test: cut with a • Clean or replace lens.
known good lens. • Call maintenance to align beam
• Beam delivery system out of alignment. delivery system.
Test: check beam alignment. • Call maintenance to inspect mirrors
• Beam delivery mirrors dirty or damaged. and clean or replace as necessary.
Test: check mode quality. • Call maintenance to correct the
• Laser mode asymmetric. Test: check mode problem.
mode quality.
Dross at lead-in tangency, small • Feed rate too slow. • Increase feed rate.
holes and/or sharp corners.
Loss of cut during lead-in. • Feed rate too high. • Reduce feed rate.
• Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce pressure (~ 10%).
• Power too low for start-of-cut. • Use power burst (if available).
• Pierce not complete. • Increase pierce time.
Loss of cut or fine dross at • Power too low at reduced feed rate. • Increase dynamic power minimum.
corners or on intricate features.
Long “icicle” dross at corners • Power too high at reduce feed rate. • Decrease dynamic power
or on intricate features. minimum.

C-7 EM-535 (R-03/10)

Pierce Problems
Loud "popping" sound at the end of • Pierce not complete. • Increase pierce time (~ 10%).
the pierce. • Reduce cut pressure (~ 10%).
• Assist gas pressure change too • Increase pierce pressure (~ 10%).
great from pierce to cut.
Large pierce hole. • Power too high. • Reduce power.
• Focus not optimal. • Adjust focus.
• Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce pierce pressure (~ 10%).
Edge quality problems (independent of location along part edge)
Gouges in part edge. • Focus too high. • Lower focus (~ 0.020").
• Assist gas pressure too high. • Reduce pressure (~ 10%).
• Feed rate too low. • Increase feed rate.
• Power too high. • Decrease cut power or duty cycle.
Rough edge near bottom of cut. • Power too low. • Increase cut power or duty cycle.
• Assist gas pressure too low. • Increase pressure (~ 10%).
• Nozzle orifice too small. • Use larger orifice nozzle.
Edge is tapered. • Feed rate too low. • Increase feed rate.
Note: Tapered edge is normal with • Focus too low. • Raise the focus.
some plastics.
Flames produced under work piece. • Assist gas pressure too low. • Increase pressure (~ 10%).
• Use only nitrogen assist gas.
Material re-casting onto bottom of • Assist gas pressure too low. • Increase pressure (~ 10%).
part. • Feed rate too high. • Reduce feed rate.
Edge quality problems (depends on location along part edge or size of cutout)
Dross on one side or two opposite • Lens not centered. • Center the lens.
sides of a part. • Nozzle partially clogged or • Clean or replace nozzle.
damaged. •
• Lens dirty or damaged. Test: cut • Clean or replace lens.
with a known good lens. •
• Beam delivery system out of • Call maintenance to align
alignment. Test: check beam beam delivery system.
• Beam delivery mirrors dirty • Call maintenance to inspect
or damaged. Test: check mode mirrors and clean or replace as
quality. necessary.
• Laser mode asymmetric. Test: • Call maintenance to correct the
check mode quality. mode problem.
Bottom of the part is not cut through. • Power is too low for feed rate. • Increase power.
• Decrease feed rate.

EM-535 (R-03/10) C-8

Pierce Problems
Loud "popping" sound during the • Improper assist gas. • Use nitrogen assist gas.
pierce. • Power too high. • Reduce power.
Pierce not complete. • Power too low. • Increase pierce power.
• Time too low. • Increase pierce time.
Edge quality problems (independent of location along part edge)
Lower section of edge rough or uncut. • Power too low. • Increase cut power.
• Feed rate too high. • Reduce feed rate (~ 10%).
• Focus too high. • Lower the focus.
Edge quality problems (depends on location along part edge or size of cutout)
Excessive burning in corners. • Power too high at corner. • Decrease dynamic power
• Feed rate in corners too low. • Increase feed rate.
Bottom of part not cut through. • Power is too low for feed rate. • Increase power.
• Decrease feed rate.
Deformed edge at transition from lead- • Power too high at transition. • Decrease dynamic power
in to contour. minimum.
• Reduce cut power.
• Lead-in not optimal. • Adjust lead-in angle.
• Adjust lead-in length.
• Adjust lead-in feed rate.

C-9 EM-535 (R-03/10)


Customer Information

Your name........................... _____________________ Your phone number.............. ______________________

Date worksheet completed.. _____________________

Machine Information

Laser System Model............ _____________________ Laser System S/N................. ______________________

Date of last PM service........ _____________________ Hours since last PM service. ______________________

Programming System........... _____________________ Resonator Size...................... ______________________

Description of Cutting Problem

Material Type....................... _____________________ Material Thickness............... ______________________

Describe the cutting problem:

Were any changes made to the Laser System or the cutting process about the same time this problem began?
Describe them:

Diagnostic Checklist
Is the correct nozzle being used (per the recommended parameters)?
Is the lens centered?
Is focus set properly (per the recommended parameters)?
Is the standoff set properly (per the recommended parameters)?
Is the correct feed rate being commanded?
Is the commanded power being delivered?
Is the commanded assist gas pressure being delivered?
Have you tried to solve the problem using the diagnostic charts provided?

If you have followed the diagnostic procedure and still cannot resolve the cutting problem, call:
(513) 202-5282

EM-535 (R-03/10) C-10

If poor cutting persists after trying the suggestions in the 5. Use the following table to record the power at the
Process Notes section and the Diagnostic Guide section, designated time intervals throughout the 15-minute
the problem may be related to the three main laser beam test. Also, record the laser power calibration coefficient
characteristics – Power Stability, Beam Alignment, and (Parameter #15204). Refer to the Operation, Safety, and
Mode Quality. The procedures in this section explain how to Maintenance Manual for details on viewing machine
measure and evaluate these characteristics. The information parameters.
from these three procedures will help CINCINNATI Laser
Service diagnose the problem efficiently and accurately. Beam ON Time Displayed Power
(min) (W)


Power stability can be easily checked, and is a good indicator 2
of a properly operating laser system. To check the power 5
stability, perform the following steps: 10
1. Select the menu items MAINT DIAGNOSTICS-
hot key combination < control > < alt > < m >. Coefficient

2. Edit the screen as illustrated in Figure D-1 and press

UPDATE. Use the rated power of the resonator. Checking BEAM ALIGNMENT

1. Jog the upper pallet out, and the lower pallet in. Jog X
and Y axes to the Xfar, Yfar position and the Z-axis to
the full up position.

2. Remove the lens or EMS (empty manifold seal) from

the uppermost location in the cutting head.

3. Insert the cross hair fixture into the cutting head.

4. Select the menu items MAINT-MIRROR

ALIGNMENT and set the mirror alignment screen to
the following settings;
length of flash – 0.020 sec
power level – Rated power in Watts
Figure D-1. Setup for Power Stability check. duty cycle – 2 to 4%
frequency – 50 Hz.
5. Place a thermal sensitive card (C.I. #923025) into the
4. Watch the displayed power in the remote terminal
bottom of the cross-hair fixture with the shiny side
for 15 minutes. If the laser is operating normally,
facing up.
the displayed power will stay within +/-2% of the
power setting. If the power fluctuates more than 6. Jog the Z-axis to the up position.
Service at (513) 367-7466 for further instructions. 7. Flash the shutter once.

D-1 EM-535 (R-03/10)

8. Tear the alignment shot off of the strip and label. Checking MODE QUALITY
Reposition the card for another shot.

9. Jog the Z-axis to the down position.

10. Flash the shutter once.

11. Repeat steps 8 through 12 to take the card shots at the

other three table locations (2, 3, and 4), following the
numerical order shown in Figure D-2. 1. Jog the upper pallet out, and the lower pallet in. Jog the
X and Y axes to the Xfar, Yfar position and the Z-axis
to the full up position.

2. Turn the HV INTERLOCK switch to BYPASS.

3. Remove the cutting head.

4. Lay a flat piece of mild steel under the Z-axis aperture.

5. Select the menu items MAINT-MIRROR ALIGNMENT

and set the mirror alignment screen to the following

Figure D-2. Card shot positions in cutting area. Burn

Power Frequency Duty Beam
Resonator time
(W) (Hz) (%) Size
12. Label the card shots as shown in Figure D-3. (sec.)
C2000 2500 500 100 n/a 3.0

C4000 4000 500 100 185 2.0

C5000 5000 500 100 185 1.5

6. Place a mode block (C.I. #910623) under the Z-axis

aperture. Align the block so the long side is parallel to
the Y-axis, and position it so the burn will be placed on
the leftmost portion of the mode block.

7. Position a hair dryer so the air is blowing across the

block at about a 45-degree angle to the surface of the
Figure D-3. Labeling card shots.
8. Flash the shutter once for the full burn duration. The
13. If all card shots are centered in the cross-hair image hair dryer will prevent flames from forming. If flames
within +/- 0.060” (1.5 mm), the alignment is good. If do form over the mode burn, release the shutter flash
the misalignment is over 0.060” (1.5 mm) in any of button and try again with a new mode block. It is
the shots, a beam alignment is required. Refer to the acceptable if flames occur away from the mode burn
Operation, Safety, and Maintenance Manual for details in the direction of the air flow. It may be necessary to
about the beam alignment procedure. hold the hair dryer output closer to the burn to prevent
flare-up. The resulting impression in the acrylic block
is called a “Cold” mode burn because the resonator was
not pre-heated prior to taking the burn.
EM-535 (R-03/10) D-2
9. Press CYCLE START to begin laser warm-up and move
the block towards Y- for the second burn.

10. Allow a minimum of 3 minutes for the laser to warm


11. Repeat the shutter flash as in Step 8.

12. Press CYCLE STOP to turn the beam off, and wait
approximately 3 minutes to allow the laser to cool

13. Jog the axes to the (Xnear, Ynear) position and repeat Figure D-5. Poor side view symmetry and circularity.
steps 6 through 12, except continue moving the block
towards Y- for the remainder of the burns. Side View Symmetry
Side view symmetry is not measured numerically. Ideally,
14. Examine the mode burns. A properly operating system the slope of the sidewalls of the mode burn is the same on
will produce modes similar to those in Appendix A. Refer all sides (see Figure D-4). Poor side view symmetry can be
to the next section for information about evaluating the caused by resonator problems (see Figure D-5, hot mode) or
table mode burns. by contamination of the beam delivery system (see Figure
The table mode burns shown in Figures D-4 through D-10
were taken with the cutting head removed. Mode burns are
evaluated on the basis of circularity, side view symmetry,
size, and the presence of miscellaneous abnormalities. The
fumes from these mode burns were blown away with the
use of a hair dryer. Using a shop air gun will likely distort
the mode burn due to the pressure and velocity of the air
applied to the mode burn area.

Circularity is judged by measuring the aspect ratio at a Figure D-6. Beam delivery contamination.
scribed depth of 0.120” (3.0 mm). A depth micrometer is Resonator problems that produce poor side view symmetry
a useful tool to make this scribe line. The aspect ratio is include poor optical alignment, dirty optics, or damaged
the ratio of the largest to smallest diameter measured at this optics.
depth. An aspect ratio greater than 1.2 is not acceptable.
See Figures D-4 and D-5 for examples of good and bad Beam delivery contamination can result from openings in
circularity. the bellows, improper airflow from the beam purge, or a
coolant leak in the beam delivery.

Notice that the bottom of the mode in Figure D-6 has a distinct
slope. When the beam delivery system is contaminated, the
Y+ side of the mode will be shallow. Address this problem
by checking all of the coolant fittings and hoses for leaks.
Also, make sure the beam delivery is completely sealed
and that there is adequate flow of clean dry air (or nitrogen)
from the beam purge.

Figure D-4. Good side view symmetry and circularity.

D-3 EM-535 (R-03/10)

Mode Size
The mode size is measured by the full outer burn diameter
of the mode, not the diameter at 0.118” (3.0 mm) scribed
depth. It is important to note that the average beam diameter
is measured by averaging four measurements, A, B, C,
and D, of the full burn diameter. These measurements are
illustrated below.

Figure D-8. Interference rings (right side of mode).

If the size of the hot mode is different from that of the cold
mode, the laser internal optics might need to be cleaned or A double peak (see Figure D-9) is usually caused by
replaced. Some size difference is acceptable. Figure D-7 misaligned, dirty, or damaged internal optics. To fix this
shows an extreme case of unacceptable mode diameter problem, resonator optical alignment is required. During
differences. this procedure, the internal optics must be inspected and
either be cleaned or replaced.

Figure D-7. Mode burn resulting from damaged internal


Figure D-9. Double peaks in mode.

Miscellaneous Abnormalities
Miscellaneous abnormalities include interference rings, A mode with stray energy around the periphery (see Figure
double peaks, and stray energy on the periphery. These D-10) is usually caused by misaligned, dirty, or damaged
characteristics are shown in Figures D-8 through D-10. internal optics. To fix this problem, resonator optical
alignment is required. During this procedure, the internal
Interference rings (see Figure D-8) are caused by “clipping” optics must be inspected and either be cleaned or replaced.
of the beam at an aperture in the beam delivery system. To
find where the beam is clipping, the beam alignment should
be checked at every external beam-bending mirror. Beam
alignment should be centered and parallel throughout the
beam delivery.

Figure D-10. Extra ring of energy in mode.

EM-535 (R-03/10) D-4

The following pictures are typical table modes taken from machines with Fanuc resonators. They include a scale to get an
idea of typical size.

Figure D-11. C2000i table modes.

Figure D-12. C4000i table modes. Figure D-13. C5000i table modes.

D-5 EM-535 (R-03/10)

EM-535 (R-03/10) D-6

CINCINNATI is a registered trademark of Cincinnati Incorporated.

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