DD Gout-Kiefer 2023

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Exploration of Musculoskeletal Diseases

Open Access Case Report

Similarities and differences between gouty arthritis and

rheumatoid arthritis—an interesting case with a short look into
the literature
David Kiefer†* , Judith Erkenberg†, Juergen Braun†
Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet, Ruhr-University Bochum, 44649 Herne, Germany

These authors contributed equally to this work.
*Correspondence: David Kiefer, Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet, Ruhr-University Bochum, Claudiusstrasse 45, 44649 Herne,
Germany. [email protected]
Academic Editor: Peter Mandl, Medical University of Vienna (MUW), Austria
Received: August 5, 2022 Accepted: January 3, 2023 Published: February 24, 2023

Cite this article: Kiefer D, Erkenberg J, Braun J. Similarities and differences between gouty arthritis and rheumatoid
arthritis—an interesting case with a short look into the literature. Explor Musculoskeletal Dis. 2023;1:11–9.

Gout often presents as acute arthritis but may also present with chronic joint inflammation. For the diagnosis
of an acute gout attack with its typical symptoms, the differentiation towards a bacterial joint infection is
critical and mandatory. The detection of intracellular uric acid crystals in the synovial fluid of affected
joints is important for the initial diagnosis of gout. In the case of a chronic course with polyarticular
joint involvement, the differentiation from other inflammatory rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) can be challenging. The case presented here is of interest because the patient initially had
characteristic clinical symptoms of tophaceous gout including a typical medical history—even though
rheumatoid factor and anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (anti-CCP) were positive. The course of the
disease and the critical evaluation of all findings also, and most interestingly, including histological results
finally suggested a main diagnosis of RA.

Arthritis urica, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid nodule, tophus, polyarthritis

Arthritis due to gout, spondyloarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is, with a prevalence of roughly 1%
for RA and a range from < 1% to 6.8%, depending on different study populations for gout, the most common
causes of arthritis worldwide [1–6]. An acute gouty attack with its typical symptoms, in form of severe
pain with redness and swelling of the typically affected joints, represents a diagnostic challenge only in so
far as a bacterial infection has to be excluded, and the gain of synovial or tophaceous material is sometimes
not trivial. This matters for the diagnosis, since the ultimate proof of gout does rely on the intraarticular
detection of urate crystals. The diagnosis is more difficult in chronic disease stages with a polyarticular
course, and in some cases even in the tophaceous stage [7]. In this case, it is often not so easy to distinguish
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Explor Musculoskeletal Dis. 2023;1:11–9 | https://doi.org/10.37349/emd.2023.00003 Page 11

chronic gout from RA [8–11]—especially since both diseases may, reportedly, occur together [12, 13]. This
case report is meant to serve as a basis to discuss differential diagnostic problems of gouty arthritis.
Classical gout (arthritis urica) is characterized by an acute attack of mon- or oligoarthritis with redness,
swelling, and severe pain which may occur after excessive alcohol and/or meat intake or during/after
fasting. The serum uric acid level is often but not always elevated in acute attack. Normally the differential
diagnosis is more difficult. There is quite some tropism in gout: the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint
is frequently affected, but other joints such as knee or ankle joints may also be affected. In the early phases
of the disease, gout occurs mainly as mono- or oligoarthritis, mainly in the lower extremities, and later
increasingly as polyarthritis, also in the upper extremities. Extra-articular manifestations include bursitides
of the elbow (bursitis olecrani) and knee (bursitis praepatellaris) are quite common—as are insertional
tendinopathies of the Achilles and patellar tendons. The chronic, tophaceous and/or erosive course
of gouty arthritis usually occurs only after long persistent hyperuricemia [7]. This results in the tissue
deposition of sodium urate, which may occur intra- and periarticularly but also in other soft tissues where
it potentially becomes visible as gout tophi. In the chronic course of the disease, the frequency of gout attacks
increases and the recurrent arthritis does not infrequently lead to joint destruction resulting in functional
deficits. In acute and chronic gout, inflammatory serum markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) are usually
markedly elevated. Chronic renal insufficiency may be the cause of hyperuricemia but also comorbidity like
cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome which commonly occur together.
In addition to the acute management with colchicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (in
case of normal renal function) and glucocorticoids administered both, intraarticularly and systemically,
anti-interleukin-1 (anti-IL-1) directed biologic agents may be indicated and used in more severe cases.
This part of the treatment strategy is acute and anti-inflammatory aiming to reduce pain and abolish
inflammation. In parallel, preventive therapeutic strategies are started to permanently lower serum uric acid
levels to reduce gout attacks and decrease the number and size of tophi. For this purpose, urate-lowering
treatment with xanthine oxidase inhibitors such as allopurinol and febuxostat is most commonly used.
The management of gout can be challenging for multiple reasons [14]. To ascertain the diagnosis of
gout, the current gold standard is the detection of uric acid crystals in the synovial fluid, in periarticular
tissues, or directly in tophi. Unfortunately, arthrocentesis is often not possible for technical and
other reasons such as patients’ pain. Imaging techniques such as arthrosonography have been shown to
potentially support a diagnosis of gout since the detection of the so-called double contour phenomenon at
the articular cartilage as well as topheous deposits and/or bony erosions, preferentially located peri- or
intraarticularly—so-called punched-out lesions are suggestive of being caused by gout [8]. Another, relatively
new imaging technique, dual-energy computed tomography (DECT), is a diagnostic tool that can detect uric
acid crystals based on their specific X-ray absorption behavior [14–16].
RA is a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease that typically manifests as symmetric polyarthritis.
Wrists, metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints, and MTP joints are
frequently affected [17]. However, almost all synovial joints can be involved. RA usually manifests with
joint pain and swelling, often associated with morning stiffness exceeding 30 min [18]. Extra-articular
manifestations such as pulmonary involvement are rather frequent but other features such as rheumatoid
nodules and vasculitis are less common. RA usually runs a chronic course potentially leading to
joint destruction, tendon rupture, deformities, and functional loss leading to reduced physical activity
and participation. Risk factors for an aggressive erosive course of RA are in particular seropositivity
with autoantibodies to immunoglobulin G (rheumatoid factor) and/or to anti-citrullinated protein
antibodies (anti-CCP) as well as smoking and elevated acute phase reactants [17, 19, 20].
Immunomodulatory drugs are the backbone of treatment which are supposed to reduce
inflammation and prevent structural damage to joints and tendons in RA. In case this is proven, they are
named disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). They are conventional DMARDs (cDMARDs),
such as methotrexate with a not completely clarified mode of action, or biologic DMARDs (bDMARDs), such
as the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors and targeted synthetic DMARDs (tsDMARDs) such as the
Janus-kinase (JAK) inhibitors.

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Some clinical differences between chronic tophaceous gout and RA are listed in Table 1. The initial
therapeutic strategies comprise non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and glucocorticoids usually
lead to rapid improvement of symptoms. However, since the other targeted therapeutic strategies differ
substantially a solid confirmation of the diagnosis is mandatory and much wanted by the responsible
rheumatologist and/or general practitioner [14, 21].

Table 1. Summary of similarities and differences between acute and chronic gout and RA
Symptoms and diagnostics Acute gout attack Chronic tophaceous gout RA
Clinical pattern Frequently monoarthritis, large Frequently polyarticular, soft Symmetrical, mostly small
joints such as knee, ankle, and tissue tophi joints (MCP, PIP, MTP, wrists),
MTP joint ulnar deviation, swan neck
deformity, buttonhole deformity,
rheumatoid foot deformity
Symptoms Redness, swelling, pain, Redness, swelling, pain, Swelling, pain, stiffness
possibly fever possibly fever
Extraarticular manifestation Subcutaneous edema due Bursa, tendon and soft Bursa, tendons, vessels,
to inflammation tissue involvement, serous membranes, pulmonary
extraarticular tophi involvement, vasculitis
Joint ultrasound Double contour sign, synovitis, Double contour sign, Synovitis, positive power doppler
positive power doppler signal synovitis, positive power erosions, structural damage
doppler signal, effusion
tophi, punched-out lesions
X-ray Initially often no bony changes, Tophi, soft tissue tophi, Soft tissue swelling,
soft tissue swelling punched-out lesions structural changes like
erosions, subluxations,
deformation, ankyloses
Dual energy computed Urat crystals are detectable, Urat crystals are detectable Osteitis in the form of bone
tomography (CT) but in early stages (usually < 6 if the mass of crystals is marrow edema, synovitis,
weeks) the DECT may show high enough synovial fluid, structural changes
false negative results
Synovial fluid analysis Inflammatory synovial Inflammatory synovial fluid Inflammatory synovial fluid with
fluid (usually increased with mostly increased cell mostly increased cell count
leukocyte count and a high count and detection of
percentage of granulocytes urate crystals in polarized
and rhagocytes) and detection light microscopy
of negative birefringence
crystals in polarized
light microscopy
Histology rheumatoid Evidence of urate crystals Evidence of urate crystals Central fibrinoid necrosis
nodules/gouty tophus surrounded by histiocytes and
epithelioid cells

Case report
History: A 47-year-old man presented to a specialized hospital with pain and swelling of elbows, wrists,
and feet which had first appeared about 3 years ago. The complaints were first described as more like acute
attacks and later as both, attack-like and persistent. The patient also reported morning stiffness of about
30 min and alcohol abuse, preferably vodka, on a daily basis, frequent use of soft drinks, and a meat-enriched
diet. Clinically, podagra of the right big toe and swelling of both elbows with palpable solid structures in the
olecranon bursa and the forearm were suggestive of gout tophi (Figure 1). Informed consent for publication
was obtained from the participant.

The uric acid level was normal (6.3 mg/dL), and CRP was slightly elevated (1.1 mg/dL, normally
< 0.5 mg/dL) with a rather normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of 22 mm/1 h. Rheumatoid
factor (418 IU/mL, normally < 14 IU/mL) and anti-CCP antibodies were detected in high titers (236 IU/mL,
normally < 40 IU/mL).

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Figure 1. Left elbow with significant soft tissue thickening (blue arrows)

A conventional radiograph revealed tophus-suspect soft tissue compaction lateral to the 5th MTP in
both feet accentuated on the right, as well as tophus-suspect soft tissue compaction medial to the first
MTP on the right (Figure 2). By magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an oval structure, approximately 3 cm in
size, was seen ventral to the right proximal tibia in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, which morphologically
appeared as an intermediate to low signal on a T1 weighted image, possibly an intratenosynovial
tophus (Figure 3). In addition, peritenosynovial inflammation and a soft tissue spot suggestive of another
tophus at the right flexor hallucis longus tendon were seen. However, no structure suggestive of urate in that
region was detected by DECT. A massive tophus-suspect soft tissue compression or swelling dorsal to the left
elbow, and, correspondingly, on the right proximal ulna could, unfortunately, not be punctured because the
patient didn’t consent.

Figure 2. X-ray. A) X-ray (anterior-posterior) of the left elbow without erosive changes but massive tophus suspected soft tissue
thickening (blue arrow); B) radiograph of the right foot anterior-posterior with tophus suspected soft tissue thickening lateral to the
MTP5 joint and erosions/usures of the MTP5 head (yellow arrow). Tophus suspicious soft tissue thickening medial of MTP1 and
MTP1 head with medial small erosions (red arrow); C) radiograph of the lateral upper ankle with tophus and soft tissue thickening
ventral to the right-proximal tibia in subcutaneous fat (green arrow)

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Figure 3. MRI of the right foot. A) T1 weighting transversal: small marginal erosion head MTP1 medial, soft tissue plus compatible
with tophus medial of head MTP1 (white arrows); B) T1 with contrast transversal: synovialitis MTP1 (orange arrow); C) T1 with
contrast sagital: severe tenovaginitis of tibialis anterior tendon intratenosynovial signal-poor structures as in intratenosynovial
tophus (yellow arrow)

In addition, X-rays of the forefeet showed small and larger erosions on the left and right MTP1 joint, as
well as on the left basophalanx base DII and right MTP5 (Figure 2).

The summarization of all findings of the clinical pictures was interpreted as typical for advanced erosive
tophaceous gout.

Therapy and course

A therapy with celecoxib [200 mg once a day (OD)], prednisolone (decreasing from 30 mg), colchicine, and
pantoprazol 40 mg/day was started. Allopurinol [300 mg twice a day (BID)] had already been initiated by
the primary care physician several weeks ago. There was a rapid clinical improvement of pain and reduction
of inflammation. However, due to the positive rheumatoid factors, the radiographically detected erosions,
and the negative DECT, there was residual diagnostic uncertainty and, since an elective bursectomy of the
left elbow had to be performed within a few days, a biopsy was taken during the operation (Figure 4). The
pathologic evaluation of the biopsy sample revealed chronic florid abortive granulomatous bursitis, most
compatible with rheumatoid granuloma, with, again, no evidence of uric acid crystals (Figure 5). Thus, the
diagnosis was changed to seropositive RA, and accordingly, therapy with methotrexate was started. In
parallel, inpatient treatment of the alcoholic disease was initiated. The patient presented with just a few
complaints but no more arthralgia in an outpatient control visited 3 months later.

Figure 4. Arthroscopic findings of the left elbow with nodular soft tissue changes (blue arrows)

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Figure 5. Histology. Histology of left elbow: portions of a fibrous bursal wall with rich capillarization and follicularly organized fibrin
clots, marginal small fibrinoid necrosis zone due to wall-like granulation tissue, overall consistent with rheumatoid granuloma

The reason for publishing this case is to draw attention to the from time to time difficult differential diagnosis
between chronic gout and RA. Our clinical findings of this patient initially seemed to favor a diagnosis of
gout but the histology taken from the left olecranon bursa told a different story making RA the more likely
diagnosis. However, a mixed picture and the presence of two diagnoses in consideration of the lifestyle of
this patient and the initially typical podagra are still possible and cannot be excluded. This case reminds us
that, even with rather typical manifestations of a clinical picture, the possible differential diagnosis has to be
critically discussed, and even though histology is usually not needed to diagnose RA, in special cases as here,
it might be useful. Since the clinical picture of RA and gout, especially in chronic cases, can be rather similar,
imaging techniques such as MRI and DECT can be helpful for the differential diagnosis but arthrocentesis to
be able to examine synovial fluid and sometimes even a biopsy to allow for histologic analyses may still be
important for a correct diagnosis. The patient presented here may possibly even suffer from both diseases
which may become more apparent in the course of the disease. At present, the patient is in remission
regarding his RA and his uric acid level has remained < 5 mg/dL.
For many years the common opinion was that gout and RA rarely coexist but only a few studies have
been performed. Several hypotheses related to the pathogenesis were put forward some decades ago, none of
which turned out to be true. These included the binding of rheumatoid factor to urate crystals could block their
surface activity [22, 23], or hyperuricemia directly inhibiting the secondary polyarthritis [24], for example,
because of antioxidant effects [25]. In conclusion, there is no evidence of whether and how the pathogenetic
effects of these two diseases could possibly influence each other. However, data is suggesting that RA and
gout do coexist and some even found an increased prevalence compared to the general population.
Indeed, in one population-based retrospective study which confirmed the rare coexistence of these two
diseases a lower prevalence of gout was found in RA patients compared to the general population [26]. In
contrast, in a population-based cross-sectional study from Israel using a medical database with > 11,000 RA
patients and > 50,000 controls the proportion of patients with concomitant gout (1.61%) was significantly
higher than in controls (0.92%), and, by multivariate analysis, RA was even found to be associated with

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gout [odds ratio (OR) = 1.72, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.45–2.05], however, database analyses like this
are known to methodologically suffer from the general lack of ascertainment which seems to be especially
critical with the study question asked here [12]. In a longitudinal study with almost 2,000 RA patients,
a high frequency of hyperuricemia (17%) and gout (6%) was reported [27]. A study from New Zealand on
patients with tophaceous gout (the majority being Polynesian or Maori) revealed a prevalence of anti-CCP
antibodies of 4%—this is relatively rare but may occur in patients with tophaceous gout [28]. Both,
monosodium urate crystals and rheumatoid nodules, were detected in the biopsy material of the knee joint
of a 42-year-old patient presenting with multiple subcutaneous nodules and intermittent episodes of acute
arthritis [29]. Using DECT, it was recently shown that many RA patients with concomitant hyperuricemia
had periarticular monosodium urate crystal deposits in hand and foot joints [30]. However, whether these
findings contribute to the clinical symptoms of the patients is not clear. In addition, this may be similar to
other diseases such as osteoarthritis.
Several case reports and series of RA and gout appearing concomitantly have been published, in some
cases, the RA started earlier, and in others, it was gout [13, 22–24, 31–34]. This supports the hypothesis
that the simple explanation is that they may just occur together because of their relatively high prevalence
in the population (both about 1%).
These data indicate that, contrary to popular beliefs, RA and gout do coexist in patients [31], and this
may even be more frequent than previously thought. Thus, this knowledge and awareness are important for
finding solutions in difficult clinical cases and for good treatment decisions.
In summary, the differential diagnosis between RA and chronic gout, both rather frequent rheumatic
diseases, can be challenging, and the diseases may even occur in parallel—with no rules about which one
comes first. The here presented case describes the clinical problems and challenges associated with the
differential diagnosis of RA vs. gout. The case also shows that the first diagnosis doesn’t always stay the same
in the course of the disease and that in the management of rheumatic diseases, all available evidence may be
needed to solve clinical problems and draw meaningful conclusions.

anti-CCP: anti-citrullinated protein antibodies
DECT: dual-energy computed tomography
DMARDs: disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
MTP: metatarsophalangeal
RA: rheumatoid arthritis

Author contributions
DK: Conceptualization, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing. JE: Conceptualization,
Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing. JB: Conceptualization, Writing—original draft,
Writing—review & editing.

Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Ethical approval
Not applicable.

Consent to participate
Informed consent to participate in the study was obtained from all participants.

Explor Musculoskeletal Dis. 2023;1:11–9 | https://doi.org/10.37349/emd.2023.00003 Page 17

Consent to publication
Informed consent to publication was obtained from relevant participants.

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

© The Author(s) 2023.

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