Arc Mohammed's Projectedited

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5.1 Introduction

Design analysis is the process of examining and evaluating a design to

ensure that it meets certain criteria, such as functionality, performance,
safety, and efficiency. It involves assessing different aspects of a design
to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

5.1.2 Design Brief

Observations indicated a growing demand for freshly baked goods in

Lokoja supported by demographic trends and consumers’ preferences.
With the above stated, the client has commissioned me to design a bakery
and confectionary with fully functional units to meet the needs of

The project's purpose is to design a Bakery and Confectionary that can

effectively and efficiently serve 1,000 households in the Lokoja
Metropolis, and to adequately accommodate customers, staffs,
equipments, and inventory.

For the facility to serve it's purpose, it will include the following


Administrative block.

Production hall.

Ancillary unit.

5.2. Space Requirements

S/N (m2) (30%) REQUIRE

1 Entrance 2.6 x 6.3 16.38 4.91 21.29

2 Reception 6.0 x 6.3 37.8 11.34 49.14
3 Display 11.3 x 8.4 94.92 28.48 123.3
4 Office(s) 4.2.x5.0 21.0 6.3 27.3
5 General Manager 4.2x6.0 25.2 7.56 32.76
6 Convenience 2.6x1.2 3.12 0.936 4.05
7 Clock-in 3.0x5.3 15.9 4.77 20.67
8 Head Baker 4.2x4.2 17.64 5.39 22.9
9 Bread Making Unit 20.0x28.0 560 168 728
10 Raw Material 10.0x12.0 120 36 156
11 Finished Product 10.0x12.0 120 36 156
12 Quality Control 3.6x4.2 15.12 4.53 19.65
13 Maintenance 3.6x4.2 15.12 4.53 19.65
14 Changing Room (s) 4.2x4.2 17.64 5.39 22.9
15 First Aid 3.0x5.3 15.9 4.77 20.67

5.3 Functional Analysis and Site Planning

In planning the site's functional zones, factors like circulation,

parking, landscaping, and outdoor spaces were considered. Efficiency
and accessibility were prioritized.
Sustainable design principles were incorporated, such as energy-
efficient features, and green spaces, to reduce the environmental
Proper placement and orientation of buildings to maximize sunlight,
views, and environmental sustainability.
Circulation paths for vehicles, and pedestrians, are designed to ensure
efficiency and safety.
Open spaces, green areas, and amenities are integrated to enhance the
quality of life for users.
5.4 Design Concept

The concept of the design is functional harmony. Functional harmony as

a design concept revolves around creating spaces where every element
serves a purpose and works together cohesively to fulfill a specific
function or goal. It's about balance, efficiency, and ensuring that each
component contributes to the overall functionality of the design,
functional harmony aims to optimize usability and enhance the user

5.5 Building Materials

The choice of material to be used in the construction of the proposed

Bakery and Confectionary are carefully selected with their maintenance
fully considered in line with durability, functionality, fire resistance and
aesthetic qualities.

The main purpose of a door is to provide entry and exit and between the
various compartments within the building. When specifying doors, you
have to ensure they meet accessibility requirements, including width,
clearance, and ease of operation for people with disabilities. Glazed door
in aluminum frames is provided in the display and sales point and the
production hall is provided with doors with high fire rating to comply
with building codes and enhance safety.


The type of windows to be used will be determined by the type of

windows needed (fixed, casement, sliding, etc.) based on ventilation
requirements, ease of operation, and design preferences. Casement
windows will be used for all spaces except production hall where non -
operable windows will be used.

5.6 Construction Methods

The choice of materials selected for the proposed project shall be focused
on high standard as cost, thermal insulation and others are put into
consideration base on the location and requirement of each element of the
building, the classification of materials used shall be discussed under the
following headings;
a. Site clearance/sub-structure.
b. Foundation
c. Floor
d. Wall and columns
e. Roof construction and covering

Site clearance/sub-structures
The structural work of this project includes clearing of site and
excavation of top soil; trench excavation, leveling and compacting of
excavation to receive concrete in foundation rising of reinforced bar
columns foundation blocks walls and laterites filling with hardcore and
concretes slab.

The foundation will provide adequate support to the structure above,

distributing loads to the ground without excessive settlement. However,
the depth of foundation is to be determined on site by supervising
engineer subject to site conditions and foundation walls to be filled with


A floor is the horizontal surface within a building on which people walk,

work, or place objects. The floor will be designed to support the weight
of occupants, furniture, equipment, and other loads without deformation
or failure. The floor will also be designed to resist fire or delay it's spread.

All floors are to be of a thickness of 150mm, ceramic and stone

composite tiles are to be used for floor finishing.

Walls and Columns

The walls are categorized into load bearing walls and non-load bearing
walls. The load bearing carry the vertically imposed load from roof and
floors. While the non-load bearing walls are walls which carries only
their self-weight and are mainly used as portion or dwarf walls. For the
construction of this project, 225mm x 450mm sandcrete blocks will be

Columns carry vertical loads such as the weight of the floors, roof, and
other imposed loads like occupants, furniture, and environmental forces.
All Columns to be made of materials including concrete, steel, composite
materials, and all materials to comply to building codes.

5.7 Design Services.

Building services such as electrical wiring, lighting, plumbing, and
HVAC systems need to be integrated into interior design plans to ensure
they complement the overall design and meet the occupants' needs.

5.7.1 Electricity and Lighting.

Proper electrical wiring is essential for safely distributing electricity

throughout the building. It includes wiring for outlets, switches,
appliances, and lighting fixtures. There will be a main electrical panel
where power enters the building and is distributed to different circuits.
Circuit breakers or fuses protect each circuit from overloads.

5.7.2 Heating, cooling, and ventilation.

Adequate natural ventilation has been provided, in addition to this

mechanical ventilation, cooling and heating will also be provided.

5.7.3 Water Supply.

Pipe will be connected to the main from Kogi State water board and
borehole will be provided on site as a secondary source of water.

5.7.4 Drainage and sewage disposal.

Soil piping will be provided for sewage disposal and this will be
connected to the inspection chambers for onward transmission of the
central sewage system. Drainage pipes will be laid to collect wastewater
from sinks, showers, toilets, and appliances and transport it away from
the facility.

5.7.5 Refuse disposal.

Refuse collection point will be located in strategic positions for collection

and disposal by the Kogi State waste management agency.

5.7.6 Acoustic.
Materials with appropriate acoustic properties are to be used to optimize
sound control within the site. Trees are to be planted in close proximity to noise
source so as to absorb and scatter sound waves.

5.7.7 Fire safety.

Water hose will be provided at strategic locations in the building and
connected to the hydrant in case of any fire outbreak. Smoke detectors
and portable fire extinguishers will also be provided.

5.7.8 Security.

Secure the facility's perimeter with fences, gates, barriers, and access
control points to control entry and exit. Implement surveillance cameras,
motion sensors, and lighting to monitor the perimeter for unauthorized

5.7.9 Maintenance.

A maintenance plan has been developed and it identifies all equipment,

systems, and areas that require maintenance. Create a maintenance
schedule outlining regular tasks, frequencies, and responsible personnel.

5.8 Conclusion.

The design of the bakery incorporates functionality and aesthetics, aiming to

create a welcoming and efficient space for both customers

and staff, by focusing on sustainability, customer experience, and operational

efficiency, the design will not only enhance operational efficiency but also
enrich the overall dining experience.

Alfred M.K. (1982). Architectural hand book. John Williey and sons inc. New
York, USA.

Joseph D.C. & Michael J.C. (2001). Time Saver standard for building types.
Studio Vista Ltd. London.

Neufert. (1950). Architects Data. John Williey and sons inc. New York, USA.

William J.M. (1948). History of Bread. Rankine printin press. United Kingdom.

American Institute of Architects. (2020). Architectural Graphic Standards.

Wiley. USA.

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