Cocoa Proposal
Cocoa Proposal
Cocoa Proposal
1 Project tittle
2 Implementing agency
3 Other partners
4 Project components Cocoa growing,
5 Project budget
6 funders
7 Location of the project Greater Mbarara in the districts of
Kiruhura,Kazo and Ibanda
8 Target group Youth ,women and men with land starting with
a quarter an acre
9 Estimated start date
10 Project duration
11 contact 0772972873/ [email protected]
Cocoa is perennial crop that responds well in rainy tropical area with a maximum annual average
of 30-32c. It thrives under shade and in areas with annual rainfall between 1500mm to 2000mm.
In Uganda, cocoa is grown in the Central, Western, Eastern, South Eastern and South Western
regions in the districts of Bundibugyo, Hoima, Masindi, Mukono, Buikwe,Kamuli, Mayuge and
Cocoa is a major source of income for rural families and plays an important role in wealth
generation and improving the quality of life for many cocoa growing families as its prices are
high and competitive.
There are three main types of cocoa i.e. forestero, Criollo, Trinitaria. Cocoa can be grown in
areas where the conditions are suitable for cultivation.
Since sufficient amount of shading is required to archive a high survival rate of cocoa seedlings
during early field establishment, farmers are being encouraged to intercrop cocoa trees with
crops like bananas, sorgum, maize, millet, groundnut, beans cash crops like coffee and
vegetables like tomatoes cabbages, garden eggs, green paper to provide temporary trees and to
cover the land from direct sunlight. By integrating trees with crops, agroforestry systems can
help conserve soil, water and biodiversity while providing additional income streams for farmers.
Cocoa is ranked among the high value export commodities that offer great economic
opportunities for increasing farmers ‘income and foreign exchange earnings for the country.
Cocoa is the fourth biggest commodity for export after coffee, tea and fish. Cocoa production has
seen steady increase for the last few is estimated that cocoa covers 20,000ha of farmland
in Uganda from about 15,000 small holder farmers in the above mentioned regions.
The major cocoa promoters and buyers in Uganda include Swiss contact, ICAM CHOCOLATE
UGANDA LIMITED, ESCO U(LTD) UGADEN . Cocoa processing is mostly done in Europe
I am mulindwa zam a commercial cocoa farmer in lusera village in namuganga sub county in
mukono district. I have been involved in cocoa growing sice 2004 up to date.i have experience of
cocoa growing for almost 20years. I have worked with organisations buying and processing
cocoa like icam chocolate Uganda ltd and also created a cocoa farmer cooperative group known
as mukono Seeta namuganga abalimi na basubuzi ba cocoa multipurpose cooprative society
limited.fully registered by the government of uganda,REG.NUMBER-P.19148..The cooperative
has over sixty members of varying age brackets, both male and female. Because cocoa
production requires that a farmer owns land, the biggest membership of the cooperative above
the age of 35 years old. Each of these members has a cocoa garden which is visited routinely by
cooperative leadership to evaluate the progress. I have also encouraged the youth to join the
Increase the cocoa family income; strengthen social wellbeing in cocoa growing
communities and work in balance with the environment.
To ensure the sustainable production of cocoa, promote the best practices of agroforestry
including how it can lead to higher production.
Improve farmer’s livelihood through increased market value of quality cocoa.
Increase awareness and promote education across the cocoa value chain on opportunities
to provide superior quality cocoa and preserve flavors resulting from genetic diversity
and the know-how of cocoa production.
Facilitate communication and linkages between cocoa producers and operators in the
supply chain to promote market opportunities.
To mobilize and assist the project beneficiaries to organize themselves into Farmer cooperative
groups as well as savings groups to manage and sustain the activities initiated under the project
and take advantage of the economies of scale in purchase of farm inputs; processing,
transportation and marketing of agricultural produce; increase their market share and facilitate
better access to credit and other financial service.
Facilitate access to agricultural inputs (including fertilizers, pesticides and farm tools);
Organize workshops and other training activities (farm visits, study tours and
dissemination of information and technical training materials) on appropriate sustainable
farming practices, including: soil and water conservation, integrated fertility
management, composting, good agricultural practices and integrated pest management.
Train, equip and deploy five local agricultural extension workers/ animators (change
Facilitate farmers’ access to relevant information, including market prices and credit
Facilitate the establishment of farmer producers and marketing groups including farmer
cooperative societies and saving groups.
Problem statement
Besides the prosperous outlook, farmers are facing a lot of challenges like cows starve during
droughts, insufficient milk cooking facilities, fluctuating milk prices, pests and diseases like ticks
and diseases like foot and mouth disease
Some of the key financial benefits of cocoa growing over coffee growing in Uganda.