Dice Resume CV Stephanie Pfefferkorn

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Stephanie Pfefferkorn

12 Williams Dr.
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

[email protected]

Technical Qualifications:

 ASP.NET (ALL versions), C# (preferred), VB

 MVC/Razor, Webforms
 Entity Framework, ADO, ADO.NET, LINQ, Subsonic
 HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, Bootstrap, Foundation, Sass
 Web Services, WebApi
 Javascript, JQuery
 Azure, DevOps, VSTS
 Visual Studio
 API Integrations: Office 365, GSuite, Auth0, Umbraco, Constant Contact, Paypal, Authorize.Net,
DropBox, DYMO, AbleCommerce, AspDotNetStoreFront, VPASP, Telligent Community Server/Evolution,
Smarter Suite, Syncfusion Suite, etc
 Ajax, Ajax.NET
 ElasticSearch, Logstash
 Classic ASP, VBScript
 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 + (Design, Stored Procedures, Triggers, UDF's, Basic Admin),
 Microsoft Office Integrations (OpenXML, Syncfusion)
 Windows Server Administration, IIS Configuration/Administration
 Access
 Git


June 2003 – Current

Full Stack Asp.Net Web Developer in C#, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Webforms. Created custom LOB, CMS
and eCommerce solutions for small to mid-sized businesses. Extensive breadth of experience as I have typically
supported clients through the entire SDLC, and continue on in a support and management capacity.

Client Aramark (2019 : current)

 Enhancements to LOB app for in-house project management. Asp.net 4.6, Sql Server, Database-First

Client MeetRex.com (2018)

 Api integration with Authorize.net for existing application

 Created api with OAuth2 authorization and sample consumer application, and added to existing MVC
 Google API integration
 General improvements in code quality, bug fixes, enhancements

Client The Appliance Guys (2015 : current) –

 Custom LOB application to manage appliance technician workforce, scheduling, and inventory
 Designed, built, and continue to support all aspects of ASP.NET MVC application using Entity
Framework Code First and Sql Server.
 Responsive front end using Bootstrap
 Integrations with Dropbox and SmartyStreets
 Scheduled console apps for backup workforce schedule creation/email

Client The Ron Paul Institute (2013 : current) –

 Umbraco - based site. High Traffic. Installation and implementation, from design to deployment.
 Foundation 3 to implement custom responsive design (concept provided by customer)
 Integrated and highly customized with Ublogsy blog plugin.
 Eventually reconfigured site to be served entirely Fastly CDN – customizing headers in Umbraco for
appropriate cache settings, some custom VCL.
 Donations using PayPal Payments Advanced, IPN, and custom integrated reporting.

Client Cook Ross Incorporated (2005 : current) –

 Principal Developer / Manager for their family of websites: www.cookross.com,

www.crculturevision.com, www.thediversitytoolkit.com
 Work directly with Vice President, designers, and content managers.
 Currently coordinating re-design of www.cookross.com including installation of Umbraco CMS with
legacy sub-applications.
 Repaired a legacy ASP.NET 1.0 custom CMS, then converted to 4.5. Extended backend
management and reporting. Implemented new design using Master Pages and Custom User
Controls. Added AbleCommerce shopping cart to purchase premium content subscriptions, and
integrated with existing application, including Single Sign On. Extended AbleCommerce with a
custom subscription module that allows primary subscription holders to purchase and manage
subsidiary subscription holders.
 Custom registration system for education seminars, VPASP cart for purchase of seminar hours,
cultural diversity products and papers. Implemented an e-Book module, and integrated key
production with successful shopping cart payment completion.
 Developed management tools which created dynamic Excel workbooks using both OpenXML and the
Syncfusion suite of reporting tools, in ASP.NET and Sql Server.
 Development of novel authentication methods, and tools for management.
 Management of DNS, development and production environments, Windows Server 2008, 2012, IIS
7.5, Smarter Mail/Stats.
 Console applications for scheduled processes such as expiring user expiration and quarterly Excel
Workbook report creation for all subscribers.

Client Johnstone Supply Corporation (2010 : 2012)

 Installed and configured Telligent's Evolution CMS for Johnstone's intranet, as well as Active
Directory integration.
 Developed custom theme
 Created custom media gallery, calendar widgets and server controls.
 Trained Johnstone employees on use of Evolution's extensive site management tools.

Client The Whole Self Center (2009 : Present) -

 Principal Developer / Manager for www.thewholeselfcenter.com and their Autism Waiver

management site, extranet2.wholeselfcenter.com/WSC_Home.aspx (WSM)
 Provide support and enhancement for a legacy Cold Fusion applicaton. It includes its own
administrative backend for managing requests and inquiries using Sql Server as the data store..
 The WSM is an ASP.NET 4.6.1 site, using a SQL Server 2012, and HIPAA compliant.
 Migrated the WSM in 2011 to a dedicated Windows 2008 server, providing all management and
configuration required. Manage DNS.
 Office 365 integration towards paperless administration
 Re-designed all technician service description forms into multi-step forms, allow users to complete
forms at leisure.
 Added several new types of services and attendant forms and reports as they became available
through the State of Maryland
 Re-Architected several processes including technician service hour authorization and POC Service
Hour configurations
 Added small custom shopping cart and integrated with Paypal (Payflow Standard) for the purchase of
Service Hours by the general public.
 Created e-Signature module for all technician forms, approved by the State of Maryland
 Built Custom Training Module, using Flash, Ajax, Jquery, and ASP.NET, also requiring State of
Maryland approval.
 Maintain/enhance elderly Cold Fusion and Access applications

Client Plebe Summer (2003 : 2017)

 Complete management of Classic Asp/Sql Server site (design by owner)

 Created photo management process for naming convention of photos, uploading, resizing and
watermarking of photos for display, and resizing when purchased on-demand using GDI+. Side by
side asp.net/classic asp
 Extensive customization of VPASP cart for photo purchase and download.

Client Birthday In A Box (Party City) (2011 : 2012)

 Bug fixes and enhancements in complex classic ASP site.

 Replaced Power Reviews web service with customized application using automated ajax-acquired
xml feed and xslt transforms to increase seo value with review data being rendered on page load
 Altered multiple back-end administrative forms and reports, with Sql Server schema changes as well
 Significant modifications and integration of Adobe Scene7 for customized product graphics rendering,
including jquery

Client Swag Dog (2008 : 2010)

 Web Developer for online T-Shirt sales company, using AspDotNetStoreFront as the shopping cart.
 Extended major custom application that integrated World of Warcraft web service with T-Shirt
personalization and server-side Photoshop scripting.
 Customized the cart to have multiple product images, both in display and administrative backend that
represented available options. Customized these options to be available throughout ordering process.
 Extensive troubleshooting of previous customizations, and multi-language functions. Configured in
Korean, French, and Spanish.
1983-1985 St. John's College, Santa Fe, NM -- Philosophy

Provided upon request.

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