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Jhulay Lal Parboiled Rice Mill

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Site location* Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Number of workers 470
The JHULAY LAL PARBOILED RICE MILL was the old name of one of the government's
rice-milling operations. The Punjab Industrial Development Land founded it in 1974. Each
plant department is permitted a maximum of five automated and manual machineries,
including a boiling or mixing machine, a processing machine, and a packing machine.
Workers generally perform high-risk operation such as operating machinery and
General description of the organisation
equipment, performing manual handling operations, performing maintenance work, welding
operations, working at heights, running electrical and high-voltage systems, and so on.
Employees work in two shifts from 9:00 am to 05:00 pm, 05:00 pm to 01:00 am. Mostly
workers are young and in the management staff few workers are old ages. Plant is closed
on Sunday.
Description of the area to be included in the The risk assessment will mainly Machinery area, processing machine section, boilor and
risk assessment mixing section and packaging area.
HSE Manager and Plant Manager (Who report daily to Finance Controller) has
Any other relevant information
responsibility of All the matters related to Health and safety environment.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

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You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.
Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried I started with codes of practices of ILO related to Production Plant and Health and safety Executive
out this should include: site that have a lot of data related to food and drinks processing plant.
 sources of information consulted; https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-work/resources-
 who you spoke to; and library/publications/WCMS_219577/lang--en/index.htm &
 how you identified: https://www.hse.gov.uk/food/hse.htm
- the hazards;
was also a good source of information related to health and safety of production plant.
- what is already being done; and
- any additional controls/actions that
In addition, I spoke with the company's HSE manager about the working conditions.
may be required.
After studying the facts about worker health and safety at JHULAY LAL PARBOILED RICE
MILL, I travelled around the entire facility looking for hazards and speaking with workers
about their health and safety concerns. They possessed appropriate awareness of their
health and safety, and they were conscious of their own responsibilities. I also studied their
past inspection reports, ill health data, accident and incident records to check what kind of
accidents had happened in the preceding 6 months and whether any of these accidents had
occurred at the same location. I also double-checked the causes for sick leave and analysed
the work process and lost time injuries to see if there were any repeating themes for illness,
but I couldn't uncover any serious issues. Then I supplied the organisation with a guide
For example when looking at control measures about work at height I referred to legal
standards such as
ILO C155-Occupational safety and health convention, 1981(No.155)

Part 2: Risk Assessment


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Date of assessment: August 1, 2023
Scope of risk assessment: Machinery area, processing machine section, boiler and mixing section and packaging area.

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Fire Workers, 1. Security erected warning 1. Combustible material should be 1 week Area
Supervisor and signs. removed from working activity and supervisor
Argon welding management staff there should be placed prohibition
near might be harmed. 2. This region underwent warning signs.
combustible inspection two months ago.
items that It was found that 2. Designate safe and well- 2 weeks Finance
might catch workers were welding 3. The region has ventilated area for welding work. manager
fire close to combustible firefighting supplies
items including wooden including fire extinguishers. 3.Provide fire watcher. 20 days Plant
crates and cover plastic . manager
sheets, which may start 4.Train worker about Emergency
a fire. Welding is a high- . procedure and safe working, and 3 weeks HSE Officer
risk activity when done permit to work system for hot work
close to combustible
materials. 5. Provide refresher training to the 1 month Safety
Organ spills can land workers on safe working supervisor
on materials that will procedures.
burn, starting a fire that
will result in burn
injuries, property 6. There should be arrangement of
damage, and even evacuate in case of emergency. 1 month Plant
death. manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)

Work Workers and 1.Ergonomics risk 1. Carry out ergonomic risk 1 week HSE Officer
Related supervisor might be assessment was last carried assessment of work station to
Upper Limb harmed. out when the area was first ensure comfort level required.
Disorders set up (10 plus years ago)
All employees who 2. Walk and light exercise are 1 week Area
working were regularly 2. Monitoring on regularly useful for such workers, should be supervisor
constantly in developing print while basis by the manager. provided.
front of in front of a display
equipment with screen. 3. There were pan work 3.Provide Health surveillance, if 2 months Finance
a display
Working routine and frequent breaks. required manager
simultaneously can
lead to health issues 4. Height of screen should be 1 week Area
like stress, tiredness, adjustable to allow the comfortable supervisor
eye strain, back pain, head position.
and WRULD.
5. Provide training to workers on 1 week HSE Officer
risk and precautions.

6. Ensure lighting is appropriate to 2 weeks Admin

the task(brightness or lux level manager
should be relatively for fine detail

2 weeks HSE Manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
7. Provide information to users on
the potential health risks of DSE
use and the preventive measures,
in particular ergonomic use of the
Hazardous Workers, supervisor 1. PPEs like gloves and 1. Check from where NH3 is 1week Area
substance and visitors might be safety shoes were provided. leaking mainly due to worn supervisor
harmed. gaskets.
leak of NH3 2. Safety warning signs
gas in the Employees and were placed at the area. 2.Start the maintenance work, and 2 weeks Maintenance
Production managers may be provide RPE to maintenance staff. staff
Area from a exposed to NH3.
heat Inhaling this will have a 3. Routine inspection of heat
exchanger major negative impact exchanger and train workers about 1 week HSE Officer
on one's health and emergency procedures.
result in death
(500ppm). NH3 is 4. Provide information to the
corrosive and irritating. workers about hazards of Gas and 1 week HSE Manager
The nose, throat, and precautions.
respiratory tract
immediately burn when 5. Provide gas detectors in whole 1 month Finance
exposed to high workplace. manager
concentrations of NH3
gas in the air. This can
cause bronchiolar and
airway destruction
resulting in respiratory
distress or failure.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Manual Workers might be 1. Manual handling risk 1. Automating or mechanising the 1 month Admin
Handling harmed. assessment was carried out handling should be provided to Manager
2 months ago. eliminate the manual handling.
transporting Workers are manually
heavy mould shifting material on their 2. Use Pets trolley for Pets of
materials to shoulders without the 2. Monitoring on regularly bottles and should be used manual 1 week Area manager
the use of trolleys or basis by the supervisor. lifter.
warehouse manual lifters. The
weight of the moulding 3. Manual handling risk
material was heavy. assessment should be performed 1 week. HSE officer
Workers can cause on weekly basis.
disorders, Neck and 4. Proper manual lifting technique
upper limb disorders, and Training/Induction to workers. 2 weeks Safety
back pain and back supervisor
injuries due to manual 5. Monitoring and supervision of
handling manual handling activities should 3 weeks HSE Manager
be performed.

6. Ensure individual capabilities are

matched to the activity. 2 weeks Area manager
Fire Workers, management 1. Safety sign installed. 1. Induction to workers to not 2 Days. HSE Officer
staff and visitors might smoke out of smoking area.
smoking near be harmed. 2.Emergency procedures
the offices are tested regularly 2. Strict policy about smoking out 1 Week. HSE Manager
and there is Workers and of designated areas, because
lot of management staff were 3. Information and lighted cigarettes are one of the
combustible smoking outside of instructions were provided sources of ignition for starting fire.
designated area near

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
waste material the offices. The office about the consequences of 3. CCTV monitoring of site. 20 days Plant
accumulated containers (tissues, cigarette. manager
shoppers, disposable 4. Provide enough number of 2 Weeks.
glass etc also there.) 4. A competent supervisor designated areas for smoking. HR manager
These lighted cigarettes look more closely and
can cause fire and examine the work of 5. Promote no smoking culture. 3 weeks HSE Manager
tobacco smoke for workforce.
workers who don’t 6. Put debris net around the area 1 Week Plant
smoke, smoking is under the office container to protect manager
dangerous for health. waste accumulation.

7. There should be supervision and 3 Weeks Area

monitoring of hot work. supervisor

Working at Worker might be 1. Lone Working is not 1. Fall arrestor system must be 2 weeks Plant
height harmed. allowed. provided to the workers. manager

Working on Workers are performing 2.The plant supervisor 2. Training must be delivered to 2 weeks HSE Officer
an on improper platform to regularly monitors the the workers about safe method of
inadequate reach at height without access equipment and work all work at height activities.
platform to full body harness and
reach a that can result in fall 3. Safety helmets are 3. safe system of work must be 1 month Safety
height without from height due to this provided to all workers as developed and implemented for supervisor
a full body unsafe act and fall from helmets reduce the risk of safety of all height work activities.
harness could height can result in head injury.
result in a physical injuries, bone
rupture, bruises, head

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
person falling or neck injury and ribs 4.A sufficient training is 4. Arrangements and requirements 2 months Plant
from a height. fracture. given to the workers before for emergency first aid treatment mnagaer
doing the work at top and personnel.

5. Making a plan of work. Avoid to 3 months Area

stay unnecessarily at the top, supervisor
complete work quickly and go back

Electricity Workers and any other 1. Electrical installations are 1. All the cables should be double 1 week Electrical
people who can be in Place. insulated. Engineer
In the there might be harmed.
processing 2. Portable electrical 2. Replace all damage cables with 2 months Maintenance
machine Workers can touch the devices are available for new cables, and routine inspection. staff
section, damaged cable and personal lighting use.
damaged this may lead to risk of 3. Safety Survey should be 1 month HSE Manager
cable electric shock and performed by the senior
insulation was cause skin burn and management.
discovered. death.
Electricity can cause 4. All workers should train to report 2 weeks HSE Officer
serious electric shock and spot electrical damages in
and sometimes equipment and in workplace.
resulting in death and
also exposure can 5.All workers should aware of 2 weeks Area
result in muscle emergency arrangements supervisor
cramps, electric burns,
pain, weakness, limb
pain, numbness,

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
tingling and damage to
nervous system,
memory loss and
chronic tremors

Movement of Workers in the area 1. All the vehicle and drivers 1. Provide banks man, flagman, 1 week HR Manager
vehicle and who are shifting have full licensed. separate pedestrian walkway and
people at the material from storage barricaded plastic blocks.
workplace area, management 2. Site speed limit set
staff, visitors both 5Kmph. 2. Remove the need for reversing 1 week Plant
A trailer with a invited and uninvited by setting up one-way traffic manager
load of mould might be harmed. 3. The workshop and systems.
materials was parking areas are well lit.
reversing there were workers in 3. In locations where reversing 2 Weeks Senior
from the main that area who were 4. Pedestrian walkways are cannot be avoided reversing areas manager
entrance shifting material from clearly marked. should be planned out and clearly
without any the storage area to the marked.
bank assembly section and
personnel travelling through that 4. Site layouts can be designed (or 2 Month Plant
present,. road to the washrooms, modified) to increase visibility for manager
store rooms, offices, drivers and pedestrians, for
and workplace. Risk of example, by increasing the area
hitting the allowed for reversing.
workers, accident with
other vehicles, hit with 5. Install fixed mirrors in smaller 2 months Finance
nearby areas to increase visibility. manager
Structure. The collision
may result in personal
injury, lost time

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
injury and in severe 6.Reversing alarms can be fitted 2 months Transport
cases may lead to and these should be kept in manager
disability or working order
Death of victim.
property loss, damage
to vehicle and damage
to other equipment are
other effects

Noise Workers and 1.Ear plug provided to 1. Install sound absorbing mats or 1 month Production
management staff workers that sheets around the sound manager
Centrifugal might be harmed. fits the ear canal producing parts.
pumps in the
manufacturing Workers in the area 2. A noise assessment was 2.Give satisfactory maintenance to 2 weeks Maintenance
sector were were not wearing carried out since 8 months the pump to minimize noise level staff
creating appropriate ear muffs, ago.
extremely and the ear muffs of 3. Install sound monitoring devices
loud noises two workers were 3. All workers are trained on and monitor the work place to 1 month Finance
as a result of destroyed. High induction on the effects that ensure OEL is not exceeded. manager
a technical exposure of noise is noise can have on
breakdown, dangerous. This is individual. 4.Reduce time of noise exposure 3 weeks HR manager
arising risk of hearing (rotate working patterns of
loss, tinnitus, persistent workers)
ringing bells, ear drum Plant
rupture, psychological 5. Provide hearing protection i.e. 1 Month manager
disorder and damage ear muffs to workers.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
to hearing ability. A
continuous exposure to
noise over a period of
time because noise
induced hears loss
NIHL. It also causes
psychological effects in

Health, All the workers working The workers were given 1.Facilitate the worker with 2 weeks Finance
welfare and in the boiler hall can be training about the exposure medical issuance in this way they manager
work harmed. of heat can care of their health.
environment Safety and warning signs
There were extremes were installed. 2.Workers should be rotating in 2 weeks HR manager
excessive of the temperature in shift wise and don’t put burden on
heat in the the boiler and mixing the workers. Proper 8 hours sleep
mixing and section and the is necessary for all the workers to
boiler workers were working do their activities with consistency.
sections around this section due
to which they were 3.Provide good hygienic foods to 2 weeks Plant
exposed to the all the workers at regular time. manager
extremes of the
temperature. The 4.Construction of bathing facility 1 month Area manager
exposure to heat for a and toilet at immediate base.
long period of time can
cause many problems 5.Provide them heat retardant 2 weeks Store
to the workers like the clothing and PPEs to minimise the manager
workers can get heat exposure.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
dehydration, skin burns
due to extreme
temperature, heat
stroke, fatigue and
Slip and trips All the workers working Slip resistant shoes were 1.Spillage should be cleaned as 4 days Cleaner
in the production hall provided to the workers. soon as possible.
Water was can get harmed.
spilling in the The workers can get The workers were given 2.Remove card board and other 1 week Area
production slipped during training about the slip and waste material from the work supervisor
area, and movement on the floor trip hazard. place.
there were and can get fallen on
various the floor they can also Safety and warning signs 3.Proper housekeeping should be 1 week Line manager
impediments get tripped by the were installed. done for the trailing objects.
like cardboard obstructions placed on
and other the floor and can have 4.Install proper lights in the 3 weeks Plant
trash. many injuries like head production hall manager
injuries, internal and
external injuries etc. 5.Slip resistant matts must be 2 weeks Area
installed. supervisor

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial Moral: In order to uphold its moral and ethical obligations, JHULAY LAL PARBOILED
arguments RICE MILL must give its employees a safe and healthy working environment. Workers
don't go to work to get wounded because of hazardous working conditions; they go there to
make a living. When these control measures are not correctly implemented and maintained
in the workplace, individuals can be murdered and maimed in awful ways, resulting in awful
diseases that affect not only their own lives but also the lives of their relatives, friends,
family, and co-workers. Society demands this worker expects this to provide safe working
conditions and that’s why I recommend those control measures at priority.

Legal: Under the International Labour Organization's Safety and Health Convention, the
company is legally required to safeguard its workers (C155). The regulator might issue
JHULAY LAL PARBOILED RICE MILL with improvement notices pertaining to these acts
as one of the possible enforcement measures. This would have a large financial impact on
the organisation if these activities could not be carried out successfully, and even these
actions may limit their certification accomplishment in all disciplines, and the local
government may also take action if work was delayed. If something goes wrong, JHULAY
LAL PARBOILED RICE MILL ’s reputation could take a serious hit which could result in
loss of contracts. The likely amount of compensation and civil claims can be substantial; in
addition to this legal fee would also be very high. I would also point out that many of these
costs would not recoverably from the insurance
Financial: If major accident occurs at the workplace, it is probably that company can face
huge financial lose. The financial consequences of failing to apply controls have a major

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impact on organisational financial resources and, in certain cases, cause an organisation to
go out of business. When a worker is injured or killed on the job, there will be both direct
and indirect expenses. Direct costs (first aid treatment, workers sick pay, damaged to
product, repairs or replaced damaged part, lost production time). Indirect cost (production
delay, loss of goodwill of customers, damage to industrial relations) So this is a financial
argument to implement my actions.

Justification for action 1

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Provide gas detectors in whole workplace. (Hazard Category; Hazardous substance)

Specific legal arguments ILO C170 Chemicals Convention 1990 required that With a view to preventing, reducing or
eliminating risks to health in places of employment, all appropriate and practicable
measures should be taken to substitute harmless or less harmful substances, processes or
techniques for harmful substances, processes or techniques, to prevent the liberation of
harmful substances and to shield workers from harmful radiations, to carry out hazardous
processes in separate rooms or buildings occupied by a minimum number of workers and
also required that in every organisation, employer should be taken all adequate and
practicable control measures for harmful substances.
This ILO’s convention is described that all appropriate and practicable measures should be
taken to substitute harmless or less harmful substances, processes or techniques for
harmful substances and current measures are ineffective to prevent harm so this is
breaching the law that’s why I recommended the provision of gas detector in the workplace.

Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of ill health occurring from working in this environment is quite high. This is
the result of NH3 gas leaking from a heat exchanger in the production area; NH3 is used to
 types of injury or ill health cool filler. Inhaling 500 ppm will have serious health effects, including death. NH3 is caustic
 number of workers at risk and unpleasant. The nose, throat, and respiratory tract burn instantly when exposed to high
 how often the activity is carried levels of NH3 gas in the air. This can result in bronchiolar and airway damage, which can
out lead to respiratory discomfort or failure. The current controls are ineffective to prevent ill
 how widespread the risk is health.
The severity of this hazard is set as a Major. It is probably that ill health of the worker will
require hospital treatment. E.g bronchiolar and airway damage

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There was a maximum of 15 employees working in two shifts who were potentially exposed
to NH3. Gas leakage from heat exchanger is always present in the production area and
workers are working in this area in two shift daily.
The risk is present in the Production Area and affects workers only that are working in this
How effective the action is likely to be in There should be provision of gas detectors for gas leakage. They will detect the leakage of
controlling the risk. This should include: gas and prevent any accident from occurred. It allows catching the hazardous gas and
 the intended impact of the action; preventing it from mix in whole atmosphere and stopping the gas from spreading the whole
 justification for the timescale that work areas. Gas sensor will help to detect gas and after that we can maintain the source
you indicated in your risk where the leakage. Gas sensor will reduce the risk of inhaling. The main concerned to
assessment; and apply gas sensor is to control exposure of gas so workers could be safe over its adverse
 whether you think the action will health effects.
fully control the risk I have given a timescale of 1 month. I gave this time scale because action will take time to
be agree by the finance manager and will allocate budged for this. I hope it will be
completed in 1 month.
The action will maximum control the risk of serious ill health effect as the installation of gas
detectors for gas leakage. Action with other suitable control measures can help to provide
the fully control of risk.

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Fall arrestor system must be provided to the workers for safe working. (Hazard Category;
assessment) Work at height).

Specific legal arguments ILO C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167) required that In
every Organisations all floors, stairs, passages and gangways shall be of sound
construction and properly maintained and where it is necessary to ensure safety, steps,
stairs, Fall arrestor, passages and gangways shall be provided with substantial handrail
and also required that If work cannot be done safely from ground level, appropriate access
equipment shall be provided and maintained periodically.

This ILO’s convention describe that it is necessary to ensure safety and the provision of fall
arrestor system so this is breaching the law that’s why I recommended the provision of the
fall arrestor system in the workplace.

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Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of serious injuries is high because two workers were work performing on
improper platform to reach at height without full body harness and that can result in fall
 types of injury or ill health from height due to this unsafe act and fall from height can result in physical injuries, bone
 number of workers at risk rupture, bruises, head or neck injury and ribs fracture.
 how often the activity is carried The severity rating for this hazard is set as major and it is probably that injury of the
out worker will require hospital treatment e. g neck injury and ribs fracture.
 how widespread the risk is Four workers were working on height in two shifts and are at risk and the current controls
are ineffective to prevent injury.
Activity is carry out on daily bases and workers work on height in two shift.
The risk is present at working at height activity and affects workers only that are working on

How effective the action is likely to be in We can minimise the risk of fall of the worker from height by the provision of fall arrestor
controlling the risk. This should include: system, after the provision of fall arrestor system, workers will work safely and major
 the intended impact of the action; accident will not have occurred at the workplace. The likelihood of physical injuries, bone
 justification for the timescale that fracture, buries and neck injuries will be decreased and this can reduce the worker’s
you indicated in your risk compensation claims, reduce the company insurance premium and this can increase the
assessment; and productivity and worker moral. The severity of the injury will also be decreased.
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk I have given a timescale of two weeks depending upon the urgent need of Fall arrestor
system. I hope so that Plant manager agreed the budget and implement it in timely manner

This action will maximum control the risk of fall from height as provision of fall arrestor
system at the workplace. Action with suitable measures can help to provide fully control of

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Install sound monitoring devices and monitor the work place to ensure OEL is not
assessment) exceeded. ( Hazard Category; Noise)

Specific legal arguments Convention Working Environment (Noise) Convention, 1977 (No. 148) also required that ; As
far as possible, the working environment shall be kept free from any hazard due to, noise

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or vibration and also stated that an employer who carries out work which is liable to expose
any employees to noise at or above a lower exposure action value shall make a suitable
and sufficient assessment of the risk from that noise to the health and safety of those
employees, and the risk assessment shall identify the measures which need to be taken to
meet the requirements of these Regulations.
This ilo Convention described that the working environment shall be kept free from any
hazard and the current controls are ineffective to reduce the noise exposure at the
workplace. This is breaching the law that’s why I recommended that sound monitoring
devices should be install.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of hearing problem is high because centrifugal pumps installed in the tea
production section were producing very clamorous noise because of some technical fault
 types of injury or ill health and many workers present in the area were not wearing suitable ear muffs and ear muffs of
 number of workers at risk two workers were damaged. This is arising risk of hearing loss, tinnitus, persistent ringing
 how often the activity is carried bells, ear drum rupture, psychological disorder and damage to hearing ability.
out The severity rating for this hazard is set as major. A continuous exposure to noise over a
 how widespread the risk is period of time because noise induced hears loss NIHL. It is probably that the worker will
require hospital treatment. Eg hearing loss, tinnitus.
There are ten worker working in this production and are at risk.
High noise exposure is always present in the working place and workers are working in this
area in two shifts daily.
The risk is present in tea production section and affects workers only that are working in
this area.
How effective the action is likely to be in Installation of sound monitoring devices will help to monitor the sound level at the
controlling the risk. This should include: workplace. This will detect high exposure of noise and after that we can maintain the sound
 the intended impact of the action; level by isolation of source and reduce the risk from high exposure of noise. After
 justification for the timescale that installation of sound monitoring devices, the likelihood of permanent hearing loss and
you indicated in your risk psychological disorder and damage to hearing ability will be decreased.
assessment; and I have given a timescale of one month for this to be completed. I gave this time scale
 whether you think the action will because action will be agreed by the area manager and finance manager will allocate the
fully control the risk budget for this. I hope this will be done in this time scale.
The action will maximum control the noise exposure at the workplace as sound monitoring
will help to detect the high exposure of noise.by providing this action with some suitable
control measures can help to provide fully control of risk.

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Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with According to company policy, this risk assessment will be evaluated after year. As a result,
reasoning the risk assessment will be revisited on August 1, 2024. If a serious accident occurs at work
or there are any modifications to the machinery or the number of employees, the risk
assessment might be evaluated before the scheduled date.
How the risk assessment findings will be I will arrange a meeting with the production manager, HSE manager, and finance director to
communicated AND who you need to tell discuss and decide on the risk management action I recommended. A review of the
outcomes and risk-area actions will also be covered in this meeting, which will initially be
performed through email with potential follow-up. The results of this risk assessment will be
shared in the training programme so that Engineers, line managers and supervisor
understand the hazards and precautions and also displayed on notice boards in several
departments. The findings of risk assessment will be included in the next tool box talk and
communicate these finding through sending by email or company intranet to all relevant
departments where I’ll also advice the workers what actions are to be taken. A summary of
the risk assessment and actions to be taken will also be posted on the company intranet and
notice boards so all the workers have access to it.
How you will follow up on the risk I'll hang a little board in my office with the written risk assessment attached to it, along with
assessment to check that the actions the day and time the action will be carried out. I'll make a note of the time and date before
have been carried out the task is due and set a phone reminder with a certain sound. I will get in touch with the
appropriate parties on the deadline to find out how the project is progressing. If the deadline
passes without the stated activity being completed. If It is due to financial resources or
worker’s behaviour that could create a hurdle in implementing new controls. I will arrange a
meeting with financial manager to give some funding to implement the necessary controls. I
will also arrange the meeting with Plant Manager and HSE Manager to deal with poor
behaviour of workers and try to sort-out with best agreed actions. If any actions look, they
are not to be completed on time I will speak to managing director to see what additional
sources available.

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