Tarot Course For Beginners

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Tarot course for beginners








Tarot is a huge, infinite and exciting world, so finding the end of the thread to untangle the ball
is complex. Part of the job as Tarot learners is to discover what this tool means to each one: the
goal is not always to become a tarot reader and answer questions; Well, there are those who use
it as a therapeutic tool in itself or as a complement to another therapy, and there are those who
use it as an inspiration tool for painting or writing. The Tarot is a seed and, as such, it can
germinate or not.

MODULE I Learning Tarot can be frustrating. The cards are many, they have colors, symbolism and a lot of
information that one wants to know from the first moment. At the same time, there is so much that
HISTORY OF it seems impossible to encompass. You have to learn to tolerate frustration, because the Tarot is a
mystery that even today we do not know where it comes from or exactly how many years it has
existed. Even if you know the deck thoroughly, you don't know all its secrets, but in that doubt the
THE TAROT tarot reader can load the card with symbolism.

Here we work with the Rider Tarot, a deck that proposes a language with particular laws.
Although much of the information that you will find in this book is valid for studying other decks,
and here we will make reference to other systems when necessary, such as the Tarot of Marseille,
which is a particular universe. My vision is aligned with the theories developed by Alejandro
Jodorowsky and Marianne Costa.

The Tarot, they say, was born from a summit of wise men from
different religions, who mixed elements of their beliefs in the Tarot. It is the product of a syncretism
of religions and a long history. We know with certainty that the first Tarot of Marseille was
published in 1650 and, as it is the oldest, it presents different variations, depending on the printing
press and the time. We recommend starting with this Tarot and only then trying different decks.
There are cat decks, unicorn decks, cabalistic decks, graphic decks, abstract decks, etc., and they
continue to be created.
The Rider Waite Tarot was introduced by the British mystic Arthur Edward Waite , being first published in his
book " The Pictorial Key to the Tarot " in 1910.

In this post, the author reviewed the history and meaning of each of the Letters. That same year, the 78 Cards
deck was published with illustrations by the artist. Pamela Colman Smith .
TO. AND. Waite was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a British occult society, an Order of
which P. c. Smith belonged too. In his system, A. AND. Waite replaces the Christian image of the ancient
MODULE I decks of other authors, of the "Pope" card with the "Hierophant" and that of the "Popess" with the "Priestess".

HISTORY OF The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an English secret society that emerged in 1888. Its
objective was to merge various aspects and esoteric practices, creating a logical and organized system.

THE TAROT It marked the rebirth of occult practices, synthesized a series of principles and created its own rituals.

The Figurative Representation of the Arcana of the Rider Waite Tarot

The Rider Waite Tarot deck includes illustrations of the Major Arcana , like most decks, but also detailed
drawings of the Minor Arcana , which sets it apart from all other Tarot Card decks.

Traditionally, older Tarots, such as the Visconti-Sforza Tarot and the Tarot of Marseille , have repeating patterns
for the Minor Arcana , such as playing cards. However, the Rider Waite Tarot includes an entire scene. The
figurative representation of the set of Cards in the deck simplified its interpretation , which gave great
popularity to this deck, particularly among beginners in this art of the occult.

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck

The Tarot deck is made up of 78 Cards divided into two groups, also designated as Arcana (which means
"secret"). There are 22 Major Arcana (also designated as Trumps or Keys), and 56 Minor Arcana , grouped into
four cards, just like decks of playing cards.
We are going to work with a maso called Light Seers, based on the Rider tarot.

The magnificent and positive Seer of Light Tarot deck has been designed with the intention of creating
a healing environment and an optimistic outlook for the user of the deck. The illustrations show a variety
of contemporary spiritualities, alternative lifestyles and bohemian truth seekers. This is an inclusive
deck, representing people from many cultures and a variety of lifestyle experiences. Although it focuses
mainly on youthful characters, more mature people are also represented.

Chris-Anne, the designer and illustrator of the Seer of Light Tarot, has created a tarot with an
encouraging and joyful approach to life, which however does not soften the darkness of the more

MODULE II challenging cards in the deck. She recognizes that the path to truth and healing moves through shadow
and light.

The structure of this fully illustrated cover is strictly traditional. It has 78 cards, 22 Major Arcana and 56
Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits: wands, cups, swords and pentacles. Each
suit has 10 number cards and 4 court cards: Page, Knight, Queen and King.

The Major Arcana follow AE Waite's structure and card titles with the exception of Death, which has a
double title: Death Rebirth, separated by the cosmic lemniscate or symbol of eternity.

The Light Seer Tarot is designed to provide a sense of rhythm and light. It is a way to heal the shadows
of ourselves while keeping the message positive.

The deck plays with the concept of shadow and light, with the idea that both need to be harmonized to
be a healthy and functional individual. And so, to learn the lessons that Tarot has to teach, that Life has
to teach, both light and shadow must be accepted.
The cards are based on Rider-Waite, although 0 - The Fool - Confidence only loosely. For example, the 4 of Swords
represents a woman resting, although instead of being in a bed with four swords at her side .
around him, is he in a crow's nest , with the four twigs or perhaps they are the "feather" part of the
feathers?) around it. The 8 of Pentacles • III - The Empress - Creativity (I love this card) shows a girl with
books, herbs and a candle in front of her, while • IV - The Emperor - Realization that the phases of the moon are the
representation of
the Pentacles, which is beautiful, as it shows the • V - The Pope - Tradition time spent in learning and practicing a
not just the work. • VI - The Lovers - Attraction

• VII - The Chariot - Determination

• XX - The Judgment - Evaluation

• XXI - The World - Apogee

The Major Arcana represent points of

inflection and key decisions. They are archetypes of the • VIII - Strength - brave heart (card xi in the tarot of emotions
and the most basic feelings of the Marseille
Man. They constitute the basis of the Tarot game and
allow us to evaluate the essential themes of each IX - The Hermit - Introspection
person's personality.
X - The Wheel of Fortune -
These Arcana also represent the cycle of life , the
eternal beginning and ending, change . The • beginning XI - Justice - Truth (Card VIII in the Marseille Tarot)
and the end, the conclusion. The cycle begins with Letter
• XII - The Hanged Man - Suspension
0, The Fool, and ends with Letter XXI, The World .
Each Card has a number that shows when you are in a
phase of life. XIII - Death - Transformation

XIV - Temperance - Patience

The Major Arcana form a cycle , known as the journey

XV - The Devil - Imposture
of The Fool that passes through life, physical and
spiritual, and is reborn with The World before beginning
XVI - The Tower - Crisis
a new journey from scratch, the starting point, where
everything returns. That way, in a Tarot reading, Cards
XVII - The Star - Illumination
with lower numbers can be an indicator of the beginning
of a cycle in the same way that Cards with higher
XVIII - The Moon - Night
numbers suggest that the end of anything is coming.

XIX - The Sun - Splendor

The Major and Minor Arcana function like tones and semitones. The Minors, like the
semitones, provide a tint or aspect to the Majors.
The Major Arcana differ from the rest of the deck, among other aspects, by having a word at
the bottom that describes the name of the card, an image with a character (usually human or some element that we
recognize) and a number on top. There is only one letter that has no name and has a number, and one with a
name and no number.

The Minor Arcana have swords, gold or coins, wands and cups. They only present the image.
They do not have any human or animal figure, nor do they have a name, they only contain the
MODULE II elements that represent each suit and the decoration of each one of them. It is this decoration
that, through its details and evolution, will give us the meaning and energetic trend in each
element. This illustrates that the evolution of the path of intellect and communication is about
MAJOR emptying ourselves to become more receptive and empathetic.
The Minor Arcana are very different from the Major Arcana, which I see and, even without
knowing anything about tarot, I can describe, talk about them, interpret what they suggest. If I
ARCANA see three golds I can't say much, except that I see three golds. Therefore, it is a little easier to
talk about the archetype than to talk about that semitone.
The Marseille Tarot has the suits of the deck in the Minors. In the Egyptian
Tarot the Minor Arcana, instead of being a 3 of Wands or a 2 of Cups, are situations, for
example The Exchange or The Rivalry . The Minor Arcana of the Rider-Waite 2 deck—a very
popular deck—accompany their Minor Arcana with drawings that illustrate them. Instead of
having, for example, only three wands in the 3 of Wands, it has a drawing that contains the three
wands that helps us with the symbology of the card's meaning. The 3 of Swords features three
swords stuck in a heart, which is not the same as seeing only three swords drawn. The drawing
already proposes a symbolism. It does not mean that it is bad or that it is good, that the
Marseillais is worse or the Rider better. Yes, we know that it is “easier” to read it, because I
already have a drawing that brings me closer to a meaning. The issue is that it brings me closer
to a single meaning, when in a letter the interpretations are very broad. The Minor Arcana of the
Marseille Tarot are a mystery that enriches the reading, because the person cannot guess what
is there, and I have to help them read. If the heart automatically comes out with the swords, it
can be scary, but if I see three swords I don't know what they mean. The Minor Arcana can be
difficult to elucidate and that is the most beautiful thing about them. Another basic difference, for
those who like the Rider-Waite deck, is that in that deck in the Major Arcana there is an inversion
between the number of Strength and that of Justice of the Tarot of Marseille. In that deck,
Strength is card number VIII and Justice is card XI. This change comes after the Tarot of
Marseille, which already had this numerical succession imposed on these archetypes. It is due
to an adaptation made by Waite, who also knew about astrology and Kabbalah.
Light Seer : new beginnings, enthusiasm,
adventures, new opportunities, the potential to make your dreams come true, having faith, a transitional period of awakening,
optimism, innocence, joy and spontaneity.

Shadow Seer : Naivety, assuming

that you already have the answer, eruption or elections
too impulsive, lack of experience, paralysis
of analysis, to be bogged down, nonsense, to jump before looking

Every dream achieved begins with the seemingly "silly" notion that there is something bigger out there. Something bigger
Something epic to explore and become. This childlike optimism comes from the depths of your knowledge and reminds you
You can achieve the magical things you've been dreaming of. The journey of the soul begins with you and only you. The time
has come to turn enthusiastically toward your new future and take a divine leap of faith to claim the reward that the abyss
offers. You may not feel ready. You may not be ready, but there is magic in the air and the Universe is waiting to support you
with infinite love and guidance. Surrendering to the call of the fool means placing deep trust and blind faith in the unknown. It
means remembering that everything is happening as it should be happening, and it means swan diving into the seed of
potential with all your curiosity in tow. Sometimes, in the shadows, the Fool marks moments in life when you long for freedom
and self-expression. If your life has become too conventional, go ahead and shake it up with something totally unexpected!
During the genesis of something new, recklessness and impulsivity can create unnecessary obstacles in your path. Have you
been ignoring good advice?

Trust your instincts and tune in to intuition and experience. Take whatever precautions you need to take and
prepare for a stable landing. Go ahead and shake it up with something totally unexpected! During the genesis of
something new, recklessness and impulsivity can create unnecessary obstacles in your path. Have you been
ignoring good advice? Trust your instincts and tune in to intuition and experience. Take whatever precautions you
need to take and prepare for a stable landing. Go ahead and shake it up with something totally unexpected! During
the genesis of something new, recklessness and impulsivity can create unnecessary obstacles in your path. Have
you been ignoring good advice? Trust your instincts and tune in to intuition and experience. Take whatever
precautions you need to take and prepare for a stable landing.
QUESTIONS FOR THE VISIONARY • If you knew that the Universe would catch you in mid-flight, where would you jump? •
What one thing could you learn today that would help you prepare for tomorrow? • Imagine two wise guides named Playful and
enthusiastic. What advice do they have for you? • How much do you trust yourself to try new things and succeed?


On the brink of an epic journey, the Fool looks into the abyss below and feels the seed of life calling to her. She sees
opportunity and stardust spinning, and knows her dream begins with this single step. She's not sure what she'll learn or exactly
where she's going, but she's clear about one thing: she'll need to jump to get started. With her crystal magnifier to guide her,
and her wand to protect her, she feels her fingers slip past the threshold of her current reality. She sends a prayer of final
intention to the Universe and releases it, feeling the avalanche of the unknown rise to meet her. She falls into the void, where
her beautiful future awaits her.


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