Pfeifer 2004

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Embodied Artificial Intelligence:

Trends and Challenges

Rolf Pfeifer and Fumiya Iida

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich

Andreasstrasse 15, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract. The field of Artificial Intelligence, which started roughly half a cen-
tury ago, has a turbulent history. In the 1980s there has been a major paradigm
shift towards embodiment. While embodied artificial intelligence is still highly
diverse, changing, and far from “theoretically stable”, a certain consensus about
the important issues and methods has been achieved or is rapidly emerging. In
this non-technical paper we briefly characterize the field, summarize its
achievements, and identify important issues for future research. One of the fun-
damental unresolved problems has been and still is how thinking emerges from
an embodied system. Provocatively speaking, the central issue could be cap-
tured by the question “How does walking relate to thinking?”

1 Introduction

This conference and this paper are about embodied artificial intelligence. If you
search for “embodied artificial intelligence” or “embodied cognition” on the Internet
using your favorite search engine, you will find a radically smaller number of entries
than if you search for “artificial intelligence” or “cognition”. Trying to answer this
question of why this might be the case, reveals a lot about the structure of this re-
search field and uncovering its organization is one of the goals of this paper.
Over the last 50 years Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed dramatically from a
computational discipline into a highly transdisciplinary one that incorporates many
different areas. Embodied AI, because of its very nature of being about embodied
systems in the real physical and social world, must deal with many issues that are
entirely alien to a computational perspective: as we will discuss later, physical organ-
isms in the real world, whether biological or artificial, are highly complex and their
investigation requires the cooperation of many different areas. The implications of
this change in perspective are far-reaching and can hardly be overestimated. In this
paper, we will try to outline some of them.
With the fundamental paradigm shift from a computational to an embodied per-
spective, the kinds of research topics, the theoretical and engineering issues, and the
disciplines involved have undergone dramatic changes, or stated differently, the
“landscape” has been completely transformed. In the first part of the paper we try to

F. Iida et al. (Eds.): Embodied Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3139, pp. 1–26, 2004.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004
2 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

characterize these changes. In the second part, we will identify the grand challenges
in the field and discuss how far researchers have come towards achieving them.
Given the enormous diversity, as discussed in the first part, this will necessarily be
abstract, somewhat selective and reflect the authors’ personal opinion, but we do hope
that many people will agree with the our description of how the field is now struc-
tured. We conclude with some general comments on the future of the field and appli-

2 The “Landscape”

The landscape of artificial intelligence has always been rugged but it has become even
more so over the last two decades. When the field started initially, roughly half a
century ago, intelligence was essentially viewed as a computational process. Research
topics included abstract problem solving and reasoning, knowledge representation,
theorem proving, formal games like chess, search techniques, and – written – natural
language, topics normal associated with higher level intelligence. It should be
mentioned however, that in the 60s there was a considerable amount of research on
robotics in artificial intelligence at MIT, SRI, and CMU. But later on the artificial
intelligence research community has not paid much attention to this line of work.

Successes of the Classical Approach

By the mid 1980s, the classical, computational or cognitivistic approach, had grown
into a large discipline with many facets and has brought forward many successes in
terms of computer and engineering applications. If you start your favorite search
engine on the Internet, you are, among many others, employing clever machine
learning algorithms. Text processing system utilizes matching algorithms, or algo-
rithms that try to infer user’s intentions from the context of what have been done
earlier. Controls for appliances using fuzzy logic, embedded systems (as they are
employed in fuel injection systems, breaking systems, air conditioners, etc.), control
systems for elevators, and trains, natural language interfaces to directory information
systems, translation support software, etc., are also among the successes of the classi-
cal approach. More recently, data mining systems have been developed that heavily
rely on machine learning techniques, and chess programs have been realized that beat
99.99 percent of all humans on earth, a considerable achievement indeed! The devel-
opment of these kinds of systems, although they have their origin in artificial intelli-
gence, have now become indistinguishable from applied informatics in general: they
have become a firm constituent of any computer science department.
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 3

Problems of the Classical Approach

However, the original intention of artificial intelligence was not only to develop
clever algorithms, but also to understand natural forms of intelligence that have – as
argued here – more to do with the interaction with the real world. Alas, as is now
generally agreed, the classical approach has not contributed significantly to our un-
derstanding of, for example, perception, locomotion, manipulation, everyday speech
and conversation, social interaction in general, common sense, emotion, and so on.
Classical approaches to computer vision, for example, have been successful in
factory environments, where there are constant lighting conditions, the geometry of
the situation is precisely known (i.e. the camera is always in the same place, the ob-
jects appear on the conveyer belt always in the same position), and the types of po-
tential objects are known and can therefore be modeled. However, when these condi-
tions do not hold – and in the real world, they are never given, i.e. the distance of
objects from the eyes always changes, which is one of the many consequences of
moving around, and lighting conditions and orientation also vary continuously – these
algorithms can no longer be used. Moreover, objects are often entirely or partially
occluded, they move (e.g. cars, people), and they appear against very different and
changing backgrounds. Artificial vision systems with capacities similar to human or
animal vision, are far from being realized artificially.
A further example where the classical approach could not provide adequate an-
swers is object manipulation. Indeed, animals and humans are enormously skilled at
manipulating objects; even very simple animals like insects are masters at manipula-
tion. Or watch a dog chew on a bone, how he controls it with his paws, mouth and
tongue: unbelievable. Although there are specialized machines for virtually any kind
of manipulation (driving a screw, picking up objects for packaging in production
lines, lifting heavy objects in construction sites), the general purpose manipulation
abilities of natural systems are to date unparalleled.
Locomotion is another case in point. Animals and humans move with an uncanny
flexibility and elegance. We can walk with a bag in one hand, an arm around a friend,
up and down the stairs, while looking around, something none of the existing robots
can do. And building a running robot is still considered one of the great challenges.
In the classical approach, common sense has been treated at the level of “semantic
content” and has been taken to include knowledge such as “cars cannot become preg-
nant”, “objects (normally) don’t fly”, “people have biological needs” (they get hungry
and thirsty), etc. Building systems with this type of common-sense knowledge has
been the goal of many classical natural language and problem solving systems like
CYC (e.g. Lenat et al., 1986). But there is an important additional aspect of common-
sense knowledge, which is to do with bodily sensations and feelings, and this aspect
has its origin largely in our embodiment. Take, for example, the word “drinking” and
freely associate what comes to mind. Perhaps being thirsty, liquid, cool drink, beer,
hot sunshine, the feeling of wetness in your mouth, on the lips, and on your tongue
when you are drinking, and the feeling of thirst disappearing as you drink, etc. It is
this kind of common sense knowledge and common experience that everyone shares
and that forms the basis of robust natural language communication, and it is firmly
4 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

grounded in our own specific embodiment. And to our knowledge, there are currently
no artificial systems, capable of dealing with this kind of knowledge in a flexible and
adaptive way.
The last point that we would like to mention here concerns speech systems. While
in restricted areas, speech systems can be used, e.g. as an interface to directory infor-
mation systems, or systems where single word commands can be used (e.g. for robot
control, or name databases for mobile phones), in most areas they have only been
used with limited success. Speech to text systems have to be tuned to the speaker’s
voice, and because of the high error rate, typically a lot of post-editing needs to be
done on the text produced by the software. This may be one of the reasons why
speech systems have not really taken off so far, even though the idea of not having to
type any more, of producing text rapidly, is highly appealing. Although some of the
systems may have a relatively impressive performance, the fact of the matter remains
that there are to date no general purpose natural language systems whose performance
even remotely resembles the one of humans in a free format everyday conversation.
Finally, it is interesting to note, It is interesting to note that these more natural
kinds of activities (perception, manipulation, speech) are all activities that have, in
some very essential ways, to do with complex, “high bandwidth” interaction with the
real world. We will come back to this point later on.

Embodied Artificial Intelligence

These failures, largely due to the lack of rich system-environment interaction, have
lead some researchers to pursue a different avenue, the one of embodiment. With this
change of orientation, the nature of the research questions also began to change. Rod-
ney Brooks, one of the first promoters of embodied intelligence (e.g. Brooks, 1991),
started studying insect-like locomotion, building, for example, the six-legged walking
robot “Ghengis”. So, walking and locomotion in general became important research
areas, topics typically associated with low-level sensory-motor intelligence. This is,
of course, a fundamental change from studying chess, theorem proving, and abstract
problem solving, and it is far from obvious how the two relate to one another, an
issue that we will elaborate in detail later. Other subjects that people started investi-
gating have been orientation behavior (i.e. finding one’s way in only partially known
and changing environments), path-finding, and elementary behaviors such as wall
following, and obstacle avoidance.
The perspective of embodiment requires working with real world physical systems,
i.e. robots. A crucial aspect of embodiment is that it requires working with real world
physical systems, i.e. robots. Computers and robots are an entirely different ball
game: computers are neat and clean, they have clearly defined inputs and outputs, and
anybody can use them, can program them, and can perform simulations. Computers
also have for the better part only very limited types of interaction with the outside
world: input is via keyboard or mouse click, and output is via display panel. In other
words, the “bandwidth” of communication with the environment is extremely low.
Also computers follow clearly defined “input processing” output scheme that has, by
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 5

the way, shaped the we think about intelligent systems and has become the guiding
metaphor of the classical cognitivistic approach. Robots, by contrast, have a much
wider sensory-motor repertoire that enables a tight coupling with the outside world
and the computer metaphor of input-processing-output can no longer be directly ap-
Building robots requires engineering expertise, which is typically not present in
computer science laboratories, let alone psychology departments. So, with the advent
of embodiment the nature of the field, artificial intelligence, changed dramatically.
While in the traditional approach, because of the interest in high-level intelligence,
the relation to psychology, in particular cognitive psychology was very prominent,
the attention, at least in the early days of the approach of embodied intelligence,
shifted more towards – non-human – biological systems, such as insects, but other
kinds of animals as well.
Also, at this point, the meaning of the term “artificial intelligence” started to
change, or rather started to adopt two meanings. One meaning stands for GOFAI
(Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence), the traditional algorithmic approach.
The other one designates the embodied approach, a paradigm that employs the syn-
thetic methodology which has three goals: (1) understanding biological systems, (2)
abstracting general principles of intelligent behavior, and (3) the application of this
knowledge to build artificial systems such as robots or intelligent devices in general.
As a result, the modern, embodied approach started to move out of computer science
laboratories more into robotics and engineering or biology labs.
It is also of interest to look at the role of neuroscience in this context. In the 1970s
and early 1980s, as researchers in artificial intelligence started to realize the problems
with the traditional symbol processing approach, the field of artificial neural net-
works, an area that had been around since the 1950s, started to take off – new hope
for AI researchers who had been struggling with the fundamental problems of the
symbol processing paradigm. Inspiration was drawn from the brain, but only at a very
abstract level. In the embodied approach, there was a renewed and much stronger
interest in neuroscience because researchers realized that natural neural systems are
extremely robust and efficient at controlling the interaction with the real world. As
mentioned above, animals can move and manipulate objects with great ease, and they
are controlled by – natural – neural networks. In addition, they can move very ele-
gantly, with great speed and with little energy consumption. These impressive kinds
of behaviors can only be achieved if the dynamical properties of the neural networks
are exploited. This is quite in contrast to the traditional AI approach where mostly
static feedforward networks were employed.


So, in terms of research disciplines participating in the AI adventure, we see that in

the classical approach it was mainly computer science, psychology, philosophy, and
linguistics, whereas in the embodied approach, it is computer science and philosophy
as before, but also engineering, robotics, biology, and neuroscience (with a focus on
6 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

dynamics), whereas psychology and linguistics have lost their role as core disciplines.
So we see somewhat of a shift from high-level (psychology, linguistics) to more low-
level sensory-motor processes, with the neurosciences covering both aspects, sensory-
motor and cognitive levels. With this shift, the terms used for describing the research
area shifted: researchers working in the embodied approach no longer referred to
themselves as working in artificial intelligence but more in robotics, engineering of
adaptive systems, artificial life, adaptive locomotion, bio-inspired systems, and neu-
roinformatics. But more than that, not only have researchers in artificial intelligence
moved into neighboring fields, but researchers that have their origins in these other
fields started in natural ways to contribute to artificial intelligence. This way, the field
on the one hand significantly expanded, but on the other, its boundaries became even
more fuzzy and ill-defined than before.
These considerations also provide a partial answer to the question of why we don’t
get many entries when we type “embodied intelligence” or “embodied artificial intel-
ligence” into one of the search engines: Because the communities started to split and
researchers in embodied intelligence started attending other kinds of conferences, e.g.
“Intelligent Autonomous Systems, IAS”, “Simulation of Adaptive Behavior – From
Animals to Animats, SAB”, “International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and
Systems, IROS”, “Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines, AMAM”, “European
Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL”, “Artificial Life Conference, ALIFE”, “Artifi-
cial Life and Robotics, AROB”, “Evolutionary Robotics, ER”, or the various IEEE
conferences (International Society of Electrical & Electronics Engineering), etc. An-
ecdotally speaking, I (Rolf Pfeifer) remember that initially, in the early 90s, when I
tried to convince people at AI conferences such as International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
ECAI, or the German annual AI Conference, that embodiment is not only interesting
but essential to understanding intelligence, I mostly got very negative reactions and
no real discussion was possible. So, together with many colleagues we turned to other
conferences where people were more receptive to these new ideas. More recently,
perhaps because of the stagnation in the field of classical AI in terms of tackling the
big problems about the nature of intelligence, there has been a growing interest in
embodiment and now AI conferences, at least some of them, have started workshops
on issues in embodiment. But by and large, the two communities, the classical and the
embodied one, are pretty much separate, and will probably remain so for a while.


There are a number of additional interesting developments worth mentioning here.

One is, in the field of embodiment, a renewed interest in high-level cognition. Rodney
Brooks, at the time, had forcefully argued that getting insects to walk from scratch
took evolution much longer than getting from insects to humans. This implies that
creating insects was the really hard problem and after that, moving towards human
level intelligence was relatively easy. Thus, so his conclusion, one should first work
on insects rather than humans, one should do “biorobotics”.
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 7

Many people started doing biorobotics and began cooperations with biology labo-
ratories. An excellent example is the work by Dimitrios Lambrinos at the Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory in Zurich, who started to cooperate with the world champion
in ant navigation, Ruediger Wehner of the University of Zurich. Jointly, they built a
series of robots, the Sahabot-Series that mimic long- and short-term navigation be-
havior of the desert ant Cataglyphis (e.g. Lambrinos et al., 2000). Rodney Brooks
cooperated with the famous biologist Holk Cruse of the University of Bielefeld in
Germany, who had been studying insect walking for many years and who had found
that there is no central control for leg coordination in walking in ants. Brooks imple-
mented Cruse’s ideas on an MIT ant-like robot and termed the controller “cru(i)se”
control, in honor of the designer, Holk Cruse. There are many examples of such co-
operation which have all been very productive (for an excellent collection of papers
on biorobotics, see (Webb and Consi, 2000) ).

Developmental Robotics

However, after a few years of working on insect like behavior, Brooks started
changing research topics. He argued that we have to “think big” and should work
towards human level intelligence, and the project “Cog” for the development of a
humanoid robot, was born (Brooks and Stein, 1993). He neatly mapped out the neces-
sary steps and stages for achieving human-level intelligence, but due to many prob-
lems, after less than 10 years, changed topics again. But the Cog project generated a
lot of excitement and many researchers were attracted by the idea of moving towards
human-level intelligence, which had also been the target of classical artificial intelli-
gence, and the field of developmental robotics emerged. The term developmental
robotics designates the attempt to model aspects of human or primate development
using real robots. Its pertinent conferences come under many labels, “Emergence and
Development of Embodied Cognition, EDEC”, “Epigenetic robotics”, “Development
of Embodied Cognition, DECO”, “International Conference on Development and
Learning”, etc. This was, of course, a happy turn for those who might have been
slightly sad or disappointed by the direction the field took – insects simply are not as
sexy as humans! And human intelligence happens to be the most fascinating type of
intelligence that we know. But once again, this strand of conferences is separate from
the traditional ones in artificial intelligence, and they do not contain the term “em-
bodied intelligence”.

Ubiquitous Computing

Another line of development that should be introduced here is the one of ubiquitous
computing (Weiser 1993). Computer science has undergone dramatic changes as
well. Computing as such, software engineering, the development of algorithms, oper-
ating systems, the virtual machine, etc. are topics that we now understand relatively
well and it is not clear whether there will be big innovations in these areas in the near
future. Rather, it seems that the new challenges are seen in the interaction with the
8 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

real world. Initially, the field was characterized by the idea of putting sensors every-
where, into rooms (mostly cameras, motion detectors), floors (e.g. pressure sensors to
detect the position of individuals) objects such as cars, chairs, beds, but also cups, or
any kind of devices such as mobile telephones, clothes (e.g. t-shirts, shoes) to meas-
ure physiological data of the individual wearing them for sports or medical reasons
(the list is in fact endless). More recently, ubiquitous computing has also been inves-
tigating actuation, i.e. ways in which systems can influence their environments: con-
trol systems for buildings for temperature, humidity, windows, and blinds; cars that
automatically apply their breaks when the distance to the car in front gets too small,
or – in the medical domain – systems that monitor physiological variables (pulse rate,
skin resistance, level of dehydration) and send a message to a physician if necessary.
The field of ubiquitous computing is closely related to user interfaces or generally to
human-machine interaction.
Even though user interfaces have always been an important topic in computers, the
problem, in contrast to robotics, has been the low “bandwidth of communication”, as
pointed out earlier. In order to increase this “bandwidth”, there has been a lot of work
on speech, spoken language, to interact with computers, but these efforts, for various
reasons, have only been met with very limited success (see our discussion above).
Just recently have there been projects for developing more interesting and richer
interfaces using, for example, touch, and to some extent vision. There is also work on
smell but that has – although very exciting – not yet advanced significantly. The re-
search on wearables should be pointed out here as well. What is interesting about
these “movements”, human-machine interface, wearables, ubiquitous computing, is
that now virtually all computer science departments start moving into the real world.
They are not doing robotics per se, but many have started hiring engineers and estab-
lishing mechanical and electronics workshops where they can build hardware, be-
cause now real-world devices with certain sensory-motor abilities need to be con-
structed, devices that could be called “robotic devices”. So far as we can tell, there
has been little theory development, but there is a lot of creative experimentation going
on. We feel that the set of design principles that we have developed for embodied
systems will be extremely useful in designing such systems (e.g. Pfeifer and Scheier,
1999). For example, the principle of sensory-motor coordination which states that
through the – active – interaction with the environment, patterns of sensory stimula-
tion are induced that are correlated across sensory modalities, is an important guiding
principle, but has, to date, not been applied. We might also say that computer science
has now come full circle, from disembodied algorithm to embodied real-world com-
puting, or rather real-world interaction, with embodied artificial intelligence as the

Artificial Life and Multi-agent Systems

Another interesting line of development has its origins in the field of Artificial Life,
also called Alife for short. The classical perspective of artificial intelligence had a
strong focus on the individual, just as psychology, and psychology was the major
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 9

discipline with which artificial intelligence researchers cooperated at the time. ALife
research which has strong roots in biology – rather than psychology – has been fo-
cusing on emergence of behavior in large populations of agents, in other words it is
interested in what some call multi-agent systems. We deliberately say “that some call
multi-agent systems” because normally, in Alife research, the term complex dynami-
cal system is preferred, as it encompasses also physical systems where the individual
components only have limited “agent character”, e.g. the molecules in the famous
Bénard experiment. An agent typically has certain sensory-motor abilities, i.e. it can
perceive aspects of the environment, and depending on this information and its own
state, performs a particular behavior. Molecules, rocks, or other “dead” physical ob-
jects do not have this ability. One point of interest has been the emergence of com-
plex global behavior from simple rules and local interactions. (Langton, 1995)
Modular robotics, a research area that has drawn inspiration from artificial life re-
search, also relates to multi-agent systems, where the individual agents are robotic
modules capable of configuring into different morphologies (see the volume by Hara
and Pfeifer (2003) for examples of modular robotic systems). One of the goals of this
research is to design systems capable of self-repair, a property that all living systems
have to some extent. Self-assembly and self-reconfiguration are fascinating topics that
will become increasingly important as systems have to operate over extended periods
of time in remote, hostile environments. The seminal work by Murata and his co-
workers (Murata et al., 2004) demonstrates, how self-reconfiguration can be achieved
not only in simulation but with real robotic systems. It should be mentioned, however,
that to date, much of the research on self-repair and self-reconfiguration is tightly
controlled, rather than being emergent from local interactions.
Evolutionary systems are another example of “population thinking”, where the
adaptivity of entire populations is studied rather than that of individuals. Because of
its close relation to biology, economics has also taken inspiration from multi-agent
systems and created the discipline of agent-based economics (e.g. Epstein and Axtell,
1996). Work on self-organization in insect societies, for example, by Jean-Louis
Deneubourg of the Université libre de Bruxelles, has attracted many researchers from
different fields: “ant intelligence” was one of their slogans (e.g. Bonabeau et al.,
Interestingly, the term multi-agent systems has quickly been adopted by research-
ers in classical artificial intelligence. However, rather than looking for emergence,
they endowed their individual agents with the same types of centralized control that
they used for individuals (e.g. Ferber, 1999). As a consequence they could not study
emergent phenomena, and a look into the journal “Autonomous Agents and Multi-
Agent Systems” shows that the research under the heading “multi-agent systems”
typically has different goals and does not focus on emergence. For the better part, the
research is geared towards internet applications using software agents.
In robotics there has also been an interest in multi-agent systems. There the prob-
lem has been that often only relatively few robots have been available so that it has
proved difficult to investigate emergence phenomena in populations. This is illus-
trated by the rapidly growing “Robocup” or robot soccer community. Initially the
robots, for the better part, were programmed directly by the designers in order to win
10 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

the game. More recently there has been growing interest and significant results in
producing scientifically compelling and elegant solutions by incorporating ideas of
emergence, but this still remains a big challenge.
One of the important research problems and limitations so far has been the
achievement of higher levels of intelligence by the multi-agent community: typically,
as in the work of ethologist and Alife researcher Charlotte Hemelrijk, the interest is in
emergent hierarchies, group size formation, or migration patterns. Thinking, reason-
ing, or language, have typically not been topics of interest here. An exception is the
work of the group of researchers interested in evolution of communication and evo-
lution of language. An excellent example of this type of research that tries to combine
population thinking or multi-agent systems with higher-level processes such as lan-
guage is the “Talking Heads” experiment by Luc Steels (e.g. Steels, 2001, 2003). In
an ingenious experiment he could demonstrate how, for example, a common vocabu-
lary emerges through interaction of agents with their environment and with other
agents via a language game. He has also been working on emergence of syntax, but in
these experiments many assumptions have to be made to bootstrap the process. In this
research strand, many insights have been gained into how communication systems
establish themselves and how something like grammar could emerge. Although fasci-
nating and highly promising, the jury is still out on whether this approach will indeed
lead to something resembling human natural language.
Because of the fundamental differences in goals, the distributed agents community
artificial life style, and the artificial intelligence and robotics community, individual
style, have to date remained largely separate.


In summary, we can see that the landscape has changed significantly: while originally
artificial intelligence was clearly a computational discipline, dominated by computer
science, cognitive psychology, linguistics, and philosophy, it has turned into a multi-
disciplinary field requiring the cooperation and talents of many other fields such as
biology, neuroscience, engineering (electronic and mechanical), robotics, biome-
chanics, material sciences, and dynamical systems. And this exciting new transdisci-
plinary community is now called “embodied artificial intelligence.” While for some
time, psychology and linguistics have not been at center stage, with the rise of devel-
opmental robotics, there has been renewed interest in these disciplines. The ultimate
quest to understand and build systems capable of high-level thinking and natural
language, and ultimately consciousness, has remained unchanged. Only the path on
how to get there is fundamentally different. Although the emergence of ideas of em-
bodiment can be traced back to pre-Socratic thinking and can be found throughout the
history of philosophy, the recent developments in artificial intelligence that enable not
only the analysis but also the construction of embodied systems, are supplying ample
novel intellectual fodder for philosophers. As we will show later, these developments
significantly change the image we have of ourselves and our society.
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 11

In spite of the multifaceted nature, there is a unifying principle and that is the ac-
tual agent to be designed in the context of the synthetic methodology, be it physical in
the real world, or simulated in a realistic physics-based simulation. Such agents have
a highly integrating function by bringing together results from all these different
areas, and allowing concrete testing in an objective way. Moreover, they serve as
excellent platforms for transdisciplinary research and communication.

3 State-of-the-Art and Challenges

Given the diversity of embodied artificial intelligence and the ruggedness of the land-
scape it will be next to impossible to come up with a set of challenges and a charac-
terization of the state-of-the-art that everybody will agree on.
In characterizing the state-of-the-art we will start from the overall challenges that
we will organize according to the three time scales (“here and now”, ontogenetic,
phylogenetic) (see Table 1). These time scales, although clearly identifiable, have
important interactions, a point that we will also take into account. Moreover, we will
divide our discussion into two parts, theoretical/ conceptual, and engineering. In
identifying the challenges and research issues we tried to do a comprehensive survey
of the literature and we, in particular, consulted the papers in this volume in order to
assess the important trends. By the very nature of this endeavor of identifying chal-
lenges, this will be rather subjective and mirrors the personal research interests of the

Table 1. Time scales for understanding and designing agents

time scale designer commitments

state-oriented “hand design”
”here and now”
learning and development initial conditions; learning and
”ontogenetic” developmental processes
evolutionary evolutionary algorithms;
”phylogenetic” morphogenetic processes

However, we do believe that they reflect, one way or other, the important directions
in the field. Nevertheless, we do not expect everyone to agree.
We propose the following “grand challenges” for future research, theoretical un-
derstanding of behavior; achieving higher level intelligence; automated design meth-
ods (artificial evolution and morphogenesis), and “moving into the real world”.
12 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

Theoretical Understanding of Behavior

By theoretical understanding of behavior we mean an understanding of how particular

behaviors in the real world can be achieved in artificial agents. This may also shed
light on how particular behaviors that we observe in nature come about, which is also
one of the goals of artificial intelligence research. This goal is mainly to do with the
“here and now” time scale, i.e. with the question of the mechanisms underlying be-
havior. Although a vast body of knowledge has been accumulated this still remains
one of the big conundrums.
As outlined in the previous section, many research areas and a host of studies have
contributed to this understanding. However, we still don’t have, for example, general
purpose perceptual systems – human or primate vision is still unparalleled, and we
still have an insufficient understanding of motor control, e.g. how we can achieve
rapid legged locomotion. For example, there has been a lot of progress in research on
humanoid walking robots, especially in Japan (e.g. Sony’s QRIO, Honda’s Asimo,
Kawada’s HRP, the University of Tokyo’s H-7, to mention but a few). However,
although most of these robots show impressive performance, they still walk slower
than humans, their walking style looks somewhat unnatural, and research on running
is still in its infancy.
One of the issues, and this is one of the challenges, is the fact that most of the re-
search has been focused on control, which has been, and still is, the standard perspec-
tive in robotics. Recent work in the area of biomechanics seems to suggest that mate-
rial and morphological properties, i.e. the intrinsic dynamical properties of the mus-
cle-tendon systems and the specific shapes and material properties of the limbs and
the body play an essential role in locomotion (e.g. Blickhan et al., 2003; Kubow and
Full, 1999), but also in behavior in general, e.g. object manipulation, posture control,
gesturing, etc. These ideas are captured in the theoretical principle of “ecological
balance”, as outlined by Pfeifer et al., (in press), Hara and Pfeifer (2000), Ishiguro et
al., (2003) and earlier in Pfeifer and Scheier (1999), which states that there is a bal-
ance or task distribution between morphology, materials, control, and interaction with
the environment: Some tasks, e.g. the elastic movement of the knee joint when the
foot hits the ground in running, can be taken over by the – elastic – materials, and
their trajectories do not need to be explicitly controlled. By morphology we mean the
form and structure of an organism and its parts, including the physical nature of the
sensors and their distribution. We discuss materials separately, as they play an ex-
traordinary role in agent design.
There is another aspect of ecological balance, namely that there should be a match
in the complexity of the sensory, motor and (neural) control systems. Many robotic
systems are “unbalanced” in the sense that they are built of hard materials and electri-
cal motors, and thus the control requires an enormous amount of computation. Robot
vision systems are also often unbalanced as they are largely algorithmic and do not
exploit morphological properties. For example, natural systems don’t have cameras
but retinas that perform some kind of morphological computation by their non-
homogeneous arrangement of the light-sensitive cells. Moreover, generally speaking
retinas perform an enormous amount of computation right at the periphery so that the
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 13

signals that are passed on, are already highly processed. Artificial retinas have been
around since the mid-80s (e.g. Mead, 1989), but they are still not widely used in the
field. Moreover, vision or perception in general is not a matter of mapping inputs to
internal representation, but of sensory-motor coordination, requiring a complex motor
system as well. While initially it might seem that taking the motor system into ac-
count as well in perception would make the problem harder, when viewed in an eco-
logical context, many problems might in fact be simplified, as demonstrated by the
field of active vision or animate vision (e.g. Ballard, 1991). In animate vision, the
ability of the agent (the vision system) to move is exploited to make the vision task
easier. The development of vision systems, which includes the development of reti-
nas, remains a big challenge. And these vision systems must not be developed in
isolation, but in the context of multi-modal systems (see also below, achieving higher
level intelligence).
Recently, it has been demonstrated that by exploiting the intrinsic dynamics of an
agent, the complexity of the control system can be substantially reduced (e.g. Collins
et al., 2001; Iida and Pfeifer, 2004a, b; Wisse and Frankenhuyzen, 2003; Yamamoto
and Kuniyoshi, 2001), as articulated in the principle of ecological balance. Thus, in
order to achieve rapid locomotion, but also motion in general, material properties
must be exploited. In order to achieve real progress, artificial muscles, tendons, and
flexible joints must be developed which represents a big engineering challenge. Big
strides in this direction have been made by Rudolf Bannasch and his colleagues (Bo-
blan et al., 2004).
Behavior in general requires sensory-motor coordination that again, in natural
systems, is achieved by a subtle interplay of morphology (of the sensory and motor
systems), materials, control, and interaction with the environment. While the design
principles of Pfeifer et al. (in press) do provide intuitions, they are only qualitative in
nature. What is needed now, and this is a big challenge, is a more quantitative ap-
proach. While it is relatively straightforward to quantify sensory data and to estimate
the amount of computation in a controller, little research has been done on quantify-
ing morphology and materials in computational terms. Finding a common currency
which is required for a theoretical and quantitative understanding, is an important
research issue as it will connect the computational effort (or control) with the contri-
butions of physical, i.e. non-computational aspects of the system (for quantitative
research in the field of sensory-motor coordination that will be relevant for these
issues using methods from information theory and statistics, see, e.g. Sporns and
Pegors, 2004; te Boekhorst et al., 2003) (Lungarella and Pfeifer, 2001). Lichtenstei-
ger (2004), for example, demonstrated how the pre-processing function performed by
the morphological arrangement of facets in an insect (or robot) eye, can be measured
quantitatively and how a particular arrangement influences learning speed.
In general, there is a definite need for more quantitative methods in order to turn
the field into a true scientific discipline. Gaussier et al., for example (Gaussier, et al.,
2004) developed a formalism in the form of an algebra for cognitive processes based
on the idea of perception-action coupling in autonomous agents. They apply the for-
malism to demonstrate how facial expressions can be learned and that there is no need
14 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

to postulate innate mechanisms. Other examples of quantification will be discussed in

the section on development.
While we must move towards more quantative methods, there is a certain danger
involved: Because of the limitations of formal description, there tends to be a focus
on isolated, well-formalizable areas, as we know it from the field of classical robotics
and control theory. For example, there is a lot of formal work on path planning and
inverse kinematics which lends itself more readily to a formal treatment than, for
example, locomotion of complex systems involving materials with different kinds of
properties and many degrees of freedom. Formalizing the latter represents a big chal-
From an engineering perspective, in addition to the materials of the motor system,
there are challenges concerning the various sensory modalities: haptics for example,
is a very fundamental and rich modality in natural organisms. But the technology is,
compared to natural systems, very underdeveloped: low resolution, hard, non-
bendable materials, pressure only. However, there are exciting developments towards
overcoming these limitations, as illustrated by the soft robotic fingertip with ran-
domly distributed sensors for measuring slip and texture by Hosoda (2004). The de-
velopment of skin-sensors by which the entire body can be covered represents a big
challenge, not so much for artificial intelligence, but for the material sciences, similar
to the issue of artificial muscles. At the moment, this is a significant bottleneck: better
materials would almost certainly entail a quantum leap in artificial intelligence.

Achieving Higher Level Intelligence

The term “higher level” intelligence is used to designate behavior that is not purely
sensory-motor, such as problem solving and reasoning, or generally thinking, natural
language, emotion, and consciousness. Note that there is a frame-of-reference issue
here: when we say “not purely sensory-motor” it is not really clear whether we are
referring to behavior or mechanism. Inspection of the mechanisms underlying so-
called non-sensory motor or cognitive behavior yields that almost universally the
sensory and motor systems will be involved since in natural systems brains are intrin-
sically intertwined with embodiment and cannot clearly separated (e.g. Thelen and
Smith, 1994). While it is possible in principle to “hand design” agents (see Table 1)
endowed with higher level intelligence, all efforts to date have been met with only
very limited success. One of the big unresolved issues to date is the one of symbol
processing: How is it possible that humans have the capability for symbol processing?
More precisely we would have to ask how it is possible that humans can behave in
ways that it makes sense to describe their behavior as “symbolic”, irrespective of the
underlying mechanisms, which might involve explicit symbol processing or not. The
question is very broad and of general importance: it is about how organisms can ac-
quire meaning, how they can learn about the real world, and how they can combine
what they have learned to generate symbolic behavior, a problem known as the
“symbol grounding problem.”. There is general agreement that learning will make
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 15

substantial contributions towards a solution. However, learning alone will not suffice
– embodiment must be taken into account as well.
Drawing inspiration from nature, a consensus has emerged that a productive ap-
proach might be to mimic at some level of abstraction a developmental process. De-
velopment, in contrast to learning, also incorporates growth and maturation of the
organism. There is a vast literature on machine learning that might be potentially
relevant here for solving the symbol grounding problem, but also for development in
general. The book “Re-thinking innateness” has been viewed as a kind of landmark
publication, employing a connectionist modeling approach (Elman et al., 1996).
While a lot of ideas can be taken from this book, the approach does not deal with
embodiment. This is the case with most of the machine learning literature.
As indicated earlier, the impact of taking embodiment into account can hardly be
over-estimated. For example, there is the big challenge of general perception in the
real world: How come we can recognize objects or faces under large variations of
distance, orientation, partial occlusion, and lighting conditions? Again, many people
seem to agree that a developmental approach might be useful. One of the basic issues
is the fact that agents in the real world do not receive neatly structured input vectors –
as is assumed in most simulation studies – but there is a continuously changing
stream of sensory stimulation which strongly depends on the agent’s current behavior.
One way to deal with this issue is by exploiting the embodied interaction with the real
world: Through the – physical – interaction with the environment, the agent induces
or generates sensory stimulation (e.g. Pfeifer and Scheier, 1999). The thus generated
stimulation will typically be more structured, and will contain correlations within and
between sensory channels that greatly facilitate the problem of focusing on the rele-
vant stimulation and is in fact the enabler for learning (Lungarella and Pfeifer, 2001;
Sporns and Pegors, 2004). A very simple example is grasping and centering which
stabilizes and normalizes the visual stimulation of an object on the retina, and at the
same time produces correlated haptic and proprioceptive stimulation. This issue is
covered in the principle of sensory-motor coordination which may be an important
constituent in bootstrapping perception. Achieving general purpose, flexible and
adaptive perception in the real world is certainly one of the very grand challenges.
This is one of the big research topics in the field of “developmental robotics” or
“cognitive robotics” that has recently picked up a lot of momentum. It has been sug-
gested that the principle of sensory-motor coordination should be called more gener-
ally the principle of information self-structuring because the agent himself (or itself)
interacts in particular ways with the environment to generate proper sensory stimula-
Now the goal of this new field is not only perception, but development in general.
An important direction is and has been imitation learning that seems to play a key
role. This research has been inspired by the discovery of mirror neurons in the 1990s
(e.g. Dipellegrino et al., 1992; Fadiga et al., 2000; Gallese et al., 1996) which demon-
strated that motor and sensory systems are very closely intertwined in the brain. De-
signing and building a system capable of a wide range of imitation behaviors is cer-
tainly another one of the big challenges. Important first steps have demonstrated the
in-principle feasibility of this approach (e.g. Kuniyoshi et al., 2004; Jansen et al.,
16 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

2004; Yoshikawa et al., 2004). Robots will no longer have to be programmed, but the
skills they should acquire can simply be demonstrated. While this ability will cer-
tainly improve the sensory-motor behavior of agents, the hope is that it will also con-
tribute to the development of social behavior, and language and communication
abilities. For a review of the research in developmental robotics, see Lungarella et al.
(2004). One of the challenges for the research on imitation is that direct copying is
not possible, because the caregiver has a morphology that considerably differs from
the one of the baby, i.e. certain perceptual generalizations will have to be made by the
baby in order to interpret the caregiver’s action. Over the last few years, there has
been increasing consensus that joint attention plays a key role in learning and social
development, a topic now being studied in developmental robotics (e.g. Nagai et al.,
Let us briefly discuss a few additional grand challenges in development, acquisi-
tion of natural language, consciousness, emotion, and motivation. First steps toward
acquisition of natural language, acquisition of a joint vocabulary, has been demon-
strated in Luc Steels’s ingenious “Talking Heads” experiment. Steels also did some
preliminary work on acquisition of syntax, but there is a long way to the final goal of
complete natural language development.
Consciousness has always been considered as something like the ultimate criterion
for true intelligence. An elusive and fascinating topic that has attracted quite a bit of
attention in the field of embodied artificial intelligence. Owen Holland is also having
a stab at the future of embodied artificial intelligence and asks the question of
whether we will be able to achieve machine consciousness (Holland, 2004). A topic
often discussed in investigating consciousness – and in building machine conscious-
ness, are the so-called qualia. Qualia are the subjective sensory qualities like "the
redness of red" that accompany our perception. Qualia symbolize the explanatory gap
that exists between the subjective qualities of our perception and the physical brain-
body system whose states can, in principle, be measured objectively. In our terminol-
ogy, qualia are closely related to embodiment, to the physical, material, and morpho-
logical structure of the sensory systems.
Emotions, another highly controversial topic, also relate to the issue of conscious-
ness and the development of emotional machines is also a topic of interest (for a par-
tial review of an embodied perspective, see e.g. Pfeifer, 2000) . Last but not least, a
topic that anyone interested in intelligence and especially development will have to
deal with is why an agent does anything in the first place? Why should it learn new
things? This question is especially relevant if there are rich task environments with
many behavioral possibilities. A chess computer only has one task, i.e. to make the
next move, whereas in the real world there are always a host of possibilities – at least
for those agents that we are potentially interested in (not for Braitenberg Type 1 vehi-
cles). It is the entire issue of motivation, a topic with an enormous history. Luc Steels
and Frederic Kaplan in this volume present two simple but powerful and highly plau-
sible general solutions (Steels, 2004; Kaplan and Oudeyer, 2004). These are all fun-
damental questions of cognitive science.
In order to make development work, a number of engineering challenges must be
resolved. From developmental studies it is known that sensory-motor coordination
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 17

underlies much of concept development. This requires on the one hand the develop-
ment of proper actuators: upper torso with head/neck, and arms with hands. Many
researchers work with torsos only, but given the importance of locomotion for cogni-
tive development, it would be desirable to have complete agents capable of walking
freely in their environments. To date most robots are specialized, either for walking
or other kinds of locomotion purposes, or for sensory-motor manipulation, but rarely
are they skilled at performing a wide spectrum of tasks. This is due to conceptual and
engineering limitations. Actuator technology is a major problem as today mostly
electrical motors are employed, whereas – as argued earlier – artificial muscles would
be more desirable. Skin sensors for the fingertips, but also for covering the entire
body, would be essential for building up something like a body image, and ultimately
to bootstrap cognition. Huge transdisciplinary efforts between engineering, biome-
chanics, and material science will be required to make progress here.
Note that although most people in developmental or cognitive robotics are inter-
ested in humanoids, this is by no means the only path. A developmental perspective
can be beneficial for all kinds of animal studies.
High-level intelligence cannot only be achieved using a developmental approach,
but also, at least theoretically, by means of evolutionary methods. We will discuss
them in the subsequent paragraph, but given the state-of-the-art in artificial evolution,
we will have to resort to more direct methods such as hand design or developmental
approaches for the time being.

Automated Design Methods (Artificial Evolution and Morphogenesis)

Using artificial evolution for design has a tradition in the field of evolutionary robot-
ics (e.g. Nolfi and Floreano, 2001). The standard approach is to take a particular robot
and use an evolutionary algorithm to evolve a controller for a particular task. How-
ever, if we want to explore morphological issues, and if we want to design entire
agents rather than controllers only, we have to devise powerful methods capable of
handling these issues. Floreano et al. (2004) provide an excellent overview of the
field with many illustrations and experiments.
Because of the many parameters and design considerations involved, automated
methods must be employed because humans will no longer be able to “hand design”
all aspects of such systems. There is the morphology of the body, the materials, the
neural control, the interaction with the environment, and there is the possibility of
having several agents, perhaps simpler ones, perform the task collectively. For indi-
vidual organisms, there have been some initial successful attempts at designing sys-
tems by evolutionary means, the main approaches being the parameterization with
recursive encoding (e.g. Sims, 1994; Lipson and Pollack, 2000), and those where
ontogenetic development is based on abstract models of genetic regulatory networks
using cell-to-cell signaling mechanisms (Eggenberger, 1997, 1999; Bongard, 2002,
2003; Bongard and Pfeifer, 2001; Banzhaf, 2004). The advantage of genetic regula-
tory networks is that they incorporate less of a designer bias and that they allow for
incorporation of interaction with the environment during ontogenetic development,
18 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

developmental plasticity (Bongard, 2003). Moreover, because they encode growth

processes, they also, in some sense, contain the mechanisms for self-repair, an essen-
tial property of natural systems.
There are a number of challenges, here. First, it is the further development of mod-
els genetic regulatory networks to grow creatures of arbitrary complexity and to make
the evolution open-ended in the sense that not only the parameters of the genetic
regulatory networks can be manipulated, but that the mechanisms themselves are
under evolutionary control. Moreover, understanding and controlling the highly in-
volved complex dynamics of genetic regulatory networks will require a lot of re-
search (see Bongard, 2003; Eggenberger, 1999; and Banzhaf, 2004, for some pre-
liminary pertinent research). An important aspect will be the understanding of the
emergence of hierarchical structures and modularity of the phenotypes (see also
Floreano et al., 2004). Second, the physics-based simulation models need to be aug-
mented to allow for more sophisticated agent-environment interactions. Also, de-
formable, flexible materials, additional sensors such as “skins” for covering the entire
body, or olfaction, as well artificial muscles should be accounted for. Third, along
these lines, the task environments must be made much more complex in order to put
these design methods to a real test. In this way, we might be able to observe and bet-
ter understand phenomena of centralization of neural substrate, i.e. the formation of
brains. Eventually we might be able to see not only exploitation of physical interac-
tion constraints, but also social ones. Whether the mechanisms of simulated genetic
regulatory networks will in fact scale to very complex organisms capable of sophisti-
cated social interaction, is an open question. The grand challenge remains to evolve
truly complex creatures capable of communication, language, high-level cognition,
and – perhaps – consciousness. Several orders of magnitude of scale will have to be
bridged in the process, from molecules to macroscopic organisms. To what extent
physically realistic simulations will be sufficient for this purpose, or whether evolu-
tion actually must happen in the real world with its indefinite richness, is a deep and
currently unanswered issue.
This evolutionary level, designing the evolutionary mechanisms as well as the de-
velopmental processes based on genetic regulatory networks, might in fact provide a
proper level of formalization of ecological balance. While it is indeed hard to find a
common currency for trading computation for materials and morphology, it might
turn out to be much easier to formally specify the developmental processes as en-
coded in the genome. This is because, at this stage, it is still undecided how the tasks
will be distributed to control, materials, and morphology for a particular task-

Moving into the Real World

The last grand challenge that we would like to discuss here concerns very generally
speaking the “move into the real world.” The first significant step in this direction has
been the introduction of the notion of embodiment and the insight that true intelli-
gence always requires the interaction with the real world. Embodied artificial intelli-
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 19

gence is based on this idea. Building intelligent robots, i.e. robots capable of per-
forming a wide range of tasks, is, as we have argued throughout this paper, hard
enough, and the robots we currently are capable of building are not to our satisfac-
tion, and so building robots per se remains a grand challenge in the field.
In designing higher-level intelligence we identified developmental approaches as a
potentially suitable method. Development requires growth processes that we can
currently only simulate. But there are some tricks that can be applied to make devel-
opment somewhat more realistic vis-à-vis the real world. One possibility is to start
with high-resolution, high-precision systems with many degrees of freedom. Growth,
at least in some respects, can then be “simulated” by constraining the systems ini-
tially, freezing degrees of freedom, and simulating low resolution, for example, of the
vision sensor in software by applying certain kinds of filters. These constraints can
successively be released which in some sense reflects an organism’s maturational
processes (Gómez et al., 2004).
However, biological organisms actually do grow in the real world by means of cell
division and cell differentiation, a process that may in fact be essential for the emer-
gence of cognition. Developing growing structures in the real world is one of the
great engineering challenges that will require the cooperation of material scientists,
engineers, molecular and developmental biologists, and nanotechnology experts.
These are, by the way, all disciplines that are not normally associated with artificial
If artificial evolutionary processes are not only to be simulated in a computer but
performed in the real world, we will need growth processes as well. As mentioned
earlier, it is not clear to what extent physics-based simulations will be sufficient for
scalable artificial evolution, and to what extent evolution has to rely on processes in
the real world. First steps in performing artificial evolution in the real world have
been taken already in the 1960s by Ingo Rechenberg who evolved optimal shapes of
fuel pipes by actually configuring the physical system “designed” by the evolutionary
algorithm (an evolution strategy) and measuring the performance on the real fuel pipe
system (Rechenberg, 1973). Another example is the work by Adrian Thompson at the
University of Sussex who used FPGAs to test the circuits evolved using a genetic
algorithm (Thompson, 1996). FPGAs, in contrast to microprocessors, rather than
making a digital simulation of a circuit, actually configure a physical circuit. The
results achieved are truly amazing and provides a glimpse at the power of evolution in
the real world.
A major step is taken by researchers in the EU-funded PACE (Programmable Arti-
ficial Cell Evolution) project by John McCaskill of the Ruhr University Bochum, in
Germany, where the goal is to evolve an artificial cell in a chemical laboratory. Using
micro-fluidic arrays, carefully controlled chemical reactions can be induced so that
cells can be formed and their metabolisms influenced in precise ways. Part of the
evolution will be performed in simulation and part in the real world. The goal is to
evolve self-replicating cells in the laboratory, an enormous challenge. If successful,
this would enable us to perform artificial evolution in the real world and thus we
could generate any kind of structure required for performing a particular task. Be-
cause the cells can divide we would have actual growth processes in the real world.
20 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

Some people like Ray Kurzweil believe that nanotechnology will be the key to engi-
neer growth in the real world. Whether this will materialize we will only know in the
Cyborgs could also be viewed as a way to “move into the real world”: rather than
constraining the neural substrate to function in a dish in isolation, it is connected to
either a simulation or to a robot that behaves in the real world and sends its sensory
signals back to the neural tissue in the dish (Bakkum et al., 2004). Coupling biologi-
cal neural tissue to a real world artifact opens up entirely new avenues in man-
machine interaction. This research in itself bears many great challenges, the general
issue of coupling biological and technical substrate. On the one hand, we can expect
to learn something about neural functioning, and on the other we might, in the future,
be able to better understand how to control robots by observing the natural neurons.
Medical applications in prosthetics (e.g. Yokoi et al., 2004), are of course obvious
candidates for practical applications.
Finally, coming back to the research on self-repair, self-assembly, and self-
reconfiguration discussed in the “Landscape” section, a big challenge, conceptually
and from an engineering perspective, is the development of such systems in the real
world. Again, while simulation of processes of self-repair, for example, represents a
challenge and is far from being straight-forward, the ultimate challenge will be the
transfer to the real world. Murata and his collaborators (2004) have demonstrated first
ideas using modular robotic systems.

4 Conclusions, the Future, and Applications

The challenges outlined are big challenges and we must not expect to reach them in
the near future. However, it is important to keep the long-term visions in mind when
thinking about the next steps. The difficulty of research in any field, but in particular
in artificial intelligence, is to map the big visions and challenges onto concrete, do-
able steps. We have also tried to outline what researchers in the field are currently
attempting to do and what they are planning for the near future. And the papers pre-
sented in this volume provide an excellent starting point.
Let us now return to the initial question of what thinking has to do with walking –
the symbol grounding problem – and reflect on how the challenges outlined in the
paper will contribute to this question which metaphorically summarizes the goals of
embodied artificial intelligence. In the early phases of embodied artificial intelli-
gence, many people were working on navigation and orientation out of a conviction
that locomotion and orientation are somehow the underlying driving forces in the
development of cognition, in the evolution of the brain. This is corroborated by the
question asked by the famous Oxford neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert “Why don’t
plants have brains?”. And he suggested that the answer might actually be quite sim-
ple: “Plants don’t have to move!” Because of the “embodied turn”, researchers started
working with robots, and because they were readily available and easy to use,
wheeled robots were the tools of choice. Navigation in the real world is a challenging
problem and there has been much exciting research in robotics in general (e.g. Bellot
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 21

et al., 2004, who introduce the new method of Bayesian Programming) and in bio-
logically inspired approaches in particular (e.g. Hafner, 2004). While there was a lot
of progress – researchers were forced to deal with the intricacies of the interaction
with the real world, such as noise, imprecisions, change, unpredictability – there were
also some intrinsic problems with the approach. Remember that one of the aspects of
the principle of ecological balance is the match in complexity of sensory, motor, and
neural systems. Because it is easy to put a high-resolution camera on a robot, and
because wheeled robots only have few degrees of freedom of actuation, many ex-
perimental designs were “unbalanced”: complex sensory systems, very simple motor
systems. As a result of these unbalanced designs, these systems had a relatively unin-
teresting physical dynamics. One implication is that the algorithms used for control
were largely arbitrary: Even though they were mostly biologically inspired, they were
arbitrary with respect to the robot’s own dynamics; one algorithm can be exchanged
by another, achieving essentially the same behavior. Something was missing and
many suspected that this is a complex sensory-motor level with an interesting and rich
As a consequence a number of researchers started working on complex body dy-
namics (e.g. Kuniyoshi et al, 2004; Iida and Pfeifer, 2004a; Proc. of the Int. Work-
shop on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines, AMAM-2003). This shift was
interpreted by critics but also by people sympathetic to these developments, as a
move away from the goal of understanding and building cognitive systems. However,
and this is one of the big insights from embodied artificial intelligence, the exact
opposite was the case: It turned out that a rich complex body dynamics is the founda-
tion, the prerequisite for something like symbol processing to develop (see, e.g.
Okada et al., 2003; Iida and Pfeifer, 2004b; Kuniyoshi et al., 2004). So what hap-
pened is that what seemed like a deviation from the road to cognition, turned out to be
necessary. This view is also compatible with Núñez (2004) who argues that even very
abstract mathematical concepts have their origins, are grounded, in our embodiment
which provides the basis for metaphors. Because these metaphors must be sufficiently
rich for bootstrapping interesting concepts, the embodiment must reflect this richness.
Of course, at the moment, this is all speculation that must be corroborated by many
experiments. But at the risk of being entirely wrong, let us speculate a little further.
There is another, unexpected idea that emerges from this research. The question of
symbol grounding always entails the question of how it is possible that something like
discrete symbol processing can emerge from a completely continuous dynamical
system, such as a human. Rich, complex dynamics also implies many attractor states
and transitions between them. Attractor states are, within the continuous dynamics,
objectively identifiable, discrete states, that can, of course, also be identified by the
agent itself (or himself), given the proper neural system. Once identified, the agent
can start using them, for example, for planning purposes (e.g. Okada et al., 2003;
Kuniyoshi et al., 2004). It is interesting to note that a complex intrinsic sensory-motor
dynamics implies that the neural control is no longer arbitrary, but has to be “in tune”
with the physical substrate, quite in contrast to wheeled robots. Ishiguro and his col-
leagues (2004) have provided a beautiful demonstration, theoretically and in a robot
case study, of how control and body dynamics in a complex agent have to be coupled.
22 R. Pfeifer and F. Iida

If coupled properly, control is not only simpler, but the entire system tends to be more
energy-efficient. Lungarella and Berthouze (2004) in a robotics case study convinc-
ingly demonstrate that a judicious – non-arbitrary – choice of parameters coupling the
neural and body dynamics facilitates the acquisition of motor skills in a developing
organism. Whether these ideas on dynamics will ultimately lead to high-level cogni-
tion or to conscious agents, whether in this way we can achieve the goals set out by
Holland (2004), is an entirely open question.
Tom Ziemke in his contribution (2004) quotes from Gerald Edelman “It is not
enough to say that the mind is embodied: one has to say how.” (Edelman, 1992).
Bootstrapping it from complex body dynamics might be part of the answer.
In their current state, evolutionary studies are, for the time being, restricted to pro-
viding ideas on the distribution of morphology, materials, control, and interaction
with the environment. More varied and taxing task environments will be necessary to
investigate agents with more complex sensory-motor dynamics on top of which cog-
nition can bootstrap. But some of recent approaches demonstrate definite progress in
this direction (e.g. (Bongard, 2003)). However, as alluded to in the previous section,
in order to achieve truly complex organisms, it may be necessary to couple the artifi-
cial evolutionary process to the real world.
To conclude, just few words about applications. While the classical approach has
created many applications in terms of clever algorithms that are now widely used, the
embodied approach seems to be more limited. The major applications have been in
the entertainment and educational areas. As this paper demonstrates, the field is just
beginning to develop a basic understanding and there are many big challenges lying
ahead. We could also add a challenge, namely to exploit these technologies for prac-
tical applications in industry, the environment, and services for the benefit of society.
Research on humanoid robots has an interesting side-effect, so to speak. Human-
oids require the development of sophisticated body parts, legs, arms, hands, etc., that
can potentially be used, at least to some extent, as prosthetic devices. The fascinating
research by Yokoi et al. (2004) and by Boblan et al. (2004) points in this direction.
The ground breaking research by Potter and his co-workers (Bakkum et al., 2004)
might eventually be employed for interfacing these devices smoothly with humans –
an additional intriguing perspective.
As outlined in the section of ubiquitous computing, a better understanding of em-
bodied intelligence will lead to many applications in terms of so-called embedded
systems, i.e. systems that autonomously interact with the real world, not only through
sensing, but also by influencing the world without human intervention. These systems
are not robots in the restricted sense of the word (they are very different from human-
oid robots, for example), but they have many of their characteristics in terms of intel-
ligent, autonomous interaction with the environment. These kind of systems, also
called “robotic devices” are already present in many technical applications (cars,
airplanes, household appliances, elevators, etc.), but by augmenting their “intelli-
gence”, so to speak, many more applications will become possible. This way, the
ideas that embodied artificial intelligence has spurred will spread to numerous scien-
tific and technological areas for the benefit of society.
Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges 23

Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the scientific director of the International

Conference and Research Center for Computer Science, Prof. Reinhard Wilhelm, for
suggesting this conference, and the Swiss National Science Foundation for supporting
the research presented in this paper, grant # 20-68198.02 (“Embodied Artificial
Intelligence”). We would also like to thank the members of the Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory of the University of Zurich for numerous stimulating discussions on this
topic. Credit also goes to Max Lungarella for his many thoughtful comments on this


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