Abhishek Jha - TCA Cycle - Inhibition & Regulation

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TCA Cycle

TCA Cycle

 Also known as Krebs cycle

 TCA cycle essentially involves the oxidation
of acetyl CoA to CO2 and H2O.
 TCA cycle –the central metabolic pathway
 The TCA cycle is the final common oxidative
pathway for carbohydrates, fats, amino
 TCA cycle supplies energy & also provides
many intermediates required for the
synthesis of amino acids, glucose, heme etc.
 TCA cycle is the most important central
pathway connecting almost all the
individual metabolic pathways.
 Definition
 Citric acid cycle or TCA cycle or
tricarboxylic acid cycle essentially involves
the oxidation of acetyl CoA to CO2 & H2O.
 Location of the TCA cycle
 Reactions of occur in mitochondrial matrix,
in close proximity to the ETC.
Reactions of TCA cycle

 Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to

acetyl CoA by PDH complex.
 This step is connecting link between
glycolysis and TCA cycle.
Reactions of TCA Cycle
 Step:1 Formation of citrate
 Oxaloacetate condenses with acetyl CoA to
form Citrate, catalysed by the enzyme
citrate synthase
 Inhibited by:
 ATP, NADH, Citrate - competitive inhibitor
of oxaloacetate.
Steps 2 & 3 Citrate is isomerized to
 Citrate is isomerized to isocitrate by the
enzyme aconitase
 This is achieved in a two stage reaction of
dehydration followed by hydration through
the formation of an intermediate -cis-
Steps 4 & 5 Formation of -ketoglutarate
 Isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) catalyses the
conversion of (oxidative decarboxylation) of
isocitrate to oxalosuccinate & then to -
 The formation of NADH & the liberation of CO2
occure at this stage.
 Stimulated (cooperative) by isocitrate, NAD+,
Mg2+, ADP, Ca2+ (links with contraction).
 Inhibited by NADH & ATP
Step: 6 Conversion of -ketoglutarate to
succinyl CoA
 Occurs through oxidative decarboxylation,
catalysed by -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
 -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is an
multienzyme complex.
 At this stage of TCA cycle, second NADH is
produced & the second CO2 is liberated.
Step: 7 Formation of succinate

 Succinyl CoA is converted to succinate by

succinate thiokinase.
 This reaction is coupled with the
phosphorylation of GDP to GTP.
 This is a substrate level phosphorylation.
 GTP is converted to ATP by the enzyme
nucleoside diphosphate kinase.
Step: 8 Conversion of succinate to
 Succinate is oxidized by succinate
dehydrogenase to fumarate.
 This reaction results in the production of
 Step: 9 Formation of malate: The enzyme
fumarase catalyses the conversion of
fumarate to malate with the addition of H2O.
Step:10 Conversion of malate to
 Malate is then oxidized to oxaloacetate by
malate dehydrogenase.
 The third & final synthesis of NADH occurs
at this stage.
 The oxaloacetate is regenerated which can
combine with another molecule of acetyl
CoA & continue the cycle.
CO2, NADH + H+
Acetyl CoA

Oxaloacatete Citrate Citrate

NAD+ synthase
Malate Cis-Aconitase
- H2O Fumarase Aconitase
Fumarate TCA
FAD Iso-citrate
Succinate NADH + H+
GTP Oxalosuccinate
GDP+Pi Succinyl CoA
CO2, NADH + H+
From: Summerlin LR (1981) Chemistry for the Life Sciences. New York: Random House p 550.
Regeneration of oxaloacetate

 The TCA cycle basically involves the

oxidation of acetyl CoA to CO2 with the
simultaneous regeneration of oxaloacetate.
 There is no net consumption of oxaloacetate
or any other intermediate in the cycle.
Significance of TCA cycle
 Complete oxidation of acetyl CoA.
 ATP generation.
 Final common oxidative pathway.
 Integration of major metabolic pathways.
 Fat is burned on the wick of carbohydrates.
 Excess carbohydrates are converted as neutral fat
 No net synthesis of carbohydrates from fat.
 Carbon skeleton of amino acids finally enter the
TCA cycle.
Requirement of O2 by TCA cycle
 There is no direct participation of O2 in TCA

 Operates only under aerobic conditions.

 This is due to, NAD+ & FAD required for the

operation of the cycle can be regenerated in

the respiratory chain only in presence of O2.
 Therefore, citric acid cycle is strictly aerobic.
Energetics of TCA Cycle

 Oxidation of 3 NADH by ETC coupled with

oxidative phosphorylation results in the
synthesis of 9ATP.
 FADH2 leads to the formation of 2ATP.
 One substrate level phosphorylation.
 Thus, a total of 12 ATP are produced from one
acetyl CoA.
Regulation of TCA Cycle

 Three regulatory enzymes

1. Citrate synthase
2. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
3.α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
 Citrate synthase is inhibited by ATP, NADH,
acyl CoA & succinyl CoA.
 Isocitrate dehydrogenase is activated by
ADP & inhibited by ATP and NADH
 α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is inhibited
by succinyl CoA & NADH.
 Availability of ADP is very important for
TCA cycle to proceed.
Inhibitors of TCA Cycle
 Aconitase is inhibited by fluoro-acetate.
 This is a non-competitive inhibition.
 Alpha ketoglutarate is inhibited by Arsenite.
 This is also a non-competitive.
 Succinate dehydrogenase is inhibited by
 This is competitive inhibition.
Amphibolic nature of the TCA cycle

 TCA cycle is both catabolic & anabolic in

nature, called as amphibolic.
 Since various compounds enter into or leave
from TCA cycle, it is sometimes called as
metabolic traffic circle.
Important anabolic reactions of TCA cycle
 Oxaloacetate is precursor for aspartate.
 α-ketoglutarate can be transaminated to
 Succinyl CoA is used for synthesis of heme.
 Mitochondrial citrate is transported to
cytoplasm & it is cleaved into acetyl CoA to
provide substrate for fatty acid synthesis.
Anaplerosis or anaplerotic reactions

 The reactions concerned to replenish or to

fill up the intermediates of citric acid cycle
are called anaplerotic reactions or
Important anaplerotic reactions
 Pyruvate carboxylase catalyses conversion of
pyruvate to oxaloacetate.
 This is an ATP dependent carboxylation
Pyruvate+CO2+ATP Oxaloacetate + ADP
+ Pi
• Pyruvate is converted to malate by NADP+
dependent malate dehydrogenase (malic
Pyruvate + CO2 + NADPH + H+
malate + NADPH + H2O
 α- ketoglutarate can also be synthesized
from glutamate by glutamate
Glutamate + NAD(P) + H2O α-
ketoglutarate +NAD(P)H + H+ + NH4+

 Transamination is a process where an

amino acid transfers its amino group to a
keto group and itself gets converted to a keto
 The formation of Alpha ketoglutarate &
oxaloacetate occures by this mechanism.

 Textbook of Biochemistry-U Satyanarayana

 Textbook of Biochemistry- DM Vasudevan
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