Travel Agency Membership Form

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Retail Membership Application Form Page 1 of 5

Version – 2015
Important Notes:

1. Please complete this application in block letters

2. Tick appropriate blocks
3. Answer all questions
4. Attach proof of payment for the prescribed administration fee, made payable to ASATA

New Application form: Change of ownership or shareholding:

1. Name of Company, Close Corporation, Partnership, Sole Proprietor or other (hereafter referred to as


(a) If the applicant has a trade name please state such name here


(b) If this application is in respect of a change of shareholding / Name change, please give previous
trading name (if applicable)


(c) Company’s registration number _________________________________________________________

(d) Company’s VAT number _______________________________________________________________

2. Registered address of applicant:

P.O. Box _________________________________ Post Office _________________________________

Postal Code ______________________________ Docex No___ _______________________________

Telephone No ____________________________ Fax No ____________________________________

Nominated contact person within the Travel Business: ________________________________________

Mobile number ____________________________ E-mail Address ______________________________

Designation ______________________________ Website ____________________________________

Street Address (in full) _________________________________________________________________


Member of Travel Grouping ____________________ Independent ______________________________

3. Please list location of all branches / in-houses (if any)



Retail Membership Application Form Page 2 of 5

Version – 2015
4. Is this application in respect of a:

Company □ Public □ Limited Liability □

Close Corporation □ Partnership □ Sole Proprietor □
Other □ Specify ‘Other’ ________________________________________

5. Is the applicant IATA approved

YES □ NO □ Application pending □ (proof required)

If YES, please state IATA reference number: ________________________________________________

If NO, please outline how you plan to issue airline tickets?_____________________________________


6. Which Global Distribution System does your office make use of?

Travelport □ Amadeus □ Sabre □ None □ Other □ ________________

7. Does your travel business assist consumers with the following:

· Domestic Air Travel - Yes / No
· International Air Travel - Yes / No
· Purchase of Foreign Exchange - Yes / No
· Visa Applications - Yes / No
· Domestic Hotel - Yes / No
· International Hotel - Yes / No
· Domestic Ground transfers - Yes / No

8. Financial year end (month) ____________________________________________________________

9. Location (Office block, Shopping Complex, home office etc.) __________________________________

10. Is any other business being conducted from these premises

YES □ NO □
11. If yes, give full details: ______________________________________________________________



12. Business specialty:

Leisure ______% / Corporate ______% / Government ______%

13. (a) Date of commencement of Travel Business (new application) ____________________________

(b) Date of change of ownership ________________________________________________________

c) Date of change of trading name _______________________________________________________

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Version – 2015
14. Full names of all Directors (and Alternate Directors), or all Partners with financial interest, or Sole
Proprietor as the case may be. Please attach CIPC registration document.

Directors or Members: 1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

Shareholders: 1. ____________________________________________ ______%

2. ____________________________________________ ______%

3. ____________________________________________ ______%

4. ____________________________________________ ______%

(Please note: If any of the persons named above has any direct or indirect interest in another travel
agency, airline, etc. details of such interest must also be stated)



15. (a) Is / are any of the above (Point 16) employed at the Travel Business?

YES □ NO □
(b) If yes to (a), give name(s):




16. Has any Director/Partner / Sole Proprietor / CEO or Staff Member previously

(a) By reason of improper conduct been dismissed or asked to leave from a position of trust?
YES □ NO □

(b) Been convicted of an offense involving dishonesty?

YES □ NO □
17. Has any Director / Shareholder / CEO ever been liquidated or placed under judicial management?
YES □ NO □
(Please note: If the answer to question 16(a), 16(b) or 17 is yes, an Affidavit must be attached to this
application giving full particulars.)

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Version – 2015
18. Any supplementary information which you feel might assist and promote this application




19. Please give reasons for applying for ASATA membership.



I, ______________________________________ being duly authorized to make application on behalf of the

above-named applicant, hereby declare that the answers given above, and on any annexures or any supporting
documentation are true and correct in all aspects. I also confirm that the applicant agrees to abide by the
requirements of the ASATA Code of Conduct, ASATA Constitution, applicable Terms of Reference and Conventions
between Sections as entered into from time to time.

Signed at _____________________________ on this ______ day of ____________________ 20______

_________________________________________ ______________________________________
Name of Person completing form Signature

Position held in the company ____________________________________________________________

Supporting documents to be submitted with this application:

Full Membership:

Full set of Audited Financial Statements / Independent review

Annexure C – Directors /CEO / Members Personal details
Annexure D – Employee Details & full CV’s with proof of qualifications
CICP Company registration document
BBBEE certificate or letter of exemption
Valid Tax clearance certificate
Photos of inside and outside view of the travel business
Letters of reference from an ASATA Member



P O Box 650539


Administration fee (non-refundable) R1 550.00 (incl. VAT) Must accompany application form
Once off entrance fee R9 051.00 (incl. VAT)
Subscriptions per annum R9,051.00 (incl. VAT)
Retail Membership Application Form Page 5 of 5
Version – 2015

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