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International Journal of Energy Economics and

ISSN: 2146-4553

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International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2019, 9(5), 458-464.

The Relationship of Environmental Management Accounting,

Environmental Strategy and Managerial Commitment with
Environmental Performance and Economic Performance

Debbie Christine1, Winwin Yadiati2, Nunuy Nur Afiah2, Tettet Fitrijanti2

Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Widyatama University, Bandung, Indonesia, 2Department of Accounting, Faculty
of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia. *Email: [email protected]

Received: 23 April 2019 Accepted: 29 June 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.8284

Nowadays, carbon and other ozone harming emanations are one of the fundamental drivers of this overshoot. In the light of this discussion, the current
examination aims to investigate the relationship between accounting, management sand environment in realizing firm performance. In doing so, the
current examination opted to inspect the critical relationship of environmental management accounting (EMA), environmental strategies (ENS) and
managerial commitment (MAC) in driving firm performance. Given the concerns within the literature that environmental processing within organization
enhance financial costs, the authors of the study are motivated to analyze the impact of the variables on both environmental and economic performance
(ECP) of small medium enterprises in Indonesia. We apply novel partial least square structural equation modelling by collected the data from 317
respondents of different small and medium size enterprises of Indonesia. The results of SEM confirm that ECP and environmental performance (ENP)
have significantly and positively impacted by ENS. The outcomes of partial least square structural equation modelling also indicate that economic and
ENP has also positively and significantly impacted by the EMA. Finally, the results of partial least squares structural equation modeling also specified
that ECP and ENP have significantly and positively affected by MAC.
Keywords: Environmental Strategy, Managerial Commitment, Environmental Management Accounting
JEL Classifications: Q55, Q50

1. INTRODUCTION emanations, environmental management has proved to be

beneficial (Kaplan-Hallam and Bennett, 2018).
Environmental condition, at present, is experiencing massive
decline. The yearly Earth Overshoot day denotes the day on In the field of accounting, environmental management accounting
which human-actuated contamination surpasses the conveying (EMA) has been regarded as the successful notion for reducing
limit the earth accommodates a given year (Qian et al., 2018). ecological burdens in the form of energy dependence and
This suggested that humans, in the current times, are exerting carbon footprints. In similar context, several features of EMA
higher pressures on the ecological atmosphere. Carbon and other in the form of material flow cost, sustainability balanced score
ozone harming emanations are one of the fundamental drivers card, and ecological control (eco-control) are found useful in
of this overshoot (Mancini, et al., 2016; Haruna and Mahmood, identifying firm’s effects on the ecological conditions (Nouri
2018). In addition, industries have been the principle producers et al., 2019; Jasch, 2008; Henri and Journeault, 2018; Lu et al.,
of ozone harming substances, in the past as well as in the present. 2018). The focus of earlier studies that examined the role of
In order to curtail negative ecological effects including carbon environmental accounting was limited to identifying the costs

This Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

458 International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | Vol 9 • Issue 5 • 2019
Meiryani and Susanto: The Relationship of Environmental Management Accounting, Environmental Strategy and Managerial Commitment with Environmental
Performance and Economic Performance

associated with firm’s processes that can disrupt ecological After section one, the later chapter of the investigation presents
conditions. In this regard, majority of the studies examined the literature review and identified existing studies regarding
impact and measurement of environmental costs (Epstein, 1996; environmental management, accounting and performance nexus.
Parker, 1997; Jasch, 2003; Gale, 2006; Hye and Jafri, 2011). Next, in section three, the utilized methods of the study are
While the focal point of past natural and social accounting discussed. Section four of the investigation reported empirical
and revealing examination is transcendently on ecological findings and section five presents study conclusion and future
exposure, EMA has been progressively utilized and explored as recommendations.
an organization’s interior management tool to deal with firm’s
ecological burden and orthodox practices (Qian et al., 2018). 2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND
Hence, it has been recognized that EMA can assume a critical job
in nudging operational impartial as a hierarchical change towards HYPOTHESIS
diminishing corporate ecological effects and thereby enhance
firm’s environmental management practices (Schaltegger, 2018; 2.1. Environmental Strategies
Hossain et al., 2018). Environmentally driven strategies can be characterized as a
bundle of activities that can decrease the effect of tasks on
In addition to firm’s supreme emphasis on EMA, the environmental the ecological atmosphere through goods, procedures and
strategies (ENS) of the organizations are articulated and firms policies, for example, curtailing energy dependence and
implemented with ecological motivations (Phan et al., 2018). The pollution, utilizing renewable sources of energy and implementing
role of ENS strengthens organizational internal consciousness ecological management processes (Bansal and Roth, 2000). In
for improved environmental condition and therefore assist in the investigations of ENP, the contribution of ENS is prominent.
diminishing negative environmental pressures. Moreover, given However, for future survivals, the significance of such strategies
the risen environmental regulation, the need for corporations’ is also valuable in analyzing their impact on firm’s financial
sound environmental policies and strategies are crucial to performance. In the current stream of literature, many authors
protect future growth and market image. In this regard, firm’s analyzed the nexus of ENS and performance. Among them,
strategies regarding eco-proficient procedures for curtailing Aragón-Correa et al. (2008) examined the link between ENS-
energy dependence along with controlling all form of pollution, performance of small firms in Spain. Using the data of 108 vehicle
recycling material use, utilization of green material, advance garages, the outcomes of the investigation reported the critical role
technological efficiency to limit the firm’s environmental impact of ENS in terms of innovation driven and eco-efficient practices.
is crucial to ensure sustainable development (Aragón-Correa and The outcomes of the analysis found the significant relationship of
Sharma, 2003). both ENS to enhance small firms’ performance in Spain.

Organization’s enhanced environmental consciousness cannot In another investigation, Claver-Cortés et al. (2007) also examined
be successful in reaching the objective of sustainability without the association between ENS and performance of resorts in Spain.
management support. In this regard, managerial commitment Analyzing the data of 153 hotels, the authors of the analysis
(MAC) for ecological improvement is significant to achieve reported that ENS do not strongly drive firm performance in
productive organizational growth. In many ecological processes, Spanish hotel industry. On the other hand, Venkatraman and
organizations have to face with difficult tradeoff between monetary Prescott (1990) also analyzed the significant alignment of
benefits and cost increments. Under such condition, the MAC environment and firm strategies to influence firm performance.
is necessary to strengthen organizational ecologically driven The findings of the investigation established that environment
objectives over financial gains. However, many studies believed strategies amalgamation is significant in the process of driving
that firm’s efficient environmental policies not only confine the organizational performance. In particular, the authors stated that
ability to improve environmental performance (ENP) but also environment-strategy coalignment is significant to bring positive
boost organizational economic performance (ECP). change in organizational performance.

Therefore, in the light of above discussion, the current examination Focusing on innovative ENS, Prajogo (2016) analyzed the
aims to investigate the relationship between accounting, contribution of ecologically driven firm’s innovation strategies in
management and environment in realizing firm performance. In enhancing firm performance. For this, the authors used the data of
doing so, the current examination opted to inspect the critical 207 organizations of Australia. The outcomes of the investigation
relationship of EMA, ENS and MAC in driving firm performance. found support for the significant link between ecologically
Given the concerns within the literature that environmental driven firm strategies and performance. In particular, the results
processing within organization enhance financial costs, the authors suggested that process innovative strategies and product innovative
of the study are motivated to analyze the impact of the variables on strategies are augmented firm performance in both medium and
both environmental and ECP of small medium enterprises (SMEs) large enterprises.
in Indonesia (Umrani et al., 2017; Hussaini and Muhammad,
2017). The expected outcomes of the study would be useful in Hence, the present examination postulates the following
lending support to SMEs environmental management policies hypotheses;
and help in identifying firm’s solution to rising environmental Hypothesis-1: ENS are significant to drive firm’s ECP
deterioration. Hypothesis-2: ENS are significant to drive firm’s ENP.

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Meiryani and Susanto: The Relationship of Environmental Management Accounting, Environmental Strategy and Managerial Commitment with Environmental
Performance and Economic Performance

2.2. Environmental Management Accounting increase in MAC is likely to increase firm financial performance
The motives of sustainability are impractical if achieved without in Mexico.
the co-ordination of managers, departments and firm’s owners.
The amalgamation of departmental collaboration in the modern Moreover, Gong et al. (2009) and Haseeb et al. (2019) also inspected
business practices is evident to ensure success. In this regard, the relationship among HRM, commitment and performance. For
EMA proved to be the efficient tool that combines the productive this, the authors used the data of 463 organizations of China. In
capacities and capabilities of information technology, management particular, the statistical results tested the effects of HR in their
and accounting to fulfill firms’ organizational and environmental drive for performance and maintenance on managers affective
goals (Keho, 2017; Johnstone, 2018). The aspects of EMA is and continuance commitment; that subsequently impact firm
useful in delivering ecological management by providing internal performance. The results of the analysis confirmed the significant
and external data availability to strengthen environmental and role of performance-oriented HR and maintenance oriented
corporations’ decisions. HR practices in enhancing affective and continuance MAC
respectively. Furthermore, the results of the study confirmed the
In the prevailing literature, very limited examinations analyzed significant relationship of affective MAC in augmenting firm
the role of EMA in driving performance. The majority of the performance. However, the results of the examinations failed to
existing EMA literature is focused to environmental disclosure find the significant statistical link between continuance MAC on
and cost measurements (Epstein, 1996; Parker, 1997; Gale, organization performance.
2006). Among such investigations, Jasch (2003) explored the
contribution of EMA in realizing firm’s environmental costs. In another examination, Abdallah et al. (2016) lined MAC to
Using the sample data of accounting subdivisions, the findings innovation with firm performance and customer satisfaction.
of the investigations established the noteworthy contribution of The study utilized the data of 214 firms of Brazil, Italy, Austria,
EMA in realizing firm’s environmental costs (Jermsittiparsert, Sweden, Germany, USA, Japan, Spain, China, Korea and Finland.
2016). The empirical results tested the both direct and indirect effects on
MAC on firm performance and customer satisfaction. In specific,
Moreover, Qian et al. (2018) also analyzed the contribution of the findings established that MAC improved firm operation
EMA in assisting carbon management (CAM) along with firm’s performance. Also, the outcomes confirmed the positive role of
discloser capacity quality (DSQ). For this, the authors used the MAC in influencing the association of performance and customer
data of four industrialized nations of Germany, Australia, USA and satisfaction. Furthermore, Nakos et al. (1998) also reported the
Japan. Assessing 114 firm, the outcomes of the examination found positive link between commitment and export performance of
the role of EMA to be crucial in supporting CAM and improving SMEs in Greece. Focusing on ecological conditions, Latan et al.
DSQ. In addition, Phan et al. (2018) also studied the importance (2018) examined the role of top management commitment on ENP.
of EMA in affecting organization’s ENP (Jermsittiparsert et al., The results of the analysis found the significance of management
2019). Studying the sample of 208 Australian firms, the results commitment in driving firm’s ENP.
of the examination support the significant role of EMA practices
in driving firm’s performance. Thus, the current examination hypothesizes the following;
Hypothesis-5: MAC is significant to drive firm’s ECP
In a recent analysis, Latan et al. (2018) assessed the role of EMA Hypothesis-6: MAC is significant to drive firm’s ENP.
in detail. The authors investigated the direct impact of EMA
in influencing organizations ENP and also the contribution of The research model for the current study is displayed in Figure 1.
other ecologically driven factors to impact both EMA and firm’s
ecological performance. Analyzing the data of 107 manufacturing 3. METHODOLOGY
companies of Indonesia, the authors established that EMA is
significant in driving firm’s ENP. For the rest of the variables, The method of information collection in the present study is
the study also found the significant role of EAS and MAC in finished by collecting the data from the SMEs firms of Indonesia.
influencing organizational ENP. In addition, we select 79 distinctive SMEs of Indonesia. For fast
and flat information gathering process, we make a comprehension
Thus, the current study aims to test the following hypotheses; of our review survey into the English language and send to the
Hypothesis-3: EMA is significant to drive firm’s ECP selected different SMEs. In this way, a total of 372 sample was
Hypothesis-4: EMA is significant to drive firm’s ENP. gathered to using both printed and soft copy of the survey. The
method for data gathering took a period of 4 months, 2 weeks and
2.3. Managerial Commitment 4 days and gathered 357 survey questionnaires with the response
Many studies explored the connection between firms’ potentials rate of 95.96%.
for growth in terms of performance measures and commitment of
their workforce. Focusing on MAC, Vento et al. (2016) examined The current study investigates the impact of ENS, EMA and
the relationship between MAC, HR development and firm’s MAC on economic and ENP in Indonesia. To achieve this goal,
monetary performance in Mexico. Utilizing the observation of 234 the current study looks at the research model based on prior
employees, the findings of the study confirmed the significance of investigations, and the model is displayed in Figure 1. The essential
MAC in predicting performance. In specific, the results stated that attributes of the variables are explained by utilizing the Likert

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Meiryani and Susanto: The Relationship of Environmental Management Accounting, Environmental Strategy and Managerial Commitment with Environmental
Performance and Economic Performance

Figure 1: Conceptual model

Strategies Economic


scale technique from 5 (strongly agree) to 1 (strongly disagree). Table 1: Descriptive statistics
Technical speaking, the current study uses five variables. The Descriptive statistics Frequency Percent
variables used into this study are the ENS, EMA, MAC, ECP Gender
and ENP. The items of these variables are also adopted from the Valid Female 112 35
previous studies. The four items of (ENS) are taken from the Male 205 65
earlier study of Latan et al. (2018). Moreover, the four items of Total 317 100
(EMA) are also adopted from the prior research of Latan et al. Valid 20‑30 years 45 14
(2018). Furthermore, the four items of (MAC) are taken from the 31‑40 years 178 56
past research of Latan et al. (2018). The four items of (ECP) are 41‑50 years 58 18
adopted from the earlier research of Zhu et al. (2016). Finally, 51 and above 36 11
the four items used in this study are take from the past study of Total 317 100
Working experience
Zhu et al. (2013).
Valid 1‑5 years 45 14
6‑10 years 192 61
More than 15 years 42 13
Total 317 100
In the current study, the data investigation is done by using two Education
statistical programming which is the SmartPLS Version 3.2.8 Valid Undergraduate 38 12
(Haseeb et al., 2019; Ringle et al., 2015) and Statistical Package Graduate 234 74
for Social Sciences (version-23). The last information taken for the Post Graduate 15 5
present examination is 317 subsequent to taking out univariate and Others 30 9
multivariate exceptions. The strategy for perceiving of univariate Total 317 100
and multivariate exceptions are Z-test score and Mahalanobis Source: Authors estimation

Distance (D2) by using SPSS (V-23) and further information

examination is finished by applying SmartPLS. Shown Table 1 is Table 2: Means and Pearson correlations, (n=317)
the structure and organization of the final collected data utilized Variables Mean ENS EMA MAC ECP ENP
in this examination. Furthermore, Table 2 reported the mean and ENS 4.028 ‑
Pearson’s Correlation of the components utilized in the current EMA 3.878 0.372** ‑
study. Also, to deal with the issue of multicollinearity, we pursue MAC 4.213 0.401** 0.311** ‑
the investigation of Hair et al. (2010) begin that by a broad range ECP 4.016 0.327** 0.294** 0.324** ‑
in Pearson’s Correlation examination should underneath 0.90. ENP 4.009 0.292** 0.336** 0.377** 0.482** ‑
Subsequently, confirm the nonappearance of multicollinearity **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2‑tailed).

among the variables (Hair et al., 2013; Frooghi et al., 2015).

Additionally, content legitimacy is built up if the items using in the
The results of descriptive statistics are reported in Table 1 with data examination load with high values in their specific factor in
complete structure and composition of the collected data. The comparison with the items appeared in the model, while internal
descriptive statistics is further divided into four different sub- consistence is acknowledged if the estimation of Cronbach’s
categories which are gender, age, work experience and education. alpha and composite reliability value discovered more noticeable
Table 1 explains the percentage decomposition of all the sub- than 0.7 (Hair et al., 2013; Waseem et al., 2013). Factor loadings
categories. and composite reliability value are showed up in Table 3 which

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Meiryani and Susanto: The Relationship of Environmental Management Accounting, Environmental Strategy and Managerial Commitment with Environmental
Performance and Economic Performance

Table 3: Measurement model results

Variable Items Factor loadings Cronbach’s alpha Composite reliability AVE
Environmental strategy ENS1 0.889 0.893 0.846 0.603
ENS2 0.858
ENS3 0.905
ENS4 0.925
Environmental management accounting EMA1 0.868 0.903 0.867 0.633
EMA2 0.833
EMA3 0.844
EMA4 0.838
Managerial commitment MAC1 0.840 0.936 0.863 0.611
MAC2 0.818
MAC3 0.872
MAC4 0.789
Economic performance ECP1 0.851 0.884 0.825 0.592
ECP2 0.809
ECP3 0.761
ECP4 0.809
Environmental performance ENP1 0.828 0.890 0.833 0.618
ENP2 0.819
ENP3 0.790
ENP4 0.771
Source: Authors Estimation. AVE: Average variance extracted

demonstrate that a smooth estimation of the items factor loadings Table 4: Discriminant validity Fornell‑Larcker criterion
more clear than 0.7. Additionally, these loadings appear in their Variable ENS EMA MAC ECP ENP
individual parts which ensuring the inner consistency of the ENS 0.777
selected construct. EMA 0.381 0.796
MAC 0.306 0.286 0.782
ECP 0.442 0.412 0.392 0.769
Moreover, convergent legitimacy explains to what degree an item
ENP 0.319 0.395 0.336 0.409 0.786
as for a specific factor loaded to other factors where they expected
Source: Authors estimation
to be loaded (Mehmood and Najmi, 2017). In this investigation,
convergent legitimacy is displayed by using an average variance
extracted (AVE) for each factor (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Table 5: Results of loadings and cross loadings
They give the benchmark of more fundamental than and reported Variable ENS EMA MAC ECP ENP
differently in association with 0.5 for ensuring the convergent Environmental strategy 0.889 0.235 0.327 0.159 0.332
0.858 0.383 0.249 0.233 0.281
legitimacy. The consequences of AVE in Table 3 is ensuring the
0.905 0.097 0.183 0.211 0.315
fundamental parameters. 0.925 0.325 0.314 0.252 0.342
Environmental 0.183 0.868 0.426 0.195 0.258
In the further stage, discriminant legitimacy is revealed as how management accounting 0.159 0.833 0.259 0.398 0.219
much an item of a factor is discriminant and novel from other 0.097 0.844 0.189 0.349 0.245
variables used in a model (Frooghi et al., 2015). As indicated by 0.238 0.838 0.214 0.261 0.317
Managerial commitment 0.216 0.252 0.840 0.201 0.277
Fornell and Larcker (1981), the discriminant legitimacy is said to 0.340 0.161 0.818 0.219 0.356
be established if the AVE square root value is more than the pair- 0.168 0.161 0.872 0.202 0.313
wise relationship of the unidentified factor (latent variable). The 0.312 0.384 0.789 0.140 0.272
results appeared in Table 4, bold and italic values are the square Economic performance 0.325 0.270 0.168 0.851 0.283
root of AVE which is more than the off-diagonal value which are 0.226 0.342 0.339 0.809 0.400
the pair-wise relationship of each factor. Additionally, Table 5 0.255 0.418 0.316 0.761 0.283
0.138 0.312 0.262 0.809 0.244
shows the factor loadings of an alternate and individual factor, Environmental 0.350 0.209 0.177 0.242 0.828
in like manner, articulating the cut-off benchmark. So likewise, performance 0.251 0.170 0.257 0.301 0.819
the discriminant legitimacy is additionally affirmed if the Hetro 0.293 0.250 0.386 0.279 0.790
Trait and Mono Trait parameter are lower than 0.85 as proposed 0.283 0.392 0.183 0.319 0.771
by Henseler et al. (2015). The outcomes in Table 6 uncovered that Source: Authors estimation
all factors have Discriminant validity.
t-statistics, and their noteworthy incentive with the remarks about
In the final step, we related a partial least square system to research the hypothesis testing.
the model structure and hypothesis testing which showing path
coefficients, t-stats, and significance value. As showed up by Chin The outcomes of the partial least square structural equation
(1998) proposition, a bootstrapping system utilizing 1000 sub-test modelling are shown in Table 7. It confirmed that the outcomes
was related with confirming the quantifiable key assessments of the with regression path coefficient, t-statistics, probability values
considerable number of values. Table 7 uncovers beta coefficients, (P values) and the remarks related to the hypothesis testing.

462 International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | Vol 9 • Issue 5 • 2019
Meiryani and Susanto: The Relationship of Environmental Management Accounting, Environmental Strategy and Managerial Commitment with Environmental
Performance and Economic Performance

Table 6: Results of HTMT ratio of correlations strengthen organizational ecologically driven objectives over
ENS EMA MAC ECP ENP financial gains. However, many studies believed that firm’s
ENS efficient environmental policies not only confine the ability to
EMA 0.704 improve ENP but also boost organizational ECP.
MAC 0.326 0.613
ECP 0.492 0.530 0.622 In the light of above discussion, the current examination aims to
ENP 0.339 0.597 0.564 0.589
investigate the relationship between accounting, management and
Source: Authors estimation
environment in realizing firm performance. In doing so, the current
examination opted to inspect the critical relationship of EMA, ENS
Table 7: Results of path coefficients and MAC in driving firm performance. Given the concerns within
Hypothesized Path CR P value Remarks the literature that environmental processing within organization
path coefficient enhance financial costs, the authors of the study are motivated to
ECP←ENS 0.246 4.305 0.000 Supported analyze the impact of the variables on both environmental and ECP
ENP←ENS 0.215 3.497 0.000 Supported of SMEs in Indonesia. We apply novel partial least square structural
ECP←EMA 0.302 3.994 0.000 Supported
ENP←EMA 0.332 4.030 0.000 Supported equation modelling by collected the data from 317 respondents of
ECP←MAC 0.291 5.456 0.000 Supported different small and medium size enterprises of Indonesia. The results
ENP←MAC 0.302 5.212 0.000 Supported of SEM confirm that ECP and ENP have significantly and positively
Level of significance (5% i.e., 0.050). Source: Authors’ estimation impacted by ENS. The outcomes of partial least square structural
equation modelling also indicate that economic and ENP has also
Generally, the outcome confirm that all selected variables have a positively and significantly impacted by the EMA. Finally, the results
positive and significant impact on economic and ENP in the SMEs of PLS-SEM also specified that ECP and ENP have significantly
in Indonesia. Moreover, the outcomes of the partial least squares and positively affected by MAC. In conclusion, the current study
structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) confirm that ECP (β = contributes that the adoption of good ENS and effective MAC will
0.246, P < 0.000) and ENP (β = 0.215, P < 0.000) have significantly eventually help the SMEs to improve their ECP as well as ENP.
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