No Gods No Masters (Download)
No Gods No Masters (Download)
No Gods No Masters (Download)
© 2024 Onyx Path Publishing. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted materi-
al in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. “Scion”
and all characters, names, places, and text herein are copyrighted by Onyx Path Publishing.
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Symbols 24
The Dawn of a New Age 7 Big Bang 24
What’s About to Happen 7 First Responders 25
Theme and Mood 7 Eyewitness Account 25
How to Use This Book 8 In the Ruins 26
Running a Game from the Book 8 Preliminary Enquiries 26
Do 8 Fate’s Tripwire 26
Give each player At the Crossroads 27
the time to forge their own path 8 Preparation 27
Listen to your players 8 You Meet at A Tavern 27
Get creative with description 8 Leads 27
Play around with pacing 8 Any Questions? 28
Change the scenario Wrong Turn 28
to suit you and your group 9 So What? 28
Don’t 9 Apple of Discord 28
Run straight from Getting Home 30
the page without amendment 9
Following the Threads 30
Panic if the players
Complications 30
do something unexpected 9
Saran Avenue 31
Worry about knowing all the rules 9
Glenniver Caverns 31
Worry about adhering
River Diversion 31
to an idea of canon 9
Consolations 31
CHAPTER ONE: The Parthenon 32
Corinth in the West 32
New Gods with Old Faces 12 Change the Narrative 33
The Worm in the Apple 13 Haunted 33
The Crossroads Goddess 14 Cave of Cats 33
The Plan 14 Above Ground 34
Step One: Isolation 15 Simona 34
Step Two: Self-Defense 15 Below Ground 35
Step Three: Unification 16 The Gateway 35
Step Four: The Breaking of Atlantis 16 The Lesser Ganges 36
Step Five: Ceremony 16 Lord Shiva’s Child 36
On the DL 17 Karna 37
New Gods, No Masters 17 Stay the Course 38
Blodeuwedd, Faces of Flowers (Plant Don) 17 The Fallen Parthenon 38
Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord (Theoi) 18 Antony Carvalho 38
Expanded Attitude Rules: Group Loyalty 18 The Ruin Hammer 38
Blood and Stone 39
CHAPTER TWO: The Eyes of The World 41
Questions 42
ARMAGEDDON JAM 20 Recruitment 42
Overview 21 Threats 42
Running This Adventure 21 Reporting In 43
On-ramp to Armageddon 21 Travis 43
A Bespoke Armageddon 22 Apple 43
The Keepers of The World 22 Kirsten 43
The A-Plot 22 Sentinel Falls 44
The B-Plots 22 The Time is Now 44
Armageddon Jam 23 The Falls 44
Prologue: Read the Signs 23 Zalmoxis’s Triumph 45
table of contents 3
Karna’s Sacrifice 46 Artemi 63
Eris’s Intervention 46 Living Atlantis: Meeting Leonie 63
Aftermath 47 Friends of the Keepers 63
Group Loyalty 47 Foes of the Keepers 64
Proud Parents 47 Kasmena 64
Living Atlantis: Local Celebrity 64
CHAPTER THREE: Breaking News 65
INCOGNITO LOVE SONG 48 Living Atlantis: Historic Interest 65
Interstices 65
Overview 49 Queen Xenope’s Tomb 65
Running This Adventure 49 The Labyrinth 66
Strands of Fate 50 Ruined Atlantis: Spiritual Null 66
Scene Map 50 Ruined Atlantis: Graverobbers 67
The Keepers of The World 50 Local Guide 68
The A-Plot 50 Dr. Dodds 68
The B-Plot 51 Ruined Atlantis: Not Alive but Kicking 68
Incognito Love Song 51 Lay the Dead to Rest 69
Prologue: Atlantis Returns 51 Ruined Atlantis: City Sightseeing 69
Ruined Atlantis 51 Interstices 69
Returned Atlantis 51 Queen Xenope’s Tomb 69
Early Interactions 51 The Labyrinth 70
Call to Action 52 Extensive Study 70
Travis 52 Ruined Atlantis: The Lost Gods 71
Apple 52 Complications: We’ve Got Company 71
Kirsten 52 Secrets of the Gods 71
Signs and Portents 52 Ruined Atlantis: The Keepers of The World 72
Travel Times 52 Meeting Kerem 72
Breaking the Journey: Constanta 53 Silencing Kerem 72
Eder’s Yacht 53 Clash of Keepers 73
Zalmoxis’s Child 53 Averting Disaster 73
Rumor Market 54 The Black-Lipped Saint Arrives 74
Onward from Constanta 55 The Saint 74
Breaking the Journey: Istanbul 55 The City 74
Onward from Istanbul 56 The Breaking of Atlantis 75
Elsewhere 56 Stalling for Time 75
Sea Crossing 56 Stealing the Varangian Stele 76
It Came from Beneath the Sea 57 Ruined Atlantis 76
Crew 58 Supporting the Keepers 76
Victory 58 Judicious Application of Force 76
Salvation 58 The Breaking 76
Welcome to Glorious Atlantis 58 Aftermath 76
The Atlantean Pantheon 58 Atlantis 76
Atlantis, Living 59 Loyalty Ratings 77
Atlantis, Ruined 60 Kirsten 77
Changing States 60 Hekate 77
What Happens in Atlantis… 60 Eris 77
Living Atlantis: Eyes on the Keepers 60
Beforehand 61 CHAPTER FOUR:
Finding the Keepers 61
Kelvin Sidney 61
Living Atlantis: Meeting Kerem 62 Overview 79
Friends of the Keepers 62 Running This Adventure 79
Foes of the Keepers 63 Changing The World 79
No Longer Human 80 Re-heisting the Rock 94
Scene Map 80 Sinister Rumbling 94
The Keepers of The World 81 A Million Monsters 97
Interacting with Gods 81 Devourers 97
Plans Within Plans 81 Typhon’s Spawn 97
Anthem 81 Fragments of Aniwye 97
Prologue: End of Days 81 Support 98
Think Global, Act Local 82 The Atlantean Pantheon 98
Saving Bystanders 83 The Call 98
Calming Wild Horses 83 What Changed? 99
Our Lady of the Flowers 83 Divine Forensics 99
Absent Friends 84 A Deep Dark Hole 99
Scene of the Crime 85 Imhotep in Atlantis 99
What Actually Happened 85 Means to the End 100
Thief of Fate (•••••) 86 Assassination 101
Kerem’s Phone 86 So, You Unleashed A Primordial 101
What Scott Saw 86 Internal Saboteurs 102
Next Steps 87 Labor Pains 102
Murder Map 87 Group Loyalty 102
Breaking the Thief of Fate 87 Imhotep’s Attitude 102
Hiding the Thief of Fate 87 Blodeuwedd’s Plan 102
Rescue Team 87 Stolen Mantles 102
Target on Our Backs 87 Atlantean Action 103
Windfall 88 Ritual Preparation 103
Fancy Meeting You Here 88 The Miracle of Birth 103
Specifics 88 The Time 103
Taking Action 88 The Place 103
Other Tidbits 88 The Journey 103
Two Torches 89 To Gaze Upon the Divine 103
In a Dark Street 89 Hekate and Other Foes 104
Hekate’s Emissary 89 It Begins 104
Omphaloskepsis 89 Blodeuwedd’s Moment 105
Reasonable Questions 89 Voices of Reason 105
Snatching the Omphalos (I): Epilogue 106
the Museum 90 Apotheosis 106
Spotting a Fake 90
Breaking the Fake Omphalos 91 APPENDIX:
Snatching the Omphalos (II) 91
Guest List 91
The Party 91
The Gracious Host 91 READY MADE CHARACTERS 109
Familiar Faces 92
Hector Luna 110
Access All Areas 93
Xiao Yuze 112
Dial Up the Drama 94
Therese Tanaka 114
Breaking the Real Omphalos 94
David Ogon 116
Worst-Case Scenario Using the Omphalos 94
Mel Sanders 118
table of contents 5
But when the divine element in them became weakened and their
human traits became predominant, they ceased to be able to carry
their prosperity with moderation.
— Plato, Timaeus
point isn’t to stress the players out but to add dynamism to unexpected problem. What you can do is say openly
proceedings. Leave the players breathless. “I wasn’t expecting that; give me a moment.” In that
moment, go to another player to check what they want
TO SUIT YOU AND YOUR GROUP to do. You can think up what to do with the unexpected
“derailment” while you interact with someone else or just
Nothing in No Gods, No Masters is carved in stone.
call for a quick break while you get a drink and have a
Read it ahead of running it and add to it, remove parts, or
think. Better that than paralysis. And if you can’t think
alter bits to suit your group’s needs. If you think it needs
of any way out of the situation, ask the player “What do
more fight scenes, add a couple. If you want to throw a
you want to happen here?” You can even ask the rest of
murder mystery investigation in the middle of it, go ahead.
the group “What does everyone think would be good to
If you want to utilize content from Scion: God or Scion:
see here?” Running a game is collaborative, so utilize the
Dragon or any other book not referenced in this one, please
people around you.
do so. The story is yours to tell. It’s what’s wonderful about
fables: for every tale-teller, the tale will change. WORRY ABOUT KNOWING ALL THE RULES
If you’re uncertain how any of the Storypath rules
DON’T work, just say to the group “There are some rules I’ll need
Storyguides should not do the following with their games: to occasionally check so I’m hoping we can learn as we
RUN STRAIGHT FROM go.” Invite players to help if they seem keen, otherwise
THE PAGE WITHOUT AMENDMENT talk through the rules as you play with them for the first
time, the first few times. Generally, using a system two or
Players can tell when Storyguides are reading from
three times embeds it in the mind of the user.
the page and it tends to grind play to a halt. When you
fixate on the page, you forget the players. You’d be better WORRY ABOUT ADHERING
off referring to what’s in the book and translating it into TO AN IDEA OF CANON
your own words. You also run the risk of extreme linearity Scion is a game without metaplot, so you can do
if you abide only by what’s written, so get creative and add what you like with it without any fear of treading on the
bits of your own work, alter what Storyguide characters toes of what’s printed. In terms of real world histories,
are written to do or say, and bounce off your players’ ideas. mythologies, and faiths, stay respectful but don’t feel
PANIC IF THE PLAYERS you need to cleave entirely to truth. Scion is more about
DO SOMETHING UNEXPECTED fables than the historicity of belief, so just remember:
these stories belong to you and your players.
A part of the skill of Storyguiding is improvisation.
It’s okay if you can’t think of a solution to every
E ris, the embodiment of Discord associated with the the Band thwart their plan, she and Eris do just that. Eris
Theoi, has made it her business to ensure the Keepers doesn’t think The World can actually end — and she’s
don’t get anything they want, ever, without giving Eris her
GODDESS divine force to oppose them. That builds high stakes and, as
the storyline progresses and the players’ characters grow
The Plan 15
What hurts most of all is that the safest, most discreet Unfortunately — or fortunately, for anyone opposing
option is to strip the mantles from their own Scions, be- the Keepers’ designs — The World is complicated. The
ings they care for, in their own ways, and who expect the layers of connections between places, Realms, and Gods
Keepers’ protection. are impossible to map. The threads of Fate snarl and
The only alternative any Keeper has suggested is to tangle as often as they snap. It turns out there’s a certain
in some way align themselves with Primordials. Nobody inertia to destruction, and Atlantis, a point of access to
knows how to do that, or whether it’s even possible. But Ocean, the Axis Mundi that flows between all realms,
they do know the Primordials will survive the rebirth of becomes unstable. It might collapse, which would be
The World: They have to, they’re greater in scope and convenient, or it might disappear, sealed off but not gone.
more deeply rooted in The World than any trifling God. That would be a dangerous risk.
So the Keepers move the Breaking of Atlantis up their
STEP THREE: UNIFICATION schedule, tackling it hastily and without due preparation.
The more philosophically-minded Keepers hypothe- Doing so opens deep divides within the group of Gods,
size that they need to truly become a Pantheon in order to rouses Titanspawn, and inevitably catches the attention
achieve such an enormous set of Deeds as re-making The of powers in every Overworld, Underworld, and Mid-
World. A Pantheon is greater than the sum of its parts, they realm. Whether the Keepers succeed or fail, the Breaking
suggest, and a shared identity will bind together divine of Atlantis advances their plan to its final phase.
beings naturally inclined to be self-assured and indepen-
dent. Pantheons don’t have a single consistent structure, STEP FIVE: CEREMONY
but they do all have a great antagonist, a force of Chaos There’s no one central creation myth: There are as
in opposition to whom the other Gods define themselves. many as there are Pantheons — more, in fact. The Keepers
The same voices — including Imhotep, who is at have identified some themes that have weight and power
least nominally the Keepers’ leader — also speculate that and that they can use to drive their creation forward.
if they’re going to birth a new World, even symbolically, • Creatio Ex Nihilo: A distant, supreme being wills
they must build in rebirth to their own myth. Whether creation into existence from nothing
that’s true or not, rebirth and reincarnation are the only
possible ways for the dead of the new World to move on • Divine Parents: Two primordial forces unite, and
and not simply rot in the dirt. creation is birthed through their union
Herakles, more cunning and guileful than most people • Emergence: The World manifests through a series
give him credit for, has devised a way to kill both birds with of evolutions and developments, often spanning
one stone. He’s been playing Eris, the Theoi’s embodiment multiple layers of reality
of Discord, for generations. First he offered her member- It’s too late for creatio ex nihilo. The World’s right
ship in the Keepers, then he withdrew the offer, knowing there, and nobody wants it to end. Divine parents only
she’d take it extremely personally and do everything pos- encourage multiple generations of Gods, with the oldest
sible to undermine the Keepers’ activities. Through doing holding the most power. It’s unequitable and undesirable.
so, she’s become so intrinsically connected to the Keepers The Keepers of The World want to bring forth their new
she’s effectively a member anyway — an unrecognized, un- World through Emergence. It’s in line with the work
official, uncomfortable member. He’ll cement her position they’ve already done: removing connections to other
by tricking her into murdering one of the Keepers, who realms, bolstering their power, and consciously and de-
will then be resurrected. Rebirth and a dark side to the liberately turning themselves into a Pantheon. They just
Pantheon, accomplished in one masterstroke. need the last step.
After the literal violence and pain involved in the
STEP FOUR: previous stages, many of the Keepers want nothing more
THE BREAKING OF ATLANTIS than a symbolic labor and rebirth for their new, God-free
World. Sadly, they’ll need something more tangible to
While closing Gates and breaking Touchstones
complete their work.
weakens the Gods’ connection to The World, it doesn’t
fully prevent access. As long as the Axes Mundi remain They’ve decided that this last step will be a labor
functional, there’ll always be a way back. Severing an Axis pain, and a concrete example of why The World must be
Mundi is a vast undertaking, and it’s impossible to stop safe from interference and other Realms. They’re going
the Gods from noticing. It’s intended to be the last step to unleash hell. Specifically, Tlazōlteōtl, She of the Black
before the rebirth. Lips, She Who Eats Sin and Excrement, is going to drown
The World in its own sin and filth until she darkens the
Sun. And then she’ll submit to the other Gods’ demands
ON THE DL The Keepers’ other major asset has always been time,
but that’s no longer true. Previously, they could leave gener-
Imagine discovering you’re the Scion of a God just as everything in between is driven by the players’ Scions and
you learn The World is ending. It’s going to be a rough week. their choices. The Scene Map on p. XX presents a likely
path, but there’s no accounting for players’ decisions.
OVERVIEW More cautious groups will likely start with Procedural
The story starts before the players’ Band steps onto or Intrigue scenes; groups inclined to dive in at the deep
the stage. The Keepers of The World — the secret confed- end will throw themselves into Action-Adventure. Some
eration of deities who seek to sever The World from the groups will see every scene in the storyline; some will
realms of the other Gods, and thus their interference — skip huge parts. And that’s fine.
are working on severing key links with the other realms, If players skip one or take a roundabout route, they
called Overworlds and Underworlds. They’ve disguised won’t miss anything critical: A lot of leads and clues lead
their operations as natural or human-made changes, but to the same key people and places. Use Consolations (Sci-
as their activities ramp up, they begin to draw attention on: Origin, p. 70) to drop hints and directions if there’s a
from other Gods. scene you really want the Band to see or a character you
Hekate, Goddess of the Crossroads, is one of the want them to meet. Use neutral or friendly Storyguide
first to notice. She sees a great juncture in the future of characters like Travis or Alesha Dwarnam to gently probe
The World, the possibility of great change and upheaval. the Band. That way you’ll see what clues the players have
She wants to know more before she makes a decision on picked up on and what information you need to deliver
whether to intervene or inform any of the other Gods. To again in a clearer form.
keep the matter private, she needs new playing pieces, Most importantly: The Keepers’ plans progress
and chooses the players’ Scions: They’re based in the city whether the characters engage with them or not. If noth-
that will play host to the Keepers’ first great action, the ing else, they’ll hear about events in their city in the me-
sacrifice and rebirth of a God. dia (news features on river diversions, reports of animal
Acting through her own Scion, Travis, Hekate attacks around a cave network, and stories on a true crime
brings the Scions together and ask them to explore the podcast), and the prevalence and strangeness of these
strange forces acting on The World. If they do so, they events should prompt them to be concerned.
find out that the bonds between The World and other
realms are weakening and discover a cataclysmic event ON-RAMP TO ARMAGEDDON
in The World’s future: the destruction of portals and The players’ characters are Origin level Scions. At the
Touchstones worldwide. Hekate assumes this is what the beginning of Armageddon Jam it’s assumed they don’t
threads of Fate are weaving toward. know of their heritage, though they might have experi-
In investigating the disturbances, the Scions encoun- enced some Omens or signs of something coming. They
ter the Keepers’ agents, tangle with Eris, Goddess of Dis- live in The World, so of course they’re aware of divine
cord — who thinks she’s obstructing the Keepers of her influences and the interventions of the Gods; they’ve
own volition, but in truth is being manipulated by Herak- followed Scions’ exploits on social media and felt whis-
les — and come to understand their goals. They’re asked to pers of power in places with strong mythic resonance. If
make a choice: Are they with the Keepers or against them? you’re using the ready-made characters provided, they’ve
all lived normal, human lives up to this point. If the play-
Armageddon Jam concludes at Sentinel Falls. Either ers made their own characters, they might be mythic
the Scions are trying to prevent its destruction or aid in it, or creatures or come from other realms. In that case there’s
maybe they’ve come up with an alternative way of achieving less explaining to do: they’ll understand more about The
the same effect without dooming thousands of mortals. World from the start and make sense of what’s happening
with less handholding.
RUNNING THIS ADVENTURE Assuming the characters start out in the dark, Arma-
Armageddon Jam isn’t a linear adventure. It geddon Jam has to do double duty. As well as getting the
starts with a series of omens and ends with a bang, but characters ensnared in the Keepers of The World’s plans,
on-ramp to armageddon 21
After the first couple of scenes the events of Armageddon Jam happen when the characters
are around to see them. They could happen in just about any order, but the scene map below gives
an idea of how the scenes naturally flow. Scenes that change significantly (like Blood and Stone,
p. XX) based on other events include sidebars noting these variations.
this is their origin story. It’s about them discovering their Mundi that connect it to the Over- and Underworlds.
identities as Scions of the Gods and deciding what that This is their primary goal throughout Armageddon Jam.
means to them. There’s space between Armageddon Jam The Keepers primarily responsible for this operation are
and Incognito Love Song to allow the characters time to Wayland the Smith and Zalmoxis.
do their own thing in between investigating threats to the Wayland the Smith is a master of the forge and a
sympathetically resonant locations of The World. canny creator, and as such is well placed to engineer the
Alternatively, you can keep the group focused on the physical destruction of key locations. He’s also casually
A- and B-plots (see The Keepers of The World) and dial cruel: He enjoys taking things apart, just for the fun of it,
up the tension just by pushing the Keepers’ actions closer especially if they’re things other beings care about.
together and creating a sense of pressure. It bears repeat- Zalmoxis is a chthonic deity from eastern Europe
ing: don’t do this for brand new characters, especially for (Romania, to be precise). A god of blood, blood magic, and
players who’ve never experienced Scion before. Let them cruelty, Zalmoxis empowers his servants with blood mag-
experience The World as it’s supposed to be before you ic to pervert and twist sympathetic links so they no longer
set to work breaking it. serve the Gods who’ve used them for eons. His manipula-
tions are subtler than Wayland’s outright destruction, but
A BESPOKE ARMAGEDDON just as dangerous.
The ready-made characters starting on p. XX come The two Keepers’ servants are carrying out destruc-
with ties to their city and the storyline. tive operations all over The World, but the players’ Band
If players are making their own characters, each one only interact with their work in the characters’ home city,
should have some useful connections in their starting and only interact with local agents.
city. Local government, media, law enforcement, academ- Wayland and Zalmoxis are hostile Gods, and their agents
ics, city historical societies, and any other groups or indi- are nasty people using dangerous tactics. Keepers who meet
viduals who care about local monuments will be helpful. them are likely to perceive the Keepers as enemies.
Working in these connections is easier than it sounds:
Characters needn’t be professionals in these sectors to THE B-PLOTS
have contacts there. They might know people through The Keepers’ Pantheon lacks one key member: They
the PTA, the HOA, Neighborhood Watch, their knitting need an adversary, a powerful force of Chaos for the
group, their gym… it’s a small World. Gods to oppose. That adversary needs to be a meddler, a
hands-on, actively ruinous force. They hurt The World,
THE KEEPERS OF THE WORLD the Keepers defeat them and justify a new creation.
The Keepers of The World are entering the final stage The group has identified Eris as the most appropriate
of their plan. They’re about to embark on a new creation, candidate. Herakles has been working on her for years.
birthing a better World that will be free from the meddling He denied her membership in the Keepers, knowing the
of the Gods. It’s taken an age to get this far, and while the God of Discord knew how to hold a grudge. And he was
final phase will be comparatively quick, it’s still going to right. Eris puts a lot of energy into opposing the Keepers,
take months, or even years (depending on how much the stymying every plot she uncovers. She’s turning herself
players’ Band obstructs them) to come to fruition. into their Great Enemy with very little work from them.
Throughout Armageddon Jam, the Keepers work Eris is a good option, but she’s not the only possibil-
primarily through Scions and worshippers. They’re not ity. If the Band is set on opposing the Keepers, they can
ready to tip their hand just yet. fill this role instead. Ironically, Eris will be equally angry
THE A-PLOT whether she’s tricked into taking a role in the Pantheon or
denied one in favor of the players’ Scions.
To free the world from its Gods, the Keepers have to
sunder The World from the Gates, Touchstones, and Axes
ARMAGEDDON JAM happened to them/that they’re expecting for the day. Ask
where they work, what type of restaurant they chose, etc.
W hen The World falls, can a group of people, their lives As well as saving the Storyguide from having to design
newly touched by Fate, keep it standing? every element of a character’s backstory and life, it’s a fun
roleplaying exercise to help players get inside the head of
Armageddon Jam’s designed for Origin level Scions:
their new character.
it happens before their first Visitation. At this point, most
aspects of The World are mysterious to them. They’re Hekate reaches out to each character through the
about to learn about all the wonders of divinity just as the following signs. Run each of these scenes in sequence,
Keepers are dismantling them. and when they’re all done, tell the Scions that whoever
(or whatever) they’re interacting with — whether a trio
A quick word on setting: Armageddon Jam isn’t
of women, dogs, restaurant host, their own doormat or an
set anywhere specific. You can drop it straight into any
online form — says or reads “Crossroads Tavern, 9 p.m.”
location in the Anglophone world — or anywhere in the
Nobody else hears or sees these words, and the speakers
entire world, with some simple name and detail changes,
are all sure they said something appropriate to the con-
such as swapping a dive bar for a coffee shop in At the
versation (“do you have a reservation?”; “thanks for your
Crossroads, as an example.
help”; “woof”).
PROLOGUE: READ THE SIGNS • End of The World: Behind a table set up to block
the sidewalk, a trio of similarly dressed women cajole
The story kicks off with brief scenes that introduce
passersby to take their leaflets about the apocalyptic
each player’s character and culminate with a sign from
impact of climate change. As the character passes, one of
Hekate. They’re going about their normal lives — whatev-
them faints. When the Scion revives her with a Medicine
er normal looks like for them — when the first indications
+ Composure roll, all three of the women speak in unison
of The World’s strangeness start to intrude. The signs
to deliver their message.
below should work for any new Scion, not just the ready-
made characters on pg. XX. • SQUIRREL. MYTHIC SQUIRREL: A dog walk-
er nearby is struggling with her charges: a chihuahua, a
These scenes are opportunities for each player to
spaniel, and a German shepherd. They’re all trying to get
briefly take the spotlight and create a first impression
to a squirrel (or appropriate local pest) that’s fled to the
of their character. Keep them short and punchy: While
top of a nearby lamppost. The dog walker asks for help,
one player’s showing off, the rest of the group can par-
and when the Scion calms the dogs with an Empathy
ticipate as small-time supporting characters. Of course,
+ Composure roll, their cacophonous barking briefly
armageddon jam 23
becomes human speech. Nobody else nearby hears any- recognize signs of Hekate. If not, as a Consolation, they
thing except barking. get an Enhancement on their next Occult action to reflect
• A Dangerous Threshold: As the character returns whatever research rabbit hole they tumbled down.
home, fitting their key into their front door, a snake slith- Scions of Hekate (even though they don’t yet know
ers out from beneath their doormat. It’s quickly followed their nature) have an easier time. If they investigate, re-
by two more. They strike the Scion, inflicting 1 Injury search, or think about the phenomena, or if they have at
Condition, unless the Scion makes an Athletics + Dexter- least one dot in Occult, they know these signs and sym-
ity roll to avoid them. The snakes disappear rapidly into bols are associated with the Crossroads Goddess. In fact,
the nearest foliage. For a moment, as the character looks they’re certain of it, with a conviction they can’t explain.
down, they see words printed on their doormat.
• Warm Welcome: The doorway to the restaurant BIG BANG
or bar the character’s visiting is flanked by two flaming The characters’ home city has a public space named
torches. If they’ve visited before, this is a new develop- Memorial Park, built to commemorate local men who
ment. The staff member who greets them as they step in- died in a late nineteenth century war. The park’s conve-
side smiles and says something the Scion can only inter- niently close to the Crossroads Tavern, and if the char-
pret with a Culture + Cunning roll. It’s Hekate’s message. acters head there early (before late afternoon), they find
• You Dropped This: A woman calls out to the the bar’s closed, and the park makes a convenient place
character, interrupting whatever they were doing. She’s to wait.
brandishing a key in her hand. “You dropped this,” she In the park stands a building called the Parthenon.
says — and indeed, it’s the character’s own house key. Yes, It’s a near-perfect, though half-size, replica of the original
even if it’s supposed to be attached to a keyring, tucked Athenian Parthenon, and it’s a little-known gateway to
away in a bag, or otherwise not droppable. “No worries,” Mount Olympus. And today that gate’s going to close.
she says when the character thanks her, or asks how she The Parthenon is usually open to visitors, but it’s been
got it. If asked again, she noticed the key slipping from the closed for weeks for “urgent repairs.” There’s nothing
character’s coat or bag as they walked ahead of her. She wrong with it whatsoever: Galand Heritage (a company
leaves the character with a message. owned and run by Harlan Smith, a Scion of Wayland the
• Multiple Choice: Filling in an application form, Smith) persuaded the city the Parthenon was on the point
personality quiz, or even selecting extras on an online food of collapse and needed urgent restoration. Persuasion here
order, the character comes to a question with three answer includes a significant personal donation to city council
options. The first two are normal but the third is a message. member Aimee Spillman. After making a lot of noise about
If they refuse multiple invitations (which they’re how unstable it was, today Smith’s going to knock it down.
welcome to do), circumstances conspire to get them to Ideally the collapse happens whenever the Scions are
the Crossroads Tavern anyway: They mean to go home close enough by to hear, or even better, see it; failing that,
or to another destination but take a wrong turn; if they it’s late afternoon. It attracts a local TV crew and newspa-
stay home a lightbulb blows or they run out of cigarettes per reporters, and before the sun sets it’s city-wide news.
and have to go to a store. One way or another, they find If it’s at all plausible, the characters are nearby: Their
themselves across the street from the Crossroads Tavern workplace overlooks the park, their walk home from
at 8:58 p.m. lunch takes them through it, or their home has a glorious
This is railroading. But it’s also an important part of park view.
the narrative: Not only does the Goddess Hekate have The collapse is sudden. One moment there’s a crew
plans for the characters, but so does Fate itself — a real, walking through, taking measurements and samples,
tangible power in Scion — and swerving their responsi- then there’s a sound like a massive hammer striking
bility is not an option. If necessary, reassure your players stone. It leaves anyone nearby with a ringing headache.
that it’s the only time in No Gods, No Masters they’ll be The Parthenon falls, gracelessly, collapsing into itself in a
pushed into a course of action this way. heap of white stone.
armageddon jam 25
mystified by his survival, eager to talk, and self-as- • The storm is literally angry. Elsewhere in the city, it’s
sured. He keeps touching the wound on the back of his just intense. Inside Memorial Park the rumbles of thunder
head while he talks. Antony’s drive for the scene is to tell and numerous, repeated lightning strikes feel downright
someone what happened. threatening. An Empathy + Composure roll tells a char-
Without influence, Antony tells the characters: acter the storm has real presence; it’s not intelligent, but
it’s a manifestation of anger. (Even a minor impediment
• He heard someone speaking a weird language a like this provokes a strong response from the Theoi, though
few seconds before the building came down. He knows a not a conscious one). This roll has a +1 Complication: If not
Swedish-German off TV, and it sounded a bit like him. (It’s bought off, the character is tense and rattled for the rest of
Old Norse, but Antony doesn’t know that). He wonders the scene (+1 Difficulty to Resilience rolls).
where the devastation would fall on the Richter scale.
• Scent the Divine (if anyone has it; just give out the
• In the split second before the first stone fell, he felt information if not) gives characters the momentary im-
a wave of force coming from in front of him, in the middle pression of a murmuring crowd, the faint scent of olives
of the building. and the feel of a warm breeze — as if they were in the
• There were three people inside the Parthenon: marketplace of an ancient Mediterranean city. (The tang
Antony and his two colleagues, Brandon McNally and of Æsir magic was strong enough to make this Theoi pres-
Lisa Bridges. (People on the scene at the time saw three ence impossible to notice earlier).
people, not including Antony, fleeing; Brandon and Lisa • If characters can get past the two cops keeping
are still nearby, in shock, waiting for emergency services. watch over the site (from the back of a nearby police van,
The third person was Frankie Smith, who has fled — see they’re not braving the weather without good reason),
Long Gone, p. XX). they can get inside the ruin and gather the same infor-
With successful Influence checks, Antony shyly tells mation as In the Ruins (p. XX). Getting inside requires
the characters that he thinks he died — or came close to it. either a Stealth + Dexterity or Empathy/Persuasion +
He saw a light ahead of him and the robed figure of a saint Cunning (Difficulty 2) roll.
gesturing him forwards, but as he started to walk towards
it there was a rumble, like thunder or an avalanche, and it
closed off before he could reach it. For the rest of the day, the characters experience
minor echoes of the Parthenon’s collapse. Small objects
IN THE RUINS break and crumble, and the storm’s thunderclaps feel
Characters who are already in the park or who arrive much closer than they should.
quickly can poke at the ruins before police arrive to re-
strict access.
• To anyone with Scent the Divine (Scion: Origin,
p. 105) there’s a faint scent of burning amber and a whiff
of ozone in the air. If nobody has this Knack, reveal this AND A NEXUS
information anyway.
The Crossroads Tavern exists in many places at
• A Science + Intellect roll indicates that the build- once, in the downtown of numerous cities across
ing didn’t fall down so much as explode: the walls were The World. Scions, and others invited there,
pushed outwards by a blast from inside. There’s no trace can reach it from most major cities. Sometimes
of explosives, though. it’s just… there when it needs to be, even if the
characters weren’t planning to go there.
• Characters who shift any of the debris with an
Athletics + Might check (with a +2 Complication: if not No Gods, No Masters takes the characters
bought off, the characters pull muscles or otherwise in-
across many locations, and the Crossroads
Tavern is Hekate’s gift to them (and our gift to
jure themselves, taking 1 Injury Condition) find a deep
the Storyguide), eliminating the need for long,
depression in the middle of the floor, as if it was struck by boring, travel planning sequences and concerns
a hammer. Cracks radiate out from the depression. like ticket costs. Play this up — with characters
PRELIMINARY ENQUIRIES seeing different stores next door to the bar, with
different phone numbers and advertisements,
Characters who visit the park that afternoon, but and people speaking with different accents or
after the initial collapse, miss the opportunity to speak to different languages — or keep it as discreet as
Antony Carvalho or walk among the ruins, but they can you prefer, depending on how obvious you want
still uncover several useful leads. to make the wonder and magic of The World.
armageddon jam 27
bland, less wondrous, place to live. Travis points the Scions of their personal and professional ambitions. That doesn’t
towards them, telling them to take a look at local social media, just mean solving this mystery, but any long-term goals.
listen to a notoriously bizarre podcast of the unexplained,
Curse or Kismet, and poke into local legends; they’ll find ev-
erything comes back to Fate. Fate and the Gods. “Take a look, Before the characters leave, Travis explains the nature
because this stuff is about to take over your life.” of the Crossroads Tavern: It’s a point of convergence, ex-
isting in several places simultaneously. The characters are
There’s a house on the outskirts of the city, a place
welcome to take advantage of it, but they should be careful
where a woman poisoned her family, a famous urban
when they leave: There’s always a small chance they won’t
legend. A true crime podcast is running a whole series on
return to where they came from. If that happens, they can
the crime, trying to prove the culprit innocent. Doing so
always come back to the Crossroads and try again.
would unravel the mythic connection.
The first time the characters leave, they go straight
The city has a cave system called the Glenniver Cav-
into Apple of Discord.
erns, famous for its underground waterways and lakes,
for the number of people who go missing there every year, Every other time a group of characters leaves the
and for legends that it’s a gateway to the underworld. A Crossroads, there’s a small chance they won’t reach their
rockfall has sealed it up and closed the gate. intended destination (which defaults to whatever city
they came in from, if they have no other preference). Call
The city’s Langley River runs through a graveyard
for an Integrity + Composure check (one for the Band,
and around the city crematorium. It’s a sacred passage
or for each group that leaves together). If they fail, they
between the realms of the living and the dead, like the
appear in another city. Scions of Hekate or another God
Ganges in India and other mythological rivers such as the
with a relevant Purview (e.g., roads, travel, labyrinths)
Styx. The city is diverting it so it no longer flows through
only lose their way on a botch.
these liminal, funerary locations and stripping away its
resonance. In a matter of weeks it will be a mundane body Rolling when there’s no consequence for failure isn’t
of water, not a sacred waterway. fun and doesn’t move the story on. Only roll when there
are consequences, such as if the characters need to get
All these things are sad, but none of them are
somewhere in a hurry or if there are people waiting for
World-changing. However, they form a pattern of minor
them at one exit (this will be relevant in later chapters).
tragedies. There are others, elsewhere in The World, but
these are the characters’ problems. Travis is simply here SO WHAT?
to provide these leads and to offer support if she can.
None of this is the characters’ problem. Some of
ANY QUESTIONS? them are connected to Gods mentioned in Hekate’s list (if
you’re using the ready-made characters), but they don’t
This whole encounter is undeniably weird, and the
know that yet. Some might just be curious. But funda-
characters will probably have follow up questions. Tra-
mentally, it’s not their business. They’re just people who
vis’s answers are as follows.
live in a city where something strange is happening.
Who the hell are you? An agent of someone pow-
But here’s the thing: Fate has decided this is their role.
erful. Travis won’t explain right now but promises it will
If the characters don’t want to participate, they’ll get more
become clear.
nudges. They’ll see stories online, on TV, or in newspapers
Is this for real? Yes. It may sound odd to hear some- about natural disasters, human population growth leading
one talk about legends and underworlds, but that doesn’t to the destruction of ‘wonders of the world,’ or lists of histor-
make them false. ic sites to see before they’re destroyed forever. They’re beset
What if we’re not interested? Absolutely fine. by feelings of unease and dreams about the city falling down
That’s their prerogative. Travis isn’t there to persuade or around them while they look on, their hands tied (literally).
force them, just to ask. The point is, this scene doesn’t have to work as an
Why us? The characters are unknown, and therefore “adventure hook.” It’s a way to introduce the story arc,
discreet. On the off chance there’s something serious hap- and it provides some leads for the ensuing Procedural
pening, they’ll go unnoticed. scenes (see Following the Threads), but the characters
don’t need to race off to chase the story. It’ll come to them.
Is this dangerous? Everything’s dangerous. This is
more dangerous than crossing the street, less dangerous
than throwing an electrical appliance in a bathtub.
Eris’s emissary, Apple, makes their move as the charac-
What’s in it for them? Travis, and the forces she
ters leave the Crossroads Tavern. They could simply show
works for, can help open doors to the characters in pursuit
their face and talk to the characters, but that wouldn’t
entertain them. Instead, they twist the exits from the bar
so the Scions emerge in a knot of unfamiliar streets. Apple
intends to scare, then save, the Scions by playing hero. SNAGS
There’s a tangible, sickening lurch as they step out of (SERVANTS OF ERIS)
the bar. When they look back, the door’s gone. The air is
cold, the sky dark and starless. What light exists comes from Snags are slick, oily, shadow serpents that ooze
flickering streetlamps in an unfamiliar design, and shadows from the shadows of Erebus. They exist for no
stretch too far and loom too large. The perspective’s wrong:
reason but to make other creatures’ lives short
and intensely fearful: They’re an unpleasant
Some streets continue forever, others narrow to a single,
hindrance like a hook snagged in skin. Though
impassable point just a couple of feet from their start. There not intelligent, they recognize fear when they
are signs on the closed and shuttered storefronts and on the see and scent it, and they thrive on it.
intersections of streets, but they’re not helpful. Not only are
Archetype: Professional
they written in a language that’s familiar but not quite read-
able, they change subtly when nobody’s looking at them. Qualities: Shroud, Sure Footed
This is Erebus, the realm where Eris — and many
Drive: Confuse and terrify
other unpleasant beings — reside. Primary Pool (5): Ambush, Grappling,
Hiding, Strangling
If the Scions move out of sight of the Crossroads Tav-
ern’s door, they need to make a Survival + Cunning roll to
Secondary Pool (3): Creeping,
Herding (splitting up groups),
find it again. Failure bestows the Mazed Condition.
Inspiring terror
Once the characters are thoroughly lost (or when Desperation Pool: 2
they’re close to the Crossroads Tavern, if they find their
Health: 2
way back), Apple sets a pack of Snags on them (as many
Snags as there are Scions). They’re oily, shadow-black Defense: 3
serpents with sharp teeth and a shark-like frenzy for Initiative: 3
spilled blood. They ooze down walls and out of the cracks
between paving slabs and wind themselves around the
characters, attempting to devour them whole. Run the combat for two rounds, until two of the Snags
are destroyed, or until one character accesses the Cross-
roads Tavern, whichever comes first. Apple decides the
situation is about to resolve either way and intervenes.
FIELD: They’re not subtle: Standing in the mouth of an alleyway
in the characters’ eyeline, they toss a shining golden ap-
Erebus, a realm of shadows and chaos. ple down into the fray. As it touches the ground, it blazes
Either too dark or too bright: every action into dazzling light that sends the Snags melting away into
risks becoming separated from friends (1c). cracks, crevices, and shadows. It stays lit after the crea-
Atmosphere: Tense and unnerving tures are gone, casting the whole scene in a blinding bril-
Attitudes and Bonds: liance that is, ironically, just as hard to see in as the dark.
Apple: Eris (4), Player Scions (1) Any characters who got separated from others during the
struggle with the Snags can return to the light.
armageddon jam 29
Apple’s a small, slight, sharp-featured blonde person If the Influence roll fails, as a Consolation one of the
who wears a lot of gold and white. They look human but characters recalls that apples are strongly associated with
are in truth an expression of Chaos poured into a hu- Eris, Goddess of Discord.
man-looking suit; the closest parallel in The World is a Apple’s goodwill is easily lost. In any scene where the
nymph. Small details of their appearance change between Scions are hostile, act superior, or reject their assistance,
glances at them (e.g., a bracelet appears or disappears, reduce Apple’s Attitude towards them by one point.
the color of clothing changes). Like Eris herself, they’re
mercurial, proud, and a lover of complication and dis- GETTING HOME
order. They never do anything the easy way because the Apple either leads the Scions out of the dark streets or
hard way’s more intriguing, messy, and fun. Their drive tells them how to get themselves home. They’ll take them
for this scene is to get the Scions on their side. back to the Crossroads, or through the maze of streets to
Apple’s profile is on p. XX. a familiar intersection in their own city. They won’t come
into the Crossroads Tavern: they’re too concerned Travis
Apple is keen to explain what just happened. With-
is still inside (she’s not) and fear Hekate’s Scion would
out Influence, they tell the Scions:
warn the characters against associating with Apple.
• The beings responsible for breaking the Parthenon,
If the characters won’t accept their help, Apple ad-
diverting the river, and so on are watching, and they
vises them to blindfold and deafen themselves, and then
brought the characters here, to Erebus (“not quite your
walk blindly thinking of their destination. In an hour,
World, but not too distant”) and they sent the Snags.
they’ll be there. This is correct, but only because Apple
False, but Apple’s an excellent liar.
enjoys watching them stumble around Erebus for an hour,
• Apple was waiting to speak to them when they fin- then untwists the streets to send them home. It’s a terrify-
ished in the Crossroads and followed them here. Mostly true. ing experience, walking, deprived of their senses, through
• Those beings want The World to end, plain and streets where they were recently attacked by monsters.
simple. Partially true: Eris, and therefore Apple, are confi- If the characters don’t take either option, they blunder
dent The World won’t survive the Keepers’ plan. around for several hours, getting increasingly exhausted,
• As to why the conspiracy wants this? “Why does until they notice Apple following them and ask for help, or
evil exist?” It’s not even an answer, let alone true or false. until Apple takes pity on them and they stagger out onto a
familiar street opposite the Crossroads Tavern.
• Apple works for “those who stand against the con-
spiracy.” True, as far as Apple knows.
• Assuming the characters are planning to investigate
When the characters follow the leads Travis gave
further, Apple’s here to help. True.
them, use the Procedural rules (Scion: Origin p. 73) to
Apple openly, laughingly, tells the characters not to determine what they learn. The characters can use any
trust them. They’re not trustworthy, they say. They’re just avenues open to them: they can mine local contacts,
conveniently placed to help. For example, right now they’ll search news reports, comb through local history, or any-
help the characters get home, or back to the Crossroads. Or thing else that comes to mind. The chosen approaches
just tell them how to get there — it’s all the same to them. determine what dice pools to use.
With Influence, Apple is more open. All the following It’s a time-consuming process. Characters can (and
are true, at least as far as Apple knows: ideally should) do other things during a lengthy investi-
• The members of the conspiracy aren’t so much gation; getting on site for Intrigue and Action-adventure
evil as spiteful. They’re magicians and freaks who think scenes in Corinth in the West, Cave of Cats, The Less-
they got dealt a bad hand by Fate and want to change The er Ganges, or The Fallen Parthenon breaks up the re-
World to fit their desires. search and analysis and gives the story some momentum.
• They supply a lead, directing the Scions to speak to COMPLICATIONS
Shaun Taylor in the city records office about Saran Ave-
Being too obvious at any point in the investigation
nue (see Corinth in the West p. XX).
attracts the Keepers of The World’s attention. This is a
• They tell the Scions Travis is a servant of Hekate, +1 Complication when investigating Saran Avenue, a +2
the Crossroads Goddess, an entity older than Titans and Complication for Glenniver Caverns and the river, and a
as much a monster as a God. +3 Complication for the Parthenon.
• They warn the Scions that Travis is just as untrust- What happens when the Scions catch the Keepers’
worthy as Apple. They both oppose the conspiracy, but interest is described in Eyes of The World (p. XX). In
Travis’s God might change their mind any time. brief: if they seem hostile, the Keepers threaten them and
armageddon jam 31
claiming there’s a risk it will flood graves and wash hu-
man remains downriver. Their campaign succeeded, and CORINTH IN THE WEST
the city government recently signed off on a proposal to The World’s links with other realms aren’t only re-
divert the river around the cemetery and keep it further flections of powerful places or great moments from myth.
from the crematorium. A contractor has been appointed, There are also tenuous connections to lesser-known tales.
and work’s starting soon: There’s machinery on site and Number six-hundred and thirty-one Saran Avenue is one
digging and damming starts imminently. of those. Three people died here in 1954 when housewife
Larissa Becker murdered her children and her cheating
The Sanctuary Society is led by Naomi Russo, a for-
husband with oleander from her own garden. It’s an eerie
mer, unsuccessful candidate for local council. She’s noted
parallel with the legend of Medea and it’s a place of pow-
in her formal registration as Naomi Russo (née Smith).
er for Hekate and those who worship her.
The Scions probably won’t understand the relevance
yet, but that’s Harlan Smith’s ex-wife (and mother of his
daughter, Frankie).
The engineering and civil works firm appointed to FIELD:
shift the river is run by Robert Alvero. Digging into his
Saran Avenue, a murder mystery
connections and background reveals he’s a shareholder in time capsule
Galand Heritage (see Big Bang) and Harlan Smith’s cousin.
Atmosphere: Eerie
Going to the river itself to investigate takes the char-
Attitudes and Bonds:
acters into The Lesser Ganges (p. XX) and Karna (p.
XX). Characters can make an Occult + Intellect roll to Jesse: Player Scions (1 for invited guests,
connect the river’s course to mythic rivers, or a Culture +
–1 otherwise)
Intellect roll to recall that the Ganges, specifically, is said
to run between the land of the living and the dead, with
the city of Varanasi in particular associated with funerary If there’s a Scion of Hekate in the group, this is an
rites and the transition into death. unpleasant place for them. The moment Hekate’s child
arrives at the house, they feel numb, dull, like their sens-
THE PARTHENON es aren’t working properly, or like they’ve lost a little of
The Parthenon, a public monument built for the city themselves: This is the sensation of a myth unraveling. To
centennial, is a half-size replica of the real Parthenon on the Scent the Divine, the air here tastes of ash.
Acropolis in Athens. It’s currently undergoing preservation The house is dilapidated and unloved, with a SOLD
work managed by Galand Heritage, a firm specializing in sign in the overgrown yard, but there are signs of life: the
the conservation and maintenance of historic structure. flickering of a TV set visible through a downstairs win-
Like the river diversion, the decision to carry out dow and a new SUV parked out front. Jesse Norman, the
maintenance didn’t come from the city. Galand Heritage podcaster who’s working so hard to disprove the myth, is
raised serious concerns at a public meeting that the home and hard at work picking through evidence.
monument was on its last legs. As an important part of Jesse Norman’s a tall, fat man with thick-framed
city identity (and a tourist attraction), the city agreed the glasses and a well-groomed beard. He’s excitable, smart,
monument was worth preserving. and approval seeking. He chain smokes cheap cigarettes.
There are no records of visible damage to the Parthe- His drive for the scene is to show how clever he is.
non, nor any indication of what sparked Galand Heritage’s If the characters contacted Jesse in advance, he
concern. The company is run by Harlan Smith. When greets them excitedly and invites them in. He’s got beer
the characters learn this, they may not know enough to and snacks and is eager to play the attentive host. If this
connect him to the river diversion, but they will in due is a surprise visit, he’s more cautious, especially if more
course. The storyline assumes the characters encounter than two people show up on his doorstep. He’s excited to
Smith at Memorial Park, so the information on what he meet fans of his podcast (“The Poison Garden”), but he
knows and under what circumstances he shares it is in only invites them into the garden, not indoors.
The Fallen Parthenon.
The house hasn’t been renovated since the ‘50s. Jesse
If the characters’ Procedural rolls fail, they still have has very little furniture and most of his stuff is in boxes,
one massive lead to follow: the collapse of the Parthenon. so he’s working against the atmosphere of the house to
Marching into Memorial Park and staring at the ruins entertain guests. The garden is an overgrown jungle, with
leads them naturally to Harlan Smith and Simona Mileva. the infamous oleander bushes in full bloom whatever the
time of year.
armageddon jam 33
of dedication behind her. Working on messages in her
dreams and oracles seen in blood and earth, she’s estab-
OWLS lished what Zalmoxis wants from her: complete magical
(SERVANTS OF destruction of the sacred places of other Gods. She doesn’t
know the Glenniver Caverns are touched by the Morri-
MORRIGAN) gan, but she knows enough to identify the saturation of
chthonic power in the area. She caused the earthquake,
but it was only enough to disrupt — not disperse — that
Archetype: Professional power. She’s returned, with a new work of magic revealed
Qualities: Natural Weapon, to her by divine oracle.
Sure Footed All it takes is the heart of a deer (a beast beloved
Drive: Snatch prey, eat prey of the Morrigan, though Simona doesn’t know that)
Primary Pool (6): Flying, Swooping crammed full of bone fragments and grave dirt, thrown
Secondary Pool (4): Hearing, directly through the gate. Getting it down there is dan-
Pecking, Scratching gerous (see Below Ground), and she’d rather not risk
Desperation Pool: 3 her own life.
armageddon jam 35
own deaths — multiple, as most people’s fate hasn’t yet works as a resonant connection to the river Ganges. That’s
condensed into a single outcome. why the Keepers of The World want it diverted.
Sealing the Gate The river feels magical. The sensation increases as
Sealing the gate is simple: Someone just has to swim the river flows towards its mouth, as the resonances and
right down to the deepest depth and wedge the deer heart similarities to the Ganges increase in number. To charac-
into the small rockfall that’s closed a deeper passage. All ters with any Liminal Knacks, it’s a deeply soothing place
it takes is an Athletics + Resolve (Difficulty 2) roll, with that entices them to follow the current downstream.
the +1 Complication that the swimmer also has to hold Characters who can Scent the Divine smell incense and
their breath or take the Near Drowned condition (+1 Dif- sweet smoke.
ficulty to all Finesse and Resilience rolls for the next day). Apart from the strong sense of the Devá, there’s little
Restoring the Gate to see on the river, but there are people to meet. One of
Shiva’s Scions is here, extremely displeased by the plan to
Restoring the gate’s harder: One or more characters
divert the river: She needs it.
have to swim down, avoid drowning, and clear the rubble
off the gateway. The latter requires an Athletics + Might LORD SHIVA’S CHILD
roll (Difficulty 3). The character(s) roll once every minute,
Alesha Dwarnam is a Scion of Shiva. She’s a little
accumulating successes. After a number of minutes equal
further along in her journey than the players’ characters:
to their Stamina, they take an Injury Condition each turn
She’s had her first Visitation and started to do some Deeds
(drowning) and resurface with the Near Drowned condition.
of her own. And she uses the Langley River to walk from
They can clear a few rocks, surface, and dive again, the city to another of her Band in Varanasi.
but after the first dive the eels are really riled up, and
Alesha’s a tall, biracial, Black and South Asian woman
unpleasantly aggressive. They don’t know the characters
in her thirties, with long, braided black hair and sinewy
are acting in the Morrigan’s interest. At this point they’re
muscles. She cocks her head when she’s listening closely
Antagonists, not a Hazard.
to someone or something. She’s shrewd, businesslike,
and curious. Her drive for this scene is to understand
what’s happening to the river. When the characters meet
EELS Alesha, she’s walking along the riverbank barefoot, her
shoes in her hands.
She immediately notices the characters are more
MORRIGAN) than simply mortal, even if they don’t know it themselves,
and changes her course to intercept them. This is an op-
portunity to peel back the curtain and show the Scions
Archetype: Mook they’re not just tangled up in something strange and
Qualities: Natural Weapon mythical: They are strange.
Drive: Be left alone Initially she asks the characters if the diversion is
Primary Pool (5): Biting, swimming their fault. While she’s prepared to believe it’s not, she as-
Secondary Pool (3): Hiding sumes the Scions know more than they do, and ignorance
Desperation Pool: 2 or innocence frustrates her. When she realizes they’re
clueless (if they are), her demeanor softens somewhat.
Health: 1
Alesha, with fond memories of her own Visitation,
Defense: 1
doesn’t directly tell the Scions what they are. It would de-
Initiative: 4 prive them of a beautiful, personal moment. And she’s too
smart to offend that many Gods. She tells them they’re
unusual, special, chosen and other things that allude to
their nature. She asks them about the incense in the air
THE LESSER GANGES and explains most people can’t smell it, or hear the crowds
Langley River descends from Sentinel Falls, curves around the Parthenon, or taste the tang of ozone at Senti-
through the center of the city, picking up trash and detri- nel Falls. She probes them on other strange experiences:
tus and carrying it through Box Cemetery, the city’s oldest signs, subtle wrongness, hints of the strange. Firmly and
graveyard, before looping around the municipal cremato- calmly, she tells them whatever’s going on may be their
rium. Passing from the heights of the waterfall, through Fate, and if so there’s no way to avoid or shirk it, only try
the land of the living, and into the home of the dead, it to shape it so it doesn’t smother them.
armageddon jam 37
• Whether the characters are religious. morning; otherwise, it takes three days for them to go
• Whether their lives are going the way they thought away. Characters can obtain the same information as in
they would. Preliminary Enquiries.
armageddon jam 39
direct line of sight from the ruins of the Parthenon. Inside are Harlan’s a short, heavyset, white man who looks a lot
Simona Mileva, servant of Zalmoxis, and Harlan Smith. like his daughter Frankie. He huffs, sighs, and runs his
While Frankie’s application of the Ruin Hammer hand over his thinning hair. He’s conciliatory, out of his
closed the gate to Olympus, Simona’s here to make ab- depth, and stressed. While he feels terrible about what
solutely sure it never happens. A Stealth + Dexterity/ happened to Antony — and the characters might well
Composure (depending on whether a character’s hiding play on that — his drive for this scene is to avoid blame or
or being unobtrusive) roll (Difficulty 2) gets a character recriminations.
close enough to listen without being seen. Without Influence, Harlan’s tight-lipped. He tells the
As a Consolation, if they fail they hear Harlan’s side characters nothing of value and warns the characters off,
of the argument, but they’re seen, and the van drives off saying the Parthenon’s ruins are dangerous. If they fail an
before the characters can hear more or confront Simona Influence roll, he blurts out that they’re not only danger-
and Harlan. The two return later that night, this time in ous but about to be cursed.
Harlan’s own car (an unremarkable blue station wagon). By contrast, Simona is cannier: She tries to parse the
The van’s windows are open, and Simona and Harlan characters’ own story from the questions they ask, and
are in the middle of a blazing argument, the key points of she leaves gaps, letting the characters end her sentence
which are: or fill silences. She doesn’t know what a Scion is, but she’s
alert to the possibility of other deities interfering in her
• Harlan wants to know why Frankie had to do some- God’s plan.
thing that endangered her and nearly (or actually) killed
one of his dearest friends, just for Simona to come and Simona is also actively threatening, asserting that the
perform “some arcane horseshit.” characters should leave this alone before “greater powers
than you” notice their interference. As a Consolation,
• Simona explains, with the exaggerated patience of when she says this, she makes a gesture observers can try
someone training a dog to sit, that “Zalmoxis’s method” to parse with an Occult + Cunning roll. With one success
still requires testing and that, if it works, it’ll remove the they interpret it as an eastern European hex. With three
need for all the “performative nonsense and architectural successes they recognize it as the symbol of an obscure
damage” used to-date. and forgotten God.
They’re waiting for the park to close — yes, even if that Succeed or fail, they remember it well enough to
means waiting all day from when the characters first see them. research later. With no time pressure, they trace it to
Confrontation Zalmoxis, the forgotten deity of the Getae (now southern
If Simona and Harlan spot the characters watching Bulgaria and Romania).
them, they simply leave. If not, the characters have an With Influence:
opportunity to speak with them.
• Harlan unburdens his guilt: He allowed his daugh-
ter to do something dangerous, and Antony Carvalho got
hurt. He did it because his God, Galand, told him to do so
FIELD: in a dream. He has no idea why. But what Simona’s going
to do is worse.
A dirty Galand Heritage work van.
• Simona warns the characters to stay away, but her
Atmosphere: Intrusive/trapped
threats are a lot more specific: Zalmoxis, God of Blood
Attitudes and Bonds: and Soil, wants this site, this city, for his own, and he will
Harlan Smith: Simona (−2), Player roll over anyone who crosses him, divine or mortal.
Scions (−1, −2 if the characters threatened
or hurt Frankie, and she’s had time to tell • Simona also asks if the characters are “servants of
him) Discordia,” and intimates that “she’s dealt with Her crea-
tures before, and she’ll do it again.” It’s a clear threat, but
Simona Mileva: Harlan (−3),
Player Scions (−1) it’s also a signpost towards Eris.
Despite Simona’s threats, neither Harlan nor Simona
are interested in any physical conflict: They don’t get out
Simona’s a short woman with dry, olive skin and of the van, and they leave at the earliest opportunity (or
tired, bloodshot eyes. She rolls her eyes when someone the first threat of violence).
frustrates her, which is often. She’s arrogant, hostile, Alternatively:
and a zealot. Her drive for this scene is find out who the The Scions might convince Simona they’re there to
characters are. help. It’s entirely possible to do so either through bluffing
armageddon jam 41
if they seem amenable, questions if their stance isn’t clear, RECRUITMENT
and threats only if they’re clearly opposed to the Keepers’
If the characters seem amenable after a first conversa-
agenda. The Keepers rule out each of these courses of ac-
tion with Kirsten, she’s under orders to recruit them. She
tion in order: if they believe there’s any chance recruitment
does this by introducing them to Katrina Orfanos, a Scion
will work, they try that first. If recruitment’s not an option,
of Dionysus who’s suffered greatly at the hands of the Gods.
they’ll proceed with some cautious questioning. Threats
and intimidation are a last resort. The Keepers of The World Katrina’s already in the Crossroads, sitting with her back
treat the Scions as individuals at this point: If some of them to the wall and in the middle of her fifth round of drinks. She’s
seem like they might be potential allies while others are a middle-aged woman with jaundiced skin, sunken eyes, and
harder to read, some get recruitment overtures, and the messy, unwashed hair. She’s bitter, perceptive, and wry.
others get questions. The Keepers of The World aren’t stu- Her goal for this scene is to get some things off her chest.
pid: They don’t try intimidation on any of the characters if As Kirsten brings the characters over to her, Katrina
they’re using more positive tactics on others. asks them to wait while she orders more drinks. She or-
QUESTIONS ders three, and it’s quickly apparent why: One slips from
her hand as she picks it up, another spills as she carries it
Unless the members of the Band are clearly opposed back to the table, and the third has a dead moth floating
to what the Keepers are doing (e.g., they’ve already on its surface. She drinks the latter anyway.
marked them as enemies or villains after meeting Way-
land and Zalmoxis’s Scions), the Keepers of The World Katrina’s four drinks in and she’s got a lot to say.
approach them with careful, probing questions on neu- • She’s a child of Dionysus. Before he got his claws into
tral ground. They get another invitation to the Crossroads her, she was a poet and songwriter. Now she’s a hot mess.
Tavern — this time via anonymous messages on social • Like every deadbeat dad in The World, he shows up
media or email, or even a note pushed through their door. — usually through signs and portents or cryptic messages
The Keepers’ emissary is Kirsten Janssen, a Scion of from his cult — when he wants something.
Herakles. She’s a tanned, blonde Midwesterner, six feet • She does what she’s told… and it’s always danger-
tall, and a dedicated bodybuilder. She’s plain-spoken, ous. She’s cursed with permanent, petty bad luck from
amiable, and empathetic. Her drive when she meets the tangling with servants of Hera. She’s not allowed back in
characters is to decide whether they’re potential recruits. Thebes (Illinois, not Greece). Her left arm’s partially pet-
To Scent the Divine, Kirsten smells like sea air and olives. rified after a run-in with a gorgon. When she tried to quit
She’s friendly, smiling, and ready to explain. She asks drinking, her father cursed her and took back his gifts.
the Band what they think is happening. She frames her • The Gods, Katrina declares, were a mistake. “We
answers to fit in with whatever they’ve assumed, making are the stars’ tennis balls,” she declares, “struck and ban-
them feel smart for figuring things out. She’s also feeling died which way please them.”
out how they feel about getting dragged into the mess.
Then she fills in some blanks. The Gods exist, and they’re With a successful Influence roll, Katrina tells the
just as problematic as the myths make out. What the char- characters that Kirsten’s helping her, and what the
acters have seen makes their influence weaker and stops Keepers of The World (the first time the characters hear
them doing things like turning people into trees and ani- this name) are doing will help everyone like her. Kirsten
mals and meddling in mortal fates. She explains the con- is visibly unhappy to hear the Keepers’ name dropped,
cepts of other worlds, the portals and connections to them, which stops Katrina from saying any more about them.
and sacred artifacts (i.e., Realms, Gates, and Touchstones). For a failed Influence roll, she swears creatively at
While she talks, Kirsten is analyzing the characters, them and tells them she’s “your godsdamned future” and
deciding whether they’re sympathetic. If they are, she to “wait ‘til your own parents show up to wreck your lives.”
moves on to Recruitment. She’s confident that the charac- THREATS
ters don’t know enough to cause the Keepers any trouble. If
If the characters are clearly opposed to what they know
they’re not amenable, she leaves them to their own devices.
of the Keepers of The World’s agenda, the Keepers start a
With Influence, Kirsten admits the people she works campaign to unnerve and intimidate them. This mostly
for are nearly done with their work in the city, but they’ve takes the form of signs and portents, plus some ill fortune
got much more to do worldwide. As a Consolation, she and ill health. These unfortunate events don’t only hurt the
doesn’t say it, but the characters get the impression Scions, but also their friends, families, and loved ones.
what’s going on here is just a minor detail to Kirsten, and
Blood Magic
she’s focused on something much bigger.
If she’s still alive, Simona Mileva is at the forefront
of this campaign. She’s a powerful sorcerer, and she uses
armageddon jam 43
of this scene are described, in detail, as they’d occur with-
SENTINEL FALLS out the players’ intervention. Each section includes some
The characters’ investigations lead them to Sentinel notes on obvious ways to affect the action. Ultimately,
Falls. Waterfalls are a recurring motif in many bodies of you’ll have to make some on-the-fly judgements about
myth, which makes them places of power for many Pan- what happens.
theons. The great height and narrow fall of this waterfall
creates a sympathetic link with the Triton Falls, Athena THE TIME IS NOW
of the Theoi’s birthplace. The natural rock arch above the On the day of the sacrifice the sun rises as normal.
falls resonates with Longmen, the Dragon Gate of Shen Then it’s rapidly eclipsed by the moon, and the city is
mythology. These are only two of the waterfall’s many plunged into darkness. The darkness is a gift from Zal-
links: It’s a surprisingly rich location. moxis, a way of making The World safe for his servants,
many of whom are nocturnal by physiology or by choice.
The Keepers of The World have chosen it for its
To the Scions, it’s a sign the time has come.
similarity with the Goðafoss, a waterfall in Iceland where
a pagan priest, after converting to Christianity, disposed Whether they usually sleep through sunrise or not,
of the idols of his former Gods. It’s known as the Gods- the characters all wake up for this.
fall, the resting place of the gods, and that’s the perfect
resonance and symbolism for Karna’s sacrifice. Unfortu-
nately, carrying out the act at the actual Goðafoss would Sentinel Falls is outside the city, in the same national
draw far too much attention, so the Keepers are relying park as Glenniver Caves. The falls are part of the Langley
on Sentinel Falls as a symbolic stand-in. River, where it drops off a wide, cave-riddled spread of
cliffs. Two stone pillars rise out of the earth at the top of
According to the Keepers of The World’s plan, three
the falls. The drop is long enough to be lethal, and the
things are about to happen at Sentinel Falls:
rocks in the plunge pool are wickedly sharp.
• Zalmoxis’s Triumph — until now Zalmoxis has
The falls offer a commanding view of the city, so
been relying on subtle tactics to break resonances. This
they’re a popular tourist spot. Hiking trails run across the
time his playing piece, Simona (if she’s still alive), is test-
hillsides and ridges all the way to the falls, and the near-
ing an act of blood magic that will reliably and irrevocably
est parking lot’s a thirty-minute walk away. Fortunately,
render the falls mythically null. All it takes is a little mys-
the characters have plenty of time from the beginning of
ticism and a lot of murder.
the eclipse to the completion of the ritual and sacrifice:
• Karna’s Sacrifice — a weakened, incarnated Karna Whenever they arrive the ritual is still underway and the
will lose a fight with Eris and symbolically (and, for prac- sacrifice is yet to happen.
tical purposes, literally) die. He’ll be reborn in, by divine
scales, a short time later, but he won’t reappear in No
Gods, No Masters. FIELD:
• Eris’s Intervention — Apple has been gradually
persuading the guardian of the falls (a Fossegrim, a type SENTINEL FALLS, SURROUNDED BY
of giant) to revolt against the servants of the Gods when RUSHING WATER AND UNDER A
they arrive to ruin the falls. DARKENED SKY.
The outcome of all three plans is contingent on the Atmosphere: Grim
characters’ actions. What happens depends on whether
Attitudes and Bonds:
they’re supporting the Keepers or opposing them and on
what relationship they have with Apple. All three strands Apple: Karna (–3), Keepers of The
World (–5), Player Scions (varies), Travis
(–1), Zalmoxis’s Servants (–5)
Karna: Apple (–2), Keepers of The
KEEP IT MOVING World (+3), Player Scions (varies), Travis
(–1), Zalmoxis’s Servants (–1)
The players may split into small groups for
this scene: They can’t tackle every problem at Simona Mileva: Apple (–3), Keepers
once. Each slice of action affects the others, so of The World (+1), Player Scions (varies),
cut between them frequently. Shift focus every Travis (–1), Zalmoxis’s Servants (+1)
time one group takes a significant action (or Travis: Apple (–1), Karna (–), Keepers
after a round of combat), or every couple of of The World (–1), Player Scions (varies),
minutes of play. Zalmoxis’s Servants (–3)
armageddon jam 45
The ritual only requires five participants to continue, Combat + Might roll, anyway). Reduce the Difficulty to 3
meaning one vampire and one sorcerer can be lured away if they argue that the Keepers of The World can’t succeed
by distractions. Characters can steal their robes, disguise without him or that the fate of The World can’t be left to
themselves with a Subterfuge + Manipulation roll, and people like Zalmoxis and Wayland. Increase it to 5 if they
sabotage the ritual by pure incompetence with a Persua- suggest his death might be final: Karna is no coward and
sion + Manipulation roll, opposed by the ritualists’ pool won’t be thought of as one.
of 5 dice. Whether they succeed or fail, the Fossegrim plays his
Apple can disrupt the ritual (through disguise and song and six water spirits (Vodyanoy, Scion: Origin, p. 160)
fake participation) without rolling — but the characters strike. If Karna has decided to go through with the sacri-
would have to convince them it’s a better plan than un- fice, he goes with them willingly and the characters have
leashing the Fossegrim with a Persuasion + Manipulation to stop him. If he’s decided against the sacrifice, he actively
roll (Difficulty 3). resists (in this form, he has 5 dice in Close Combat).
If the Scions are working with the Keepers, they can If the Scions support the Keepers, they can still offer
either dissuade Travis from intervening, drive her off, Karna inspiring words and lend him some strength as he
or kill her (and Moon). Travis is one of Hekate’s favorite prepares for death with a Persuasion + Presence roll (Dif-
children, and the Crossroad Goddess doesn’t take kindly ficulty 2). Karna goes with the water spirits whether the
to her death (see Aftermath, p. XX). Scions’ roll succeeds or fails, but if it succeeds he warns
them that the Keepers are far from united: Zalmoxis and
KARNA’S SACRIFICE Wayland are the worst of them. If the characters are set
Karna, still in the form of Piyush, in which he possi- on helping, they should take their guidance from Herak-
bly met the characters in Karna (p. XX), is sitting on one les and Imhotep, and nobody else.
of the two pillars above the falls. He’s pensive and full of
doubt. He’s made a promise to Herakles, and he doesn’t ERIS’S INTERVENTION
break promises, but he fears for what the Keepers of The Apple arrives as soon as the eclipse begins. They
World will be without him. observe Zalmoxis’s servants starting their ritual and act
The scent of strong tea surrounds him, and the char- quickly. They scramble down the cliff face, risking life and
acters occasionally glimpse a kind-faced, elderly East limb, with a sheep carcass strapped to their back. They push
Asian woman watching him. They only see her watching through the falls, into the cave behind, and offer the meat to
from the corner of their eyes, and when they attempt to the Fossegrim, the water spirit that dwells behind the water.
look right at her, she’s not there. Apple warns the Fossegrim that someone plans to
The characters immediately recognize Karna as the defile its home with blood and black magic. Angered, the
man they previously saw near the Langley River. This time Fossegrim performs a song on its fiddle to rile up the oth-
there’s a sense of power around him, like a gathering storm: er spirits of the lake. The Fossegrim’s music lures Karna
a sensation of pressure in the air. If the characters didn’t in- to the top of the falls and compels him to step into the
teract with Karna earlier in the story, he remains neutral to water. A tide of water spirits (use the Vodyanoy profile,
them (Attitude –). If they did, his Attitude’s +1, and if they Scion: Origin, p. 160) buffet him against the rocks and
were especially compassionate or insightful it’s +2. ensure he’s badly injured in the fall, before proceeding to
drown him in the plunge pool. Ordinarily, they’d be no
Left to his own devices, Karna wrestles with his match for Karna, but in his current embodied form he’s a
choice until the Fossegrim and Vodyanoy strike and mere mortal (a deliberate choice on Karna’s part: He has
take the choice away from him. Though he’s strong and to be able to die).
athletic, he’s overcome by the Fossegrim’s music and the
Preventing Disaster
Vodyanoy’s numbers. His end is grim and violent. As the
water of the Langley River carries away his blood, Meng If the characters are working with Apple, have them
Po — an elderly East Asian woman in traditional hanfu — tumble off the cliff during their climb, leaving them se-
carries away his body. riously wounded: The characters can negotiate with the
Fossegrim instead or come up with another plan to dis-
As Karna dies, the eclipse passes, and Zalmoxis’s ser-
rupt the ritual. Karna is deliberately placed at the top of
vants disperse as rapidly as possible.
the falls as bait, so he makes a very visible target.
Preventing Disaster
If the characters know Karna’s plan and want to dis-
If the Scions oppose the Keepers, they can try and rupt it, they’d be smart to stop Apple — though that will
talk Karna out of his sacrifice using Persuasion + Presence probably only work if the Scions have a good relationship
(Difficulty 4). If they botch, they anger him and he shoves with them. They’ll need to persuade Eris’s emissary not
one of them over the falls (if he wins an opposed Close to interfere because it’s exactly what the Keepers of The
armageddon jam 47
They met beside
The dying embers of an altar-place
Where had been heap’d a mass of holy things
For an unholy usage;
— Lord Byron, Darkness
overview 49
the ocean, and it won’t even settle into a single state of ex- way. Alternatively, if the players like a mystery, send them
istence (for a while, anyway). This causes huge upheaval to to the ruins first: They’ll come up with questions as they
The World and for some mortals makes the existence of the explore and can have those questions answered when
Gods a little too real. There’s enough meat here for a whole they reach the living city.
Scion storyline; if you don’t want to run that storyline, the If they visit the living Atlantis first, they may not feel
safer option is to say Atlantis existed as an irrelevant ruin, the need to access the ruins, and that’s okay. They miss an
so uninteresting nobody ever spoke about it. object lesson of how the Keepers’ rebirth plans could go
By the end of Incognito Love Song, Atlantis is fixed horribly wrong and an early opportunity to interact with
in one state or another: ruined or thriving. As is the way Tlazōlteōtl’s saint.
of The World, history and myth gradually adapt so that
Atlantis has always been this way. If it’s ruined, it’s an THE KEEPERS OF THE WORLD
interesting archaeological curiosity. If it’s inhabited, it’s The Keepers of The World start Incognito Love
known as an isolationist state that very few people ever get Song on the back foot. They didn’t expect Atlantis to be
to visit, and there’s very little concrete reporting of what affected by their interference with the sympathetic links
life is like there. Only Gods and Scions (and not even all of to the other realms, and they’re concerned. The plan is
them) remember that The World wasn’t always like this. developing unforeseen outcomes. Even worse, they need
to erase Atlantis, and now they’ve got a limited time to
STRANDS OF FATE do that. If Atlantis was previously ruined or lost, they
The Call to Action section assumes the players’ also confront the need to erase over a million lives along
characters experienced Armageddon Jam. If they didn’t, with it. Yes, The World will adapt so that Atlantis never
the simplest way to pull them in is through dreams and was, and nobody will remember otherwise, but that won’t
visions: The World twists in subtle ways to make it clear change what the Keepers had to — have to — do.
that they have business in Atlantis. Even as news about This is a crisis for them. For the players’ Band, it’s an
the ‘rediscovered’ Atlantis takes over the news cycle, opportunity to seize the reins. If they support the Keep-
they dream of drowned ruins and a city falling; they see ers, they can take an influential role by pushing the plan
a black-lipped woman laugh with delight as the city tum- forward or redirecting it. This scenario doesn’t present a
bles down around her. Press the point by offering Scions specific alternative to destroying Atlantis, but myths are
with appropriate contacts — academic, political, or jour- slippery things: Anything that feels grand and resonant is
nalistic — an opportunity to join an expedition to Atlantis worth considering. If they oppose the Keepers, there are
when it reappears. Characters with criminal contacts cracks in the Pantheon they can exploit.
might get the same opportunity to go and loot the ruins.
SCENE MAP The first Agents of the Keepers to arrive in Atlantis
Like Armageddon Jam, the running order of Incog- are Leonie Wagner and Kerem Osman, Scions of Wayland
nito Love Song is flexible. The Keepers are working on the Smith and Tolui Khagan respectively. The Gods re-
advancing their agenda, sometimes behind the scenes spond to what their agents report in very different ways.
and sometimes right out in public. Scenes happen when Wayland the Smith is fully prepared for the Breaking of
the characters are around to see them. The scene map Atlantis. It’s exactly the kind of ingenious, intricate, defi-
below gives an idea of how the scenes naturally flow. ant magic he imagined when he accepted Imhotep’s offer
The first part of the story takes the Scions out of The to join the Keepers. Tolui Khagan’s Scion, on the other
World they know and into Atlantis. It mixes Intrigue and hand, is deeply attached to the concept of family, contin-
Action-adventure scenes. In the living city of Atlantis, the uation, and legacy. He’s profoundly affected by finding
characters mostly face Procedural and Intrigue challeng- Atlantis alive and thriving, especially if he expected it to
es; in its ruined state, the city offers up Action-adventure. be abandoned and in ruins. He can’t — and won’t — see
The finale’s an action-heavy set piece with events taking families torn apart or let the Keepers become the inter-
place in both versions of Atlantis. fering, ruinous Gods they claim to stand against.
Moving between the two versions of the city is rela- Tolui and Wayland’s Scions are in a stalemate, and
tively easy once the characters start making local connec- they stay that way until The Black-Lipped Saint, emissary
tions; until then, the best way is to sail away from the city, of Tlazōlteōtl, arrives. She of the Black Lips is au fait with
wait for it to change state, and return. death in all its forms. It’s part of the regeneration of The
World. The Saint’s arrival ends the stalemate and the
Send the Scions to living Atlantis first if you want to
Breaking of Atlantis proceeds, unless the Scions are able
hand them a lot of knowledge upfront. There are people
to stop it.
to talk to, and it’s much easier to impart information that
J ust a couple of months after Sentinel Falls, the Gods’ island as Atlantis. The name sticks, and over time it’s tak-
newest Scions save, or destroy, one of the oldest en increasingly seriously.
civilizations in The World. As in Ruined Atlantis, the waters around the island
are almost impassable, and attempts to reach it quickly
PROLOGUE: fizzle out.
Sentinel Falls was two months ago. The characters
have had time to contemplate their divinity and continue It’s fine if these early brushes with Atlantis don’t lead
with their lives. Maybe they’ve been aiding or abetting the to anything and the characters wait for a more obvious
Keepers’ plans elsewhere in The World, maybe they’ve call to action. They’re establishing shots: a way to show
been center stage in other stories, or maybe things have the characters the Keepers’ actions have reached a level
been quiet. impossible to hide or ignore. However, if the Scions do
pay attention and want to get involved immediately:
Whatever the Scions have been up to, everything
stops when Atlantis returns. Either life suddenly returns • Establishing the truth behind the media coverage
to the ancient city’s ruins, or it reappears in the eastern requires an Academics + Intellect roll.
part of the Black Sea as if it had always been there. • Delving into Atlantean myths also requires an Aca-
As the characters go about their lives, they catch demics + Intellect roll.
news stories about freak weather in the Black Sea region: • Investigating links with the Keepers (assuming the
a huge tsunami that devastates coastal areas, especially Scions can’t just call Kirsten and ask what’s going on)
Georgia and Russia on the eastern coast. It’s a common requires an Empathy + Intellect roll and indicates that
topic of conversation, charity appeals are launched, and Atlantis should be a very powerful connection between
people express shock and sympathy for the tragedy. layers of reality. Thus, controlling or destroying it would
What happens afterwards depends on whether At- both be useful to them.
lantis is nonexistent or a ruin. • Researching ways to get from the Black Sea to
Atlantis requires either a Culture + Presence roll or a
RUINED ATLANTIS Subterfuge + Manipulation roll for shadier options like
If Atlantis was in ruins, days of conflicting news cov- catching a ride with smugglers.
erage follow its reappearance. Media sources show imag-
The best options for getting close to Atlantis are ei-
es and drone footage of a thriving city covering the full
ther to walk the River Langley or take advantage of the
extent of the island, but in the same coverage pass them
Crossroads Tavern.
off as fakes. No one’s able to get close enough to provide
concrete evidence: The sea around the island is wild and The Scions can use the river as a gate to transition to
storm-wracked, and the few ships that sail towards it sink the Danube River, which joins the Black Sea in Constanța,
Victory is unlikely, but not impossible. If the Scions
Axeinos is as old as the bedrock of the
island. He fought the first humans to settle kill Axeinos or drive it away, they’ve done a significant
there, and their boats only landed because deed. Treat is as a short-term Deed for purposes of in-
a Scion of the Atlantean Gods wrestled the creasing Legend.
serpent to hold it at bay. Atlanteans defer to
the sea serpent, propitiating it as if it was a SALVATION
child of their sea God Vodabog. Since the Heroes don’t die like this. If there’s a Scion of a water
two states of Atlantis came into simultaneous god in the Band (like Therese Tanaka, from the ready-
existence, and Axeinos became at once made characters), this is the moment for their divine par-
the guardian of the city and the observer of ent to step in. The seas calm around them, and waves wash
the ruins, it’s lost its senses and attacks any them and their companions none too gently to shore. The
vessel that approaches Atlantis or tries to thunder sounds a lot like disappointed, mocking laughter.
stray too far from its coast.
Otherwise, wash the Scions up on the shores of At-
Archetype: Villain
lantis with their Momentum and Legend pools empty.
Qualities: Heavily Armored (included Any crew remaining with them want nothing to do with
in Health and Defense totals), Natural the Scions, and they go their own way, immediately set-
Weapon ting to work trying to find a way back home.
Flair: Long Arm
Drive: Prevent anything reaching or WELCOME TO
leaving the island of Atlantis
Primary Pool (7): Move, Crush, Bite
Atlantis is a majestic sight in either of its shifting
Secondary Pool (4): Evade,
Capsize Vessels states. A lot of the city’s workings are left for individual
groups to fill in, but Atlantis, Living contains enough key
Desperation Pool: 3
information for the characters to navigate this story.
Health: 6
Initiative: 3 Atlantis venerates five Gods who’ve fallen from the
rest of The World’s memory. Most regular people wor-
Extras: Size Scale 2
ship the entire Pantheon, praying and sacrificing to them
Callings: Creator, Liminal Necessity is, as they say, the mother of invention.
Three days of full immersion bestows a very basic vo-
Purviews: Birth, Darkness, Death, Journeys
cabulary; a week grants basic conversational fluency.
Strastabog Expressing anything complicated requires a Culture +
God of all things primal, from sex to the hunt. Cunning roll, with a risk of irritating whoever the charac-
ter is talking to (a +1 Complication).
Callings: Hunter, Lover, Warrior
Purviews: Blood, Beasts, Fertility, Passion, War
The island of Atlantis is an odd shape. A ring of cliffs
Aietë separates the beaches from the city itself, though there
Goddess of scholars, stars, and the passage of time. are plenty of stairs, elevators, and even a light rail service
connecting the port and beaches to the city. The outer part
Callings: Sage, Healer
of the city is set on those cliffs and hillsides, sinking down
Purviews: Health, Learning, Sky, Seasons, Time to a circular valley in the city center. The oldest and most
Nasmev important buildings — the various chambers of government
and the Gods’ oldest temples — sit in that central depression.
Goddess of mischief and misrule, Vodabog’s only
offspring. With nowhere to expand to, the city is densely built
Callings: Trickster and densely populated. Most districts are a mix of resi-
dential and commercial property. The beaches are kept
Purviews: Chaos, Deception, Fire
almost clear out of respect for Vodabog of the Waters
(see The Atlantean Pantheon, p. XX), but there’s little
ATLANTIS, LIVING clear space anywhere else in the city. Rooftop parks and
The living city of Atlantis is a repository of millennia gardens offer the best views of the city (and clear views
of history, the birthplace of five Gods (though they’re not to the Black Sea coast), as well as a respite from crowds.
in residence), and home to a million people. The players’
People and Power
characters need at least a basic understanding of it to
take a proactive role in the rest of Incognito Love Song. Atlantis is a democracy: one person, one vote. Leaders
Getting that basic information requires a Complex Inves- are elected to local (district) government, and those lead-
tigation, with Intervals of one day between rolls. ers have an equal voice in the city assembly. Government
is only one pillar of power in the city state. Anyone who
• Milestone One: The characters conquer the lan- can convincingly speak for the Gods of Atlantis — which
guage barrier with an Academics + Intellect roll. If anyone is to say heroes, especially Scions — commands immense
in the Band speaks a related Slavic language (see Language prestige and power.
Barrier), count this milestone as complete immediately.
The city’s built on advanced technology, almost all of it
• Milestone Two: The characters get a feel for the infused with the secrets of the Gods. The God-tech-assist-
city’s layout with a Survival + Intellect roll. ed agriculture in caverns beneath the city could go a long
• Milestone Three: The characters understand way to solving World hunger. The God-tech clean energy
who’s in charge and broadly how the city works with a — harnessing not just the power of waves but the power of
Culture + Intellect roll. primordial Water, the mythic essence of the sea — could
Language Barrier free humanity from fossil fuels and the resultant pollution.
Atlantis has a language of its own: Atlantean. It’s Atlantis has its own currency, and bureaux de change
the only language spoken in the city. To oversimplify the haven’t started to crop up yet. The Scions’ best option on
situation massively, its roots are Slavic, and it includes arrival is pawning high value items (hope they thought
An intimate music venue, both familiar and
strange Archetype: Rival
Atmosphere: Celebratory, joyful Drive: Protect living Atlantis
Attitude and Bonds: Primary Pool (9): Communication,
Artemi Baros: Keepers of The World Empathy, Improvisation
(+3), Kerem (+2), Leonie (–1), PCs (+1) Secondary Pool (7): Bare-handed
Kerem Osman: Artemi (+3), Keepers of Combat, Culture
The World (+3), Leonie (–2), PCs (+1 as a Desperation Pool: 5
friend, –1 as a foe) Callings: Guardian, Lover
Purviews: Epic Strength, Passion
(Familial Love)
Kerem is described in Eyes on the Keepers (p. XX). Defense: 5
Artemi is a lanky, olive-skinned man with golden brown Health: 3
curly hair and long, elegant hands. He’s warm, open, and
Initiative: 6
serious. He tears up bits of paper when he’s distracted.
His drive for this scene is to keep the peace.
Extras: Right At Home. When Kerem
meets someone for the first time, their
Kerem has no expectations of the Scions at all — Attitude’s always at least +1. This only
though he recognizes them for what they are. He’s not lasts until the end of the scene.
aware of anything that happened in Armageddon Jam,
While the rough sea and enormous monster have
kept legitimate visitors away from Atlantis, there’s a class
of ship and crew more willing to take their lives in their
hands: would-be antiquities dealers who’ve come to strip
mine the island for valuable artefacts. If Atlantis already
existed in a ruined state, there are just a few would-be
thieves. If it didn’t exist at all, over a dozen crews scav-
enge the ruins. Most of them include or were hired by
antiquities dealers, so they’re an interesting mix of folk
doing it for kicks, for money, or out of fascination with
If Axeinos is injured or dead, traffic increases rapidly:
These archaeological strip miners haven’t stopped trying to
reach Atlantis, and suddenly there’s no major impediment.
Within a few days the island’s crawling with crews sifting
through, and sometimes fighting over, the spoils of Atlantis.
There are plenty of plundered cultural artefacts for ev-
eryone, and initially there’s little conflict between the crews.
If the characters attempt to intervene in the rapid packing
and shipping of antiquities, that changes: The looters are
armed and dangerous, but not a major threat to Scions.
A makeshift campsite perched among ruins
Atmosphere: Rugged
Attitude and Bonds:
Treasure Hunters: Other Treasure
Hunters (–1 to 1), PCs (–1)
Atlantis is well supplied with temples to each of the Vodabog tells the Scions the other Gods will nev-
Gods, and with an Academics + Intellect roll a Scion can er permit what happened in Atlantis to happen again:
easily establish the sort of symbolism and offerings that They’d erase any being, mortal or divine, who attempted
appeal to each God. such a thing. A war in heaven is an awful thing, with awful
implications for The World.
• Vodabog: Shells, glass, salt, crowns, storms, wind
instruments. Brata-Grozd
• Brata-Grozd: Smoke, silence, meditation, open Brata-Grozd appears as a tall, androgynous human.
doors, the color white, singing. They’re two-faced (like Janus) but also two-fronted. Fac-
ing one way, they’re a white-skinned, black-clad being;
• Strastabog: Blood, weapons, ashes, cries of raw facing the other way, they’re black-skinned and grey-clad.
emotion, the color purple, drums.
Brata-Grozd tells the Scions few of the other Gods
• Aietë: Craftwork, stringed instruments, star charts, remember what happened to Atlantis. It left their memo-
weaving, books, poetry. ry when it became Terra Incognita. They speculate some
• Nasmev: Ashes, fire, illusions, food, theatre, dance. chthonic Gods remember: Their connection to history
characters (assisted by Kerem) attempt to subdue or kill
At or near the Scions’ accommodation, at her. As she leaves the Field or at the end of the second
round of combat, Tlazōlteōtl’s emissary reaches Atlantis.
Attitude and Bonds: See The Black-Lipped Saint Arrives (p. XX).
Kerem Osman: Leonie (–4), PCs (+3
or –3, depending on previous interactions) AVERTING DISASTER
Leonie Wagner: Kerem (–3), PCs (+2 or If the Scions have sunk time into studying Atlante-
–2, depending on previous interactions) an God-tech in living or ruined Atlantis (see Extensive
Study, p. XX), they stand a great chance of making the
Breaking impossible. They just have to get into the Laby-
rinth without Leonie noticing, before The Black-Lipped
Without Influence, Leonie asks curt questions, not
Saint Arrives.
volunteering information herself. She wants to know
what the Scions learned in ruined Atlantis to make sure it All they have to do is sneak unseen (by Leonie and
fits with what she’s figured out herself (it does). The Black-Lipped Saint) into the Labyrinth and sabotage
the machinery. If they’re working to a deadline here — if
No amount of Influence can stop Leonie from going
The Black Lipped Saint has already arrived and she and
through with the Breaking of Atlantis. What the Scions
Leonie are making their way into the Labyrinth — or
can do, with a successful Influence roll, is get her to reveal
they didn’t fully complete their study, roll Technology +
when (at high tide the next day, while one of the frequent,
Cunning (Difficulty 2). If they fail, as a Consolation they
intense, storms rages above), where (Queen Xenope’s
knock it briefly offline, making Leonie’s work harder.
mechanisms in the Labyrinth) and how (using the Va-
rangian Runes she acquired in Istanbul to overcharge the If the Scions know what they’re doing and have a
God-tech machinery, literally destroying the island; Leo- couple of hours to spend, don’t make them roll: There’s
nie and everyone on Atlantis will die) she intends to do it. nothing stopping them from trying again and again until
they succeed, so dice rolls are a waste of time. Sometimes
If Leonie has a positive attitude to the Scions, they
preparation just pays off.
might be able to persuade her to change her plan, po-
tentially pushing it into a form that won’t work, with a If the Band succeeds here, the Breaking of Atlan-
Subterfuge + Manipulation roll (Difficulty 3) — with a +2 tis can’t happen. That won’t stop The Black-Lipped Saint
Complication that they lose Kerem’s support. from wreaking havoc and attempting to destroy the Axis
Mundi with pure violence. She still needs to be stopped
As a Consolation for a failed Influence roll, Leonie lets
unless the Scions are okay with thousands of lives being
slip that the Keepers are sending her better help than Kerem.
lost. There’s still a climactic finale (and it still looks a lot
This scene likely ends in one of two ways: The like The Breaking of Atlantis), but the cosmological
conversation breaks down and Leonie leaves, or the stakes are lower.
THE CITY Note that if Lyvoë is with the Scions, the people of
Atlantis take to the sea when the Breaking begins. With-
The appearance of The Black-Lipped Saint throws out Lyvoë in command, it’s chaotic, and there’s no one
the city into chaos. It takes about an hour for the Scions to protect the boats from Axeinos (if he isn’t injured or
to rally and take action against her. Until then, they’re dead). Many lives are lost.
busy trying to make sense of what’s happening. There’s
no standing city defense force. Artemi Baros is convinced the Scions know what’s
going on. He’s worried about Kerem, but even more wor-
However, it takes very little time for news of the latest ried about how much danger the city’s in. He wants to
visitor to spread through the city. Atlanteans who know know if he should find somewhere safe to stay out of the
the players’ characters seek them out with questions. way or start trying to leave. With a Leadership + Presence
Kelvin Sidney is first. He describes the Saint, says roll, he gets over his fear enough to show the Scions a
she’s heading for the city center, and asks the Scions what quicker, quieter route to the Labyrinth.
she is and what she’s going to do.
Anthem 81
The World’s not designed to thrive when cut off from the the Langley River has burst its banks, flooding a major
divine powers that shape it. Natural disasters abound, as section of downtown — or even better, by seeing it hap-
do human hardships like epidemics and wars. It’s the end pen, if their prologues can feasibly happen near the water.
of The World, but life goes on. Those who aren’t directly If they’re not in their hometown, there are plenty of other
affected carry on as normal, oblivious to the death throes rivers in The World. If they’re not together, run this scene
of reality. The news is full of tragedy, to the point that for the largest group of Scions possible.
people become desensitized to it. Early footage from the scene shows rushing waves
On the other hand, Atlantis (in whatever state it higher than a river should ever produce, and the Scions
ended Incognito Love Song) is firmly part of The World see the shapes of horses in them, formed from the green-
now. The Scions get to see, live, how The World simply ish river water and the froth of waves. Seeing them takes
shifts to incorporate new myths: Atlantis exists, and At- a little imagination, but the shapes are clear. The beasts
lantis has always existed. are stampeding, endangering mortals, and this is clearly
Kick off this story with a short scene for each Scion, some divine nonsense. Nobody’s making the Scions deal
no more than five minutes long. If two or more Scions with it, but someone has to.
spend a lot of time together, combine their scenes. This is If you’re moving into Absent Friends:
a chance to show what their lives are like now that they’re The Scions receive a group message through whatev-
growing in power. How do they spend their time? What er social media they use (if they don’t use any, they don’t
great Deeds are they pursuing? Are they proactively pur- get the message; if none of them use any social media, one
suing the Keepers of The World or waiting for a chance gets a text message from an unfamiliar number, or a letter
to strike? hand-delivered to their home). If Kerem Osman survived
The World’s ongoing litany of disasters plays out on Incognito Love Song, it’s from him, which is obvious
TV screens in the background of the scenes or pings up as on any messaging platform (text messages/letters are
alerts on the Scions’ phones. signed). Otherwise, it’s from an account created the same
day the message is sent, with no name and a username
Every scene includes at least one of the following
that’s a string of letters and numbers. The message reads:
motifs, designed to drop hints at the Gods the Scions will
meet in Anthem:
I need help. Can we meet? Crossroads Tavern
• An apple that starts a butterfly effect of chaos (e.g., right away?
someone trips over an apple, drops what they were carry-
ing into a road, where a vehicle crashes swerving to avoid The sender answers requests for further clarification
it) (Eris) by insisting it’s better to talk in person, but they accept re-
• Spilled blood — the Scion’s, if reasonably possible. scheduling to a different venue in the city or to a different
(Zalmoxis) time as long as it’s for the same day.
• An animal feasting on something spoiled and stink- If the message isn’t from Kerem and the Scions ask
ing. (Tlazōlteōtl) how they’ll recognize the sender, they receive a selfie of
an East Asian woman with short, white hair and blue-
• A stinging insect (choose wasps or yellowjackets
framed cat’s eyeglasses.
over fuzzy bumblebees) crawling out of a bouquet of
fresh, sweet-scented flowers. (Blodeuwedd)
• Someone in a lion fur style coat, with a thick, mane-
The Keepers’ actions make the various supernatural
like collar. (Herakles)
creatures of The World anxious: They know something’s
• A dog on a leash turning violently protective of its wrong and getting wronger by the day. Some of them are
handler. (Hekate) intelligent enough to worry, while others just erupt into
The Scions can discern which Gods these motifs rep- panic, endangering everything around them. Their dis-
resent with an Occult + Intellect roll. It’s up to the Scions tress manifests as natural disasters — yet more of them,
to figure out what seeing them means. piled on top of everything that resulted from the Keepers
destroying Gates and Touchstones.
After the prologue, the next two scenes are Think
Global, Act Local and Absent Friends. Run both, in This time it’s a herd of Celtic water horses, ceffylau
whichever order you choose. dŵr, rampaging down the Langley River. They’re clearly
If you’re moving on to Think Global, Act Local: visible to anyone who looks properly at the water, but
everyone around them is too busy trying to flee from
Whether they’re together or apart, the Scions’ pro-
tidal waves to stop and appreciate the glorious shapes
logue scenes are all interrupted by an urgent warning that
in the water. Later, they’re visible in pictures and video
Anthem 83
the same one on which the Scions met Karna in Arma- made of flowers as a bride for a Welsh king, Blodeuwedd
geddon Jam, if convenient), watching the tsunami of rebelled and killed him, taking control of her own life.
mythical creatures roiling below her. Blodeuwedd doesn’t • Blodeuwedd readily acknowledges that she’s not a
look remotely human, but all the mortals on the scene are huge fan of authority and doesn’t share the Keepers’ stat-
too preoccupied with not drowning to notice her. She’ll ed goals of better protecting and serving humanity. She
later appear in pictures and video footage as a vaguely just wants “a fresh start.” She doesn’t offer further detail
feminine blur. on what that means.
Blodeuwedd’s manifest form is an ample woman’s • She won’t help calm or divert the horses but tells
body to the neck, her face is an unsettling arrangement of the Scions that, like Kelpies, they can be tamed with a
flowers and leaves with an unfurling blossom for a mouth. bridle. If the Scions were to bridle the stallion at the head
She’s clad only in flowers that continuously sprout, of the charge, the rest of the herd would probably settle.
bloom, and rot, and daisies and wildflowers sprout and
blossom in her foot- and handprints, rapidly taking over As Consolation for a failed Influence roll, Blodeu-
the bridge. She’s soft-spoken, charismatic, and prickly. wedd tells the Scions to “hush now — and let the water
Her floral mouth purses and unfurls constantly when horses be. They’re only enjoying their freedom.” Make
she’s thinking. Her drive for this scene is to decide wheth- sure the Scions understand the horses aren’t enjoying
er she has the stomach for mass murder. anything and Blodeuwedd is projecting her own values
on the ceffylau dŵr.
Unlike Karna, Blodeuwedd is doing nothing to mask
or suppress her divine nature. The scent of fresh grass
and flowers in full bloom spreads out around her, and
standing close to her saps the energy from bystanders, like By the time the Scions visit the Crossroads Tavern to
the indolence that comes from being outdoors in blazing meet Kerem, he’s already dead. Agents of Zalmoxis pursued
summer sun. When in proximity to Blodeuwedd, Resolve him to the Crossroads (or wherever he’s meeting the Scions,
rolls are at +1 Difficulty, Composure rolls at –1 Difficulty. via the Crossroads) from Istanbul and killed him, stripping
his mantle from him with the Thief of Fate (p. XX).
Without Influence, Blodeuwedd’s not interested in
talking to the Scions. She shushes them in favor of watch- With a Survival + Cunning roll (Difficulty 2), the
ing the ceffylau dŵr stampede. If asked whether she has Scions notice splatters of blood on the sidewalk outside
anything to do with the disaster unfolding below, she the Crossroads, increasing in volume as they reach the
shrugs. If the Scions stick around to watch the stampede edge of the block and turn into a backstreet. If the Scions
or survey the aftermath, she remarks on how messy it is… follow the trail, go to Scene of the Crime.
“but that’s nature, isn’t it?”.
It’s unlikely that the Scions will gain Influence over
Blodeuwedd (remember: all her dice count as successes AN ALTERNATIVE
on a 7+ as opposed to the Scions’ 8), but if they do, they CORPSE
gain Blodeuwedd’s attention. It’s an uncomfortable feel-
ing, like looking at the sun and finding it looking back at If Kerem died before Anthem, the person
you. With Influence, she both asks and answers questions. who contacted the Band is Chō Nishihara.
She was a Scion of Takeminakata, a Kami
• She admits the stampede is partially her doing. The deity of earth and direct rulership. She was
water horses were riled up anyway, but she exacerbated also a management consultant. Like Tolui
the situation and guided them downriver. Why? She’s Khagan, Takeminakata is resistant to some of
never seen what disaster looks like on a large scale. And the Keepers’ ideas (in his case, the idea that
disaster is coming. That’s also why she’s not moving to the Gods should remain hands-off after the
intervene. Worse things than this will come, and she rebirth), so their Scions are the Keepers’ first
must learn to steel herself against the sight. An Empathy targets for stripping Mantles. Every reference
+ Cunning roll (Difficulty 3) determines that Blodeuwedd to Kerem in this scene can be replaced
is lying, and if pushed she admits she called the ceffylau with Chō, with no changes except physical
dŵr here from elsewhere.
• She also admits she’s one of the Keepers of The
World. If asked why, she shrugs and tells the Scions to
The Crossroads is the same as always. The cocktail
look her up. She’s mildly offended if she has to explain
menu is expansive and delicious, but the décor can’t quite
who she is (the Scions can work it out with an Academics
hide the ’90s dive bar roots. The clientele mind their
+ Intellect roll), but she does so. Once they know who
own business. That’s normal, but there’s a different vibe
she is, the Scions are familiar with her legend: A woman
• Hayley knows she should go outside and see what WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED
happened to the guy who got beat up, but she’s scared. This information is supplied so you can provide
As Consolation for a failed Influence roll, Hayley tells reasonable clues based on avenues of investigation not
the Scions she doesn’t really know what happened, but already covered.
Scott probably does. He’s scheduled to work tomorrow, Three vampires and a Sorcerer jumped Kerem, one
but he got hurt trying to intervene in whatever went of them downing Scott the bartender with a single punch
down earlier. The poor guy’s probably still sitting in the when he tried to help. They dragged Kerem into an alley,
ER right now. and two vampires held him down while the third ripped
Anthem 85
open his chest. The sorcerer Anton Dalca used the Thief attributed to murder (all unsolved) or declared as “sus-
of Fate to crush Kerem’s heart, stripping his mantle in picious circumstances.” It’s hard to identify them as Sci-
the process. The vampires transformed into ugly, batlike ons, but a long, hard, slog of research, represented by an
creatures, and the sorcerer sank into the ground, leaving Academics + Resolve roll (Difficulty 3), turns up enough
no trace. circumstantial evidence for the players’ Scions to guess
the murder victims were all Scions too. Alternatively,
Travis, Apple, Lyvoë, Alesha or any other Scion contact
Motif: Extract power like blood. recognizes at least one name.
The Thief of Fate is a treasure of beaten gold, de-
Kerem’s name is not on the list.
signed to slip over the palm of a hand. Every millimeter of
its surface is inscribed with powerful spells in the ancient WHAT SCOTT SAW
language of the Getae. Six segmented limbs extend from The Scions can either find Scott in the ER of Bron-
the golden body like the legs of a spider. When wrapped tannas Canta hospital, in the city center, or wait until he
around a heart touched by divine power, the legs contract, comes back to work three days later. (Scions who speak
piercing the meat and squeezing tight enough to crush Irish Gaelic or who are descended from the Tuatha Dé
the organ to pieces. Danann know that the hospital’s name means Canta’s
Effect: When this piece of God-tech is used on a Gift, referring to Dian Cécht, the Tuatha Dé Danann
mortal, it has no special effect. When its slim legs wrap Physician of the Gods who counts healing and medicine
around the heart of a Scion — or a God, either living or amongst his purviews.)
newly dead — it siphons up their mantle and stores it At the hospital, the Scions have to lie their way in
inside the contraption, while reducing the heart itself to see Scott, but it’s a trivial challenge for Scions of this
to small chunks of meat. The process takes a little over a power: No roll is needed. If they wait until he’s back at
minute. It usually requires the user to permanently invest work, they can just walk right in and see him.
a point of their own Legend or a level of Health into the
Thief of Fate for every reaping.
Only Zalmoxis knows how to extract a mantle from
the Thief of Fate.
KEREM’S PHONE The Crossroads Tavern
or Brontannas Canta ER
Accessing Kerem’s phone is easy while the Scions
Atmosphere: Familiar, tense or bustling,
are close to his body. He has thumbprint access turned official
on, though it only works for a couple of hours after his
death (i.e., not if the Scions return to the scene later). Al-
Attitudes and Bonds:
ternatively, hacking Kerem’s phone takes a Technology + Scott: Hayley (+3), Player Scions (–1, +1
Intellect roll (Difficulty 3). It contains: if they’re Crossroads regulars)
• A lot of selfies, which on closer inspection all show
dark-clad figures in the background of the shots: Kerem
was being followed. Scott’s a short, barrel-chested white man with a
• A list of names and dates. Several names have either scruffy beard and a serious head injury: Half of his skull
T (for Takeminakata) or TK (for Tolui Khagan) next to is wrapped in bandages. If the Scions meet him after he
them. If the Scions know who Kerem’s father is, they rec- goes back to work, he’s obtained a medallion depicting
ognize what TK stands for, but can’t infer T unless they Hekate which he wears for protection. He’s resentful (of
already know Takeminakata is part of the Keepers of The his injury), tired, and probably concussed. His drive for
World. this scene is to get some stuff off his chest.
• A photo of a world map with a red X on Las Vegas. Scott’s in denial. Without Influence, he insists he just
saw a customer get mugged. Just four normal muggers,
Who Died?
who knocked him out before he got a good look at them.
The list of names on Kerem’s phone is a record of
With Influence, Scott admits there was something
Scions, many of them descendants of Tolui Khagan or
weird about the attackers. He saw fangs. Also, when
Takeminakata, who’ve been murdered in the last couple
he came around and crawled inside the Crossroads, he
of weeks.
smelled a lot of blood. He thinks he saw something flying
An internet search reveals the names are murder vic- away, but that’d be crazy, so obviously he can’t have.
tims and the dates listed are the dates of their deaths, all
Anthem 87
mantles. He sends the same team he would for any other • Apple is very disappointed by this, because they’ve
Scion: three vampires and a sorcerer. They try to take lived in The World for a while now and they really like it.
the least physically impressive Scion first, waiting until They like bars and TV and candy and phone-in radio de-
they’re alone. bate shows. They’d prefer those things weren’t stomped
Protecting the Thief of Fate is their top priority: If out of existence by giant monsters.
the assassination goes wrong, they do everything in their • They assume the Scions feel the same way, so have
power to let the sorcerer (or one of the vampires as a last a vested interest in stopping this.
resort) escape with it. If they get away, they try again in a If the Scions aren’t interested in helping, the conver-
few days, picking a different Scion this time. If the Scions sation stops there unless they have Influence over Apple.
are never alone and they’ve already survived one attempt, If they’re on board, or exert Influence, Apple tells them
Zalmoxis doesn’t try again. The Scions can of course pro- Specifics.
vide tempting bait if they want another attempt to obtain
the Thief of Fate. It doesn’t have to be subtle: A Scion SPECIFICS
who’s apparently alone is fine. Eris has riled up a number of Titanspawn and freed
If the Scions obtain the Thief of Fate, events proceed them to rampage; the Scions have seen some of the con-
as described in Murder Map: Zalmoxis sends more sequences on the news. She’s working on her biggest
agents after it until it’s broken or he has to visit in person. project yet: awakening a Primordial, Deep Rumbles the
Earth’s Heartbeat. Apple calls it Rumbles for short.
WINDFALL If Eris is in the Pantheon: She still has access to The
Eris is angry, and Apple’s getting nervous. Whether World, and is handling matters herself.
or not Eris was brought into the Keepers’ Pantheon at If Eris is not in the Pantheon: She’s sent The Furies,
the end of Armageddon Jam, she’s increasingly furious the chthonic Theoi manifestations of vengeance, to do
about their ongoing success. If they want to rebirth, and her work for her. It’s a little outside their wheelhouse but
rule, The World, Eris will make sure it’s one nobody in Eris is a long-time ally.
their right mind would want to be responsible for. She’s
stirring up Titanspawn across The World, causing indis- TAKING ACTION
criminate damage and suffering, and overall just making However Eris is going to awaken the Primordial,
sure The World’s a smoking wreck before the Keepers get she’ll need the Omphalos of Delphi, a Theoi Touchstone
their hands on it. She’s got her eyes on a Primordial, too. that symbolizes the navel of The World, a connection to
its primordial depths. The Omphalos is currently in a
FANCY MEETING YOU HERE museum in Athens. Apple recommends destroying it be-
Apple drops in on the Scions when they’re together fore Eris gets it, as stopping an enraged Primordial is well
somewhere public: either after they finish up at Think beyond the reach of a band of Scions. They’re pretty sure
Global, Act Local, when they visit the hospital or return the Crossroads opens into Athens (they’re right: There’s
to the Crossroads to talk to Scott in Absent Friends, or a Crossroads Tavern in Eleusis, on the outskirts of Athens
any other scene. and near a site once sacred to Hekate).
Apple looks rough. They’ve bitten their nails ragged If the Scions want to get involved, Apple promises
and there are heavy bags under their eyes. They’ve taken to do their best to help in whatever way the Band asks.
up vaping. Their drive for this scene is to get help thwart- They’re heading to Athens now, and the Scions should
ing Eris’s plan. Whether or not the Scions have supported make contact when they’re ready to make a move.
the Keepers in the past, Apple takes the same approach:
If the Scions won’t help, Apple’s going to do it them-
walking right up to the Scions, joining their group, and
self. They’re pretty sure they’ll be squished like a bug
opening with “So, you like The World, right? The way it
(they’re right about this too), but they’re determined to
is. Not a smoking ruin.”
Without Influence, Apple unburdens themself, bare-
ly letting the Scions get a word in edgewise. They’re set OTHER TIDBITS
on conveying several pieces of information: Eris is broadly aware of the Keepers’ plan, as de-
• Eris is at the end of her rope. scribed in Plans Within Plans, and Apple’s willing to
share it with the Scions after they’ve agreed to help stop
• She won’t risk the Keepers succeeding.
Eris unleashing a Primordial on an undeserving World.
• She’s wrecking The World before they get their
hands on it.
• She doesn’t care how many people die in the progress.
Anthem 89
Getting this information takes a couple of days of Smash and Grab
phone tag. If possible, have the Scions’ contact call to pass Apple’s plan is to enter the site as guests in broad day-
on their findings while the Scions are in the museum, light, smash the Omphalos’s glass case, and then smash the
preferably looking at the fake Omphalos. Omphalos itself. Apple is confident a speedy escape and a
If the Scions have to find out for themselves, call for a good disguise will be better than a complex heist plan.
Subterfuge + Manipulation roll (Difficulty 3) to learn the The Scions won’t be allowed into the museum with
same information. There’s a +1 Complication to this roll: their faces covered. Disguises require Subterfuge +
If the Scions don’t pay it off, they make another member Manipulation rolls. The number of successes forms the
of museum staff suspicious. That staff member informs Difficulty to see through the disguises. Viewing camera
Menon that someone’s been asking about the Omphalos. footage increases the Difficulty by 2.
If the Scions never learn this information, go to Turning off the cameras during the day puts the
Worst-Case Scenario Using the Omphalos. museum on high alert: The guards usher everyone out
SNATCHING THE OMPHALOS (I): through the front door, checking bags on the way out, and
the Scions need a Larceny + Dexterity roll (Difficulty 3)
to stay on site. Turning off the alarms, however, is a big
The Omphalos is displayed in a small room in the middle advantage. It requires someone to sneak into the security
of the museum, forcing visitors to walk a spiral (and look at all office and make a Technology + Cunning roll (Difficulty 3)
the other exhibits) to get to it. The copy is excellent: The marble to disable the alarms.
looks appropriately ancient and weathered, and the recogniz-
able relief patterns on its surface are perfectly rendered. Scions Don’t make the Scions roll to get to the Omphalos:
of Apollo make great forgers, amongst other occupations. Nobody’s suspicious of tourists looking at things. If the
alarms are active, they go off as soon as someone touches
The museum has excellent security camera coverage the Omphalos. The museum’s locked down, and the po-
but only a few security staff. Four patrol the museum lice are called (see Night Heist).
during the day and two at night. Day staff are more con-
Night Heist
cerned with keeping thieves from preying on clueless
tourists than with the potential destruction of historic Breaking into the museum after hours requires
artefacts. The Omphalos is a big chunk of stone. It’s hard someone to stay in the museum after it closes, hiding with
to damage, and it’s alarmed. Security guards use the Beat a Larceny + Dexterity roll (the guards’ checks aren’t very
Cop profile (Scion: Origin p. 154). thorough, and there are plenty of hiding places: closets,
offices, the stock room of the gift shop or the café’s small
Assuming Apple went to Athens ahead of the Scions,
pantry). That person must make a Technology + Cunning
they’ve been reconnoitering the museum and have fig-
roll (Difficulty 3) to disable the alarms and cameras.
ured out how to destroy the Omphalos.
Anyone outside needs to make a Larceny + Dexterity
The two options presented here assume that the Scions
roll (Difficulty 2), but with a +3 Complication if the alarms
don’t have Knacks or Boons that change the situation signifi-
are active to break in (predictably, the Complication is
cantly or let them avoid some hazards (like security cameras).
that the alarms go off ). Then everyone inside must make
If they do, this simple Action-Adventure scene becomes trivi-
a Larceny + Dexterity roll (Difficulty 1 if the cameras are
ally easy — and that’s fine, the real challenge awaits the Scions
disabled, Difficulty 3 if not) to avoid the guards’ attention.
at Menon Patronides’ home. Conversely, if the Scions have a
really hard time, let them get away. There’s no excitement or If the alarms aren’t disabled, touching the Omphalos
story in having them rot in a jail cell while The World ends. triggers them.
If the alarms are triggered at any point, four police
cars (eight officers) arrive within minutes. Use the SWAT
FIELD: Team profile (Origin: Scion p. 154).
Anthem 91
Kirsten & Hideaki
Not only is Kirsten, Scion of Herakles, taking time
MENON PATRONIDES, out from her busy schedule of putting down Titanspawn
SCION OF APOLLO to attend the party — she’s brought a date. Kirsten’s here
as a courtesy to a fellow Scion of the Theoi: She hates ev-
Archetype: Rival ery second. Her drive for this scene is to get through this
Drive: Prove himself superior ordeal. Her date is Hideaki Webster, an old friend and a
Primary Pool (9): Academics, Scion of Takeminakata. Like Kirsten, he’s been a critical
Deception, Persuasion part of the Keepers’ plans. He’s also on Zalmoxis’s hit list,
Secondary Pool (7): Forgery, Making though he doesn’t know it.
Art, Intimidation, Planning Even if she and the Scions aren’t on good terms,
Desperation Pool: 5 Kirsten’s pleased to see them on what she feels is neutral
Callings: Judge, Sage ground. She seeks out the Scions, grateful for company
that doesn’t make her want to scream and punch some-
Purviews: Artistry, Sun one, and introduces her date — both by name and as a
Defense: 3 Scion of Takeminakata.
Health: 3 Some carefully placed words here can open chasms
Initiative: 4 in the Keepers’ alliance. Anything Kirsten and Hideaki
Extras: Artist’s Eye. Spend 1 Tension for hear gets back to their parents.
Menon to spot any detail out of place in a • Telling Hideaki about Zalmoxis’s hit list leads to
Field, whether he’s familiar with the location Takeminakata and Tolui Khagan leaving the Keepers
or not.
immediately, which impacts Group Loyalty across the
Pantheon (see Labor Pains).
The Scions can try to talk Menon into showing them • Herakles knows all about the hit list. He’s not
the Omphalos, but it’s not easy. Getting him to show off comfortable with it, but he considers it an acceptable
the pieces of his art collection not on public display takes price. Kirsten does not. She loses faith in the Keepers and
a Persuasion + Manipulation roll (Difficulty 3). Asking considers taking a firm stance: seeking Herakles out and
him about the Omphalos directly bumps the Difficulty confronting him, asking him whether there’s any price
to 5: Anyone who knows about it could be an agent of too high for him to pay.
whoever spent the last year systematically destroying At this moment Kirsten’s still wavering. She tells the
Touchstones. Scions she’s going to confront Herakles, but their advice ulti-
He won’t grant the Scions permission to take the Om- mately decides her course: If they tell her to go through with
phalos anywhere, and he certainly won’t let them break it. it, she does. If they counsel against it, she holds back. If she
Alesha Dwarnam is in attendance, and so is Kirsten
Janssen. Both women spot the Scions unless they actively
try to hide. Blodeuwedd’s here too, in disguise and intro-
ducing herself as Neri. OPPORTUNITIES
Alesha Zalmoxis’s agents are decimating Tolui
Alesha’s here purely to make contact with other Sci- Khagan and Takeminakata’s Scions.
ons. She doesn’t know why The World is coming apart Learning this would part the two deities from
at the seams, or why the Gods are distant, but she knows the Keepers and start them actively working
there’s a problem and is trying to solve it. Her drive for against their former allies. All the Scions
this scene is to find a way to help save The World.
need to do is tip them off.
If they miss their chance at the party, either by
She’s easily recruited to help the players’ Scions in not attending, not talking to Kirsten, or any
whatever way they ask, as long as they convince her it’s other twist of fate, Hekate can help. So can
for the good of The World (no roll if they’re opposing Brata-Grozd, if the Scions are closer to them.
the Keepers; Subterfuge + Manipulation, contested by Either of these Gods can arrange a meeting
Alisha’s secondary dice pool, otherwise). between the Scions and Takeminakata — and
perhaps Karna can too, if he’s still around.
Anthem 93
Menon supposedly keeps the most valuable pieces in his this: She keeps trying until the Touchstone is destroyed
art collection. or out of her reach — unless the Scions distract her by,
• Milestone Two: Finding the passcode for the panic say, putting her in contact with Blodeuwedd. That’s not
room, tucked in a notebook in Menon’s study, with an Ac- an improvement in the medium to long term.
ademics + Cunning roll. There are six separate four digit Her schemes all revolve around manipulating a scene
codes on the paper. None of them are attributed to any of chaos, then exploiting it to snatch the Omphalos. For
device or door, but trying six won’t take much time. Three example:
or more successes on the roll reveals the fourth number • Waiting until the Scions are on the move (she as-
in the list is the most recently added: The other rows are sumes they have the Omphalos), engineering a multi-car
evenly spaced, but the fourth entry’s been wedged into an crash, and lifting the Omphalos from their vehicle while
existing space… just as if someone had recently updated a they’re either injured or helping others.
passcode and tried to note it down discreetly.
• Burning down their accommodation and collecting
• Milestone Three: Finding the panic room door, the Omphalos from the inferno.
which is disguised as a section of stone wall, in the base-
ment with a Survival + Cunning roll. • Capitalizing on Zalmoxis’s attempt to strip the Sci-
ons’ mantles and stealing the Omphalos while they worry
If the Scions don’t complete this Procedural by the about fighting off vampires set on murdering them.
time the party starts to wind down in the early hours of
the morning, they stumble over the three components, The Scions might trick Eris into leaving them alone
but Menon notices and apprehends them as they’re about if they destroy the fake Omphalos, preferably in front of
to enter the panic room. At this point they can try to her, and hide the real one somewhere Eris can’t find it:
convince him to let them take the Omphalos, though it the bottom of the ocean, among the God-tech in the Lab-
takes a passionate, well-crafted speech and a Persuasion yrinth of Atlantis, in the keeping of another God, or in a
+ Manipulation roll (Difficulty 3). Scion’s Sanctum (see Scion: Demigod, p. 138; the players’
Scions aren’t Demigods yet and shouldn’t have Sanctums
If they’ve already tried and failed to convince him to of their own, but more powerful contacts might, or the
let them take or break the Omphalos, he fights to defend Scions might be close enough to their Apotheosis to treat
the Omphalos — but he’s outnumbered, so run a round of a favorite location as a Sanctum for this purpose).
combat until, unless something truly unexpected happens,
Menon’s Taken Out and the Scions have a small window of SINISTER RUMBLING
opportunity to grab the Omphalos and destroy it or leave. If Eris gets her hands on the Omphalos, she takes it to
Delphi (its traditional home, and the place it’s most pow-
erful) to use it. The ruins of the ancient temple to Apollo
If the party’s been a little flat, consider having Eris or are usually open to the public, but not after Eris causes a
the Furies arrive just after the Omphalos is broken. It’s a series of small rockfalls that get the site shut down for the
good reason for the Scions to make a dramatic exit. foreseeable future.
BREAKING THE REAL OMPHALOS The ruins of Delphi comprise the whole ancient
The real Omphalos is harder to break. It takes divine town as well as the temple to Apollo. They’re spread out
power to destroy a Touchstone. A series of blows invested over the lower slopes of Mount Parnassus, with a clear
with 10 Legend in total does the job. The blows can be de- view over mountains and valleys as unspoiled as when
livered by multiple Scions. The Ruin Hammer also works the city was built. The only remains of Apollo’s temple are
(at a lower cost of 7 Legend). the foundations and a few pillars. It’s easy to find, thanks
to the signs describing and explaining the site to visitors.
WORST-CASE SCENARIO Outside the temple, another fake Omphalos (this one a
simple rock pyramid, not a copy) stands on a pedestal for
USING THE OMPHALOS visitors to inspect.
If the Scions didn’t obtain the Omphalos from Menon When Eris or the Furies walk on the sacred ground,
Patronides, Eris (or the Furies) get it. If the Scions ob- cracks open in the earth and the footprint of the old
tained it and didn’t break it, Eris or the Furies (substitute temple is obscured in sulfurous smoke that rises up from
as appropriate throughout this set of scenes: Any mean- deep inside the earth. All Larceny rolls are at –1 Difficulty
ingful differences are called out) are coming to get it back. in the fog.
RE-HEISTING THE ROCK Herakles is here, making use of the fog as cover to
If the Scions have the Omphalos, or hid it somewhere, creep up on Eris. The Scions can spot him with a Survival
Eris tries to take it from them. She never gets bored of + Cunning roll (Difficulty 2).
Anthem 95
DISCORD The Furies are personifications of righteous
Archetype: Avatar revenge. They punish hubris, oathbreaking,
and sins against the family. They’ve ruined
Qualities: A Cage of Words entire lineages, and they never stop until
Flair: Hall of Mirrors (Spend 1 Tension to they bring down their quarry. Only a long-
create numerous copies of oneself that last standing allegiance with Eris has them
until the end of the Scene) doing her dirty work in The World, but with
Drive: Ruin the Keepers’ plans countless lifetimes of hunting behind them,
Primary Pool (10): Deceive, Trick, Sow tracking down a Touchstone and its thieves is
Discord well within their wheelhouse.
Secondary Pool (8): Escape, Archetype: Mythic
Manipulate Qualities: Group Tactics, Honor
Desperation Pool: 6 Bound, Interference (Fatebind
characters not Fatebound to the
Health: 6 players’ Scions; reduce strength of
Defense: 5 target’s other Fatebindings by 1 until the
Initiative: 5 end of the Scene. Storyguide regains 1
Extras: Eris is a Tier 2 Antagonist, and
her dice count as successes on rolls of Flair: Illusions, Sorcery (Oaths)
7+. No Masters. Spend 1 Tension to Drive: Punish wrongdoers
replace another character’s positive bonds Primary Pool (8): Intuition, Tracking
with negative bonds of equal strength.
Overwhelming Chaos. Spend 1 Tension to Secondary Pool (6): Bindings,
overwhelm a character’s mind until the end Combat, Eloquence
of the scene: They must make an Integrity + Desperation Pool: 5
Resolve roll (Difficulty 2) to take any action. Health: 4
Defense: 4
Initiative: 5
She fights until Taken Out. The Furies fight until they’re
Maimed, then withdraw. They’re not risking their lives for Extras: The Furies are Tier 2
Eris’s obsession. Herakles fights until he’s Injured, then Antagonists, and their dice count as
withdraws: He’s saving his strength in case he has to fight
successes on rolls of 7+. One Drop.
When the Furies have a drop of a
a Primordial.
being’s blood, spend 1 Tension for them
If Apple is with the Scions, they fight alongside them to learn its precise location. Fearful
against the Furies, taking orders (or at least polite sugges- Purpose: Trivial targets automatically
tions). If they’re fighting Eris, she orders Apple to “desist flee from the Furies and others in their
from your insolence.” Apple’s not human: They’re a crea- presence suffer +2 Complications on
ture made from the stuff of Discord. They can’t refuse the any action that doesn’t contribute to
command. They turn on the Scions — though they feel getting away. Failure to buy off the
guilty about it.
Complication means they spend their
next turn moving away from the Furies.
If a God dies at Delphi and the Scions haven’t already
obtained the Thief of Fate, Zalmoxis sends his agents
to reap the dead God’s mantle before the body is cold. Manipulation roll (skip it if they’re genuinely siding with
The usual team of three vampires and a sorcerer arrives the Keepers), they can get him to lay out the basics of the
with the Thief of Fate shortly before dawn/after sunset, ritual, as described in Plans Within Plans.
whichever is sooner. Abject Failure
The Keepers’ Plan If the Scions fail and Herakles fails, a terrible earth-
If the Scions side with Herakles, he thanks them quake swallows the entirety of Delphi (let the Scions
and says he’ll see them in Vegas. With a Subterfuge + escape or have them take an Injury Condition and wake
up under rubble). It doesn’t stop, only spreads. The
Anthem 97
Lesser fragments of Aniwye are hybrid Greater fragments of Aniwye are huge, foul-
creatures, formed of a handful of regular tempered, and deeply distressed.
skunks coalesced into one foul, angry being. Archetype: Villain
Archetype: Mook Qualities: Group Tactics, Natural
Qualities: Group Tactics, Natural Weapon
Weapon Flair: Dread Gaze (spray), I
Flair: Dread Gaze (spray) Have Friends (Lesser Fragments),
Drive: Seek out more fragments Regeneration (max. 2 Health levels per
turn, cost 1 Tension per level healed)
Primary Pool (5): Alertness, Evasion
Drive: Forget the pain through violence
Secondary Pool (3): Scratch and
bite Primary Pool (7): Alertness, Attack
Desperation Pool: 2 Secondary Pool (5): Threaten,
Health: 2
Desperation Pool: 3
Defense: 2
Health: 5
Initiative: 3
Defense: 4
Initiative: 3
Extras: Size Scale 2
single entity. Then a repulsive hybrid skunk the size of a
school bus, composed of all the skunks of a given region.
The initial skunk has 1 Health and presents no threat
to Scions. Keepers, the Atlanteans make useful allies. Imhotep
knows Atlantis is a problem and is in the city to try and
SUPPORT persuade the Atlantean Gods to support the Keepers. It
Herakles’ Scions are charged with putting down Ti- won’t work, but it’s an opportunity for the Scions to meet
tanspawn wherever they rise. Numerous Atlantean agents Imhotep directly and potentially influence the Keepers of
are on the same mission. The Scions might encounter The World’s actions.
Kirsten Janssen or an Atlantean warband (usually com-
If Atlantis is broken, there’s still a chance some of its
prising six followers of Strastabog, see Incognito Love
Scions and citizens escaped. If so, the Atlantean diaspora
Song p. XX) during any of these scenes. They provide an
can offer the Scions some help — primarily when it comes
opportunity for the Scions to speak to Kirsten (as a back-
to Divine Forensics — as long as they weren’t helping the
up, in case they don’t attend the party in Smashing the
Keepers destroy their homeland.
Omphalos) and see they’re not the only people in The
World responding to the fallout from the Keepers’ actions. THE CALL
The Scions might not intend to visit Atlantis; An-
THE ATLANTEAN PANTHEON them involves careful managing of priorities. But there
If the Scions prevented the Breaking of Atlantis, the are good reasons for them to go back:
city, its Scions, and their Gods are a major wrench in the • Hiding the Omphalos of Delphi (see
workings of the Keepers’ plans. It’s a small location with Omphaloskepsis).
a high concentration of Scions and cults, whose Gods are
alert to the Keepers of The World’s plan. It’s untouched • Understanding the Keepers’ motivation for killing
by the Keepers’ attempts to destroy the portals and gate- their own Scions (see Absent Friends).
ways of the World: Atlantis (probably) didn’t exist in a • Help fighting Titanspawn or carrying word of an
meaningful way at that stage of their plan. Atlantean warband’s demise (see A Million Monsters).
If the Scions are supporting the Keepers, they face • It’s a safe place to plot against the Keepers of The
strong opposition from Atlantis. If they’re opposing the World.
The players’ Scions may not understand what the Influence isn’t a big deal in this scene, but there are
Thief of Fate does to the Scions it kills; they may not even some benefits.
understand mantles as a concept. How fortunate that the A DEEP DARK HOLE
Atlantean God of Knowledge, Aietë, has Scions and wor-
shippers who understand it very well. Atlantis is also an excellent hiding place for the Om-
phalos of Delphi if the Scions are trying to keep it out of
Kasmena (Incognito Jam p. XX) or Lyvoë can con- Eris’s reach. The deep waters around the island make a
nect the Band to a Scion of Aietë, Ondréu. He can help the good hiding place; so do the caverns of the Labyrinth; so
Scions piece together what’s actually happening when do the Sanctums of the Demigod Scions of Atlantis (in-
Zalmoxis’s agents use a Thief of Fate to murder a Scion. cluding Lyvoë, who became a Demigod if she helped stop
Ondréu does need physical evidence to analyze: Photos the Breaking; if not, she knows people). Brata-Grozd’s
and descriptions won’t do. Ideally, he’d like a corpse. realm is the safest place of all. Even if Eris somehow
Ondréu is a slight, olive-skinned man in his fifties learned where the Omphalos was, the power concentrat-
with tight-curled, salt and pepper hair and weathered ed in Atlantis is sufficient to stop her from ever getting
skin. He’s judgmental, easily distracted, and practical. hold of it.
He’s deaf and only wears a hearing aid if he anticipates Any Atlantean contacts can help the Scions hide the
needing to converse with hearing people. He’s a scientist Omphalos.
and scholar, and one of Aietë’s most recently claimed Sci-
ons: His Visitation was just after the attempted Breaking
of Atlantis.
An avatar of Imhotep is in Atlantis throughout the
Given several days to study the evidence Ondréu events of Anthem up until The Miracle of Birth. He
clarifies several things: meets with Atlantean leaders and emissaries of the At-
• The victims’ mantles are gone. That’s not a natural lantean Gods, making a good faith effort to explain the
consequence of a Scion’s death, thus they must have been Keepers’ motives and actions.
forcibly taken. Ondréu describes mantles as “the quiddity It’s a wasted journey. Atlantis will never support an-
of Godhood,” and further as “that which makes a God other attempt to cut The World from the other realms,
a God.” Scions develop them as they progress closer to banish the Gods, or any other part of the Keepers’ agenda.
Godhood. Ondréu knows the victims are Scions even if Any Atlantean contact proudly tells the Scions as much.
Anthem 99
Intervention provides guidance in case the Scions de-
cide to lobby against Imhotep, but it’s unnecessary.
movement — even its basic processes, the Primordial
Imhotep’s avatar is powerful, but it’s not impossible
equivalent of breathing — ruin The World for human
that the Scions might destroy him. If so, Imhotep’s not
dead, but he’s too weak to contribute to the ritual of
rebirth. He takes no further part in Anthem, and as a Once Rumbles (to borrow Apple’s name for him) is
consequence the Keepers of The World are weaker. This active, The World experiences, to put it mildly, a significant
primarily impacts The Miracle of Birth, in the ways de- increase in tectonic activity. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and the
scribed in Labor Pains. rapid formation of new mountain ranges — often right in the
middle of cities — become common. Add them to the list of
Reduce the Attitude of any Atlanteans who become
tragedies unfolding daily in the background of Anthem.
pawns in this plan by –3.
In the short term, dealing with the Keepers’ end-
SO, YOU UNLEASHED game plans gives the Scions more than enough to do.
Trying to pacify a Primordial will probably leave them
A PRIMORDIAL overstretched. It’s possible that The World’s rebirth will
If the Scions didn’t deal with Eris’s plan in Ompha- do the trick (which is a point in favor of letting them suc-
loskepsis or failed to destroy or hide the Omphalos of ceed), but that’s for each group to decide.
Delphi, there’s a Primordial power of earth awake and If the Keepers fail, Rumbles remains active. Soothing
on the loose. Primordials aren’t evil, but they’re several a Primordial back to sleep is a fitting story arc for a group
layers of magnitude removed from the concerns of mor- of newly minted Demigods if you wish to continue the
tals. They shouldn’t be active. It’s not good for reality as Scions’ story past the end of No Gods, No Masters.
mortals know it. Deep Rumbles in the Earth’s Heartbeat’s
Anthem 101
Zalmoxis murdering his Scions prevents loyalty reduc-
INTERNAL SABOTEURS tions, and so helps hold the Pantheon together.
As the Keepers’ plan approaches its conclusion,
For the ritual of rebirth to work, at least five of the
Scions who support the Keepers but aren’t descended
Keepers must have a Group Loyalty rating of 3 or high-
from one of them get a vision from their divine parents or
er. The rebirth requires vast amounts of power wielded
patrons. They range in tone from disappointed to angry,
as a united Pantheon, and if the Pantheon is fractious and
but they all fill the Scion’s dreams for an entire night,
divided, they can’t weave Fate as a group.
assailing them with images of The World destroyed, or
damaged beyond repair; souls milling around, neither There’s no way for the Scions to know this, in char-
reborn nor at rest; and Titans escaped from their prisons. acter. Tell them after the finale, when the ritual simply
Death and disaster abound. fails to occur, that the subtle moves they made and inter-
actions they had were as important as big flashy action
Don’t run this as a scene: The Scions aren’t given
scenes in saving The World.
the privilege of interacting with this narrative. Simply
announce it when the Scions awake one morning. The IMHOTEP’S ATTITUDE
dreams are virtually identical for all of them (this is the If the Scions met Imhotep in Atlantis and shifted his
most consistent and sympatico the Gods have ever been). Attitude towards them, his low-key doubts about the wis-
The dream-visions repeat, and intensify, as the dom and viability of rebirthing The World are amplified.
Keepers’ ritual of rebirth draws nearer. There’s no effect If the Scions deduced Blodeuwedd’s plan to twist the
on dice rolls, just lingering unease. The dreams stop if rebirth into destruction and shared their concerns with
the Scions switch to opposing the Keepers. This divine Imhotep, and Tolui Khagan and Takeminakata have re-
bullying might well serve to cement the Scions’ decision belled, and Herakles is no longer his second in command,
to cut their parents out of The World. It wouldn’t be the Imhotep doesn’t go through with the rebirth. With the
most self-destructive or ill-considered thing most Gods Pantheon in tatters, he loses faith in the Keepers’ ability
have done. to usher in a new World — and even their right to do so.
Imhotep makes this decision at the ritual site near
LABOR PAINS Las Vegas, after the forces opposing the Keepers make a
As the moment of rebirth approaches, everything last attempt to dissuade him (in The Miracle of Birth).
the Scions have achieved has an impact on how easy — or If the Scions are opposing the rebirth, this is excel-
difficult — it is to preserve The World in its current state lent news. If they’re trying to assist with the rebirth, they
or guide it towards the Keepers’ vision. have one final chance to meet Imhotep at Las Vegas and
GROUP LOYALTY push him to execute the plan.
The Scions have had several chances to drop words BLODEUWEDD’S PLAN
in the right ears, weakening some Gods’ loyalty to the Blodeuwedd’s plan is incredibly simple: She just
Pantheon. Adjust each Keeper’s Group Loyalty as follows won’t do her part. When Tlazōlteōtl destroys the old
on the chart below. World, she will simply refuse to remake it. If that comes to
If the Scions destroy any Keepers’ manifest forms pass, the Scions can only save The World one of two ways:
during Anthem, they can’t contribute to the ritual of a sufficiently impassioned plea that Blodeuwedd changes
rebirth. Treat their group loyalty as 0 when determining her mind, or the Scions taking her place in the ritual.
whether the ritual will work.
If the Scions support the Keepers, as unlikely as it is
If the Scions destroyed the Thief of Fate, the Keep-
by this point, persuading Kirsten not to confront Herak-
ers don’t have enough stolen mantles to hold The World
les and making sure Takeminakata never finds out about
together during or immediately after the rebirth. They
Encouraged Kirsten to confront him Herakles –1
Encouraged his doubts in Atlantis Imhotep* –3
Told Hideaki Webster about Zalmoxis’s plan Tolui Khagan –5
Told Hideaki Webster about Zalmoxis’s plan Takeminakata –5
Destroyed the Thief of Fate Zalmoxis –2
THE MIRACLE OF BIRTH If the players are reticent, prompt them with
The Keepers assemble at Las Vegas to conduct their
ritual. Tlazōlteōtl drowns The World in filth and the rest • In their heart of hearts, what do they think will
of the Keepers, with Blodeuwedd in the forefront, are happen?
supposed to make The World anew in her wake. • What preparations have they made for failure?
This is unlikely to work for a multitude of reasons (see What about success?
Labor Pains), but the most serious threat is Blodeuwedd. • What do they wish they’d done?
THE TIME • How do they even begin to think about “the end of
The World” as a concrete reality?
The Scions have probably learned when the ritual
takes place; they’ve had opportunities in any scene that • Do they feel their divine parents’ support and trust?
refers back to Plans Within Plans. If not, it’s hard to miss. Or their disappointment? Do the Gods matter now, or is
this solely in their hands?
Time and space around Las Vegas stutter the moment
the Gods set foot on Red Mesa. Time distorts, rippling TO GAZE UPON THE DIVINE
and skipping like a stone cast across a pond. Airplanes
These aren’t avatars or manifestations; these are the
crossing the desert change path without the pilot’s in-
Gods themselves. While the beings that gather on Red
tervention; road vehicles die a few miles out of the city.
Mesa have human forms, they’re a myriad of things at
News reports of these weird phenomena roll in rapidly
once. Millennia worth of impressions and symbolisms
until they’re the only thing any news channel or site is
overlay their simple, human forms. They are every depic-
talking about.
tion of their forms in art, every symbol associated with
If this isn’t enough to tip off the characters, Apple them, and every place they’ve ever been worshiped. Meng
arrives. If they helped the Scions against Eris earlier in Po stands simultaneously on the red rock of the mesa and
Anthem, they’ve paid the price. Apple’s exhausted and the cool shadows of her Underworld; Imhotep is lit by the
badly injured: Eris’s punishment was cruel and protract- blazing golden sun of the Egyptian desert as well as the
ed. They carry a simple message: The World’s rebirth is starlight above him.
happening now, in the Nevada desert.
The sense of power is overwhelming, like a tidal wave
THE PLACE about to break over the Scions.
The ritual is set to take place in the desert outside Las Scion: Demigod contains reference art for all of the
Vegas with the city lights in the background. If it all goes Keepers but to generalize:
Anthem 103
• Blodeuwedd is a statuesque woman, her facial fea- If the Scions reveal Blodeuwedd’s plan, nobody be-
tures formed out of flowers. Purviews: Fertility, Flowers, lieves them. She vehemently denies it.
Growth The Keepers
• Eris (if she’s present) is a pale woman with black The other Gods have had eons to prove their right to
wings. Purviews: Chaos, Darkness, Trickery rule, and they haven’t. Every possible precaution has been
• Herakles is a massive man with rippling muscles taken: This is safe. The World will be better for it and the
clad in a lion skin. Purviews: Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, other Gods have other Realms.
Passion (Rage), Stars, War If Eris unleashed the Primordial force of earth, the
• Imhotep is a lean man clad in white. Purviews: Art- Keepers also argue the rebirth might be the only realistic
istry (Architecture), Health, Order way of once again setting it to rest.
• Meng Po is a diminutive, frail, Chinese woman. Pur- Except…
views: Artistry (Culinary), Beauty, Darkness, Deception, If Imhotep has decided against the ritual, this is the
Death, Health point he backs down. He admits, in front of the assembled
• Takeminakata is a heavily built Japanese man in his Gods and other beings, that the Keepers’ plan is misguid-
prime. Purviews: Animal (dragon, snake), Epic Strength, ed, and it’s strayed too far from what he wanted. If the
Fertility, Frost, Sky, War, Water Scions are supporting the Keepers’ plan, they have one
chance to change his mind. They need an average of one
• Tlazōlteōtl is a stern-faced, powerfully built wom- success each on a Social roll to do so. This is designed so
an with black lips. Purviews: Artistry (Weaving), Earth, that it’s worth every Scion speaking, but the Difficulty
Fertility, Fortune, Health, Moon, Passion (Lust) isn’t so high that the dice can undermine the fiction. If the
• Wayland the Smith is a scrawny, bearded man with players are comfortable performing in character, consider
a walking stick. Purviews: Epic Stamina, Fire, Forge skipping the dice rolls entirely: They’re mostly included
• Zalmoxis is a tall, proud, black clad figure with eyes so a tongue-tied or nervous player can accurately portray
like black voids. Purviews: Death, Earth, Epic Stamina, a passionate, silver-tongued Scion.
Health, Order, Prosperity, Sky Blodeuwedd objects strenuously, but to no avail.
If the Scions oppose the Keepers, leave this show- Assuming Imhotep doesn’t call off the ritual, there’s
down to them. If they support the Keepers, Hekate and going to be a fight. Neither faction will back down, and
the Atlantean Gods serve as the opposition. They send the Keepers are vastly more powerful than their oppo-
their Scions and servants, including Travis and/or Moon sition. Run a maximum of three rounds of combat, nar-
and Lyvoë. If the Scions prevailed on the Atlanteans for rating everything the Scions aren’t directly involved in
additional support Strastabog and Vodabog, Gods of the (spoilers: The Keepers win. Herakles could virtually take
hunt and authority, respectively, appear in person. Other the opposition on his own). Let the Scions get some hits
Scions the players’ Band have met in their travels might in, but also feel the fear of confronting actual Gods.
also be here, if they’re inclined towards direct confronta- This scene quickly grows far too complicated with
tion (for example, Alesha is; Ondréu and Menon aren’t). stats assigned to every possible Storyguide characters.
None of those assembled want to start a battle; two Plus, manifest Gods are hard to define. The Gods have
groups of fighting Gods could do untold damage to The combat dice pools of 10. They have complete dominion
World. The Keepers and their opposition would both over their Purviews and can conjure any miracle involv-
prefer to talk, so there’s a last-minute parlay. ing them, using 8 dice pools.
Whichever side the Scions are on, let them speak for After three rounds, describe the outcome: The oppo-
their faction in the attempt to stop a fight breaking out. sition are subdued and the Keepers’ ritual proceeds.
The arguments on both sides are well-rehearsed by now: IT BEGINS
Opposition The ritual isn’t a “spell.” It’s a moment. Tlazōlteōtl
This won’t work. It can’t work. The Keepers have steps into the middle of the mesa, the other Keepers’ at-
no right to try. Doing so makes them just as cavalier and tention fixed firmly on her. She breathes… and The World
selfish as any other Gods. dies. Every kind of filth runs from Tlazōlteōtl’s hands and
It’s notable that nobody who speaks for the opposi- body, swallowing the earth and sky. The stars are lost be-
tion shows any sympathy for the mortals who’ve lost their hind clouds of buzzing carrion insects.
lives to Titanspawn and disasters. For this part, and this part only, of the scene, there’s
nothing for the Scions to do but watch.
Anthem 105
meadow of wildflowers persists, a lasting symbol of the APOTHEOSIS
day the World changed.
There’s no script for apotheosis. Scion: Demigod
contains a detailed discussion of the transition from Hero
EPILOGUE to Demigod, and No Gods, No Masters simplifies it some-
Either The World is back to the way it was, or it’s no what but gets the Scions to the same point. The key ele-
longer The World as Scion conceives of it. As discussed in ments are for the Scions to decide (maybe not consciously)
Changing the World, neither is really the end of the line. what sort of God they want to be, and to cast off the rem-
If the Keepers failed, there’s fallout from the divine coup; nants of their mortal lives and fully assume their mantle.
if they succeeded, The World is a grimmer, less beautiful
First, the Scions have to decide whether they want to
place where everything is exactly and only as it seems.
become an aspect of the God who created them or replace
Touch on what The World has become. Give the Sci- them entirely. How the original God sees this depends on
ons brief scenes with contacts or people they care about the Pantheon and individual deity; some welcome anoth-
to experience The World as it is. Titanspawn attacks fade er aspect of themselves, some put down ‘pretenders’ with
away and, unless there’s still a Primordial at large, the extreme prejudice.
natural disasters are over. While privately many people
Alternatively, the Scion might strike out on their own,
of The World know something huge took place, public
becoming a new God whose identity is formed solely by
narratives quickly ascribe the struggles of the last few
their Deeds without reference to any other God.
months to mundane causes.
Whichever path they choose, the Scion’s arc con-
Other Scions — those who were at Origin or Hero
cludes with a second Visitation; if their parent is blocked
level, including everyone the players’ Scions have met
from accessing the World, the Scion is taken to their
outside of Atlantis — whose parent isn’t one of the Keep-
Realm in a dream. This isn’t just a chat about the Scion’s
ers of The World become mere mortals. For some, it’s a
personal development: The Gods have opinions on what
relief; for others, it’s heartbreaking. The members of the
came to pass in Anthem. If The World is unchanged, they
players’ Band are safe: They have mantles of their own,
congratulate their Scions; if not, the Gods enquire wheth-
Legends that don’t rely on their parents’ reflected glory.
er this is really what the Scions wanted, and whether they
By far the most important part of the Epilogue is this: intend to let it stand. ‘Enquire’ is a polite euphemism for
The Scions materially affected the nature of The World. the divine rage they experience, but the Gods can’t do
That’s a huge deal. Their apotheosis is close at hand. much: After all, The World’s out of reach for them now.
While the impact of their actions on The World provides
The Scions realize, if they didn’t already know, that
the seeds of numerous future stories, this one ends with
they’re ready to stand face to face with the old Gods, as
the Scions’ ascension to Demigods.
one of them. They receive their parent’s blessing or fight
them to usurp their place. When the Visitation’s done, the
new Demigod sheds their mortal body and life. They’re
now truly a divine being.
ALESHA DWARNAM, SCION OF SHIVA Extras: All Innocence. Apple spends 1 Tension to
Archetype: Ally pass off any legal or social consequences onto some-
one else of Tier 1 or lower. Not Even There. When
Drive: Be recognized as a hero Apple would be Taken Out, spend 1 Tension to move
Primary Pool (9): Lead, Inspire, Resist them one range band away instead. Liar Liar. Spend 1
Tension to start a rumor that’s guaranteed to take hold,
Secondary Pool (7): Alertness, Close combat, no matter how outrageous.
Desperation Pool: 5
Callings: Hunter, Sage
Archetype: Ally/Rival
Purviews: Epic Dexterity, Fire
Drive: Impress Herakles (Anthem: Stand up for
Defense: 4 what’s right)
Health: 3 Primary Pool (9): Athletics, Feats of Strength, Keep
Initiative: 7 calm
Extras: Noble Hunter. Alesha marks one character Secondary Pool (7): Empathy, Organize
as her quarry and has +1 Enhancement on rolls to Desperation Pool: 5
find or fight them until she catches them. Never Lost.
Alesha always knows where she is and where she’s Callings: Hunter, Warrior
going. Nose for Magic. Alesha always knows if she’s Purviews: Epic Stamina, Epic Strength
in the presence of a Relic, Touchstone, or other object
marked by the divine. Defense: 4
Health: 4
Initiative: 6
Archetype: Ally/Rival Extras: Superlative. Spend 1 Tension to add 3 dice
to any of Kirsten’s primary pools until the end of the
Drive: Make things interesting scene. Grit. Spend 1 Tension to heal Kirsten from
Primary Pool (9): Cheat, Lie, Steal Maimed to Injured.
Secondary Pool (7): Hide, Manipulate, Persuade
Callings: Trickster Archetype: Ally/Rival
Purviews: Chaos Drive: Safeguard Atlantis
Defense: 4 Primary Pool (9): Atlantean knowledge, Command,
Read people
Health: 3
Secondary Pool (7): Persuade, Protect
Initiative: 7
Desperation Pool: 5
Anthem 107
Callings: Guardian, Liminal Primary Pool (9): Observe, Listen, Interpret
Purviews: Doorways, Secrets Secondary Pool (7): Follow, Hide
Defense: 4 Desperation Pool: 5
Health: 3 Callings: Liminal
Initiative: 7 Purviews: Moon, Roads
Extras: Servant of Atlantis. Lyvoë has +1 Defense: 5
Enhancement on any roll to protect or defend Atlantis
or its people. Speaker for the City. Instantly send Health: 3
a message to anywhere in The World. (Anthem: Initiative: 5
Boundary. Lyvoë creates a force field around herself
and all allies until the end of the scene, or until she’s Extras: Never Alone. When Travis is in danger,
Taken Out. Characters within the field add +3 to resist Hekate sends two Mooks or one Professional to protect
damage). and assist them until the end of the scene. Unobserved.
It’s impossible to read Travis’s lips, listen in on their
conversations, or tap their phone. Attempts to covertly
tail or observe her are at +2 Difficulty. Moon. Travis’s
TRAVIS, SCION OF HEKATE hound Moon is a gift from Hekate and a staunch ally.
Archetype: Ally/Rival Moon has 8-dice pools for running and tracking, a
6-dice pool for close combat, and 4-dice pools for
Drive: Strike a balance everything else.
Yuze doesn’t know this, but the Keepers of The World
approached his divine parent and asked him to join them.
Confucius refused: He hates being a God, and he wouldn’t
like it any more in a different Pantheon.
Divine Parent
Confucius (Shen)