Bowersock 1968

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Local News THE LIMA NEWS Features

Ever ttrivlng for Limaland fa be even 'better place to iftw. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968, LIMA, OHIO

Directed By Memorial

Swifter Than First-Judge

3 Groups Sponsor Medical Seminar

More than 80 physician The program, supported from Allen and surrounding also in part by a grant from jttxmties participated in an at the^ Merck Sharp and Dohme LONDON Replay of Mark )ede the trial's start. reduction of bond. Iday medical seminar Thurs Co.'s post-graduate program, Hodges' trial adventures will "Chances are that the rul- The second trial comes day at the Milano Club was under the direction of Dr. begin in Madison County Com- ngs would be the same" as more than a year after arrest ponmred by the L i m a E. L. Schoeniger of Memorial fudge Daniel Batt's findings, of the father of three. He's acmon Pleas Court Dec. 9. Memorial Hospital medica Hospital's radiology departHodges, 27, of Rt. 1, Judge Baynes r e m a r k e d . cused of bumping M i s s staff in cooperation with the ment, and Dr. Robert Stern, Lafayette, is accused o f Judge Batt had rejected Fortner off her motorbike as American A c a d e m y o Lima surgeon. shooting Denise Fortner, 19, d e f e n s e m o t i o n s f o r she rode northward on Rt. 109 General Practice and Allen "Anemia" and "Strokes" of Napoleon with intent to kill. reconsideration of the trial's in Henry County, turning his County Heart Association. His first trial, in Henry Coun- new location, i m m e d i a t e car around and then returning were the subjects covered by ty, ended last July 28 with the ransfer to Wood County and to shoot her. three physicians one from jury deadlocked after two C a s e - W e s t e r n Reserve weeks of testimony. University, Cleveland, and the The defendant's attorneys other two from T u f i s won a change of venue to University, Boston, Mass. Following introductory com- MEDICAL SEMINAR Among Lima and Memorial Hospital; Dr. A u s t i n Madison County and a ruin ments by Dr. William T. area physicians attending an all-day Weisberger, Cleveland; Dr. Allan Callow of mdigency. London attorney ollins, chief of staff at medical seminar Thursday at Milano Club and Dr. John Sulh'van of Boston, and Dr. Wallace V. Nichols w a s COLUMBUS (UPI) All Memorial Hospital, Dr. Alex- are (from left) Dr. T. J. Roess, presi- E L. Schoeniger, seminar chairman. assigned to the case. Ohio highway patrolmen have ander Reed, a member of the dent of Allen County Heart Association, The latter move was design(News Photo) volunteered for extra duty Allen County Heart Associa- Dr. William Collins, chief of staff at ed to preserve H o d g e s ' this weekend in hopes of tion board, introduced Dr dwindling personal funds for stemming the increase in the Austin Weisberger, professor his expected defense of a BLUFFTON Trial run of station will have number of traffic fatalities in and director of the depart Wood County charge o f an e m e r g e n c y com- location and number. its own This the Buckeye State. ment of medicine at Case murder That case involves munications network (ECN) number will enable the dispatThirty six persons were kill- Western Reserve and the Karen Kern of Sylvania, slain or Ohio's interstate highways cher to send the patrol or ed on Ohio highways last U n i v e r s i t y Ho spitals less than three months after las been approved by the emergency vehicle nearest weekend. leveland. the Henry County shooting of Ohio Department of Highways the scene to aid the stranded "These men are pro- In a pre - lunch lecture, Dr Miss Fortner. and the Ohio Highway Safety motorist. fessionals," said Patrol Supt. Weisberger presented a n Indications are that the se- Department. The telephones Col. Robert M. Chiaramonte. 'Evaluation of A n e m i a. cond trial may move more The area selected is a four- will beemergency on special mounted "They see a job and they will utilizing slides to illustrate his swiftly than the first, in which ane divided limited access do it. remakrs. Following lunch, Dr jury selection consumed near- .tretch of Interstate 7 5 wood posts designed to collapse, reducing the danger to "While some people may be Veisberger continued with a An address by 4th District Republican Club. McCulloch is TAR adviser ly a week's time. Judge Between Bluffton and Cygnet the motorist if he struck the quick to criticize law en- liscussion of "Iron Deficiency o n g r e s s m a n William to speak at 3 p m. He noted that participants Gerald Baynes has said that Wood County. forcement officers, t h e s e Anemia In The Adult Popula- McCulloch will highlight a There will a splash party do not have to be members of any motions submitted to the n Proposed by the state's pole when leaving the highidensame people are generally tion.' from 4-6 p.m. in the pool, ac- the Teen-Age Republican club court would be for "purposes elephone industry, the test way. Eachaphone will be white tified by green and willing to favorably recognize Dr. John Sullivan, professor meeting of T e e n - A g e cording to Robert Moyer, to attend the conference. of record" and would not im- will evaluate design, function sign bearing the internationany man or group that goes a f Neurology at Tufts, and Dr. Republicans from Allen and and use of system to summon al telephone symbol, a handlittle beyond the normal call Allan D. Callow, professor of 21 neighborning c o u n t i e s lelp if an emergency arises set. The identifying signs will of duty to fulfill his oath of of- urgery at Tufts, were in- Saturday at Scot's I n n , >n the super highways. be large enough for easy idenfice." troduced by Dr. Stern, anc Interstate 75 and Bluelick The system could prove to tification by motorists travelAlso expressing concern liscussed the diagnosis and te a lifesaver for motorists ing at expressway speeds. over the rising highway death treatment of the stroke pa- Road. tranded on lonely stretches The telephone companies inrate was state Safety Director tient in the afternoon session. R e g i s t r a t i o n for the if an expressway because of volved in the experiment inVorthwest Ohio T e e n - A g e Warren C. Nelson. He has Registration was handled by mechanical failure, accident clude Ohio Bell Telephone asked Ohio motorists t o Heart Association volunteers, Republican "victory" con- -r jr lack of gasoline, and for C o m p a n y a n d f o u r observe Monday, which is Deluding Mrs. Phillip Ladden, 'erence, costing 5.50, will be drivers or passengers con- i n d e p e n d e n t s : General from 8-10 a.m. with a conVeterans Day, with a pledge Mrs. Helen Wood, Mrs. R. M. fronted with a sudden medical Telephone Company of Ohio; 'rail, Mrs. Carol Jenkins and tinental breakfast to be servof safe driving. need. The telephone system Northern Ohio T e l e p h o n e "Highway fatality statistics Mrs, John Sheik, assisted by ed 8-9:30 a.m. is modeled after a system us- Company; C o m m u n i t y can be as startling as those Miss Phyllis Wentz, field con- Second District State Sen. ed in up-state New York since (Telephone Company of Leipsic coming from war areas," he ultant for the Central Ohio Tennyson Guyer of Findlay 1966. The Ohio proposal calls'and United Telephone Comwill give the keynote address Heart Association. said. for telephones installed op- pany of Ohio. at 10 a.m. A discussion on posite each other at mile in-1 school politics will be led by tervals along both sides of the! William Stehle, state TAR addivided highways served by] viser. the system. This plan reduces There will be a picnic lunch the risk of a motorist crossing!X Tft rlllCV TVi ft I at the motel's patio-pool area high speed traffic lanes to **^A11g M.M.LO.M. vx at noon. A performance by the reach the nearest phone. Sing Out Lima group is Unless a motorist forgot the scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. location of the last phone he Lima Postmaster Wayne passed, he would never have) KARLSRUHE, Germany Laibe will speak at the 2 p.m. to walk more than half a mile. (AP) Two A m e r i c a n CINCINNATI (AP) John Treva Crosthwaite of Lebanon session, followed by an ad:o call for help soldiers charged with the Aug. J. Gilligan, who knocked off was being held in the Warren dress by Paul Matia, Ohio Each emergency telephone 12 murder a OFFICERSA.J. Hurak (left), manager Dunhill's Inc., vice president, and Bobby will be connected directly to businessman ofwill Karlsruhe Sen. Frank Lausche in the County Jail today a f t e r State chairman of the Young be tried of Montgomery Ward, recently was elec- Baker, assistant cashier of the mall he nearest highway patrol Democratic primary, but then juvenile c o u r t authorities before a German court, an lost Tuesday's election to relinquished custody of her Gra-Y Unit Plans ted president of the American Mall branch of the Metropolitan B a n k , i Army spokesman said ThursMerchants Association. Other officers are treasurer. William Saxbe, claims he is Thursday in the slaying of her dav night. jBoosters Slate (from left) Lowell Cheney, manager of through running for Congress. father. Spec. 4 Bruce R. Shipyor, "I am not going to run for Judge William B o w e r s Swim, Gym Meet Wrapping Sale 21. of Flint, Mich , and Spec 4 the House or Senate again," ordered the 16-year-old girl RusseU E. Waddle, 21, of Kensaid Gilligan, former U.S. bound over to the Warren Gra-Y Club of the YMCA Lima Central Catholic band ton, Ohio, will be tried in a representative and Cincinnati County Grand Jury without will initiate a gym and swim boosters will sponsor a sale of German court b e c a u s e irogram beginning at 3:30 bond. city councilman. Christmas wrappings begin- Germany can elect to take and will observe regular hours. ches will be closed, according according to City, county, "I have been in politics for Miss Crosthwaite is charged j.m. Monday,i e r , associate 'ederal offices willstate closed The Lima Post Office and to Wayne E. Laibe, local ning Wednesday, Nov. 20, ac- jurisdiction of a case inbe ames M o s h cording to chairman Mrs. 15 years," but "I have no with first-degree murder in VIonday of Cridersville and Elida bran- postmaster with no delivery of Frank Mueller, 2540 Wendell. volving American soldiers if director. plans or prospects to run for the shooting death of her fouth added that the six clubs Veterans in observancewith the incident also violated regular mail scheduled. Day. along Each p a c k a g e , containing German law, the spokesman anything,' Gilligan s a i d father. Herbert Crosthwaite, if He Gra-Y, consisting of more driver examination stations Campus Students Delivery of all special and bows made by students at said. 57, in his sleep last Friday. Thursday. perishable parcels will be Her mother was also shot, han 70 members also are and state liquor stores. Gilligan lost the election to He not The Luna Public Library, Schedule Cards made and mail will be col- Marimor School in addition to been said the Army had and lanning the wrapping paper, is priced informed when Saxbe, Ohio attorney general, but not seriously, in the in- ects and money making pro- 'inancial institutions and area lected from boxes throughout at Si. where the trial will take by 115.062 votes and was cident as a result of a irograms. sports participation : ommercial establishments be processed Due By Saturday the city to as usual, Laibeand Parish representatives for place. beaten by more than 86,000 domestic quarrel, police said. dispatched ad- the sale are Mr. and Mrs. Two German attorneys have votes in his home counLima OSU Campus students ded Suspect 'Most Wanted' Roland Meyer. 1005 Woodland been appointed by the U.S. tyHamilton. must submit whiter quarter Dr St. Charles; Mr. and government to defend the two "We didn't think we would COLUMBUS ( U P I ) schedule cards to the main lr\ ing Gnh Meets Mrs. Paul Knott, 452 Haller. men, charged with stabbing have to carry Hamilton Coun- Elusive Richard Tingler, 28. campus in Columbus by noon Irvins School M o t h e r s ' St Rose Mr. and Mrs. Kuft Hoffmann, 52, in his ty to win, but we figured on identified by an intended vicSaturday or face a penalty. J Study Club will meet at 1 p m. Robert Gallagher. 774 S. clothing store. making it a lot closer," he tim as the man who killed two McLean Reed, local OSU Tuesday at the school to view Union, and Mr. and Mrs. Shipyor is assigned to the stated. teen-agers here, and wanted director, said today. a child guidance film. Mrs. Leonard Downey, 1 1 N. 502nd Engineering Company 18 Stressing he will not run for questioning in f o u r He indicated more than 800 Cloyd Trocce will be hostess Union. St. John's: and Mr. and Waddle to the 78th again for city council, in Cleveland murders, today was of the 1,070 students who and Mrs J G. Carr will offer and Mrs. Richard Casey, 2009 Engineer Battalion, both in which he held a seat before on Ohio's list of five most received schedule cards last devotions N. Metcalf. St. Gerards. Karlsruhe. the election but resigned it, wanted criminals. week had returned them to Gilligan said his campaign The e x - c o n v i c t , who the campus office by late cost "under $500,000." sometimes masquerades as a Thursday. ' He said the campaign was woman, has not been seen Faculty members assigned financed "by contributions. since the Oct. 20murders in by Reed as student program The Democratic Party pro- Columbus. The Cleveland supervisors include Mrs Jean vided no funds." murders occurred in midRhoad. secondary education. September. Mrs. Teresa Barnes, elemenDeath Case Collapses His car was found in tary education: Eric Arnold LEBANON. Ohio <AP) A Cleveland a few days after the and Wayne Reinhardt. arts jury in the Warren County Columbus murders. and sciences: Richard Mihim Gammon Pleas Court dismiss- Police have connected the commerce; Roy S n y d e r , ed a charge of first -degree gun Tingler used in the acricultura! and biolodca! matter Thursday against a Columbus homicides to the sciences: James Portman, soldier in the beating death of Cleveland deaths. engineering: and Dr. Viet or jj He has been charged with Janflla Haynes of Hamilton. C o l o m b i n i . u n decided Judge Warren Y o u n g armed robbery and two students. affected the jury to dismiss counts of first-degree murder Reed said Wallace Stover, the charge after the pro- in Columbus. Robbery apOSU professional counselor., secution's case against Kerry peared to be the motive in the assisted approximately 100 [ Martin, 19, collapsed. Defense Cleveland case also. local students who have more attorney John Crist of Midthan 97 credit hours and are dletown r e q u e s t e d the Train Hhs School Bns required to consult advisers dismissal motion. WICKLIFFE, Ohio <AP) from the Columbus campus. The prosecution's case fell A Penn Central passenger through after Nolan H . train hit a Wickliffe school bus .>-!)av Forecast Clouse, 38, who has been in at a grade crossing today. No jail with Martin, said he did injuries were reported. Temperatures will average not recall what Martin had Witnesses said the flasher below normal S a t u r d a v toW him of the incident lights protecting the Warden through Wednesdav, w i t h Martin was arrested March Road crossing were working LONELY HEARTS While both are seeking escape highs in the upper 40s north to 29 in the slaying of Mrs. but had been flashing for from their environments, Eugene Ganl, portrayed by the low 50s south Nighttime Haynes, a mother of four about half an hour because Douglas Ferguson, and Laura James, in the person of temperatures will be in the whose body was found on a two freight trains were stop Nancy Rowersock, meet at the Ganl f a m i l y low 30s Cool weather over the farm near here March 16, and ped nearby. boardinghouse and fall in love. This sornr js from the se- weekend will hf fo^ow^d Tn ! MEMBER CAMPAIGN Coaches and the Ohio had previously been arrested Several vehicles had cross- cond Amil Tellers production of the season. Thomas warmer temperatures t h e 1 players on If) AKL and 12 NFL teams missioner; Robert Hilgert. of industrial Steel Patriot*; team in the AFL for being AWOL from the ed the tracks despite the Wolfe's "Look Homeward, Angel." It's scheduled to open first of next week. Scattered have received sign-up kits, instructions league, Eugene Beall, assistant coach of Army. flashing lights, but when the at the Encore Theatre Nov. 22. The Encore Theatre box STJOW flumes northeast Satur- and scoring details for the Nov. 12-19 YM- the Bears in the NFL commercial league; bus started across t h e office opens for season ticket holders tonight. Hours are day and ram toward the mid- CA membership campaign. Prewired at a and James Harrod, coach of the Lima Girl Bound To Jury passenger came through, rip- 1-5 and 7-9 p.m. weekdays and 7-9 p.m. Saturdays. dle of next week willtotalone- planning session for the football-theme Register Broncos in the AFL. (News Photo) tenth to three-tenth inch. LEBANON, Ohio (AP)-ping the front off the bus. drive are W. G. Bleakley (teft), com(News Photo)

Hodges On Retrial Dec. 9 At London

Rwid Deaths Spur Effort Of Patrolmen

Motel On Saturday

Emergency Phone Plan Is Approved For Interstate 75

Teen-Age GOP's Conclave Hearing McCulloch, Guyer

Buckeye Briefs

Gilligan Dejected, 'No More Polities'

In Germany

Holiday Closes Area Offices



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