Directional Drilling Design Using Computer Model
Directional Drilling Design Using Computer Model
Directional Drilling Design Using Computer Model
1 7,401
4 authors, including:
Hassan Nimir
University of Khartoum
All content following this page was uploaded by Mosab Mohammed Ahmed on 17 July 2018.
Abstract: The number of directionally drilled wells in Sudan is progressively increasing. Directional drilling
calculations when done manually or through Microsoft Excel are tedious, susceptible to mistakes and take long time.
The software prescribed in this paper is designed to treat these problems. This paper describes Software called CDD
which stands for Computerized Directional Drilling. It is employing the minimum curvature method using visual
basic (VB.NET) as a programming language to achieve calculations and minimize the uncertainty and risks related
to achieve a predetermined target. The Software is capable of calculating the survey data of the well trajectory for all
types of directional drilling wells. In addition, the CDD computes the actual coordinates along the planned
trajectory at regular or irregular intervals and designs plots to show the well trajectory in 2D charts in top and side
views. It also gives 3D graph for more visual representation of the well trajectory. The CDD enables the user to
compare different well trajectories and show them in the same chart. The input data could be saved in the database
section and the output results could be exported into various formats. Based on applying the CDD on the Case
Studies, this Software gives accurate results and can be used in planning of CDD with error of less than 1%.
Keywords: Drilling Engineering; Directional Drilling; Software; Well Design; Horizontal Wells; Well Trajectory.
1. INTRODUCTION help to minimize the stress and time in executing these
complex computations. More importantly, such Computer
Directional Drilling (DD) is the Science and Art of deviating a Software is flexible and can easily be modified and updated at
wellbore along a planned course to a subsurface target whose any time to meet the needs of Petroleum industry.
location is a given lateral distance and direction from the
vertical [1]. In this paper the Minimum Curvature Method is used to
construct well path using computer software to determine its
DD has become a commonly very important technology in optimum parameters. This would help reduce risks and
petroleum industry. Some of the major applications of DD uncertainty and prevent deviation from target depth.
are: Inaccessible surface location, salt-dome exploration, Consequently, it minimizes Non-Productive Time (NPT) and
multiple target zones and side-tracking [2]. reduces drilling cost. This would therefore enhance planning
process and maximize return on investment.
The first step in planning any directional well is to design the
wellbore path, or trajectory to intersect a given target. The This work aims to use Minimum Curvature Method to design
initial design should propose the various types of paths that Computer Software that is capable of calculating the survey
can be drilled economically [3]. data of the well trajectory for all DD well types. In addition, it
aims to construct plots to show the well trajectory in 2D charts
A major drawback of directional and horizontal well drilling in top view and side view as well as 3D view. Furthermore, to
is the numerous complex computations required to be done enable the user to compare different well trajectories and
ahead of time before drilling resumes and also during drilling show them in the same charts. Finally, to handle a large
operations. These computations become very tedious and amount of data using the means of export and import in
more complex when done manually [4]. The Software various formats as well as saving the input data in the
programs available in the market used for these computations database.
are usually very expensive to acquire and are subjected to
American Sanctions (e.g. COMPASSTM and Hawk Eye™).
Development of a Computer Software which employs the
Minimum Curvature Method for well path planning would 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
Mugahid A. Musa et al. / UofKEJ Vol. 7 Issue 1, pp. 52-57 (February 2017)
Mugahid A. Musa et al. / UofKEJ Vol. 7 Issue 1, pp. 52-57 (February 2017)
Mugahid A. Musa et al. / UofKEJ Vol. 7 Issue 1, pp. 52-57 (February 2017)
The second step includes choosing suitable equations that followed by coding and equations entry. The coding enables
would result in accurate calculations of the well trajectory. data import and export and plots of well trajectory
The most common types of survey calculations used in the presentation. In addition to that a 3-D library was used to plot
industry are: Tangential, Balanced Tangential, Average the trajectory. Finally, three case studies with different types
Angle, Radius of Curvature and Minimum Curvature of well trajectory were reviewed to determine the accuracy of
methods. Each method assumes that the survey trajectory has the CDD.3
a specific shape which results in certain error and hence some
methods are more accurate than others. 3. RESULTS AND DICUSSION
In this work, the minimum curvature method was used in the 3.1. The CDD Program
calculations since it has demonstrated conservative results
while determining the position of the wellbore. The accuracy The CDD has four windows with different features, but the
of the common methods of survey calculations are shown in most important window is the well mode window, which
Table 1 [9]. consists of many sections. Those sections are numbered in
Fig. 4. In the figure the numbers are divided in to data input
As seen from the table, the tangential method has the highest Sections 1-3, the output Sections 4-6and the export Section7
error for TVD and displacement, while the other methods has as illustrated in Table 2.
small differences , therefore, any of them can be used for the
calculations of the trajectory. However, the minimum The chart section has three more tabs, the 3D view (Fig.5-A),
curvature method presents the most accurate results and hence the side view (Fig.5-B) and the top view (Fig.5-C), beside the
it’s the most preferred method in the oil industry. “sideandtopview”tab shown in Fig.4.
Accordingly, it was utilized in this work also.
4370.46 1542.98 639.77 -0.005 0.002 0.001 Table 2. Well Mode window main sections
coordinates West
4370.8 1543.28 639.32 -0.002 -0.005 0.011 The data
input ection 2- Well type BAH,continuesbuild,…etc
3-Well input data KOP,DeltaMD,BUR…etc
4- The output Azimuth, max angle, TVD
Radius of
4370.69 1543.22 639.3 0 -0.004 0.011 The output 5-The output
section table
top view , side view , 3D
6- Charts
The export
4370.7 1543.05 639.8 0 0 0 Excel, PDF or Print out
Mugahid A. Musa et al. / UofKEJ Vol. 7 Issue 1, pp. 52-57 (February 2017)
Fig. 7. Excel comparison between CDD and SES in top view
Mugahid A. Musa et al. / UofKEJ Vol. 7 Issue 1, pp. 52-57 (February 2017)