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Designation: D7175 − 08

Standard Test Method for

Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder
Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7175; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D140 Practice for Sampling Bituminous Materials

1.1 Este método de prueba cubre la determinación del módulo de D2170 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts
cizalladura dinámica y el ángulo de fase de los aglutinantes de asfalto (Bitumens)
cuando se prueban con cizalla dinámica (oscilatoria) usando D2171 Test Method for Viscosity of Asphalts by Vacuum
geometría de placa paralela. Es aplicable a los aglutinantes de asfalto Capillary Viscometer
que tienen valores de módulo de cizallamiento dinámico en el rango D2872 Test Method for Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving
de 100 Pa a 10 MPa. Este rango en el módulo se obtiene típicamente Film of Asphalt (Rolling Thin-Film Oven Test)
entre 4 y 88 ° C a 10 rad / s. Este método de prueba está destinado a D6373 Specification for Performance Graded Asphalt
determinar las propiedades viscoelásticas lineales de los aglutinantes Binder
de asfalto según lo requerido para las pruebas de especificación y no
D6521 Practice for Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder
pretende ser un procedimiento exhaustivo para la caracterización
completa de las propiedades viscoelásticas de los aglutinantes de
Using a Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV)
asfalto. E77 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Ther-
1.2 This standard is appropriate for unaged materials, ma- E563 Practice for Preparation and Use of an Ice-Point Bath
terial aged in accordance with Test Method D2872, material as a Reference Temperature
aged in accordance with Practice D6521, or material aged in E644 Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Ther-
accordance with both Test Method D2872 and Practice D6521. mometers
This procedure is limited to asphalt binders that contain E882 Guide for Accountability and Quality Control in the
particles with largest dimension less than 250 µm. Chemical Analysis Laboratory
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as 2.2 AASHTO Standards:3
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this M320 Standard Specification for Performance-Graded As-
standard. phalt Binder
1.4 This standard may involve hazardous materials, R29 Practice for Grading or Verifying the Performance
operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to Grade of an Asphalt Binder
address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its T315 Standard Test Method for Determining the Rheologi-
use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to cal Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear
establish appropriate safety and health practices and deter- Rheometer
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2.3 Deutsche Industrie Norm (DIN) Standard:4
43760 Standard for Calibration of Thermocouples
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 3. Terminology
C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
for Test Methods for Construction Materials
3.1.1 annealing, n—the process of removing the effects of
steric hardening by heating the binder until it is sufficiently
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road fluid so that it can be easily poured.
and Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.44 on
Rheological Tests.
Current edition approved July 15, 2008. Published August 2008. Originally
approved in 2005. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D7175 – 07. DOI: Available from American Association of State Highway and Transportation
10.1520/D7175-08. Officials (AASHTO), 444 N. Capitol St., NW, Suite 249, Washington, DC 20001,
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or http://www.transportation.org.
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Available from Beuth Verlag GmbH (DIN-- DIN Deutsches Institut fur
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Normung e.V.), Burggrafenstrasse 6, 10787, Berlin, Germany, http://www.en.din.de.
the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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D7175 − 08
3.1.2 asphalt binder, n—an asphalt-based cement that is 4.3 Test specimens, nominally 25 mm in diameter by 1 mm
produced from petroleum residue either with or without the thick or 8 mm in diameter by 2 mm thick, are formed between
addition of non-particulate modifiers. parallel metal plates.
3.1.3 complex shear modulus (G*), n—ratio calculated by 4.4 During testing, one of the parallel plates is oscillated
dividing the absolute value of the peak-to-peak shear stress, τ, with respect to the other at pre-selected frequencies and
by the absolute value of the peak-to-peak shear strain, γ. angular deflection (or torque) amplitudes. The required ampli-
3.1.4 dummy test specimen, n—a specimen formed between tude depends upon the value of the complex shear modulus of
the DSR test plates from asphalt binder or other polymer for the asphalt binder being tested. The required amplitudes have
the purpose of determining the temperature in the asphalt been selected so that, for most asphalt binders, the testing
binder between the plates. specified in this standard is within the region of linear behavior. Discussion—The dummy test specimen is not used
4.5 The test specimen is maintained at the test temperature
to measure the rheological properties of asphalt binder but is
6 0.1°C by enclosing the upper and lower plates in a thermally
used solely to determine temperature corrections.
controlled environment or test chamber.
3.1.5 linear viscoelastic, adj—within context of this test
method, refers to a region of behavior in which the dynamic 4.6 Oscillatory loading frequencies using this standard can
shear modulus is independent of shear stress or strain. range from 1 to 160 rad/s. Specification testing is performed at
a test frequency of 10 rad/s. The complex modulus (G*) and
3.1.6 steric hardening, n—refers to time-dependent associa-
phase angle (δ) are calculated automatically as part of the
tions that occur between asphalt binder molecules during
operation of the rheometer using proprietary computer soft-
storage at ambient temperature. The effect of molecular asso-
ware supplied by the instrument manufacturer.
ciation or steric hardening on the dynamic shear modulus is
asphalt specific and may be apparent even after a few hours of
5. Significance and Use
3.1.7 oscillatory shear, n—refers to a type of loading in 5.1 The test temperature for this test is related to the
which a shear stress or shear strain is applied to a test sample temperature experienced by the pavement in the geographical
in an oscillatory manner such that the shear stress or strain area for which the asphalt binder is intended to be used.
varies in amplitude about zero in a sinusoidal manner. 5.2 The complex shear modulus is an indicator of the
3.1.8 parallel plate geometry, n—refers to a testing geom- stiffness or resistance of asphalt binder to deformation under
etry in which the test specimen is sandwiched between two load. The complex shear modulus and the phase angle define
rigid parallel plates and subjected to shear. the resistance to shear deformation of the asphalt binder in the
3.1.9 phase angle (δ), n—the angle in degrees between a linear viscoelastic region. The complex modulus and the phase
sinusoidally applied strain and the resultant sinusoidal stress in angle are used to calculate performance-related criteria in
a controlled-strain testing mode, or between the applied stress accordance with Specification D6373 or AASHTO Standard
and the resultant strain in a controlled-stress testing mode. M320.
3.1.10 portable temperature measuring device, n—refers to
6. Interferences
an electronic device that is separate from the dynamic shear
rheometer and that consists of a detector (probe containing a 6.1 Particulate material in the asphalt binder is limited to
thermocouple or resistive element), associated electronic particles with longest dimensions less than 250 µm. Particles
circuitry, and readout system. with dimensions greater than 250 µm approach the dimensions
3.1.11 reference temperature measuring device, n—refers to of the gap (1000 µm). In order to accurately characterize a
a NIST-traceable liquid-in-glass or electronic thermometer that two-phase material containing particulate material it is well
is used as a laboratory standard. accepted that the thickness of the test specimen must be at least
four times the maximum particle size.
3.1.12 thermal equilibrium, n—condition where the tem-
perature of the test specimen mounted between the test plates 6.1.1 The calculation of the complex modulus from the data
is constant with time. obtained from the DSR is highly dependent upon an accurate
measurement of the diameter of the test specimen. In the
4. Summary of Test Method procedure, the diameter of the test specimen is assumed equal
to the diameter of the test plates. This assumption is valid only
4.1 This standard contains the procedure used to measure if the test sample is properly trimmed.
the complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ) of asphalt 6.1.2 The physical properties of asphalt binders are very
binders using dynamic shear rheometer and parallel plate sensitive to test temperature and thermal history. Thermal
geometry. history is the number of times asphalt binder sample has been
4.2 The standard is suitable for use when the dynamic shear heated prior to testing. Controlling the test temperature to
modulus varies between 100 Pa and 10 MPa. This range in 6 0.1°C and limiting the number of times the asphalt sample is
modulus is typically obtained between 4 and 88°C, depending heated prior to testing (only one heating is recommended) is
upon the grade, test temperature, and conditioning (aging) of essential in order to obtain repeatable test results within a
the asphalt binder. laboratory as well as to reproduce results between laboratories.

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7. Apparatus temperature 6 0.1°C. The chamber or the water in the chamber
7.1 Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) Test System—A dy- shall completely enclose the top and the bottom plates to
namic shear rheometer test system consisting of parallel metal minimize thermal gradients within the fixtures and test speci-
plates, a means for controlling the temperature of the test men.
specimen, a loading device, and a control and data acquisition NOTE 2—A circulating bath unit, separate from the DSR that pumps the
system. The manufacturer of the device shall provide a water through the test chamber may be required if a fluid medium is used.
certificate certifying that the frequency, deflection angle, and Temperature Controller—A temperature controller
torque are controlled, measured, or both, with accuracy of 1 % capable of maintaining the temperature of the test specimen at
or less in the range of this measurement. the test temperature for the entire range of test temperatures.
7.1.1 Test Plates—Metal plates cylindrical in shape, formed 7.1.3 Internal DSR Temperature Measurement Device—A
from steel or aluminum, with smooth ground surfaces are platinum resistance temperature measurement device (PRT)
required. Two plates 8.00 6 0.02 mm in diameter and two mounted within the environmental chamber as an integral part
plates 25.00 6 0.05 mm in diameter are required. The test of the DSR and in close proximity to the fixed plate, with a
plates shall have a minimum thickness or raised portion of 1.5 range of 4 to 88°C, and with a resolution of 0.1°C. This
mm to allow sufficient clearance for trimming the specimen. temperature measurement device shall be used to control the
The plates shall be formed as an integral part of the test fixtures temperature of the test specimen between the plates and shall
that are used to mount the plates in the DSR as shown in Fig. provide a continuous readout of temperature during the
1. mounting, conditioning, and testing of the specimen.
NOTE 1—The upper and lower plates should be concentric with each
7.1.4 Loading Device—The loading device shall be capable
other. At the present there is no suitable procedure for the user to check the of applying a sinusoidal oscillatory load to the specimen at a
concentricity except to visually observe whether or not the upper and frequency of 10.0 6 0.1 rad/s. If frequencies other than 10
lower plates are centered with respect to each other. The moveable plate rad/s are used, the frequency shall be accurate to 1 percent. The
should rotate without any observable horizontal or vertical wobble. This loading device shall be capable of providing either a stress
may be checked visually or with a dial gage held in contact with the edge
of the moveable plate while it is being rotated. controlled or strain controlled load within a range of stress or
strain necessary to make the measurements described in this
7.1.2 Environmental Chamber—A chamber for controlling test method.
the temperature of the test specimen. The medium for heating 7.1.5 Data Acquisition System—The data acquisition system
and cooling the specimen in the environmental chamber shall shall provide a record of temperature, frequency, deflection
not affect asphalt binder properties. The temperature in the angle, and torque. The manufacturer of the rheometer shall
chamber may be controlled by the circulation of fluid— provide a certificate certifying that the frequency, deflection
conditioned gas, nitrogen or water is acceptable—or by a angle, and torque are reported with an accuracy of at least 1 %.
suitable arrangement of actively temperature controlled heating
elements (for example, solid state Peltier elements) surround- 7.2 Specimen Mold (optional)—The overall dimensions of
ing the sample. When laboratory air is used in a forced air the silicone rubber mold for forming asphalt binder test
oven, a suitable dryer must be included to prevent condensa- specimens may vary but the overall thickness shall be at least
tion of moisture on the test plates. The environmental chamber 5 mm thick.
and the temperature controller shall control the temperature of NOTE 3—The following dimensions have been found suitable: For a
the test specimen mounted between the test plates, including 25-mm test plate with a 1-mm gap a mold cavity with a concave bottom
any thermal gradients within the test specimen, at the test with an approximate diameter of 18 mm and a depth of at least 2.0 mm
and for an 8-mm test plate with a 2-mm gap a mold cavity with a concave
bottom with an approximate diameter of 8 mm and a depth of at least 2.5
7.3 Trimming Tool—A tool suitable for trimming excess
binder from the periphery of the test specimen to produce a
smooth face on the test specimen that is parallel and coincident
with the outer diameter of the upper and lower plates.
7.4 Reference Temperature Measurement Device—Either a
NIST-traceable liquid-in-glass thermometer(s) (see 7.4.1) or
NIST-traceable digital electronic thermometer (see 7.4.2) shall
be maintained in the laboratory as a temperature standard.
7.4.1 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer—NIST-traceable
liquid-in-glass thermometer(s) with a range between 0 to 88°C
and with subdivisions of 0.1°C. The thermometer(s) shall be
partial immersion thermometers with an ice point. The liquid-
in-glass thermometers shall be verified at least once a year in
Dimension 8-mm Nominal 25-mm Nominal accordance with test method Test Method E77 and Practice
A 8 ± 0.1 mm 25 ± 0.5 mm E563.
B > 1.5 mm > 1.5 mm
NOTE 4—An Optical Viewing Device is recommended as an optional
FIG. 1 Plate Dimensions viewing device for use with liquid-in-glass thermometers because it

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enhances readability and minimizes parallax when reading the liquid-in- 9.3.1 Recommended Verification Procedure—Bring the ref-
glass reference thermometer. erence thermometer into intimate contact with the detector
7.4.2 Digital Temperature Measurement Device—An elec- from the portable thermometer and place them in a thermo-
tronic thermometer that incorporates a thermometric device or statically controlled and stirred water bath (see Note 7). Ensure
resistive detector with an accuracy of 60.05°C and a resolution that de-ionized water is used to prevent electrical conduction
of 0.01°C. The electronic thermometer shall be calibrated at from occurring between electrodes of the resistive temperature
least once per year by a commercial calibrating service using a sensitive element. If this is not available, encase the reference
NIST-traceable reference standard in accordance with Test thermometer and the detector of the portable thermometer into
Methods E644. a water proof plastic bag prior to placement into the bath.
Obtain measurements at intervals of 6°C over the range of test
7.5 Portable Temperature Measurement Device—A cali-
temperatures allowing the bath to come to thermal equilibrium
brated portable thermometer consisting of a thermometric
at each temperature. If the readings of the portable thermom-
device or resistive detector, associated electronic circuitry, and
eter and the reference thermometer differ by 0.1°C or more,
digital readout. The thickness of the detector shall be no greater
record the difference at each temperature as a temperature
than 2.0 mm such that it can be inserted between the test plates.
correction and maintain the corrections in a log.
7.5.1 The reference temperature measurement device (see
7.4) may be used for this purpose if its detector fits within the NOTE 7—A recommended procedure is to use a stirred water bath that
dummy specimen as required by 9.4.2. is controlled to 6 0.1°C such as the viscosity bath used for Test Method
D2170 or Test Method D2171. Bring the probe from the portable
NOTE 5—Guide E882 may be used for evaluating test data. thermometer into contact with the reference thermometer and hold the
assembly in intimate contact. A rubber band works well for this purpose.
Immerse the assembly in the water bath and bring the water bath to
8. Materials
thermal equilibrium. Record the temperature on each device when thermal
8.1 Wiping Material—Clean cloth, paper towels, cotton equilibrium is reached.
swabs or other suitable material as required for wiping the 9.4 Temperature Offset—Thermal gradients within the rhe-
plates. ometer can cause differences between the temperature of the
8.2 Cleaning Solvents: test specimen and the temperature indicated by the DSR
Solvents for cleaning the plates shall leave no residue on the thermometer (also used to control the temperature of the DSR).
surface of the plates. When these differences are 0.1°C or greater, determine a
temperature correction by using a thermal detector mounted in
NOTE 6—Mineral oil, citrus-based solvents, mineral spirits, toluene, or a silicone rubber wafer (see 9.4.1) or by placing asphalt binder
similar solvents have been found to be suitable for cleaning the plates.
Organic solvent that does not leave a residue such as heptane, acetone, or
(dummy sample) between the plates and inserting the detector
ethyl alcohol can also be used for removing solvent residue from the of the portable thermometer into the asphalt binder (see 9.4.2).
surfaces of the plates. The temperature offset shall be verified each time the portable
thermometer is verified.
9. Verification 9.4.1 Method Using Silicone Rubber Wafer—Place the wa-
9.1 Verify the DSR and its components as described in this fer between the 25 mm test plates and close the gap to bring the
section when the DSR is newly installed, when it is moved to wafer into contact with the upper and lower plate so that the
a new location, and/or whenever the accuracy of the DSR silicone rubber makes complete contact with the surfaces of the
and/or any of its components is suspect. Four items require upper and lower plates. If needed, apply a thin layer of
verification: test plate diameter, DSR torque transducer, por- petroleum grease or anti-seize compound (see Note 8) to
table thermometer, and DSR test specimen temperature. Verify completely fill any void space between the silicone rubber and
the DSR temperature before verifying the torque transducer. the plates. Complete contact is needed to ensure proper heat
transfer across the plates and silicone rubber wafer (see Note 9)
9.2 Verification of Plate Diameter—Before first using an Determine any needed temperature correction as per 9.4.3.
upper or lower test plate, measure its diameter (average of 3
different locations ~120° apart) to the nearest 0.02 mm. Verify NOTE 8—Anti-seize compound available by that name at hardware and
the auto supply stores is much less apt to contaminate the circulating water
that the plates are in compliance with the requirements than petroleum jelly.
specified in 7.1.1. Maintain a log of the measured diameters so NOTE 9—The currently available silicone wafer is 2 mm thick and
that the measurements are clearly identified with specific slightly greater than 25 mm in diameter.
plates. 9.4.2 Method Using Dummy Test Specimen—The dummy
9.3 Verification of Portable Thermometer—Verify the por- test specimen shall be formed from asphalt binder, or other
table thermometer (used to measure the temperature between polymer that can be readily formed between the plates. Mount
the test plates) at intervals of six months or less using the the dummy test specimen between the test plates and insert the
laboratory reference thermometer. If the reference thermometer detector (probe) of the portable thermometer into the dummy
(see 7.4) is also used as a portable thermometer to measure the test specimen. Close the gap to the test gap (1 mm for 25-mm
temperature between the test plates, it shall be verified as per plates and 2 mm for 8-mm plates) keeping the detector
9.3.1. Electronic thermometers shall be verified using the same centered vertically and radially in the dummy test specimen.
meters and circuitry (wiring) that are used when temperature Heat the plates as needed to allow the dummy test specimen to
measurements are made between the plates. completely fill the gap between the test plates. It is not

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necessary to trim the dummy test specimen but avoid excessive 9.5 Verification of DSR—Verify the accuracy of the torque
material around the edges of the plates. Develop control charts transducer and angular displacement transducer whenever the
using Guide E882. Determine any needed temperature correc- DSR is newly installed, when it is moved, every six months,
tion as per 9.4.3. each time temperature offset is verified, and/or whenever the
NOTE 10—Silly putty can leave a residue of silicone oil on the surfaces
accuracy of measurements with the DSR is suspect.
of the plates and for this reason its use as a dummy specimen is not NOTE 12—A newly installed or reconditioned instrument should be
recommended. verified on a weekly basis using the procedures in 9.5 until acceptable
9.4.3 Determination of Temperature Offset—Obtain simul- verification has been demonstrated. Maintaining the data in the form of a
control chart where the verification measurements are plotted versus
taneous temperature measurements with the DSR thermometer calendar date is recommended (see Appendix X2).
and the portable thermometer at 6°C increments to cover the
range of test temperatures. At each temperature increment, 9.5.1 Verification of Torque Transducer—Verify the calibra-
after thermal equilibrium has been reached, record the tem- tion of the torque transducer using a reference fluid or
perature indicated by the portable thermometer and the DSR manufacturer-supplied fixtures whenever the calibration of the
thermometer to the nearest 0.1°C. Temperature equilibrium is torque transducer is suspect and/or when the dynamic
reached when the temperature indicated by both the DSR viscosity, as measured for the reference fluid, indicates that the
thermometer and the portable thermometer do not vary by torque transducer is not in calibration.
more than 0.1°C over a five minute time period. Obtain Verification of Torque Transducer with Reference
additional measurements to include the entire temperature Fluid (see Annex A1)—The complex viscosity measured with
range that will be used for measuring the dynamic shear the DSR shall be within 3 percent of the capillary viscosity as
modulus. reported by the manufacturer of the reference fluid, otherwise
9.4.4 Plot Offset versus Specimen Temperature (optional)— the calibration of the torque transducer shall be considered
Using the data obtained in 9.4.3, prepare a plot of the suspect. Calculate the complex viscosity as the complex
difference between the two temperature measurements versus modulus, G* divided by the angular frequency in rad/s. If the
the temperature measured with the portable thermometer, Fig. requirements of this section can not be met, discontinue use of
2. This difference is the temperature correction that must be the device and consult the manufacturer or other qualified
applied to the DSR temperature controller to obtain the desired service personnel.
temperature in the test specimen between the test plates. Report NOTE 13—A suitable reference fluid is available from Cannon Instru-
the temperature correction at the respective test temperature ment Company as viscosity standard number N2700000SP.
from the plot and report the corrected test temperature between Verification of Torque Transducer with Fixtures—
the plates as the test temperature. Alternatively, the instrument Verify the calibration of the torque transducer using the
software may be written to incorporate these temperature manufacturer-supplied fixtures in accordance with the instruc-
corrections. tions supplied by the manufacturer. Suitable manufacturer-
NOTE 11—The difference between the two temperature measurements supplied fixtures are not widely available. If suitable fixtures
may not be a constant for a given rheometer but may vary with differences are not available, this requirement shall be waived.
between the test temperature and the ambient laboratory temperature as 9.5.2 Verification of Angular Displacement Transducer—If
well as with fluctuations in ambient temperature. The difference between manufacturer-supplied fixtures are available, verify the calibra-
the two temperature measurements is caused in part by thermal gradients
in the test specimen and fixtures.
tion every six months and/or whenever the calibration of the
DSR is suspect. If suitable fixtures are not available, this
requirement shall be waived.

10. Preparation of Apparatus

10.1 Prepare the apparatus for testing in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. Specific requirements will
vary for different DSR models and manufacturers.
10.2 Inspect Test Plates—Inspect the surfaces of the test
plates and discard any plates with jagged or rounded edges or
deep scratches.
10.3 Preparation of Test Plates—Clean any asphalt binder
residue from the plates with an organic solvent such as mineral
oil, mineral spirits, a citrus-based solvent, or toluene. Remove
any remaining solvent residue by wiping the surface of the
plates with a cotton swab or a soft cloth dampened with reagent
grade organic solvent such as heptane, ethyl alcohol, or
acetone. If necessary, use a dry cotton swab or soft cloth to
ensure that no moisture condenses on the plates.
10.4 Mount Test Plates and Fixtures—Mount the test plates
FIG. 2 Determination of Temperature Correction and fixtures in the DSR taking care to visually ensure that the

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plates are parallel to each other and tighten the plates and promotes adhesion between the asphalt binder and the plates,
fixtures to firmly seat them into the DSR, taking care to ensure especially at the intermediate grading temperatures.
that the plates are parallel to each other. 10.6.1 Preheating 25-mm Plate—Bring the test plates to the
10.5 Zero Gap—Select the testing temperature according to test temperature or the lowest test temperature if testing is to be
the expected grade of the asphalt binder or according to the pre conducted at more than one temperature.
selected testing schedule. When multiple test temperatures are 10.6.2 Preheating 8-mm Plate—Bring the plates to between
used, zero the gap at the middle of the expected range of test 34 and 46°C to preheat the upper and lower plates.
temperatures. Allow the DSR to reach a stabilized temperature NOTE 16—In order to obtain adequate adhesion between the asphalt
within 6 0.1°C of test temperature. If the test temperature binder and the test plates the plates must be preheated. Preheating is
differs by more than 6 12°C from the temperature at which the especially critical when the silicone mold is used to prepare the asphalt
binder for transfer to the test plates and when the testing is conducted with
gap is set, re-zero the gap. Zero the gap prior to each time a the 8-mm plates. When the direct placement method is used, as long as the
new specimen is formed between the plates. test plates are immediately brought in contact with the asphalt binder, the
heat carried with the asphalt binder improves adhesion. The preheating
NOTE 14—If the instrument has thermal gap compensation, the gap may
temperature needed for proper adhesion will depend on the grade and
be set at the first test temperature instead of in the middle of the range of
nature of the asphalt binder and the test temperature (8-mm or 25-mm
test temperatures. It is very important to set and zero the gap correctly.
plates). For some of the stiffer binder grades, especially those with high
Incorrect gap setting produces significant errors as shown in Fig. 3.
levels of modification, heating the plates to 46°C may not be sufficient to
NOTE 15—Specification D6373 and AASHTO Practice R29 provide
ensure proper adhesion of the asphalt binder to the test plates, especially
guidance on the selection of test temperatures.
if the silicone mold is used and the testing is conducted with 8-mm plates.
10.5.1 Determining Zero Gap—Establish the zero gap by
one of three methods. 11. Preparing Test Specimens Manual Gap Setting—Spin the moveable plate, and
11.1 If unaged binder is to be sampled and tested, obtain test
while the moveable plate is spinning, close the gap until the
samples according to Practice D140.
movable plate touches the fixed plate. The zero gap is reached
when the plate just stops spinning completely. 11.2 Annealing Asphalt Binder—Anneal the asphalt binder Normal Force Transducer—For rheometers with sample from which the test specimen is prepared by heating the
normal force transducers, set the zero gap by closing the gap sample in a container in an oven until it is sufficiently fluid to
and observing the normal force. After establishing contact pour. Cover the sample and stir it occasionally during the
between the plates, set the zero gap as the position where the heating process to ensure homogeneity and to remove air
normal force is approximately zero. bubbles. Annealing prior to testing removes reversible molecu- Automatic Gap Setting—Zero the gap automati- lar associations (steric hardening) that occur during normal
cally according to operating procedures specified by the storage at ambient temperature. Cold samples must be an-
instrument manufacturer. nealed prior to testing. Structure developed during storage can
result in overestimating the modulus by as much as 50 percent.
10.6 Preheating Test Plates—Once the zero gap is estab-
During annealing process do not allow the temperature of the
lished as per 10.5.1, move the plates apart to approximately set
binder to exceed 163°C. However for some highly modified
the test gap and preheat the plates. Preheating the plates
viscous binders, temperatures higher than 163°C may be
required for annealing.. Minimize the heating temperature and
time to avoid hardening the sample. Hot plates shall not be
used to heat the asphalt binder.
NOTE 17—Minimum pouring temperatures that produce a consistency
equivalent to that of SAE 10W30 motor oil (readily pours but not overly
fluid) at room temperature are recommended. Heating unaged asphalt to
temperatures above 135°C should be avoided. However, with some
modified asphalts or heavily aged binders, pouring temperatures above
135°C may be required. In all cases, heating time should be minimized.
During the heating process, the sample should be covered and stirred
occasionally to ensure homogeneity. Use caution during stirring to avoid
trapping air bubbles in the asphalt binder.
11.3 Transferring Binder to Test Plate—Transfer asphalt
binder to one of the test plates through pouring (see 11.3.1),
direct transfer (see 11.3.2), or by use of a silicone mold (see
11.3.1 Pouring—Pour the hot asphalt binder from a heated
container directly onto the lower plate while it is mounted in
the DSR or onto one of the plates that has been removed from
the DSR. The removal of plate/plates is only allowed if the
rheometer is equipped with a plate that may be removed and
reinstalled without affecting the gap reference. Hold the sample
container approximately 15 to 25 mm above the surface of the
FIG. 3 Effect of Error in Gap plate while pouring. Leave a small portion at the outside edge

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of the plate uncovered. Immediately after pouring the hot 11.5 Creating Bulge—When the trimming is complete, de-
asphalt binder on the plate, and returning the plate to the DSR crease the gap by the amount required to form a slight bulge at
if the plate is removed for pouring, close the gap to the testing the outside face of the test specimen. The gap required to create
gap plus the gap required to form the bulge. Proceed immedi- a bulge is rheometer specific and depends upon factors such as
ately to 11.4 to trim the specimen and form the bulge. the design of the rheometer and the temperature difference
11.3.2 Direct Transfer—Transfer the hot binder to one of the between the trimming temperature and test temperature. A
plates using a glass or metal rod, spatula or similar tool. recommended practice for verifying the gap closure required to
Immediately after transferring the hot binder to one of the produce an appropriate bulge is given in Appendix X3. Typical
plates, proceed to 11.4 to trim the specimen and 11.5 to form closure values for creating the gap are 0.05 mm for the 25-mm
the bulge. plate and 0.10 mm for the 8-mm plate.
NOTE 22—The complex modulus is calculated with the assumption that
NOTE 18—A small, narrow stainless steel spatula of the type used to the specimen diameter is equal to the plate diameter. If the binder forms
weigh powders on an analytical balance has been found suitable for a concave surface at its outer edges this assumption will not be valid and
transferring the hot binder. When using a rod, form a mass of sufficient the modulus will be underestimated. The calculated modulus is based
size to form the test specimen by using a twisting motion. The twisting upon the radius of the plate raised to the fourth power. A slight bulge,
motion seems to keep the mass on the rod in control. A 4 to 5 mm diameter equal to approximately one-quarter of the gap is recommended. A
rod is suitable. The glass rod technique is especially useful for the 8-mm procedure for determining the closure required to form an acceptable gap
plate. is given in Appendix X3.

11.3.3 Silicone Mold—Pour the hot asphalt binder into a 12. Test Procedure
silicone mold to form a convex surface. Do not trim the surface
12.1 Set the temperature controller to the temperature,
of the binder. Allow the mold to cool to room temperature. As
including any temperature offset correction as per 9.4, required
soon as the binder and mold have cooled to room temperature,
to obtain the test temperature in the test specimen between the
loosen the binder from the mold by flexing the rubber mold.
test plates. Allow the DSR to reach thermal equilibrium within
Gently press the convex (top) surface of the pellet against one
6 0.1°C of test temperature. The test shall be started five to ten
of the preheated test plates forcing the asphalt binder to adhere
minutes after the test specimen has reached thermal equilib-
to the plate. The filled mold should be cooled at room
rium (see Fig. 4). See Appendix X4 for a method of determin-
temperature by placing the mold on a flat laboratory bench ing the time required to reach thermal equilibrium.
surface without chilling. Cooling to below room temperature
results in an unknown thermal history that may affect the NOTE 23—It is impossible to specify a single equilibration time that is
measured values of modulus and phase angle. Excessive valid for DSRs produced by different manufacturers. The design (fluid
bath or air oven) of the environmental control system and the starting
cooling may also result in the formation of moisture on the temperature will dictate the time required to reach the test temperature.
surface of the specimen that will interfere with adhesion of the The method for determining the correct thermal equilibration time is
specimen to the plates. Pull the silicone rubber mold from the described in Appendix X4.
binder, close the gap to the test gap plus the gap required to 12.1.1 When testing a binder for compliance to Specifica-
form the bulge. Proceed immediately to 11.4 to trim the tion D6373, select the appropriate test temperature from
specimen and 11.5 to form the bulge. Testing shall be com- Table 1 of Specification D6373.
pleted within two hours of pouring the hot asphalt binder into 12.1.2 When testing at multiple temperatures, start at the
the mold. Discard any test results if the testing is not completed lowest test temperature for the 25-mm plate and start at the
within two hours of being poured into the silicone mold. highest test temperature for the 8-mm plate.
NOTE 19—Solvents should not be used to clean the silicone rubber
molds. Wipe the molds with a clean cloth to remove any asphalt binder
residue. With repeated use the silicone molds become sticky. If sticking
becomes a problem, discard the mold.
NOTE 20—Some binder grades cannot be removed from the silicone
mold without cooling. Materials such as PG52-34, PG46-34, and some
PG58-34 grades do not lend themselves to being removed from the mold
at ambient temperature. If the binder specimen cannot be removed from
the mold without cooling, it is recommended that the direct transfer or
pouring method be used.
11.4 Trimming Test Specimen—Immediately after the speci-
men has been placed on one of the test plates as described
above, move the test plates together until the gap between the
plates equals the testing gap plus the gap closure required to
create the bulge (see 11.5 for gap closure required to create the
bulge). Trim excess binder by moving a heated trimming tool
around the edges of the plates so that the asphalt binder is flush
with the outer diameter of the plates.
NOTE 21—The trimming tool should be at a temperature that is
sufficiently hot as to allow trimming but not excessively hot as to pyrolyze
the edge of the specimen. FIG. 4 Determining Thermal Equilibrium Time

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12.1.3 Testing in Strain Control Mode—When operating in TABLE 2 Target Stress Levels
a strain-controlled mode select an appropriate strain value from Stress, kPa
Table 1. Software is available with the dynamic shear rheom- to be Tested
KPa Target
eters that will control the strain automatically without control Value

by the operator. Original Binder 1.00 G*/sin d 0.120 0.090 to 0.150

RTFO Residue 2.20 G*/sin d 0.220 0.180 to 0.260
12.1.4 Stress Control Mode—When operating in a stress- PAV Residue 5000 G*sin d 500 400 to 600
controlled mode, select an appropriate stress value from Table
2. Software is available with the dynamic shear rheometers that
will control the stress level automatically without control by
the operator.
12.2 Initiate the testing within five to ten minutes after
reaching thermal equilibrium at each test temperature. The
testing at subsequent temperatures should be done as quickly as
possible to minimize the effect of molecular associations (steric
hardening) that can cause an increase in modulus if the
specimen is held in the rheometer for a prolonged period of
time. When testing at multiple temperatures all testing should
be completed within two hours of preparing the test specimen.
Start the application of the load and obtain a measurement of
the complex modulus, phase angle, and frequency after apply-
ing 8 to 16 initial loading cycles.
12.3 Obtain a test measurement by averaging data for an
additional 8 to 16 loading cycles using the analytical technique
and software provided by the manufacturer. When conducting
tests at more than one frequency, start testing at the lowest
frequency and increase to the highest frequency.
NOTE 24—The standard frequency of 10 rad/s is used when testing
binder for compliance with Specification D6373.

13. Interpretation of Results

13.1 The dynamic modulus and phase angle may depend
upon the magnitude of the shear strain. The modulus and phase FIG. 5 Example of Strain Sweep
angle for both unmodified and modified asphalt cement de-
crease with increasing shear strain as shown in Fig. 5. A plot
such as that shown in Fig. 5 can be generated from a single test 14.1.2 Test Specimen ID Number,
specimen by increasing the load or strain amplitude in steps, 14.1.3 Sample identification information,
thereby producing a plot of complex shear modulus versus 14.1.4 Operator’s name,
shear strain. It is not necessary to generate such plots during 14.1.5 Date of test (dd/mm/yy),
normal specification testing, however such plots are useful for 14.1.6 Time of test (hr:min) using 24-h clock,
verifying the limit of the linear region. 14.1.7 Manufacturer and Model Number of DSR, to be
13.2 A linear region may be defined at small strains where entered automatically by software contained within the DSR,
the modulus is relatively independent of shear strain. The 14.1.8 Identification code that is unique to device. This is
linear region is defined as the range in strains where the value used to distinguish between multiple DSRs when more than
of the complex modulus is 90 percent or more of the initial one DSR is used in a laboratory,
strain value as determined in accordance with Appendix X1. 14.1.9 Version of software used, to be entered automatically
by software contained within the DSR,
14. Report 14.1.10 Test temperature to indicate the temperature of the
14.1 Report the following information. A recommended test specimen between the DSR test plates (°C to 0.1°C),
format for reporting the information is given in Fig. 6. 14.1.11 Temperature correction, if a temperature offset was
14.1.1 File name, applied, at the test temperature (°C reported to the nearest
14.1.12 Complex modulus (G*), kPa to three significant
TABLE 1 Target Strain Values figures,
Material kPa
Range, %
14.1.13 The phase angle (δ), nearest 0.1 degrees,
Value, % 14.1.14 Complex modulus divided by sin delta (G*/sin δ),
Original Binder 1.0 G*/sin d 12 9 to 15 for unaged and RTFO aged binders,
RTFO Residue 2.2 G*/sin d 10 8 to 12
PAV Residue 5000 G*sin d 1 0.8 to 1.2 14.1.15 Complex modulus multiplied by sin delta (G*sin δ),
for PAV aged binders,

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Instrument Serial No: XXXXXXXXX Temp. Control: Water Bath

TABLE 3 Precision Estimates
Summary Sheet: Software:Version 5.07 Coefficient Acceptable Range
File Name: C\XX\XXX\XXXX Condition of Variation of Two Test Results
(1s%)A (d2s%)A
Single-Operator Precision:
Measurement Type: Intermediate Tem-
Original Binder: G*/sin d (kPa) 2.3 6.4
perature Range
RTFO/TFO Residue: G*/sin d 3.2 9.0
Target Temperature: 22.0°C
Strain Amplitude: 1.00 percent
PAV Residue: G*sin d (kPa) 4.9 13.8
Multilaboratory Precision:
Ancillary Information
Original Binder: G*/sin d (kPa) 6.0 17.0
Operator ID:
RTFO/TFO Residue: G*/sin d 7.8 22.2
Sample ID:
Sample Type:
PAV Residue: G*sin d (kPa) 14.2 40.2
Test Number:
These values represent the 1s% and d2s% limits described in Practice C670.
Measurement Results
Modulus (G*):
Phase Angle (delta):
G*·sin Delta: 185 to 208 laboratories testing eight pairs of AMRL profi-
Final Temperature: ciency samples. The analysis included five grades of asphalt
Test Status: PASSED binder: PG 52-34, PG 64-16, PG 64-22, PG 70-22 and PG
Operator Notes 76-22 (SBS modified). The details of this analysis are in final
report for NCHRP Project No. 9-26, Phase 3.
15.1.2 Single-Operator Precision (Repeatability)—
FIG. 6 Example Format for Reporting Data and Generating Elec- Duplicate results obtained by the same operator using the same
tronic File equipment in the same laboratory shall not be considered
suspect unless the difference in the duplicate results, expressed
14.1.16 Indicate whether the specimen passes or fails the as a percent of their mean, exceeds the values given in Table 3,
specification, and Column 3.
14.1.17 The strain amplitude to three significant figures. 15.1.3 Multilaboratory Precision (Reproducibility)—Two
results submitted by two different operators testing the same
15. Precision and Bias material in different laboratories shall not be considered
15.1 Precision—Criteria for judging the acceptability of suspect unless the difference in the results, expressed as a
dynamic shear results obtained by this method are given in percent of their mean, exceeds the values given in Table 3,
Table 3. Column 3.
15.1.1 These criteria are based on an earlier version of this 15.2 Bias—Since there is no acceptable reference value the
proposed standard and the procedure given in AASHTO T315. bias for this test method cannot be determined.
The figures in Column 2 of Table 3 are coefficients of variation
that have been found to be appropriate for the conditions of test 16. Keywords
described in Column 1. The precision estimates given in Table 16.1 asphalt binder; complex modulus; DSR; dynamic shear
3 are based on the analysis of paired test results submitted by rheometer


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Source of Reference Fluid—An organic polymer pro- A1.2.1 The fluid cannot be used to verify the accuracy of the
duced by Cannon Instrument Company as Viscosity Standard phase angle measurement.
N2700000SP has been found suitable as reference fluid for
A1.2.2 The fluid must not be heated as heating can degrade
verifying the calibration of the DSR. The viscosity of the fluid,
as determined from NIST-traceable capillary viscosity the fluid causing a change in its viscosity.
measurements, is approximately 270 Pa-s at 64°C. However, A1.2.3 The fluid should be used for verification only after
the viscosity of the fluid varies from one lot to the next. The the DSR temperature measurements are verified.
lot-specific viscosity is printed on the label of the bottle.
A1.2.4 The fluid cannot be used to calibrate the torque
A1.2 Cautions in Using Reference Fluid—Some items of transducer. The manufacturer or other qualified service person-
caution when using the reference fluid are: nel using a calibration device designed specifically for the

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rheometer should perform the calibration. These calibration method where a removable test plate is held in direct contact
devices are typically not available in operating laboratories. with the fluid in the bottle (see A1.4.3).
A1.2.5 When tested at 10 rad/s, the reference fluid should A1.4.1 Glass Rod Method (see Fig. A1.1)—In this method a
only be used between 58 and 64°C. glass rod is inserted into the fluid and rotated (Step 1) while in
A1.2.6 Bubbles in the fluid will have a dramatic effect on the fluid. Continue rotating the rod and pull it slowly from the
the measured value of the complex viscosity. The fluid in the fluid (Step 2) carrying a small mass of the fluid with the rod.
bottle should be free of bubbles and care must be taken not to Touch the mass to the plate (Step 3) to transfer the fluid to the
introduce bubbles when preparing test specimens. Recom- plate.
mended procedures for preparing test specimens are given in A1.4.2 Spatula Method (see Fig. A1.2)—When carefully
A1.4. used, a spatula may be used to transfer the fluid. Special care
must be taken not to trap air as the material is scooped from the
A1.3 Calculation of G* from Steady-State Viscosity bottle, Step 1. Smear the mass on the spatula onto the plate
Measurements—Among the different methods for (Step 2) and cut the mass from the spatula by drawing the
converting between dynamic and steady-state viscosity of spatula across the edge of the plate (Step 3). This method
polymers, the most popular and most successful is the so-called appears to be the most difficult to implement and is the least
Cox-Merz empirical rule. The rule leads, in simplified terms, to recommended of the three methods.
the following approximation (4)5:
A1.4.3 Direct Touch Method (see Fig. A1.3)—If the rheom-
G*/ω;η (A1.1) eter is equipped with plates that may be removed and rein-
where: stalled without affecting the gap reference, remove one of the
plates and touch the surface of the plate to the surface of the
G* = the complex modulus,
fluid in the bottle (Step 1). Pull the plate from the bottle,
ω = the angular frequency in radians/s, and
η = the shear-rate independent capillary viscosity as re- bringing a mass of the fluid along with the plate (Step 2). Invert
ported by the supplier of the reference fluid. the plate and allow the fluid to flow out into a mushroom shape
(Step 3).
A1.3.1 For this rule to apply the measurements must be in
the viscous region where the phase angle approaches 90°. The A1.5 Proceed immediately to 11.4 to trim the reference fluid
value of the complex modulus is then simply 10 times the value specimen and 11.5 to form the bulge.
of the capillary viscosity. For example, if the capillary viscosity
is 270 000 mPa-s the complex modulus is: A1.6 Proceed with testing the reference fluid specimen as
described in Section 12.
G*, kPa≈ ~ 270 000 mPa·s ! ~ 1 kPa/1 000 000 mPa! ~ 10 rad/s !
5 2.70 kPa·rad (A1.2)

A1.3.2 The reference fluid behaves as a viscous fluid at

64°C and above and provides very accurate estimates of G*
above 64°C (3). At temperatures below 58°C the fluid gives
incorrect values for G* with the error increasing as the
temperature departs from 64°C. At 64°C and above G* divided
by the frequency in radians per second should be no more than
3 % different than the viscosity printed on the bottle label. If
this is not the case, then the torque calibration should be
considered suspect.
A1.4 Methods for Transferring the Fluid to the Test
Plates—Three different methods are recommended for
transferring the fluid to the test plates: the glass rod method
(see A1.4.1), the spatula method (see A1.4.2), and a direct

The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of FIG. A1.1 Using a Glass Rod to Place the Reference Fluid
this standard. on the Plate

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FIG. A1.2 Using a Spatula to Place the Reference Fluid on the Plate

FIG. A1.3 Direct Touch Method to Place the Reference Fluid

on the Plate


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Scope—This procedure is used to determine whether from 2 percent to 12 percent.

an unaged asphalt binder exhibits linear or non-linear behavior
at the upper grading temperature, for example, 52, 58, 64, 70, X1.2 Procedure:
76, or 82°C. The determination is based on the change in X1.2.1 Prepare the DSR in accordance with Section 10 of
complex shear modulus at 10 rad/s when the strain is increased this standard.

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X1.2.2 Prepare a test specimen for testing with 25-mm X1.3 Plot of Complex Modulus versus Strain—Prepare a
plates as per Section 11 of this standard. Select the test plot of complex shear modulus versus percent strain as shown
temperature as the upper grading temperature for the binder in in Fig. 6.
X1.2.3 Determine the complex shear modulus at 2 and 12 X1.4 Calculations—Calculate the modulus ratio as the
percent strain following the test procedure described in Section complex shear modulus at 12 percent strain divided by the
12 except as noted below. Always start with the lowest strain complex shear modulus at 2 percent strain.
and proceed to the next larger strain.
X1.2.3.1 Strain Controlled Rheometers—If the software X1.5 Report—Report the following at each stress/strain
provided with the DSR will automatically conduct tests at level:
multiple strains, program the DSR to obtain the complex shear X1.5.1 Complex shear modulus (G*) to three significant
modulus at strains of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 percent. If this figures.
automatic feature is not available, test by manually selecting
strains of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 percent strain. X1.5.2 Strain, nearest 0.1 percent.
X1.2.3.2 For Stress Controlled Rheometers, compute the X1.5.3 Frequency, nearest 0.1 rad/s.
starting stress based on the complex shear modulus, G*G and
shear stress, τG as determined at the upper grading temperature X1.5.4 The ratio calculated by dividing the modulus at 12 %
during the grading of the binder. At this temperature the strain by the modulus at 2 % strain.
complex modulus, G*G will be ≥ 1.00 kPa and the shear stress,
τG will be between 0.090 and 0.150 kPa (see Table 2). X1.6 Data Interpretation—The measurement was per-
Calculate the starting stress as τG/6.00 kPa. Increase the stress formed in the non-linear range of the material if the modulus
in five increments of τG/6.00 kPa. ratio as calculated in X1.4 is < 0.900 and linear if ≥ 0.900. If
the measurement was performed in the non-linear range of the
NOTE X1.1—Sample calculation: Assume a PG 64-22 grade asphalt
binder with G*G = 1.29 kPa at 64°C and the stress, τG = 0.135 kPa. The
material the results obtained under DXXX will be considered
starting stress will be 1.35 kPa/6 = 0.225 kPa. Test at 0.225, 0.450, 0.675, as invalid for grading a binder according to Specification
0.900, 1.13, 1.35 kPa starting with 0.225 kPa. D6373.


X2.1 Control Charts—Control charts are commonly used X2.1.3 Care in Selecting Data—Data used to generate
by various industries, including the highway construction control charts should be obtained with care. The idea of
industry, to control the quality of products. Control charts randomness is important but need not become unnecessarily
provide a means for organizing, maintaining and interpreting complicated. An example will show why a random sample is
test data. As such, control charts are an excellent means for needed. A laboratory always measures the reference fluid at the
organizing, maintaining, and interpreting DSR verification test start of the shift or workday. These measurements could be
data. Formal procedures based on statistical principles are used biased by start-up errors such as a lack of temperature stability
to develop control charts and the decision processes that are when the device is first turned on. The random sample ensures
part of statistical quality control (2). that the measurement is representative of the process or the
material being tested. Said another way, a random sample has
X2.1.1 A quality control chart is simply a graphical repre-
an equal chance of being drawn as any other sample. A
sentation of test data versus time. By plotting laboratory
measurement or sample always taken at the start or end of the
measured values for the reference fluid in a control chart
day, or just before coffee break, does not have this chance.
format it is easy to see when:
X2.1.1.1 The measurements are well controlled and both the X2.2 Example—The power of the control chart is illustrated
device and the operator are performing properly. in Table X2.1 using the verification data obtained for the DSR.
X2.1.1.2 The measurements are becoming more variable Other DSR verification data suitable for a quality control chart
with time, possibly indicating a problem with the test equip- presentation includes measurements for determining the tem-
ment or the operator. perature correction, calibrating the electronic thermometer, and
X2.1.1.3 The laboratory measurements for the fluid are, on maintaining data from internally generated asphalt binder
the average above or below the target (reference fluid) value. reference samples. For this example the reported viscosity for
the reference fluid is 271 Pa-s and hence the calculated value
X2.1.2 Many excellent software programs are available for
for G* is 2.71 kPa. This value for G* is labeled as “G* from
generating and maintaining control charts. Some computer-
Reference Fluid” in Fig. X2.1. The laboratory should obtain
based statistical analysis packages contain procedures that can
this value on the average if there is no laboratory bias.
be used to generate control charts. Spreadsheets such as
Microsoft’s Excel (example below) can also be used to X2.2.1 Comparison of 22-week Laboratory Average for G*
generate control charts and, of course, control charts can be with Value Calculated from Reference Fluid—The 22-week
generated manually. average of the laboratory measurements is labeled as “22 Week

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TABLE X2.1 Sample Test Data 22-week CV, 1.86 percent, also includes day-to-day variability,
Measured a component of variability not included in the round-robin d1s
G*, kPa value. Based on this information the variability of the labora-
1 2.83 tory measurements are acceptable.
2 2.82
3 2.77 X2.2.3 Variability of Measured Values—In Fig. X2.1, the
4 2.72
5 2.69 value of G* calculated from the reference fluid is shown as a
6 2.72 solid line. Also shown are two dotted lines that represent the
7 2.77 G* calculated from the reference fluid 6 2d1s where d1s is the
8 2.75
9 2.71 value from the round robin. The calculated reference value for
10 2.82 the fluid is 2.71 kPa and the standard deviation is 0.045. Thus,
11 2.66 a deviation of 2d1s gives values of (2):
12 2.69
13 2.75 2.71 kPa6 ~ 2 ! ~ 0.045! 5 2.80 kPa, 2.62 kPa (X2.1)
14 2.69
15 2.73 X2.2.3.1 If the laboratory procedures are under control, the
16 2.77
17 2.72
equipment is properly calibrated, and there is no laboratory
18 2.67 bias, 95 percent of the measurements should fall within the
19 2.66 limits 2.62 kPa and 2.80 kPa. Laboratory measurements
20 2.78
21 2.74
outside this range are suspect and the cause of the outlier
22 2.69 should be investigated. The outlier may be the result of either
Average 2.73 testing variability or laboratory bias. The measurement from
Std. Dev. 0.051
CV,% 1.86 week 10 in Fig. X2.1 falls outside the 6 2d1s limits and is
cause for concern such that testing procedures and verification
should be investigated.
Laboratory Average” in Fig. X2.1. Over the 22 weeks for X2.2.3.2 If a measurement deviates from the target, in this
which measurements were made the average was 2.73 kPa. case G* from the reference fluid, by more than 6 3d1s,
This compares favorably with the calculated reference value, corrective action should be initiated. The 6 3d1s limits 99.7
2.71 kPa, differing on the average by only 0.7 percent. There percent of the measured values if the laboratory procedures are
appears to be little laboratory bias in this data. under control and the equipment is properly calibrated.
X2.2.2 Comparison of CV of Laboratory Measurements X2.2.4 Trends in Measured Values—The control chart can
with Round Robin CV—From a previous round robin study, the also be used to identify unwanted trends in the data. For
within laboratory standard deviation (d1s) for the fluid was example from weeks one to five a steady decrease in the
reported as 0.045 (CV = 1.67 %) (3). The 22-week standard measured value is observed. This is cause for concern and the
deviation for the measured values of G* is 0.051 (CV = reason for the trend should be investigated. More sophisticated
1.86 %), as compared to 0.045 (CV = 1.67 %) reported from rules for analyzing trends in control charts can be found
the round robin. However, it should be pointed out that the elsewhere (2).

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FIG. X2.1 Control Chart


X3.1 Need for Accurate Measurement of Specimen where:

Diameter—The accuracy of the DSR measurements G* = complex modulus,
depends upon an accurate measurement of the diameter of the τ = torque applied to test specimen,
test specimen. The diameter of the test specimen is assumed h = thickness of test specimen,
equal to the diameter of the test plates. For this reason, the Θ = angular rotation, radians, and
trimming of excess binder and the final closure of the gap to r = radius of test plate.
produce a slight bulge in the test specimen are critical steps in X3.1.1 According to Eq X3.1 the modulus depends upon the
the DSR test procedure. When the gap is closed to its final radius (or diameter) raised to the fourth power. Therefore, a
dimension, the bulge must be of sufficient size to compensate small concavity in the outer surface of the test specimen, as
for any shrinkage in the binder and consequently avoiding a shown in Fig. X3.1, will have a large effect on the measured
concave surface as shown in Fig. X3.1. The diameter of the test modulus because the actual specimen diameter will be less than
specimen in Fig. X3.1 approaches d, rather than d’, the the plate diameter. For a given amount of concavity, the effect
diameter of the plate. The modulus G* is calculated according on the measured modulus is greater for the 8-mm plate than the
to the following equation: 25-mm plate. A more desirable result is a slight bulge as
? G* ? 5 ~ 2h/π r ! · ~ τ/Θ !
(X3.1) illustrated in Fig. X3.2. Shear stresses are not transferred
directly from the plate to the overhanging binder and therefore
the effect of a slight bulge on the measured modulus is much

FIG. X3.1 Concave Surface Resulting from Insufficient Closure

after Trimming FIG. X3.2 Proper Bulge

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less than a slight concavity. It should be noted that errors in the
diameter of the test specimen do not affect the measured values
of the phase angle.
X3.2 Recommended Gap Closure Values—Recommended
values for the gap closure required to form a bulge at the test
temperature similar to the bulge illustrated in Fig. X3.2 are
given in 11.5 as 50 µm and 100 µm for the 25-mm and 8-mm FIG. X3.4 Concave “Bulge”
plates, respectively. Although these values may be appropriate
for many rheometers, they may not be appropriate for all
rheometers. The applicability of these values to a specific
rheometer may be determined by preparing a test specimen
using the recommended closure and observing the shape of the
bulge after the final closure of the gap and after the test
specimen is at the test temperature. If the recommended
closure values do not give an appropriate bulge, the recom-
mended closure values should be adjusted as appropriate. FIG. X3.5 Oversized Bulge
X3.2.1 Proper and improper bulges are shown in Figs.
X3.3-X3.5. A magnifying glass is useful for examining the X3.3.1 A number of factors can affect the bulge formed at
shape of the bulge. Regardless of the closure required to the test temperature. These include:
produce a desirable bulge, the actual gap should be used in the X3.3.1.1 The amount of closure used to create the bulge,
calculations. X3.3.1.2 The difference in temperature between the trim-
ming temperature, the temperature at which the bulge is
X3.3 Factors Affecting Bulge Development: created, and the test temperature,
X3.3.1.3 Thermal expansion-contraction characteristics of
the rheometer, and
X3.3.1.4 Thermal contraction and expansion of the asphalt
X3.3.2 A concave surface is more likely to form at the
intermediate temperatures than at the upper test temperatures
(8-mm plate rather than the 25-mm plate). In fact, at the higher
test temperatures excessive material can be squeezed from the
plates as shown in Fig. X3.5. This situation should also be
avoided and may require gap closures somewhat less than the
FIG. X3.3 Good Bulge Size recommended values.


X4.1 Reason for Determining Time Required To Obtain X4.1.1.3 Difference in temperature between the trimming
Thermal Equilibrium—After the test specimen has and test temperature, and
been mounted in the DSR, it takes it some time for the asphalt X4.1.1.4 Plate size, different for the 8-mm and 25-mm plate.
binder between the test plates to reach thermal equilibrium.
Because of thermal gradients within the test plates and test X4.1.2 It is not possible to specify a single time as the time
specimen, it may take longer for the test specimen to come to required to obtain thermal equilibrium. For example, thermal
thermal equilibrium than the time indicated by the DSR equilibrium is reached much quicker with liquid-controlled
thermometer. Therefore, it is necessary to experimentally rheometers than with air-cooled rheometer. This requires that
determine the time required for the test specimen to reach the time to thermal equilibrium be established for individual
thermal equilibrium. rheometers, typical trimming and testing temperatures, and
testing conditions.
X4.1.1 The time required to obtain thermal equilibrium
varies for different rheometers. Factors that affect the time X4.2 Method to Determine the Time Required to Obtain
required for thermal equilibrium include: Thermal Equilibrium—A reliable estimate of the time
X4.1.1.1 Design of the rheometer and whether air or liquid required for thermal equilibrium can be obtained by monitoring
is used as a heating-cooling medium, the DSR temperature and the complex modulus of a sample
X4.1.1.2 Difference between ambient temperature and the mounted between the test plates. Because the modulus is
test temperature, different when testing below room tempera- highly sensitive to temperature, it is an excellent indicator of
ture and above room temperature, thermal equilibrium.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 15

D7175 − 08
X4.2.1 Mount a binder sample in the DSR and trim in the X4.2.4 The time to reach thermal equilibrium is the time
usual manner. Create a bulge and bring the test chamber or required to reach a constant modulus. Typically, this time will
fluid to the test temperature. be greater than the time required to reach a constant reading on
X4.2.2 Operate the rheometer in a continuous mode at 10 the DSR thermometer.
rad/s using an unmodified asphalt binder—one that does not
change modulus with repeated shearing. Use the smallest strain X4.3 Because the time required to reach thermal equilib-
value that gives good measurement resolution. rium will vary with the test temperature, the time to thermal
equilibrium should be established separately for both interme-
X4.2.3 Record the modulus at 30 second time intervals and
plot the modulus versus time (see Fig. 5). diate and high temperature measurements.


(1) Anderson, D. A., and Marasteanu, M, Manual of Practice for Testing (3) Anderson, D. A., Antle, C. E., Knechtel, K., and Liu, Y., “Interlabo-
Asphalt Binders in Accordance with the Superpave PG Grading ratory Test Program to Determine the Inter- and Intra-Laboratory
System, The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, The Pennsylvania Variability of the SHRP Asphalt Binder Tests,” FHWA, 1997.
State University, PTI 2K07, November 1999 (Revised February (4) Cox, W. P., and Merz., E. H., “Correlation of Dynamic and Steady
2002). Flow Viscosities,” Journal of Polymer Science, Vol 28, 1958, pp.
(2) Wadsworth, Harrison, ed., Handbook of Statistical Methods for 619-622.
Engineers and Scientists, McGraw-Hill, NY, NY, 1990 .

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