D7175 Rheological Español
D7175 Rheological Español
D7175 Rheological Español
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
11.3.3 Silicone Mold—Pour the hot asphalt binder into a 12. Test Procedure
silicone mold to form a convex surface. Do not trim the surface
12.1 Set the temperature controller to the temperature,
of the binder. Allow the mold to cool to room temperature. As
including any temperature offset correction as per 9.4, required
soon as the binder and mold have cooled to room temperature,
to obtain the test temperature in the test specimen between the
loosen the binder from the mold by flexing the rubber mold.
test plates. Allow the DSR to reach thermal equilibrium within
Gently press the convex (top) surface of the pellet against one
6 0.1°C of test temperature. The test shall be started five to ten
of the preheated test plates forcing the asphalt binder to adhere
minutes after the test specimen has reached thermal equilib-
to the plate. The filled mold should be cooled at room
rium (see Fig. 4). See Appendix X4 for a method of determin-
temperature by placing the mold on a flat laboratory bench ing the time required to reach thermal equilibrium.
surface without chilling. Cooling to below room temperature
results in an unknown thermal history that may affect the NOTE 23—It is impossible to specify a single equilibration time that is
measured values of modulus and phase angle. Excessive valid for DSRs produced by different manufacturers. The design (fluid
bath or air oven) of the environmental control system and the starting
cooling may also result in the formation of moisture on the temperature will dictate the time required to reach the test temperature.
surface of the specimen that will interfere with adhesion of the The method for determining the correct thermal equilibration time is
specimen to the plates. Pull the silicone rubber mold from the described in Appendix X4.
binder, close the gap to the test gap plus the gap required to 12.1.1 When testing a binder for compliance to Specifica-
form the bulge. Proceed immediately to 11.4 to trim the tion D6373, select the appropriate test temperature from
specimen and 11.5 to form the bulge. Testing shall be com- Table 1 of Specification D6373.
pleted within two hours of pouring the hot asphalt binder into 12.1.2 When testing at multiple temperatures, start at the
the mold. Discard any test results if the testing is not completed lowest test temperature for the 25-mm plate and start at the
within two hours of being poured into the silicone mold. highest test temperature for the 8-mm plate.
NOTE 19—Solvents should not be used to clean the silicone rubber
molds. Wipe the molds with a clean cloth to remove any asphalt binder
residue. With repeated use the silicone molds become sticky. If sticking
becomes a problem, discard the mold.
NOTE 20—Some binder grades cannot be removed from the silicone
mold without cooling. Materials such as PG52-34, PG46-34, and some
PG58-34 grades do not lend themselves to being removed from the mold
at ambient temperature. If the binder specimen cannot be removed from
the mold without cooling, it is recommended that the direct transfer or
pouring method be used.
11.4 Trimming Test Specimen—Immediately after the speci-
men has been placed on one of the test plates as described
above, move the test plates together until the gap between the
plates equals the testing gap plus the gap closure required to
create the bulge (see 11.5 for gap closure required to create the
bulge). Trim excess binder by moving a heated trimming tool
around the edges of the plates so that the asphalt binder is flush
with the outer diameter of the plates.
NOTE 21—The trimming tool should be at a temperature that is
sufficiently hot as to allow trimming but not excessively hot as to pyrolyze
the edge of the specimen. FIG. 4 Determining Thermal Equilibrium Time
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Source of Reference Fluid—An organic polymer pro- A1.2.1 The fluid cannot be used to verify the accuracy of the
duced by Cannon Instrument Company as Viscosity Standard phase angle measurement.
N2700000SP has been found suitable as reference fluid for
A1.2.2 The fluid must not be heated as heating can degrade
verifying the calibration of the DSR. The viscosity of the fluid,
as determined from NIST-traceable capillary viscosity the fluid causing a change in its viscosity.
measurements, is approximately 270 Pa-s at 64°C. However, A1.2.3 The fluid should be used for verification only after
the viscosity of the fluid varies from one lot to the next. The the DSR temperature measurements are verified.
lot-specific viscosity is printed on the label of the bottle.
A1.2.4 The fluid cannot be used to calibrate the torque
A1.2 Cautions in Using Reference Fluid—Some items of transducer. The manufacturer or other qualified service person-
caution when using the reference fluid are: nel using a calibration device designed specifically for the
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of FIG. A1.1 Using a Glass Rod to Place the Reference Fluid
this standard. on the Plate
FIG. A1.2 Using a Spatula to Place the Reference Fluid on the Plate
(Nonmandatory Information)
X2.1 Control Charts—Control charts are commonly used X2.1.3 Care in Selecting Data—Data used to generate
by various industries, including the highway construction control charts should be obtained with care. The idea of
industry, to control the quality of products. Control charts randomness is important but need not become unnecessarily
provide a means for organizing, maintaining and interpreting complicated. An example will show why a random sample is
test data. As such, control charts are an excellent means for needed. A laboratory always measures the reference fluid at the
organizing, maintaining, and interpreting DSR verification test start of the shift or workday. These measurements could be
data. Formal procedures based on statistical principles are used biased by start-up errors such as a lack of temperature stability
to develop control charts and the decision processes that are when the device is first turned on. The random sample ensures
part of statistical quality control (2). that the measurement is representative of the process or the
material being tested. Said another way, a random sample has
X2.1.1 A quality control chart is simply a graphical repre-
an equal chance of being drawn as any other sample. A
sentation of test data versus time. By plotting laboratory
measurement or sample always taken at the start or end of the
measured values for the reference fluid in a control chart
day, or just before coffee break, does not have this chance.
format it is easy to see when:
X2.1.1.1 The measurements are well controlled and both the X2.2 Example—The power of the control chart is illustrated
device and the operator are performing properly. in Table X2.1 using the verification data obtained for the DSR.
X2.1.1.2 The measurements are becoming more variable Other DSR verification data suitable for a quality control chart
with time, possibly indicating a problem with the test equip- presentation includes measurements for determining the tem-
ment or the operator. perature correction, calibrating the electronic thermometer, and
X2.1.1.3 The laboratory measurements for the fluid are, on maintaining data from internally generated asphalt binder
the average above or below the target (reference fluid) value. reference samples. For this example the reported viscosity for
the reference fluid is 271 Pa-s and hence the calculated value
X2.1.2 Many excellent software programs are available for
for G* is 2.71 kPa. This value for G* is labeled as “G* from
generating and maintaining control charts. Some computer-
Reference Fluid” in Fig. X2.1. The laboratory should obtain
based statistical analysis packages contain procedures that can
this value on the average if there is no laboratory bias.
be used to generate control charts. Spreadsheets such as
Microsoft’s Excel (example below) can also be used to X2.2.1 Comparison of 22-week Laboratory Average for G*
generate control charts and, of course, control charts can be with Value Calculated from Reference Fluid—The 22-week
generated manually. average of the laboratory measurements is labeled as “22 Week
X4.1 Reason for Determining Time Required To Obtain X4.1.1.3 Difference in temperature between the trimming
Thermal Equilibrium—After the test specimen has and test temperature, and
been mounted in the DSR, it takes it some time for the asphalt X4.1.1.4 Plate size, different for the 8-mm and 25-mm plate.
binder between the test plates to reach thermal equilibrium.
Because of thermal gradients within the test plates and test X4.1.2 It is not possible to specify a single time as the time
specimen, it may take longer for the test specimen to come to required to obtain thermal equilibrium. For example, thermal
thermal equilibrium than the time indicated by the DSR equilibrium is reached much quicker with liquid-controlled
thermometer. Therefore, it is necessary to experimentally rheometers than with air-cooled rheometer. This requires that
determine the time required for the test specimen to reach the time to thermal equilibrium be established for individual
thermal equilibrium. rheometers, typical trimming and testing temperatures, and
testing conditions.
X4.1.1 The time required to obtain thermal equilibrium
varies for different rheometers. Factors that affect the time X4.2 Method to Determine the Time Required to Obtain
required for thermal equilibrium include: Thermal Equilibrium—A reliable estimate of the time
X4.1.1.1 Design of the rheometer and whether air or liquid required for thermal equilibrium can be obtained by monitoring
is used as a heating-cooling medium, the DSR temperature and the complex modulus of a sample
X4.1.1.2 Difference between ambient temperature and the mounted between the test plates. Because the modulus is
test temperature, different when testing below room tempera- highly sensitive to temperature, it is an excellent indicator of
ture and above room temperature, thermal equilibrium.
(1) Anderson, D. A., and Marasteanu, M, Manual of Practice for Testing (3) Anderson, D. A., Antle, C. E., Knechtel, K., and Liu, Y., “Interlabo-
Asphalt Binders in Accordance with the Superpave PG Grading ratory Test Program to Determine the Inter- and Intra-Laboratory
System, The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, The Pennsylvania Variability of the SHRP Asphalt Binder Tests,” FHWA, 1997.
State University, PTI 2K07, November 1999 (Revised February (4) Cox, W. P., and Merz., E. H., “Correlation of Dynamic and Steady
2002). Flow Viscosities,” Journal of Polymer Science, Vol 28, 1958, pp.
(2) Wadsworth, Harrison, ed., Handbook of Statistical Methods for 619-622.
Engineers and Scientists, McGraw-Hill, NY, NY, 1990 .
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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