The Essay and The Story

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It is a type of text that belongs to the narrative literary genre. It tells a story through characters
to whom events happen in specific places and spaces.
It can be transmitted in writing or orally, the first being the most common. In addition, it is
made up of subgenres such as fantasy, adventure, horror, fiction, police and among others.
Its main objective is to cause emotion in the reader quickly and concisely, receiving from
them a reflection that allows the reader to examine various aspects of points of view.
- Fiction: The story must be cut from reality to function as such, even when it is inspired by
real events.
- Brevity: It is shorter than the novella, since it develops a single central story
- Prose: Since the appearance of writing, prose is the format of the modern story
- Single plot line: The events and characters are chained to a single succession of events,
unlike what happens in the novel.
- Unity of effect : Due to its short length (like poetry) the story is written to be read in one
sitting, from beginning to end. By cutting off the reading, the narrative effect and impact is
lost. The novel, on the other hand, can be read in sections due to its greater length.
- Centripetal structure: The characters and elements that make up the narrative revolve
around a central story and are related to each other, giving clues to the plot.
- Protagonism: There is a main character to whom all the main events of the plot occur,
although there may also be other characters.
- Plot: The structure accounts for an action with its consequences intertwined in the
introduction-development-outcome format.
story structure
The structure of the story must be well established by the author so that the story arouses the
reader's interest and wants to turn its pages to discover what happens at the end. There are many
types of stories, but they all share a fairly similar structure that aims to fulfill the literary purpose
and satisfy the reader's desire.

- Introduction, beginning or approach

We begin with the first part of a story, that is, the beginning or also called "exposition" or
"presentation". It refers to the beginning of the story, the moment in which the author will
contextualize the reader both in the place where the narrative is located, the characters that will
intervene in it and introduce them slightly so that we have an idea of who they are and what they
are. What do they seek. In addition, it shows the type of narrator and how the story will be told (if
it respects the timeline or if it occurs in a timeless manner).
- Knot or development
The knot is the section that presents the conflict, where the most relevant events of the story
take shape and happen. The knot is the middle part of the story, which is born from the alteration

or break of what was stated in the introduction. Furthermore, it is one of the most important parts
because it is what will set the pace of the narrative, what will make the reader want to continue
reading and what will make the story successful.
- Outcome
They are the actions carried out by the characters to resolve the conflict and restore a kind of
balance in the story; they constitute the moment in which the conflict that has appeared in the
knot is resolved and the story can be closed. This closure may be happy or sad, it may be
completely closed or left open, the choice depends on the author, but the knot that has been raised
in the narrative must ALWAYS be resolved so that the reader's expectations are satisfied.

Elements of the story

- Story theme
That is, what the story talks about. These themes are usually "universal" themes such as love,
friendship, freedom, justice, etc. The vast majority of stories talk about a specific topic and, if you have to
analyze it, you have to pay attention and find out what topic it is talking about. Above all: do not confuse
the plot with the story because they are NOT the same.
- History
Another element of a story is the story, that is, the plot. The story is what is shown to us following the
classic scheme of: presentation, middle and end. They are the adventures that the protagonist goes on, the
events that take place in the story.
To see an example of the difference between the theme and the story, we will talk about a classic like
Romeo and Juliet: here, the theme is impossible love and the story is the romance that Romeo and Juliet
- Time
It is another of the basic elements of any narrative and refers to the time space in which the story takes
place. It may be that time is mentioned because the narrator himself indicates the dates, but it may also be
that time is not mentioned and, therefore, it is a timeless story.
- Space
It is the place where the events that occur take place. In the case of the classic Romeo and Juliet, the
city of Verona is the space in which the conflict occurs and, therefore, this is the space of the work.

- Characters
They are all those who are part of the story, that is, those who are involved in the plot, those who
experience the adventures or events that are described.
- Storyteller
He is the one who tells the story. It may be that the narrator is part of the same story or that he is
omniscient, that is, he explains it to us from an objective point of view and in the third person.
Types of Stories
- Popular tale
The folk tale is a short narrative (normally transmitted by tradition among people) in which
stories are told to us with imaginary events and that have been “told” in many different ways,
giving rise to versions or variations of the story. Popular stories tend to be told orally and,
therefore, the authors are usually unknown. From the popular tale and logically, different kinds of
short stories have been derived. The main ones are the following:
• Fairy Tales.
• The fables.
• The myth.
• The legend.
The popular tale has had a very long tradition and has evolved in different ways. Fortunately,
some of these popular and usually local stories have been transcribed and have reached our times.

- Literary Story
They consist of carefully crafted narratives with a specific intention. They are the product of
rigorous work by the author, capable of creating a story with a particular atmosphere that
generates emotions in a specific audience.
The first example of the genre is the stories of Ancient Egypt. They are transmitted by
writing, by a known author, and written in a single version, without the variants of the popular

The literary story is written with a fully aesthetic and literary intention while the popular story
requires a rewriting.

Short story subgenre

- Fantasy: It is a story that has supernatural elements

- Fiction: It is a story that is based on an alternate state of reality

- Terror: Relates the fear of the unknown to an inevitable threat or a

state of uncertainty.

- Adventure: Tells about travel, mystery and risk


- Police: Narration that revolves around a crime and the search for those responsible

- Environmental: Narration that revolves around the protection of the planet

Narrative focuses
The narrator can intervene in the first person or in the third person (being omniscient or
observer), predominant modalities compared to monologue, description and dialogue.
- First-person narrator: He is the one who tells the story, the main character, who refers to
his own experiences, limited to knowledge and knowledge about himself.
- Third-person narrator: The story unfolds in the third person, from two perspectives.
- Observer narrator: The person who tells the story does so from the outside, describing
what is happening without getting involved, without putting himself in the place of the
main character or any other character. It is a channel that is not used to transmit ideas,
emotions or opinions. The narrator is an objective and impartial observer, who limits
himself to describing what happens without speculation.
- Omniscient narrator : From the beginning or introduction of the story, the narrator
knows everything about the characters, their feelings, their thoughts, their sensations, their
destinies, their ideas, their good or bad luck and their ending.
The story basically has the characteristic of being brief, shorter in length than the novel, with
less development of the plot and the characters. Its structure is closed, concise, without secondary
conflicts, without development of parallel stories, focused on the main dilemma.

How to write a good story?

The steps proposed below usually motivate children when creating their own story, since they
provide simple guidelines to follow and a guide for writing it.
Before writing the story you have to ask yourself what idea you are trying to convey through
the characters and the events that are going to be narrated. You also have to choose a title for the
• Where does the story take place? What happens at the beginning?
• What does the protagonist want?
• What do you do to achieve it?
• Describe the characters: It is not necessary to make a very detailed description of the
characters. A less detailed description is usually better to allow the listener or reader's
imagination to come into play.
• Difficulties that appear and how they are overcome.
• What happens in the end? Conclusion.
The moral or conclusion is the lesson that the writer of the story wants to be learned
from the story and that is why it appears at the end of the story.

The essay is a written piece that belongs to the literary genre. This is characterized by the development
of a topic in a free and personal way. Essays are commonly written to express an opinion or idea, and the
written piece does not adhere to a specific writing structure nor does it have to document its views
Unlike a scientific text, the essayist does not have to support his or her points of view with verifiable
evidence, but is limited to expressing his or her perception about a certain topic, which is why not all
essays have citations or bibliography.
Test characteristics
Since it is a free literary genre, there are no specific rules to describe it, although there are
certain generalities. The essay has:
- Thematic freedom
- Identifiable author's voice
- free argumentative order
- Varied extension.
- Bibliography and citations if they come to place.
- It is a prose writing, Rigorous in tone and form, which addresses a topic
significance chosen by the author.
- Its purpose is to explore a topic, whether or not one takes a position on it.
- It is often written for pedagogical or propaedeutic purposes, or also to add knowledge
to a specific area of academia.

Parts of the essay

The essays are always developed with these parts in the same order to be able to give a common thread
to the written work. The reader or target audience should feel that the ideas are intertwined as they read
the research article for greater understanding.

- Introduction
Generally, the introduction of an essay should be short and as a preamble to the topic you want to
discuss. In addition to being the topic to be developed, it must be extremely attractive to hook the reader
and make them interested in continuing reading the writing.
If a scientific essay is carried out, a hypothesis and an explanatory context for it must be included in
the introduction in a brief and concise manner.
Where the bases and minimum concepts are laid that will open the door to the body of the essay, or
that will be necessary for the reader to continue. There are many different ways to present an essay
introduction, but they always aim to “open the door” to the topic for your readers.
- Knot or Development
Of the parts of an essay, it is the most important because it is not only the largest in terms of content
but also where all the reasons or explanations will be presented to answer the questions in the
This is where the most complex ideas are found or where the most challenging perspectives take place.
If it is an academic essay, the knot includes the results, the conceptual debate, the theories, etc.
- Conclusion
It is the part of the essay that will determine all the research that was carried out and developed. It is
the final verdict of the written work and generally, it should be very concise and brief; mainly forceful.
The conclusion will be the final part of the essay that will serve to reinforce the idea stated above. In
this part we will summarize, on the one hand, the most relevant arguments presented and, on the other
hand, let us make it completely clear what our final position is.

70x the content
15% of content 15* of the content
The arguments are presented for
Catch attention defend the main idea The initial idea of
from the reader the essay is
It is supported by explanations, remembered
Enter the illustrations
essay topic trations, debates or evidence The arguments are
scientific summarized and

Support annexes for
justify arguments

They are optional

Types of essays
- scientific essay
It is characterized by being an argumentative text that is intended for the scientific community, its
arguments are made based on theories, experiments, tables, etc., which serve to present a
hypothesis or refute hypotheses.

Argumentative essay
It is a text in which its development is determined by an argument or reasoning, its purpose is to persuade
readers about the validity of a point of view.

Universal empathy towards the door.

The central nervous system (CNS) is a biological structure that is found in individual reindeer animals. It is an oompiej system since it is in charge of allowing the procodettes of the

outer world as a transumitür impulscu to nerds and museums insirthamanta In other words it is one of the most important tools that we have to post and relate us with what

surrounds us, without It is not possible to talk about feelings and the vesical serdus would also have made their appearance in our vocabulary. It's because of He. and for many

reasons most of us know about its existence , but very few know its Montadero origin , which occurs when we still measure a microscopic size within the "gusta" of our mere

development. It undergoes extensive processing during tasting and does not finish until after birth. Specifically, from the third week of "rearan" their Sarmation process is clear and

at the beginning of the fourth week there is already the outline of the cereba . Can we deduce that as we are in the first dormadian state we begin to "santr?"

la doñea cei dotar total is extremedumnanta compileja. When it comes to motorizing , I hear as subjective as pain in a human being who has not been born and has no way of

communicating his feelings. "No chila, no he complains, no Ibora." Pom seems very suitable for characterizing the proposed tacatas ai dater'*, according to Eduard Gr si serta ela del

Senvdie de Medaño Maternal Fetal del Hoapita Cinc de Bacolana, Some reactions could eiderarve ampies mflexes, dlidile: to interpret as a dangerous sign of lethal suffering Despite

Due to its complexity, the study of the nervous sternum setal "i has led to conclusions that begin to raise opinions. Except for marginal investigations , few doubt that a telo serte

critical essay
It is a text in which the author freely expresses his thoughts about a specific topic. Presents well-
structured and argued personal reflections on a topic.

Or this document called "a map" which is a trip that Rana and the residents of Cala 13 did, they are going to know various Latin American pategons (Peru, Venecuela,
Coleibis), who do not see these great things, and they see te Aagvres owddos masgrados dgunnos summante hmonos but little vadovados Eou show nigo mán alt* te to
q vomos o «te bion la tedod qu roo refuse to see Cor tote ate busoan toner Nandnenhos and b a o oo an te iotras te sut candons and no hatlar dabqa hatlan Moa As dse
Rane "st that speak to you cacao beyond moving you and that

"Hahier coa kisses and Aundamento"

The tete begins in Peru, where or the indigenous people licked you "dhoos" which means "penoe cañejnros", nicsen te te pobiladon indigona te tete Amantar a beautiful
place uticda at 40c0 matros te aura te te mtad of Lake Titicaca and qua to farm you oprauón. They maintain their traditions and are not a great example, where everyone
works for everyone, you have one oompieta "Oten Year it would have been moonlighting the moon of the planet Lungo vijan a La rmonadn" on is not erpiotade by
irntenacotete you kg rosbnorda ihpn, on te quo on «even I have putrada abopluta dirt, stop anta no one cares

In your car to Pong they go to Machupachu, take care of yourself, I don't find all the Spaniards, a quiet place that pampers you and is extremely beautiful.

The prtuana stopped Mon Vonezutla, you are an atheist, you are a Yanomami, an indigenous community from Brzn that moved to Venezunta, I who scabaron ote their
tartorca d tetar ce dtiet, atheist live you duldo, nañe too 2help All they behaved with too nMoo you to comutdi Leg tuerte o Bocas te nkhares tumoro Yohuauna So
eheshra que es comuridodes no seguirbon oyute por pote te nada y geo a sin te eco iogran live y samtenene

In Cotontea, tasting 1) an Ibanese cotona went to Maican located in the gsajra ira potiatn who took a poto in guana to bequeath to "Pe or guana Majaron at the bottom of
the Petate to a rancheria in the Azyuu community, which lived the same way the war ertre the strong and too pormmiitnret a community forgotten by the p eto peí o. on
which tul hahames se meren you hunger So much poverty and pathetic this et you too departanentot me tieos te Cbombia

academic essay
The academic essay is a brief and simple analysis in the interpretation of a specific topic or
question. That is, answering a question with investigative support and with formal language.

Curriaular University: Epistmohogia, report 1

Tested by: Deal C DeJlesüs U CE 10.102911 Date: December 4, 2007

Essay 1. Topic Knowledge in today's society

Objetivo dal Inlorma (to fear sotre ai vanca te socidad ataés dal conodmiorho and ou impact on the capacity to believe in hunger,

Fundamantanda taddcamontn according to ce only facilitated by the Prufnwor

Nten Vielma m oere the homtce, m define cerne Homo sapiena surpasses {tuombee who knows that he knows) When the man knows that he knows you have intellectual

apprehension you a eualdod which is captured by the brain produced in the corocomert The hiatoric becoming the demolition It was scientifically rueaigneón dase to

medarnitad, to rainamactacin práchca acalomada te «m tacnqqglan dande ios sidioe te oca Indusrat and today gave to translarmadora capacity te to natiuuaza to encata

plunetarta, or that just with ag behind it seems like a boeño conuituyon ejumpk do tos imrplicackhea that nothing stupid to the advancement of knowledge a trzsda te e

niatora. Thus, the current trend in relation to knowledge is the technology of humanity, which is increasingly becoming known as this is abolished by the vidual

revolution and the great rebo in a novelty consumes you or akanznr to modernity, which rests on the one you ruzon which in turn dscanaa on the one you regret

This is how technological processes were brought together apart from the Renaissance, the notion and the Industrial Revolution being, if

Steps to structure an essay

Once the structure is clear, there are a series of tips that will help you improve how to express your
ideas and, ultimately, how to write a better essay. Take note of the six tips we give you below:
1. Think about the theme of your essay
No matter how orderly the structure of the essay is, it is necessary that the topic in question be of great
relevance. Addresses current issues and writes with the intended audience in mind. Check the local media
and familiarize yourself with the topics that are on the table.
2. Research everything you can about the topic you will cover.
Look for reliable sources from which to obtain information for your essay. Surely the library in your
neighborhood or city will be able to help you find the documentation you need.
3. Study other essays already written on the topic you have chosen
Find essays written by professionals that address the topic you plan to develop and learn about styles,
typologies, content...
4. Don't cover too many points
The essay does not attempt to exhaust all the possibilities of a topic, but rather focuses only on a part
of it. Avoid writing paragraphs and paragraphs on other aspects of the topic at hand.
5. Use short sentences
This will give dynamism to the text and keep the reader's attention. It is a way to avoid boring your
audience and keep your ideas concrete.
6. Includes reflections
No matter how objective your essay should be, it is recommended that after the conclusion you include
a paragraph that stimulates reflection and attempts to change the reader's perspective on the topic.

Propp, V. (1998). Morphology of the story (Vol. 31). Akal Editions.

Reyna Silvestre, H. TO. (2020). I understand the parts of the story by reading a text.

Imbert, E. TO. (1979). Theory and technique of the tale. Marymar.

Ruiz, M. (May 13, 2018). The story. How to make a story.

Cáceres, O. (November 1, 2019). The Essay: definition and characteristics.

Raffino, M. (September 28, 2020). Essay concept.


The story



Fantasy: It is a story
Popular story: that has
It is a short supernatural
story, First-person narrator: elements.
transmitted by The main character is the
Fiction: It is a story that
tradition in one who tells the story
is based on an alternate
which stories Third-person narrator: state of reality
are told with Tells the story from the
imaginary Terror: Relates the fear
events. of the unknown to an
Observer narrator: He inevitable threat or a
is one who describes state of uncertainty.
what is happening
Adventure: Tells about
without getting involved.
travel, mystery and risk
Literary stories:
Omniscient narrator:
It is a short and Police: Narration that
From the beginning of
simple narrative, revolves around a crime
the story, he is the one
based on and the search for those
who knows everything
imaginary events responsible
about the characters,
their feelings, thoughts, Environmental:
sensations, destiny, Narration that revolves
ideas, their fate and their around the protection of
end. the planet
HE 1
Text Free
Literary SAL Characterized by
Narrative genre written in the development of a
theme Staff

Your intention is
manifest Thematic freedom
Identifiable author's
Opinion ideas free argumentative order
Varied length
Bibliography and

THE Experiments
REHEARSA Theories research
Their arguments
It is shortLand in the form of
a preamble to the topic you wish are made based on
to discuss. It must be supremely It is a brief and
INTRODUCTION attractive to hook the reader and simple analysis in
make them interested in the interpretation
continuing reading the writing.
of a specific topic
Intended for
or question.
the scientific
It is the most important part SCIENTI
of the essay since it is the place ACADEMIC
where the reasons or
explanations for the hypothesis
raised previously in the
introduction are presented. TYPES
It is the part of the essay SAL ARGUMENTATIVE
that will determine all the CRITICA Its purpose is to
CONCLUSION research that was carried out L
freely your thoughts persuade the reader
and developed, which is why about a given topic about the validity
it must be very concise, brief of a certain point of
and mainly forceful. view.

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