Worksheet Main and Secondary Idea
Worksheet Main and Secondary Idea
Worksheet Main and Secondary Idea
1- According to the author, all sciences have a certain degree of uncertainty because a hypothesis is not
considered an absolute truth: it can be refuted or replaced by others. This can be seen in various cases, such as the
replacements of theorems when there is a very abrupt epistemological change or when a theory emerges that is a
better explanation for a phenomenon than another theory that was in force.
Main idea: _____________________________________________________________________________
Secondary idea:
2- The hunter-gatherer groups lived, as their name indicates, by hunting animals and collecting vegetables and
fruits, but this was only possible because they were nomadic, that is, because they moved to look for these foods.
Some of the societies that had this organization were the Querandíes and the Tehuelches, who migrated to
different regions depending on the time of year to get their food.
Main idea: _____________________________________________________________________________
Secondary idea:
3- Literary criticism cannot analyze a work by separating its form from its content. On the one hand, because it is
the content that determines the form (for example, if you want to tell a long story the form will be that of a novel)
and, on the other hand, the form is what determines the organization of the content.
Main idea: _____________________________________________________________________________
Secondary idea:
4- More and more people use national routes because they have improved considerably with the maintenance
works carried out in recent years. More than 10,000 kilometers of roads have been repaved and fixed. In addition,
it has been established that four times a year the routes will be monitored to know their status and, if necessary,
they will be fixed.
Main idea: ___________________________________________________________________________
Secondary idea: