PCPPI - HR Privacy Notice and Consent Form Applicant

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Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc.

Human Resources (Recruitment)

Data Privacy Statement

Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “PCPPI”, “Us”, “Our”, and “We”) has a
strong commitment to provide protection of our applicants’ Personal Data from any breaches or
unauthorized use in compliance with Republic Act (R.A.) No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy
Act of 2012 (“Act”), as administered by the National Privacy Commission (NPC).

To ensure you can make informed decisions and feel confident about supplying your personal data with
us, we are providing you this Data Privacy Policy outlining our data collection, usage, retention, disclosure
and disposal practices and your rights as “Data Subjects”, as defined by the Act.

This Policy applies to all applicants (i.e., Executive Officer, Manager, Supervisory, Rank and File) whose
Personal Data are collected and processed by PCPPI.

This Policy explains:

1. What personal data we collect
2. Purpose for collection, use and disclosure of personal data
3. Third parties to which personal data is disclosed
4. Rights as data subjects
5. Protection and retention of personal data
6. Access to and correction of personal data
7. Withdrawal of consent
8. Notification in case of breach of information
9. How to contact PCPPI’s data protection office


“Personal data” is the information that can be used to identify a natural person. Examples of personal
data include your name, address, and contact details, education background, employment history,
references and results of employment checks.

In accordance with Data Privacy Act of 2012, personal data are classified as follows:

 Personal Information - refers to any information, whether recorded in a material form or not, that
directly ascertains the identity of an individual.
 Sensitive Personal Information – includes, but not limited to, your age, marital status, race,
religion, health/medical and financial information, social security and other government
identification numbers.
 Privileged Information - is any, and all forms of information, which, under the Rules of Court and
other pertinent laws, constitute privileged communication.

We collect your personal data and, where required, about other persons, such as your family
members. The purposes for collecting such personal data are set out below.

Your provision of personal data is voluntary. However, please recognize that if you choose not to
provide us the personal data we require, it may not be possible for us to process your application.

If you provide the personal data of anyone other than yourself (such as your family members and
next-of-kin), you warrant that you have informed him/her of the purposes for which we require his/her
personal data and that he/she has consented to your disclosure of his/her personal data to us for
those purposes.

By providing us with personal data, you agree to the terms of this policy and you consent for yourself
and on behalf of such other persons, to our collection, use and disclosure of personal data on these

You must ensure that all personal data that you provide are true, accurate and complete, and you will
promptly inform us of any changes to the personal data.


We collect personal and sensitive data from you, and use such personal data for the purpose of Human
Resources’ recruitment activities within PCPPI.


To achieve the purposes stated above, PCPPI may share and disclose the personal data collected
from you to PCPPI’s service provider of data processing or management services (e.g., headhunters,
online job platforms, medical examination, background investigation and others).

The service providers are bound to maintain appropriate levels of security and confidentiality, and to
process personal information and sensitive personal information only, for the purpose and as
instructed by PCPPI.


In accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, you as data subject have the following rights:
 Right to be informed – you have the right to be informed whether your personal data is being, or
have been processed, including the existence of automated decision-making and profiling.
 Right to object – you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.
 Right to access – you have the right to reasonable access, upon written request, to your personal
data that were processed and the manner by which these were processed; the sources from
which these were obtained; the recipients and reasons for disclosure, if any; date when your
information was last modified; and information on automated processes where your information
will be made as the sole basis for any decision that may significantly affect you.
 Right to rectify erroneous data – you have the right to correct any error in the personal data and if
warranted, request immediate rectification.
 Right to erase or block – you have, based on reasonable grounds, the right to suspend, withdraw
or order the blocking, removal or destruction of your personal data from PCPPI’s filing system,
without prejudice to PCPPI continuing to process personal data for legal purposes.
 Right to secure data portability - where personal data is processed by electronic means and in a
structured and commonly used format, you have the right to obtain from PCPPI a copy of such
data in an electronic or structured format that is commonly used and allows your further use.
 Right to be indemnified for damages – you shall be indemnified for any damages sustained due
to such inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained or unauthorized use of
personal data, taking into account any violation of your rights and freedoms as data subject.
 Right to file a complaint – you may file a complaint or exercise your rights above by reaching out
to us through the contact details provided for below. You may also raise privacy concerns to the
National Privacy Commission through their website at www.privacy.gov.ph


Processing of your personal data exposes you to financial, legal, regulatory or reputational risks that
may result from the unauthorized processing or disclosure of personal data. Thus, PCPPI is
committed to protecting the privacy of all personal data provided. PCPPI maintains physical, technical
and organizational safeguards to protect your personal data against loss, theft, unauthorized access,
disclosure, copying, use or modification.

PCPPI limits access to those who have a business need to know. PCPPI is also responsible for all
personal data in our possession, including information transferred to third parties performing services
on our behalf. All such persons, wherever they are located, are required by us to protect the
confidentiality and privacy of your personal data in a manner consistent with our privacy policies and

PCPPI retains your personal data in accordance with the data retention policy unless withdrawn in
writing, or withheld due to changes in the information provided.


You may request correction and/or changes to personal data in accordance with the process
specified in PCPPI’s Data Privacy Manual. We may be prevented by law from complying with your
request for access to or correction of personal data. We may also decline your request if the law
permits us to do so or if we no longer have records of your personal data.


If you wish to withdraw consent to our collection, use and disclosure of personal data for any purpose,
please contact Data Protection Office at the contact details found in this document.


In the event your Personal Data is breached, we are prepared to follow any laws and regulations
which would require us to notify you of such breach including the quality of information affected.


If you have any questions about this privacy notice and our data processing activities, you may
contact our Data Protection Officer by telephone 888-73774 local 5322 or send us an email at
[email protected].

In addition, for further knowledge and reference about your rights as data subjects and how can you
exercise them, you may visit NPC’s official website at https://privacy.gov.ph/.


I hereby agree to provide my personal and sensitive personal information as defined by the Data
Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. 10173) to PCPPI for it to be processed in relation to my transaction in
accordance with the privacy statement above and their policies and procedures. This agreement shall be
valid from the date of my first transaction until the period of my personal information disposal as stated
above, or until such time that I submit a written revocation or cancellation of this agreement to PCPPI,
whichever comes first.

By signing this Consent Form, I hereby acknowledge that I have fully read and understood, and
freely and voluntarily consent to the contents of this Data Privacy Statement of PCPPI.

Signature over printed name Date

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