BNN Bootcamp 5 (Combination of Planets Part-3)

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Combination of planets- 1,5,9 relation(trine)
, Planets will be arranged in ascending order
of their degrees.
Combination of Planets…

There are 70 combinations of planets according to degrees and we will study

them order wise, order is important as it will come handy later.

We are taking 5° and 10° as a tentative degree to denote smaller and higher
degree of planets.

If we take jeev karak(living character) of one planet , we will have to take ajeev
karak(non-living character) of other planet.
49. Mercury + Rahu
5° 10°

Mercury’s Karak Rahu’s Karak

Sister/Daughter Paternal Grand parents
Education Illusions
Intelligence Problems
Neighbours / Relatives New Beginning
Friends Foreign Land
Business Acts like Venus afterwards
49. Mercury + Rahu
5° 10°

1.Problem in family/New beginning after birth of sister/daughter.
2.Education can happen in foreign land.
3.Such a person may have 2 master degrees, there may be a break in education in between but
person starts studying it again.
4.Person will not use his degrees correctly, later on can earn money throughthem.
5.Eduaction in software engineering, AI , Tantra , Mystical Sciences.
6. As a business can do online business, Export-Import, etc.
7.Grandparents are already intelligent and may be in business.
49. Mercury + Rahu
5° 10°

8. Rahu is dissipation, so shows off knowledge
9.Innovative, masked personality, Hazir Jawabi
10. Highly curious(Mercury is curiosity)
11. Should be in social media, good combination for foreign education, youtube educational
channel, digital marketing, mass media.
12. Become like person , who they talk to, good sense of humor , Pranksters.
13.Diplomatic talk, Highly intelligent , Called Bhramand buddhi yog.
14. Paternal Grandparents may have commercial property.
50. Rahu + Mercury
5° 10°

Rahu’s Karak Mercury’s Karak

Paternal Grand parents Sister/Daughter
Illusions Education
Problems Intelligence
New Beginning Neighbours / Relatives
Foreign Land Friends
Acts like Venus afterwards Business
50. Rahu + Mercury
5° 10°

1.Problem in family/New beginning before birth of sister/daughter.
2.Education/Business can happen in foreign land.
3.Such a person is very interested in mantra, tantra, spells and mystical sciences shows that it is
a continuation from past life.
4.Grandparents are intelligent and may be in business.
5. Sharp memory is seen in most cases, person is showing off his knowledge every time either by
teaching or while talking, good communication, deceptive people and may deceive others for
their benefit.
51. Mercury + Ketu
5° 10°

Mercury’s Karak Ketu’s Karak

Sister/Daughter Maternal Grand parents
Education End
Intelligence Tensions
Neighbours / Relatives Problems
Friends Spirituality
Business Dejection
51. Mercury + Ketu
5° 10°

1.No child after daughter(Female progeny)
2.Sister may be youngest in family, no siblings after younger sister.
3.Break in education or incomplete education.
4.Eduaction in Law, Occult, Vastu, Astrology, low skilled work(Barbers, food stalls etc.)
- Kujavat Ketu(Ketu acts like Mars)
5.Sister/Daughter has lifelong tensions/worries.
6.Nana-Nani are very intelligent , may have a business.
7.Person may go into research, good communication(point to point), poet
51. Mercury + Ketu
5° 10°

8. Connection with roots, people feel connected with children.
9.Spiritual, occult education and interest.
10. People study analytical , logical, things like mathematics, B.Com , law, coding, CA, and are
often found teaching children.
11. People forget what they were saying in between, they have to leave a converstion in
between and go to do some work.
12.Shows that there is no major gain from ancestral land, the grandparents , parents land was
distributed and didn’t give them much profit.
51. Mercury + Ketu
5° 10°

13. If more malefic effect , less hearing power, memory weakness, cervical spondylitis , Speaking
14.Many girlfriends or boyfriends(3 sometimes)
15. Acne , ulcer on skin and mouth.
16. Book worms, speak less, vedic knowledge and spiritual.
52. Ketu + Mercury
5° 10°

Ketu’s Karak Mercury’s Karak

Maternal Grand parents Sister/Daughter
End Education
Tensions Intelligence
Problems Neighbours / Relatives
Spirituality Friends
Dejection Business
52. Ketu + Mercury
5° 10°

1.Attained spiritual education/Occult/astrology in past life.
2.Problems in family before birth of sister/daughter.
3.Miscarrige/Mishappening before birth of sister/daughter.
4.Nana-Nani may start a business after birth of native.
5.Native may be inclined towards occult and spiritual knowledge.
6. Person is introvert and don’t like to talk much, but we should know that he/she is a master in
communication , and can very well talk it is just a choice.
53. Jupiter

+ Venus

Jupiter’s Karak Venus’s Karak

Jeev / Native/ Self Wife/ Daughter
Religious Money
Wisdom Finance
Public activity Beauty/ Organized
Spirituality Luxury
Fine Arts
53. Jupiter + Venus
5° 10°

1.Native is good looking and attractive.
2.Wife is good looking and pious and good.
3.Wife belongs to a prestigious and good family.
4.This combination gives good wealth and ensures finances.
5.Native is money minded, has desire for luxuries .
6.Native has some fine arts quality(music , dance, acting etc.)
7.Wife is religious/in public activity before marriage.
53. Jupiter + Venus
5° 10°

8. Yoga And Bhoga ,so lot of sexual desires , specially in male chart.
9. Person is intelligent and guides other people.
10. Person is very attached to his wife, married life is good.
11. Age of person is good , we can say 67 years for sure , after that also it is
good person recovers.
12. Natives achive prosperity in age of 30.
13. Weight gain.
54. Venus

+ Jupiter

Venus’s Karak Jupiter’s Karak

Wife/ Daughter Jeev / Native/ Self
Money Religious
Finance Wisdom
Beauty/ Organized Public activity
Luxury Spirituality
Fine Arts
54. Venus + Jupiter
5° 10°

1.Native is good looking and attractive from birth.
2.Wife is good looking and pious and good, may have a younger brother.
3.Wife gets prestige, recognition after marriage.
4.This combination gives good wealth and ensures finances(already rich).
5.Native is money minded, has desire for luxuries .
6.Native has some fine arts quality by birth (music , dance, acting etc.)
7.Wife becomes religious/in public activity after marriage.
8.Person may earn through consultation, teaching , astrology etc.
54. Venus + Jupiter
5° 10°

9.Rounded and chubby faced, generally found in good doctors.
10. Wife may be a teacher, banker, lawyer , spiritually inclined.
11. Relationship with wife is good, sometimes there is a problem of giving to
much advice and solutions and not respecting her emotions, specially in this
case arguments with wife are more as compared to the previous one.
55. Jupiter

+ Saturn

Jupiter’s Karak Saturn’s Karak

Jeev / Native/ Self Elder brother
Religious Profession/ Karma
Wisdom Obstacles
Public activity Problems
Spirituality Longevity
55. Jupiter + Saturn
5° 10°

1. Native’s family encountered problems after birth of native.
2.Native is lazy , does procrastination.
3.Profession is inspired by Jupiter
4.Native may have taken tuition classes , teaching profession in early
years.(Not by choice) e.g. Son of a priest has do work of priest.
5.Native can suffer from frequent depression and life feels burdensome.
6.Native is pious and good.
7. Saturn is delay and lag, so person works slow and steady.
55. Jupiter + Saturn
5° 10°

8. Person is modest, responsible, Law abiding, Has to act mature, Work at less
9.Person feels extreme guilt if he/she cheats someone or does something
10.This is called karmadhipati- Dharamdhipati yog.
11. They have self learning attitude, eklavya, finds guru late
12. Wisdom by struggle.
13. Likes to walk, or should walk(Saturn is legs)
56. Saturn

+ Jupiter

Saturn’s Karak Jupiter’s Karak

Elder brother Jeev / Native/ Self
Profession/ Karma Religious
Obstacles Wisdom
Problems Public activity
Longevity Spirituality
56. Saturn + Jupiter
5° 10°

1. Native’s family encountered problems before birth of native.
2.Native is lazy , does procrastination.
3.Profession can be related to Jupiter(Teaching, preaching)
4.Native may take tuition classes , teaching profession in early years.
5.Native spent his past life in poverty, problems.
6.This combination is called Maha Bhagya Yoga.(Every 20 Years- 21 dec. 2021)
- Native’s family prospers after his/her birth.
7.Native is pious and good.
56. Saturn + Jupiter
5° 10°

8.Found in charts of Teachers, Preachers, Lawyers, consultants, bankers.
9. Wisdom in Karma, don’t like to cheat others.
10. Person does dual work, part time, side imcome, investment etc.
11. Has to work early , mature people.
12.Helping nature, dharam , karma doing.
13. I don’t care attitude (theft , money fall even in these things they tend to
forget early)
57. Jupiter + Rahu
5° 10°

Jupiter’s Karak Rahu’s Karak

Jeev / Native/ Self Paternal Grand parents
Religious Illusions
Wisdom Problems
Public activity New Beginning
Spirituality Foreign Land
Acts like Venus afterwards
Tantra/Mystical sciences
57. Jupiter + Rahu
5° 10°

1. Native’s family encountered problems after birth of native.
2.Native is a day dreamer and lives in illusions, Unlimited desires.
3.Father started a new venture/new beginning after birth of native it had
problems initially , later did good.
4.Native has health issues(can be severe) in the 1st year of birth.
5.Native may develop interest in tantra , mantra ,mystical sciences. He is
susceptible to paranormal energies.
6.Native and grandfather may look alike, Grandparents are religious.
7. A type of Raj yoga(Does well in materialistic world)
57. Jupiter + Rahu
5° 10°

8. Conspiracy or Shadyantra happen with them.
9. Good for foreign settlement, different culture attracts them.
10. Extraordinary observation skills.
11. Media, Youtube, Social sites.
12. If Mars has an influence in this conjunction, person is kattar dharmic.
13.Higher education may be from distant learning.
58. Rahu + Jupiter
5° 10°

Rahu’s Karak Jupiter’s Karak

Paternal Grand parents Jeev / Native/ Self
Illusions Religious
Problems Wisdom
New Beginning Public activity
Foreign Land Spirituality
Acts like Venus afterwards
Tantra/Mystical sciences
58. Rahu + Jupiter
5° 10°

1. Native’s family encountered problems before birth of native.
2.Native is a day dreamer and lives in illusions, Unlimited desires.
3.Father started a new venture/new beginning before birth of native it had
problems initially , later did good.
4.Native may have died early in his past life.
5.Native may develop interest in tantra , mantra ,mystical sciences.
6.Native and grandfather may look alike, Grandparents are religious.
7. A type of Raj yoga(Does well in materialistic world)
59. Jupiter + Ketu
5° 10°

Jupiter’s Karak Ketu’s Karak

Jeev / Native/ Self Maternal Grand parents
Religious End
Wisdom Tensions
Public activity Problems
Spirituality Spirituality
59. Jupiter + Ketu
5° 10°

1. Native’s family encountered problems after birth of native.
2.Native has lifelong tensions
3.Native is spiritual , will seek moksha , will not be reborn.
4.Native tries to go towards spirituality leaving materialistic world.
5.Ketu here can show miscarriage/mishappening after birth of native.
6.As discussed earlier Kujavat ketu(Ketu acts like Mars) it may give blockage,
surgery, nervous disorder to native.
7.This is a combination for Nobel prize.
59. Jupiter + Ketu
5° 10°

8. Called Ganesh Yog
9. Person should not be irrigated , troubled much, he likes to works
10.You follow a guru, then leave them leaving faith.
11. Person may be fond of dogs , seeks love from within.
12. Person swings his chair.
60. Ketu + Jupiter
5° 10°

Ketu’s Karak Jupiter’s Karak

Maternal Grand parents Jeev / Native/ Self
End Religious
Tensions Wisdom
Problems Public activity
Spirituality Spirituality
60. Ketu + Jupiter
5° 10°

1. Native’s family encountered problems before birth of native, or native had
untimely death in past life, may be reborn in same family again.
2.Native has lifelong tensions
3.Native is already spiritual , will seek moksha.
4.Ketu here can show miscarriage/mishappening before birth of native.
6.Native can be eldest in family , no elder siblings(Ke behind Ju)
7.This is a combination for Nobel prize.
61. Venus

+ Saturn

Venus’s Karak Saturn’s Karak

Wife/ Daughter Elder brother
Money Profession/ Karma
Finance Obstacles
Beauty/ Organized Problems
Luxury Longevity
Fine Arts
61. Venus + Saturn
5° 10°

1.Progress/Prosperity In Career/Profession after marriage(Sure shot).
2.Profession is inspired by Venus, Work environment is good(Ve in history of Sa)
3.Wife will face obstacles/problems in adjustment after marriage.
4.Wife may be professionally active; May also be from same
5. Profession may be related to finance, banking, medicine, fine arts but not
by choice.
6.Native will do well professionally.
61. Venus + Saturn
5° 10°

7.Delay in marriage in male chart.
8. Heavy expenses, money you earn is not saved much.
As a remedy always donate food.
9.House may be south or west facing.
62. Saturn + Venus
5° 10°

Saturn’s Karak Venus’s Karak

Elder brother Wife/ Daughter
Profession/ Karma Money
Obstacles Finance
Problems Beauty/ Organized
Longevity Luxury
Fine Arts
62. Saturn + Venus
5° 10°

1.Progress/Prosperity In Career/Profession after marriage(Sure shot).
2.Profession can be related to Venus, smoothness in Career.
3.Wife may have faced obstacles/problems before marriage.
4.Wife may be professionally active even before marriage; May also be from
same profession/company.
5. Profession may be related to finance, banking, medicine, fine arts.
6.Native will do well professionally.
7.Guarantee of money from karma(Profession).
62. Saturn + Venus
5° 10°

8. Person may do something related to Venus, not necessarily profession, may
do something good for women, or life may revolve around females in
house(there heath, their job etc.)
9. Good combination for BNN.
10. Saturn Venus people are called Shukra Vanshi, money wise it is good ,
suffer from leg issues, pain in leg, fracture , or somebody in near family like
Bhuaji may have leg related issues
63. Venus

+ Rahu

Venus’s Karak Rahu’s Karak

Wife/ Daughter Paternal Grand parents
Money Illusions
Finance Problems
Beauty/ Organized New Beginning
Luxury Foreign Land
Happiness Acts like Venus afterwards
Fine Arts Tantra/Mystical sciences
63. Venus + Rahu
5° 10°

1.Very Beautiful wife(Venus expanded), Female herself is beautiful.
2.In male chart, this combination shows very strong desire for a good-looking wife.
3.Flirt Yoga(In Male Chart)
4.Grandparents are already rich, have luxurious lifestyle and comforts, may have fine arts
5.Problems in wife’s life after marriage
- Intercaste marriage, Foreign tour after marriage, Marriage in different culture, wife may
be software engineer.
6.Specualtion Yoga(Can do good in Share Market)- Moon should be there
63. Venus + Rahu
5° 10°

7. Nag mani yoga, Bahu Dhan Yoga, Easy money desire.
8.Venus is cheek, rahu is mole/ round face.
9. Ve Ra people are centre of attraction, So if they enter a shop crowd starts coming there.
10. Wife , Bhuaji has heath issues.
11. Money will not give satisfaction, and you tend to spend money
64. Rahu

+ Venus

Rahu’s Karak Venus’s Karak

Paternal Grand parents Wife/ Daughter
Illusions Money
Problems Finance
New Beginning Beauty/ Organized
Foreign Land Luxury
Acts like Venus afterwards Happiness
Tantra/Mystical sciences Fine Arts
64. Rahu + Venus
5° 10°

1.Very Beautiful wife(Venus expanded), Female herself is beautiful.
2.In male chart, this combination shows very strong desire for a good-looking wife.
3.Flirt Yoga(In Male Chart)
4.Grandparents will become rich, have luxurious lifestyle and comforts, may have fine arts
5.Problems in wife’s life before marriage
6.Wife may be from a different culture, cast.
65. Venus

+ Ketu

Venus’s Karak Ketu’s Karak

Wife/ Daughter Maternal Grand parents
Money End
Finance Tensions
Beauty/ Organized Problems
Luxury Spirituality
Happiness Dejection
Fine Arts
65. Venus + Ketu
5° 10°

1.Wife in lifelong tension.
2.Problems after marriage(Male chart)
- 3 possibilities- Separation, Miscarriage, Death in Family(Aspects and conjunctions change
a lot of things)
3.Nani- Nana are already rich and have all luxuries and comforts.
4.Diffierence of opinion with wife.(Wife may be argumentative)
5.Native may have 3 bank accounts.
6.Wife may be youngest in her family, no siblings born after her.
65. Venus + Ketu
5° 10°

7. Padma yog, Laksmi yog(Great if in pisces)
8.Devi Upasak
9.Simple Sobar clothes, tailor , fibre and fabrics work
10. Should wear silk clothes.
11. Wife has health issues/introvert.
12.Money will only come when person does work not to gather money but to contribute.
66. Ketu

+ Venus

Ketu’s Karak Venus’s Karak

Maternal Grand parents Wife/ Daughter
End Money
Tensions Finance
Problems Beauty/ Organized
Spirituality Luxury
Dejection Happiness
Fine Arts
66. Ketu + Venus
5° 10°

1.Wife in lifelong tension.
2.Problems before marriage in life of wife.
3.Nani- Nana got richness, luxuries and comforts after birth of native.
4.Diffierence of opinion with wife.(Wife may be argumentative)
5.Native may have 3 bank accounts.
6.Less marriage problems then last combination.
7.Wife may be the eldest sister in her family, no elder siblings of wife.
67. Saturn

+ Rahu

Saturn’s Karak Rahu’s Karak

Elder brother Paternal Grand parents
Profession/ Karma Illusions
Obstacles Problems
Problems New Beginning
Longevity Foreign Land
Acts like Venus afterwards
Tantra/Mystical sciences
67. Saturn + Rahu
5° 10°

1. Person has desire to go to foreign country and settle there.
2. Native cannot do great in profession at his/her birthplace, need to travel and go far away
from there.(Cultural change should be there).
3.Native has interest in mantra , tantra , mystical sciences, his karma is bound to it.
4.This combination is called Pitra Karma Dosh(Remedy- Care for elders)
5.Will do profession related to Rahu(IT Sector, online business, digital marketing, foreign country
, MNC).
6.Native can have property in 2-3 different cities.
7. Native is extremely talented and intelligent but seeks easy money.
67. Saturn + Rahu
5° 10°

8. May do a thing of family lineage (Grandfather, father and native are all in army, doctors,
medical store , any thing…)
9.Sa Ra may show you started working as a lower post(maybe clerk) then got promotions and
reached heights.
68. Rahu

+ Saturn

Rahu’s Karak Saturn’s Karak

Paternal Grand parents Elder brother
Illusions Profession/ Karma
Problems Obstacles
New Beginning Problems
Foreign Land Longevity
Acts like Venus afterwards
Tantra/Mystical sciences
68. Rahu + Saturn
5° 10°

1. Person has desire to go to foreign country and settle there.
2. Native cannot do great in profession at his/her birthplace, need to travel and go far away
from there.(Cultural change should be there).
3.Native has interest in mantra , tantra , mystical sciences, his karma is bound to it from past life.
4.This combination is called Pitra Karma Dosh(Remedy- Care for elders)
5.Will do profession related to Rahu(IT Sector, online business, digital marketing, foreign country
, MNC) not by will., Work area not good.
6.Native can have property in 2-3 different cities.
7. Native is extremely talented and intelligent but seeks easy money.
69. Saturn

+ Ketu

Saturn’s Karak Ketu’s Karak

Elder brother Maternal Grand parents
Profession/ Karma End
Obstacles Tensions
Problems Problems
Longevity Spirituality
69. Saturn + Ketu
5° 10°

1.Hurdles/Problems/Obstacles in professional life.
2.Native does not like to work under anybody, can fight and leave job(Does not like orders)
3.Native will desire to do something of his own.(Own Business)
4.Unsuccessful professional life, three or more changes in job, career.
5.Can do well professionally as an astrologer, occultist, tarot reader, Yoga instructor, spiritual
field, Law, Army, Surgery, Low skilled, ayurveda, Coding, Data analysit work , Doctor etc.
6.Person may like meditation and it may be a remedy for his/her restlessness.
7.Native born to end his karma(Karmic cycle) may desire moksha.
70. Ketu

+ Saturn

Ketu’s Karak Saturn’s Karak

Maternal Grand parents Elder brother
End Profession/ Karma
Tensions Obstacles
Problems Problems
Spirituality Longevity
70. Ketu + Saturn
5° 10°

1.Hurdles/Problems/Obstacles in professional life initially.
2.Native does not like to work under anybody, can fight and leave job(Does not like orders)
3.Native will desire to do something of his own.(Own Business)
4.Can do well professionally as an astrologer, occultist, tarot reader, Yoga instructor, spiritual
field, Law, Army, Surgery, Low skilled work etc. without his/her choice.
6.Person may like meditation and it may be a remedy for his/her restlessness.
7. Nani Nana faced problems/obstacles after birth of native.
A Special Technique…

There are 70 combinations of planets according to degrees and we studied

them order wise,

Now, you may ask your client to choose a number between 1 to 70, the
number he/she choose , that particular combination from our 70
combinations of planets , will signify the Query and answer.
E.g., Client chooses no. 3 , which is Su+Ma combination, the question may be
related to promotion, and he may get promotion soon.
Question- Answers

1. Should be totally based on today’s

2.We will take questions till 8.15 then
we will end the session.
3. If your question is genuine and based
on today’s class ask it in chat we will
unmute you first.

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