Computing Week 8 TM 3
Computing Week 8 TM 3
Computing Week 8 TM 3
• Digital literacy.
CONTENT INDICATORS LESSONS: describe the purpose of some aspects of the IoT
STANDARD: B5. Describe the
B5.6.8.1. purpose of the Internet of
Demonstrate the Things.
use of the Internet
of Things..
MONDAY Play games and recite rhyme Guide learners to discuss the IoT in Ask learners to reply to the email
that learners are familiar groups. they received and to cc you in their
with to begin the lesson replies.
Start of task End of task
Ask learners to summarize the section
Ask questions to review their Learner’s Book on the IoT and to add Recap learners’ interpretations of
understanding in the a drawing of how they would like an their IoT systems and attach their
previous lesson. IoT to work with their own list of drawing to the classroom display
WEDNESDAY components. boards..