Technical Paper 2
Technical Paper 2
Technical Paper 2
Abstract—The current trend of offline education has created diffi- minds. Apart from that they have regular duties which may
culties in monitoring and supervising student behavior, resulting require continuous monitoring. CCTV cameras have been
in disturbances and diversions during offline sessions. While implemented to track and supervise pupils, a hard task [9,1].
several algorithms recognize these behaviors, their accuracy and
efficiency are limited and mostly focused on single items. To Currently, these systems require human oversight. Managing
solve this, we present a new AI-powered Student Tracking System enormous amounts of video data may be challenging, leading
that will revolutionize behavior analysis, attendance management, to tiredness and the possibility of missing important occur-
and incident detection in educational institutions with real-time rences. Manually monitoring closed-circuit television cameras
monitoring. The system uses artificial intelligence (AI) methods, is impractical.
including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), OpenCV, Face
Recognition module, and YOLOv8 to record real-time insights [14] Previously, student behavior analysis depended mainly
regarding student behaviors such as napping in class, using on instructor observations, which was time-consuming and
mobile phones, and engaging in irregular activities which are
also incorporated with real-time alerts using Twilio. The primary unsuitable for meeting large-scale practical needs. There is
procedure is image recognition using strategically positioned a pressing demand for automatic student behavior detection
cameras, with the AI model trained to detect and categorize for thorough analysis. Various tools and methodologies are
diverse activities quickly. The model is trained on the YOLOv8 available for this purpose. As we are living in this rapidly
algorithm, which is capable of capturing real-time video with growing AI era we can increase the efficiency and the quality
faster Frames per Second(FPS). The system’s key advantages
include its capacity to accurately identify and record problems, of mentoring they give to the students by taking advantage of
particularly those involving property damage, allowing for timely the algorithms and models that will automate the entire process
actions and fostering responsibility. The user-friendly interface where human intervention is not mandatory. To address these
acts as a single center for instructors and administrators, issues, we suggest combining cutting-edge technology such as
providing real-time information on student conduct, attendance, Artificial Intelligence (AI).
and reported occurrences. The system evolves through continuous
development, ensuring that it remains successful in addressing [15] High-level processing employs many machine learning
changing educational settings and dynamic student behaviors. approaches, such as Naive Bayes, multi-layer perceptrons, iter-
Keywords: Abnormal Event Detection, AI-powered student ative classifier optimizers, decision trees, and random forests.
Tracking System, Attendance Management, Behavior Analysis, In addition to machine learning, probabilistic approaches
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Incident Detection, like the Hidden Markov Model and Bayesian classifier are
OpenCV, (You Only Look Once)YOLOv8.
also used. These algorithms are useful for object detection,
I. I NTRODUCTION although their accuracy is restricted. [9] Deep learning has
grown in popularity due to increased access to GPUs, CPUs,
This study highlights the importance of ensuring educational and large datasets. [7] To accumulate the enormous data
quality and student safety. It examines the transition from required for deep learning, Wireless sensor networks use sen-
manual surveillance, which relied on human observations and sors to monitor user and environmental parameters, including
was limited in scale, to automated behavior detection using temperature, sound, and video. The system analyzes sensor
technological advancements. data to identify patterns and provide tailored services based on
The teacher’s duties are to explain the concepts of the user activity. The implementation includes using IP cameras
subjects in a more simplified way to feed into the students’ to cover the rooms and a NAS to securely store sensor data.
Our solution uses the powerful YOLOv8 (You Only Look to address several computer vision difficulties that were previ-
Once version 8) to build a strong and comprehensive Student ously handled separately. These include paying attention to
Tracking System which internally uses CNN, they are essential sights, watching videos, identifying suspicious actions, and
for object detection [9,1,21]. CNNs rely largely on Computer noticing unusual things. [3] In this study, they suggested
Vision (CV) to understand and analyze visual input efficiently. a clustering-based method for detecting odd occurrences in
Computer vision technologies involve modeling surroundings, CCTV footage. To avoid overfitting, they utilized a multi-
detecting motion, categorizing moving objects, tracking, inter- sample-based correlation metric. This involves training hidden
preting behavior, and synthesizing data from several cameras Markov models on many comparable data. The dynamic
[27]. Convolutional neural networks are a key architecture in hierarchical clustering algorithm acquires various training data
deep learning models, particularly for visual data processing. and corrects overfitting-related clustering mistakes.
Deep learning models can extract features and create complex [2] The authors developed a way to address inconsistencies
representations of visual data. This trait makes them more in the classic linear transformation method, which is insuf-
inclusive when feature extraction is automated. ficient for changing spatial location or phase. ”Kohonen” in-
CNNs can recognize visual patterns based on individual troduced Invariant Subspaces Analysis (ISA), which processes
pixels in a picture. LSTM models [9,26] are increasingly used the full video image without requiring an initial step to extract
in video streaming due to their capacity to identify long-term moving objects. An infinite hidden Markov model (iHMM)
relationships within the sequence, improving understanding of was used to describe the time-evolving properties of these
temporal data. The capacity of LSTM networks to preserve features. This model can adapt to the complexity of different
contextual information enhances their effectiveness in video datasets. The model does not require parameters indicating
analysis. [2,23], it is impossible to extract features directly abnormal behavior. The sequence guides the exploration and
from many moving entities, therefore this step is bypassed adoption of each observation set. This study compares two
completely. Additionally, the earliest phases do not require models: ”Markov chain Monte Carlo” (MCMC) and Varia-
background removal or subtraction processes. tional Bayes (VB). While VB is a cost-effective alternative
to MCMC, it does not accurately detect anomalous scenarios
The entire data for monitoring is collected from already
during testing.
placed CCTV cameras inside the campus and the data is pre-
processed using OpenCV. YOLOv8 enables real-time analysis, [4] Infinite hidden Markov models (iHMMs) are used for
identifying behaviors like sleeping, using phones, Violence, feature extraction. The Bayesian inference method generates
or property damage, and triggers immediate alerts. The user- a posterior distribution based on the appropriate number of
friendly future scope interface will have insights, allowing HMM states, rather than selecting a predetermined number and
instructors to monitor behavior and attendance effectively, en- using feature extraction methods like shift-invariant wavelets
suring a positive learning environment in physical classrooms. (SIWs) at each decomposition level. Wavelet coefficients after
the second are discarded. ICA and ISA are used for feature
Outline of the paper
extraction. Research indicates that ISA characteristics are more
This paper unfolds as follows: Section II conducts a literature effective for detecting anomalies. This paper presents a flexible
survey, exploring various approaches and methodologies em- approach that may be applied to various surroundings and
ployed in the study of human behavior using AI within offline moving things. Additionally, they want to prevent issues with
educational contexts. Section III outlines the specific prob- backdrop removal.
lem formulation addressed by the proposed Student Tracking [5] According to this paper, the model accurately recognizes
System, highlighting the objectives and scope of the research characteristics in image sequences. This strategy eliminates
within traditional classroom settings. Section IV delves into the requirement for manual inspection to ensure a correct
the detailed solution offered by the system, presenting its sequence. Teaching a computer system to recognize normal
architecture and simulated results. Section V discusses the processes and identify errors in image sequences. To retain
implications of the proposed system, including a comparison quality and efficiency, high-dimensional data is reduced to a
table and simulated outcomes. Finally, Section VI concludes basic form using HMM and GMM. [6] The authors advocated
the paper, by summarizing key findings and outlining avenues using behavior profiling to detect anomalies in several scenar-
for future research in the realm of offline student behavior ios, including airplane docking and corridor entrances/exits.
monitoring. The authors propose two frameworks: dynamic Bayesian net-
works (DBNs) for unsupervised learning of behavior classes
II. L ITERATURE S URVEY to identify problems using unknown data, and the expectation-
[1] This paper presents a technique for determining the maximization (EM) algorithm for segmenting and representing
validity of visual patterns and behaviors from a limited number behavior patterns. The authors evaluated the performance of
of samples, regardless of whether they have previously been models trained on unlabeled and labeled data to show the
recorded. This method uses a graph-based Bayesian approach usefulness of their technique.
to quickly find patches on a wide scale, with limits on their [7,30] This study examines Bayesian networks, which are
layout and descriptions. They presented a unified framework graphical models that depict probabilistic relationships be-
tween random variables. The document uses Bayesian net- visual frames to extract characteristics, while LSTM stores sig-
works to create an inference model that identifies anoma- nificant information over time through gating. [29] A proposed
lous events. The graphical model is composed of several strategy combines a convolutional neural network (CNN) with
random variables, including voice power, velocity variance, long short-term memory (LSTM) to enhance surveillance
and direction variation. The goal is to create a structure for system accuracy in detecting anomalous behavioral patterns.
the graphical model that can accurately detect anomalous [14] This study used a faster R-CNN object detection
events in an acceptable length of time. Creating a Bayesian system. It is made up of a ResNet-101 feature extraction
network involves two phases: structure learning and parameter network and a detection head. The detection head catego-
learning. Structure learning can be achieved by traditional rizes and regresses the network’s proposed ROIs. Our scale-
search approaches like hill climbing or by collaborating with aware detection head identifies objects of different sizes with
subject matter experts to create a model. Historical data is various dilation rates. This addresses scale variation in the
used to generate the conditional probability distribution for student behavior dataset and uses online hard example mining
parameter learning. (OHEM) to discover small items and handle class imbalances.
[9,31] This technique uses VGG-16 (Visual Geometry The suggested approach improved mean average precision
Group), a previously constructed CNN model trained on the (mAP) by 3.4% on a genuine corpus, indicating its potential
ImageNet dataset. The film-based system has been trained for practical applications.
to anticipate behavior. The model predicts human behavior
[15,7] The technique includes modeling the environment us-
in videos, facilitating surveillance. The architecture involves
ing IoT recordings, motion segmentation, cluster-based object
multiple phases, including video acquisition, pre-processing,
tracking, feature extraction, and object classification. Machine
feature extraction, classification, and prediction. [31] To send
learning methods used for activity detection include naive
SMS messages after detecting unusual activity, create a Twilio
Bayes, iterative classifier optimizer, decision tree, random
account and download the Twilio package in Python. Twilio
forest, and multilayer perception. The third phase involves
enables programmable phone calls and text message commu-
identifying normal and aberrant conduct.
[11,32] We investigated the suggested weak supervised [10] The study provides a brief overview of recent object
aberrant behavior detection approach using the CAVIAR and detection algorithms, including YOLO and the CNN family.
Crossing databases. The suggested method is compared against In practice, YOLO is more effective than CNNs. YOLO is a
four different methods, including adaptive sparse represen- method to identify unified items. It is simple to build and
tations, dense trajectory-based identification, deep learning can be trained instantly using images. YOLOv2’s FPS of
of appearance and motion, and spatiotemporal convolutional 155 outperforms Faster R-CNN and addresses transmission
neural network detection. The experimental results indicate accuracy and speed issues. It performed exceptionally well,
that the recommended technique is successful. with a mean average precision (mAP) of 78.62. YOLOv2 is a
reliable and efficient solution for studying things.
[12] Optical flow in video analysis uses the Lucas-Kanade
method in C++ and OpenCV to track object motion and [16] The system detects students’ faces using a single-
minimize noise through local flow constancy. Magnitudes are shot multi-box detector using ResNet-10 architecture. Pre-
calculated in zones, resulting in histograms for analysis. To trained, histogram-oriented gradients. Linear SVM object de-
optimize efficiency and memory, thresholds for normal and tectors were used to generate facial landmarks. The eyes
abnormal scenarios were determined by analyzing optical flow are detected with dlib, and the OpenCV eye classifier is
under various settings using OpenCV’s machine learning and used to reconstruct the centers of the eyeballs based on the
image processing. collected attributes. This model outperforms other models,
including H.We employs YOLO and Support Vector Machines
[8,31] This work proposes a technique that uses a photo-
(SVM) for effective object detection in deep learning [28].
graph as input to identify each sequence and remove the back-
SVM is highly optimized for Intel machines. Using object
ground. CNN generates a Gaussian (MoG) feature mixture for
detection modules, pupils’ distraction factors can be identified
each frame. It can distinguish between regular and aberrant
by counting people and recognizing phones.
frames. The collected characteristics are loaded into LSTM,
which can learn long-term dependencies in images and videos [18] This research proposes using both classic and deep
and classify each frame as normal or abnormal using Linear learning methods to detect objects. We employ YOLO in deep
SVM. LSTM computes input features for SVM. It uses binary learning to efficiently detect objects. We divide the entire
classification algorithms to generate output. image into N grids. We will provide a confidence score if we
[13] This model combines CNN for feature extraction and find an object in the grid. When an object appears in many
LSTM to recognize sequential patterns. CNN processes pic- grids, the chosen center is referred to as the intersection of the
ture features from frame sequences, while LSTM recalls key unions. They also explained the Anchor Box, which is used
information for finding patterns. This model’s 86% accuracy to detect many objects in an image.
beats previous detection methods, making it a valuable tool for [17,14,10] This paper presents the experimental findings and
detecting odd behavior in a university setting. CNN employs analysis of the proposed ET-YOLOv5s model for identifying
students’ in-class behavior. The model was trained on a dataset Research Project (SRP) Fund has provided funding for this
of 330 pictures, with 165 used for training and the remaining study. Overall, the study makes a substantial contribution to
165 for validation and testing. Loss function convergence the fields of crowd behavior analysis and anomalous event
curve and performance metrics. As training time grows, the identification.
model’s performance steadily improves, reaching over 95Over- [24] The article describes a proposed method for detecting
all, the ET-YOLOv5 model provides optimal training results. facial expressions in a classroom context to assess pupils’
[20] This article explores how teachers use AI to enhance attention levels. The system grabs crucial video frames, detects
student engagement and attention in the classroom. This tiredness, and analyzes students’ gaze to assess whether they
approach employs emotion detection to identify all students in are paying attention. The computational design incorporates
class, even if they are wearing masks. The ML model has 76% video acquisition, change detection, drowsiness detection, fa-
accuracy. The model continuously monitors kids with many cial expression analysis, and gaze detection, all using the
cameras to collect real-time classroom views. The obtained Structural Similarity Index Method (SSIM) and other visual
photos were analyzed with YOLOv5. This system quickly features. While the technology has potential, drawbacks in-
and accurately recognizes student activities. The Deepsort clude problems with video analysis and managing several
algorithm is used to track and identify specific students. pupils in a classroom. Future studies should overcome these
Finally, individual student reports are supplied. constraints and increase overall system performance.
[19] This study examines the use of video surveillance to [25] The article explores the use of a mobile monitoring
detect inappropriate conduct in students’ learning. This study system in classrooms to combat smartphone usage during
compares aberrant student behavior to usual learning habits lectures. This system uses face recognition and object de-
using computer vision and machine learning techniques. The tection techniques to identify gestures that indicate student
algorithms were modified for better detection accuracy and inattention, such as yawning, phone use, and bowing down.
durability. The study found that video monitoring can help The study paper also investigates the detection of abnormal
teachers recognize possible challenges and provide timely behavior among students using a one-layer neural network
support to students. and a Gaussian distribution technique. The current solution,
[21]The article discusses a real-time video surveillance named ”Monitoring System for Student Behavior in Exami-
system that detects human aberrant behaviors using two meth- nation Rooms,” uses a three-layer approach that includes face
ods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) combined with detection, neural network-based suspicious state detection, and
Support Vector Machine (SVM) and optical flow analysis. The anomaly detection utilizing a Gaussian-based algorithm. The
technology effectively detects irregularities such as rushing technology effectively watches students in examination rooms,
in congested locations, bending down, carrying lengthy bars, detecting and tracking them, segmenting them from the camera
and waving hands. Experimental results demonstrate these stream, and identifying suspicious and abnormal conduct.
approaches’ robustness and efficiency across various settings. [26] The paper delves into the creation of an automatic
The current method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and attendance system utilizing computer vision techniques, with
Support Vector Machine (SVM) uses PCA for feature selection a particular emphasis on face detection, recognition, and mask
based on blob border information and SVM to identify behav- checking for classroom use. It examines the performance of
iors as abnormal or normal. These approaches have proved two face detection algorithms, demonstrating the superiority
successful in congested contexts, giving a complete solution of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) under different
for real-time identification and analysis of human aberrant illumination situations. The system recognizes faces using
behaviors in surveillance. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which generate 128-
[22] The study’s current solution is a multilevel strategy dimensional encodings for each person. A mask detection
investigating correlations between observed rule infractions in feature is built into the system, using a CNN model trained
non-classroom settings. This approach considers observational on a dataset of masked faces generated from unmasked face
variables (e.g., location and number of pupils present) and photos. The present approach, known as the Face Detection
school characteristics. The study focuses on finding ”hot spots” and Recognition System, combines these techniques and char-
for problematic conduct to enhance school climate. acteristics with a graphical user interface (GUI) for ease of
[23] The paper describes a unique method for detecting use and maintenance.
anomalous crowd behavior based on optical flow techniques. [27] The article focuses on finding anomalies in video
The suggested method outperforms previous methods, es- frames by analyzing the motion and physical characteristics
pecially in cases like crowd escape. It outperforms other of objects. It shows a variety of systems that use three
models in both the UMN and PETS2009 datasets, with an ways to increase performance by taking temporal and spatial
overall accuracy of 96.46% and 96.72%, respectively. The sequences. Key contributions include improving system per-
key innovation is event feature extraction, which uses the formance, boosting abnormal behavior detection speed, and
angle difference between optical flow vectors to accurately developing methods for identifying diverse aberrant behaviors
identify anomalies while minimizing noise. The Middle East based on the chosen dataset. Pixel- and frame-level assess-
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and sophisticated Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells.
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structure learning, and complex LSTM cells, outperforms
standard methods in real-time video systems, significantly
enhancing anomaly identification.
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