Math Sheet
Math Sheet
Math Sheet
Revision Sheet 1
In the xy-planre above , the area of the triangle is
10.What is the value of k?
a. 4
If the area of triangle POB is three times the area of
b. 7 triangle POA.What is the value of a?
c. 5 a. 3
d. 6 b. 10
c. 7
d. 5
If line L and m are perpendicular, what is the value
of k?
a. -1 4.
b. -2 In the xy-plane above. What is the value of k?
c. -3 a. 12.03
d. -4.5 b. 14.4
c. 15.05
d. 17.31
27 a 9. If log 2 m x and log 2 n y, then mn =
5. If a + b = 8 and 81, what is the value of a? xy
3b a. 2
a. 3 b. 2
b. 4 xy
c. 5 c. 4
d. 6 d. 4
6. 10.
2 (x 2y)
(x 8x 12) 2 16
(2x y)
3 81
In the equation above, what is the maximum value
of y?
In the system of equations, what is the value of X?
a. 27
a. 4
b. 81
b. 3
c. 243
d. 729 c.
7. Log(a 2 b 2 )
a. log(a b) log(a b)
a2 11. If f(x) 0 and g(x) 0 for all real x, which of the
b. log
b2 following statments must be true?
c. log I. f(x) g(x) 0
d. 2loga 2 logb II. f(x) g(x) 0
III. f(x)g(x) 0
a. I only
b. II only
8. If log 3 (x 9) log 9 (x 3), then x = c. III only
a. 12 d. I and III
b. 7
c. 9
d. 7 or 12
5 2x 1
12. If f(x) = x - 1, g(x) = 3x, and h(x) = , then 16. The inverse of y is
x 3x
f 1 (g(h(5))) 2x 1
a. y=
a. 4 x3
b. 2 3x
b. y=
5 2x 1
c. 3x 1
6 c. y=
1 x2
d. 3x 1
2 d. y=
20. If the height of a cylider is increased by 10%, by 23.
what percent must the radius of the circular base be 1
y 3x
increased so that the volume of the cylinder will be 2
increased by 25%? 1
a. 5.6% y x3
b. 7%
c. 6.6% If the system of inequalities above is graphed in the
d. 8.8% xy-plane, which quadrant contains solutions to the
a. Quadrant I
b. Quadrant II
c. Quadrant III
d. Quadrant IV
21. 3x - y > 0
In the circular cylinder shown above. If the 2x + y > 1
perimeter of triangle AXB is 36.What is the
volume of the cylinder? Which of the following is NOT a solution of the
a. 12 system of inequalities above?
b. 25 a. (3, 0)
c. 300 b. (2, 5)
d. 60 c. (0, -3)
d. (5, -8)
a. 1
b. 1.5
c. 2
d. 11
26. Peter has two weekly jobs. He works in a town 29. If the graph of the equation y = -mx + 4 has points
library, which pays 12$ per hour, and he works as a in the 4th quadrant, then which of the following
cashier at a grocery mart, which pays 10.5$ per must be true for M?
hour. He can work no more than 15 hours per a. m = 0
week, but he want to earn at least 120$ per week. b. m < 0
Which of the following systems of inequaleties c. 0 < m < 1
represents this solution in terms of X and Y, where d. m > o
X is the number of hours he works in the town
library and Y is the number of hours he works as a
cashier at the grocery mart?
a. {12x 10.5y 120} 30. If the graph of x + 2y + 3 = 0is perpendicular to the
of ax + 3y + 2 = 0, then A equals
{x y 15} a. -6
b. {12x 10.5y 120} 3
{x y 15} 2
c. {12x 10.5y 120} 2
{x y 15} 3
d. {12x 10.5y 120} d.
{x y 15}
27. Which of the following must be true about solution f(x) = mx + b
of the inequality?
26+6x 2(3x+4) In the function above, m and b are constants. If
a. All real numbers f(5) f(2)
2, what is the values of M?
b. No solution 3
c. x>1.5 a. 2
d. x<1.5 b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
35. Jenna needs to take a taxicab ride in Chicago to go
to an important job interview. The taxi service she
has selected provides the following fee schdule:
First mile: 2.00$
Each mile after: 1.25$
33. Excluding a tip, Jenna's fare was 15.75$. How
many miles did she travel?
a. 2
The domestic texing plan of a mobile telephone b. 2.5
company is modeled by the graph in the xy-plane c. 2.75
above. d. 3
If Jackson uses 280 texts this month, what is his
cost in dollars?
a. 42
b. 44
c. 46
d. 48
37. In how many different orders can you line up 8
A decorating consultant charges consultation costs cards on a table?
based on the graph above. If consultant works for x a. 8
hours ( x > 2), for the consultantion, which of the b. 1
following represents the total cost? c. 1,680
a. C(x) = 300 d. 40,320
b. C(x) = 300 + 100x
c. C(x) = 300 + x
d. C(x) = 300 + (x 2)
38. There are 8 people on the ballot for regional
judges. Votes can vote for any 4. Voters can choose
to vote for 1, 2, 3, or 4 judges. In how many
different ways can a person vote?
a. 5
b. 56
c. 70
The incomplete table above shows the results of A
d. 162
survey about subject preference given to 100
students. What is the probability of art students
being females?
39. How many different four-digit numbers can be 7
formed by reaarranging the digits of 2010? 25
a. 6 1
b. 12 3
c. 18 1
d. 24 4
40. If 72, then n =
(n 2)!
a. 25 43. The following table represents the distribution of
b. 20 100 persons according to blood group.
c. 10
d. 9
47. Two bags, each bag contains 3 numbered discs as
follows, bag A has (1, 3 ,5) , bag B has (2,4
,6).Tarek takes, at random, a disc from bag A and a
disc from bag B . His score is the sum of the
numbers on these two discs. Find the probability
44. that his score is 7.
If a secondary student is chosen randomly, what is a. 0
the probability that he favors Math or Science? 3
a. 0.3 b.
b. 0.5 2
c. 0.6 c.
d. 0.9 6
1 2
53. Suppose f(x) x 8 for 4 x 4, the
maximum value of the graph of f(x) is
49. a. 8
The 8 dominoes are put in a bag. Ramy takes at b. -8
random 2 dominoes from the bag of 8 dominoes c. 0
without replacement.Find the probability that he d. 2
total number of spots on the two dominoes is 17.
8 54.
56 g(x) x 2 ax b
12 For the function g defined above, a and b are
56 constants. If g(-2) = g(10), what is the value of a?
17 a. 8
56 b. 4
c. -6
d. -8
57. The Product of the roots of 3x 3 4x 2 4x 0 is 61. If one root of the equation x 2 10x a 2 0 is 5
4 + 10, what is the value of the constant a?
3 a. 7
3 b. 13
4 c. 15
c. 0 d. 18
x 2 6x 2 0
66. If a point (x,y) is in the second quadrant, which of
the following must be true?
1. x y
11. x+y 0
111. 0
a. only 1
b. only 11
c. only 111
d. only 1 and 111
If f(x)=(x-2) 2 and g(x) are shown above.Which of
the following is g(x)?
13 67. If rs 2 t 3 u 3 0 and u 0, which of the following
a. 0.5x+ must be true?
2 a. rt 0
b. x7 b. urt 0
3 c. r 0
c. x6 d. t 0
d. x+4
74. Tan (sin ) + cos =
70. sin(2x ) cos(x )
12 12 a. 2 cos
In the equation above, the angle measures are in b. cos + sec
radians.Which of the following could be the value c. csc
of x? d. sec
b. 75. If sec =2, then cos sec =
a. 2
c. b. 4
d. 4
d. 1
71. If cos(3x + 20) 0 sin(x 10) 0 , what ia the value of tan cot
sin (2x) 0 ? 76.
1 a. 1
2 b. csc 2
1 c. sin 2
2 d. cot
d. 3 77. tan 4 2tan 2 1
a. sec 2
b. 2sec 2
72. If sec(3x 10) 0 csc(x 20) 0 , which of the c. sec 4
following could be the value of x? d. cos 4
a. 20
b. 25
c. 30
d. 35 78. If (cos + i sin )(cos - i sin )= a-1 + bi,
Which of the following is true?
a. a=1, b=1
b. a=1, b=0
73. If x=4 cos and y=4 sin , then x2 y2 c. a=2, b=0
d. a=2, b=-2
a. 1
b. 4
c. 16
d. 4 sin cos
79. Which of the following is equivelint to 84. a certain dancing group dosen`t recieve applicants
2 x 10 whose height is less than 5 feet or more than 6 feet
a. x 6 4 .Which of the following could be used to determine
b. x 4 6 the height?
c. x 6 4 a. h 5 6
d. x 6 4 b. h 6 5
c. h 5.5 0.5
d. h 5.5 0.5
80. 2x 4 1
Which of the following is a solution to the
inequality above? 85. If f(x) 2x 3 and g(x) = 3x, what is the value of
a. 1.5<x<2.5 g(f(-1)) - f(g(1))?
b. x<2.5 a. -6
c. x<1.5 or x>2.5 b. 60
d. x>0 c. -54
d. -60
82. x 6 or x 14
Which of the following must be true? 87. What is the domain of f(x) 9x ?
a. x 4 10 a. x 9
b. x 4 10 b. x 3
c. x 4 10 c. 3 x 3
d. x 4 10 d. x 3 or x 3
x 2 25 93. Which of the following lines are asymptotes for the
89. If f(x) , what value does the function
x5 3x 2 13x 10
graph of y ?
approach as x approaches 5? x 2 4x 5
a. 5
b. 10 I. x = -1
c. 0 II. x = 5
d. 11 III. y = 3
a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
x4 d. I and III
90. If f(x) , what are all the values of x for
which f(x) is defined?
a. All real numbers except 4
b. All real numbers except -4 and 4 94. Which of the following includes all asymptotes of
c. All real numbers greater than 4 x3
the rational function f(x) 2 ?
d. All real numbers greater than or equal to 4 x 1
a. x = 1, x = -1
b. x = 1, y = 0
c. x = 1, x = -1, and y = 0
91. What is the range of the function y 2x 2 8x 3? d. x = 1, x = -1, and y = x
a. All real numbers greater than or equal to -13
b. All real numbers less than or equal to -13
c. All real numbers greater than or equal to -11
d. All real numbers less than or equal to -11 95. Which of the following describes the right and left
behavior of the graph of
f(x) 3x 7 2x 5 3x 6?
a. Rises right and left
92. Which of the following lines are asymptotes of the b. Falls right and left
2(x 4) c. Falls left, rises right
graph of f(x) 2 ?
x 1 d. Rises left, falls right
I. x = 4
II. x = 1
III. y = 0 5x 11
96. What value does f(x) approach as x gets
a. I only 2x 11
b. II only infinitely large?
c. I and II only 5
d. II and III anly 2
c. 1
98. The graph in Figure 1 could be a portion of the
graph of which of the following functions?
All of the zeroes of the polynomial are shown in
the graph above. Which of the following could be
the equation of f(x)? I. f(x) x 3 ax 2 bx 1 c
a. f(x) 2x 2 3x 5 II. g(x) x 3 ax 2 bx 1 c
b. f(x) 3x 5x 2 4x 2 III. h(x) x 5 ax 4 bx 3 cx 2 dx e
a. I only
c. f(x) x 5 2x 3 3x 5
b. II only
d. f(x) 2x 7 4x 4 2x 3 9 c. I and II only
d. II and III only
101. What is the remainder when x 4 5x 2 10x 12 is 105. P(x)= (x-2)f(x)+R
divided by x+2? If P(x)=5x 2 3x 4, what is the half of R?
a. 4 a. 9
b. -36 b. 6
c. -20 c. 12
d. 2 d. 18
102. For what value of k is x 2 kx k divisible by x-k? 106. What is the remainder when x 4 3x 2 10 is
a. 0 divided by x 2 1?
b. 0 or -0.5 a. 14
c. 1 b. 10
d. k c. x+10
d. 2x-5
The graph of h(x) is shown above. If h(x) is divided
by x-1 the remainder will be A, and if divided by
(x+3) the remainder will be B, and if Divided by x
the remainder will be C.
Find the average of all remainders.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 13.3
109. Jenny is on the school swim team and has swim 112. For a school summer concert, one type of ticket
practice m hours in the morning and p hours in the costs 5$ and another costs 10$. The supervisor of
evening each day. The schedule is the same each the concert can sell at most 500 tickets, but the
day. If the swims a total of k hours for five days, gross receipts must total at least 3,000$ in order for
which of the following is the expression for M? the concert to be held. Which of the following
k p systems of inequalities could represet this
a. relationship?
k 5p a. { 5x + 10 3000
b. { x + y 500
c. k - 5p
d. 5(k - p)
5 10
b. { 500
x y
{ x + y 3000
110. The number of bacteria in petri dish 1# is A. Petri {x0
dish 2# contains twice as many as dish 1# and is {y0
represented by the value B. Petri dish 3# has 17 c. { 5x + 10y 3000
more bacteria than the quantity in dish 2# and is { x y 500
represented by C. Which of the following {x0
expressions shows C in terms of A? {y0
a. C = 3A - 17 d. { 5x 10y 3000
b. C = 2A + 17 { x + y 500
c. C = 2A {x0
d. C = A- 17 {y0
114. A learing therapist has shown that students can 117. If pipe S can fill a certain water tank in 3 hours and
increase reading levels by increasing required pipe U can empty it in 4 hours, how long, in hours,
summer reading. She models the increase using the would it take to fill the empty tank when both pipes
formula y = 1.09x + 17, where x represents the are open?
current grade reading level and y represents the a. 6
improvement after the program. Which of the b. 8
following represents the meaning of 1.09 in the c. 10
equation? d. 12
a. The difference between the students who use
the program and those who do not
b. The incerease in the number of students using
the reading program 118. Cathy can do a job in 8 hours while Danny can do
c. The incerease in the reading level plus a the same job in 6 hours. If Cathy and Danny work
constant of 17 together for three hours, what fraction of the job is
d. A 17% incerease in reading level left to be finished?
1 3 1 b.
115. 8
x x 7 1
Jill has employed two painters to paint the outside c.
of her rental apartment. One of the workars paints 1
three times as quickly as the other. Together they d.
paint the apartment in 7 hours. If the equation
above models the situation, what does represent?
a. The entire job if it were done by the faster 119. One soccer ball and two soccer shirts together cost
painter only. P dollars. Three soccer balls and four soccer shirts
b. The entire job if it were done by the slower together cost Q dollars. What is the cost, in dollars,
painter only. of one soccer ball and one soccer shirt?
c. The fraction of the job the slower painter a. Q + P
completes in one hour. b. Q - 2P
d. The fraction of the job the faster painter c. Q - P
completes in one hour. Qp
120. The weekly salary S Samantha is given by S = 123. A landscaper is designing a rectangular fountain
7 * h * d 75 where h is the numbers of hours she with a 4-foot-wide path around it. The equation A
works every day and d is the number of working = 4p + 64 will relate the area A, in square feet, of
days each week. If Samantha is to be promoted the path to the perimeter p, in feet, of the fountain.
with a salary increase, Which of the following In the design, how many feet will the perimeter of
terms must change? the fountain increase for each additional square
a. 7 foot of the path's area?
b. h 1
c. d 64
d. None of the above 1
c. 4
d. 64
121. A certain business is marketing its product and has
determined that, when it raised the selling price of
its product, its sales went down. The number of
units sold, P, is modeled by the equation P = 1200 - 124. For O.K theater tickets, a ticket for an adult is 5
20s, where s is selling price, in dollars. Based on dollars more than a ticket for a child. If a group of
this model, what is the decrease in selling price 6 adults and 10 children pay a total of 142 dollars,
from 700 units sold to 900 units sold? what is the cost, in dollars, of a ticket for one adult
a. 5 and one child?
b. 10 a. 19
c. 15 b. 18
d. 20 c. 17
d. 16
9 125. A smart phone company plans to produce and sell
P= K 40
2 p smart phones. The cost of producing p phones is
given by 265,000 + 150p in dollars. The company
The equation above shows how the value of P receives 400$ on the sale of each phone, so the
relates to the value of K. Based on the equation, revenue for selling p phones is given by 400p. For
which of the following must be true? what value of p is the revenue equal to the cost?
a. 500
I. When the value of K increases by 1, the value of b. 840
P increase by 40. c. 1060
II. When the value of K increases by 2, the value of d. 1200
P increase by 9
III. I. When the value of K increases by 4, the value
of P increase by 18.
a. I and II only
b. I and III only
c. II and III only
d. I, II, and III
126. The first three terms of an arithmetic sequence are 130. What is the sum of the infinite series
3n, 6n - 2, and 8n + 1 whre N is any real number. 1 1 1
1 . . . ?
What is the value of the fourth term of the 5 25 125
sequence? 5
a. 41 a.
b. 56 1
c. 54 b.
d. 58 6
127. The seventh term of an arithmeric sequence is 5
and the twelfth term is -15. What is the sum of the
first 20 terms?
a. 280 131. Some number C is added to the three numbers 1,
b. -200 13, and 61 to create the first three terms of a
c. -47 geometric sequence. What is the value of C?
d. 33 a. 1
128. If the 15th term of an arithmetric sequence is 120, c. 2
and 30th term is 270, then what is the first term of d. 3
the sequence?
a. -30
b. -20
c. 10 132. If 3 x x 3, x=
d. 20 a. -1 or -6
b. 1 or -6
c. -1 only
d. -6 only
129. If the first term in a geometric sequence is 3, and if
the third term is 48, what is the 11th term?
a. 228
b. 528 133. For what value(S) of N is n 1 n 1?
c. 110,592 a. 0
d. 3,145,728 b. 3
c. 0 and 3
d. 1 and -1
134. From the set of equations below, which has a real
solution ? 137. If S=T + , what is the value of r in terms of Q,
I 2x 1 x 2 S, T?
II x 1 3 a. 3
qs 2 qt
III x 1 3 0
s 2 2st t 2
IV 2x 1 x b. 3
a. I only
b. IV only c. 3 qs 2 2qst qt 2
c. I, II and III
d. III and IV qs 2 2qst t 2
140. If Shahd drives to work at an average speed of 20 144. Mustafa drives an average of 300 miles each week,
moles per hour, and if she drives back home at an his car can travel of 25 miles per gallon, if he
average speed of 30 miles per hour, which of the would like to reduce his weekly usage of gasoline
following is the trip average speed? by $ 8 . If gasoline costs $2.50 per gallon, how
a. 24 many average miles should he drive each week?
b. 24.5 a. 200
c. 25 b. 220
d. 25.5 c. 240
d. 250
142. Yousef traveled 60 miles on the highway and 16 146. A polling agency recently surveyed 300 students
miles on the local road, on the highway he traveled who were selected at random from a certain high
30 miles faster than local road, if his speed of local school to see if they are for or against purchasing a
road is 20 miles per hour, what is the average speed water filtration system for the school water
for the entire trip? fountains. Of these surveyed, 80 precent responded
a. 24 that they favor the water filtration system and 20
b. 25 precent responded that they oppose the system.
c. 35 Based on the results of the survey, Which of the
d. 38 following statements must be true?
147. Charels is conducting a survey regarding a 149. Which of the following data sets appears to have
proposed recreational center in his town. He finds the smallest standard deviation?
the cost of the survey is expensive and must find a
way to reduce the cost. Which of the following is
the best way to reduce his cost?
a. Interview more people to get more detailed
b. Accept a wider margin of error in the survey
c. Interview people about topics other than the
proposed recreational center
d. Accept a narrower margin of error in the
survey b.
151. 153.
Which of the following is true about the data
shown for these two colleges? The above pie chart represents the operating costs
a. The standard deviation of majors at college A for Deerfield high school in 2014.
is larger The cost for health care benfites in 2014 is 4, 100,
b. The standard deviation of majors at college B 000. What is the cost for utilities?
is lager a. 586,113$
c. The standard deviation of majors at college A b. 637,431$
is the same as the standard of college B c. 759,259$
d. The standard deviation of both data sets can d. 817,437$
not be calculated
155. The median of the numbers n + 3, n + 7, n + 31, n +
35 is 30. What is the value of n?
a. 11
b. 14
c. 19
d. 27
157. The mean age of 21 students in a biology class was 160. If each in a set of scores is decreased by 2, which
16.20 years. When a new student enrolled in the of the following would be true?
class, the mean age increased to 16.27 years. What I. The mean is decreased by 2.
was the age of the new student? II. The mean is unchanged.
a. 17.7 III. The standard deviation is decreased by 2.
b. 15.5 IV. The standard deviation is unchanged.
c. 16.5 a. I and IV only
d. 18 b. III only
c. I and III only
d. II and IV only
158. Valerie's average score on the first three math tests
of the term is 89%. If she earns an 81% on the
fourth test, what will her new average be? 161. In a class of 10 boys and 15 girls, the average score
a. 87% on a biology test is 90. If the average score for girls
b. 85% is X, what is the average score for the boys in terms
c. 86.8% of X?
d. 88% 2
a. 200 x
b. 225 x
c. 250 - 2x
d. 250 - 3x
162. If 11x - 2y = -4 and x 2 y 1, then what is the x
value of Y, assuming Y 0? 166. y 5
a. y
4 1
b. 35 2 2
c. 6
1 If (a, b) is a solution to the system of equations
2 above, what is the value of a?
163. If x - 2y = 10, y = z + 1, and z = 2, what is the value b.
of X? 64
a. 12 c.
b. 14 81
c. 16 d.
d. 18
169. If 3s + 5t = 10, and 2s - t = 7, what is the value of 173. y x 2 3
s 3t? y (x 2) 2 k
a. 0
b. 1.5 In the system of equations above, for which of the
c. 2.8 following values of K does the system have no
d. 3.4 solution?
a. -2
b. 0
c. 3
170. x 2 y 2 2x 2y 7 d. 4
In the system of equation above, K is a constant. 174. A line has parametric equations x = 4t + 1 and y =
For which of the following values of K does the -3 + 2t, given t is the parameter. what is the
system of equations have exactly two real y-intercept of the line?
solutions? a. -3
a. K = 6 b. 3
b. K = 5 7
c. K = 4 2
d. K = 3 1
172. 4a n 2a 3
4b m 2b 3
In the right triangle ABC above, AB=9, and
BC=12. If D is the midpoint of BC, what is the area
In the figure above. an altitude of a right triangle
of triangle CDE?
from a right angle splits the hypotrnuse into
a. 27
segments of lengths AD and DC. What of the
b. 13.5
following is closest to the value of AD?
c. 9
a. 7.5
d. 8.64
b. 8.5
c. 10
d. 12
x 2 y 2 2x 6y 1 0
In the xy-plane, the graph of the given equation is a
circle. What is the length of the radius of the
a. 3
b. 5
c. 6
d. 9
Triangle ABC above is isosceles with AB=BC, and 180. In the xy-plane, the graph of
the ratio pf DE to DF is 3:2. If the area of triangle
2x 2 6x 2y 2 2y 45 is a circle. What is the
ABC is 78, what is the area of triangle ABD?
radius of the circle?
a. 46.8
a. 5
b. 54
b. 6.5
c. 60
d. 60.25 c. 40
d. 50
181. 183.
In the xy-plane above, the circle has its center at In the figure above, O is the center of the circle and
the origin and point (-8, 6) lies on the circle. What AC and BD are diameters of the circle. The
is the circumference of the circle? measure of AOB is twice the measure of BOC,
a. 12 and the radius of the circle 3. What is the area of
b. 16 the shaded region?
c. 20 a. 9
d. 25 b. 6
182. d.
2 6
184. if y= and g= are two identical
15 6x h(x)
equations, which of the following represents h(X)?
a. 2x-5
In the xy-plane, line k has an x-intercept of (-3, 0)
b. 6x-15
and a y-intercept of (0, 3), and the circle with
c. -18x+45
center O has radius 4. What proportion of the area
d. 18x-45
of the circles is shaded?
9 1
b. 185. x 4 2
c. Which of the following values of x satisfies the
equation above?
d. I.-12
4 II.-4
a. II only
b. III only
c. I and II
d. I, II and III
186. x 4 3x 1 189.
Which of the following values of x satisfies the C(t) = 88t + 246
equation above? The function shown gives the amount budgeted for
I.1.5 a company`s professional development costs, C(t),
5 in thousands of dollars, where t represents the
II.- number of years since 1986. Which of the
III.4 following is the best interpretation of the number
a. I only 88 in this context?
b. III only a. The number of years since 1986 until the
c. I and II amount budgeted will exceed 246,000$
d. I, II and III b. The amount budgeted, in thousands of dollars,
by the company in 1986
c. The amount that will be budgeted, in thousands
of dollars, by the company in 2023
187. x 4 x 5 d. The increase in the amount budgeted each year,
What is the solution of the equation above? in thousands of dollars, by the company since
a. 4.5 1986
b. -4.5
c. 0
d. No solution
v(t) = 11t + 5
The given equation models the relationship
188. between a train`s speed c, in feet per second, and
Dx = -50x + 87 the number of seconds, t, after the driver started
The function D above models a soccer ball`s accelerating, where 0 t 8. Which of the
distance, in feet, from the goalie x seconds after following is the best interpretation of v(5) = 60 in
player passed the ball, where the ball remains on this context?
the ground and 0 x 1.5. Which of the following a. Five seconds after driver started accelerating,
is the best interpretation of the y-intercept of the the speed of the train was 60 times its initial
graph in the xy-plane? speed
a. The soccer ball was passed at a distance of b. Sixty seconds after driver started accelerating,
approximatly 50 feet from the goalie the speed of the train was 5 times its initial
b. The soccer ball was passed at a distance of speed
approximately 87 feet from the goalie c. Sixty seconds after driver started accelerating,
c. The soccer ball was moving toward the goalie the speed of the train was 5 feet per second
at a speed of approximately 50 feet per second d. Five seconds after driver started accelerating,
d. The soccer ball was moving toward the goalie the speed of the train was 60 feet per second
at a speed of approximately 87 speed
191. 194.
The budget for a school band was 8,000$ in 2010. x 2 6x c 0
The budget decreased by 15% from 2010 to 2011 In the equation above, C is a constant such that
and then increased by 22% from 2011 to 2012. 0 c 9. Which of the following is the greater of
Which of the following expressions represents the the two solutions to the equation, in terms of C?
budget, in dollars, for the school band in 2010?
6 36 4c
a. The budget increased by 40.3% a.
b. The budget increased by 140.3%
c. The budget increased by 403% 6 36 4c
d. The budget increased by 4% 2
6 36 4c
192. 6 36 4c
y = (x - a)(x - b)
In the equation above, A and B are constants and a
b. The graph of the equation in the xy-plane is a
The table above shows the distribution of the ab
parabola. What must represents?
number of extracurricular activities that students at 2
a middle school patticipate in. If the number of a. The x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola
students who participate in two extracurricular b. The y-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola
activities is 120 more than the number of students c. The x-coordinate of one of the roots of the
who participate in one extracurricular activity, equation
How many students din`t join any of them? d. The y-coordinate of one of the roots of the
a. 240 equation
b. 480
c. 24
d. 48
y 2(x 10) 2 6
If the given equations are graphed in the xy-plane,
at how many points do the graphs intercects?
a. Zero
b. One
c. Two
d. Infinitely many
196. 197.
X 1 2 3 4 5 6
F(X) 3.5 0 -2.5 -4 -4.5 -4
Some values of x and corresponding values of f(x) (Quadratic function) are shown above. What is the sum of the
solutions of f(x)?
a. 2
b. 8
c. 10
d. 12
199. 200.
x + 5y = 5 4x - y = 1+3x
2x - y = -4 2x - 2y = 1
Which graph models the system of the equations How many solutions does the given system of
above? equations have?
a. Zero
b. Exactly one
c. Exactly two
d. Infinitely many
a. x + 4y = 7
3(x + 4y) = 21
How many solutions does the given system of
equations have?
a. Zero
b. exactly one
c. exactly two
d. Infinitely many
3x + By = 12
2x + By = 10
In the system of equations above, k is a nonzero
constant. If (x, y) is the solution to the system of
equations, which of the following is (x, y), in terms
of B?
c. a. (2, 6B)
b. (6B, 2)
c. (2, )
d. ( , 2)
203. The equation 9x + 5 = a(x + b), where A and B are
constants, has zero solutions. Which of the
following must be true?
I. a = 9
II. b = 5
III. b 5 / 9
a. None 205.
b. I only Which of the following must be true about the
c. I and II only average traffic and vehicle speed?
d. I and III only a. As traffic increases , the vehicle speed
b. As traffic increases , the vehicle speed
204. c. There is no correlation between the traffic and
vehicle speed.
d. The traffic and vehicle speed having positive
What is true regarding the graph above?
a. No correlation
b. Positive correlation
c. Negative correlation
d. Normal correlation
1 1 1 1
210. x x
5 3 2 4
a. x
b. x
c. x
207. d. x
Which of the following is closest to the number of
minutes would be taken to complete 18 laps
a. 5
b. 10 211. The school cafeteria sells two kinds of wraps:
c. 15 vegetarian and chicken. The vegetarian wrap costs
d. 20 $1.00 and the chicken wrap costs $1.80. Today
they made $98.80 from the 70 wraps sold. What is
the cost of all chicken?
a. 64.8
208. The width of a rectangle is 33 centimeters. The b. 37 wraps
perimeter is at least 776 centimeters. Write and c. 30 wraps
solve an inequality to find the possible lengths of d. 34 wraps
the rectangle.
a. 743
b. 355 212.
c. 355
d. 743
a. y x8
8x y 8
b. y x3
8x y 8
c. y x8
3x y 8
d. y x8
3x y 8
213. y x 4
2x y 4
s 2 5s s3 2x 3 x 5
216. 219.
s 2 9s 20 s 4 x4 x2
s5 x8
a. a.
s3 6
s3 x 2 16x 14
b. b.
s (x 2)(x 4)
s x8
c. c.
s3 (x 2)(x 4)
s5 x 2 2x 2
d. d.
s 2 3s (x 2)(x 4)
x2 4
217. (x 2 x 6) 220. A bank has opened a new branch and, as part of a
promotion, the bank branch is offering 2,000$
x2 certificates of deposit at an interest rate of 6% per
(x 6)(x 3) year, compounded semi-annually. The bank is
(x 3)(x 2) selling certificates with terms of 1, 2, 3, or 4 years.
(x 6) Which of the following functions gives the total
x2 amount, A, in dollars, a customer will receive when
c. a certificate with a term of k years is finally paid?
x2 a. A 2000(1 0.03k)
d. b. A 2000(1 0.06k)
(x 6)(x 3)
c. A 2000(1.06) k
d. A 2000(1.03) 2k
x 2 2x 1
x2 1 221. In planning maintenance for activity`s
x2 4 infrastructure, a civil engineer estimates that,
(x 1)(x 2) starting from the present, the population of the city
a. will decrease by 15% every 25 years. If the
presentpopulation of the city is 40,000, which of
(x 1)(x 2)
b. the following expressions represents the engineer`s
x1 estimate of the population of the city t years from
(x 1)(x 2) now?
x1 a. 40,000(0.15) 25t
(x 1)(x 2) b. 40,000(0.85) 25t
x1 t
c. 40,000(0.85)
d. 0.85(40,000)
222. Your investment of 1,200$ gets 5.1% and is 225. Three friends divided a prize as follows: the
compounded semi-annually for 7 and 1/2 years. 3
youngest received of the prize, the middle friend
What will your 1,200$. be worth at the end of the 5
term? 1
a. 1,760.72$ received of the prize, and the eldest received the
b. 1,750.72$ remaining 57$. What was the value, in dollars, of
c. 1,757.72$ the prize?
d. 1,759.72$ a. 380
b. 420
c. 140
d. 270
For the shown triangle above, DC is 15. What is
the length of CB?
a. 19
b. 15
c. 6.5
d. 4.5
The curve above represents the curve of function f
defined over R. What is the solution of
0 f(x) 2?
a. [ ,0.5] [2,]
b. [2,1] [0,]
c. [2.5,0.5]
d. [ ,0.5] [2,]
For the shown figure above. What is the value of x?
a. 11.3
b. 9.2
c. 19.8
d. 15.5
227. A 100-page album costs twice as much as a 50page
album. The cost of three 100-page albums and two
50-page albums is t$. How much does a 50-page
album cost?
a. 8t
b. 4t
c. 229.
t What is the length of BC?
a. 8
b. 13
c. 10
228. A renting agency ( Apartment and building) gained d. 6.5
money as mentioned in the table below
Year Amount gained Amount gained
by renting by renting
Apartment building 230. If a and b less than 0 ,and c more than 0,
2020 12456.7 7888.3 b4c4 b (a c) 2
2021 14996.3 8060.3 then , knowing b>a.
2022 12003.3 7988.8 a2b2
2023 11900.91 8577.4 a. 1
b. -1
The percentage increase of the amount for renting a
building is T from 2020 to 2023 and the percentage c
decrease for renting Apartment is C from 2021 to c
2023, which of the following approximately be a
a. T= 8.7%C
b. C= 20.6%T
c. C= 2.368T
d. T= 2.368C
Numeric Response
1. 4
5. According to the formula p k 81, if the value
y x 4x 5
2 3
y x 5 of p is increased by 16, how much does the value of
k increase/
In the xy-plane, if a point with coordinates (a, b)
lies in the solution set of inequalities above, what is
the maximum possible value of b?
6. In a certain class of 70 students, of the students
are boys, and the ratio of students 10 years or older
2. 2
and less than 10 years is 2:3. If of the girls are
y x 2 8x 3
y 2x less than 10 years old, what is the probability of
boys who are 10 years old or older?
In the xy-plane, ordered pair (a, b) is the solution of
the system of inequalities above. What is the
maximum possible value of b?
f(x) x 2 ax b
g(x) f(x 3)
g(x) = 2f(x) - 1
12. Call center A handles 20% fewer calls than Call
center B. Call center B handles 20% fewer call than
Call center C. If Call center A handles 1,200 calls,
how many call does Call center C handle?
11. Points A and B lie on a circle with radius 1, and arc
y 16t 2 64t 80
AB has length . What proportion of the The equation above gives the height of an object
above the ground, y, in meters, t seconds after it is
circumference of the circle is the length of arc AB?
launched does the object reach the ground?
16. If t > 0 and (3t) 2 5(3t) 14 0, what is the value
of T?
1 1
17. ( t 5) ( u 4) 37
3 2
1 1
( t 5) ( u 4) 19
3 2
For the system of equations above ,What is the half
1 1
of value of the product ( 5)( 4)?
3t 2u
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. D
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. A
23. A
24. C
25. C
26. D
27. A
28. A
29. D
30. A
31. A
32. C
33. D
34. D
35. D
36. C
37. D
38. D
39. A
40. D
41. A
42. B
43. A
44. C
45. D
46. A
47. B
48. A
49. C
50. B
51. A
52. D
53. A
54. D
55. D
56. A
57. C
58. A
59. D
60. A
61. B
62. D
63. D
64. C
65. D
66. D
67. A
68. C
69. D
70. C
71. B
72. B
73. B
74. D
75. D
76. B
77. C
78. C
79. A
80. A
81. C
82. C
83. D
84. D
85. D
86. C
87. A
88. A
89. B
90. C
91. C
92. D
93. D
94. D
95. D
96. D
97. D
98. C
99. D
100. B
101. A
102. A
103. A
104. B
105. A
106. A
107. D
108. B
109. B
110. B
111. C
112. A
113. C
114. B
115. D
116. C
117. D
118. B
119. D
120. A
121. B
122. C
123. B
124. A
125. C
126. C
127. A
128. B
129. D
130. A
131. D
132. C
133. B
134. B
135. B
136. C
137. C
138. A
139. A
140. A
141. D
142. D
143. A
144. B
145. D
146. D
147. B
148. C
149. C
150. B
151. A
152. C
153. C
154. D
155. A
156. C
157. A
158. A
159. B
160. A
161. B
162. B
163. C
164. A
165. D
166. A
167. A
168. C
169. B
170. D
171. B
172. A
173. D
174. C
175. B
176. D
177. A
178. A
179. A
180. A
181. C
182. B
183. D
184. D
185. C
186. A
187. B
188. B
189. D
190. D
191. A
192. A
193. A
194. B
195. A
196. C
197. D
198. C
199. C
200. A
201. D
202. C
203. D
204. B
205. B
206. B
207. B
208. B
209. B
210. C
211. A
212. D
213. A
214. A
215. D
216. C
217. D
218. A
219. B
220. D
221. A
222. B
223. C
224. B
225. A
226. A
227. D
228. C
229. B
230. B
231. B
232. D
233. C
1. 9
2. 20
3. 1
4. 2
5. 12
6. 9/35
7. 18
8. 80
9. 2.25
10. 82
11. 1/6
12. 1875
13. 760
14. 1440
15. 5
17. 126