Practical Exercises4
Practical Exercises4
Practical Exercises4
Using the data given, get the sum of all the figures within the range.
1 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri TOTAL
2 Breakfast 3,560 3,186 2,952 3,395 3,436
3 Lunch 20,163 21,416 19,912 19,681 18,628
4 Bar 9,873 12,172 12,642 12,711 18,846
5 Snacks 2,405 3,544 2,694 3,120 3,712
(i). Calculate the totals for each salesperson and get the grand
total.: (ii). Format the worksheet as follows:
Make all the Totals bold, two decimal places, comma, center the title across columns A-E
and make it size 16, bold and Italic.
(iii). Put a double border round the whole table and a single line border inside the table.
(iv). Save the worksheet as Stationery Analysis.
Using formulas, you are required to update the payroll with the changes in a blank worksheet.
This new blank sheet is in the workbook NEW PAYROLL.
You are in charge of a young and growing business. You have identified the various factors
(sources of revenue and expenses) that influence the business as shown in the table below. Use
the figures provided and the layout to create a financial projection model for the business for
the next six years. The parameters are given on Sheet 2.
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Sales 10,000
% Growth over the previous year 20% 30% 20% 10% 10%
Other benefits
Salary: Office
Salary: Sales
Other Benefits
Advertising & Promotions
Interest on Loans
Pre-tax Income
Parameters Description
Sales 10,000 Starts at 10,000 and grows by a percentage
Materials 17% 17% of Sales
Wages 14% 14% of Sales
Other benefits 2.1% 2.1% of Sales
Others 8% Starts at 100, then grows by 8% yearly
Salary: Office 10% Starts at 1,000, then grows by 10% annually
Salary: Sales 8% 8% of Sales
Other Benefits 17% 17% of Total Salary
Advertising & Promotions 2.5% 2.5% of Sales
Depreciation 20 Fixed at 20 every year
Miscellaneous 10 Starts at 10 and grows by a fixed amount of 10 annually
Interest on Loans 10 A fixed amount of 10 each year
Exercise Instructions.
(i). Open the worksheet named Income and Expenses Projections.xls.
(ii). Rename Sheet1 as Projections while Sheet 2 should now be Parameters.
(iii). Calculate the Sales for the year 2000 using the percentage given in cell C5.
(iv). Copy the formula across to the Year 2004.
(v). Calculate the different items that make up the Total Operating Costs using the
parameters in the Parameters sheet.
(You should enter the formula for the Year 1999 and copy down to the year 2004. Use
Absolute Referencing effectively).
Hint: Total Cost of Goods Sold = Materials + Wages + Other Benefits + Others
(vi). Calculate the Total Operating Costs:
Total Cost of Goods Sold + Total General and Administrative Expenses.
(vii). Calculate the Interest on Loans:
(viii). Calculate the Pre-tax Income.
Sales – Total Operating Cost – Interest on Loans.
(ix). Calculate the Tax.
(x). Calculate the Profit:
Pre-tax Income - Tax.
(xi). Format the worksheet as follows:
Make all the Totals bold, zero decimal places, comma, center the heading between
A1:G1 and make it size 16, bold.
(xii). Save the file as C:\Exams\Creative.xls
(i). Given the table above, write formulas or describe how you would calculate the Total
Sales in column G and Row 12.
(ii). How would you calculate the Average Sales? Write the formula as it should appear in
Excel and show the method of duplicating it to the other cells.
(iii). How would you calculate the Commission? Write the formula as it would appear in
Excel and explain the method of duplicating it to the other cells.
(iv). Explain how you can insert two rows above Row 10.
(v). What does this sign (# # # # # # #) mean when seen in cell(s)? What should you do
when you see this sign?
(vi). How does one delete an entire row or column and all its cells?
(vii). You are asked to compare QTR1 and QTR3 sales for all salespersons in the above
table using a chart:
(a).What range of cells do you need to select and how would you select it?
(b).What type of graph would you use?
(viii). How can you edit a chart once it is created, lets say, to change the series from columns
to rows, to change the legend, etc?
(i). Use a formula to calculate the temperature for Nakuru, given that the temperature
for Nakuru is ¾ that of Mombasa.
(ii). Create two blank rows below Row 1.
(iii). Type “Temp. in degrees Celsius” in Cell A2 and “Temp. in degrees Fahrenheit” in
Cell A9.
(iv). Calculate the temperature in F using the conversion factor given as F=(C+19)*9/5.
(v). Insert a blank row before Nakuru and enter the row heading Kericho in both
temperature versions.
(vi). Calculate the temperature for Kericho in both versions given that it is 4/5 that of Kisumu.
(vii). Type “Average Temp. (C)” in Cell G3 and “Average Temp. (F)” in Cell G11
Calculate the average temperatures for all the towns.
(viii). Format all cells containing the temp. values to zero decimal places with no commas.
(ix). Format all cells containing Average Temp. to Arial Black, Italics, size 12.
(x). Centre the Titles across columns A and G.
(xi). Put a double border round the whole table and a single line border inside the table.
Shade the column for Average temperature gray.
(xii). Use the Average values (C) in column G to create a 3-D Exploded Pie Chart to
show distribution of temperature for the towns.
The title should be “Average Temp. (C)”. Use the text in column A as the legend. In
the data labels, select Show Value.
(xiii). Move the chart created above to Sheet3. Do not insert it as an object.
(xiv). Move the left top corner of the chart in Sheet3 to cell A7. Resize the chart to fit into the
range A7:h20.
(xv). Save the worksheet as Weather.
Budget Savings
Salaries and Wages 156675.00
Rent 4300.00
Electricity 1000.00
Telephone 200.00
Advertisements 20000.00
Freight and clearing 15650.00
Security 3800.00
(i). Insert a new column between Budget and Savings
column. (ii). Enter the title ‘Actual’ in cell C3.
(iii). Enter the following figures in the new column.
Salaries and Wages 145200
Rent 4300
Electricity 1207
Telephone 142
Advertisements 18550
Freight and clearing 13400
Security 3800
(i). Insert five rows above Row 1.
(ii). Reduce the size of the picture to a Height of 0.96” by a Width of 1.66” (inches).
(iii). Drag and drop the picture to fit in the range A1:A5.
(iv). Add the Header ‘Balance Sheet 2001’ to the right section of the
worksheet. (v). Make the heading size 14, and Bold.
(vi). Save the file as Balance Sheet.
E8 Cornell Assistant 4,600 300
E9 John Assistant 3,500 450
E2 Francis Supervisor 6,508 500
E3 Edwin Management 8,006 1,801
E10 Carl Assistant 4,200 100
E4 Bernard Management 7,917 1,775
E5 George Supervisor 5,500 850
E1 Lewis Management 8,291 2,500
E6 Albert Supervisor 5,700 760
E7 Edward Supervisor 7,151 1,545
Tax Rate
(i). Make all the column titles bold, and size 12. Center the title , across columns A1:H1
and make it size 16, and Bold.
(ii). Calculate the gross pay in cell F4.
(iii). Calculate the amount of tax deducted from each employee, given that the tax rate is 12%
of the gross pay. Tax rate is found in cell A16 of the worksheet.
(iv). Format the text orientation in the range A4:G4 to 0 degrees.
(v). Adjust the column width such that all the headings are
(vi). In cell H4, enter the title Net Pay and calculate the Net pay for all employees.
(vii). Format the range G4:H13 to zero (0) decimal places.
(viii). Format the title Net Pay to match the other
titles. (ix). Set the range A1 to H16 as Print Area.
(x). Using the Names in column B, Basic Pay in column D, and Allowances in column E,
insert a Clustered Column Pie Chart on the same sheet to show comparison of the
salaries for the employees. The Chart Title should be Employee Details, the Y-axis should
be Employee Names and the X-axis should be Thousands (Kshs).
(xi). Move the chart so that the top left corner is on cell
A18. (xii). Change the Chart Title to Employees’ Salary
(xiii). Change the Chart Type to Clustered bar with a 3-D visual effect.
(xiv). Increase the Chart Title Font size to 14.
(xv). Change the text direction for the title of the X-axis to 0 degrees, and for the Y-axis to -
90 degrees.
(xvi). Resize the chart such that the bottom left corner is on cell A55, while the bottom
right corner is on cell I55 so that all the details are clearly visible.
(xvii). Save the worksheet as Salary Details (Reviewed Copy).
(i). Find the name Lewis and replace it with Martin.
(ii). Sort the data according to name in Ascending
order. (iii). Insert a row at each change of name.
(iv). Type the heading ‘Average’ in cell E13.
(v). Adjust the width of column E to view the contents in full.
(vi). Copy the heading in E13 to cells: E22, E38, E50, E61, E74, E87, E98 and
E109. (vii). Use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average sales of all
salesmen. (viii). Insert four blank rows above row 1.
(ix). Insert a picture (Logo) into the worksheet.
Write formulae using cell names for the following expressions. State where the formula is
(i). Basic Pay = Hours Worked * Hourly Rate.
(ii). Allowances are allocated at 10% of the Basic
Pay. (iii). Gross Pay = Basic Pay + Allowances.
(iv). Tax Deduction is calculated at 20% of the Gross Pay.
(v). Net Pay = Gross Pay – Tax Deductions. (10 marks)
Enter the details into a worksheet using a spreadsheet package, and use it to answer the
questions that follow. (4 marks)
3. Down the worksheet, create another table with the same contents and respond to the
i) Show what would happen if the buying price of sugar was increased by 2 percent.
(2 marks)
ii) Save the document as Income and Expenditure. (1 mark)
Table 1.
Weekly Rainfall of Mooncity in mm.
Table 2.
Monthly Rainfall of Mooncity in mm.
30 25 55 100 60 40 35 60 35 25 20 10
(a). Enter Table 1 and Table 2 into Microsoft Excel and Save as Mooncity (6 marks).
(b). Using the most appropriate formulas and functions,
(i). Calculate the total rainfall for the week and the year respectively. (4 marks).
(ii). Find the lowest rainfall for the week and the year respectively. (2 marks).
(iii). Find the highest rainfall for the week and the year respectively. (2 marks).
(iv). Find the mean rainfall for the week and the year respectively. (4 marks).
(c). Save the changes made to the worksheet. (2 marks).
(d). Create a 3-D column chart for Table 1. The title for the graph should be AVERAGE
DAILY RAINFALL. The title for the X-axis should be DAY while that of the Z-axis
should be labeled as RAINFALL (mm). The chart should be inserted as an object within
the worksheet. Format the chart appropriately (10 marks)
You are in charge of a young and growing company. You have identified the various
factors (sources of revenue and expenses) that influence the company business as shown
All the figures are in thousands of Kenya Shillings except the percentages.
1. Use the information provided in the table above to produce a financial projection model
for the company for the next six years. (30 marks)
2. Format all the projected figures into Kshs. (3 marks)
3. Make a line graph of sales, total expenses and profit for the six year period. (10 marks)
4. Find the average expenses, sales and profit for the six year period. (5 marks)
5. Print the worksheet and the graph. (2 marks)