Millets Recipe Book

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Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice

Dr. Richa Gupta, Ph.D.

Foxtail Millet Foxtail Millet
Kheer Mango Rice
Ingredients: Ingredients:
Dehulled foxtail millet grain – 1 cup, Foxtail millet – 1 cup, water – 2 cups,
dry fruits, ghee, water, sugar, milk, raw mango, grated – 1 or per taste,
cardamom powder – as required groundnuts – 2 tsp, seasoning – curry
leaves, chillies, mustard seeds,
blackgram dal, turmeric, asafoetida,
oil, salt to taste

Preparation Method: Preparation Method:

• Cook the dehulled foxtail millet • Cook the millet in water and let it
in boiling water for 5 min. cool before mixing the rest of the
• Roast dryfruits in ghee
• Fry groundnuts in oil, keep aside.
• Boil the water and milk, then add
the cooked millet, add sugar and • Prepare the seasoning.
stir slowly for 10-15 minutes until
• Add grated mango and saute for a
it is cooked.
• Add cardamon powder and
• Add the cooked millet and mix
decorate with cashew nuts and
other dry fruits. • Tangy mango rice is ready, serve
• Serve hot as a traditional sweet

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Foxtail Millet Cutlet Foxtail Millet
Coconut Rice
Ingredients: Ingredients:
Dehulled foxtail millet - 100 g, Foxtail millet - 1 cup, coconut grated -
potatoes – 20 g, carrots – 20 g, beans 1 cup, ghee - 2 tsp, coriander leaves - 2
– 20 g, salt – 2 g, pepper – 5 g, chat tsp and salt – as desired.
masala – 5 g, bread crumbs – 20 g,
green chillies – 5 g, water – as
required and oil - for shallow or
deep frying

Preparation Method: Preparation Method:

• All the chopped vegetables and • Foxtail millet is soaked for 2 hr

foxtail millet grain are cooked and cooked fully.
and kept aside. • Add ghee and cumin, green
• In a pan add one table spoon of leaves, ginger, leaves, red chilli,
oil, ginger garlic paste, sliced
curry leaves and saurte them in a
green chilies and fry them until
light brown colour appears. pan.
• Add the cooked millet, chat • Add cooked foxtail and grated
masala, pepper and cooked coconut and cook for two min.
vegetables and mix them well. • Add salt as per taste and serve
• Make them into cutlet shapes, hot.
coat the cutlets with foxtail
bread crumbs.
• Shallow or deep fry in a pan
them until light brown colour
• Serve with tomato sauce or

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Foxtail Millet Vegetable Biryani / Chiken Biryani

Foxtail Millet - 1 1/2 cup, onion sliced – 2, carrots - 1/2 inch pieces (2), french beans -
1/2 inch pieces (15), green peas shelled - 1 cup, salt – as desired, green cardamons – 8,
black cardamom – 1. cloves – 15, cinnamon - 1/2 inch stick, bay leaf – 1, caraway seeds
(shahi jeera) - 1/2 tsp, ginger-garlic paste - 1 1/2 tsp, turmeric powder – 1 tsp, Red chilli
powder - 1 tsp, coriander powder - 1 tsp, tomatoes - 1 cup, garam masala powder - 1 tsp,
Lemon juice - 1 tsp, food colour - a pinch (If desired), fresh coriander leaves chopped
- 2 tsp, Fresh mint leaves chopped - 2 tsp

Preparation Method:

• Boil Foxtail millet in four cups of • Arrange a layer of millet at the top
salted boiling water with over that arrange half the cooked
cardamom, cloves and vegetables.
cinnamon, until three-fourth
done. Drain excess water and set • Sprinkle fried onions, lemon
aside. juice, food colour mixed in milk
garam masala powder, the
• Boil all the chopped vegetables
coriander leaves and the mint
and keep aside.
• Add green cardamoms, cloves,
black cardamom and cinnamon • Cover with a lid and cook. Let it
along with bay leaf and caraway stand for five minutes. Serve hot.
seeds and roast in a thick
bottom pan. • NOTE: For chicken biryani in the
• Add tomatoes, ginger-garlic place of vegetables chicken is to
paste, deep fried onions, carrot, be substituted, remaining whole
French beans, and boiled green procedure is same.
peas. Sprinkle salt, cover and
cook on medium heat for two
• Add turmeric powder, red chilli
powder, coriander powder,
garam masala powder and mix
well. Simmer for two minutes.

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Foxtail Bread Foxtail Millet Bisebelle baat
Ingredients: Ingredients:
Foxtail millet flour – 1 cup, maida – 1 For masala powder - coriander seeds,
cup, milk – 15 ml, salt – 1 g, yeast – 2 g, red dry chillies, chana dal, fenugreek
sugar – 5 g, water – 30 ml, egg-1 and seeds, for sambar - cooked toor dal - 1
cup, lemon – 1, tamarind – 1, small
oil – for greasing onion- 5-7, mixed vegetables - 2 cups
(carrot, drumstick, beans and potato),
oil - 2 tsp, curry leaves – 10, mustard
seeds - 1/4 tsp, turmeric powder - 1/4
tsp, broken red chillies – 2, asafoetida- a
generous pinch, salt to taste, coriander
leaves - 1 tsp, foxtail millet - 1 cup, water
- 2 cups, salt a pinch, coriander leaves - 2

Preparation Method: Preparation Method:

• In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in • Add tamarind water, vegetables,
warm water. Add the sugar, salt, salt and sambar spice powder in
oil keep aside for 2 minutes. a pressure cooker and cook till
• Add the foxtail millet flour, two whistles.
maida, milk and mix them into a
smooth dough. • Cook the foxtail millet, toor dal,
turmeric powder, salt and water
• Knead until smooth and elastic, in another pressure cooker until
about 8 to 10 minutes and place two whistles.
in a greased bowl.
• For seasoning, saute mustard
• Cover and let rise in a warm place seeds, cumin seeds, red chilli,
until doubled, about 1 ½ hrs. and curry leaves in ghee and keep
set the oven temperature to
190°C. aside.
• Ad d t h e s pi c y ve ge t a b l e
• After 1 ½ hr punch down the
dough onto a floured surface. tamarind curry to the cooked
millets and mix together till a
• Shape them into a loaf and place mish mash.
in a greased loaf pan and bake
them at 190°Cfor 15 to 20 mins. • Add the seasoning and transfer
the bisibelle baat to a serving
• Remove from pan and cool them bowl. Sprinkle the chopped
and cut them into loaves and coriander and serve hot.

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Kodo Millet Upma

Kodo millet grain - 1 cup, chopped onions, green chillies,
carrot, beans, potato ginger, mustard seeds, blackgram dal,
bengal gram dal, curry leaves, water and oil – as required.

Preparation Method:

• Wash kodo millet two or three times, then drain the

water completely and keep it aside.
• Chop onions, green chillies and veggies finely. Grate the
• Heat the oil in a pressure cooker, add mustard seeds
when it splutters, add blackgram dal, chanadal, curry
leaves and green chillies.
• When dal turns golden brown add onions, ginger,
turmeric, saute till onions turns golden brown.
• Add carrots, beans, and potato saute for 2 to 3 minutes.
Then add kodo millet, saute for 1 minute, till everything
• Then add water and salt. When water starts boiling close
the lid, and cook in moderate flame for 3 whistles.
• When pressure subsides, open the lid and serve hot with
any type of chutney or sambar.

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Kodo Millet Methi Rice Kodo Millet Pulao

Ingredients: Ingredients: Kodo millet - 1 cup,

Kodo millet - 1 cup, water – 3 cup, water - 1 & 1/2 cups, chopped
chopped methi leaves - 2 cups, carrot, beans, green peas - 1 cup,
chopped onions - 1/2 cup, chopped onion – 1, ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp,
tomatoes - 1/2 cup, ginger garlic paste green chilli – 2, mint leaves – 12,
- 2 tsp, green chillies – 3, curry leaves salt - as needed; To temper: Ghee/
– 8, salt – to taste; whole spices: bay oil - 3 tsp, cinnamon - 1 inch piece,
leaf – 1 and clove – 2 fennel seeds - 1 tsp and bay leaf - 1

Preparation Method: Preparation Method:

• Wash kodo millet rice and keep it • Heat a small pressure cooker
aside. Chop all vegetables and and saute with oil/ ghee and add
keep it ready. cinnamon, fennel and bay leaf.
• Wash the methi leaves and chop
• Stir and add onion and ginger
the methi leaves.
garlic paste.
• Heat a teaspoon of oil in a
pressure cooker. Add the whole • Add the chopped veggies, mint
spices and fry for a few minutes. leaves and salt
Add curry leaves, chopped • Add washed, drained millet to it
onions and fry till translucent. and mix well and cook.
• Add green chillies and ginger-
garlic paste and fry for a few • Add water, salt and bring to boil,
mix well and cook for a whistle
in medium or low flame.
• Add 3 cups of water and when
water comes to a boil, add kodo • Serve hot garnish with coriander
millet rice, chopped methi leaves leaves.
and cook till 1 whistle in medium Source:
• Serve hot with some raitha.

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Kodo Millet Coriander Rice Kodo millet Payasam

Ingredients: Ingredients:
Kodo millet - 1 cup, water – 2 cups, Kodo millet – 150 g, sugar – 250 g,
onion-1, carrot - 1 cup, tomato – 2, , milk – 250 ml, saffron – 4-5 threads,
curry leaves- 1 spring bay leaf - 1; dry fruits (cashew, almond and
Coriander chutney: Coriander leaves pista) – 50 g and ghee – 30 ml.
- 1 cup, mint leaves - 1/4 cup, green
chilli-1, cloves – 1, garlic – 1, ginger -
1/2 inch and salt to taste and oil – 2
Preparation Method: Preparation Method:

• Cook kodo millet rice in a • Cook together kodo millet,

pressure cooker with water, salt saffron and milk on slow heat
to taste and bay leaf at medium until the millet gets mashed.
flame for 1 whistle.
• Prepare coriander chutney with • Add sugar and stir gently to cook
minimum water. Chop all the payasam.
• In a hot pan, take 1 tsp of oil. Add • Heat ghee in a pan add all dry
whole spices to it and fry for a fruits and roast until golden
minute. colour and add to the cooked
• Add chopped onion and fry till
• Add chopped carrots and stir
• It can be served hot or cold.
well, add mint chutney. Cook the
chutney till the raw taste of
coriander disappears. Add salt to Source: ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal
• Add the cooked kodo millet and
mix evenly. Remove from flame.
NOTE: Millet rice has to cool
otherwise it will become mushy.
• Serve hot with some raitha


Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Kodo Millet Adai

(To soak) kodo millet – 1/2 cup, toor dal–¼ cup, channa dal –
¼ cup, moong dal – 1 tsp and urad dal – 1 tsp; (For
seasoning)Red chillies – 2,fennel seeds - 1 tsp(optional),
small onion - 1/4 cup chopped finely, curry leaves - few torn
into pieces, coriander leaves - 1 tbsp, mint leaves - 1 tbsp
finely chopped and salt - to taste

Preparation Method:

• Take soaking ingredients and soak for 4 hrs. Drain water

and set aside.
• Take red chillies and fennel seeds in a mixer, add little of
mixed millet mixture and grind it to a coarse mixture.
• Add chopped onion, coriander leaves and required salt.
The batter should be slightly runny in between idli and
dosa batter consistency.
• Heat the adai (or dosa pan) pan, grease with little oil,
make round adai and cook till golden brown and crisp at
the edges and add onion and ginger garlic paste.
• Add the chopped veggies, mint leaves and salt.
• Serve hot garnish with coriander leaves.
• Serve hot with any chutney of your choice.

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Barnyard Millet Cutlet

Dehulled barnyard millet grains - 100 g, potatoes – 20 g,
carrots – 20 g, beans – 20 g, salt – 5 g, pepper – 5 g, chat
masala – 5 g, bread crumbs – 20 g, channa dal - 30 g, green
chillies – 5 g, water – as required and oil - for shallow or deep

Preparation Method:

• Cook barnyard millet in boiling water and fluff it with a

fork and keep it aside.
• Mix channa dal flour powder with curd, boil the
vegetables and saute finely chopped onions, green
chilli, garlic, ginger and saute until onions turns
transparent in oil.
• Add salt, pepper powder, turmeric powder to the cooked
vegetables and add cooked barnyard millet, finely
chopped coriander leaves and mix well. Cook for a
further few seconds.
• Leave it to cool. Divide the mixture equally and shape
into cutlet and shallow fry the cutlets both sides until
golden brown or deep fry them in oil.
• Serve with sauce.

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Barnyard Maheri Barnyard Indiana

Ingredients: Ingredients:
Barnyard millet – 50 g, shama rice – Barnyard millet – 150 g, small dices
100 g, butter milk – 550 ml, salt – to of vegs. (carrots, french beans,
taste, ghee – 20 ml, curry leaves – a cauliflower and green peas) – 150 g,
few, mustard seeds – 2 g and chopped salt – to taste, green chilli chopped –
green chilli – 10 g. 15 g, ghee – 50 g, curry powder – 2
tsp, coriander leaves, - as required,
asafetida – a pinch, cumin seed – 2 g
and water – ½ cup.

Preparation Method: Preparation Method:

• Clean, soak and boil barnyard • Clean and soak the millet in
millet and shama rice for 30 min. water for 15 min

• Strain and cook in butter milk • Heat ghee in cooker, add cumin,
until well done asafoetida and diced vegetables
along with curry powder and
• Heat ghee in a thick bottom pan, saute.
add mustard seeds, green chilli
and curry leaves • Add presoaked millets and mix
• [our over the cooked rice and
cover with a lid for a short time
• Add water, salt and pressure
cook with one whistle
• Mix well and add seasoning.

• Serve hot. • Open and garnish with ghee,

chopped coriander leaves and
Source: ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal serve hot

Source: ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Barnyard Millet Pudina Rice Barnyard Payasam

Ingredients: Ingredients:
Barnyard millet - 1 cup, water – 2 Barnyard millet – 150 g, sugar – 250
cups, onion-1, carrot - 1 cup, tomato – g, milk – 250 ml, saffron – 4-5
2, , curry leaves- 1 spring bay leaf - 1; threads, dry fruits (cashew, almond
pudina (mint) chutney: Mint leaves - and pista) – 50 g and ghee – 30 ml.
1cup, coriander leaves - 1/4 cup, green
chilli-1, cloves – 1, garlic – 1, ginger -
1/2 inch and salt to taste and oil – 2

Preparation Method: Preparation Method:

• Cook barnyard millet in a • Cook together barnyard millet,

pressure cooker with water, salt saffron and milk on slow heat
to taste and bay leaf at medium until the millet gets mashed.
flame for 1 whistle.
• Prepare mint chutney with • Add sugar and stir gently to cook
minimum water. Chop all the payasam.
• In a hot pan, take 1 tsp of oil. Add • Heat ghee in a pan add all dry
whole spices to it and fry for a fruits and roast until golden
minute. colour and add to the cooked
• Add chopped onion and fry till
• Add chopped carrots and stir
• It can be served hot or cold.
well, add mint chutney. Cook the
chutney till the raw taste of mint
and coriander disappears. Add Source: ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal
salt to taste.
• Add the cooked barnyard millet
and mix evenly. Remove from
• Serve hot with some raitha


Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

Barnyard Millet Pizza

Pizza base: Barnyard millet, ½ cup, maida - ½ cup, baking soda - ½ tsp, salt - as
required, oil - 1-2 tsp (for cooking the crusts), water - if needed; millet crust pizza
–Onions, green capsicum, tomatos cubed - 1/3 cup, sweetcorn kernels - a few tomato
sauce - 1/3 cup and mozzarella cheese - as required

Preparation Method:

• Soak the millet in enough water for at least an hour and grind into a smooth
• Add baking powder, maida along with salt and mix well (you can also ferment the
batter in a warm place for 6 hrs)
• Heat a flat pan. Pour a ladle full of the prepared batter – don’t spread it. Spread
few drops of oil all around the crust, cook and flip it to the other side.
• Pre-heat the oven at 180°C for about 5-7 mins.
• Meanwhile, line a baking tray with aluminum foil or parchment paper. Place
these prepared pizza crusts on the baking tray.
• Spread the tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese over the sauce. Place cubed
onions, capsicum and sweetcorn all over the pizza.
• Bake/Grill at 180°C for about 7-10 mins, until the cheese is bubbly and the
vegetables are toasted.
• Serve hot with red chilli flakes and mixed Italian herbs on top!
NOTE: There can be a few cracks over the edges of the pizza crust as it is gluten free,
but that not hamper the taste

Millet Recipes - A Healthy Choice 1

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