Human Reproduction Questions Practice - 6

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147. Corpus luteum is formed in female reproductive system.

(a) Ovary (b) Testis Perimetrium → It is outermost layer of uterus.

(c) Mammary gland (d) Uterus Infundibulum → It is part of oviduct, which is the
CG PMT-2004 funnel shaped opening at the end of the fallopian tube.
Ans. (a) : ‘Corpus luteum’ is formed in ovary. The
corpus luteum is a organ that plays a crucial role in
infertility during the luteal phase. It is an endocrine
structure in female existing within the ovary once. The
ovarian follicle has released a mature ovum during
ovulation. It is formed in an ovary at the site of a
follicle of sac, that has matured and released its ovum in
the process known as ovulation.

‘Uterine anatomy’ Layers of uterus

150. The blood vessel and nerves enter the ovary
(a) Hilus
(b) Zona pellucida
(c) Antrum
(d) Graafian follicle
‘Corpus Luteum’ Uttarakhand PMT-2011
148. Which one in female is like prostate gland in Ans. (a) : The blood vessels and nerve that supply the
male ? blood to ovaries enter through the ovarian hilum. The
(a) Bartholins gland ovarian hilum is a small region on the medial surface of
(b) Clitoris the ovary where the ovarian artery, ovarian vein, and
(c) Bulbourethral gland ovary branch out into smaller vessels and nerve within
(d) None of these the ovarian tissue.
BVP-2011 151. Match column I with Column II and select the
Ans. (d) : The skene's gland in female is like to prostate correct option using the codes given below.
gland in male. Skene's glands are homologous with the Column I Column II
prostate gland in males. They produce the same A. Mons pubis 1. Embryo formation
hormones as the male prostate, and both are play a
B. Antrum 2. Sperm
significant role in our reproductive systems. The skene
C. Trophectoderm 3. Female external
gland (Paraurethral gland) in females which is located at
the lower end of urethra is considered homologous to genitalia
the prostate gland in males and is sometimes referred to D. Nebenkern 4. Graafian follicle
as the female prostate. (a) A-3 B-4 C-2 D-1
149. The inner glandular layer of the uterus is (b) A-3 B-4 C-1 D-2
(a) Endometrium (b) Myometrium (c) A-3 B-1 C-4 D-2
(c) Fallopian tubes (d) Perimetrium (d) A-1 B-4 C-3 D-2
(e) Infundibulum NEET-2016 Phase-II
Kerala PMT-2014 Ans. (b) : Column I Column II
Ans. (a) : the endometrium is the innermost lining of (A) Mons pubis – Female external
the uterus, playing a crucial role in menstrual cycle, genitalia
fertility and pregnancy. (B) Antrum – Graafian follicle
Myometrium → It is the middle layer of uterus. (C) Trophectoderm – Embryo formation
Fallopian Tube → It is the oviduct. It is a part of the (d) Nebenkern – Sperm.

Human Reproduction 390 YCT

155. The second maturation division of the
C. Gametogenesis mammalian ovum occurs –
(a) Shortly after ovulation before the ovum
152. Arrange the sequence of different hormones for makes entry into the Fallopian tube
their role during gametogenesis. (b) Until after the ovum has been penetrated by a
(A) Gonadotropin LH stimulates synthesis and sperm
secretion of Androgen (c) Until the nucleus of the sperm has fused with
(B) Gonadotropin releasing hormone from that of the ovum
hypothalamus (d) In the Graafian follicle following the first
(C) Androgen stimulates spermatogenesis maturation division
(D) Gonadotropin FSH helps in the process of AIPMT (Screening)-2010
Ans. (b) : The second maturation division of the
(E) Gonadotropins from anterior pituitary gland
mammalian ovum occurs after the ovum has been
Choose the correct answer from the options penetrated by a sperm. The second maturation division
given below : is arrested at metaphase II until fertilization occurs.
(a) (B), (E), (A), (C), (D) When a sperm penetrates the ovum, it releases calcium
(b) (D), (B), (A), (C), (E) ions, which triggers the release of the egg from
(c) (E), (A), (D), (B), (C) metaphase II and allows the second maturation division
(d) (C), (A), (D), (E), (B) to complete. This result in the formation of a mature
RE-NEET (UG)-06.06.2023 (Manipur) ovum and a second polar body.
Ans. (a) : According to the correct sequence of different 156. A change in the amount of yolk and its
hormones for their role during gametogenesis is distribution in the egg will effect :
■ Gonadotropin is releasing hormone from hypothalamus. (a) Fertilization
■ Gonadotropin from anterior pituitory gland. (b) Formation of zygote
■ Gonadotropin LH stimulates synthesis and secretion (c) Pattern of cleavage
of androgen. (d) Number of blastomeres produced
■ Androgen stimulates spermatogensis. AIPMT-2009
■ Gonadotropin FSH helps in the process of Ans. (c) : The amount and distribution of yolk in an egg
affects the pattern of cleavage because yolk inhibits cell
153. Select the incorrect statement division. Eggs with more yolk will have a meroblastic
(a) LH triggers secretion of androgens from the cleavage pattern, in which only a portion of the egg
Leydig cells divides, e.g. - bird eggs, fish eggs. Eggs with less yolk
(b) FSH stimulates the sertoli cells which help in will have a holoblastic cleavage pattern, in which the
spermiogenesis entire egg divides, e.g. - mammal eggs, frog eggs.
(c) LH triggers ovulation in ovary 157. The correct sequence of spermatogenetic stages
(d) LH and FSH decrease gradually during the leading to the formation of sperms in a mature
follicular phase human testis is :
NEET-2016 Phase-I (a) Spermatogonia-spermatid-spermatocyte
Ans. (d) : LH and FSH actually increase gradually sperms
during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. They (b) Spermatocyte-spermatogonia-spermatid
are responsible for stimulating the growth and sperms
development of follicles in the ovaries. The follicles (c) Spermatogonia-spermatocyte-spermatid
produce estrogen, which eventually triggers ovulation. sperms
After ovulation, LH levels peak and FSH levels drop. (d) Spermatid-spermatocyte-spermatogonia
154. Which one of the following statements about sperms
human sperm is correct – AIPMT-2009
(a) Acrosome has a conical pointed structure Ans. (c) : Spermatogenesis is the process which take
used for piercing and penetrating the egg, place in the testes and involved in the production of the
resulting in fertilization sperms. The germ cells or spermatogonia divide
(b) The sperm lysine in the acrosome dissolve the mitotically to yield primary spermatocyte which divides
egg envelope facilitating fertilization meiotically into secondary spermatocytes. Each of the
(c) Acrosome serves as a sensory structure secondary spermatocytes divides into two spermatids by
leading the sperm towards the ovum meiosis II. These develop into mature sperm cells.
(d) Acrosome serves no particular function The process of spermatogenesis is completed into five
AIPMT (Screening)-2010 stages -
Ans. (b) : Sperm lysin in the acrosome dissolve the egg (i) Spermatogonia
envelope facilitating fertilization. The acrosome is the (ii) Primary spermatocytes
small pointed structure at the tip of the nucleus it break (iii) Secondary spermatocytes
down just before fertilization, releasing hydrolytic
enzymes that assist in the penetration of follicle cells (iv) Spermatid
that surrounds the ovum thus facilitating fertilization. (v) Spermatozoa
Human Reproduction 391 YCT
158. Identify the cells represents as P,Q,R and S in • Niacin (B3) is a vitamin that forms a part of
the given schematic representation of coenzymes (NAD, NADP).
spermatogenesis. • Vitamin B7 (Biotin) acts as coenzyme in fatty acid
synthesis and in change of pyruvate to oxaloacetate.
161. In the diagram of section of Graafian follicle,
different parts are indicated by alphabets;
choose the answer in which these alphabets
have been correctly matched with the parts
they indicate.

(a) P - Primary Spermatocyte

Q - Secondary Spermatocyte
R - Spermatids
S - Spermatozoa
(b) P - Secondary Spermatocyte
Q - Primary Spermatocyte (a) A = Membrana graulosa; B = Theca interna;
R - Spermatozoa C = Ovum; D = Cumulus oophorus; E =
S - Spermatids Antrum; F = Theca externa.
(c) P - Spermatozoa (b) A = Theca externa; B = Theca interna; C =
Q - Spermatids Ovum; D = Membrana graulosa; E = Antrum;
R - Secondary Spermatocyte F = Cumulus oophorus.
S - Primary Spermatocyte (c) A = Theca externa; B = Theca interna; C =
(d) P - Secondary Spermatocyte Ovum; D = Cumulus oophorus; E = Antrum;
Q - Spermatids F = Membrana graulosa.
R - Spermatozoa (d) A = Membrana graulosa; B = Theca externa;
S - Primary Spermatocyte C = Ovum; D = Cumulus oophorus; E =
Antrum; F = Theca interna.
Karnataka CET-2019
Karnataka CET-2004
Ans. (a) : Spermatogenesis is the process of the
production of sperms from the immature germ cells. Ans. (c) : A = Theca externa; B = Theca interna; C =
Ovum; D = Cumulus oophorus; E = Antrum; F =
P- Primary spermatocyte Membrana granulosa.
Q- Secondary spermatocyte 162. Which option is correct for the region labelled
R- Spermatid as “p” and “q” in the given diagram?
S- Spermatozoa.
159. The number of chromosomes in a primary
spermatocyte is:
(a) same as in spermatid
(b) same as in spermatogonium
(c) helf of that in spermatogonium
(d) same as in secondary spermatocyte
JIPMER-2015 (a) p = Mitosis
Ans. (b) : Both spermatogonium and primary q = Primary Spermatocyte
spermatocyte are diploid cells. Spermatogonium is male (b) p = Meiosis
germinal cells present in seminiferous tubules. Thus q = Secondary Spermatocyte
these cells have 46 chromosomes. (c) p = Mitosis
160. Which set is similar : - q = Secondary Spermatocyte
(a) Corpus luteum – graafian follicles (d) p = Meiosis
(b) Sebum-sweat q = Primary Spermatocyte
(c) Bundle of his – Pace maker GUJCET-2014
(d) Vita B7 – Niacin Ans. (c) : The given figure in the question showing
AIPMT-2001 spermatogenesis in males occurs in three phases, i.e.
Ans. (a) : After ovulation many of the follicular cells multiplication phase, growth phase, maturation phase.
remain in the collapsed Graafian follicle on the surface Part A Spermatogonia or sperm mother cells are
of the ovary. The antrum (Cavity) of the collapsed proliferating by mitotic division inside the testis to form
follicle fills with a partially clotted fluid. primary spermatocytes.
• The follicular cells enlarge and fill with a yellow Part B the maturation phase where primary spermatocytes,
pigment, lutein. Such a follicle is called a corpus undergofirst meiotic division and produce secondary
luteum literally, yellow body sebum is secreted by spermatocytes, which further undergo secondary meiotic
sebaceous glands. SA node is known as pacemaker. division and produce spermatids.
Human Reproduction 392 YCT
163. When spermatogonia accumulates large 167. Vitellogenesis occurs during the formation of
amount of nutrient and chromatin material (a) Oogonial cell in the Graafian follicle
and increase in size, now it is known as_______. (b) Ootid in the fallopian tube
(a) Spermatids (b) Spermatogonium (c) Secondary oocyte in the fallopian tube
(c) Sperm (d) Primary spermatocytes (d) Primary oocyte in the Graafian follicle
GUJCET-2017 Karnataka CET-2009
Ans. (d) : Primary spermatocytes are diploid cells that Manipal-2009
undergo meiosis to produce haploid spermatids. Ans. (d) : Vitellogenesis occurs when the oocyte
Spermatids then further mature into spermatozoa (sperm reaches the diplotene stage of meiotic prophase.
cells.) Vitellogenesis occurs during the formation of primary
When spermatogonia accumulates large amount of oocyte in the Graafian follicle.
nutrient and chromatin material and increase in size, it Vitellogenesis is the process of production and
is known as primary spermatocytes. It periodically accumulation of yolk in a developing oocyte.
undergo meiosis and other remains and spermatogonia
cells. 168. In the absence of acrosome, the sperm---------.
(a) Cannot get energy
164. The process of conversion of non-motile (b) Cannot penetrate the egg
spermatids into motile spermatozoa is called
(c) Cannot swim
(a) Spermiogenesis (b) Oogenesis
(d) Cannot get food
(c) Sporogenesis (d) Spermatogenesis
Karnataka CET-2010
Tripura JEE-2019
Karnataka CET-2018 Ans. (b) : The acrosome is a cap-like structure that
covers the anterior parts of the sperm head. It contains
Ans. (a) : The process of conversion of immature non enzymes that help the sperm penetrate the zona
motile spermatid into motile spermatozoa is called pellucida, a protective layer that surrounds the egg. In
spermiogenesis. the absence of the acrosome, the sperm will not be able
Oogenesis:- It is the process by which haploid ova to penetrate the egg and therefore will not be able to
develops from the ovarian follicle by rupturing ovarian fertilize it.
169. In humans, at the end of the first meiotic
Sporogenesis: It is the production of spore. division, the male germ cells differentiate into
Spermatogenesis: It is the process by which haploid the:
spermatozoa develop from germ cell in the seminiferous (a) Spermatids
tubule of the testis
(b) Spermatogonia
165. In humans, what is the ratio of number of (c) Primary spermatocytes
gametes produced from one male primary sex (d) Secondary spermatocytes
cell to the number of gametes produced from
one female primary sex cell? TS EAMCET-12.05.2017
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 3 BHU PMT (Screening)-2010
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 4 : 1 AIPMT-2008
Karnataka CET-2014 Ans. (d) : In humans, at the end of the first meiotic
division, the male germ cells differentiate into
Ans. (d) : The 4 male gametes sperms are produced
secondary spermatocytes.
from one male primary sex cell and only 1 female
gamete ova is produced in one female primary sex cell. Secondary spermatocytes are haploid cells that result
Thus the ratio is 4:1. from the first meiotic division in the process of
166. 2n = 16 in a primary spermatocyte which is in
metaphase of first meiotic division. What shall
be the total number of chromatids in each of
the secondary spermatocyte?
(a) 8 (b) 16
(c) 24 (d) 32
Karnataka CET-2009
Ans. (b) : Each primary spermatocyte has 2n
chromosomes, which means that it has 2n chromatids.
In this case, the primary spermatocyte has 16
chromosomes, which means that it has 16 chromatids.
During the first meiotic division, the homologous
chromosomes separate and migrate to opposite poles of
the cell. This results in the formation of two secondary
spermatocytes, each with n chromosomes. So, if there
are 16 chromosomes in 1º spermatocyte, the 2º
spermatocyte will have half of its number i.e. 8.
chromosome in each chromatids will be 8 × 2 = 16. Spermatogenesis in human male

Human Reproduction 393 YCT

170. Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an (c) Seminiferous tubules → Rete testis → Vasa
endocrine gland after ovulation ? efferentia → Epididymis → Urethra →
(a) Vitelline membrane Vagina of female
(b) Graafian follicle (d) Seminiferous tubules → Rete testis → Vasa
(c) Stroma efferentia→Ejaculatry duct→Vagina of female
(d) Germinal epithelium AP EAMCET-06.09.2021 Shift-I
AIPMT-2007 Ans. (b): The passage of spermatozoa starts from
Ans. (b) : After ovulation, the Graafian follicle seminiferous tubules (site of the sperm production) →
Rete testes (It is a network of tubules that collects sperm
transforms in to the corpus luteum, which is a
from the seminiferous tubules) → Vasa efferentia
temporary endocrine gland that produces progesterone
(carries sperm form the rete testes to the epididymis) →
and estrogen. These hormones play a vital role in Epididymis (it is site where sperm mature and become
maintaining the lining of the uterus and preparing it for motile) → Vas deferens ( transport the sperm from the
implantation of a fertilized egg. If pregnancy does not epididymis to the ejaculatory duct) → Ejaculatory duct
occur, the corpus luteum degenerates and progesterone (carries sperms from vas deferens and seminal vesicles
levels drop, which triggers menstruation. to the urethra) → Urethra ( carries urine from the
bladder to the outside of the body) → Vagina of female.
173. The absence of sperm in seminal fluid is called
(a) Oligospermia (b) Azoospermia
(c) Phimosis (d) Absolute impotence
UP CPMT-2014
Ans. (b): The absence of sperm in seminal fluid is
called azoospermia, while presence of less number of
sperm is termed as oligospermia. Absolute impotence is
inability for sexual contact. Phimosis is actually the
condition where the foreskin of the penis is too tight and
cannot be retracted over the head of the penis.
174. Which of the following represents a condition
where the motility of the sperms is highly
171. Acrosome is formed by (a) Oligospermia (b) Asthenospermia
(a) Nucleus (b) Golgi apparatus (c) Azoospermia (d) Polyspermy
(c) Mitochondria (d) None of these Karnataka CET-2006
VMMC-2013 / UP CPMT-2005 AMU-2006
Rajasthan PMT-1995 / AIIMS-1999
Ans. (b) : Asthenospermia is a condition where the
Ans. (b) : The acrosome is a structure forms by the motility of the sperms is highly reduced. Asthenopormia
Golgi apparatus in sperm cells. It contains enzymes is a very serious issue related to male infertility and may
(like hyaluronidase and acrosin) that help the sperm be cured by assisted reproductive technology (ART).
penetrate the egg during fertilization. Polyspermy occurs when the acolyte is penetrated by
more than one sperm. Oligospermia is a condition of
low sperm count. Azoospermia is the complete absence
of sperm in the ejaculate.
175. During a womans life time, she produces about:
(a) 40-50 eggs (b) 300-350 eggs
(c) 400-500 eggs (d) 750-850 eggs
• Mitochondria generate most of the cells supply of WB JEE-2006
ATP used as a source of chemical energy. Ans. (c) : During a woman's life time, she produces
• The nucleus control and regulates the activities of cell about 400-500 eggs. A women is born with all of the
egg, growth and metabolism and carries the genes, eggs she will ever produce which is about 2 million.
structures that contain the hereditary information However, only about 400-500 of these eggs will mature
172. Identify the complete and correct sequence in and be released during her life time. The rest eggs die
off before puberty or during the menstrual cycle. The
the passage of spermatozoa ? number of eggs a women has remaining decreases with
(a) Seminiferous tubules → Rete testis → Vasa age, and by the time she reached menopause, she will
efferentia → Vas deferens → Epididymis → have no eggs left.
Ejaculatory duct → Urethra 176. Which of the following is not a case of
(b) Seminiferous tubules → Rete testis → Vasa epimorphosis?
efferentia → Epididymis → Vas deferens (a) Formation of sperms from small clumps of
Ejaculatry duct → Urethra → Vagina of cells
female (b) Regeneration of tail in a lizard
Human Reproduction 394 YCT

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