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IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, May 2018 ISSN No.

2347-517X (Online)


Swaroopa Rani N. Gupta

Dept of Chemistry Brijlal Biyani Science College Amravati, MS, India
[email protected]
Henna (Lawsonia inermis) is a flowering plant, 2-6m in height. Henna, Lawsonia inermis, produces a burgundy dye
molecule, lawsone. This molecule has an affinity for bonding with protein, and thus has been used to dye skin, hair,
fingernails, leather, silk and wool. The dye molecule, lawsone, is primarily concentrated in the leaves. It is well known
that plants have been used in traditional herbal medicine for many years. In some parts of the world, plants and herbs
are still the prime medicines used in medical treatment. L. inermis is widely grown in various tropical regions in Asia,
America and Africa. The main uses of henna are as a cooling agent, astringent, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial herb for
the skin and hair. It has also been used as a dye and preservative for hair, skin and fingernails as well as leather and
clothes. Its core chemical components are 2-hydroxynapthoquinone (lawsone), mannite, tannic acid, mucilage and
gallic acid. Out of these ingredients, the main one is 2-hydroxynapthoquinone (lawsone). Its bioactive feature is
thought to be due to its high protein binding capacity.
Henna is known to be dangerous to people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency ( G6PD deficiency),
which is more common in males than females. Infants and children of particular ethnic groups, mainly from the Middle
East and North Africa, are especially vulnerable. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does
consider these risks to be adulterants and therefore illegal for use on skin.
This Paper deals with review on study of Henna plant (Lawsonia inermis) and its applications. Paper also deals with
FTIR spectra of Heena Green Leaves and Heena Brown Seeds.
FTIR can be routinely used to identify the functional groups and identification/quality control of raw material/finished
products. FTIR spectra of Heena Green Leaves and Heena Brown Seeds is obtained at room tem perature by using an
FTIR Spectrophotometer - Perkin Elmer - Spectrum RX-IFTIR. The spectra is collected in a range from 450 to
4000 cm− 1.
Interpretation of FTIR Spectra of Heena Green Leaves and Heena Brown Seeds both shows presence of various
functional groups such as Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH; Alcohols - Secondary CH–OH; Amides –CO–NH2

Key Words: Lawsonia inermis, Medicinal plant, Antimicrobial activity, Lawsone, Heena Green Leaves, Heena Brown
Seeds, FTIR Spectra

of Southeast Asia, Carthage, other parts of North

INTRODUCTION Africa and the Horn of Africa. The name is used
Lawsonia inermis (Henna plant) is a shrub or in other skin and hair dyes, such as black
small tree cultivated in many regions as an henna and neutral henna, neither of which is
ornamental and commercial dye crop [1]. It is derived from the henna plant [4, 5]. Whole,
mostly found in the tropic, sub-tropic, and semi- unbroken henna leaves will not stain the skin.
arid zones of Africa (tropical Savannah and Henna does not stain skin until
tropical arid zones), south Asia, and north the lawsone molecules are released from the
Australia [2]. Henna is a dye prepared from the henna leaf. Dried henna leaves stains the skin if
plant Lawsonia inermis, also known as hina, they are mashed into a paste. The lawsone
the henna tree, the mignonette tree, and gradually migrates from the henna paste into
the Egyptian privet [3], the sole species of the outer layer of the skin and bind to
the Lawsonia genus. Henna has been used since the proteins in it, creating a fast stain. Since it is
antiquity to dye skin, hair and fingernails, as difficult to form intricate patterns from coarse
well as fabrics including silk, wool and leather. crushed leaves, henna is commonly traded as a
Historically, henna was used in the Arabian powder [6] made by
Peninsula, Indian Subcontinent, parts drying, milling and sifting the leaves. The dry
powder is mixed with one of a number of liquids,

IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, May 2018 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online)

including water, lemon juice, or strong tea, and removed, but darkens over the following three
other ingredients, depending on the tradition. days to a deep reddish brown. Soles and palms
Many artists use sugar or molasses in the paste have the thickest layer of skin and so take up
to improve consistency and keep it stuck to the the most lawsone, and take it to the greatest
skin better. The henna mix must rest for 1 to 48 depth, so that hands and feet will have the
hours before use, to release the lawsone from darkest and most long-lasting stains. Some also
the leaf matter. The timing depends on the crop believe that steaming or warming the henna
of henna being used. Essential oils with high pattern will darken the stain, either during the
levels of monoterpene alcohols, such as tea time the paste is still on the skin, or after the
tree, cajeput, or lavender, will improve skin stain paste has been removed. It is debatable whether
characteristics. Other essential oils, such as this adds to the color of the end result as well.
eucalyptus and clove, are also useful but are too After the stain reaches its peak color, it holds for
irritating and should not be used on skin. Henna a few days, then gradually wears off by way
stains are orange when the paste is first of exfoliation.

Henna Plant in its different stage

Lawsone (C10H6O3) (2-Hydroxy-1,4-Naphthoquinone), an active compound in Henna

Henna is known to be dangerous to people with [7]. The United States Food and Drug
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency Administration (FDA) does consider these risks
(G6PD deficiency), which is more common in to be adulterants and therefore illegal for use on
males than females. Infants and children of skin [8]. Some pastes have been noted to
particular ethnic groups, mainly from the Middle include: silver nitrate, carmine, pyrogallol,
East and North Africa, are especially vulnerable disperse orange dye, and chromium [9]. These

IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, May 2018 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online)

have been found to cause allergic reactions, well known that plants have been used in
chronic inflammatory reactions, or late-onset traditional herbal medicine for many
allergic reactions to hairdressing products and years.[19] In some parts of the world, plants and
textile dyes [10, 11]. An attempt was done to herbs are still the prime medicines used in
evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of Lawsonia medical treatment.[20-22] L. inermis is widely
inermis leaves methanolic extract on carbon grown in various tropical regions in Asia,
tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity in America and Africa. In Arabic, the word "henna"
rats.[12] Wide range of chemical constituents refers to L. inermis.[21-23] The main uses of
have been isolated from Henna which includes henna are as a cooling agent, astringent, anti-
naphthoquinone derivatives (lawsone which is fungal and anti-bacterial herb for the skin and
the chief ingredient and the coloring matter in hair. It has also been used as a dye and
the leaves), phenolic derivatives, coumarins, preservative for hair, skin and fingernails as well
xanthones, tannins, flavonoids, aliphatic as leather and clothes.[24-25] Its core chemical
components, triterpenes, sterols and other components are 2-hydroxynapthoquinone
chemical constituents such as glucose, gallic (lawsone), mannite, tannic acid, mucilage and
acid, amino acids, mannitol, trace elements and gallic acid. Out of these ingredients, the main
minerals [13]. As a medicinal plant, Henna has one is 2-hydroxynapthoquinone (lawsone). About
been used in folk remedy as astringent, 0.5-1.5% of henna is made of lawsone. Its
hypotensive, sedative, and against a headache, bioactive feature is thought to be due to its high
jaundice, and leprosy [14]. Leaves were also protein binding capacity.[18-25] The skin has a
used for skin diseases, venereal diseases, complex flora. Infections can result when there
smallpox, and spermatorrhea. Powered seeds is a breakdown in the integrity of the skin or
were effective against dysentery and liver when the immune defense is compromised.
disorders. The bark used in a variety conditions, Common skin infections include cellulitis,
such as burns, jaundice, spleen enlargement, erysipelas, impetigo, folliculitis, and furuncles
calculus, leprosy, and skin disorders. Root was and carbuncles.[26] Many types of bacteria have
considered as a potent medicine for gonorrhea, ability to produce skin infections.
herpes infection, sore eyes, as an abortifacient, Staphylococcus aureus is the most common
and in the treatment of some nervous disorders cause of skin infections. It is frequently found in
[15]. Because, seeds were able to alleviate liver the nose and skin. About 20% of the population
disorders, a question was raised about the is long-term carriers of S. aureus.[27] Leaf
protective effects of other plants’ parts. Lawsonia samples of Lawsonia inermis (Li) were examined
inermis has been used in herbal medicine for for their antimicrobial potential. These results
ages. The antibacterial effects of water, alcoholic confirmed the antibacterial activity of henna
and oily extracts of Lawsonia inermis leaves leaves and supported the traditional use of the
against bacterial cultures isolated from various plant in therapy of bacterial infections and
skin diseases were investigated and compared disturbances that occurred at the biochemical
with Tetracycline, Ampicillin, Gentamicin and level. [28]
Ciprofloxacin antibiotics.[16] A new rapid method for the isolation of lawsone
Henna (Lawsonia inermis, syn. L. alba) is a from L. inermis through the calcium ion using
flowering plant, 2-6m in height. It is the sole the Flash and Disc Counter Current
species in the genus Lawsonia in the family Chromatography (DCC) has been suggested. [29]
Lythraceae.[17] Henna, Lawsonia inermis, Study was conducted to investigate antifungal
produces a burgundy dye molecule, lawsone.[18] activity of Lawsonia inermis (Henna plant).[30]
This molecule has an affinity for bonding with Plants have been used to treat humans,
protein, and thus has been used to dye skin, animals, and plant diseases from time
hair, fingernails, leather, silk and wool. The dye immemorial. Herbal medicines have been known
molecule, lawsone, is primarily concentrated in to man for centuries [31]. Henna
the leaves. Products sold as "black henna" or plant, Lawsonia inermis Linn, is such a plant
"neutral henna" are not made from henna, but known for healing attributes and is now the
may be derived from indigo (in the plant subject of intense scientific study [32]. Lawsonia
Indigofera tinctoria) or Cassia obovata, and may inermis (Henna) is an ornamental evergreen
contain unlisted dyes and chemicals.[17] It is plant cultivated in the tropics [33]. The

IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, May 2018 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online)

phytochemical analysis of the plant leaves METHODOLOGY

revealed the presence of anthroquinones as The Henna leaves and seeds were washed with
major constituents which are commonly known distilled water; shade-dried at room
to posses antimicrobial activity [34]. Ethyl temperature, then grinded into powder by glass
acetate extract of Lawsonia inermis was found to mortar and pestle.
be active against all bacteria tested [35]. FTIR Spectrophotometer - Perkin Elmer -
Screening of the barks of 30 plant species Spectrum RX-IFTIR
against Microsporum FTIR can be routinely used to identify the
gypseum and Trichophyton functional groups and identification/quality
mentagrophytes showed that only L. inermis L. control of raw material/finished products.
extract exhibited absolute toxicity. The extract Spectrum RX-I offers fast throughput and rapid
showed broad fungicidal spectrum when tested access to reliable and dependable IR results.
against 13 ring worm fungi [36]. The effect of the High signal to noise ratio makes FTIR more
warm aqueous extract of Lawsonia inermis leaf useful for difficult samples. It has resolution of 1
on Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced liver cm-1 and scan range of 4000 cm-1 to 250 cm-1. In
damage in healthy Wister albino rats was the normal mode around 10 mg sample is
studied.[37] Study aimed to review the available required in the form of fine powder. The sample
literature on some of the ethno-botanical uses of can be analyzed in the form of liquid, solid and
seeds, leaves and roots of Lawsonia thin films also.
inermis plant.[38] FTIR spectra of Heena green leaves and Heena
This Paper deals with review on study of Henna brown seeds is obtained at room temperature by
plant (Lawsonia inermis) and its applications. using an FTIR Spectrophotometer - Perkin Elmer
Paper also deals with FTIR spectra of Heena - Spectrum RX-IFTIR. The spectra is collected in
Green Leaves and Heena Brown Seeds. a range from 450 to 4000 cm− 1.


Figure 1. FTIR Spectra of Heena Green Leaves

IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, May 2018 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online)

Figure 1 shows FTIR Spectra of Heena green leaves. Interpretation of FTIR Spectra of Heena green leaves
can be done as follows:
S.N. Bond causing absorption Pattern and Intensity of Band
Wave number
1 3288.52 Alcohols - Secondary CH–OH Broad and Strong Intensity
2 2959.56  Broad and Strong Intensity
3 2926.54  Broad and Strong Intensity
4 2853.60  Broad and Strong Intensity
5 1731.67 Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH Broad and Strong Intensity
6 1635.57 Amides –CO–NH2 Broad and Strong Intensity
7 1547.67 – Broad and Strong Intensity
8 1448.65 – Broad and Strong Intensity
9 1374.64 – Broad and Strong Intensity
10 1320.64 Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH Broad and Strong Intensity
11 1236.67 Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH Broad and Strong Intensity
12 1072.60 – Broad and Strong Intensity
13 891.88 Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH Broad and Moderate Intensity
14 832.87 – Broad and Moderate Intensity
15 779.85 – Broad and Moderate Intensity
16 637.83 – Broad and Moderate Intensity
17 458.91 – Broad and Moderate Intensity

Interpretation of FTIR Spectra of Heena green leaves shows presence of various functional groups such as
Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH; Alcohols - Secondary CH–OH; Amides –CO–NH2

Figure 2. FTIR Spectra of Heena Brown Seeds

IJRBAT, Special Issue (2), Vol-V, May 2018 ISSN No. 2347-517X (Online)

Figure 2 shows FTIR Spectra of Heena Brown Seeds. Interpretation of FTIR Spectra of Heena Brown Seeds
can be done as follows:

Region Pattern and Intensity of
S.N. Bond causing absorption
Wave number Band
1 3295.67 Alcohols - Secondary CH–OH Broad and Strong Intensity
2 2926.67  Broad and Strong Intensity
3 1731.76 Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH Broad and Strong Intensity
4 1607.72 Amides –CO–NH2 Broad and Strong Intensity
5 1515.76 – Broad and Strong Intensity
6 1449.74 – Broad and Strong Intensity
7 1368.75 – Broad and Strong Intensity
8 1241.74 Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH Broad and Strong Intensity
9 1145.78 – Broad and Strong Intensity
10 1105.76 – Broad and Strong Intensity
11 1040.76 – Broad and Strong Intensity
Broad and Moderate
12 872.93 Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH
Broad and Moderate
13 826.92 –
Broad and Moderate
14 765.92 –
Broad and Moderate
15 722.92 –
Broad and Moderate
16 620.92 –
Broad and Moderate
17 457.96 –
Interpretation of FTIR Spectra of Heena Brown Seeds shows presence of various functional groups such
as Acids – Carboxylic acids COOH; Alcohols - Secondary CH–OH; Amides –CO–NH2

CONCLUSION 3-butyric acid and wood

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