CV of Dr. Zahidul Islam

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FORM TECH-6: Curriculum Vitae (CV)

1. Position Title and No.

2. Name of

3. Name of Expert MD. ZAHIDUL ISLAM (Shameem)

4. National ID 5956934714

5. Date of Birth August 30, 1968

6. Country of Bangladesh.
Residence: Bangladesh/Dhaka

7. ADB(CMS) 182737
Registration Number

8. Professional Member - Member of Bangladesh Krishibid Institution, Dhaka,

of Bangladesh.
Societies/Associations - Member of the Alumni Association of American International
University-Bangladesh (AIUB).
- Member of the Alumni Association of Bangladesh Agricultural
University (BAU)), Mymensingh.
- Member of the Society, Institute of Disaster Management &
Vulnerability Studies (IDMVS), University of Dhaka.
- Member of the Agronomical Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Member of the Society, Dept. of Sociology, University of

Mr. Zahidul Islam is an agriculture with EIA specialist ( Soil, smart agriculture, disaster & climate vulnerability) consultant who
obtained his MS degree in Agronomy from BAU, EMBA from AIUB, PGDM from DU, MSSP from DU PhD from DU and have an
in-depth experience with 27 (twenty-seven) years of multi-sectoral activities of research & study, monitoring & evaluation, project
impact analysis, agriculture, social and economic study, technology innovation, climate smart agriculture, climate change
adaptation & mitigation, sustainable agronomic & horticultural crop production technology, crop protection technology, Integrated
Pest Management (IPM), Integrated Crop Management (ICM), Integrated Farm Management (IFM), soil fertility & soil health,
homestead gardening, food & nutrition security, safe food, farm mechanization, demonstration, field day, farmers field school
(FFS), training, workshop, seminar, group discussion, motivational meeting, agriculture fair, agriculture rally, motivational tour, field
visit, personal contact, campaigning, agri-business, value chain development of agro-commodities with public, private and non-
government organizations project management feasibility study, ESIA, agricultural, social and economic survey, baseline survey,
training facilitation, bench-mark survey, market survey & development, policy analysis, cost-benefit analysis, formulation &
implementation with the International, National, Local NGOs, Consulting firms(DDC, CRDS, KMC, RPMC, Sodev In’t, Enviro-
Consultants Ltd, Xino Consulting Ltd, ZH Consulting firm, EADS), Government Agencies (BWDB, DAE, CDMP, LGED, CEGIS,
IWM), INGO( Brac In’t-BD, Care-BD, HKI-BD. National & Local NGO( UST, CTW, RDSS, GUK, etc)Experience, which includes
survey design & and development, food security, agricultural & and value chain development, economic empowerment, policy
analysis, project management & implementation (ESIA), training & and capacity building, budgeting, monitoring & and evaluation,
business environment and entrepreneurship development. Green growth, market linkage establishment, public and private sector
development, partnership for business development, strategic framework development, institutional development, training & and
capacity development, manual, guideline, by-law, planning, implementation, programs & and projects impact assessment. Design
and implement value chain strategy by good agricultural practices (GAP), technology & and innovation. Designing sustainable
interventions and procedures to streamline corporate and enterprise operations and income-generating activities. Special strength
in Project Proposal writing and Methodology setting.


Institution Degree/Diploma Obtained

Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University 1995 BSc in Agriculture

(BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University 1999 MS in Agronomy

(BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), Dhaka, 2008 Executive Master of Business Administration
Bangladesh. (EMBA)
Institute of Disaster Management & Vulnerability Assessment, 2016 Post-Graduate in Disaster Management &
University of Dhaka (DU). Dhaka, Bangladesh. Vulnerability Assessment (PGDMV)

Faculty of Sociology, University of Dhaka (DU). Dhaka, 2018 Masters of Sociology & Social Policy (MSSP)

Bangladesh Institute of Governance and Management (BIGM), 2019 Public Policy Analysis Courses
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Institute of Disaster Management & Vulnerability Assessment, 2023 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Role of
University of Dhaka (DU). Dhaka, Bangladesh. Farmers for Crop Typology Development in
Drought Prone Areas in the Context of
Climate Change in Bangladesh.

Training: Year Awarded

Public Policy Analysis-Organized by Bangladesh Institute of Governance and Management 2019 Certificate

Soil and Crops Mapping and Development of Crop Modeling- Organized by IWM 2015 Certificate

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) February 2012-Organized by CEGIS 2012 Certificate

Research and Study Design and Develop organized by DU & CDMP 2012 Certificate

Climate Change and Surface Water Irrigation Sustainability-organized by CEGIS 2012 Certificate

Value Chain Development between Farmers and Traders Organized by Helvetas-Swiss Inter 2010 Certificate
Cooperation, Bangladesh.

Public-Private Partnership Development- January – by Helvetas-Swiss Inter Cooperation, 2010 Certificate


Economic and Financial Assessment by BIGM 2019 Certificate

TOT on Upazila Business Membership Organization- Inter-Cooperation (IC), Bangladesh 2010 Certificate

TOT on Crop production, Cropping pattern, Crop Diversification, Crop Intensification, and Soil 2009 Certificate
Classification- ICCO, Bangladesh

TOT on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Resilience Agricultural Intervention-European 2009 Certificate
Commission, Bangladesh.

TOT on Community Development through Participatory Approaches –UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate

TOT on Strategic Planning and Project Management- UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate

TOT on Writing Skill for Sustainable Project Proposal- UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate

TOT on Guideline Preparation for Effective Project Implementation- UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate

TOT on Community Development through Participatory Approaches- UST, Bangladesh. 2009 Certificate

Beneficiary Mobilization Training under Jamuna-Meghna River Erosion Mitigation Project 2008 Certificate
(JMREMP) organized by BWDB-Funded by Asian Development Bank.

Beneficiary Mobilization Training under Small Scale Water Development Project organized by 2008 Certificate
LGED-Funded by Japan Bank of Inter-cooperation (JBIC)

WMOs/WMCAs Formation, Capacity Development, and Skill Development, Management & 2008 Certificate

Benchmark Survey, Monitoring & Evaluation Training under Urban Governance Infrastructure 2007 Certificate
Improvement Project (UGIIP) - organized by LGED and Funded by Asian Development Bank

Disaster management and preparedness training and risks analysis -organized by Oxfam-GB. 2003 Certificate

Seed Sowing, harvesting, and preservation techniques -organized by HKI, Bangladesh. 2002 Certificate

Agro-business development and Marketing -organized by Care-Bangladesh 2001 Certificate

Hybrid rice production techniques -organized by ACI Limited (Aug 1998) 2000 Certificate

Fertilizer dozes & application -organized by IFDC and BRAC (Jun 1998) 1999 Certificate
Soil testing & Kit-box use- organized by IFDC and BRAC -International 1998 Certificate

Employment Record Relevant to the Assignment:

March 2024 – Employer: Development Bangladesh Work with the clients of Bangladesh BWDB funded by the
To date Design Consultants World Bank.
(Intermittent Working on Climate Smart Agriculture with the
consultancy Position: Agriculture multidisciplinary team. Preparation of survey questionnaire
work) Specialist with mixed methods, methodology setting, preparation of
agriculture, social, and environmental checklists.
Reference Preparation of FGD & KII checklist. Conduction PRA using
Dr. Md. Azizur Rahman. PRA tools and techniques. Primary and secondary data
collection from different sources, household surveys,
Director, Water Resources stakeholder consultation, data validation and analysis, social
and Environment. and agriculture baseline survey, agricultural losses, causes
of loss, impact assessment of the project intervention,
identifying climate change adaptation options, Community-
[email protected]. led assessment and assessment of different prone areas
Phone: Off: ++880-2- (drought, flash flood, landslides & saline prone) of different
8822980 districts.

Provide services for agriculture & livelihood enhancement.

HHs survey from WMGs, facilitate for implementation of
agriculture extension services, prepare technical guidelines
& operation manual for agriculture extension services, EIGA
(employment & income generating activities), prepare M&E
tools for agriculture activities, IGA monitoring & evaluation
and impact assessment, training tools and materials
development and facilitation, coordination and collaboration
with different line agencies for implementation of agricultural
activities, prepare technical guidelines and operational
manual for new agricultural extension services. Assist line
officials with extension services. Annual work plan for skill,
capacity, agriculture, and IG activities. Facilitation for
refresher training for the field staff.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct

WMO’s capacity development activities. Provide technical
support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data
collection for economic and financial analyses.
Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for
agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for WMO capacity
Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture
extension services and income-generating activities for
Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools for agriculture
extension services and agriculture-related income
generating activities for WMOs and assist BWDB in
establishing monitoring and evaluation systems for
agriculture extension and agriculture-related income
generating activities.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income generating activities.
Coordination with DAE,PMO and SMO
Report preparation (inception, progress, DFR & final) and
presentation. Meeting, workshop, seminar.

March 2022 – Employer: Enviro Bangladesh Work with the clients of Bangladesh Railway, LGED, WASA,
To date Consultant Ltd. GTCL, PGCB, IMED, and BWDB funded by the World Bank,
ADB, and JICA.
(Intermittent Position: Senior Consultant
consultancy Worked with the multidisciplinary team.
work) Reference
Preparation of EoI & ToR, preparation of technical and
Dr. J. C. Shah financial project proposal, preparation of survey
Email: questionnaire with mixed methods, methodology setting,
[email protected] preparation of agriculture, social and environmental
checklists, preparation of FGD checklist, KII checklist,
Managing Director conduction PRA using PRA tools and methods. Primary and
secondary data collection from different sources, household
Phone: Off: +88 02 surveys, data validation, and analysis. Social and agriculture
8141439 baseline survey, SWOT analysis, resettlement action plans,
land acquisition and requisition, grievance readdress
mechanism, PAPs identification, impact assessment,
monitoring plan, enhancement plan, contingency plan for
agriculture and social. Mitigation measures for social,
economic, and agricultural losses. Preparation of guidelines,
manual for agricultural production. Value chain development
HVC crops. Report preparation and presentation. Meeting,
workshop, seminar.

September Employer: Institute of Bangladesh Worked with the clients of BWDB, BIWTA, BBA, BEPZA, and
2009 – To date Water Modelling (IWM) DAE funded by the World Bank, ADB, JICA, and JBIC.

(Intermittent Position: Agriculture Worked with the multidisciplinary team.

consultancy Expert/
work) Survey and study design and process. Baseline survey,
Agronomist (Consultant) feasibility study, EIA, mitigation measures, enhancement
plan, monitoring plans etc. Preparation of survey tools and
Reference methods. PRA tools (FGD, KII, Transect, Ven diagram,
Director: Coast, Post & observation, investigation, etc). preparation of FGD, and KII
Estuary Management checklists. Review literature and policy analysis. Social and
Division, IWM agricultural baseline survey, face-to-face farmer’s interview,
questionnaire survey, study design and development, and
Email: [email protected] policy analysis. SWOT analysis, preparation of
questionnaires (qualitative, quantitative, mixed), meetings,
Director: Irrigation
stakeholder consultation, FGD, KII, and small stakeholder
Management Division, IWM
and beneficiary meetings and workshops. Data collection
Email: [email protected] from primary and secondary sources, household survey
using audio clips and video clips, photos & and video for the
Director: River Engineering existing conditions, data entry, and analysis. Preparation of
Division, IWM social and agriculture checklists for soil, crops, vegetables,
poultry, livestock, fish, land, trees, land use patterns,
Email: [email protected]
cropping patterns, crop production technology &
Phone: Off: +88 02 implementation strategy. Feasibility study, assessment of
8827902, 8822105-6, future without project and future with project impact, cost and
8824590-1 benefit analysis, prediction of future improvement of social,
economic, and agriculture. market survey. Crop value chain
development. technology innovation for future improvement,
cost-benefit analysis, and environmental impact

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct

WMO’s capacity development activities. Provide technical
support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data
collection for economic and financial analyses.
Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for
agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for WMO capacity
Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture
extension services and income-generating activities for
Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools for agriculture
extension services and agriculture related income
generating activities for WMOs and assist BWDB in
establishing monitoring and evaluation systems for
agriculture extension and agriculture related income
generating activities.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities.
Coordination with DAE,PMO and SMO

Worked with the clients of LGED funded by ADB and JICA.

October’2021 Employer: SODEV Consult
Bangladesh Study design, and preparation of survey questionnaire.
– To date International Ltd.
Social & agriculture, as well as economic survey, conduct
different tools of PRA (participatory rural appraisal) of KII,
(Intermittent Position: Agriculture FGD agriculture mapping, crop production constraints,
consultancy Expert/Consultant problem solution, irrigation sources mapping, irrigation
work) (intermittent) constraints, and irrigation availability mapping and prediction
for improvement of water resources, increase crop
Reference: Managing production and findings of works for the new projects. Land
Director use pattern, land type, soil texture, cropping pattern,
SODEV cropping intensity, crop production, yield, cost, identification
of crop production constraints, market survey & linkage, and
Email: suggestions for future improvement of production systems.
[email protected] Cost-benefit analysis. Economic and financial analysis of
crops, vegetables, and livestock.
Phone: Off: +88 02
58813945 Feasibility study and data collection. PAPs identification and
viability of new project design for improving crop production
by surface water development initiatives.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct

WUG’s capacity development activities. Provide technical
support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data
collection for economic and financial analyses.
Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for
agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for WUG’s capacity
Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture
extension services and income-generating activities for
Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools for agriculture
extension services and agriculture related income
generating activities for WMOs and assist BWDB in
establishing monitoring and evaluation systems for
agriculture extension and agriculture related income
generating activities.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities.
Coordination with DAE,PMO and SMO

Worked with the multidisciplinary team & funding agency


Working with Small Scale Water Resource Development

(SSWRDP) project phase-2 of Local Government and
Engineering Department (LGED). Study design and
development. Review literature and policy analysis. Primary
data collection by questionnaire survey, using audio clips
and video clips, photo collection for the existing scenario,
Employer: Centre for
data entry, and analysis. Cost and benefit analysis.
Resource & Development
Feasibility study with a socio-economic survey for additional
Studies (CRDS)
works for the improvement of all existing sub-projects for
Position: Agriculture establishing the new projects. Conduct different tools of PRA
August 2020 – Specialist/Consultant (participatory rural appraisal) of KII, FGD, face-to-face
September’20 (intermittent) farmer’s interview, questionnaire survey, household survey,
21 resettlement action plans, land acquisition, and requisition,
Reference: Managing Bangladesh grievance readdress mechanism, and PAPs.
(Intermittent Director
work) CRDS
Feasibility study and data collection for the viability of new
Email: [email protected] project design for improving crop production by surface water
development initiatives. Business planning and market
Phone: Off: +88 02
demand assessment along with value chain development,
data collection, analysis, data gathering of crop, livestock &
fisheries, agriculture, and fish firm practices, yield & and
market demand analysis, and production. Assess community
livelihood patterns.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and

conduct WUG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of
IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic
and financial analyses.
Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for
agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for WUG’s capacity
Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture
extension services and income-generating activities for
Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools for agriculture
extension services and agriculture related income
generating activities for WMOs and assist BWDB in
establishing monitoring and evaluation systems for
agriculture extension and agriculture related income
generating activities.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities.
Coordination with DAE,PMO and SMO

Community-based agricultural value chain development

project. Analysis and evaluation of past Community-Based
Adaptation (CBA).

Review literature and policy analysis. Study design &

development, checklist for FGD & KII, agricultural and socio-
economic survey, market survey, demographic survey, data
collection, analysis, data gathering of crop & livestock
production, processing (Pre-& post-harvest), packaging and
marketing, identification of vegetable producer and random
sampling for questionnaire survey for collection data and
information about agricultural activities (production,
processing, harvesting) practices(technology), consumption
(food taking pattern), nutritional status and market linkages,
Survey of farm household (targeted & non-targeted),
Aggregators (commission agent), Aratders, retailers,
wholesalers (local & distance), producers, traders, retailers
and wholesaler survey, livelihood pattern survey, analysis
Employer: Knowledge output, outcome and impact for project implementation,
Management & Consultants Identify food system in the project area, impact assessment
Pvt. Ltd. (KMC) for future without project (FWOP) and future with project
(FWIP), assess community livelihood pattern, livelihood plan
Position: Team and development, requirement, deployment and training for
Leader/Consultant the Field staff, collaboration with Local level NGOs, CBOs,
July’ 2019 to (intermittent) companies and agencies, information dissemination, training
and workshop, identify local entrepreneurs and development
Reference: Managing Bangladesh
(Intermittent initiatives, training need assessment for capacity building,
consultancy development of public-private initiatives, design for crop
work) KMC suitability as per market demand, AEZ, soil, land type, crop
production, yield, cost and market demand analysis, climate
Email: change, technology innovation, irrigation availability, service
[email protected] providers, identifying and selection of criteria for standard
commodity and marketing grade, increase access to market
Phone: Off: +88 02
information with in the project area, preparation viable
business plans and model and improving market information
system for value chain development, increase access to
financial services to the producers and traders,
strengthening higher ends of market value chain, develop
maintain the relationship among stakeholders, producers,
traders, retailers, wholesalers, private sectors and value
chain actors, identifying opportunities for value chain
development of targeted value chain, emerging market
conditions for agricultural and rural development, identifying
causes & opportunities, cross-border, local, regional,
national level and international trade procedures, market
information system and quality standards, initiatives for
(quality & quantity) productivity & profitability of producers,
farm holders, formation of different groups & organizations
(producer, trader, commission agent, retailer, wholesaler) for
value chain development identify the extension services for
quality extension services and advisory services, market
information system develop and strengthen for better value
chain establishment, enhance private sector engagement to
making & processing of targeted value chain products &
other key opportunities, review policy and acts for production
and value chain development, upgradation of value chain for
crops, vegetables, fruits and livestock productivity and
profitability, designing and establishing demonstration plots
and dissemination activities(non-conventional) for good
agricultural practices (GAP) for value chain development of
productive commodities, coordinate and collaborate with
government relevant government agencies, NGOs, CBOs
engaging and working together for development (agriculture
& non-agriculture) and value chain development, identify
potential livelihood opportunity, facilitate training for skill
development, employment and income generation,
agricultural production and market value chain development,
develop entrepreneurship both male and female.

January’ 2018- Employer: Helvetas Swiss Bangladesh Training course design and development. Module and
June’2019 Inter-Cooperation. manual preparation and training facilitation. Training report
preparation and evaluation responsible for reviewing existing
(Intermittent Position: Training training modules, preparation training modules, training
consultancy Consultant tools, and technique design and development. Training
work) materials developed (BCC, IEC). Training course design,
Reference: Project
Coordinator training conduction. Training facilitation for Zila, Upazila
agricultural related government officials, business persons,
Email: [email protected] middleman and farmers. Training monitoring (progress&
process), training g evaluation and short & long-term impact
Phone: Off: +88 02 assessment. Preparation of report.
180 upazilas of Bangladesh. Ensuring improved access to
local government services for the farmer. Samitee/
organization formation, Public-Private Partnership
development (PPP) mechanisms, develop networking cross-
sectoral trader’s associations with the farmers, develop their
capacity including farmers group (formal and informal group)
and advocate with public extension agencies for addressing
different farming problems, cross-cutting trading
opportunities between upazila, zila base trading
associations, and rural farmers. Improving the network
system of line agencies for good service delivery to rural
farmers. Market linkage development, Agricultural value
chain or supply chain identification, and development.
Promoting public-private initiatives (PPI) among the
government line agencies, traders, and, farmers. Capacity
development of line agencies officials, traders, and farm
holders. and influencing establishing the PPI.

January’2016- Employer: Development of Bangladesh Worked with a multidisciplinary team.

December’2017 the Rural Poor (DORP)
Review literature and policy analysis. Involved with the
(Intermittent Position: Deputy Team project Gas pipeline installation of GTCL, ILRP (income &
consultancy Leader/ Consultant livelihood project) of Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA) for
work) resettlement, safeguard, income & income and livelihoods,
Reference: agricultural (crop, fish, fruit, irrigation) baseline survey, social
CEO and economic study. Study design and develop for
Resettlement Plan (RP),
Email: [email protected]
AEZ, Soil, land type, land use pattern, cropping pattern, crop
Phone: Off: +88 02 production (cost, yield), agricultural extension services,
8059684 technology, market demand assessment, market linkage
and accessibility, landholding, PAPs identification, fish
production (yield, cost) and practices, assessment of value
chain and supply chain.

Identification of PAPs and random sampling for

questionnaire survey for collecting data and information
about agricultural activities (production, processing,
harvesting), practices(technology), consumption (food taking
pattern), nutritional status, and market linkages.
Analyze the socio-economic condition of PAPs, reflect on the
actual field condition of PAPs, analyze the mode of payment
and another matrix, complete the matrix for compensation
and their loss, series of public consultation, analyze the
grievance redress mechanism, assess the project affected
people, report preparation, organize workshop and seminar.

October’ 2014- Employer: Project Director Bangladesh Community-led climate change adaptation project. Worked
December’ of WMIP-BWDB with a multidisciplinary team.
Position: Social Review literature and policy analysis. Agricultural (crop, fruit,
(Consultancy Mobilization Specialist/ fish, poultry, livestock) baseline survey, social and economic
work) Consultant study. Study design and development. Cost & benefit
analysis. PRA for Situation analysis, Agricultural mapping
Reference (crop, fish, livestock), Transect, Social mapping, well-being
Project Director, Water analysis, FGD, KII, checklist, and large group discussion.
Management Improvement Agricultural (crop, fruit, fish, livestock) baseline survey.
Project, BWDB Land type, soil, irrigation, land use pattern, cropping pattern,
Email: irrigation practices. crop yield and cost, fish production, and
[email protected] market linkage. Assessment of agricultural practices (crop,
fish, livestock) and assessment of non-agricultural practices.
Phone: Off: +88 028100452 Market linkage. Assessment of Future without project
(FWOP) & Future with the project (FWIP). Market linkage

Community mobilization for organizing Water Management

Group (WMG) and creation of alternative livelihood
development options. Value chain development & market
assessment. Crop suitability mapping. Provide training for
organizational and institutional capacity building formation as
well as their capacity building to perform Operation and
Management (O&M) of structural and non-structural
activities and improve their livelihoods by using water
resources and their management. Facilitate stakeholder
participation in the community mobilization steps of the PSM
cycle and assist the institutional building of Water
Management Organizations (WMOs). Facilitate mass-level
motivational and information campaigns with stakeholders at
the scheme/ subproject level.

Preparation module for providing capacity, leadership, and

skill development training for WMG committee members and
general members. Prepare for constitutional guidelines/bye-
laws of the WMO (WMG, WMA) and initiate registration by
the Department of Registration.
Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct
WMG’s capacity development activities. Provide technical
support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data
collection for economic and financial analyses.
Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for
agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for WUG’s capacity
Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture
extension services and income-generating activities for
Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools for agriculture
extension services and agriculture related income
generating activities for WMOs and assist BWDB in
establishing monitoring and evaluation systems for
agriculture extension and agriculture related income
generating activities.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities.
Coordination with DAE,PMO and SMO
October’2011- Employer: Centre for Bangladesh
December’ Environmental and
2014 Geographic Information Worked with the clients Climate Change Trust Funds of
Services (CEGIS). BWDB, CDMP, UNDP, DoF, GTCL, PGCB, Power Plant,
(Regular job) WASA, and DAE funded by the World Bank, ADB, UNDP,
Position: Agronomist/ FAO.
Survey design and development. Preparation of survey
questionnaire, PRA, KII and FGD checklists.

Reference: Review literature and policy analysis. Identification project

concept (environmental screening), agriculture and social
Director, Social & survey questionnaire development, IEE and EIA study,
Agriculture Division, CEGIS baseline, scoping, bounding, field investigation, feedback
Email: and improve the project, baseline study on agriculture,
[email protected] social, economic and environment, Data & information
collection. Data processing, data compilation, and analysis.
Phone: Off: +88 02 The present availability of DAE or extension services,
8817648-52, 88028821570- Preparation of Crop Suitability Map. Market survey, Training,
1 workshop and baseline report preparation, select important
environmental components (IECs), Resettlement action
plans, PAPs identification. Land acquisition and requisition
plans, impact assessment, evaluation of impact,
environmental mitigation measures, environmental
management plan, Environmental impact assessment,
identifying important environmental components,
environmental management plan, contingency plans,
monitoring cost & plans, and environmental mitigation

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct

WMG’s capacity development activities. Provide technical
support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data
collection for economic and financial analyses.
Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for
agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for WMG’s capacity
Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture
extension services and income-generating activities for
Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools for agriculture
extension services and agriculture related income
generating activities for WMOs and assist BWDB in
establishing monitoring and evaluation systems for
agriculture extension and agriculture related income
generating activities.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities.
Coordination with DAE,PMO and SMO

October 2010- Employer: Unnayan Bangladesh

September Shohojogy Team (UST)
2011 Clients of UNDP, ICCO, EU.
Position: Project Manager
(Regular job) Agricultural, social, and economic baseline survey, social
Reference: and economic study. study design and development FGD,
KII, stakeholder meeting, workshop.
Executive Director
Group formation and organization. Community-based
UST adaptation options identification, community-based strategic
Email: [email protected] plan, and action.

Phone: Off: +88 02 Team building and good networking with others (NGOs,
8129429 CBOs, government agencies). Managing the project team.
Managing the project risk. ensuring significant outcomes
(output & result). capacity and skill development training,
identifying the climate change options and livelihood
development strategies. Crop selection based on soil and
weather patterns, innovation, technology dissemination,
organised training, plot demonstration, agriculture fair and
fruit tree improvement.
Reporting, and preparing project Concept notes. Prepare
sustainable project proposal.

October 2008- Employer: Unnayan Bangladesh Overall responsible for training course design and
September Shohojogy Team (UST) implementation to build the capacity of staff and community
2010 people. Develop tools for Training Need Assessment (TNA).
Position: Coordinator Module, materials (IEC, BCC), and Schedule development.
(Regular job) (training & education) Prepare annual training budget. Prepare yearly training
Reference: calendar. Training curriculum design and development,
training methods, and tools development. Training modules
Executive Director and manual preparation. Training Implementation,
Budgeting for training implementation. Organize & facilitate
training, training progress monitoring and impact evaluation,
Email: [email protected] workshops, and other activities. Conduction ToT. Develop
facilitator group and materials. Plan for proper utilization of
Phone: Off: +88 02 training funds. Monitoring ongoing training and impact
8129429 evaluation. Reporting & Communication. Timely compile
training report. Prepare monthly, quarterly, and yearly
training reports. Training conduction and facilitation

October 2007- Employer: Resource Bangladesh Worked with LGED for Climate change adaptation project.
September Planning and Management Community-led and participatory approach, coping
2008 Consultants Pvt. Ltd. strategies.
(Regular job)
Position: Participatory
Development & Community Review literature and policy analysis. Agricultural (crop, fruit,
Organization Consultant fish, livestock) baseline survey. Study design and
development, collect information on socio-economic
Director conditions/characteristics in the study/project areas. Review
existing policies and guidelines on beneficiary groups and
Reference: RPMC user committees of rural infrastructure development.
Analyze capacity development and support measures for
vulnerable groups in existing rural infrastructure &
Email: [email protected] community-led development projects. Review the function
and structure of beneficiary groups and user committees of
Phone: Off: +88 02
rural infrastructure and community development in the target
9881708 areas. Collect data and information (agriculture livestock,
social & economic) necessary for the development.

Provide research assistance to the international consultant


Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct

WUG’s capacity development activities. Provide technical
support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data
collection for economic and financial analyses.
Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for
agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for WUG’s capacity
Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture
extension services and income-generating activities for
Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools for agriculture
extension services and agriculture related income
generating activities for WMOs and assist LGED in
establishing monitoring and evaluation systems for
agriculture extension and agriculture related income
generating activities.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities.
Coordination with DAE and PMO.

Prepare Guideline and policy for Market Management

Committee (MMC) and Labor Contacting Societies (LCS).
Made strategies for socio-economic development for
vulnerable groups and ethnic minorities in the project/ study
areas. Review the project and redesign for executed new
October 2006- Employer: Resource Bangladesh Review literature and policy analysis. Agricultural baseline
September Planning and Management (crop, fish, livestock) survey, social and economic study.
2007 Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Study design and development. Policy analysis. Identify the
(RPMC) gross area jurisdiction of the proposed WMCS. Market
(Regular job) survey and assessment. Agricultural value chain
Position: Beneficiary development. Conduction of awareness-raising meetings at
Mobilization Specialist/ different locations in the WMCS jurisdiction. Prepare the list
Consultant. of land owners/users, fishermen, and other stakeholders.
Reference: Prepare and submit papers/documents to DOC for
registration. Collect data and information about AEZ, land
Managing Director type, soil texture, crop and fish production, cost yield,
fertilizers, pesticide& insecticide, and irrigation. Market
linkage development. Agricultural value chain & supply chain
Email: [email protected] assessment.

Phone: Off: +88 02 Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct
9881708 WUG’s capacity development activities. Provide technical
support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data
collection for economic and financial analyses.
Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for
agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for WUG’s capacity
Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture
extension services and income-generating activities for
Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools for agriculture
extension services and agriculture related income
generating activities for WMOs and assist LGED in
establishing monitoring and evaluation systems for
agriculture extension and agriculture related income
generating activities.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities.
Coordination with DAE and PMO.

Training and facilitation, workshop and meeting conduction.

Established wide-scale Water Management Committees

(WMCs) and registered with them legally from the
Directorate of Social Welfare and Social Service.

October 2005- Employer: Resource Bangladesh Review literature and policy analysis. Responsible for Socio-
September Planning and Management economic study. Survey design and questionnaire survey.
2006 Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Policy analysis. Agriculture, Social and economic survey,
(RPMC) supervision of enumerator’s works, and conduction of survey
(Regular job) works covering forty (40) Pourashavas under the Project of
Position: Junior Sociologist/ UGIIP. Identification of PAPs. Survey work includes the
Consultant. preparation of a survey questionnaire both in English and
Reference: Director Bengali, a Checklist, Survey guidelines for Enumerators;
data collection from Pourashava and slum areas on socio-
RPMC economic conditions, agriculture, fish, livestock, health and
nutrition, infrastructure, drainage and sanitation, hygiene,
Email: [email protected] education, income generation activities, credit, women
Phone: Off: +88 02 situation, etc. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Focus
9881708 Group Discussion, and individual counselling. Analysis
collects data and preparation of broad and tabulation sheets.
Organize enumerators and their works; assist enumerators
in their problems. Report preparation and presentation.
Identifying and accessibility loans for community people,
market linkage, and value chain assessment. Identifying
different service providers and developing linkage. Also
acting as administrator of the survey team and assisting
study Team Leader in report preparation

January’2005- Employer: Resource Bangladesh Review literature, and policy analysis. The subprojects under
September Planning and Management SSWRDSP-I have been implemented to undertake
2005 Consultants Pvt. Ltd. improvement on water management, drainage, and irrigation
(RPMC) to increase production in agriculture and fisheries, and
(Regular job) generate income and employment, thereby contributing to an
Position: Agriculture & overall reduction in poverty in the subproject areas.
Community Development Agriculture, social and economic survey. RAP, LAP
Specialist/ Consultant preparation. PAPs identification.

Reference: Managing
Managing Director
Feasibility study for agricultural, and socio-economic
RPMC aspects. Agricultural Baseline survey (crop, fruit, fish,
livestock). Cost & benefit analysis. To increase agricultural
Email: [email protected] production and farmers’ income by providing infrastructure
Phone: Off: +88 02 for small-scale water resources management, providing agri-
9881708 business-related facilities /equipment and rural
infrastructures, and training and technical support to Water
Management Cooperative Associations (WMCAs). Market
survey and develop market linkage. Assessment of value
chain and supply chain.

Prepare survey questionnaire, meeting, stakeholder

consultation, FGD, KII, primary and secondary data and
information collection.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct

WMCS’s capacity development activities. Provide technical
support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data
collection for economic and financial analyses.
Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for
agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for WMCSs capacity
Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture
extension services and income-generating activities for
Prepare monitoring and evaluation tools for agriculture
extension services and agriculture related income
generating activities for WMOs and assist BWDB in
establishing monitoring and evaluation systems for
agriculture extension and agriculture related income
generating activities.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities.
Coordination with DAE and PMO.
Assess soil texture, land type, soil association, AEZ, cropping
pattern, inputs, fertilizer, pest-insect, irrigation, agricultural
practices and services, value chain, and market assessment.
Crop losses, drainage congestion, lack of irrigation facilities,
flooding, and property losses estimate the costs of sub-project
components. Provide research assistance to the international
consultant team and assist in the formation of WMCAs.

January 2000- Employer: Helen Keller Bangladesh Program design and development. Project execution and
December’2004 International (HKI) implementation. Monitoring and evaluation. Agricultural
(crop, vegetables, fruit, fishery, livestock) Agriculture, social
(Regular job) Position: Field Coordinator and economic baseline survey, community people livelihood
Reference: Program assessment, market linkage, and value chain assessment.
Coordinator Prediction for future improvement of agriculture production,
increased nutritional status, market demand, and value chain
Email: [email protected] development. Training and capacity development for
increasing agricultural production in mainland and char land
Phone: Off: + 882 3465,
of Poor and marginal fam holders. Awareness building for
882 3494. using local resources (land, seeds, fertilizer, assets). Ensure
livelihood and creation of alternative livelihood options for a
better life using agriculture. Innovation (techniques &
technology) and value chain development. Empowered
women’s participation in the decision-making process.
Reduce child mortality and nutritional deficiency of both
mother and child in mainland and Char areas. Established
poultry, fish, and livestock farms and developed market
linkage and ensuing value chain mechanisms.
October 1998- Employer: Care Bangladesh Agricultural, a social and economic survey in the project
December1999 Bangladesh area. Program design, development, and implementation.
Assisting the program coordinator and executive director in
(Regular job) Position: Technical Officer the overall planning and implementation of the project and
Reference: Program ensuring qualitative implementation of project activities in the
Coordinator field. Specific inputs were provided for the training of targeted
farmers and entrepreneurs for increasing agriculture and
Email: [email protected] social capital, training needs assessment. Improve farming
technologies, preparing training materials, programme
Phone: Off: + 8802 882
monitoring, and evaluation mechanism. Participation in field
3494 programme monitoring, re-planning, and re-designing of
training material and modules. Monitoring professional
liaison with the concerned counterparts and other related
officials to build up a strong relationship. Maintaining,
technical standards of the project including problem
identification and decision-making activities in the project
area. Responsible for all technical assistance and
supervision of the farmer’s field. Identification of the
problems of value chain development and market linkage.
Ensure effective planning and implementation of project
activities through PRA and PLA.

October’1996- Employer: Brac- Bangladesh Assisting the regional manager and zonal sector specialist in
September International the overall planning and implementation of the agricultural
‘1998 project and ensuring qualitative implementation of project
Position: Regional Sector activities in the field. Preparation of tools and processes for
(Regular job) Specialist (RSS) project planning and implementation. Agriculture and social
Reference: Executive survey by using PRA tools and questionnaires. Improve
Director, BRAC farming technologies, preparing training materials,
programme monitoring, and evaluation mechanism. Training
Email: [email protected] facilitation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
Programme monitoring and evaluation. re-planning and re-
Phone: Off: +8802 884180- designing of training. Market linkage establishment and
value chain development.

Maintaining, technical standards of the project including

problem identification and decision-making activities in the
project area. Report preparation and presentation.

Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):

Language Speaking Reading Writing

Bengali Native Native Native

English Excellent Excellent Excellent

Detailed Tasks Reference to Prior Work / Assignments that Best Illustrate Capability to Handle the Assigned
Assigned on Tasks:
Consultant’s Team of

● Reconnaissance Name of assignment or project: Design & Construction Supervision for Climate-Smart Agriculture
visit and Water Management (CSAWM) Project.
● Guidelines and Year: October’2023 to May’2024 (Intermittent service 8 months)
● Project monitoring, Location(s): Different districts in Bangladesh.
evaluation & impact Client: BWDB funded by ADB
● IEE, ESIA of soil, Firm: Development Design Consultants Ltd
irrigation, market Main project features: Climate change resilient and adaptation option identification and selection
assessment, value for climate smart agriculture. Assessment of Agriculture and socio-economic conditions.
● Liaison with DAE, Position Held: Agriculture Specialist
● Identify the present
agriculture and
irrigation Activities Performed:
requirements and
 Review past report, documents.
assess future
 Reconnaissance visits of the project area.
irrigation and
 Baseline survey, past and existing situation analysis and future prediction for
production needs.
 Identification of farmers and community-based institutions.
● Identify the needs of
stakeholders, and  Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMCS’s capacity
provide inputs for development activities.
developing and  Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection
conducting for economic and financial analyses.
WMOs/WMCSs  Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
capacity services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMCSs
development capacity development;
programs.  Agriculture and social survey (community livelihoods, climate resilient variety, copping/
● Provide technical adaptive mechanisms)
inputs, including  Data collection and analysis.
data for economic  Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture extension services and
and financial income-generating activities for WMCSs;
analyses.  Recommendations and suggestions.
● Prepare technical Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the
guidelines and implementation of agriculture extension services and agriculture related
operation manuals income generating activities. Coordination with DAE and PMO.
for agriculture  Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
extension and  Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for
support services adaptation and coping mechanisms.
and agriculture-  Preparation of monitoring and evaluation report.
related income-
generating activities Name of assignment or project: Conversion of Metre Gauge to Dual Gauge Rail line from
for WMO, s capacity Parbatipur to Kaunia.
● Review & update, if Year:July’2023- September’ 2023 (Intermittent service 3 months)
necessary, the
overall work plan for Main project features: Agriculture and socio-economic conditions, with PAPs identification and
agriculture institutional development as well as the benefit & and impact with ESIA of the proposed project.
extension support
services and Position Held: Agriculture and Social Expert
Location(s): Rangpur and Dinajpur Districts
activities for WMOs;
● Prepare monitoring Client: Department of Bangladesh Railway funded by the Indian Government
& evaluation forms
for agriculture Firm: Enviro-Consultant with Development Design Consultants Ltd.
extension and
support services Activities Performed:
and agriculture-
related income-  Reconnaissance visits for selection of subprojects.
generating activities  Preparation of guidelines for the conduction of PRA.
for WMOs and  Identification of PAPs and preparation of survey guidelines.
assist BWDB in  Preparation of agriculture and social survey questionnaire.
establishing  Preparation of social and agriculture reports.
monitoring & and  Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with field-based NGOs, CBOs, and relevant
evaluation systems government agencies for women empowerment, agriculture and social development,
for agriculture and agri-business development.
extension and  Baseline survey, past and existing situation analysis and future prediction for
agriculture-related improvement.
income-generating  ESIA, EMP with contingency and enhancement plan preparation.
activities;  Preparation of monitoring and evaluation report.
● Support the
establishment & and Name of assignment or project: Small Scale Water Resources Development Project (SSWRDP-
strengthening of a phase-II).
coordination and
Year: June’ 2022- June’2023 (Intermittent service 12 months)
system for the Location(s): All over the country
implementation of
agriculture Client: LGED and funded by JICA
extension and
support services Firm: SODEV Consult In’t Ltd.
and agriculture-
related income- Main project features: Modern agricultural production situations, fisheries resources, environmental
generating activities conditions, water resource management, socio-economic conditions, and institutional development
among BWDB and and capacity building of WUGs as well as the benefit & impact of the proposed project.
● Ensure Position Held: Agriculture Specialist
coordination with
DAE, PMU and Activities Performed:
 Reconnaissance visits for selection of subprojects.
 Preparation of guidelines for the conduction of PRA
 PRA and Feasibility study.
 Preparation of PRA reports.
 Preparation of Feasibility Report.
 Identification of water resources, crops, vegetables, poultry and livestock
 SWOT analysis.
 Agriculture and social survey (soil, crop, vegetables, fruits, trees, social conditions)
 Financial and economic analysis of crops, vegetables, poultry and livestock fruits.
 Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with field-based NGOs, CBOs, and relevant
government agencies for women empowerment, agricultural development, and agri-
business development.
 Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMCS’s capacity
development activities.
 Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection
for economic and financial analyses.
 Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMCSs
capacity development;
 Agriculture and social survey (community livelihoods, climate resilient variety, copping/
adaptive mechanisms)
 Data collection and analysis.
 Review and update the overall work plan for agriculture extension services and
income-generating activities for WMCSs;
 Recommendations and suggestions.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the
implementation of agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income generating activities. Coordination with DAE and PMO.
 Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
 Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for
adaptation and coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or Project: Supervision and monitoring for dredging impact, surface water
irrigation assessment, crop production, farming practices, and environmental impact for crop,
vegetables & and fruit production, and supply chain and value chain assessment.

Year: May’’2019- May’2022(Intermittent service 36 months)

Location(s): Mymensingh, Dhaka, Sylhet, Rangpur, Chattagram, Khulna, Rajshahi, Bariishal.

Client: Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) and funded by the World Bank.

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)

Main project features: Supervision for dredging activities of rivers for smooth navigation & and
irrigation improvement for agricultural and livelihoods improvement, market value chain
assessment, and irrigation improvement along with improvement of transportation facilities for
human and agricultural commodities using Mathematical Modelling including Environmental and
Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Position Held: Agriculture Expert

Activities Performed:

Survey and study design and development, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection
and analysis of existing social and agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern,
Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation
facilities and area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock), age,
literature, income, occupation, vulnerability. Monitoring (process monitoring & and progress
monitoring) and evaluation. Comparative study between past & and present agricultural and social.
The future prediction level of agriculture, social, environmental, and economic feasibility.
Assessment of the present social and agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns,
crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater),
type of production constraints (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production
technology, yield), cost & and benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& and
insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & and variety of crops, fruits,
vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage,
market value assessment, income, population etc. Evaluate and impact the agricultural, social and
economic, assess the benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Impact
assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions, identification
of farm households, identification of PAPs, identification of alternative livelihood options for the
PAPs, environmental assessment, selection of valued environmental components, mitigation
measure and mitigation plans, and monitoring plans.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMO’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMO’s capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or Project: Feasibility Study for Establishing the Linkage of the Upper
Bhairab River with the Mathabanga River for restoration of Dry Season Flow using Mathematical
Modelling including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).

Year: March’2018-April’2019(Intermittent service 14 months)

Location(s): Southwest region of Bangladesh within Kustia, Chuadanga, Jhinaida, and Jessore

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) funded by ADB

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)

Main Project Features: Study for dredging impact on the agricultural production practices and
market value chain and improvement of surface water irrigation facilities in the dry season and
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
Position Held: Agriculture Specialist

Activities Performed:

Survey and study design and development, preparation of survey and study questionnaire,
collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern,
Irrigated area, a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of surface water
irrigation, and farming practices. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry,
livestock). Comparative study between past and present agriculture and level of production with
the feature assessment and the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility.
Assessment of the present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production
based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of
production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), and assessment of crop growth
stages. Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
patterns, soil fertility, pest & and insect, mode of irrigation, farm households, service providers,
availability of inputs, type & and variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, livestock population and power
draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment,
agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water salinity assessment,
assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements
for crops. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of
post-project conditions from that without the project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability
of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and
technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop
calendars, technology innovation, etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of PAPs and identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs. Training,
workshop, and report preparation. Impact assessment of dumping of dredging spoils, irrigation
area expansion impact, environmental assessment, mitigation measure, and mitigation plans.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or Project: Seven Rivers Route environmental & and social impact
assessment for construction and engineering interventions and dredging impacts for the
communication of agricultural commodities and agriculture production.

Year: September’2017-February’2018(Intermittent service 06 months)

Location(s): Dhaka, Munshiganj, Gojaria, Chandpur, Chattagram, Barishal, Narshingdi,

Marichkandi, Salimganj, Banchhararampur, Shantol, Ashuganj, Shariotpur, Lakshmipur, Bhola,
Homna, Beduria, Laharhat,

Client: Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) funded by the World Bank

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)

Main Project Features: Study for dredging location of the rivers for smooth navigation and ensuring
water flow in the Dry season. Select dredged spoil dumping location, Select a location for vessel
terminal establishment, environmental and social management plans, mitigation plans,
compensation plans, and monitoring plans. Agricultural and livelihoods development and
improvement, market value chain assessment, and irrigation improvement along with improvement
of transportation facilities for human and agricultural commodities using Mathematical Modelling
including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Position Held: Social and Agriculture Specialist

Activities Performed:

Survey and study design and development, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection
and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated
area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and
area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study
between present agriculture and level of production with the feature and assess the project's social,
environmental, and economic feasibility. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with the
area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation
availability (surface & groundwater), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash
flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping
patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type
& variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market
accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend
analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water salinity assessment, assessment of crop
growth stages, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water
requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits
of post-project conditions from that of the without project. Review literature, policy analysis,
availability of extension and services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendars, technology innovations, etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
and identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs. Select valued environmental
components, mitigation measures, and mitigation plans.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or Project: PRA and feasibility study for need assessment of additional
works for the improvement of crop production through surface water irrigation and assessment of
public demand for viability/feasibility for the new project and improving crop production and
reducing poverty and food insecurity water resources development.

Year: August ’2020-September2021(Intermittent service 8 months)

Location(s): Sylhet, Rangpur divisions

Client: Local Government and Engineering Department (LGED) funded by JICA.

Firm: Centre for Resource Development Studies (CRDS)

Main Project Features: Feasibility study along with PRA activities of the existing and new projects
for improving the productivity of crops and domestic consumption and fisheries development by
proper water resource management with development market linkage.

Position Held: Social and Agriculture Specialist

Activates Performed:

Survey and study design and development, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection
and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated
area, a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, crop growth stages, scarcity of
irrigation facilities and area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry,
livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the feature
and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the
soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production
constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield),
cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation,
service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value
chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water
salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future
water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock)
benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review literature, policy analysis,
availability of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendars, technology innovations, etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
and identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs. Formulation of the user group and
by-laws and provide training.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity
development activities. Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips.
Data collection for economic and financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and
operation manuals for agriculture extension services and agriculture-related income-
generating activities for WMGs capacity development. Establish and strengthen the
coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination with DAE
and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report. Coordination,
supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and coping

Name of assignment or Project: Feasibility Study for Dredging/Re-excavation and Ensuring Dry
season Irrigation facilities for improvement of crop production including Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Year: November’2016-October’2017(Intermittent service 8 Months)

Location(s): Comilla Adarsha Sadar, Comilla Sadar Daskin, Burichang, Debidwar, Muradnagar,
Brahmmanpara, Upazilas in Comilla District and Rural areas of Bangladesh.

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) funded by ADB

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)

Main Project Features: Study for dredging for smooth drainage and ensuring dry season Irrigation
facilities for more agricultural production and food security.

Position Held: Social and Agriculture Specialist

Activities Performed:

Survey and study design and development, preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection
and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated
area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and
area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock) and crop growth
stage. Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the feature and
assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility. Assessment of the present
agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil type,
fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production constraints, farming
practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil
fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of
crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility &
linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water
demand assessment, soil, and water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water
consumption and prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural
(crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post-project conditions from that without the
project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services, and crop suitability
mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture
benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendars, technology innovation, etc. Impact
assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market
assessment, identification of fishermen, identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs,
impact, environmental assessment, mitigation measure, and mitigation plans.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or Project: Monitoring of Sedimentation, Salinity, Tide & Flood in Kobadak
River System & TRM Basin for improving crop production.

Year: August’2015-January’2018(Intermittent service12 Months)

Location(s): Taherpur (at Chaugacha upazila in Jessore district) to Niamotkati (at Syamnagar
upazila in Satkhira district) and Rural area of Bangladesh.

Project Features: Salinity, water logging, sediment, agriculture constraints, and improvement.

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB). funded by ADB.

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)

Position Held: Agronomist

Activities Performed: Survey and study design and development, preparation of survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish,
poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the
feature and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility. Assessment of
the present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the
soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production
constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield),
cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation,
service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value
chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water
salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future
water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock)
benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review literature, policy analysis,
availability of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendars, technology innovations, etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs, assist the study team in holding
seminars, and workshops;

To assist the study team in the Preparation of maps for workshops and reports etc and the
development of database software and finally environmental impact assessment and mitigation
plan for agriculture

Name of assignment or Project: Study for Upgrading and Rehabilitation of Projects with ESIA.

Year: August’2015-October’2017 (Intermittent service 18 Months)

Location(s): Hathazari, Rangunia, Rauzan, Boalkhali and fatikchari Upazilas in Chittagong and
Rural area of Bangladesh.

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) funded by the World Bank.

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)

Main Project Features: Study for Upgrading and Rehabilitation of Irrigation Project and Irrigation
Improvement for more crop production and food security.

Position Held: Agronomist

Activities Performed: Survey and study design and development, preparation of survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish,
poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the
feature and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility. Assessment of
the present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop production based on
the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production
constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield),
cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation,
service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value
chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water
salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future
water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock)
benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review literature, policy analysis,
availability of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendars, technology innovations, etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs, Impact assessment of dumping of
dredging/earthen spoils, irrigation area expansion impact, environmental assessment, mitigation
measure, and mitigation plans.
Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.
Name of assignment or Project Feasibility study for the Re-excavation of Titas River (Upper) under
Brahmanbaria District.

Year: March’2013-May’2015(Intermittent input 12 Months)

Location(s): The Titas River (upper) from the Meghna River (upper) at Azabpur in Sarail Upazilla
and flows through Nasirnagar, Brahmanbaria Sadar and Akhaura Upazillas, and finally falls again
in the Meghna River (upper) in Upazilla Nabinagar of Brahmanbaria District and Rural area of
Bangladesh and ESIA.

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) funded by ADB.

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)

Main Project Features: Agriculture, socio-economic and environmental assessment for a feasibility
study for navigation, flood control and drainage improvement for agricultural development, food
security and water resource management.

Position Held: Agriculture Specialist

Activities Performed: Survey and study design and development, preparation of survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish,
poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the
feature and assess the project's social, environmental and economic feasibility. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil
type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production constraints,
(flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost &
benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service
providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population
and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain
assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water salinity
assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water
requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits
of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability
of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and
technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop
calendars, technology innovations, etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs, impact, environmental assessment,
mitigation measure, and mitigation plans.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or Project: Water Management Improvement Project (WMIP)

Year: October’ 2014 – December’ 2015(Fulltime service 15 Months)

Location(s): Kishorganj, Barguna, Khulna, Mymensingh Districts and Rural Area of Bangladesh

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) funded by the World Bank.

Organization: BWDB_WMIP

Main Project Features: Feasibility study for rehabilitation and improvement of 67 completed
FCD/FCDI projects of BWDB.

Position Held: Social Mobilization Specialist with Agriculture Specialist

Activities Performed: PRA for Situation analysis, agriculture mapping, transect, social mapping,
wellbeing analysis, FGD, KII, and large group discussion. community mobilization for organizing
Water Management Group (WMG) formation as well as their capacity building to perform Operation
and Management (O&M) of structural and non-structural activities and improve their livelihoods by
using water resources and crop production. Facilitate stakeholder participation in the community
mobilization steps of the PSM cycle and assist the institutional building of Water Management
Organizations (WMOs). Facilitate mass-level motivational and information campaigns with
stakeholders at the scheme/ subproject level. Survey and study design and development,
preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data
and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields,
crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. The present yield of production (crop,
vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of
production with the feature and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility.
Assessment of the present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop
production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type
of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production
technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect,
mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables,
fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value
assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment,
soil and water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and
prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables,
fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review
literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest
improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production
analysis, and prepare crop calendar, technology innovation etc. Impact assessment disposal of
dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment,
identification of fishermen, and identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or project: Rehabilitation of Bhutaiar Beel and Barnal Salimpur

Kolabashukhali Flood control and drainage Project in Khulna District under BWDB, Ministry of
Water Resources, funded by ADB.

Year: May’2010- July’2012(Intermittent service 12 Months)

Location(s): Khulna, Bagerhat, and Norail District, Rural area of Bangladesh.

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) funded by ADB.

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling(IWM)

Main project features: Study of the agricultural situation and analysis of data and information for
future improvement of agricultural intervention and improvement of irrigation system.
Position (s) held: Agronomist

Activities performed: Survey and study design and development, preparation of survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and the present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry,
livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the feature
and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil
type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production constraints,
(flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost &
benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service
providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population
and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain
assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity
assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water
requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits
of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability
of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and
technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar,
technology innovation etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-
economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, and identification of
alternative livelihood options for the PAPs.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity
development activities. Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips.
Data collection for economic and financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and
operation manuals for agriculture extension services and agriculture-related income-
generating activities for WMGs capacity development. Establish and strengthen the
coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of agriculture extension
services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination with DAE
and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report. Coordination,
supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and coping

Name of assignment or project: Mathematical Modelling, Survey and Investigation for Future Plan
Development after Excavation of Chandana-Barasia River.

Year: May’2010- May’2012(Intermittent service 12 Months)

Location(s): Rajbari, Faridpur and Gopal gong District, Rural area of Bangladesh.

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) and funded by ADB.

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)

Main project features: Study of the agricultural situation and analysis data and information for future
improvement of agricultural condition and intervention and improvement of irrigation system.

Position (s) held: Agriculture Specialist

Activities performed: Survey and study design and development, preparation of survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish,
poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the
feature and assess the project's social, environmental and economic feasibility. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the soil
type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production constraints,
(flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield), cost &
benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service
providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population
and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value chain
assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil and water salinity
assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water
requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits
of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review literature, policy analysis, availability
of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural methods and
technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare crop calendar,
technology innovation etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-
economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen, and identification of
alternative livelihood options for the PAPs.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or project: Mathematical Modelling Technique for Drainage and Irrigation
Improvement Study of Gazner Beel.

Year: January’2009-March’2010(Intermittent service 12 Months)

Location(s): Gazner Beel area in Upazila Sujanagar, District Pabna and Rural area of Bangladesh.

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) funded by ADB.

Firm: Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)

Main project features: Gajner Beel technical, socio-economic and environmental points of view,
and find out feasible options for irrigation improvement, removing the drainage congestion as well
as water resources development and management in the study area. The project area is facing a
scarcity of water for irrigation and farming in the dry season. As a result, cultivation in the net area
is hampered severely along with the deterioration of the socio-economic and environmental

Position (s) held: Agriculture Specialist

Activities performed: Survey and study design and development, preparation of survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish,
poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the
feature and assess the project's social, environmental and economic feasibility. Assessment of the
present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the
soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production
constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield),
cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation,
service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value
chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water
salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future
water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock)
benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review literature, policy analysis,
availability of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendars, technology innovation, etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
and identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or project/s: Climate Change Trust Fund projects (CCTF), Capital Dredging
of Rivers, Tipaimukh Dam impact study, Padma Bridge, Water Management Improvement Project
(WMIP), Power Grid Projects of Bangladesh (PGCB), Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL),
Power plant, Coastal Embankment Improvement Project (CEIP), Riverbank Improvement Project
(RBIP), Study on development of crop typology for Bangladesh funded by ICRISAT, India. DRR &
Climate Change projects of DAE, CDMP for ESIA. Economic and social development study and
survey- funded by UNDP-USAID.

Year: October’ 2011 – December’2014(full-time 38 Months)

Location(s): All over the country

Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), PGCB, DAE, GTCL, ICRISAT, UNDP, and
funded by the World Bank, ADB.

Firm: Centre for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS)

Main project features: Initial Environmental Examine (IEE), Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA), mitigation measure, and environmental management plan.

Position(s) held: Agronomist

Activities performed: Survey and study design and development, preparation of survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables, fish,
poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with the
feature and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility. Assessment of
the present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop production based on the
soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production
constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield),
cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation,
service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value
chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water
salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future
water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock)
benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review literature, policy analysis,
availability of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest improved agricultural
methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production analysis, and prepare
crop calendars, technology innovations, etc. Impact assessment disposal of dredging spoils in
agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment, identification of fishermen,
identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs, select important environmental
components (IEC), Impact assessment, evaluation of impact, environmental mitigation measure,
environmental management plan, Agriculture production, and market chain study, Quality food
production process, procedure, and technology study, organize workshop and seminar, Report
writing and presentation, Training conduction and facilitation.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or project: Achieving Poor People’s Livelihoods through Integrated

Development Approaches Coping with Economic Empowerment and Natural Disaster Project
(ALEN) South and Northern part of Bangladesh funded by the European Commission and ICCO-
the Netherlands

Year: October’2010 – September’2011(fulltime service 12 months)

Location(s): Northern Part of Bangladesh

Client: European Union and ICCO- the Netherlands.

Firm: Unnayan Shahjagy Team (UST)

Main project features: Achieving Poor People’s Livelihoods through Integrated development
approaches coping with Economic Empowerment and Natural Disaster Project (ALEN) South and
Northern parts of Bangladesh

Position(s) held: Project Manager.

Activities performed: Survey and study design and development, preparation of survey and study
questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data and information about land
ownership pattern, Irrigated area, a cultivated area with crops and yields, crop damaged area,
cause of damage, scarcity of irrigation facilities. The present yield of production (crop, vegetables,
fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of production with
the feature and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility. Assessment
of the present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop production based on
the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type of production
constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production technology, yield),
cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation,
service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock
population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value assessment, value
chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, research plot, fair conduction, experimental plots,
technology innovations, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water salinity assessment,
assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future water requirements.
Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post-project
conditions from that without the project. and identification of alternative livelihood options and
identification of adaptation options.

Name of assignment or project: Food Security Project (FSP) Funded by ICCO-Netherlands.

Year: October’2008 – September’2010(fulltime service 24 months)

Location(s): Northern Part of Bangladesh

Client: European Union and ICCO- the Netherlands.

Firm: Unnayan Shahjagy Team (UST)

The main project features: Built capacity of staff and beneficiaries and create employment
opportunities. Doing income-generating activities and earning from it.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct capacity development activities. Provide
technical support. Data collection for economic and financial analyses. Prepare technical
guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for the community
/ Beneficiaries capacity development. Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration
system for the implementation of agriculture extension services and agriculture-related income-
generating activities. Coordination with DAE , DLS and DoF.

Position(s) held: Coordinator (Training)

Activities performed: Overall responsible for training design and implementation to build the
capacity of staff and community. Develop tools for Training Need Assessment (TNA). Module and
Schedule development. Prepare annual training budget. Prepare yearly training calendar. Training
Implementation, Ensure budget allocation for training implementation. Organize & facilitate
training, workshops, and others. Develop facilitator group & materials. Proper utilization of training
funds. Monitoring ongoing training and impact evaluation. Reporting & Communication. Timely
compile training report. Prepare monthly, quarterly, and yearly training reports.

Name of assignment or project: Small Scale Water Resources Development Project (SSWRDP-

Year: October 2007-September 2008(fulltime service 12 months)

Location(s): All over the country

Client: LGED and Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Firm: Resource Planning and Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd (RPMC)

Main project features:

a) Providing water resources development facilities (infrastructures for water conservation, flood
management & drainage, command area development, bridges/culverts for crossing Khal or canal,
tree plantation, silt management, solar systems, etc.);
b) Establishing Water Management Cooperative Associations (WMCAs) for sustainable water
resources management; and
c) Providing additional water resources management and agricultural facilities (infrastructures
such as providing bridges/culverts over the canal/water control structure, tree plantation, etc. for
enhancing agricultural production and farmers’ income by providing infrastructure for small scale
water resources management, providing agri-business-related facilities /equipment and rural
infrastructures, and training and technical supports to Water Management Cooperative

Position(s) held: Agriculture & Community Development Specialist

Activities performed:
Prepare survey questionnaire, meeting, stakeholder consultation, FGD, KII, primary and secondary
data, and information collection, data entry and analysis Survey and study design and develop,
preparation survey and study questionnaire, collection and analysis of existing agricultural data
and information about land ownership pattern, Irrigated area, the cultivated area with crops and
yields, crop damaged area, scarcity of irrigation facilities and area. The present yield of production
(crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level
of production with the feature and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic
feasibility. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns,
crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater),
type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production
technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect,
mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables,
fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value
assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, crop water demand assessment,
soil, and water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and
prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables,
fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Review
literature, policy analysis, availability of extension services, and crop suitability mapping. suggest
improved agricultural methods and technologies, evaluate the agriculture benefit/cost production
analysis, and prepare crop calendars, technology innovations, etc. Impact assessment disposal of
dredging spoils in agricultural and socio-economic conditions, fish market assessment,
identification of fishermen, and identification of alternative livelihood options for the PAPs.

Identify the stakeholder’s needs, and develop and conduct WMG’s capacity development activities.
Provide technical support in the preparation of IWMPs and Sips. Data collection for economic and
financial analyses. Prepare technical guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension
services and agriculture-related income-generating activities for WMGs capacity development.
Establish and strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of
agriculture extension services and agriculture related income generating activities. Coordination
with DAE and PMO. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.
Coordination, supervision, and collaboration with relevant government agencies for adaptation and
coping mechanisms.

Name of assignment or project: Nutrition Education and Agricultural Surveillance Project.

Year: January’2000 – December’2004(fulltime service 36 months)

Location(s): Northern Part of Bangladesh

Client: Hellen Killer International (HKI)


Main project features: Achieving nutritional status and agricultural development for Livelihoods
improvement through Integrated development approaches coping with Economic Empowerment
and Natural Disasters in Northern parts of Bangladesh.

Position(s) held: Field Coordinator.

Activities performed:

Survey and study design and development, survey and study questionnaire preparation, collection
and analysis of existing agricultural data, and assessment of nutritional status of the poor
community. Data about land ownership patterns, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and
yields, crop damaged area, cause of damage, scarcity of irrigation facilities. The present production
yield (crop, vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture
and level of production with the feature and assess the project's social, environmental, and
economic feasibility. Assessment of the present agricultural situation with the area and cropping
patterns, crop production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface &
groundwater), type of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming
practices ( production technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil
fertility, pest& insect, mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of
crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility &
linkage, market value assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, research
plot, fair conduction, experimental plots, technology innovations, crop water demand assessment,
soil, and water salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and
prediction of future water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables,
fruit, fish, livestock) benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. and
identification of alternative livelihood options and identification of adaptation options.

Identify the beneficiaries' needs, and develop and conduct capacity development activities. Provide
technical support. Data collection for economic and financial analyses. Prepare technical
guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for community people capacity development. Establish and
strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of agriculture
extension services and agriculture-related income-generating activities. Coordination with DAE,
DLS and DoF. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.

Name of assignment or project: Local Initiatives and Farmers Training (LIFT) Project.

Year: January’1998 – December’1999(fulltime service 12 months)

Location(s): Northern Part of Bangladesh

Client: Care International, Bangladesh.

Firm: CTW

Main project features: Farmers training on crops, vegetables, poultry, livestock, and improving tree

Position(s) held: Agriculturist. .

Activities performed:

Baseline survey and survey tools development, survey questionnaire preparation, collection and
analysis of existing agricultural data, and assessment. Training needs assessment. Farmers group
formation, conduct training on skill and livelihood improvement. Identification of livelihood options,

Data about land ownership patterns, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop
damaged area, cause of damage, scarcity of irrigation facilities. The present production yield (crop,
vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of
production with the feature and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility.
Assessment of the present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop
production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type
of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production
technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect,
mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables,
fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value
assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, research plot, fair conduction,
experimental plots, technology innovations, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water
salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future
water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock)
benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Identification of community-led
adaptation options and strategies.

Identify the beneficiaries' needs, and develop and conduct capacity development activities. Provide
technical support. Data collection for economic and financial analyses. Prepare technical
guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for community people capacity development. Establish and
strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of agriculture
extension services and agriculture-related income-generating activities. Coordination with DAE,
DLS and DoF. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.

Name of assignment or project: Agricultural Development and Market Improvement Project.

Year: October’1996 – September’1998(fulltime service 12 months)

Location(s): Northern Part of Bangladesh

Client: Care International, Bangladesh.

Firm: Brac International

Main project features: Farmers training and agricultural production on crops, vegetables, and tree
plantation for livelihood improvement.

Position(s) held: Regional Sector Specialist (RSS)

Activities performed:

Baseline survey and survey tools development, survey questionnaire preparation, collection and
analysis of existing agricultural data, and assessment. Training needs assessment. Farmers group
formation, conduct training on skill and livelihood improvement. Identification of livelihood options,

Data about land ownership patterns, Irrigated area, cultivated area with crops and yields, crop
damaged area, cause of damage, scarcity of irrigation facilities. The present production yield (crop,
vegetables, fish, poultry, livestock). Comparative study between present agriculture and level of
production with the feature and assess the project's social, environmental, and economic feasibility.
Assessment of the present agricultural situation with the area and cropping patterns, crop
production based on the soil type, fertility status, irrigation availability (surface & groundwater), type
of production constraints, (flood, drought, salinity, flash flood.), Farming practices ( production
technology, yield), cost & benefit analysis, present cropping patterns, soil fertility, pest& insect,
mode of irrigation, service providers, availability of inputs, type & variety of crops, fruits, vegetables,
fish, livestock population and power draft, assess market accessibility & linkage, market value
assessment, value chain assessment, agricultural trend analysis, research plot, fair conduction,
experimental plots, technology innovations, crop water demand assessment, soil, and water
salinity assessment, assessment of present irrigation water consumption and prediction of future
water requirements. Evaluate and impact the agricultural (crop, vegetables, fruit, fish, livestock)
benefits of post-project conditions from that without the project. Identification of community-led
adaptation options and strategies. Development of value chain and market linkage.
Identify the beneficiaries' needs, and develop and conduct capacity development activities. Provide
technical support. Data collection for economic and financial analyses. Prepare technical
guidelines and operation manuals for agriculture extension services and agriculture-related
income-generating activities for community people capacity development. Establish and
strengthen the coordination and collaboration system for the implementation of agriculture
extension services and agriculture-related income-generating activities. Coordination with DAE,
DLS and DoF. Preparation of inception report, progress reports, DFR and final report.

 Total Job Experience is about 27 years and relevant assignment experience is about 17.9 years.

COMPUTER SKILL : Internet browsing, e-mail, MS-Word, MS-Excel, PowerPoint, MS-Access, MS Office
Project 2007, SPSS etc.

Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):

Language Speaking Reading Writing

Bengali Native Native Native

English Excellent Excellent Excellent

 F.K Siddique, Managing Director, SODEV In’t Consultant Ltd. e-mail:
[email protected], Phone: 01713037864
 Engineer Sirajul Hoque, Chairman, SPMC, Panthapath, Dhaka. e-mail: [email protected] Phone:
 Md. Mahfuj Ahmed, Chief Water Management, BWDB, e-mail: [email protected], Mobile:
 Md. Zahirul Haque Khan, Executive Director, IWM. Mob: 01841930000, e-mail: [email protected]

Contact information: Cell 88 01716745295/01912298613, e-mail: [email protected]

I, the undersigned, certify that (i) I was not a former employee of the Client immediately before the submission of this proposal, (ii)
I have not offered my CV to be proposed by a Firm other than this Consultant for this assignment and, (iii) to the best of my
knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I also understand that any wilful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal if engaged.

I have been an employee............................... continuously for the last twelve (12) months as a regular full-time staff. Indicate
“Yes” or “No” in the boxes below;


Date of Signing 10 06 2024

Day Month Year

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