Co-Doping A Metal (CR, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, ZN, Ce, and ZR) On Mn-TiO2 Catalyst and Its

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Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206

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Co-doping a metal (Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ce, and Zr) on Mn/TiO2 catalyst and its
effect on the selective reduction of NO with NH3 at low-temperatures
Boningari Thirupathi, Panagiotis G. Smirniotis ∗
Chemical Engineering Program, School of Energy, Environmental, Biological and Medicinal Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0012, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A series of Mn–M /TiO2 (M = Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ce, and Zr) catalysts were prepared using incipient
Received 14 June 2011 wetness technique and investigated for the low-temperature selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO
Received in revised form 21 August 2011 with ammonia in the presence of excess oxygen. A combination of various physico-chemical techniques
Accepted 1 September 2011
was used to investigate the influence of co-doped metals on the characteristics of Mn/TiO2 catalyst.
Available online 8 September 2011
The catalytic performance of these materials was compared with respect to the M /Mn atomic ratio in
order to examine the correlation between physicochemical characteristics and reactivity of optimized
materials. XRD results suggest that metal oxide species exist in a highly dispersed state at a certain
Low-temperature NH3 -SCR
Manganese oxide (MnOx )
level called two-dimensional monolayer coverage. Our XPS results illustrated that the MnO2 phase is
NO extremely dominant over the Mn2 O3 phase (Mn4+ /Mn3+ = 22.31, 96%) in the Mn–Ni(0.4)/TiO2 anatase
XPS catalyst, whereas Mn2 O3 phase is in competition with MnO2 in other catalysts (Mn4+ /Mn3+ = 1.34–12.67).
In situ FTIR H2 -TPR data results are in good accordance with XPS results that the absence of the high-temperature
Optimization for NO reduction (736 K) peak indicates that the dominant phase is MnO2 in Mn–Ni(0.4)/TiO2 catalyst. This increase in
reducibility of manganese and dominant MnO2 phase seems to be the reason for the superior activity
and time on stream patterns of our best catalyst. BET and pore volume measurements revealed high
surface area and pore volume of the Mn–Ni/TiO2 catalyst. The in situ NH3 -FTIR results suggest that the
manganese (Mn/TiO2 ) and manganese–nickel (Mn–Ni/TiO2 ) surface sites have only Lewis acidity, with
no apparent Brönsted acidity. The catalytic performance of various Mn–M /TiO2 (M /Mn = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6,
0.8) catalysts was studied for the low-temperature SCR reaction at a range of temperatures (160–240 ◦ C)
under industrial conditions using GHSV = 50,000 h−1 . The intrinsic activity of Mn–Ni/TiO2 catalyst with
M /Mn = 0.4 atomic ratio measured under differential reaction conditions, was found to be highly active,
selective and broadening the temperature window for this reaction.
Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction lysts still need to be improved. Doping cations (metals) can enhance
NO conversion and N2 selectivity of the manganese oxide-based
Usually, transition metal oxides show good SCR activity in the catalysts in low-temperature NH3 -SCR [12].
low temperature range, such as V2 O5/TiO2 –SiO2 –MoO3 [1], Cr/TiO2 In this paper, selected elements including Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn,
[2], Mn/TiO2 [3], Fex TiOy [4], Co/TiO2 , Ni/TiO2 [5], Cu/TiO2 [6]. Par- Zr, and Ce were co-doped into the Mn/TiO2 catalyst. For each ele-
ticularly, manganese-based catalysts have attracted much interest ment we varied the M /Mn atomic ratio of the co-dopant (M ) used
due to their unique redox properties which make them signifi- in the range of 0–0.8 in order to optimize the content of co-dopant
cant for a variety of applications. Thus, in recent years, manganese and to investigate the effect on SCR activity with respect to various
oxides have been proposed as catalysts for several applications temperatures (160–240 ◦ C). Among all co-dopants used, Ni showed
such as the CO oxidation [7], selective reduction of nitrobenzene an impressive promoting effect for the Mn/TiO2 catalyst. Based
[8], CH4 oxidation [9] and the selective catalytic reduction of NO on these results, we further investigated the influence of M (co-
with NH3 [3,5,10]. Among the low-temperature SCR catalysts, man- dopant) addition on the M –Mn/TiO2 catalyst structure, crystalline
ganese oxide-based catalysts have been proven to be the most phase transformation, reduction profile, acidity and catalytic activ-
active catalysts [3,5,10,11]. However, the SCR activity, broadening ity using various physicochemical characterization techniques.
of temperature window and time on stream patterns of these cata- The specific surface manganese oxide phases and the high sur-
face concentration of manganese are decisive important for the SCR
performance of the metal oxide catalysts at low-temperatures [13].
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 513 556 1474; fax: +1 513 556 3473. Thus, the existence of surface manganese phase and surface atomic
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.G. Smirniotis). concentrations of each metal were investigated by the optimal

0926-3373/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier B.V.

196 B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206

combination of Gaussian bands by the Mn 2p and Ni 2p decon- 2.4. Temperature programmed reduction (H2 -TPR)
voluted XPS spectra. The reduction of NO takes place via a redox
mechanism in which the rate determining step is oxygen removal Hydrogen-TPR of various catalyst samples was performed using
from the metal oxide. Thus, the reducibility of metal oxide species an automated catalyst characterization system (Micromeritics
appears to be one of the most crucial parameters that affect catalytic Model AutoChem 2910). Prior to the analysis approximately 50 mg
performance for the selective reduction of NO. The SCR activity cor- of the catalysts were pre-treated at 200 ◦ C for 2 h in ultra high pure
relates with the onset of reduction in temperature-programmed helium (30 mL min−1 ) stream after preheating, samples were tested
reduction (TPR) experiments, indicating a correlation between the by increasing the temperature from 50 to 800 ◦ C. The temperature
SCR process and active surface oxygen. Hence, H2 -TPR was con- was then kept constant at 800 ◦ C until the signal of hydrogen con-
ducted to evaluate the variation of redox properties during the sumption returned to the initial values. The TPR runs were carried
co-doping process. The in situ FTIR of NH3 adsorption were carried out with a linear heating rate (10 ◦ C min−1 ) in a flow of 4% H2 in
out to reveal the evolution of total acidity and specific acidic sites argon with a flow rate of 20 mL min−1 . The hydrogen consumption
present over the surface of the catalyst, which are fundamental for was measured quantitatively by a thermal conductivity detector. A
the SCR reaction. mixture of isopropanol and liquid nitrogen was used in the trapper
to collect the formed water during the TPR experiment.
2. Experimental
2.5. In situ FT-IR spectroscopy
2.1. Catalysts preparation
FT-IR spectra were recorded using a Bio-Rad (FTS-40). The scans
A series of Mn–M /TiO2 (M = Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ce, and Zr) were collected at a scan speed of 5 kHz, resolution of 2.0, and an
catalysts were prepared by adopting a wet-impregnation method. aperture opening of 2.0 cm−1 . Sixteen scans were averaged for each
TiO2 anatase (Hombikat UV 100 from Sachtleben Chemie) was used normalized spectrum. Circular self-supporting thin wafers (8 mm
as support material to prepare these catalysts. Nitrates (Mn, Cr, Fe, diameter) consisting of 12 mg of material were used for the study.
Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ce), and oxy nitrates (Zr) were used as the precur- The wafers were placed in a high-temperature cell with CaF2 win-
sors of manganese and co-metal oxides. The manganese loadings dows and purged in situ in the IR cell with prepurified grade helium
were selected as 5 wt.% and the co-metal loadings were varied rang- (30 mL min−1 , Wright Brothers) at 473 K for 2 h to remove any
ing from 0 to 4 wt.% in each type. For this purpose, the required adsorbed impurities. After that, the samples were cooled to 323 K,
amounts of precursors were added to a 100 mL beaker containing and a background spectrum was collected before any gas adsorp-
1.0 g of support in 50 mL deionized water. The excess water was tion. Afterward, NH3 (3.9 vol% in He) was introduced to the cell
then slowly evaporated on a water bath with continuous stirring at with a flow of 30 mL min−1 for 1 h at 323 K to ensure complete
70 ◦ C. For comparison purposes, TiO2 anatase (Hombikat) support saturation of the sample. Physisorbed ammonia was removed by
alone was mixed in deionized water, and then water was evapo- flushing the wafer with helium for sufficient time (3 h) at 373 K.
rated using a water bath with continuous heating and stirring. The Subsequently, the FT-IR spectra were recorded by evacuation of
resulting materials were oven dried at 120 ◦ C for 12 h, and were ammonia at successive temperatures 323, 373, 423, 473, and 523 K.
ground and sieved (80–120 mesh) to obtain homogeneous powder.
Prior to the reaction studies, the powder was calcined in a tubular 2.6. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
oven at 400 ◦ C for 2 h under continuous air flow (150 mL min−1 ). The
metal components of the catalysts are denoted as atomic ratios. The XPS was used to analyze the atomic surface concentration on
amount of manganese was kept constant (5 wt.%) and the amount each catalyst. The spectra were recorded on a Pyris-VG thermo sci-
of second metal varied. All the ratios of the catalysts in this study are entific X-ray photoelectron spectrometer using Al K␣ (1486.7 eV)
M /Mn = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8. For example, Mn–Ni(0.4)/TiO2 indicates as a radiation source at 300 W. The spectra were recorded in the
that the atomic ratio of nickel/manganese is 0.4. fixed analyzer transmission mode with pass energies of 89.45 and
35.75 eV for recording survey and high resolution spectra, respec-
tively. The powdered catalysts were mounted onto the sample
2.2. X-ray diffraction holder and degassed overnight at room temperature at a pressure
on the order of 10−7 Torr. Binding energies (BE) were measured
X-ray powder diffraction patterns have been recorded on a for C 1s, O 1s, Ti 2p, Mn 2p, Cr 2p, Fe 2p, Co 2p, Ni 2p, Cu 2p, Zn
Phillips Xpert diffractometer using nickel-filtered Cu K␣ (wave- 2p, Zr 3d, and Ce 3d. A recorded Auger spectrum for Mn was very
length 0.154056 nm) radiation source and a scintillation counter weak. Sample charging effects were eliminated by correcting the
detector. An aluminium holder was used to support the catalyst observed spectra with the C 1s binding energy (BE) value of 284.6 eV
samples. The intensity data were collected over a 2 range of 10–80◦ [14]. An estimated error of 0.1 eV can be considered for all the mea-
with a step size of 0.025◦ and a step time of 0.25 s. Crystalline surements. The Mn 2p peak was deconvoluted using the Gaussian
phases were identified by comparison with the reference data from function, and a nonlinear background was subtracted.
International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD) files.
2.7. Catalytic experiments
2.3. BET surface area and pore volume measurements
The catalytic activity measurement for the reduction of NO by
The BET surface area measurements were made by N2 ammonia (NH3 -SCR) with excess oxygen was carried out at atmo-
adsorption/desorption at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K) using spheric pressure in a fixed bed continuous flow quartz reactor with
Micromeretics Gemini surface area apparatus. Prior to the analysis, i.d. 6 mm. 0.1 g amount of catalyst (80–120 mesh) was placed in the
0.08–0.1 g of catalysts were evacuated under helium atmosphere reactor in between two glass wool plugs. The typical reactant gas
for 2 h at 200 ◦ C in the degassing port of the instrument. The composition was as follows: 400 ppm NO, 400 ppm NH3 , 2 vol% O2
adsorption isotherms of nitrogen were collected at 77 K using and He as balance. The premixed gases oxygen (4% in He, Wright
approximately six values or relative pressure ranging from 0.05 to Brothers), ammonia (3.99% in He, Wright Brothers), and nitric oxide
0.99 and by taking 0.162 nm2 as the molecular area of the nitrogen (2.0% in He, Matheson) were used as received. The tubing of the
molecule. reactor system was heat traced to prevent formation and deposi-
B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206 197

tion of ammonium nitrate. The NO and NO2 concentrations were A

continually monitored by a chemiluminescence NO/NOx detector A A A
(Eco Physics CLD 70S). To avoid modest errors caused by the oxi-
dation of ammonia in the converter of the NO/NOx analyzer, an
ammonia trap containing phosphoric acid solution was installed
before the sample inlet to the chemiluminescence detector [1]. The (h)

Intensity (a.u.)
reactor was heated externally via a tubular furnace regulated by (g)
a temperature controller (Omega CN 2041), with a thermocouple (f)
inserted in to the catalyst bed. Prior to the catalytic experiments, (e)
the catalyst was activated in situ by passing oxygen (4% in He, (d)
Wright Brothers) for 2 h at 200 ◦ C temperature. The reactants and (c)
products were analyzed on-line using a Quadrapole mass spectrom- (b)
eter (MKS PPT-RGA), chemiluminescence detector (Eco Physics CLD
70S) and a gas chromatograph equipped with TCD, and Porapack Q (a)
and Carboxen columns. Reactant and product contents in the reac-
tor effluent were recorded only after steady state was achieved at 20 30 40 50 60 70
each temperature step. 2θ (°)
The NO conversions and N2 selectivity were calculated as fol-
lows: Fig. 1. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of various titania-supported catalysts;
(a) TiO2 (Hombikat) (b) Mn/TiO2 (c) Mn–Cr/TiO2 (d) Mn–Fe/TiO2 (e) Mn–Co/TiO2
(Cin − Cout ) and (f) Mn–Ni/TiO2 (g) Mn–Cu/TiO2 (h) Mn–Zn/TiO2 (i) Mn–Zr/TiO2 (j) Mn–Ce/TiO2 ,
NO conversion % (XNO %) = × 100 (1) respectively.

N2 selectivity = × 100 (2) #21-1272) could be observed in spite of high amount of titania
N2 + N2 O + NO2
anatase support. This would indicate that the co-doped metals (Cr,
In Eq. (1), Cin and Cout denoted the inlet and outlet gas concen- Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Ce) and manganese oxides are highly dispersed
trations of NO, respectively. on the titania support, and they are in amorphous or poorly crys-
talline state. This poor crystalline structure of manganese oxide has
3. Results and discussion been suggested to improve the existence of oxygen vacancies and
enhance catalytic performance [16].
3.1. X-ray diffraction
3.2. BET surface area and pore volume measurements
The powder X-ray diffraction patterns of various titania-
supported manganese metal oxide, and co-doped manganese metal The BET surface area, pore volume and pore size of the var-
oxide samples calcined at 400 ◦ C are shown in Fig. 1. The diffrac- ious catalysts are summarized in Table 1. The BET surface area
togram patterns of pure TiO2 anatase (Hombikat) are also presented of commercial TiO2 anatase (Hombikat) sample obtained by N2
for comparison. For pure TiO2 sample, the strong characteristic physisorption at liquid nitrogen temperature was found to be
peaks of titania typically at d = 3.54, 1.90, and 2.40 Å, which cor- 309 m2 g−1 . After the impregnation of manganese oxide onto the
responds to anatase phase (JCPDS #71-1169) can be observed. titania-support, the surface area dropped but the pore diameter
Interestingly, our XRD studies of Mn/TiO2 and Mn–M /TiO2 (M = Cr, increased greatly. However, the doping of a second metal to the
Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ce, and Zr) samples revealed that the promoter Mn/TiO2 is apparently enhanced the specific surface area of the
oxides do not favour any titania phase transformation. For the particular Mn–M /TiO2 (M = Cr, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Ce, and Zr) cata-
Mn/TiO2 catalyst with a manganese content 5 wt.% (M /Mn = 0), lyst. It can be seen that the surface area of the pure manganese
X-ray reflections at d = 2.41, 1.63, and 2.11 Å (MnO2 phase JCPDS oxide supported on titania is smaller than that of titania-supported
#04-0779) are absent. This is a clear indication that manganese bimetallic oxides catalysts (except Mn–Zr/TiO2 ). An increase of the
is in a highly dispersed state or the crystallites formed are less specific surface area by the substitution of other metal is in agree-
than 5 nm, and also insertion of manganese ions into the titania ment with the literature [17]. Among the all the catalysts tested,
lattice [15]. For a series of Mn–M /TiO2 samples (with M /Mn = 0.4), Mn–Ni/TiO2 catalyst attained the highest surface area (200 m2 g−1 )
broad diffraction lines due to the titania anatase phase (JCPDS file and the highest high pore volume (0.42 cm3 g−1 ). The doping of sec-

Table 1
BET surface area and pore volume measurements of the prepared catalysts.

Catalyst XRD phases SBET (m2 g−1 ) Average pore diameter (nm) Pore volume (cm3 g−1 ) T (K)

T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4

TiO2 Hombikat (commercial) A 309 4.5 0.37 – – – –

TiO2 Hombikata A 161 9.3 0.42 – – – –
5Mn/TiO2 A 161 9.3 0.37 576 665 736 –
5Mn–2Cr/TiO2 A 170 7.4 0.31 559 735 913 –
5Mn–2Fe/TiO2 A 173 7.6 0.33 553 632 714 –
5Mn–2Co/TiO2 A 160 8.4 0.33 519 708 739 –
5Mn–2Ni/TiO2 A 200 8.6 0.42 510 684 – –
5Mn–2Cu/TiO2 A 166 8.6 0.35 402 475 670 –
5Mn–2Zn/TiO2 A 179 6.7 0.29 523 622 706 865
5Mn–2Zr/TiO2 A 150 7.9 0.29 545 627 738 894
5Mn–2Ce/TiO2 A 167 7.7 0.32 525 628 741 880

Relative amounts are according to the metal wt.%; A – anatage;

Calcined at 400 ◦ C.
198 B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206

A low temperature reduction peak (T1 ) is observed at 576 K in

(a) Mn/TiO2 catalyst. After substitution of the iron (Fe2 O3 ) species,
this (manganese reduction) peak is shifted to 553 K. In our previ-
(b) ous study, we have concluded that the reduction of iron species in
Fe2 O3 /TiO2 shows a reduction peak at 660 K [19], this (iron reduc-
(c) tion) peak is shifted to 632 K in Mn–Fe/TiO2 catalyst. On the other
hand, Mn–Co/TiO2 catalyst shows three distinct peaks at 519, 708,
(d) and 739 K. The low temperature peak at 519 K is corresponding to
Intensity (a.u.)

the reduction of manganese species. The later peaks at 708, 739 K

(e) are attributed to the Co3+ to Co2+ and Co2+ to Co0 transitions, respec-
tively [20,21].
Subsequently, the addition of NiO to the Mn/TiO2 showed two
distinct peaks at 510 and 684 K. The low temperature reduc-
(f) tion peak (T1 ) of manganese species is significantly shifted from
576 K to 510 K. Among all the catalysts (except copper promoted),
Mn–Ni/TiO2 showed the highest shift of the manganese reduc-
(h) tion temperature and could be an indication of positive interaction
between the titania support and the manganese–nickel oxide
(i) species [22,23]. This interaction may be an enhancement of the oxy-
gen mobility. It means the oxygen mobility was greatly enhanced
due to the introduction of nickel oxide, which was beneficial to the
400 600 800 1000 SCR reaction. The hydrogen consumption peak at 684 K is attributed
Temperature(K) to the transition of Ni2+ to Ni0 [19].
The comparison with the H2 -consumption curves obtained over
Fig. 2. (a) H2 -TPR patterns of (a) MnOx /TiO2 (b) Mn–Cr/TiO2 , (c) Mn–Fe/TiO2 , (d)
the corresponding single-oxide and in the mixed-oxide catalyst
Mn–Co/TiO2 , (e) Mn–Ni/TiO2 , (f) Mn–Cu/TiO2 , (g) Mn–Zn/TiO2 , (h) Mn–Zr/TiO2 ,
and (i) Mn–Ce/TiO2 ; comparatively high shift of reduction peaks towards low- shows that manganese oxides contained in the Mn–Ni/TiO2 sam-
temperatures in MnOx –Ni/TiO2 catalysts. ple are reduced at much lower temperatures in the presence of
nickel oxide. The absence of the high-temperature (736 K) peak
indicates that the dominant phase is MnO2 . Thus, mixing man-
ond metal can change the surface structure of the catalyst. It could ganese and nickel oxides results in stabilization of the former oxide
be concluded that in the catalysts with the addition of a second in the form of MnO2 , which is reduced at lower temperatures, com-
metal, a lot of micropores could be conserved and the surface area pared to Mn2 O3 [16]. This increase of reducibility and dominant
is larger than that of the Mn/TiO2 . Among all the co-doped metals phase of MnO2 seems to be the reason for the increased activity of
used, the specific surface area and pore volume of the Mn/TiO2 cat- Mn–Ni/TiO2 catalysts, compared to the corresponding single oxide
alyst are improved very much by doping the Mn/TiO2 catalyst with and other mixed oxide catalysts.
nickel oxide. The reduction profile of Cu/TiO2 is characterized by two reduc-
tion peaks at 450 and 485 K [24]. In the present study, three
3.3. Temperature programmed reduction (H2 -TPR) different peaks are observed in the TPR profile of the Mn–Cu/TiO2
catalyst at 402, 475, and 670 K. The broad reduction peak centered
For an adequate determination of effect of the second metal at 402 K can be attributed to the reduction of CuO particles being
(M ) on the reduction profile of the Mn/TiO2 catalyst, temperature in strong interaction with the titania support. The sharp reduction
programmed reduction (H2 -TPR) experiments were carried out in peak centered at 475 K can be ascribed mainly to the reduction of
which the amount of manganese was kept constant (5 wt.%) and CuO particles having little or no interaction with the support. This
by regulating the second metal of the catalyst. The corresponding assignment appears to be in agreement with literature data [24].
TPR profiles are presented in Fig. 2. Three different reduction peaks A broad peak at 670 K can be due to the reduction of manganese
are observed for the pure Mn/TiO2 catalyst. The low-temperature species. The reduction of ZnO particles is difficult under TPR envi-
reduction peaks at 576 K (T1 ), 665 K (T2 ), and 736 K (T3 ) can be inter- ronment has been demonstrated earlier [25]. The reduction profile
preted as a stepwise reduction of MnO2 to Mn2 O3 , Mn2 O3 to Mn3 O4 of Mn–Zn/TiO2 exhibited very slight H2 consumption at 865 K and
and Mn3 O4 to MnO, respectively (Table 1). The Mn/TiO2 catalyst can be ascribed to an insignificant reduction of surface zinc oxide.
does not contribute much to the partial reduction of titania support This occurrence and catalytic activity of Mn–Zn/TiO2 , both suggest
(Ti4+ to Ti4 O7 ). that zinc oxide is not promoting the Mn/TiO2 catalyst.
The reduction temperatures of all the titania-supported mixed Mn–Zr/TiO2 reduction profile shows three sharp peaks at 545,
oxides are significantly decreased when compared to the pure indi- 627, and 738 K, all of these peaks correspond to the reduction of
vidual promoter oxides. The reduction profiles of bulk CrO3 consist the surface manganese oxide reduction. One broad peak was also
of reduction peaks at 553, 735, and 858 K. The hydrogen reduc- observed at 894 K. It is known that zirconium oxide has two dif-
tion of Cr6+ to Cr5+ Cr5+ to Cr3+ and Cr3+ to either Cr2+ or to the ferent surface hydroxyl groups (bridged and terminal). We ascribe
metallic state occurs at about 553, 735, 858 K, respectively [18]. the characteristic broad TPR peak at 894 K to the reductions of these
The reduction profile peaks of our Mn–Cr/TiO2 catalyst appeared two hydroxyl groups [26]. Addition of zirconia does not create any
at 559, 735, and 913. The peak at 559 K could be due to the reduc- variation in the reduction pattern of Mn/TiO2 catalyst. There are
tion of both chromium and manganese species and later are for the only marginal changes in Tmax positions of manganese species in
reduction of Cr5+ to Cr3+ and Cr3+ to either Cr2+ or to Cr0 . It is sug- Mn–Zr/TiO2 catalyst for the studied temperature range. The TPR
gested that Cr reduction is dominant over the manganese species in patterns of Mn–Ce/TiO2 catalyst showed four peaks at 525, 628,
the Mn–Cr/TiO2 catalyst, which may be due to the coverage of man- 741 and 880 K owing to the surface manganese oxide species reduc-
ganese species by the chromium ions. However, H2 -consumption tion. The peak at 628 K is probably associated also with reduction
peaks of manganese species are shifted to lower temperatures by of the surface oxygen of ceria [27,28]. The peak at 880 K is likely
the addition of Cr2 O3 to Mn/TiO2 catalyst. due to the formation of nonstoichiometric cerium oxides [29]. The
B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206 199

Table 2
Binding energy, surface atomic ratio of M /Mn, Mn/Ti, and Mn4+ /Mn3+ for Mn–M /TiO2 catalysts determined from deconvoluted XPS spectra.

Catalyst B.E. (eV) M (Mn4+ /Mn3+ )a M /Mna‘ Mn/Tia

Ti 2p3/2 Ti 2p1/2 O 1s Mn 2p3/2 Mn 2p1/2

5Mn/TiO2 458.6 464.3 529.9 642.1 653.6 – – 02.02 – 0.13

641.3 653.0
5Mn–2Cr/TiO2 458.6 464.4 530.2 642.1 653.6 2p3/2 2p1/2 02.20 1.57 0.10
641.3 653.0 578.7 587.7
5Mn–2Fe/TiO2 458.9 464.4 530.5 642.1 653.6 2p3/2 2p1/2 12.67 0.39 0.11
641.3 653.0 711.9 725.0
5Mn–2Co/TiO2 458.5 464.2 529.9 642.1 653.6 2p3/2 2p1/2 03.43 0.75 0.09
641.3 653.0 780.9 797.7
5Mn–2Ni/TiO2 459.1 464.6 530.3 642.1 653.6 2p3/2 2p1/2 22.31 0.43 0.13
641.3 653.0 856.3 874.6
5Mn–2Cu/TiO2 458.6 464.1 530.0 642.1 653.6 2p3/2 2p1/2 07.91 0.83 0.05
641.3 653.0 934.0 953.7
5Mn–1Zn/TiO2 458.7 464.2 530.2 642.1 653.6 2p3/2 2p1/2 02.55 0.79 0.06
641.3 653.0 1021.8 1044.6
5Mn–3Zr/TiO2 458.8 464.3 530.2 642.1 653.6 3d3/2 3d5/2 01.34 0.61 0.10
641.3 653.0 182.2 184.6
5Mn–2Ce/TiO2 458.6 464.3 530.1 642.1 653.6 3d3/2 3d5/2 03.05 0.34 0.11
641.3 653.0 884.3 901.9

M – co-doped metal.
Relative amounts are according to the metal atomic ratio.

titania-supported manganese catalyst does not contribute much near 1601 and 1171 cm−1 (ıas NH3 , ıs NH3 bound to Lewis acid
to the reduction of Ti4+ to Ti4 O7 , but in the case of Mn–M /TiO2 sites, respectively) a broad absorption band at 1438 cm−1 due to
catalysts, one peak appeared at around 1000 K. This peak corre- ıas NH4 + vibrations with a shoulder near 1480 cm−1 and another
sponds to the partial reduction of titania support. This is a clear band at 1678 cm−1 ascribed to ıs NH4 + are also detected. Interest-
indication to suggest that the substitution of second metal is pro- ingly, evacuation at above 423 K causes the disappearance of these
moting the catalyst for the partial reduction of TiO2 to Ti4 O7 . An ıas NH4 + , ıs NH4 + absorptions.
average intensity peaks are observed at 865, 894 and 880 K for the The spectra recorded after adsorption of ammonia over
Mn–Zn/TiO2 , Mn–Zr/TiO2 and Mn–Ce/TiO2 catalysts, respectively the Mn–Fe/TiO2 followed by outgassing at various tempera-
(Fig. 2, Table 2). Which are due to the partial reduction of titania tures (Fig. 3b) are characterized by a strong broad band at
support (Ti4+ to Ti4 O7 ). Due to the differentiation in the intensity 1128–1284 cm−1 with a maximum at 1164 cm−1 and an evident
ratio, corresponding peaks are not evident when we put all the shoulder component near 1223 cm−1 . The 1128–1284 cm−1 band is
graphs together. This is the reason why the features above 800 K attributed to ıs NH3 coordinated to Lewis acid sites [32]. In addition,
are not evident in Fig. 2 spectra. One can observe a clear peak at two strong bands centered at 1552 and 1604 cm−1 observed are
880 K in the Mn–Ce/TiO2 , at 865 K in Mn–Zn/TiO2 and at 894 K in ascribed to ıas NH3 coordinated to Lewis acid sites [33,34]. Finally,
Mn–Zr/TiO2 in their individual H2 -TPR spectra. three weak peaks are found at 1304, 1360 and 1432 cm−1 . The peak
at 1304 cm−1 due to the ıs NH3 vibrations which are coordinated
3.4. Adsorption of ammonia – FT-IR spectroscopy to Lewis acid site, whereas later peaks are assigned to asymmetric
and symmetric deformations of ammonium ion, respectively. Evac-
The adsorption and desorption characteristics of NH3 over the uation at increasing temperatures originates a relevant sharpening
Mn/TiO2 and Mn–M /TiO2 (M = Cr, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Ce, and Zr) cat- of the band. Although the catalytic reduction of NO results demon-
alysts have been extensively investigated to ensure the effect of strated that the Mn–Fe/TiO2 is improved than the Mn/TiO2 catalyst,
co-doping metal. A number of in situ-FTIR experiments were per- the in situ NH3 -FTIR spectra illustrated the Mn–Fe/TiO2 catalyst is
formed to gain a better understanding of molecular behaviour of a medium strength Lewis acid solid.
ammonia and to acquire the information about surface species In situ contact of ammonia with Mn–Co/TiO2 catalyst at 323 K
of the low-temperature SCR catalysts. The adsorption–desorption and followed by degassing at different temperatures cause the
of ammonia provided information about the nature of acid sites formation of sharp and strong bands at 1158, 1212, 1544 and
present, and its presence as a function of temperature (323–523 K) 1596 cm−1 and also weak bands at 1290, 1344, 1426 cm−1 (Fig. 3c).
revealed the potential strength of the acid sites. Extremely strong peaks with a maximum at 1158, 1212 cm−1 are
In line with results reported previously, the spectra of ammonia ascribed to ıs NH3 bound to Lewis acid site. Strong bands at
adsorbed on TiO2 anatase after evacuation at various temperatures 1544 cm−1 and 1596 cm−1 are intended for ıas NH3 bound to Lewis
shows only bands assigned to ammonia coordinatively adsorbed acid sites. Low intense bands at 1290, 1344, 1426 cm−1 are assigned
on Lewis sites [30,31]. In the higher frequency region, multiplic- to the ıas NH4 + vibrations.
ity of the bands makes it difficult to identify the particular acidic The in situ-FTIR spectra of ammonia adsorbed over the
sites [31]. The bands in the NH stretching region (via a Fermi res- Mn–Ni/TiO2 catalyst followed by evacuation at successively
onance interaction) split in part, and give rise to bands at 3142, increasing temperatures are presented in Fig. 3d. We observed sim-
3190, 3230, 3259, 3294, 3352, and 3387 cm−1 (not shown). When ilar characteristic spectra as Mn/TiO2 . In both cases the features of
only Mn is added to the support, an important phenomenon occurs. coordinative adsorbed species (1098, 1156 and 1228 cm−1 , ıs NH3
The 1167, 1301, 1467, 1599, and 1680 cm−1 peaks are observed for bound to Lewis acid sites) are observed. These results suggest that
Mn/TiO2 , all these peaks are corresponding to ammonia coordina- the manganese (Mn/TiO2 ) and manganese–nickel (Mn–Ni/TiO2 )
tively adsorbed on Lewis sites. surface sites are having Lewis acidity, with no apparent Brönsted
The in situ-FTIR spectra of ammonia adsorbed over the acidity. Interestingly, an absorption peak at 1156 cm−1 (ıs NH3
Mn–Cr/TiO2 catalyst followed by evacuation at successive temper- coordinated to Lewis acid sites) decrease down to disappear after
atures are presented in Fig. 3a. Evidently, in addition to the bands evacuation at 473–523 K range. Bands at 1540 and 1599 cm−1 are
200 B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206

Fig. 3. In situ FT-IR spectra of coordinatively held ammonia species, adsorbed at 323 K over the Mn–M /TiO2 catalysts and successively increasing temperatures up to 523 K,
while evacuating; (a) Mn–Cr/TiO2 (b) Mn–Fe/TiO2 , (c) Mn–Co/TiO2 , (d) Mn–Ni/TiO2 , (e) Mn–Cu/TiO2 , and (f) Mn–Zn/TiO2 .

attributed to the ␦as NH3 coordinated to Lewis acid sites. Red shift in at various temperatures are very complex and reflect the complex
1540 cm−1 band is observed, which could be due to the weakening chemistry of ammonia-catalyst (not shown). Ammonia adsorbed
of Mn+ –NH3 bond. species on the titania-supported manganese–cerium oxide were
When ammonia was adsorbed at 323 K over the Mn–Cu/TiO2 investigated by in situ-FTIR spectroscopy (not shown). Several
catalyst, different bands were observed while evacuation at the peaks at 1123, 1156, 1209, 1334, 1460, 1517, and a weak peak
temperatures range 323–523 K (Fig. 3e). The four strong bands at 1620 cm−1 could be observed. The bands at 1123, 1156, 1209,
at 1164, 1304, 1556, and 1635 cm−1 are assigned to ammonia and 1620 cm−1 peaks were attributed to coordinatively adsorbed
vibrations on Lewis-acid sites. The absorption peaks at 1304, NH3 on Lewis sites. While, the band at 1517 cm−1 was assigned to
1398 cm−1 are being possibly associated to a species intermediate an amide species scissoring mode, formed by hydrogen abstrac-
with respect to the formation of other species. Intensity of the peaks tion from coordinated ammonia [37,38]. The band at 1460 cm−1 is
at 1304 cm−1 and 1398 cm−1 was very low at low temperatures attributed to the ıas NH4 + vibrations of ammonium ions bound to
and increased after 373 K. These features suggest that ammonia is Brönsted acid sites [38]. However, these bands are disappeared at
decomposed by heating before desorption, and indicate that the high temperatures suggesting that with the addition of ceria, very
reaction of ammonia can occur over the surface of copper oxide weak Brønsted acid sites are formed over the surface of Mn/TiO2
[34]. The band at 1635 cm−1 which is due to asymmetric defor- catalyst.
mation of coordinated NH3 is blue shifted at high temperatures
(473–523 K) [34]. Evacuation at increasing temperatures caused 3.5. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
the intensity of the 1164 cm−1 peak to decrease and eventually
disappear. For the reference manganese phase compounds, commercial
The in situ-FTIR spectra of the adsorbed ammonia over the sur- samples of MnO2 , Mn3 O4 , and MnO (Sigma–Aldrich) were used.
face of Mn–Zn/TiO2 catalyst followed by evacuation with respect In addition MnO2 and Mn2 O3 were prepared using aqueous solu-
to the reaction temperatures are shown in Fig. 3f. An extremely tions of manganese nitrates [39], Mn3 O4 was prepared by the slow
strong band at 1512 cm−1 is assigned to an amide species scissor- reduction of MnO2 at 473 K in H2 [40]. Titania anatase supported
ing mode [35]. An additional strong band at 1364 cm−1 is assigned manganese and co-doped manganese catalysts were investigated
to ammonium ions [36]. Thus, ammonia is thought to undergo both by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to identify the chemical com-
protonation to ammonium ion and deprotonation to amide anion. positions (atomic concentrations) of the surface layer and to ensure
This disproportionation progression is due to the direct proton the oxidation states of manganese oxides, and co-doped metal
exchange in ammonia. Intensity of the band at 1512 cm−1 increased interacting with titania support on each catalyst (Table 2). For all the
at high temperatures. On the other hand, Intensity of the bands at prepared samples, two main peaks due to Mn 2p3/2 and Mn 2p1/2
1150, 1230, 1285, 1596 cm−1 decreased at high temperatures sug- were observed from 639 eV to 658 eV. It has been established in the
gesting that weak Lewis acidic sites are present in the Mn–Zn/TiO2 . literature and found in our studies that the 2p3/2 binding energy of
The splitting of the symmetric deformation mode at 1230 cm−1 , metallic Mn (Mn0 ) and MnO2 (Mn4+ ) was 639.0 eV and 642.1 eV,
most sensitive to the acidic strength of the surface sites, shows that respectively [5,41,42]. Hence, it is highly difficult to distinguish the
two different adsorbing centers are active. oxidation states of manganese species without peak deconvolu-
The FTIR spectra of the adsorbed species arising from the inter- tion since there is only less than 1 eV binding energy difference
action of ammonia with the surface of Mn–Zr/TiO2 and evacuation between each manganese phase. To better understand the surface
B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206 201

MnO (642.1 eV)


Intensity (a.u.)


Intensity (a.u.)

(b) (g)

(a) (f)

635 640 645 650 655 660 635 640 645 650 655 660
Binding Energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV)

Fig. 4. Deconvoluted Mn 2p (XPS) spectra of (a) MnOx /TiO2 (b) Mn–Cr/TiO2 , (c) Mn–Fe/TiO2 , (d) Mn–Co/TiO2 , (e) Mn–Ni/TiO2 , (f) Mn–Cu/TiO2 , (g) Mn–Zn/TiO2 , (h) Mn–Zr/TiO2 ,
(i) Mn–Ce/TiO2 , and (j) spent Mn–Ni/TiO2 catalysts.

manganese oxide phases and their relative intensities, the over- tively. In case of pure Mn2 O3 (Mn3+ ) sample, Mn 2p3/2 and Mn 2p1/2
lapped Mn 2p peaks were deconvoluted into several sub-bands by were pragmatic at 641.3–653.0 eV, respectively. Consequently, the
searching for the optimal combination of Gaussian bands with the 2p3/2 binding energies at 642.1 and 641.3 eV are attributed to the
correlation coefficients (r2 ) above 0.99 (PeakFit, Version 4.0.6, AISN presence of surface Mn4+ and Mn3+ species in the catalyst.
Software Inc.) without fixing the sub-band positions. The decon- SCR of NO over the pure manganese oxides at low-
voluted peaks are signed as specific phases of manganese in each temperature was investigated by Kapteijn et al. [13] and
spectrum (Fig. 4). found that the NO conversions decreased in the order of
All binding energy data presented in Table 2 have been adjusted MnO2 > Mn5 O8 > Mn2 O3 > Mn3 O4 . In a similar manner, in our
against the C ls peak standardized at 284.6 eV [43]. With Al K␣ present work it is worth noting that the MnO2 phase is extremely
radiation, the Mn 2p peaks for pure manganese phases were also dominant over the Mn2 O3 phase in nickel-codoped titania-
recorded to evaluate the specific surface manganese oxide phases supported manganese catalysts (Mn4+ /Mn3+ = 22.31, 96%), whereas
and correlated with our catalysts to find out Mn4+/ Mn3+ ratio Mn2 O3 phase is in competition with MnO2 in other catalysts
(Table 2). Two main peaks of pure MnO2 (Mn4+ ) sample due to (Mn4+ /Mn3+ = 1.34–12.67) (Fig. 4). These results are in good accor-
Mn 2p3/2 and Mn 2p1/2 were observed at 642.1–653.6 eV, respec- dance with the H2 -TPR measurements, whereas only two peaks
202 B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206

(MnO2 → Mn2 O3 and NiO → Ni) were observed for the Mn–Ni/TiO2 can observe the influence of Fen+ co-cations on the SCR activity of
sample. Comparing to other metals co-doped Mn oxides supported Mn/TiO2 catalyst. Near at 200 ◦ C the substitution of the Fe content
on TiO2 catalysts; it is evident that the Mn/Ti atomic ratio of to Mn (Fe/Mn) equal to 0.4 could obviously enhance the NO conver-
Mn–Ni/TiO2 is significantly high in contrast to other optimized cat- sions (87%), while the NO conversions drop off to a certain extent
alysts. This is due to the higher surface coverage by manganese at higher temperatures. Pure Mn/TiO2 and Mn–Fe/TiO2 showed
oxide and/or its higher dispersion on the TiO2 support. very narrow operation temperature windows in the low tempera-
In addition, high surface concentrations (M /Mn) of co-doped ture ranges. Both of the maximum NO conversions could not reach
metals such as, Cr3+ (Cr2 O3 ), Cu2+ (CuO), Zn2+ (ZnO), Co3+ , Co2+ 100% but the NH3 -SCR activity and stability of the Mn/TiO2 catalyst
(Co3 O4 ), and Zr4+ (ZrO2 ) are observed for the corresponding cat- improved greatly by the addition of optimal iron content (Fe/Mn
alysts (Table 2). In the same manner, very low concentration atomic ratio = 0.4) for high NO conversion.
of surface manganese species (Mn/Ti) is observed for the same NH3 -SCR performances of various cobalt co-doped Mn/TiO2 cat-
catalysts. Accordingly, it can be suggested that the surface man- alysts were measured as a function of temperature and the Co/Mn
ganese species are predominantly covered by the co-doping metal ratio based on atomic percentage (Fig. 5c). For the catalyst with
oxide species in these Mn–M /TiO2 (M = Cr, Cu, Zn, Co, Zr) cat- 0.2 Co/Mn atomic ratio, NO conversion (62%) starts at 160 ◦ C and
alysts. This is one of the reasons for the low activity of these reaches 78% at 200 ◦ C. The onset NO conversion of NH3 -SCR reac-
catalysts. On the other hand, rational low concentrations of co- tion at 200 ◦ C, decreases down to 57%, 53% for the catalysts having
doped metal are observed for the Mn–Ce/TiO2 (Ce2 O3 ), Mn–Fe/TiO2 Co/Mn ratio 0.6 and 0.8, respectively. For those catalysts with higher
(Fe2 O3 ), and Mn–Ni/TiO2 (NiO) catalysts. It can be suggested from cobalt content, NO conversions were dropped to 40% (Co/Mn = 0.6)
both the suggested from the both M /Mn, and Mn/Ti values, only and 37% (Co/Mn = 0.8) at about 240 ◦ C. Thus, the ratio of Co/Mn plays
Mn–Ni(0.4)/TiO2 catalyst exhibits a high concentration and cov- an important role in promotion of Mn/TiO2 catalyst for the low-
erage of surface manganese and a low concentration of highly temperature NH3 -SCR reaction. Among these Mn–Co(x)/TiO2 (x = 0,
dispersed co-doped metal. 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) catalysts, with Co/Mn ratio 0.2 and 0.4 showed
good low-temperature NH3 -SCR activity. Eventually, the addition
3.6. Catalytic performance of Mn/TiO2 and co-doped MnOx /TiO2 of cobalt improved the SCR performance of the Mn/TiO2 catalyst but
catalysts could not broaden the temperature window and could not reach to
100% NO conversions.
In each experiment, five samples of (M ) co-doped MnOx /TiO2 On the other hand, the nickel loading has a strong influence on
catalysts were used to study the effect of co-cations loading as a the conversion, since nickel loading with the Ni/Mn ratio = 0.4 cat-
function of M /Mn atomic ratio with respect to the temperature alyst exhibits a maximum conversion of 100% at 200 ◦ C (Fig. 5d).
(160–240 ◦ C) in the SCR of NO by ammonia. Each sample had a This would indicate that an optimal dispersion of Mn–Ni species
constant loading of manganese and different loading of second on the support surface is attained with this amount of nickel in the
metal. Prior to the catalytic performance tests, a reaction with Hom- Mn–Ni/TiO2 catalyst to reach the high NO conversion. Moreover,
bikat TiO2 catalyst (calcined at 400 ◦ C) was performed at 250 ◦ C to from BET surface area analysis, it was determined that only nickel
observe the catalytic activity of the TiO2 support and the efficiency co-cations show the highest surface area and pore volume thus, in
of SCR unit. As expected, the NO and NH3 conversions were zero consequence, enhanced SCR activity. The addition of nickel species
when only TiO2 anatase (Hombikat) was used as catalyst at rele- to the Mn/TiO2 catalyst (Ni/Mn ratio = 0.4) broaden the temper-
vant conditions (not shown in figure). Pure MnOx /TiO2 shows 70% ature window and shows 100% NO conversion at the temperature
NO conversion at 200 ◦ C. range 200–250 ◦ C. Doping of nickel co-cations greatly improved the
Initially, we evaluated the potential catalytic performance of the thermal stability of the Mn/TiO2 catalyst, Mn–Ni(0.4)/TiO2 catalyst
prepared Mn–Cr/TiO2 (Cr/Mn atomic ratio = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) cat- showed 76% NO conversion even at 300 ◦ C (not shown). This result
alysts to optimize the Cr content and to ensure the influence of was expected since the H2 -TPR curve for the 5Mn–2Ni/TiO2 cat-
Crn+ co-cations on NO conversion with respect to the tempera- alyst showed the highest shift in reduction peaks towards lower
ture (160–240 ◦ C). The catalytic performance results for the SCR temperatures.
of NO with ammonia over titania-supported manganese as well as Further increase in the nickel content exceeding than 0.4 Ni/Mn
manganese–chromium catalysts are tested at GHSV 50,000 h−1 in atomic ratio, decreased the SCR activity of catalyst to 81% and 77%
the presence of 2 vol% of oxygen (Fig. 5a ). From our results we can (for the ratio 0.6, 0.8 catalysts, respectively) at optimal tempera-
observe that, the substitution of partial Mn with chromium ele- ture 200 ◦ C. This is due to the interaction between the TiO2 and
ments could indeed influence the SCR activity of Mn/TiO2 catalyst. manganese–nickel oxide becomes weak and the number of par-
Under identical operating conditions, among all the Mn–Cr/TiO2 ticipating surface manganese oxide sites decrease with the raise of
(Cr/Mn = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) catalysts tested the Mn–Cr/TiO2 cat- nickel loading. All the above results showed that nickel is effectively
alysts with Cr/Mn atomic ratio = 0.2, 0.4 have demonstrated a promoting the NH3 -SCR activity at low-temperatures and broad-
good performance giving 88 and 90% conversions, respectively ening the temperature window (thermal stability) performance of
at 180 ◦ C. However, at temperatures higher than that, the NO titania-supported manganese catalyst. Therefore, it has concluded
conversions decreased rapidly to the 23% (Mn–Cr(0.2)/TiO2 ), and that the nickel oxide had interacted with manganese oxide and tita-
(Mn–Cr(0.4)/TiO2 ). In comparison with Mn/TiO2 , the NO conver- nia as a result, preventing the sintering, and then higher catalytic
sions increased with the Cr/Mn ratio equal to 0.2, 0.4 and then activity was obtained.
decreased for higher loadings of chromium (Cr/Mn = 0.6 and 0.8). The co-doping of copper in titania-supported manganese
This is due to the existence of the bulk amount of chromium catalysts could enhance the SCR activity. To observe the influence
oxide in the sample which can block the manganese active pores of copper co-cations and the effect of their atomic ratio with
present over the surface of catalyst. These results suggest that the manganese, various Mn–Cu/TiO2 catalysts with the function of
optimal content of chromium is reached with the Cr/Mn atomic Cu/Mn ratio = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 are tested at the temperature range
ratio equal to 0.4 at optimal temperature 180 ◦ C for maximum NO 160–240 ◦ C (Fig. 5e). The NH3 -SCR activity of the Mn–Cu/TiO2
conversion. catalysts with 0.4 and 0.2 Cu/Mn ratios had an obvious increase
Fig. 5b shows the NO conversion as a function of Fe content owing to the optimal high dispersion of copper–manganese
with respect to the temperature range (160–240 ◦ C) in the NH3 - oxides on titania support, especially at optimal 200 ◦ C. The SCR
SCR reaction over Mn–Fe/TiO2 catalysts. From these results, we activity and broadening of temperature window at the temper-
B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206 203

100 100
(a) (b)

80 80

60 60

Cr/Mn=0.0 Fe/Mn=0.0
40 40
Cr/Mn=0.2 Fe/Mn=0.2
Cr/Mn=0.4 Fe/Mn=0.4

Cr/Mn=0.6 Fe/Mn=0.6
20 20
Cr/Mn=0.8 Fe/Mn=0.8

160 180 200 220 240 160 180 200 220 240
Temperature(ºC) Temperature(ºC)

(c) (d)




Co/Mn=0.0 Ni/Mn=0.0
Co/Mn=0.2 Ni/Mn=0.2

Co/Mn=0.4 Ni/Mn=0.4

Co/Mn=0.6 Ni/Mn=0.6
Co/Mn=0.8 Ni/Mn=0.8

160 180 200 220 240 160 180 200 220 240
Temperature(ºC) Temperature(ºC)

Fig. 5. Influence of M /Mn atomic ratio on NO conversion in the SCR reaction at a temperature range (160–240 ◦ C) over Mn–M /TiO2 catalysts; GHSV = 50,000 h−1 ; feed:
NO = 400 ppm, NH3 = 400 ppm, O2 = 2 vol%, He carrier gas, catalyst = 0.1 g, total flow = 140 mL min−1 . XNO % = conversion of NO at 6 h on stream.

ature range 160–240 ◦ C decreased in the following sequence: activity. By increasing the loading of zinc oxide (Zn/Mn = 0.4, 0.6,
Mn–Cu(0.4)/TiO2 > Mn–Cu(0.2)/TiO2 ∼ = Mn–Cu(0.6)/TiO2 > Mn– 0.8) over the surface of titania, SCR activity dropped to lower than
Cu(0.8)/TiO2  Mn–Cu(0)/TiO2 . Mn/TiO2 catalyst. Since that the amount of surface zinc oxide is
NO reduction by NH3 in the presence of excess oxygen was car- low and manganese oxide sites are active for the initial case, these
ried out over zinc co-doped Mn/TiO2 catalysts at low-temperatures. the manganese oxide pores may be blocked by increasing of the
Fig. 5f shows the NO conversion as a function of temperature over amount of zinc oxide over the titania support in the later catalysts.
various Mn–Zn/TiO2 catalysts based on Zn/Mn atomic ratio during These results are in agreement with literature, where the addition
the NH3 -SCR reaction. Unlike the other promoters zinc cations had of too much (a saturation point of 1.5 wt.%) zinc leads to a decrease
a different optimal ratio with manganese to achieve the high NO in SCR activity of the catalyst [44,45].
conversion in the SCR reaction. Among the all zinc doped Mn/TiO2 In order to compare the influence of co-cations and activities
catalysts, Mn–Zn/TiO2 catalyst with Zn/Mn = 0.2 showed improved of titania supported various bimetallic oxides, different cata-
204 B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206

100 100
(e) (f)

80 80


Cu/Mn=0.0 40 Zn/Mn=0.0
Cu/Mn=0.2 Zn/Mn=0.2

Cu/Mn=0.4 Zn/Mn=0.4

Cu/Mn=0.6 20 Zn/Mn=0.6
Cu/Mn=0.8 Zn/Mn=0.8

160 180 200 220 240 160 180 200 220 240
Temperature (ºC) Temperature (ºC)

100 100
(g) (h)




40 Zr/Mn=0.0 Ce/Mn=0.0
Zr/Mn=0.2 Ce/Mn=0.2

Zr/Mn=0.4 Ce/Mn=0.4

20 Zr/Mn=0.6 Ce/Mn=0.6
Zr/Mn=0.8 Ce/Mn=0.8

160 180 200 220 240 160 180 200 220 240
Temperature (ºC) Temperature (ºC)

Fig. 5. (Continued)

lysts such as Mn–Zr(0)/TiO2 , Mn–Zr(0.2)/TiO2 , Mn–Zr(0.4)/TiO2 , in the entire temperature range. These catalysts are more
Mn–Zr(0.6)/TiO2 , and Mn–Zr(0.8)/TiO2 were also evaluated for the prominent below 200 ◦ C, compared with other ceria doped
NH3 -SCR at low-temperatures. While, as expected the optimum Mn/TiO2 (Ce/Mn = 0.6 and 0.8) catalysts. For instance, at 160 ◦ C,
temperature shifted to 220 ◦ C and the promotion effect of zirco- Mn–Ce(0.4)/TiO2 catalyst showed 65% NO conversion compared to
nium is very low at below 220 ◦ C as well as catalyst deactivated Mn–Ce(0)/TiO2 catalyst which showed only 18% NO conversion.
at above 220 ◦ C. But the thermal stability of the Mn/TiO2 catalyst The NO conversion increased with increase in the ceria content
improved greatly by the addition of zirconium oxide. From Fig. 5g, up to the 0.4 CeOx /MnOx ratio of the catalyst. The NO conversion
it can be suggested that among all the zirconia doped Mn/TiO2 cat- decreased with further increase in the ceria content in the later
alysts, optimal catalyst Mn–Zr(0.6)/TiO2 showed good SCR activity (Mn–Ce(0.6)/TiO2 and Mn–Ce(0.8)/TiO2 ) catalysts. These results
and better stability. are in agreement with the reported literature, where the excess
Fig. 5h shows the NO conversions over the Mn/TiO2 and addition of manganese content to ceria, decreased the SCR activity
Mn–Ce/TiO2 catalysts in the temperature range of 160–240 ◦ C at low-temperatures [17]. The SCR activity of all the ceria doped
with the function of various Ce/Mn atomic ratios. Mn–Ce(0.4)/TiO2 Mn/TiO2 and Mn/TiO2 catalysts dropped to the lower NO conver-
and Mn–Ce(0.2)/TiO2 catalysts showed higher NO conversions sions at higher temperatures, it could be possibly due to sintering
B. Thirupathi, P.G. Smirniotis / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 110 (2011) 195–206 205

100 co-doped metal in the sample. The NO conversions (at 1st hour and
Effect on X %
6th hour on stream) and N2 selectivity results are presented in Fig. 7.
80 Mn–Ni/TiO2 afforded highly impressive N2 selectivity and catalytic
activity relative to the other catalysts tested with 50,000 h−1 GHSV
X % (promotion)

at 200 ◦ C temperature. Mn–Cu/TiO2 and Mn–Fe/TiO2 catalysts also
showed good activity and N2 selectivity under these conditions.

20 4. Conclusions

0 The above data show quite clearly that samples with the same
Mn-Cr Mn-Fe Mn-Co Mn-Ni Mn-Cu Mn-Zn Mn-Zr Mn-Ce atomic composition can have very different properties, depending
-20 on the co-doped metals and on their chemical properties. The main
differences were revealed by the combination of various charac-
-40 terization techniques employed. In our H2 -TPR studies, manganese
Doped Metals on TiO2 reduction peak is shifted from 576 to 510 K, and the high temper-
ature peak disappears. This increase in reducibility of manganese
Fig. 6. Promotion effect of co-doped metals on Mn/TiO2 in the NH3 -SCR and absence of the high-temperature (736 K) peak suggested that
reaction at 200 ◦ C temperature; GHSV = 50,000 h−1 ; feed: NO = 400 ppm,
the dominant phase is MnO2 in Mn–Ni/TiO2 catalyst. Our XPS
NH3 = 400 ppm, O2 = 2 vol%, He carrier gas, catalyst = 0.1 g, total flow = 140 mL min−1 .
XNO % = promotional effect conversion of NO at 6 h on stream. results illustrated that the MnO2 phase is extremely dominant over
the Mn2 O3 phase (Mn4+ /Mn3+ = 96%) in the Mn–Ni(0.4)/TiO2 cata-
lyst. The in situ NH3 -FTIR results revealed that the titania-supported
of the catalyst. However, SCR activity and stability of the Mn/TiO2
manganese and manganese–nickel surface sites have only Lewis
catalysts improved by the addition of cerium oxide.
acidity. BET and pore volume measurements suggest high sur-
The promoting effect of co-doped metals was explained based
face area and pore volume of the Mn–Ni/TiO2 catalyst. All the
on the difference in NO conversions of Mn–M /TiO2 and Mn/TiO2
experimental results showed that NO conversion, N2 selectivity,
catalysts divided by the “total need of promotion to reach the max-
broadening of temperature window and time on stream patterns
imum (100%) NO conversion” (Eq. (3)).
of the catalyst are improved greatly by doping the Mn/TiO2 cat-
(XNO %)Mn–M − (XNO %)Mn alyst with optimized (M /Mn = 0.4) nickel. Among eight different
XNO % = × 100 (3)
100 − (XNO %)Mn types of co-dopants and five kind of M /Mn atomic ratios in each
The adequate enhancement in the NO conversion relative type, Mn–Ni(0.4)/TiO2 (Hombikat) catalyst is the best one for the
to the undoped Mn catalyst was tested with a high gas hourly low temperature SCR of NO with NH3 . This catalyst offers high NO
space velocity (GHSV) 50,000 h−1 , at 200 ◦ C temperature (Fig. 6). conversion (100%), high N2 selectivity (100%), and broadening of
Relatively, among all the catalysts, nickel-doped titania-supported the temperature window with stable time on stream patterns.
manganese catalyst showed 100% promotional effect on SCR activ-
ity of Mn/TiO2 . Except zinc-doped and zirconia-doped catalysts, Acknowledgement
all the other metals showed a positive impact on NO conversions
of the Mn/TiO2 catalyst. The SCR activity of titania-supported The authors wish to acknowledge financial support from the
bimetallic catalysts and the promoting effect of co-doped metals National Science Foundation (Grant No. NSF-0828226).
at 200 ◦ C temperature decreased in the following sequence:
Mn–Ni/TiO2  Mn–Cu/TiO2 > Mn–Fe/TiO2 > Mn–Ce/TiO2 > Mn– References
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